'A - -r s. 5f- VOL. XXIII' THIRD SERIES. SALISBURY. N. C, THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1892 NO. 30. -, : Ml - - - u l - j ' . - - - ' - ' i . -" i i ii i i " " ' i " ' i " ' " ' ' " ' " i i i 1 "'" - - ' - - ..' - " "' t " ' . ! "' " ' "L ' 1 ' " ' " " ' ' . - , . - -- - - y- ' .. . - . .- - - ) " " " r--,Timai '""'-' j"" ' 1 i i"" ' '' . ' 1 rit ' i ti i - "' "' " - ri".-l-liii "irr r - - ..-...---v1,t,-.l i 'in iiM if inij - - for Infants and Children : .c!-torIlSso wen adapted to children that I rommr-nil it as superior to any prescription :-Lntone.'M II. A. Aacna, 1L D.t v; ! in So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. of Castoria 13 BO universal and r, A so well known that it seems a work Its n"roeation to endorse it Few are the ' f" families who do not keep Castoria i New York City, jte Tastor Bloomiagdalo Reformed Church. Catori enres Colic, Constipation. Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea. Eructation, Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di- " gestion, 1 Without injurious medication. " For several years I have recommended your Castoria, ' and shall always continue to do so as it has invariably produced beneficial results." - . . Eowiw P. Gardes. M. D- The Winthrop," 125th SUwet andTth Are., ' Kew York City. TlkmA Th CsisTACii CokPAirr, 77 SIchray Sthsst, Kw Tort. II WORD. l-cowe to you with a small . affair ifilit ymi may" need. I n England, tlie riiuhuid nmt y foreign country ' :t?Jt' :nl 'wares arc ' ' . n .', . i T . lAnvMT-aii tamilies m niejr it i ny well known. i.e- articles JflSt ,i:ra:;irom . alro:irV ')rjiig"iny ffiih tiieni, for tVy know Jliem pretty Ijvnt yon may: not be one of tliee. fonfi'it'iict' lii-tween man and' man iIow of. -row tli, and when fuiind, its rinlv qnikes it virhiahle. I -ask yaur iro' li.li'nr' and make a reference lo t .Itnirn.ii to indorse that confidence, j IiiTQtt!i;:lkit wjlj- he misplaced. .; u!.-- flif h-st forui of a cure an aWiite' oiii'-for-. Itilousness and ln-ulucji" -X. can i'e found in this .Mr- T!iT' ( -lire is, so -sm.-rll in itsr-lr. Htnl vM.i's. f(i:-;i,f'ir.t t..i you is-so great 2! il!irt'itf l"i"ng-its limit wjien relief (is'mes-tliMt ii. has hjcome -the marvel fl. .' . t ...1 .. ,.J&na r.t til Its U!!l' . yiUK illlH il ll. ul ji.yii m mpilicini'.- coated with 'sugar, -i my r.'iiilv. in. the sli;ipe of on' siuall pill, kmvii to 'counvitirce as DIL HAY UiJi'K'S NliW A Vilit PILL. It is ll in' 1 lie markets nf. .Europe, hnt is m to Xur! h AnitM iea. The price is ;;s k.v ;is,;ijj-honi-st nncdieine can be Sftt'l ut, cca'ts'. ' Send :i postal card as insY .Should Be ! Every5 , person who contem plates buying a - " HEW SPRING SUIT i does himself an injustice not to first look through' our stock of CLOTHING.' Tn perfection of fit and finish our pr?fent stock is the envy of all. We carried over $10,000 dollars' worth of Clothing from last year and we don't propose to carry it any longer. '- "HULLO. . Wlfen yon see a man in wve,. Walk right up and say hiiUft!" ' ' 4 Say "hullo," and 'how d'ye dor 'How's tbi3 world a usin' you!" Slap a feller on the 'back, Bring your hand down with a whack, Waltz right np and don't go slow, Grin an shakean' say "hullo." Ia he clothed in rags? O, no! Walk right up an' say "hnllo!" -Rags is bat a cotton roll Just for wrapping up a soul; An' a soul is worth a true, Hale an' hearty how dy'e do!" Don't wait for the crowd to go, - Walk right up and say hullo!" . When big vesselr meet, they say, - They saluteand sail away. Just the same are you an' me, Lonesome ships upon a sea; i Each one sailin hi3 own jog -! For a port beyond the fog. Let your speaking trumpet blow, Lift your horn and cry ,;huHo!' Saybullo" an' ;how dy'e do!" Other folks are good as you. W'en you leave your house of clay, Wanderin' in the Far Away, W'en yon travel through the strange Country t'other side the range The the soul you've cheered will know Who ye be an' say tlhullo!" S. W. Foss. compassion of Jesus the meek the L.KTTKII Fltotal J AK E V A U K EK lowiy jeus. study of his history as given us in the "blessed word and their beauty and wouderfnlness goes far to prove the truth of the passage, "all scripture is given by inspiration of " God.M (II Tim. 3:10). v Dear Christian reader, are you try ing to be like Jesus, too? Have you realized the blessedness of walking in His footsteps? If you have not, may the Ho!y.Ghost take to your heart the lesson that -"the servant is not better than his master," and that 4'if we suf fer with Him we shall atso reign with Him," and that if we would imitate Him we must "take' tip our cross and follow Him:' DU. JIAYpOCIv, ' ; 4 G:J Eulton St., N. Meniid!) tlic y, tclaaan when you write. V 1 WW I'fcJ i' MVUUilillliiUilUUU For the Watchman. Joseph A Type of Christ. BY R. V. II. The old testament is replete with tpyes and shadows. Indeed, the great beauty of this portion of God's inspired word is in its pointing out to us through the lives of certain of its characters; through incidents and historical events; through types and symbols, the "mys teries which in other ages were not made known unto the sous men"(Eph. 3:3.-5. ) 1 ne ni:in Adain shows forth the hist Adam ( I Cor. 15-45). The mar riage of Adam to Eve in the second chapter 1)f Genesis typifies the "mrfr nage of the Lambv in the nineteenth chapter of Revelation. The ar!c of Noah speaks loudly of Jesus Christ and Him crucified as the "only name under Heaven given among men where by we must be sived1' (Acts 4:12) fr;m the floods of judgment that arc soon to hurst upon a wicked world. Enoch and Elijah furnish us beautiful and interesting shadows of the coming translation and lory of the church; and so, on and on through the wh le So from this oil we will cut hlessed.book these deeply interesting and' beautiful thoughts, can be camel. prices. riht and left. See what Out let us look for a moment at Jo- , . ' - eoh's life, ;md se if we cannot, in the (hlC ITT?-' ft !!! 1 . .. ' contemplation ot U, get our eyes "fixed on Jesus. 1. Joseph was beh.vrd of his father HJene-is 37:3 ) lie seeint-d to be the one son , of Jacob about whom all his hopes clusteied. As tr God's love for Jpmis see John 17:24; Hebrews 13. 2. Joseph was hated of his brethren. (Genesis 37:4). W hen Jesus came -to His brethren, ac ordmg to the hesh, the Jews, they received Him not (John 1:11); and His whole history on earth wis one of hatred and perse- I red ell Commissioners. Correspondence of the Watchman. ' Last August the county commis sioners of Iredell refused to grant ii cense to retail liquor in Statesvillp, t-":r.cotuity seat, and a continual war fare has been going 011 ever since, thpre being but one single meeting of the commissioners since that one or more applications were not made for license . to sell liquor. But to; the credit and backbone of the commis sioners they sard "no" every time and still stick to, it, and Statesville, the town known all over the South as the "liquor tovn," is "dry," so far as re tailing is concerned, but wholesaleini; goes on Just the same. All imaginable schemes have been resorted to to usurp their decision and power but all efforts have failed. tNow another scheme is l eing piomulgated which caps the cli max of Ul the rest. Next June com missioners are to he elected for Iredell county and every townhip in the county is being canvassed to secure signers to petitions for magistrates to je appointed to till anv vacancies that may be found and invariably every man asked for for magistrate is -fn sympathy with the whiskey element otThe count v that 1 lie ant is may out vote the prohibitionists, and elet com missioners or a different stnpp, and thereby open the dens in- Stalesvillle this means: For'$5.00 you get a 82 50 to 810.00 Suit. it .50 KMX) 15.00 1O.00 to 12 00 15.00 to 20.00 22.00 to 25.00 Our v Boy's Department is fairly ablaze with a truly fnras.uij4evi,il, to try them; before . ... tl . f,, purchase, ' gTnd displa.y of Clothes for the little ones. Yea, more, xcliange 1 ; 11 dad 13 Commorce St., -Cs orfolk, Va., '.iKIu'Tind. controlled bv Allianccmeri rliainUing produce, COTTON A SPECIALTY. ., t'ont sell : before5" wtitinjr for par- 'klirs to" i . . . . J J. ROGERS, Mgr. f-O.'liox 212. . ' Suits at 1, 1.5Qr cutioa ixt. n' :v,a,lds' thpv r.riinnpn rum. $2.00, $4.00 and 8.500 all good. When Joseph was sent by his Wiave a few more of those a.ther to.n'ul h"1 bret1hr!!V fh?? f!1 w him connncr and said, "Behold this Suits worth SS-.00 and 810.00, dreamer cometh. Come no wt hen? fore ' , , i-i and let us slay himWGen. 37:15.) siigntiy, aamageu, wnicn ye How this setnimU us bf the parable of thevineyard-in the 12 h chapter of Mark, which reters to Lhristj 4. Joseph was sold to his-enemies for twenty pieces of. silver (Gen. 37:23) Jesus was sold to his enemies tor thirty pieces of silcer, (Matt. 27:3) v - ... , ' . -i nrm i 5. Joseph was bound and afflicted as a nnsoner. likewise was ourisr. oui. the Lord God was with them both. s : no oner lor col. Its a fact that our Clothes arc properly made and are sure to shrinking, Fading- or buttons falling off. 2TQ'SJI.'S1SI who , have lira i.tc.i s. ti.K.ivn-i.es. Neuralala, -i G. Josenh was 6xalted to a throne, K)ur Spring Stock is complete so was Jesus (Eph. 1:20-2L) in the new Shades and Styles.! tle wifp he church is the "bride of Christ1 When Israel rejected Christ to se us. You run no He turned to the Gentiles to "take out . .. . T . . . . . ' i I 1 - . 1 W n-'-" S ;i mcanait we say, as a lair trial -ui n 1 lli:il"-ai0Ls. Unlimited lixpeilcnc'e, u'p '-'His rt ,iha liont'St i;eprespnt.-tlon8 :.re S il i u!t a,rtrsneces8. Address c. W. PARKER, "-w-VciHTi v. .Nashville. Teifn. Yes indeed, Joseph is a remarkable ire w Hrv i?n- tit wi. type of the , Lord . Jesus. These are When U only a few of the many points that I ,hw. Gf 1,13 Gnn Alon-. might be; brought out by a careful iCo8n1cnoftnWtttcuman SAXDKR3VILLE, N. C. Mr. Enrioa: Don't yon think it funny that we always see so many things to shoot when we are not hunt ing and have np gun along? J wiis riding along the road in an adjoining county not long ago and met a young lawyer whom I was well acquainted with. After the usual sal utatiens lie asked me how politics were in my beat. : I tol l him I thought the farmer. were going to gain the day. ; "Oh!" said he, "you don't mean that, do you?" ' i - - 'CtTtainly " I replied. "Well, the country will be mined, then," said my young legal friend. "The farmers don't know anything about political: economy. All they know is to plow ami sow, wait and reap," continued in v friend. "What of that?" I asked. "Is it. not the work of the farmers that feeds the fifteen hundred million people on this earth? Has not their work p iid for the thousands of p.ibiees and less costly buildinus in this country? Whose la bor paid for the hundreds of fine col lege buildings and the thousands of school -houses' more or less expensive? Did not the labor of the farmers pay for the thousands of magnificent cities with their beautiful streets, splendid churches, palatial- ivsiJences? The farmers support thenT all. The, thou sands of miles of railroads over which long freight trains thunder and roar constantly, over which gorgeous pas senger trains glide several times a day loaded with well dressed p30jIe were all paid b r with the labor of the? hav- ajjain. M. S. BROWN. tfo'ini?'1uv: risk. Wo; arc responsible, and ,i neonle to his natae." ThousrU there m ny-"i un: uuumuim oouai n- . ' . I n.mif hnv lour tiov Umi h m in Ml church, but "all is Christ" yet Israel ill prove conclusively. as a nation will remain in unbelief unili tne iuiiness oi uie ureiuue oe come in," (read Rom. 11.) Therefore the church when completed will be to Christ ua Gentile bride." 8. Joseph came to the assistance of his brethren in their dire extremity. When the hand of famine was heavy against them he was ready to rescue. Yea, more, he gave them a land WORKS Y1M mm Is the Place to Get Monuments, Tombstones, &c. i" --.... ... ' . - largo stock of VERMONT- MARBLE to arrive in a few days We guarantee .paction-hi every respect und positively will not be-nndersold. Granite Monuments Of all kiwl a specialty Since looking into tiie matter a lit tle we learn that no new m iristrates will be "appointed until after June, so we yfuess they will be ousted again. And now it is on record, the sad fact too, that when our county Alli ance brought up resolutions endorsing the action of the eomtmssionersVit was voted down, and yet we are claiming to. be reformers and, shut our eves to the' liquor traffic the monster evil if all evils of all evils of our land, thereby giv;ng it support by our silence. We awfully fear that the Alii nice has heenso captured hy the liquor interest that it can now accomplish i s mis- 1 II il : ' 1 sion Here, ijretnren, it we are up lo our duty we cr.n never pass Wy all the drunkards and broken hearted mothers of this land an 1 not aid thern in their struggles for liberty. God is not go ing to bless our cause-' while we are in league with the devil and his works. When the republican convention for this county met it passed resolutions condemning the action of the conimis sioners and the last legislature for pass ing the law compelling the effects ot alcohol upon the human system to be taught in the public schools, one of the grandest laws ever made u .North Car oiiua. How can a Christian man vote with such a crowd? Think about if. Christian men. And the democratic party, how is it on the snbiect ? fcmeut as the grave yard. Christian men .in that party, what are you going to do about it? How is your light shining? "He that is not for me is against me." Brethren, let's be up and doing and may the Alliance act the part of a re form movement in deed and in truth by not acting the coward in this mat ter. May all Christians stir about themselves asthey have never done be fore and see whether their shirts are clear of their brother's blood or not. Oh! that we had such county com missioners in every county in grand old North Carolina. J. Henry Tharp. Turnersbiirg, N. 0. A Correspondent's Peril. I could fill volumes showing what a traveling correspondent does not hesi tate to do in obeying orders, writes W. J. C. Meighan, in LippinnttL In 18GS I was making a tour o some of the Southern States, especially with a view of getting at the bottom of the doings of the Kn-Klux, fairly and Tquareiy, without bias. Some times I had to sleep in a negro's cabin on the roadside in a lonely part of the country ; at other times I fared well nt city hotels. Had I known when L started from New York lw hat I was expected to do, think I would have shown the "white feather." I was, in starting, simply told to go to Nashville and attend "a. convention that was to be held there. When I arrived I found orders for me which sanl, "You will make a tour of these States, and avoid, when possible, lhe beaten roads of travel," and then the dftails were given as to what I should do. This meant an a crossed he country cut, expecting to return in three days. I never left, the S uitir fcr several months, thanks to that "avoid the beaten roads of travel" order. But I will give only one incident of this "tougn" assignment, to show what a correspondent has to do lo s-neceeo sometimes, even at the risk of bis life. I managed to get Fort Pillow For rest, tlu famous Confederate cavalry officer, to consent to talk to me fully about the Kn-Klux. I was in Nash ville, and he was in Memphis. I had to meet him on a certain day, otherwise my great opportunity was gone. Besides, I knew that a Cincinnati' newspaper man was th?n on his way to Memphis for the same purpose. That knowl edge of its-df made mo desperate! I left Xashviile one evening, bat during i he journey, to my dismay, the train !r.'i!e down 1 found t h it the oulv wav seeder. The splendid factories are Icould make up for lost time was to built and supported by their labor, walk several miles; but I was warned iow is there any reason why tanners that I should have to cross a snoul I not oe as good as anybody else? Is there any reason whyr their chil dren should grow up in ignorance while the sons and daghters of the few revel in luxury?" "Yes, but. the farmers are making unreasonable demands. They want the government to own railroads. They want to stop the national bank- ng system. I hey want the earth," said inv friend. rockv sream on the narrow side planking of a huge trestle several hundred feet long and thirty or forty feet high. I - . Iltnuoroiis. : - FredJy : uJrv T didn't open nnr ? dentines. .Valentine's day is a doo'. ' sid boih, anyhow. Jove, nn ."; anniversary is J ways, a doosid . boah ! If 1 know they're coming- I nlwavs dodge em; baw Jove ! Wheifs thij. next one, deah boy.?" . Cholly : "The next one ronni want , to dodge, ole chappie, is 'April 1st. Chicago Tribune. y "I've brought you in an account of a little affair that happened down our way last night." said the gratnition ' contributor: ' It isn't a long Irtory; just;, a p iralysis of what was done.' fhe editor allowed that it would be too shocking for publ icatjon Boston Trantcrft. - A negro boy, being Ined for steal ing two piirs of trousers, anU having -no lawyer, Judge Campljell askeil him it' he desired to speak. Hex promptly relied in the affirmative and fired" " The boy stood on the burning deck" at the judge and jury. Alhrita Coi- stitntivih Hotel -clerk: "fs this thotfsand I dollar bill the smallest thing youJiavo- auout yon Departing giicst:, "I am afraid it, is."' Clerk (to bell boy): "Here, .take this bill out to one of the waiters and. ask him to change it." Life. 'Doctor," said-the dying editor, ut have one last favor to ask of you," . "Name it," said the doctor. "I want yon to attend the editor of . the other-paper." Atlanta Constittt- '-t'ton. Mrs. Bnnherton: "I do so admire yolir husband, Mrs. Higgins. He is so amiaole.' Mrs. Iliggins: "You must havo Tntt some Qther Mr. Higgins." Th Epoch. - ' - Mrs. Srpiiggs : "Henrvthat scare crow down in the field is so monoto- did the walking well till I reached that nous that it worries me, standing so trestle. It was a shaky affair, and 1 wonder how on earth a train in those days ever g t over it. safely, after the wear and tear it had got from war transportation work. Fortunately, the moon was shining and the sky was l: i i ' mi. Mr. Squiggs : ''Scarecrow ! Maria, that's the hired man !"' Detroit-Free Press. LEMON ELIXIR "clear. I used mv rrin-sack as a balance Its Wonderful Effects on tho Liver. "They want nothing but justice," I medium at times" and was fully half Stomach, Bowels and Kidneys. - replied. Christ was a reformer. II went into the market and kicked over tables of the money changers on one occasion. L nut is what the farmers need to- do. The money changers are about to get possession of tii is country. If Christ, could a.f- 1 heard a whistle blow ford to do that the farmers ought. ;,v the roots and then dropped a piece ijut tney are too impatient, saul of ice down mv back. There wa- a slight curve at the end of the trestle, toward which I was making mv wav. and I could then see no train. But 1 Th- shimmering saw l of t soon enough, the headlight i rr in 1 AO t UVl , n Lil L U'vlllM .1 " ill-Tt IT OI" i , T)M'.. 1 a t IP aim uie iun i l.hmmc m .v u..m wiui. u Mar,ji take Lemon Elixir the cutis anea.i ot me.... it was a single For IiidiKestion, Sick and Nervous. track I was walking on, too. I don t Headache, take Lemon Elixir. know, but I think mv hair stood on For Sleeplessness, Nervousness and. i;i- n.u Uir T fi.H if Hearlfailure take Lemon LJixir. i an nivc iiivm..-., ciiii "v., u .j .i T , , . "'Kill, 1 I. I : I -... . , 1111.111 niil I i or ri;vu. viiius uiiu jemuiYy iuko WIUCUUUJ II ;vt o .mi : il i J jii l i ' t li 1 1. i il ii ' I T njjQj) JJ j j Lailies, for natural and through orjjanio regulation, take Lemon LJixir. Dr. Mozlcy's Lemon EJixir will not. fail you in anv ot the above named dis eases, aTl of which arise J"rom a torpid or ; diseased liver, stomach,, kuluevs or f bowels i'renarcd only bv Dr. 11. MozJey. At- i through fhe trees away beyond the tres- lanta, Oa. oUc.anu l bottles at drug.- tie grew brighter, and the rumble of gists. '.-... ii . "... i,... i l i l ... A Prominent Kinister Writes. Uie Caj.l glW IW.HIUl .OlO lUUUn. Aftnr Ion von. if .. iWrr..r frnm loere was no tune iu w: o-s,.. L i Indiirost ion. with crcat nervous nrostru-. : engineer could never see me until he. tion, biliousness, disordered kidney) and Mr. Editor: If yon will allow me struck tlie trestle, and then ail the constipation, I have been cured by Dr.;, space in your valuable paper I will give brakes in the world couldn't stop the Mozley s Lemon Liixir ami am now . 1 - - iMOtY'tnrt ATir if horn I vfrkl I 1 IJKIU JUli ih JCW ltCUJ3( . I 1111.11 llWtil 1 UMMI wu.i vitity ow.rvi. Doolie is northwest ot alooresville Well, that tram went completely oyer on Shirl Is . ferry road. It has three me, yet I. met Forrest the next day, stores, two have goods and one is nn- dined with him. and had a three-column interview with him on the wires twenty- four hours afterward, which interview. I am happy to siv, Henry Watterson, the brilliant editor o the Louisville Courier-Journal copied in his paper with big head-iincs when he saw it m the Herald. my friend. "kNot a bit impatient," I replied "They have waited years and years. They will wait no longer." , Yours truly, Jake Warxer. Letter From Doolie, rorres:"io'.iJencc ot tue Watcuman. Rev. C. C. Davis. EM. M. E. Church South, No. 23 Tatnall St. Atlanta, Ga.'. occupied, one church, blacksmith shop, and wood slvp. There are eleven fam ilies in the village and still they come. New buildings are going np. Mr. Joe Fisher has a large dwelling well on the way. Doolie bids fair to be quite a thriving village. The people are on the go. The population is fifty. Dr. Gouger is doing a very large prac tice and is very successful any1 is much liked by his people. ts.iy C. B. WEBB & CO., r - Proprietor. .Mention the Watchman hen you write , 185Q THE 1892 Georgia Home Insurance Co., COLUMBUS, GJ. J.RH0DES BR0WNF, " WM.U. C0AKT, - Peesident. Secretary. Total Assets, over SI ,000,0 00. A Home CcmpaEy, seeking: Home Patronage, lif ticf till cleC8 of Hii ks at lowest &.dc qcate rates. Losses adjusted and paid piomptly. J. ALLEN BROWN, Agt, 44 . T.m miTlif rl tiro II nnn i id v iiriciij. tiitrj iiii-nu ulii ui with him and have need for nothing. Just so will Christ save his Jewish peoplefrom the merciless power of Antichrist, and restore them to their own land, and be with them and reign over them, when He comes "with all His saints" to purge the earth of all wickeduess, and to estab lish and "sit uponUhe throne of His father David." (Jer. 33:14-20). y. Joseph and Jesus are aliie in tender sympathy and compassion. Time and again we find Joseph weep ing. iTe wept even his brethren when they were reconciled. He wept on the neck of his father when he was restored to him. He wept when he looked on the face of Benjamin, his younger brother. He wept at the depth-bad ot Jacob. Vhen standing beside the torah of the departed L izurus and be holding the deep grief and sorrow of Mary and Martha, "Jesus wept,f atfu later on we find Him sobbing bitteily hover Jerusalem as He thought "how often He would have gathered her un der His wings as a hen doth her brood," jut "she would not." Oh, the tender A Safe Investment. is one which is guaranteed to bring you satisfactory results, or hi case of failure a The farmers of this community are return of purchase pne. On Uus sale rull nn -5rh Hh- f:,rm wop'- :. ml : n plan y ou can bu; v ou r al vert ised uruggist ...:n, i.., a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for . ... i. A f consumtion. It is guaranteed to brin 'o. nii.niiiiMio uuiiuu.....-, . r , every case, when used lor any straighout republicans, and as some I affection of Throat, Rungs or Chest, PUch I contributes liberally ii . i i i i i ci - . r I y . . . . t . n . : r T . 1 ... J The accounts of the gambling casino'; at Monte Carlo show a net profit for t hcv" seasons. 1801-92 of. 28,500.000 francs,?" being an increase of 2,500,000 over .tho previous year. ill. rrancois Uianci-w rapidly becoming, it is said, one oc.th wealthiest men in Europe, and 'his daughter, Louis- Blanc, the wife of Prince Constautine Radze.well, - hn diamonds and. dresses that surpass iri splendor tho-o of many of the lessef crowned heads of -Europe. Prince Al bert Honorius, the ruler of Monaco rc ceived besides the regular revenue, dur ing the past'. year feveral handsome presents trom it. Diane, v?lio ais to the mairt call them, third party men. home ot as Consumption iniuimination oi Lungs, j tommce ()f j,is cl1Urch and of char- tiie leaders ot the republican party tell o,cm ., , i,:: ities. The bitter attacks made. us that they will st.ck to the Aliiance throiigh thick and thin if it took their hides. Mr. Editor, I do not belong to the Alliance, but when they told us that our old wool hat went im for the ones j Croup, etc., etc. It is pleasant and agee- nbh; to taste, perfectly safe, and can al- ways be depended upon. Trial bottles free at Kluttz & Co.'s drug store. upon M. Blanc in some of the news papers are ascribed by the manager to a blackmail, he having withdrawn r curtailed a portion of 'the Subsidies- bo was. in tne name or. paying, to to School Girl Please, teacher, Willie nress. M. Blanc has a firmer hold on in sympathy with that class of people, Winkl-s kissed me at recess to-day. the principality than ever, notwith.- No one doubts that Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy really cures Catarrh, whether the disease be recent or of long standiug, because the makers of it clinch their faith in it with a $500 guarantee, which isn't a. mere newspaper guarantee, but "on call" in a moment. That moment is when you prove that its makers can't cure you. the reasou for their faith is thi: Dr.-Sage's romtv'v has proved itself the right cure for ninty-nine out of one hundred cases' of Catarrh in the Head, and the-World's Dispensary Medical Association can anoni to take the risk of you being the one hundredth. Theonlyquestionis are you willing to hem" a farmer or tryinr to be our selves. Tell them: to staud solid for there are plenty of men that will be allianeemen at the polls in November. Hold up brother farmer if Kobbihs did say in Statesville that the crisis was on them Butler, Polk and Skinner is the crisis. I : will say to Mr. Skinner through your columns that they will Aged Teacher Send him to me at standing the attackupon him. once. "Why, teacher, I didn't know you kissed! 1 onker's statesman. Merit Wins We desire to say to our citizens, that for years we have been selling Dr. King's New Liver l'ii's, Ducklen s Arnica Salve have him up before tiie-grar.d jury for ani Electric 1 Jitters, ami have never han cruelty to animals, for skinning Rob- died remedies that sell as well, or that bins without a kifc. We hear that have given such Bucklen's Arnica Salve. - " Jhe best salve in the world for Cut. Bruises, Sores. Salt llheum, l-ever Sorgs, Tetter. Chapped Hauds, Chilblains. Corns and alt Skin Eruptions, and po'ir tivelv cures Pile3 or no pay reeiuired. -di is guaranteed to give ierie-i, iuu.-oaciiyu or money refunded. Price 25. cents yer box. For sate by T. V. Kluttz & Co. nave LLitu mh." o.ii-....-... . . ... . . . . ... , " .i :. i'., I Tho whole Mississ'.nni vallev L3 ur- some want a Mo-es. Well,, ! do be- nuti yv 1f,.,.;11iv t.-, refund fe.inrr from floods that are nnnreVc- heve that they, the democratic party. pthe 'u,.(.1)ae , ico t if satisfactory results 1 dented. Beports from all over fclio thev always say party, they do not care o not follow their use. These remedies wu:,.i. drains into the Father of I . " ,"r r . i i I . , i I t Ml vi iv.. " r - - for Uie people, need a Moses to lead have won their great popularity pureiy ifbo.., nt. of demaoiruerv into the on their merits. Thco. F. Kluttz &. Co., make the "test, if the makers are willing . d h fc , t th c.mnot druggists. to take the risk? If so, the rest is easy: ,l ,u u. , . - ' TXn.J,n,wa. . You pay your druggist 50 cents and the et ine g-i.-t ii .vnni;l Beckwith, of Brooklyn, trial begins. If you're wanting the $500 I wish some of r,y C red. tori ould get )f the En;al J . . r. rt. 1 .- . 11 L'lflliJ I IU - U.' - - - - - a 1 1 1 th r- . . . I T !,.. . . t K foK niuntmn hii' IhPin. Mr. iobbmssaal you'll get something better a cure! When Baby was sick, we g&re her Castoria, MThen she was a ChUd, she cried f or Castoria hen she became Miss, she clung: to Castoria. When she had Children, she ga-a them Castoria money to nay that the farmers had only read one side and become cranky. Well ble-s him if the farmer was as cranly as he is 1 would pity them. -i will clo-e for fear of worrying you. - - Voter. the vice president nomination on the national ticket, headed by Miss Belva Lockwood. Childnh Cry for Pitcher's nterfe; C. A. Thompson, Seymour, Ind., writes: "Vy Uls ter Jennie, when Mie was a you.i- ylil sufffilng from while Kwelloi, wtilca jrn-atiy liu paired he. wneral health ;okI m.id her blood viy lm, ure In. uie spilny slie s not able to d j a't;. Uiiug and uM sc-nwlv get atiout. ! -than aryearao she took liirw i) il-'"s of I'.oiaaio I5lid ll .vn, auo . now she is Hjir.-My curei." Waters are toT he effect that all slreajiis are out of their banks and great de struction of 'property has resulted. a si'r:g medicine. N'oOili i so nicvclous as P. -E. P. for a str ns; mixilclnf at hi- sea-on, and f)r toning up. IhIk- raUii, awl as a simiir nener anu appeuw?r m P. e. e. It will threw off Mala i la. and' put joii iu . KKicori'inion. i'I' I, is the bi-st Hpiin fceui rme In the world for dlir,ereut atloieals the sjttcia -tillable to In the spring. ' For o:rt so; es, Skla Em.aions. Pirn -les, Vlcera and KvpliUH, u-e only 1. I P., and pet well unl e ij . tlie ble.s-ii:.sr oaly lo. ue derived from Un; U.o of 1. r. ( i'ricfciy Ash, Poke Itoot a .d iotyluia, j. ... t ' A jrreat spring medicine is P. I. P.,. the grfi-tcste bi fM DU:i:l.M' us l'e w-jrM.ws no is of p!o la lui! a'ty wner: it ts a unt icta.el Can u-stir'. " : -. m t " '-s-S S 5 'r..m 1 Slj i 3 I - Si. i 1 1 ti . i . i: , :-S '.: . i 2 -i ; I: i L i i 3 ' 1'-! i i i ' ill in r u Hi j t 1 f s ; 1 1 $ f I:.' n 5 i i. i "r. -7 1 i) S :i I'' -I I V5 V3 i 1- "S? 3 ! fMi! ill n " I ' i .'?! 4. '' ; . n I. n 9 - .-.1 "Il - I in 4' A v::i 1... 1

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