. V : 1, '- "I- I- r ll 1 : I V: !i -1 1 . i it : t .1 I! Ar.LjANcn Dim ?ro::Y. r,',:nr, r, Oiorzi: J. P: Willcit.. Usurer. jUlin?rt.T, N. U.; AV. B. - lUrrici, secretary. fwAr. Mo .rvifK-: ljt.1eiit. (1. 1U A. .v.C.fPvl,,; V.an. K. .I'.-IVnirk. 4i!!5rvo.vl: rctary :ml 'I rcnsurer, J. - J,; 'yreM-MiJlcr, present, RhVkmpf 'i M. K'teli. strretary, haw.; Ire'hll Ctt 'nt,-A. trks in-M'l:r.r. :iit5vil';...rVl.; EV lw-y. secretary, !Moon-svill-, , enf, .t,Wr.l; Dr. J. S. Latkrty. ic- iur.v, Cnrr.l., ;jinv s; V. A. LiinNuy, c retury, ll.m:w- Nev.hm. ! - C. Rrf:rm Press Association. hiit CincmmtiiH tvas cnlNvl, fmni -1, plow hv the.Iiom.mcite tossire tpo liourni Ii-ptrli!K uis'l th Jlt f.-irm .caning '.v.is the nni.-t lionomwc cr a.i e tiling. ' ; , m ! At Jhre n reefs w ta.Tn t J I von o'clock, the tin)" wt for t!:co:cjrtj. I - ........ V wwll.fw - Wit mifif-pl sMl of tVlIl looking ;s SU'M ..kii h nthpr as Ivo'ieV eornt. It; t()'U ns ImcU to o:ircit ol boy tays. Wt roul.l not help l.nt sav'Oh, wommtJ God s liobirsb wonc. ! i At '"seveti o'clock time .ww The coiJCit o;eol with at le ist l.OU s:w'ctat(rs Tuts tWAUiii piwo wai j c!wih of fifty voi, "rite (;.t Nyfrtl Gii U. Ie'paiti; A I'lsiCtttLH-lA't'syUiini uml EvFrvthinr in It I'Sate, The i) 1 .r.-u-k aii(l Ht'oi Sra!ic. V:s; tors ' Jf uh titt; 'rftarry --L-iiiI. Revere in ('jiu(cj 'U).iejWii:e 'k Many, Siio.v Wri$-' The Laa ier, OKI lime L'iay. i it Train To-morrow. Th. Oyt-sir-s Warii tn'. May Ul'fi), UiiiKt'j vim;ius.uomu: ! i TcacTi(rs Association. - fofrrs.Toaaonce of To VTatc"min. ParhajH it will he of interest lo Ihe telu l)frs of Rowan eounty who are ez- pA:teil to attt'M'f t-h animal Teac liars' AsH-i;rt I nt2Iorehinl Cilv, in Jtne. They ?I:ulu ITxcnscs. 5 . i know t'.i .fc a iieT an 1 iutentui iitiifii will 1 c tiintlo to th i roratn this ar. - It. it proe :iuccess, us we i t'l sure u w w'ini i in in, il v. ui c:!ie a pfr;uaneat feat ore oFJIvje Aso ciaiion. I refer to the Stite !nt'r Vollfjjiafe Qratoric-il Contest that u to ! held there Jiine 4'OtU. A handsome Th miMiihers of tho Uone of Ilep rrsnitativps h hrnl s&st ntn t hein--elvi's. from theirposN- of. Iuty- so t iiitprfrj'Viitli tht proei eliiit;s, in ohnli- eiHO to warrants which had been placed '3 in t he band. of t!i -Sef eant-at-A rros m do their n S'par;:tic Friday :V the; ! r i the 11 oust an I ni tdi's u-h expl.i nat'ons of ln ir alMt!ce as t hvy I'eeiKctl proper, and-all the pria-ner3 were lin iil v excii-el. They followed i he t iam ,le fr' ih'se nienii!i:rd in the c;ip- tore-J wi.o were mvitnl to a marriage - i s s 6 r r r rr r o 7 a FRIEND" - I i Tlw roil3wii: 3.j corrrcr C 'py 01 the phitForai adopVl gold medal iil be a-ardt'd ly the As-! Va-t an I r ii!it-way 1e ui t mak 'Htinl llom T iro Iti Watenm-.n, V.rifWrV ArtVOO.it.c. MoinWln il -Juapit;!, Aaitice son-.iuei, X : A.i?.r: 7yiiiu. nreLleitU Marion.--SliomT. iJiM-te iKf s D.it'aiu, i m) '.i?rtr Hru&; n.S. Humes, w-iI);,rky i;Vjli.,. .;Vt. , j ; reUtry. : V . Prof. Camplxll ins a reri' Ui ; . r.rRR3. ;Mfi,hcKU. He ImsJial char-re 'of thb .' ... ... . 1.i1nlrh' V P t . . ... - -n ' I I ' !, i TrTtrYo Fanner, fenaeutKi:., V'. ,mop' ! ci sch.Md at tli'nfe.tviaoe to,' tliree-- year. t hi - . ...... 1 . SaMs'Imy n:1-". The session jnst .closed shows isufeU K Tuviwo STUv five enroll! with an aVer.i'-rn?e.:i W r'-ui) ; ----- M P I - ' ' - ii-- .1 -L .AI .... trwary, , " m.,.'i .i.-." n' t:! nnn- wiio in ' si srrri-it " favorite - , r- sociation to tile sttLic'-Mut coi(estant. The orators will t oeiht iti number.' one from each of t!a literary societies t,f tin- University,-. Trinity," Davidson and Wake Forer. Their nanu s h ive already beo i sent to Mr. Euirene ITir ri'll, the most C3 hii (! h? secret iry of t'ae Association, w' s.-er:n to be the (ri-in ttor of tii s oratorical niovemist. It .yes u )!e isiir to aanonnce ' that the lliiiii'nean Society ftf Davidson College wiil'be sepr- snted by Mr. J. U. t'ori:eson, of Or inelair, S. .C. and the Philanthrope S ci.-tv by Mr. iV.-L. Lin-:e, of Mi l Hri.i N: C. Wc ate dad to sen this -movement beginning mvler sncli. favoralie auspi 1 Mothers s 7 excv.i-H?. wna .miniu ft n ut ta:crn a wall; with his wife an I e'hil lr n, umdher i wds at the rac cour tdn ord-r.ta ascer tain vhather tluse w.isa'iythiiirdeir..)5 alizhii; in rncin o th .1 ho nijht draw up biH to i-finedy any evils t-h it nii-hi exit, and still others framed racially strong and s d,ifa:t. ry reasons for t heir vbseuc.i'. Democratic member-; htiM seriously r'etl -ct upon t he wron-j.they ::re 'd-in4 t h : - i r co u st i t t ei 1 1 s'Tu i d tire future injury that -may result to the Democratic iriy ty their absent in'4 themselves from Ihe House duritijj business hoors. It is to l,e hope.j t'l at tl'ey !rive lea! II d a lesson that will sjuir them up to rrea- ndrs4 Vrlths LcnJInrj Fhysiciars. it o 9 ivdh Each of the above-named papcrn are re- the sch7ol and some of thu largo - qiientel to keep the lint ianlinj on ihe jirxt . ticts outside of the school. : j f I . -lV lase'Aml add. oAm, prorided4hey are duly The marshab were it II Sal, UecuiL :;rIm) it chief, Flint itUke, a tl; W. L.lljrkk j VcaUWfyrn "Pf tl Croft. N. C: W..L. Ailei UMvU 1, ffiS? pN.a The'icaUa. of . the marjli - .i .Min iii ruM mi 111 1 iijiiiwj were criven as follows, in the rder : 1 'T iof Glofiilr ff Prof. Ciihipbeirs Schoil, Correaroadencc ct tUo Watctman V - ' I bve been tingle 1 up so bad for" T' . v r t r . - it ii: 1-f their names: -Misses -ji at tie iieiiii Ma nia,- Lula. Glenn, Minnie Overeash llofwel!. - - l lour scribe vrns domjcilea ion the night, or what was left, of it after ilie exercises closed, with- Bro. S. F. (Juery. AVe were conveyed to town in a four mule Tva,iii Friday mornini:; no man was willing to risk mo. in his bjtgiry.i , lUCILVJlt) Uazdii.: P. S. Ve have l.-een asked whifre we got the tangle leg f fi ;i fc was ;ii olu'r brain vv!i -n we p ried Tast 'weeks' ler' ter." Wei! it did read as thougji v.e had intended for the rc.ders- to j.ta'nd :i thedr heads. We v.iil leave t for the form setters to explain. res, and can oniv . nope mat irom it jter d;!iger:ee and tiiat lien aner thev m.iv j.ceruvi inuja 'Oeoeur to tne mrer- uju always he k -nnd standtLg at the esr. uf true oratory in . toe Old. xsor;i J post of duly. :'. bt ie. ; li t every teacher attend tin Saojrtens Latscr, Lgshs Pain, h lb 7,Xoifrers'malIel FREE. 8 M.e 1 li-u confer p r: it St. Louis by IZLD RHCULATOR CO. o Atlanta, ga. o rJGLt) ALL, DRUaS!ST3. 3 I A Household Remady i FOR ALL LOOSES ICS Pil DISEASES ia ,Pb 1. We dfn ml a national currency afe, sound and IJejjtbrc issued by the gen r il gove rnment .only; n full le?al tender for"dl debts, public and private; and iwitnouljbef!is.i tf bank ing corporations a jdst and' eqiiitable means of circul .Ahmt at u tax not to exceed two per cent, ajs set forth iri the snb-treasnrv lan'of the Farmers' Al liance, or sotile letter kvotetu; ulso, by payments in tl'ie tlisclijarge of its obli gations for public improvements. a. We deniani free and unlimited coinage of silver. j - 'b. We demand lived' amount of cjr- cnlating medium to be sedily lu cre.ed to not Ies3 than 85'.) p r capita. C. We demand a graduated income tax. . d. We i-elieve that the mKcy of the i treasury h nid be kept as nfin h a possible in the bauds of the people, ! and he'uee we demand all National and I State revenues shall be limited- b the s Urn Candensotllieclulii ViTect Fib r feOUl 11 DOU.NI). V. iJH'tldl.Ul t.......' ttur;.rme Ktysvttie....tr:...,... Ar, ;'ao vi ..... i ......... - Orrj.mOTJ ,....".... L-V. tOltl.-ilOi f ,r. l.'uicvli Lv. KaleigU. ' uurli .m..... Ar. Greonsboi e-. . ...... l.v. VVlas!0!i-:i.ia'.. ... Lv. Gjs-msboro ..... ..... Ar. s.ilttury...... A f . Mates nil e. ... Aslieviiie. ' not suii.a.. ......... Lv. Mitflsfcury. ....... .... Ar. CHuiioiH-: - Siiannfxtiurg tireenvlhe " Allt!.tl -t.T. o U riot 77. . Ar. Cnltuntt i AT. AO.Iait . . . . . xoaTiircfM). Lv, Aui.msiii fomiaW.t Ar. Cll;iliultJ ; .. Lv. Atuua. Ar. Ch;ti-iOle.. Lv. vb ulone .... ... a r. IisWui-)-. .77. . . I.V. OOl Spt.EgH ' A8i: i 1- " si.itPMlile Ar. islwry Lv. 8.-t.ttt:ry ... ... A"r. (ire ns-ovo 'Ar. iiisorj-SiUiin l.v. Or nsloio. Mir a 8 if : f w e M 3 Vt v. 11 - ,4 r it ll. . .. - fc -. f 5"AM lt'tl ;:iva.m I ;m DviTv" nece-Sirv A r I)Jlr:.:llil . . exneiist s I Of OVeri:?nent, I v aiai, ifr'i"'" better Than Oil, i i i 1 in.? va-r. ileitis (ll leaU.ag .seaweed, t'bough upju'avcd I y the- swell, always remained u I assy and .-tiioutlj, and this sngestetl to him the idea a device for lessening the force -of the waves. Thei invention" consists of a thin cotton 'or silken- net. rendered i!on-ubmer;b!e v Iiein"- dinned in a snei-i i! ct pm irn ! i - .5 i i I - Ass(ei ttion that po-sibly can, and m u. ifet 1 heir interest, in tii. voting ora- i Aii . i .- . t ill : . I'll I I i T tor;i oi the rd.de. we luiiy reaiixe w.i nas intnrto oeen f no only ma- H:e true -worth and ability of raativ of , terial that has been successfully em- of the young men of the-e four isii-; ployed for breaking the force of the tutious, and with the- greatest interest j wave--. An ingenious invetitor while awaiM he answe r to the all-absorbent ' crossing the gnlt stream ob.-ervi d that question.'" Who -will get the medal?" T. W. LlNGLIJ. Davidson, N. C, May 14, 1S(J2. 5101111111 Ijetter. Corrc on.loncc of tlic Wutchiaaa. Mr. Editoii': I'll try to ive you the news of the neighborhood th ,ri , ir n composii nu. i lie dev:ce is oeiug ex- Ill 0 peojde are generally weii at - , , , t, i, k. , . . 1 1 pei-jm-Msied w.l.i hv t;:e a ar:s boc'.etv ,,M e i l i ii 1 l'-r tae -avntg or n!e m shin wrecks. Ihetarmers are about done plant-' , i . i ( . ' . , - 1 ,. and it lias b-ea round to aet as -a wave g-coru on iioi .iil. Ine rams tor ,. ,, f . . , , , , 1 j l ii ( d'soei.er in the same manner as Ir.e i ii i . i iii'' Luiii ii ii u: i. iiiiwr km j- ii ii i-i 1.1 f ii t ie ast WCelC llaVe illildelCvi tin. tarui p , , - i . . . i . i seawe els irom getnug meir conou gn)uno ready, i haven't. "en" anv readv to i i :i i lie gior .-.:ivam. p'ant.and I haven't, sum anv lertiiizi t. in t this nei-rhborhu od. What On Wuinan Did. A man w;i!i great unwisdom ..-ked' T? t 1 Outdone Iy a Boy. i A lad in Boston rather snnll for his veVirs, works in an offiee m errarrd b y. for four gentlemen who do imsmess iAin ' iliiu il-n- f ho fih ' lii'iiph wijva the I'astweek 1 am at a loss to k-nrnv 7' 1 ' ' -- -v i " ; iebenfof t bis letter to start at. I chaten-mm a ittla a! out being , so feTl .ike going out and having myself all, and smd to h:mr; "lou, ne 'er f. , r - ? ? J will -amount to much; yon mver can ' Monday I told Mrs. It. that bnsmbss; yon nj-e Iho ,m?U" Rhq had letter arrange her domestic af- .Lhp' 1 il,n 1 e:,n faiUt.0 a to be able to go to Mint ? !;ul-;v: i(; ' n lipaboutthe 23d of May to attend I ! !1,;lt f tlW ( tAh. he closing exercises of Bain academy l V1 ".f . o:i-h to tdV L lst bov' was there with there h" spited, hut t hey wf renxious to wUh the- word 'professor attached t.y Inland urged hmi To-I t, hat j 1,p L.- w Vv1.1 m.i.if K..f eOUHl UU UtUL HI.MIO Ul I IM'lJI weij .o..- . . . - - i i 1 tn do. Vl can-keen from swekrulg. Kndeiv Vcodson. Hendej-son. ance ihema. and caia-rdie ctiulgmu juie haajiearu a great ueai or my gas ..... p.r,, u..U I '...i m' .u...i v..: ;f. ' u .i, !n,;( .:,-:,..a r,. tl i ii l i ; i i ilia ii1 i i-1 i ( i i- - i me n ri r ii ni i;iri r .ii i i. t;k ii ' i i-i i a iiiain mi i . ao iu,n. ' , c- ' r-j-' ? hliout free coinage and tne suo-treas-j ,, . ' , . - , - . . , . ,,rV .ml that bcould arran-e-mv nioii- son? . Mushes on four manly, j fac, republican 1 am oiv-. It not then I cepttvener-s , i l;:e se,!sorm.n wht .J M .i . i . i i a. i and there seemed very irltte -ilnxietviam not. 1 never was a tiar v 'man out iirt'tlicrtinent- ot mieomiiM y etary aii.-iss so as 10 taree ner 10 iowii - - T'A ;,, 'i t i., m .u.. a. l..r.. p :i .;... i Ti r tii r i tip r n 10:111 it 1) on 1 : 1 . 1 jh s v , ! ,1 h 'i .'r, l ru : ." w .-ii i ii" . u a.t. i . " ' ' Selection. . - , -1 '. 1 1 - - 1 . . : ; 1 .. .. ,..1, i... 1 Mr. U U'de e;t,'t ! three sacks yesterday, all that ! haV(?'u-hai. a.; woman foun-d--do. S!ie sent heard of this spring an 1 1 think tin .; . i M 1 1,.. ;; r iW ;l vear. -whitli :'arm;s ba i better q-j t n-mg tne si nit were as foilous: Nmu'i.T of Inn-!; altog.aher ami t he-ma. mfaei uivr go to ;Ut, Up .o.; meals ordered-. t,:5; d-s- farming and we uiH have better times. ni..d,., r,-2; la-nps lid. d, :U2 ; Now, Mr. Kditor and readers of the ru0n,s dosted, ZMZ'o.; limes .Iresse i Wa'TCHMA, 1 reckon you all have children, 7S0; vi;:s received. 3J7: vi- beeri looking for my reply to th.e man ;js p.ji,. n; books rea.l, bS; par-er.- of the Jleral.l. I will reply to only rt.;lt, 55 5 . stories r.-ad aloud.' i;3l; jBqlshb . Bbed Balm HI fTi, .c. SCROFULA, ULCERS, SALT 1 Ivtlitlv RHEUM. ECZEMA. cvcr form of mallgrant SXtN ERUPTION, be- p sides being efficacious In tor.ir.g jtp.the system anl rest:rtr.g the ccrstitBtion, rvhenImpalrei fron ary cause, us almost supernatural healtng rrcpertles justify us in guararaeeir.3 a cure, If direcllans are toi:owea. , SCUT CaCS HI.rSTPATED ) i BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta, Ga. ! economicaiiy a. id honf st'y ialminiteri d. fr. i j ?. We . demand that Postal ; Saving ' dgsl 1 bmks "be established by the govern-j " ii .iik-..-yiUe. ." mean for the sa.fe deposit of earnings of the people s.hd faedtite exchange. LAJyD. 1 1 0 f 4 s :, a -,( i"? I' M -j. V 4 a ,1 r I1i" u t.) -411 , i.- 15!:.-. I" M I :.. :i :; ' tc. :m 1. - a- 3 ( i-m Kietuuoi!. t Dally exoopt Swn-iay. . U wif Si - tJ BH x 7 5m Tc i ;5 so; lti n isi s . n. tl , ihij 4 ii . lit . ill as - 1 19 11 4 IT i 1) r I Va iiluyton al Sfiuiiiut iu v. suj luiii.- , Itl ll III IT.ll. ll tl-f UTCil W;lHl.l.,.'l... " j daily, ie.ivia Wnshiiigum 11.-1. iiiiivi.irf?'t I lour su!j-cmu Snd tee upon the ' Vi,-;rlv"s'V il. i''V-. I land plank, beg to submit to yout u'i. turning, k-ve At :ai.ta 1.2- p u... iu'r:Vt,t i prov-il tne IoitoWing: 1 110 land, in- . rr;ve.s laiiia'e ii. av,-.n.-i.i l;i -r ,-, ! eluding all natural resources of wealth, S:- JliriV'!'"!: WrtA-UJ,iA Ta Tr.n Ha should be prohihded. All ildSUiURlUii LiitJ 1I1S. UU. ! ' railroads and other coporations j in excess of their actual needs and all OF NEW YORK. 1 lands now own !mrecl aimed ly t he 13 the heritage of albpeopl-e, and should ton .Vn,ihts,Ma AUnia ur,u i;!.-n.M:iiBr 5 " l- 1 1 i - leaviuy UoUtsl.oro 4.1.'. in.. :,,!;,;-, . - l:0'u le monopolized for "Speculative - c.-io p. m., !aliy, makes con:.vil 11 ii l!ij-i,,,,Vtl. purposes, and alien ownership of hutch St a V I 111 I i 1 kll 1 1 - -W' M. .K . . - Uouid De pro 11 imei. Alt lancis now 1 v ' m-B. a5.j u' , ..' , 1 .1 . . ! W-cfct Point ftndlUililmsrv dally cxn-iiiubiit SLlvE r I N G . C A ll S I : K V I ( E. A iiest j t JANUAT.Y 1ST, 1SC2. 11,4:)!))(J33 73 for actual settlers onlv. THAXSPOUTATION. d by aliens should be onTriiisinu 10,. rmtman' I'.i.rr.i sio-jwr rt J . 11 "n - tvi en At inula in. Kew tU ; 1,1 1 v. . i, 1, e (jovernment and lieid ami .ugusiu ana (.n-i-Ltiou. e- A.-i.o,i,iVj - ;o..so.!;' J 1.4-17.000 !3 -.; f(.r j''.icies. ?. V. iSt;ej ! ;rl -t ;ur wnt., r.n-1 all iii.-d.-iiii.-i!, , - N'iw lie I'lanc;', 1F!M. - l)lit-t.lite!i!l' ! :!SUr:l!U'(', i 1 ihoodiel.ters ia 1S!)1. u 1 iroiitry-iiOiacrs jiaveer- 1 tn.i! 1 ma, couijc, IH'.--1 jAss(ts FiiYcstel as IViLuis: 1 I Ileal Ktat-.s first Ikaus - ?:).ol 1 .102 02 Xk-v Vorlc'.ri'.y La-N, i.i". ,0a! V:i W .11 (. r iio:e ,tf . In...-. ... - ' IjII'IAiI-I. It II II. j 011 ll wail i b.'twte l;Ularnt.,i ;U ( paU!!v-. I Kaieigii an. I t.ti ei;M.er , ana. ru'.lu. a i t rft-: v . ! eis iHlwo n-JTv York, Wur.hu ;.'tc.ti ..im hm,'X4l via liauvl le, Saaaia.iy, aiu. .: 1.1 an-.. ui ui'niiV rt ,n , .. , Slee .erx Ik 1 weeu i.Mai ga)h :.i 1: ,i i;-ia o. J rausnortaf 10:1 lieing a means t. ia, ki.i-.y, . w. A. n . K. ' !of defence and public necessity, the. . Ui iii'-o 'u,;'?o' J AS. I., i I.,,, , . ot p.. I-. -s. 1 people. I - U1 1J1:t AiLiiiL.'.: ,,. The telegraph and telephone, . aan -.raLA gr, Atlanta, 11 C122 521 2." (dovoniment should own and operate w. 11, on -;', -l l.7u.i;:i ) r-oads in the interest or the people. 1 - au'. ma, -a liLi' ilip iu-t::l s'stian hi i'i" a iifi-essit v m 'V-, 1 rr, for the tra!:smi.-sio!i of news, should be Vi. 1 J'-. '2at5 74 owned and operated by the government m Xt:: 1 :.. 11... :. x 1 i . k 1 - .......... ...11. w 1. . ... T 1 !.-, Vil.fj I ugl.f tl i.-v li i ia.o i;i..:. in the interest of ihe peojde. i.iiit-hji.imu uii.i i iiiu.r 1. h m 1 ;.nt...i:.g o i aiivl vvlK-al. ooii i utiiiv uci- hhi -.;... .nairi-!" v line some parts ot uie a!ove ;al- r.iii n. 1 n-an m. n.i.; 2-t.s:;2 r:) dress ma v seem at a mere glance to' I made, V. ter-i wri: leairs i 1 ! ; fal'.eV 11. H nil day ,-1 aVliat is :i llU? .1 e. where she could make some, new wardrobe arrangements. Well, I of fercn 1m excuse, Lsaw I was in it. r Wo went, to town and spent two days." "I p"t in some, time going to , tlio'park, moving about generally, hay-, ing business-."at triy office and all such, but ?e finally went to the dry goods ptorei, hat stores, shoe stores, lace shops, etc. So we will lie ready for tdie coninienCeinent and Mrs. II."". will nppear there witli one of them kind of hats on like the town girls wear that niajces their heals look like mad jay birdi. - ; At eleven o'clock on Tncslay I at tended tire annual meeting of the vet-eran,as?p-iaJio:i of -Me.:klenbirg. At twelve o'clock I was in the county coaveiitjon." It was a very tame affi r. It seemetl to suit some and some are pot much pleased with it. 1 wtis not a daleate, but a spectator. S Tharsday I pulled mysdf together anl went to" uifrita, armed Witn my ' credentials in the shape of-an invita ' tion to witness, tlte closing exert i-es of Prof. W. L; Campbell's school. .found a large crowd of the horny " handed tillers of the soil with their wives, rosy-cheeked daughters 1 and -.1 ugly boys on tne ground. ; , ' Hopewell .'string band, with Trof. John Underwood sls1 leader, was on hand to fnrnisli the music. Prof.1 AF exander Graham and Hugh Harris, of Charlotte, were on hand to furnish the thunder for the day. :- . ' AC ten o'clock time wa3 called. Prayer was offered by Kev. Mr. Wil Harhson. Prof. 'Qraharh was intro- duced and .took -for his text the work ing 6 public'schools and the needs of raore arid better afcboohC His speech was dotted with wit and humor,:, but all to the point and very instructive to .alU All the render will have to do to llnd where Graham stands as an edu , dator is to g through the Charlotte fcradedL school. After his speech' w?.s over a !, recess was laken until two rt'clock. ' 'live crowd repaired to the large grove and partook of just.sueh. a dmner as only the lad;es of Deiita and the surroundinpr country are .noted for . getting up. At the appointed hour, two o'clock, the crowd re-nssiniUcd ilnd were entertained for one hour Iry Hugh W. II arris, of Charlotte. . Hugh don't'irth as .much tm Jumbo. Jewett Or G rover Cleveland ' but the dinner jjad helped hiniso?ue: atjil what he, is short in grit he m tkesit un 011 the hustling. His srw echswasdo the Kmer- somm Literary Society; but avervbodv coiiM profit by taking his iidvice. His rfuS'ise to young men in regard to choosing a calljng was fjne. He ae.ilt on the faniiers cdling sunVtold us that Adam and 'Enoch were farmers and Don't read I Don't think I Don't bclieye 1 Now. ard you better? I Ycu women who think1 that patent medicines are a hum bug, and Dr. -Pierce's Favor ite Prescription ' the- biggest " hurnburr of the wholn ( becusa it's best known -of all)-doe3 your iaek-of-fafth cure come ? It's very easy to " don't " ia this world. Suspicion always comes more easily than con fidence. . Dut doubt littb faith- 'never made a ! sick woman well and the ! " Favorite-Prescription " has cured '"thousands of delicate, weak women, which makes us i think that cur "Prescription" is better than .your don't believe. We're both henest. Lotus come together. ou try Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. If it doesn't do. as represented, you get "your money again. Where proof's so easy, can you afford to doubt ? two ot his statenumts as 1 have prom- ; jr:tu. s plared, iY.il; ehurch ' sep. u- is al iped his father not. to reply to I ml two. ; lend, d Io article- memm 1 l.'dd'r rirst-r.s to what my brother sai-t. tie .,.r:r!,.s ()f c(,i j,jn. has reformed since the camp dgn le- :i!-:i.-!( mab. 5i; tween Cleveland and Blaine -and stands j)(,,ir3 ;,, ma-i -. 2 v. t' .,; . ... a ...... , " , ' iiu me "ii tuu ij1'. ij'hio fin-. ve-e.ii a,, ihm v.'nr ; ,S l;.-m"s 1 f.ii-,i,.i,i.i' uemauds n-iw. Wi-o was right he or 4'; sk ilavs. 4 I ; amusemenU at!eie.U-d, I? I leave it ti-r t lie readers ot the 'v). AV.t YorK W A-T0II M A if t - decide. SeC;;ii-l, be i - - , wii tii-it i 'i i vmimKwI icvwlJ imm " ' ffinn in ilm i !. t : 1 u.'inTi i 'lorn- luuo ill lie. oioi'ot i VH. ' . and and lilame. Jow. 1 i tes von A t mci'inatt tmlcian I'.-mnc-s n. who I voted for: Atweil, McCubbins, fdiows: "A 1 ia. h is a temporery r- e of th- :e IT!'-" n in -a froiii a cause. Vr 11. ' I eventuating in a iviresis-ol: t!:e vaso motor nervov.s lihimenf s ot th?faci il , . t- I L. I ! J I i I ' Mill. iw, n iiii; 1 1 . i ...... I v.. Short sarr.iai'.s !r I.-vs. . i . . . . 1 " . . ' their elastic iy, t hey are suuued witn A Swedish boy feil out of the window radiance, emanating from an intimi and was badly hurt, but with clinched d;doi p; iu ordia. ' Now wc kiiow wb.at lips he kept back the c?' of pain. The i it is. j king, uustavuAdbljihu-s, who saw liim fall, prophe-ivd tbat lry would make a man for an cmenrencv. Ami so he : ;;K :i i;p:i 1. t a.J :,om.;, - L i : . s: t l'o'.ii'v-liel.K on 'o.'3 ll'elK-i-S. '..1i!iaVrat loans. aft-'t-!i'. cost vahu-, - -dash ja h-ak aid ire.stJ'o.X ijitcrd-t -i.-ci-'u-i-r.'nie.r.n.sMe- i iVriio.i aaa in triasii, cic.J. la.i'.oa s r f t r i n SAUsnri;Y. v 1 'i i i fram ed :r. - j ?t . i:!.;::s 7s rd a'iu-i'V and ether pe.rt ienlar-, a'i.Irt-ss j ,S. L, A I) A. '.!.-. State A-t.r- ParlivoU; N. C, CO OOO OQO O O mi! tee v. ho with onlv a lew di-seniing votes, and o .li j;"'-:-:!'.t ( ) f yjvio-A :- to r:u;nvJit c"..:o cZ make partisan political (listii-cdi'-ms, yet iijioji care: id study one will e'early J see that it is non-partisan, and further, .; iwtll be iuipres-el with the truth of its . tOfficp in Davi ,t Wi i.un.iii.s! ' i.i i i t v li cera-i of .Main ana luiii sin-rrs. Vi!i ;r.i.' proini.-cs, and he ab; tv of the corn- ,. - ,, . .. ,. , - - : . '., ; It was adoji'eil I'reifiat aiel caiT.rwi -atna;tioi; - iv i n ,'i -i.il 1 15 j- lut'ss veira tv-u lu aiv. o.,i;i.n s...--i.iu.ii pm. to eti'l-eiioa. ! 1.. , .1. ....... 1 .,....:...- 1,. 1 - .: 1 in- r. at 1 1 ; 1: 1 -.i .1.-1 -ii n n m ti 1 a - ire in " i.-i , i I "' ? ? M O- T- fT t V i reteived with gre t aophmsc. The 1 '""'1', cviij- X2.r one i-.-.iirt; Allen .Is lo itiiiinsa.! i msp ut-li.-n. .-iil-vi-;. i ami Mappir of lie .1 K.stat-. .'IvC.m.uV 'fl j W.iti-r 1'. : r.. IMans f r tla- Kr 1 i;.:ti ..1 i Ilwolliiiys. .Vr.: .O.'i allvini' In l!n i u;d -,-c 4 all kinds ul' Macliim-r, Huilaii ;i'-rii.t &c. V 17-12 If . aim ork (inference 1-avm'g compie'ed its as a 1' -pn seatative body, and adjourned DBPORMITIES! ! Croe.s Kyrs. murl.'p, Cvuvieuic 1A tJio SpJr.o 1 fa 1 . ? Cyril cvr? re :-. V.l vzi'l z c-i-.h Iwil-.o rrs-fj "tc.W.iil ll tnvy : Veil tin? Kv-r, cr.uso . u j . i) .lonsi 1-i.s-;i:-e. r.i ii all .1 loinaia-.-of TT A Tfl H TTFT1 Tl " TMinTlSJ llan !s. r:a.-. l.ejfs ei : K. i i. r ; y . im d. J U i U-t H I XI U H a K I'd, H ; f HaleigH, N. I Q:-rocrl!esi:!;;:irt Puerto tt.o to-) Su iesil-vis :i ir. Wine M.ir's. Mnl s. ic. p-.In- , li-s iv an-1 ;!;:.;! ivs-a'tve-i. Sfiid for v.iiu .tile j I real is-.' e;i lie ui. e Aadie.-s I C.'.V. Pa iXE.H,M.o.,34ii N. lin ry, XaslivIlle.Tcnn. ,is in reai'u-o xu::f:titl:v af?".::? ! Lj if It fw.it Tj,.-; i.so ?rt Iicso little pills. ! :i,r!rtV.o. V .lie-.', CO l'aik Flaco, li. Y. Idooooooooa I'p '' i. Who arc W K K . HI; vol's. DKHTI T- U 1 :b E I' -, 'PI. :l 1.. , 1 .1 1 1 , , :! M i ii .v- irUl- .l a-.vav 'n-ir :ror t l i t a J 1 aonY, .v.iM) ana M..;:o n. ais '. AlAAa JL tlv.' 1 ei rll'K- i'nUns ujion ire w.-l's of l'.f,. !!i-:l,iH'!l(. a.,' 'lelli I't-fi . , 1 1 . 1 1 nroar.-s, Weakn.-ss "f .Vcw ry. ; 1 j n ; . 1 f s' uet.ii tii s I've, .. nd a! 1 Hie eiTeCiS leading lo e rly er.i-.iv, ( 1 . diil, for he became Ihe famcu-s Gen. I Bauer. I A '0 used do cru-h th-1 flowers to gt tlre-ir color and painted the white sid of his father's 'cottage in Tyrol With all sorts of pictures, which the mountaineers ige.zel at as wonderful. He was ;!e great, artist Titian. An old paiiKer wat bed a littl.j f llov,' who amused iiimse'f making drawings of his -pot and b"ushes, easeland .tool, an 1 said: "Thit boy "will beat me one day.' So !h! did, for lie was Michael Ar.gelo. - A (b.-rm;iu boy w is reading a blod- and thunder novel, iligiu in tlie mid. t of it be said to himself, "Now, this wid never do, I g t too pinch excited over it I can't study so well after it. So here it goes!"' and he dung the book out into the river. lie . was Fichte, the great German philost pb.er. ' Do yon know what these little ser mons mean? Why, simply this, that in boyhood and girlhood are shown the fi rait for good or evil which make the man or woman good cr net. mmmmm mffffM rrl! rd eMM? i..s -' 1 fl & fvPtf- Organ of the N. C. State Alliaf. Kdiied liv Co . Ij. LTo k. .-oMd.'-i- if- d. Jj. Ramsey. The paper trill d kept up to. the usual irih strii:t Subscribe for it, only 1 er v:r dv:in o Tl-.e Ibieoi -.e htllef ir.rP r rc a s. Ttl' Im,?- r;i.-e, ..nu an oi eji'Ois ieauuf 10 e ny er.-.iv, , . , ... ,t , . , IT'f'fjit . e.'r p,!-i",'.-,,;. -I.-- yo- (' " --'im;.ilo:i 01 P sn.Uy, send ler l( K OFUFK, .i.'.'i '.' .W ATC'.IMAX dl If M'.a. iMieii Vr. i -s T ";'.V. i'.i j r;ea f ,--f -.O!!. r. A (Heetet:) O.-p w!di .-iitl Hi .r of a home eu! H rw-rihe-s at .S! 1)0 fnr elll I itrsaais iae;i.-anr. sella V U'..;?li.t' .Irapijist.-. '.. Oft. PARKER, : 4" N. C1 rry st , N'.ish- ,f -'- I - 'll ' ' J , ', Mile, 'I t- n. ners. .iiiM-rH-e now. . . a. i' : 1053 THE 1802 1 . Georgia Homo InsuraiiGO Co., Columbus, -aj. T.SIIODES BBOWKE, rKi:iPi:r. Xitllo- but active aro Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Telleti j Best Liver Pills made ; gen tle, yet thorough. They res- ,latc and.invigorata thd licr, stomach and bowels., Paroiaaent iii Dur itica d L Kns:l7 AppHed." I is Skill ful Uso ?uic3dj- Learned. The Electrorotse Is.an lr.strwuient for the CURE OF DISFASiS I WITHOUT trtEDiChiE. ' BASED oi new theories orih? cause an I.-curs of f-ondit'.or.s if tho botly and the r--8StfrronniWli 1.1 .11c ayuuspoeiv pont roUnK slirfe vonsJllIonk i wl.i I ' ut tUc-tricit.- risMsSLiH; dimply lm. paired vttAitty. .. Tln briitroj ofsft wiist.ni 1 V 4 t to the vtiailty And oaty.ssjsts Naiur t X,tnrX wag, to throw oft V.i t rr.nb'o, - U1,V . -"!' e ' Uti las: tPHl Inr.Ar.li'Jij th iti tilt srcihv .ianl for uir ATLANT C ? LESrOPCtSSi fin Wasalr.jftori, l. C. tU al MoasT,? .' ihdd i.Gfl Fkiok Kinof, X. C, June 29, 1851. Mr. Jons N'. Webb: . DcisSis: I jiuretiftsed one of t!ic Eleetro vo:se on the fith (iay pf. "May and ltg:in using it on Mrs. Ilazell, who i eighty-live (S5) years all. Stie hAs had the r!u -uriiatiem and asthma for tiventy-iiv cr thirty years. .She was relieved frorri the fir.t apjiiieation of the poise, arid has g realr itnroved beyond our most sanguine expectations. I recommend it to the afflicted. Relieving it to be all that you claim for it, r an. yours rescctfui;v J. M. TA1VCOTT. Yon caa disc this ia arsy Tvay you may see proper. -;. -s v -j mm . f l vs-AiS.. : insert '& ! 'srnt ttrrt rzr &r . III: r-l.-.1j :-LL !-Lil w4 1 e- -I YvM. C. CO ART, fi:cKKT'.r.Y. let Assets, ovsr 81,000,000." A Home Ccmpary, ics ki:' Home Tttronafre. lima tjj -r.fjcs.c'f Eii-ks ct lowest cd(qv.rte latcs. T.csses adjusted r,rad prcrcptly. J. ALLEN BROWN, A gt. Caveat, ar.d Trade-AIark" o'rat-ficd -H i! i35 8 cut bu?i-.us conrlucti-4 fur Koscm'Z l,-.i Cu Ornct "5 o !- -.1-: u. s. r . "l-.--fend wecnu (ocnre psr-rt la uac , . . . - . ll' . i : .. ion.-. We ad vis, if v.-.ia.a" !e .' ".Id a I lion. - ,vte acviso, u rj. caarro. uur ie-i.'t caa? e i ; . A Pamphlet, "ilnw i- "" .".r--,- rf-ib rair.es of actn:tl di-nis 'u y'.'ur iM--i towa, tout free. AdJre, - v3 " , Op?. Patent Orncc. VAKHINCTCM.-C--lg . ..y. -y.v-r3.Vf. vi-.'SJ.Jsn Jt.- ij. . n 1.1 - ' A uiember of tho Npw llninpsbire legislature denounced a bill, that w:'S under disenssion as "treacherous as was tire stabling of Ccir bj Jr.dns -in the Ijop.ian capital' Then he p;ot out of it bj saying that ho used -bv Jiulas'' a-? a sort of oath, ja-.t a3 ho utill say "by George" or "by tunket;'! he knevv svell enoi'ii;h it was llaiinib il who stab bed Croi-ar. sl l.' toWM:nei and women surrrriu "jj f-U!;fitaanj fo motCti::0.!U DIS -Si sfil J ci? secure t vaia t.io t re.it t: eon their tt- tzstaii ti' ii r- oFii) nee. an i seam how ihs-7 ea k eiirl f to.a-, by writing ;:t. !ItKSii.J t ( .a i N. Cherry Svr-., N tsVetee, Tern. H -'ff-wrire tr-l ij- iliys are anr,riH. r.e.iwj statp you t ca'it 3 aa.l h i v; ion: VnilVte-.t. - Mentio.i i'ao Watcjani-i ..lion Viki wiite. d.;-: i-- : -'3;:v; ! mm ; wtf -' --VK?r'it- V 2f.-J- . Vl,.;. V t. ' i h U -. - . i f i tS 'd-;;sv-'.-,' V V--':V' iy -r t. A - - - . j.'.-f .; j t''.:-:'- 't ' "' "".'.-;.v . "; V ';- v : -i - - '., - . . .- -. - 1 I:-. - " , .-i : 1 ! Steam, ilir and V acHium Pumps, Vertical and Honson- ; jfcal of evory variety and capacity. VERTlOa PISTaii. VBTIGAL? 1: ?l,"h (--.;: .v 7M?dp as. Regular Horisontal Piston. . , p?-jfr v.. i 4 j .. --' ,.-! i '.'.-dr o 1 fin ;;s SO U y T: T. KL11: 2 ('. f.'i. . 1 " T" ' il a-ix-.-fivr-'i--r- i . .-" - -. - r TIiq most simple, durable and-effective Pump in the market lor Mines,- QuarrieiV Refineries, Breweries, Factories, Artesian 'wells, Fire d'ut" and general manufacturing purp'ose. jxfend for Catalogue. m a s cameroii mn mmmi Foot ok Za't 2.'d "Tl; -! i-'v VoSK. mm 'I i?A:a' 'rrf d a i i 'mm 4 "?-J. i .1- 4 Xr.i.'S,, t i a- mm

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