I :- H. .J. 'Hoi??: present, and I. H, Kust,". cashier ot - tlie First .National Bank, have been app luted by Governor Holt as (leh'tfihM !o the National Silver rVnf... ... r.v.M, in W-vih uwi' in ! Tr.'j'wan tea ' . . . till ? -irw- v.-.-- , Juvw.1. ( - . 1 - L, T ere will ho n called faceting of the Zoc&l Hdltw. ilii-tciori of the Piedmont ALdauce Fair Carolina Watchman. ClTt AND COUNTY.' All ICX T Viciaity I . , - . . " : : t-i - - - TTst ' ju,r?hry will bo Ascension- lny; Xjje tfcwjewelry sums. will opeii about jane 03 i ,...,;,.mi(l eailv vcelablts arc i. .. , the ni:iit.; . .... . - I . 1 1 L'. . - 1 s.v i.ttif.K suiverussa u ioi V 1 of courf, AV. G. Watson, is con i,.U'hoiueVvit!i sickness. Clerii fined i Til? titoiVn Ho nearly as much rf 111 ICCU .Xl.I llUv." lucno iiwu drti iuHi lies' Tlic "snuletl school cloaea to-morrow, .'.'" . . . i : .. 1... i.uii ln t in v- .ksiiV.ay. let olberrf jmint asid rc-pcncrl It win greatly improve viH-deliver -the salutatory at' the.com- - . the AVestcrii SalisUury has , meneeuici.t next mouth. Rowan has another sou there lrom 'whom we-expect to hear "rood news in the future. store their ;ri'ril,u'C- : y I The 'liileruu.! aref- discussing their ..:.. oa .Sunday "thty 'l decide Ui'ia:..l biuret. hold it. : ,biible daily trains hayo been ,..hus!ate'l on lvvt.hc i-accr (.luius a d..y. -i The sin okestack for the new addition j(o tl0'S.i!Uimry dutton Mills is towering alLve, io-'f of the building. K x txtni "large n.'umbor of people' from the coilO"xvere 'f town last Saturday 0ujr lothe county conwntioii K The 'closing' exercises of the colored U-.ded .school of this city will be held in jlerwiH'y's IkiU tojinorrow night. yVli v0 j'Ht 'iM'bdod a large number ; itf u!we ipiioii' .receipts for our uUscrib tis,. Call at tliis olliv-e and get one. .LI.iTeiisc w as Issued from the Register i o!-1) dtn e on I he 14th i ust for a inar : ri;i'" which tin: hi ule was o1y fourteen Neiriold. !'' ' ' , ' , : .V kci.t'jle v.:is givqn at the Jiome( f 5Ir. 1) A. Atwell oa Monday niglit, nmiVliiaciitary lo Miss Jreue Dunn, of .Wakecotnny. - T'ie vor'c: of hail ling the new hotUing works was begun n foAV days agt and will he i-'U-in tl to completion, it will be ! -a large .building.. .' "i . , : Our sister tovlu Winston, who struck such t rror to the baseball leagui s,of the " Foutb hit e:tr, is inakiMg a -record tcain this year. Association on . Rtttinlayi 7 Hay CStli riiU eommi.tee on premium lists in. d the i com mi l tee to set -the date for the fair will also meet. . Jim Cook of ihe Concord Standard has begun to see snakes. Head what he says in Monday's issue; Travel Tany road you will from Concord and you find a dead black snake about every mile. . It is a suuk'y time."- 2 'S 'l The Richmond & Danville railroad will sell reduced rate round trip tickets to pa titles atleiiding'the closing exercises o( the University of N-rth Carolina on May IJOih; also to chising exercises of Peace Institute, Rdeigh, May 28lh. We leain that Capt. V. E. McBeer who was for a long time superintendent of the Wcfetern North Carolina railroad, but later of the Centrsd of ' Georgiii', has accepted the position as superintendent). of the l!iha:ond & Danviile. This is a deserved promotion. -1 ' ' Mr. John Rendleman, of Salisbury, graduated with distinction at Roanoke College, Salem, Va., a few days ago. lie ; iTJic Coiuit y Convention The TJjfftoofal!. Convention for IS wan count j t'qiK'cned at the court fiouso at ll:4o Hit-day fnornins?. Tfiro P. Kluttx Wa.-al!el l the chair n- 'tt-inpo-rary ch.virmau. lie opeued with uu elo qtiphu arjpeal for harmony and unity. The roll of precincts wa's then called. The i following reported, represented without contest: Salisbury; Fmsiklitr, tTnity, Cleveland, Mount lilla, Bosiiau' Cross Roads, Bemhardt's 3IilI, Morgan, RWiu Academy and Mfc.Vernon. Con testing delegates-answered from Gold f MECKLBNBXJEG NEWS, What is Gchjj .oa Among the Descen dants of hi Sin;r of the Decla ration of ladependence. Hill, I lei lig'.s Mill, Jlattcr Shop ; an d China Groy ej A comnittee on credentials was Ijnochyille, Ijocke, Bradslmw's, appointed, . consisting of ,oue delegate from eJich. uncontested precinct. On this jnoihrnittee were L. S. Overman, Dr. V. L Crump, J. II. U Ilice, W. l Thompson; AV..L, Kestler, J. A. Heilig, J. A.jLisk, John II. Flick and Siindford Ilenly. j The committee repaired to the jury room and examined the claims of the'oniesting delegations. Thejr went out at JI2:oO an d. returned at 3:10. The report was reaci, aim u ruica several oi ailj a Ki1 lcX carnival. Fare reduced on all railroads for the 20: h of-May r - Workmen ore Gusy putting up the arch on Independence f qua re. JoeOrr, a buc armed veteran of Char lotte, would make a good tax gatherer lor Charlotte township. We can't get any news here. The0;h of May hasTibsorlwjd everything; If the 20th of May were to come every day we would nii-peiid business. Miss Jonie Goodrum and 3Ir. Chas. Pueket were married on the 12th at the bride's home, on ClarkTson street, by Rev4ll C. Reed. Mr. and Mrs. Pueket oip visiting at. Hickory. The city is 'nil aglow with fl gJ, rib bons, bunting, streamers, advertising matter, etc. It looks liken 4th of Julv. 20th of Jlay, Thanksgiving, 24th of June run between to-morrow for SSi'dthe --i'.-AV a l. ?f the U r's ( b th- ; ins-. Ci ,.hv':.det, ''H yo;i Want ii'r" In lliis iuv. Also th'ail.of Hs;rrison ec j (JovCliailoU.vN'. Cl . . ' . . .. ! The. side yalks on North Main stri ct j aru iteirg pnv 1 the full width .wih f l k:k: Tiii-i wiil. add much-.. to the ap- ; jiraiice of the tirwr. the W.v "train on ; the Western road ramciii on Su:;day afternoon with only : tvio ears-ainJ four passengers. Rut it f i' bciu '-liberally paTronTxcd' now. I KeW tnviiings are being put up in front i or the stores uear.lv ' every dav. Soon j very taei chant in town will liave them j We leuiu of -more that are coming. ' What is the nratter .vilh the eh-ctri liglilH? The question was agitated sonu time .ago,-;j nd the prospects were good for them, but : it is "uoyv lost to view. A renewed e(I :.-rt iould be . made to Jiave rruiil services imt on the extra twin. oji t'ie Western road. Let some 'circulate a petition for 'that puipose Tu day Raleigh hax the largest popu- l.iiioti vf-.auy. city in North Carolina " An -.extra lar-re delegation goes from evi ry eouuty. Rowan does her part , The colored 'population of Salisbury are milking preira rations for the COth. 'A haudbiii has b'een issued'. Colored visi torsfrom adj. i. dug town i will flock here A: -special train will be Greensboro and Charlotte! the convenience of ti.ose who wish to attend the :. Charlotte celebration. The train arrives here at S:4oand at Char-, lotte at 10:24. Keiuruiitg.it leaves Char lotte between 5 and C o'clock. Fare for round trip $1.80. Mr. L A. Coulter, State Secretary of the YouTig Men's .Christian, delivered it talk to men oulytiu the association hall here last Sunday evening. He gave some good"ad vice to the ycung men in egaid to habits they jaio particularly rone to. '.lore than one lutaurcu per sons listened to it. Shetitf Monroe, with five deputies, eft Tuesday , morning for Raleigh with twelve prisoners tor the penitentiary. Of ti.eSv.- live arc white and seven colored. One-goes up for ten years, three fji seven, one fur one, and two for eighteen. months. This Is one of the largest 'delegations Rowan has sent to the penitentiary! i.i many years. - Thepi. tu re on tha fourth p v: of Jthis Kiper is a correct like.io-s of J.P. riossa- inan, generally known as 'Richard Ra- r." Hens t!ie traveling corrcspou'dent ami aent or me va.c:im. hi. im- Mecklenburg ikdd. In his left hand i.- ihciinp'euHUt he takes his .n-nu rfj plur.i? sfler and by his left hand he holds hs f.dlhhil donkey. As he ga:es on the picture, naturally the reader asks, "When the bolting delegations out of the con vention. This was the verdict oi the committee that had been selected by the convention, and their verdict, should liayej ruled. "But it placed the Alliance- men in the majority (as they should have beci:) tUid the parly leaders, iu their desperation made up a" minority report. Here isj where it justice came in. The minority allowed both' delegations, from the con test id precincts to tftke seats u tlie con ventioii. This was put to a vote of the uncontested delegations. As' a majority 'of these were straightouts the iniquitous report was easily passed. Lee S. Overman introduced it with an eloquent defense. James II. McKetszlo and others opposed it. 'With, the delegations settled the con vention proceeded to permanent organi zation'.! Theo. V Kluttz and Jesse W. Miller were placed in the nomination f?r chairman. The former was elected. A motion, made by T. C. Linn, to- ap Sossamoii & Hunter, of , Huntersville, has the contract for makiug the brick vious mcelingf reported that they jiad secure! a site, and nres&iry land from -apt. V ai'i -ttt.1 pillara were un J4MUlniones tr their r-ndy frr tU frame ii:'i.:.MVr i..luwc, S toilers awl Bind sun.; .L . r H.bi fourteen last ,car rnd evf ,-.T lUIKIT, .was I I'lVOII ' Iwrfi i'l ,.r Smoot & McCtilloh wish to call Iho at- ft tntion of l he former: of Rowmi nl nd ( E ' n-w lecriiitf -f , - t . ' d ml l eh. ilii'V H j.. i t v i v one iiiuy Oil WOUbl icteucu,-apprb.d ami the couimiUee -S wi-JMo Ee them befoioyou buy. discharged. I '! I . 1 1 The biocjkhujldcfs then proceeded U elect fivadjicciors, to-wit: J. M. Davis, W. S. Paarjr, J. M. Kirkpatrich, U.f C Cochrane iudj T.1 L. Vai After njine routine of jbusjness and instructionsjlo the difectoj-s to push th's enterprise, the stockholders njljoijrnedjsubjeet to call cf t he preside nt and the boai d of directors. Aftei the a Ijoicrnnjient of the stockholders the .board of direct ors jmet and elected J. M. Day if pfesident and W. S. Pharr temponiry piecretiiry and treasurer. Af ter a free interchange of views, and al most unanimous expression of opinion that the eutdrpttse Would and should prove successful, the board of uirectors adjourned o oieet ut the court house ou Saturday, 2Stl inst-, a( 2 o'clock. E. C. Davidson Druwiicd in the Catawbti. Mr. Constantine Davidson, one of the best known men of Mecklenburg county , was drowned in the j Catawba river, at f tu i . t ' . urinHiwi.ui iine j i;aTawoa river, for the orphanage at U inum Springs and n, r , e . . , ' T, . , tri .'. A .i , . , Moore's ferry ,i late last Friday even i will start their machinery ibis wool- 1 ,. . . . , -ri -iv t .i , . . Saturday morning a messenger arrived i hey will make the brick on the ground. , -7 . i. , . rneu hi the city to apprise his relatives of the A continental batallion will be one of catastrophe. j the attractions for the 20th because itj The messenger" stated to a AVirs re will be composed of the best looking men purler that tlie drowning occurred about in the county. Any good looking man 5 o'clock Friday afternoon. Mr. David from an adjoining county can come in son, who had been oh a visit to points in by applying at the Watchman ollice. j Gastou, drove up to MoOre's Ferry about Ohc of Ihe attractions of the 2')th of lhat hoU1;' ahfl bailing, the ferryman, May will be the sham battle, to be asketl to bc takeu i,c,'osS to the-Mecklen-fouirht across the C. C. & A, railroad 1UI M(le Mr. Davidson drove his hois fbout t!. irty military companies with the ,uto tlle 'm' boat, keeping his seat in the heeoKsary artillery to make it interesting bl,-"-v- All went well until the Meek will take part. Everybody should see it" ,eburK sile of Uio-river was reached, especially those never saw a real war. when li,e "or,ie sud'lenly became iright- ened and backed the buggv and from the Rev. U.W. Orr, president of Hunters- boat into the water. It all happened so ,...... .n.o.m.. us mat jion. quickly that the f. rryman had noibance u. u . amteri.n, ot Kaleigh, lias con- to oiler aijy assistance to Mr. Davidson seated lb deliver the address at the clo- v-,,, i4.,.,.,i, l.ou, P(VV I OSsfP-A Ffrd nwilyjcow, with. JJ H UVJO 1 white fee;l ordinary size, strayed from ray phue At Vance Cbttbu' MilU an the night of the 1 1 thl A libera! re- warJ will ba pa! to any osje rtttfeDg her to me or to Jerry Carter, oa Allison OvfToash's farm' . X c- tlENCK. 20th of Mm Will be a big Oay in Charlotte, and we wiit lo jnake it a big day in the way of selling .g M is. Iest cotton tilai ls 44c; lest vaH wWe unbleached Domestic, uc; Culicos. 3i to ah", rhallies, 5c aut 7e; Foster's 5-h"ook Kid Gloves only !; Silk Mitts,'! 9c; Straw Hats 5c up: best table Oil Cloth, 20c, Towel 5c uj; Hoy's SlurU. 2uc up; tttnV-23e'up; children's trinimed Hals, 10c up; lUndkerchiefs, 3cnp; Ladies' Hose, 5c up; Ladies Slipperj and Ox ford Tics, 4c. 75c and $1; black lace net for dresses, pure tilk, 48c; Curtain Scrim, ,5c up; Curtain oles complete, 25c; Linen Window Siiades, 35c up. ..Satisfactjwx- to All. HARRISON & CO., . 3(loorsbelow lstN.itlon.il n.iiik, Charlott3, - ... . N. C. point ail persons delegates, was lost. At ,nr fcC"00, lllure,li,y e Htn Davidson, and held him under the water, last iheu-onveutiou decided that each (la' of Juno- A treat is iu store for those Uuw. man and Im.l-v all disameared township should retire ami elect itsown delegates. There was a hilt by a few straightouts in the, Locke delegation. At 5)5, after a storm v' session of five wito hear Jnm. ; under the: water. Tue ferryman at once . Joe Orr, a one armed policeman of gave the alarm and in a short time quite Charlotte, is favorably spoken of as tax a crowd was engaged in searching the collector for Charlotte township. Char- liver. The dro.vned horse, and the and three-quarter hours the convention lotte could hot do belter, lie has stood buggy were found during the night, and adjourned. No mention was made of as a wall against the enemies of their Mr. Davids ju'.s body was recovered about giving instructions or electing delegates property for twenty years and when they sunrise this morning. Moore's lerry, to the congressional convention. Every- ( have something better t hey can give him where the drowning .occurred, was es bo.dy 'Seemed glad to get away with what they should do it. .iablishcd years ago by ' Dr. W. J. Hayes, was done. It was al?o one of the most unfair con ventions ever held here. We have yet to hear anyone say that the majority ru. id. A!) nt Taves. We were i.ilorine I a few days ago that the Salisbury Water Works Company had paid taxes on .their plant only one The fanners from all over the county report good stands of cotton and corn and wheat and oats look'mg well. Well j they leii us there never lias been such a jcrop of Irish potatoes. The signs are Igood fur something to eat. The fruit crop is not a full one but our own favorite crop black beny bids fair to be good. S. II. Hilton sliowed-us a lelte on the old Hayes lu meplace. It is six miles below the Beatlie foard. On the Mecklenburg side of .the ferry the water U o0 feet leej, while it is quite shallow on tlie tjiiston side It was very near this same spot that.. the celebrated law vcr, loin urew, leii irom his tulky anu , was drowned, in 1841. i Mr. Davidson was 72 years of aire. He 1 this was born in the Hopewell section, on the Brown, Yeddington & Go. 29 EAST TitADE ST. CI t- VMM IF . ANI Cut Prices. Amotig lhe marshals for the big cele Witnf at' Cliarlolte are Capt. J. R. ..CrawfoH- Dr. J. R. Council, J. F. Mc- .tirijU'uis and Chas. II Hid hies, from this , .P'acc." ' r Vf The K-ing's . Daughters gave a lawn Py at the Wilson place on Monday U'glit. Ice cream and other refreshments Mvre served. A handsome sum was re uiized. , ;. ' . i , - it in a y- be interesting to those of our ritizeus who summer afc M. ore head City. MoKuow that Mrl Jho. O. Plank, of Chi MJ0, has leased the ' Atlaniio llotel at lat place. I A Iiirge delegation of both Alliance ad non-Alliance delegates left on the 'So'cluck traiu Tuesday-night for roa to attend the Sialo. Democratic . Senator Hill ad a pirty of distill Pushed gentlemen, will pass through .fe.alisiiury. to-morrow 'morning ou tlieir i ay to Charlotte to take part in the cel- Nation there. : ' - 5bss Mary' Hall, -daughter of E P. Hull, bf Mt. Vernon, Rowan county, died coiiunptioH at her home on Sunday r ll,t- A numbeit of relatives and friends "t ouito attend the funeral ou Tues ' , . . ' A " The ligMning bug hasrome in all h!s t .0ry.'. We stood on ':i hill ifrtff ii it-r ii s iAM we tli red meet, sixain The new schedule which went into ef fect-ou Sunday "bring the south'- ru night train here at 8:10 p. m., instead "of VAo, as heretofore". Thvs. Western arrives at 8:0o to make connection with tiu north bound strain. 1 The new ' Western trains are only "run bet Ween Salisbury ami shcville. The humming train arrives at 4 o'clock in the ' afternoon, and the o itg iing departs at 1:0 a. m.;. The new schedule was received, loo late Tor this issue but will appear in the next. More cjinpiaiui. oaiji to us about blasting at the Ganite 'Q iarry,' four miles out -on the Yadkin rai'road. A gentleman brought -iu to our oilice jf few days ago a piece of granite, weighing more than a pound, which leii within a few feet of hi iii while he was1 ploughing in a field about a quarter of a mi'laway. The whistle shouhPbe-ldown about- live minutes before each blast is made, in order lhat those wiioare.in the neigh borhood with teams may seek shelter. Rev. Thomas -Dixon again passed through here a few days ago. He called the Baptist ministers of Atlanta a "san hediim of sacred asses' A gentleman of thiseity who was-iu Atlanta last week told us thatihe noted New York divine telegraphed to Atlanta asking that a pulpier, be-reservctl foj-him. The Baptist ministers of that place who, do not admire Dixou's style ..of . preaching,. sett wonl back that the pulpit could not be set u red. This hurt the Rev. .Dixon's conceit, hence the ill feeling. - The railroads in this State aredoing a lively business just now. The State con vention at Raleigh, the big celebration at Charlotte, the State MedieaL Convention' at Wilmington, and the jieuilentiary at Raleigh, are the attractions. O.n Mon day night the northbound-local pass.eu ger train left here with fourteen -cars. This is probably the largest passenger ye r in five. We took 1 lie trouble' to in vejdigale the matter and fin 1 that it has week a which he had received fr S. A1- ' farm ot bis IV, t her, Jackie Davidson, who been" s!i''jcct to taxation' only three leu Oimery, Secretary of Ito lford county ' was a ton of Major John Davidson, one years and that it has paid only one year Farmer.-.' Alliance, of Va., making in- of the signers of tlO Mecklenburg Decla- The reason 'for this i; that the property quiries about our road working system. ration of Independence and a Major in was not giyen i.s. The yearly taxes He w anted all the details, w hys and , the Continental army, lie was a brother amount to $l,2oo.. Ofcour.-e the com- w herefores. In his letter he stated that ' to Mr. A. B. Davidson, of Charlotte. He pany is liable I'o-the liack taxes and the be had been informed that we had the was married to Mi-s Jane Henderson, a county shouid demand it. best system in the State. sister of Mr. Andy Henderson, of U-iston, Much complaint has also been made iboiit the tax assessments for la.t year, fhe complaint is that the asses.-ors, w ho aie some of t he principal owners of up town property, reduced the rale of taxa tion on store buildings and iucresed it on suburban property. We called at the Register's ofliee yesterday evening and examined the books, comparing the as sessments of ISLiO with those of 1S9. In to your reporter this week about trusts. He said he had written to the secretary and treasurer of one. of the plaid mills of North Carolina to get term and prices. The secretary answered his note very jwoitely and told him if he 'would add re.- Mr. Cohen, of New York, be would take p!ea.-ure iu quoting him prices on North Carolina plaids. Now l am afraid to ted Uome cases we fuiind the rlepoet true and Ulii i, .,.,,, .. i d,,n'i in solue false. Seven uptown lots be- w:mt tiie Alliance to think. Mr. Holt's loiigihg to one man were assessed at $14,- mjj js jn jt 20(jn I8j(),and in-'Jl it Wilsjust $200 less. ,,,,,,, .uccKieuuurg lamp oi eierau met in the court hou.-e last week. In the ab sence of Col. II. C. Jones,- commander, the meeting was called to order bv Lieut. On i .1- t .. ii ir i...... j . O,, . r i. . : , . . i . t ii- a u i , Hiiro j i cuoci boo , oi iui civ ile of t lie ci i v mcrchan ts was talking i lennurg, who wiiii six eniiiiren survives Ivleveii up tow n lots beloging to another man were assessel at"$J52lfJOO in 1SD0 and !$$G,o00 in lS'Jl. We saw only ease where . - ! . itiYiv-i vvcrn nei-pned on residence iii-oo , . . ,.i 1om c-oo Cominauder Mai. John R. Lrwiu " t , .v-nr. Jo,i motion of Mr. J. H. Collins, the election was increa.-cd to .cOO m liSOl. . n. . ... . j lofofacevs was liosjtpiMied until the A hv there things are w more than Wei , . ,y ,. , , ..... .. I , ... ., a.nual picnic, the third Jhursdav can say and will therejyore leave it to the i . ' . " , 'I h' August. Mr. J. P. Sossamon moved I 1:..- ! that hereafter the hour of decorating the soldiers' graves should not be later than 'lniiji). m. After the discussion of. other Ui;.-s last,!1 1 idav evening and aojotirneil. i .... . ,, . , . i.sembicin Auzust. i.im. Mr. Davidson graduated from Davidson College in 1840; being a lnein- h . v i k r.'.. .i ..i ....... ...... .1. ....-,! f. ..... j IJv l K-I I lie lt-L ui- - Jl UUtltUV.l Itum jlhat college. He studied law under Jud:e Story, at Cambridge, Mass. In j 1 vl-7 he went to Mexico as Lieutenant t f ! Dragoons, of which Greene Caldwell was I Captain. In 18.10 he was elected to the Legislature fi-otti Mecklenburg and served with maiked ability. About !So2 he re tired from the practice of the law and had since devoted his energies to. farm ing. The news of Mr. Davidson's untimeh fate was received in .'Charlotte with ex pressions of genuine regret. The flinty a! took idace from his late residence iu We are to-d ly keeping Ihe . BEST ASSORTMENT OF HARDWARE, CUTLERY, - GUNS, AMMUNITION, Blacksmith and Carp3at3rs' Tools, BARKED VIRE,VNO STAPLE-, Fence Wire of all kinds. Bubb;r and Lsathsr B siting all sizes aiuLwid'hs. Cotton Planters of the B.st 3Iakes. Harrows, Cultivators, Hoes, Shovels, Plows, Plow Stocks, and in tact, everything used by the Far mer, Pdacksmith and Carpenter. Call and see us, we want your trade. BROWN, WKDMN'dTOX CO., 2J East Trade Street, Charlotte, N.4L ew China Store. Beautiful goods! AH new! You can get an) thing from a L imp Chim ney to a Tea or Dinner Set at lower prices than anywhere oise, if you will mention this noiice. I have a 5 and 10 Cfiit conub-r, when? you can get bargtns. ('one through my Cliini Store ii wanting PHOTOGRAPHS. All can see tny Ph do. signjit the door of the China Slo.e. MORGA.N, THE iHOrOGRAPKEH. Ky stock of GROCERIES It noV edih plcte atuVall fresh and r.rxt. - ' . I buy in car load lot from' first hands ; for CASH, and my motto is lo 1-fc them go quick jt such prices that no one cat undersell. special rnrcEsjrb alliances BUYING IN QUANTITIES. . . Fresh field 'and, :-;gpass -.seed &cpl to stoik. Also Pine Taf in any qusmtit,.- , - ''.;" Respectfully, ' J. G.SH NN0UH0irSE, kgi, , No. 23 College StTcef. , Charlotte, N. C' -. Mrnti.Mi the V"atclnnan. - " . ' - i W.E.SHAW&CO., Maanfactiirers o SADDLER , Harness and Collars. And Do aim h . - LEATHEIl-AXD SADDLERY IIAliDWAHE IN ALL! ITS BRAN CUES. CHATILOTTE, - - Mentt3B-4ne Watchman. n. cr. Jsojne a Badger' CAltRY tub largest stock of diamonds; 'OKwXY HOUSE IN NORTH' CAROLINA! SELECTION PACKAGES SEXTON APPLICATION. WE KEEP NO 1 M I F ATI ON STONES IN STOCK. It E PER TO CHARLOTTE BANKS. BOYNE&BADGER. DLUI ON D DEALER'S, CHARLOTTE, N. C. "''' . ' Please innt ion thft Watchman when jou wrttet. Conclusion of Ciiirt. The Superior Court finished its' and aojt ifollowiu1. cases uilty, 5 Since last Thursday the were disposed of: Max Fesperman, larceny, years in the penitentiary.! John Hardy, assault and battciry,guihy, six mouths in, jail with privilegnj to hire out. ' Will Blackmer,aTi a, guilty, 3 months in jail, with leave to hire J. B., and Wiil Trexler, colored, lar- former goes to irsaudthe lat- Iarceny, guilty, ceuy, plead guilty. The the penitentiary, for -4 yen tir for 2 ye.ws! Zuie Ilair.-ton, col o red J 1 year iu penitentiary. The following are . cases of laccuv with the sentences: train that ever pulled out of Salisbury. G. W. Revels, 7 years in penitentiary, j,.., i y asco , OoiHlnigiit and John lrexier, 4 t creek-a fevvliniyhts ir, .m,l , "vu lo ten thousand of the small and each one seemed to vie with The train arrived here with two extn ears of negroes, vhc were going to Bloomfield, N. Y., to take the places of Irishmen oiwi railroad fhat is being built up there. Two more ears of the dusky brethren were attached here. - Cm ' Call Meeting: f Aldcriiier. A called meeting of the board of alder men was held at the mayor's ofliee last Friday night. The report of .the varicus city ;ofTicers were received and approved. The fol lowing officers were 'elected for the com ing year; j D. , R. Julian, clerk; I. H. Foust," tieasurt i; T. A. Cotighenour, au ditor; G. II. Shaver, tax collector end years each; Leroy Griiy -a ud Sam Li n say, 7 years each; Max rYsperman, 2 years. Pi re, at 15 .mi ton li: id wick's. Mr. Benton Ludvvick's enterprises. one and a half miles we. Lincoln ton road, were t of town on the burned lo the a sight that held our gaze. There chief of. police; Kerr Cftiigo, attorney; Jaines Pluinmcr,' city we igher; S. . J. SwieegoixL sexton; J. F. Pace, R. M seeing. i A. A., well, stliool couunilln.men. ground late -Tuesday night. His w orks cons sled of a cotton gin , grist mill and saw : mill. Besides these four .hales of cotton and about 230 b i.-hels of wheat ere "destroyed. The gwist uuill was in operation till about half past four that evening. The tire was discovered ribout eleven o'clock, hut too late to subdue it. The; origin of the tire isnot knovy-n; I here is some suspicion" of incendiarism, though. There was no insurance oil the property, and the loss will run up to vvards $o,6C0 ' i . .. I lT I nnllcr's .Hejtiiig. Capt. T. L. Vail, who a coujile of year. ago, circulated tiiird parly pledges in Mecklenburg county, but w ho has since repented and who now say s he is a better democrat than the editor of the AVus. leaves to-night 10 attend Marion Butler's conference iu Raleigh, to-morrow. Mr. John Sprluys Davidson will also be iu Butler's meeting. News. Capt. Vail is opposed to ;Tars and drunkards. We hope be has not repented of that; a Jul if a man can't be a democrat and be opposed to whiskey, GkI jit y any such party. DLd. Mr. William Todd, an old apd highly respected ci.izen of Charlotte, klied Tues lay morning at 3:C0 (clock. ; George W., the IS months old son of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Beihel, of Danville, Va., died Monday the lGlh ai the resi dence of his grandfather, Cd, R. M. Oates. The 5 months old son of Mr. and Mrs. L. K. Faulkuer died Monday ftight at V o'clock, at their 'residence ou! East uth street. Mr Solomon Hays, aged Soy cars, died at his home on West 8th slrept, Sunday morniag about 3 o'clock,. j Tlie Crcamciy. - . The stocklmldeis of the creamery met on Saturday, Mjy lllh, in the ofiice ot the VAXcriM.N Bureau at the white front (iHigiipie. Forty bhares of stock : House fok Salk.-A gortlTarni horse ! Yicrc ivp.e-cnfed. ii .v. Li.li al J?. Uravuc. - - Tl.e cummiltec appo u'eo. av w T Lemly town-hip, on Muniay alternoon al 2 o'clock, and his body laid to rest in the old family burial ground. Xe:n . A CtJid fioni J. V. Iiiii!ii. Eniron Watciimax: As I have -been a sub-ciiher to your paper ever since ii has been the Alliance organ of the count and have never asked for spare in yoiu columns, I iiow ti-k for a small space to .-el mvself right betore tne pev pie ol Mw l;!i i.bul". T iiinlersland that Funic of the rolitieai ,l,..! !.. -its of .Morning Star stated in the IV OM - 1 , count v convention that I was a thirn n:iri v "man.. I deny the s'.aiemeiit and I waVl the good people of Mecklenburg io know that the men that made tin statenunt willfully and maliciously lied ai d tin v ki'CW it at the lime they m:.d the statement. 1 have been livibg it. Meekleuhurg for eighteen ears and 1 Umv i,.vo-voted ai.Mldng but a straight ticket and I iu Ver scratched .. li. kei in mv life. 1 stand on theOeala ..1 :,tf.,i-m but am oi'liosed to the re.-olu .ion that was oU'ered at the St. Louis ,.i'.nve!!iion. known a resolution 12, to pa Union soldiers ti e diirereiice between -oid and gieenbacks. If I know any-ri.i.'-' about democracy it i eoual rights ,o all and special privileges to ueiu ; and that is what I beiieve in, and I want it further ui.iUrstocal that t have never went aiound mr.kiugprobibilion speeches and then when I get amuiid turn m hack on the cause I had been advocating -o strong, and I never stooped so low as to jin the red string party. If there i. an thing' that I hate worse than the devil it is Those kind of men w ho are in favor of eeitaiu demands and then when the primaries; begin to assemble in the different townships they forget I hey have ever favored anything' but some ofhee thev expect to reiip the benefit of in the future. AS for a third party, I nev r i, ,v. advocated it. I think it would be the death of the democrat ie party and if : a third pally, just such men as tho.-e who get up and misrepresent men in such imkliogs as Ihe county convention to impure them politically, are the very men who will be the cause of it, and I beiieve the statement made in ihe county convention was made to injuie me. J. W. rniLLirs. Moyl4,13C2. WHY NOT- Do the last -UVhig ""Ton can for your uecfft! loved onos by marking their last resting place with a Tundistout' ur HcmiIsumji:, while U. II. MOltSU & tStN arc strUuij; uut a block thtjr have oa liund that mut And will b sold? Ju?t think of getting a Monument for the small sum of $12, or a set of TcuiWtones us low us '- ' This opjioi tunity ulll not la?t Ung, $o it you need anything in our lilte you had LctU-9 t ill or write atonec, R. H. MORSE iSOH, ' No. 2 10 S. Tryii:v St., C i irlottj, S. C Please mention tun Watclunm. low For Your Jewelry We arc still al our old stand on Main street, where 'we have a select stock of Watches, Clocks, Spectacles, and all kinds of fine Jewel rv on hand at the lowest ' prices. Watch repairing a specialty All work L'urantced 12 months J. & H. HORAH. : MpTlilY CAN KK MADK lY AOKNTS HKLl'lNO TMiK Farmsrs' Allinca History And Agricultural . Digest;. liY N. A. DI NNING. A'-iHior or '-Tlie Phitoscp!:y f Pi leP' 'History o tii-i i: nte l st.U"-4 o iitr." oi l a-s-o ,-t ite eOltor ' ol :i In Si.t'iim-iil h.co.. rtM, l ftariul OiyHl) I ihe Nauuii;i I -Fanners,' Alliance aud lu- . dusiiiil Union. The liooli contains mhi p,.ges, 36 cl. gant plKito eniavi gs. Ii eoniatffs hHtl-tlc.il liitonnilUoft tiiiit should be In the possession of every MllJnce rn uiher. It is a l orrertf ratiror. and reflect" tltp tine progress; thai Hn A.Uaaue has madii Irom lt'n Inception iif to ,'. cri'.e, cih, f-i.o-i; h. if husbla, 3.ro. Send Io teims to .idea's .. an e. ALtANC'B PUHLIHIIIVO CO., io Nuiili '.a.-ltol Stiee!, WusUl.igton, D. Ci BARGAINS-BARGAINS In Mop'. Ihikes. Farming tmnlcnicnts. Hard ware, Stoves, &-.. at 2u.") S. 1 ryon stivct. next to opera housv, Charlotte. N. C. 11KIMOT CLAnh'SOV. A-siiirnee of .ItichTird Moore. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Ibiving-iiidified a Executor upon the estate of M'uhael Slni;inrr'!eca!.'ed. m 1 1 jx-rr'Oiis liar iiijr claim-' nain-l hi? t tale are lit-n h' notified to i i si t.t tli(tn to tire for aymoiit on ur heforo the Oth day of April ISIC nr this notice will ha i.h-ad in bar ot their recovery. JAX015 A. Til 0. MA SOX. Lkk S. Ovwimw. Executor. Attorney.' . r 1 TnT?T- 'S PsP5IN:sn'HfPhtremc j ii.il JL lit Li. C o tor weak (iiitistloii. Can be t;.k n t he tiuallest fchtld. tor. bale by lead ingdiurl-ts Ghildr-sa Cry for Pitcher's rtcrio. IS KING OF MOWERS'. - - - - i Tiie 'Buckeye' cxn Is in Sltnplieify. Di r..V.!L:y, L'ht Dn.fl, rtul.Cutlii.j Power, nil I IH l'fvet IMiinu Uol and CiiilectioiiS. We g.-t ihe liucUye Mowi I in car loal lots ainl can ive rock Ixiltoin prices. - We-are licafVut iters fun-re p. ii re H all lviujSof lowers ahd Ueawrs.. We keep a in. I line of . - . G Li.aCERlES tJalt and se us,r vyii.e fi r priica lrore Ui ec.iull " F. S: HEAL & CO. ' ' CIIAIa-lT, if. c. HEAVY t low' prices. Ftour a speiaily. buying. I No. 13 S-juih CdL-e s'mcL v - 4 731 i ... M Jl , ?! ,i'-" Hi '- J' -.f. p V t i :, I 1 4 4 ?;' 1 IK It lit

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