5 - f i 1 r earn -I til ' -i. i . I, i-tHi S t-i t us ' : i YJtfr f rVi ni I arOlina W d. blWlj ctU. jt . j. 1 - ".- Ii xsvsnt and c otriTTr. , . . the B?st Newim Rown; anl Ail VJCiauy. - Iical Editor- Tili;itSlAV, MAY 2 IS- 2. is visiting in Gettysburg, ,.;, flnireh is receiviusc anew The : iv .T.b'.t. It - will - be .slum: gray m -ci:H C . ati-MM'cftilJsbarY Sidttrdav ;..'j.i1.iv overcoats were Coin- ft'. Hit, r tV, m ( 'h -i 1 1 1 1 e' Xew o f May 13, reach ed us e ilii morning, after. u two weeks our 011 "- - trip over the road. - . "U'bcu , .wanting- job work remember -fcat the W'ATCitM vy h i one of tliu best 'jjb outfit i this secuoii. - - jmr .-ne v 1 voi nag h me an; being . t j;, tli neighborhood of the- knit- tl-v Urooklyu is booming. je1 C. 'L- T. 1- Vhcr delivered a dis jat'ihe regular g.pei meeting, in Ltfie-. Pj.,;! X. Mederhaeli, who has resided I ere -'a umber "of ' ears lias returned with jjt.'r tlii!drea to her old home, Dauville, TheluM ivell top in front of IIorahs jewelry istore has been removed, the well rc,Klia.,j and the. new fixtures' put -in . p'aee. Thd minatcs for the Iliptist convention rM'i rerfiitlv met in Winston, are nowj bain?- printed in the .Watchman job ' Qac ot tlie" printers of this sheet has Mvoni oil from hitting on stools. He t .-; he will ui:ike the scat of his pauts Tiio Catholics 'of Salisbury will prob 'nble have a lawn party one night week 4o lielp raie funils for painting the church. . , . There will be. -a members' reception r.t tUe Y. M. C. A. hall to-night. Refresh ments will be served by the ladies aux- ' jlury- society, ' i ''The'' roma fannerly occupied by the Star saloon, is being nicely fitted up for the liew'jirvvelry -store, which wijk.be open mi the liit of June. ThetSaiiday School Convention of the . i u t li V a 1 k i n J 5 . 1 1 t i t Association will be held ln Mocks'vilie .Ui-morrow. Sev- : ml delegates wii I go from here. ' r ' . A stun f ni mcy , was f;ra;id ontln MiT.SjH f.-v d iy-r ago. O.vner can ob t liii snUvi bv calling on Ca:t. Jolin liai.l iiii'l paving for tiijs notice. - Mr. HUliity X A v is onbaiiii'd .an E;tio;iiil miiiistt r -by lhshnp Ivymaii, at rireensboro. last FridaV. lie will assist Mr. Manl.icH wii! his duties Ih-ic. ' Mrs. 11. V. Miller; wife of Secret;'.: y Miller, of the Y-. al. C. A., came down f.om Ashrville on Tuesday even ng. She will proiiabLy. make ibis her home. -file hoanl of incdiea- examiners in ses si'jn ut Wihniirgton last week grantel li1 cense' 16 Ds. J. Tioihas - W righ t , E. J. Bji'Iianan and M. L. Slei)hens. all of A Hiwun, I f- The North Carolina Dental Soeietj' is in pesfcion iu .Winston this -week". Drs. J. F. Griii'uh and 11 L. Ilamsay, of this Jilace, are in attendance. The former is State secretary; " t It is estimated that there has been a fftluctioiof -2o per cent, in the acreage w cotton planted. There was a stiH : larger mlueticn in. th.e amount of com mereial fertilizers Vised. .p Tour or live of our young men will bve. early, next Tuesday morning for Mumit Pleasant to attend tha, closing of le 'k'tUatesiMl'.lillirv :it. th it rtlnr-n 'IMinv '''j' " y private Conveyance. Thectuiiraer.cemeut exercisesof David (College will be held JuneOth to 9th Elusive. ' aTf. iu drove; i'lsd Era est Brown ' of Salisl bU-TV. tirt' :im.. ii. r tlw, ...... !... li.. " ' A Kiuig.iof niife bovs have been arrested. raising a listiirbauce in the lieigbbor- - 0ll isumj Vvouiou Willis last rlav ni-diL Thfv will Ia triwl ho. Job A. Ramsay to-ni-ht. fiviinselist Fife ha insfc closed n kp- vof-ineetinga in New Berne, tfd is recuperating at his liomo in Fay- --...v. iie . win nerin n cuiipu t beiri n a 'etiags inGoidsboro next week Tbe elosinnr Aeaflemv will .vi.... ;im rf tout juatc jti inuisuai, ull21;Uay aifd night. Music will Te ilsllwl -In- tl... v...n i l i- V lo laoKiii corucb i ann. ;e,eiura thanks Jor an invitation to I .. . ' VVX 'y'er requests us tomnouiue Orauhtr r'rCUdt iu Shi,0h ihlm-h' at' 'a.y,.&unaay morning at 11 Oa the same evening at three .ck W win deliver a lecture on the S;!rf fPnT citizens who attended the ii -Convent iim in i..!w.r, i,.f i. hCfcxr i, . ....... jjj . . e 10 ujieu a .Ntioon mere II l tiiu ,:ext ccuvention rueetk tlief '"VS U l,eion couhl hardly get to one . great was the crowd- . , ? Mex:- .' "i t i . . . ' l 4f. t ' j: i v hjck nas been gi ving pet- lli1 -""""''J iii;ii as ne i" ririrmtn ir....ri.... .. : . i.. feit 7 - v aie was ie It tV - - . -, mil tn;us iiavw ttt.K 1 lke ihe ordinary run of inii: !cl ''r.C " fit W fi ..fin but mariv h.Uts. . - r 4 "( M". P Mrs. W.-Jj. IjLuiklii ce1.!ratcJ y,ysyal wedding on Monday night, l...!u.:iL.' lift.'.: ir .V. r - t . ,ii..ui-ag me nueciiin anniversary o: ineir ; marriage.". An .v.leg.int reception was given, and a targe nufaber of cr still riM wr wWvd. ' The civil engineers :roymiking the sTirvii s of tire Concord Southern from Concord to n-aucsboroand from Concord Monroe. Wc t bopo to bring the Roanoke & Southern this way and make connection ..'with' this road before many : years, - .. - ' - The Wr ATCitMAN U the liylicstv most newsy and best p ipr cw published in thw s--ection. It is on the side of the peo plcw It is far 'the people a:il ly file peo ple. Oar friend. should see to it that it has rnoio readers. Git everybody to subscribe. " ; Mrs. John Ce:1rd reqaosts all persons who proinised tonttibtitioiiH f.r the Sol diers' Home, in RiJeigh. to leave them with Capti Joh'u Beard, at the Planters Warehouse. All others who feel able to contribute but have not done so, "will tlli;l- fimi (. I'll- ' The Concord Standard- of yesterday says: T. JI. Kerns, of llowan and within six miles of Salisbury, Was here on Tuer dav. Ue madct.a big trade with J. Wi. CaniRMi by which Mr. Kerns conveys 60 . bales of cotton to Mr. Cannon Mr.' Kerns did.this way last ye-ars. j " Monday will be Federal decoration day. It is pi incipally observed in the South by negroes. The -cemetery in the southern part-, of the city will be iuvaded and strewn with flowers The town will be pac.ked-with the dusky brethren. Before night lemonade (?) will flow freely at a cent a glass. , A large number of S.ilisburians re turned last Friday night ami Saturday morning from Charlotte, where they had yroae to attend the Mecklenburg eelebra-! tion. Ail seemed to have as pleasant a time as could bo expeeted i-i such a crowd. The sham battlcfwas one of the most enjoyable features of the" celebra tion. The WATCHMAN lias some good respondents. It gives the news from and his eloquence held 'the ppufound at several counties. It has some friends teiition "of 'the audience. ' When he raised who write very entertaining articles for hs i,iinj ami deciared that the millen its columns. We "want more good cor-jum might come at any moment, tbe!C resiKjndeiiis.. Our friends in Aleeklei.- arose a great disturbance -in the streets; burg county should write more7; fur its l,n,d cries were heard, and under the iin eolumns. It is the coming paper for Nv-.lse of the. moment some tlioiiirlit tlse tins section, - . For the past few weeks we have been discussing the early closing of the stores during tire hot summer months. But as i yet no action has been taken in that i direction. Willi the exception 0f fii-nieis we know of no other class Of; i e.iie who have to work (ificuii hours a day. 'flu early elo.d i worked well ucre once: '.vay not irv it again ! ' The 'pic':ic :t!ng season will sxon be here. The BantUts will picnic. . t patter- son's Grove-' on Wednesday, Jun Is: ; j tho M-ethodisU on Thursday, Juao 2-!,j and tho Lulheraus at Thursday, Junej LUi. T'ue i)!aces for holding the. last two1. have not been decided on. "'The. Presby terians will probably postpone their pic nic until we are in need uf rain. Yesterday evening Prof. W. II. Neave showed us the plans of the resi'denee he is to erect on the lot on Rank street, ro cently purchased. It w ill bea large and comfortable'-buildingitwo stories high. OuC of the most importantrfeatures will be the large room for his music school. Wheu-thrown open its full length, the room will be forty-eight feet long. The railroad cut between, the depot ami DixoTiville was cleaned out Monday. The vines and weeds on lhe banks were cleared off and the d'tehes cleaned out. This is only temporary work, however, for the cut will soon be in -as bad condi tion as before.. It looks like the railroad company could devise some plan for the permanent drainage of such places. Tbe Presbyterian female school of this eity closed, and the distribution of prizes took place tn the Presbyterian tabernacle last night. Dr. Rumple addressed tbe children , and awarded the prizes.. The one for writing wras won by Miss Lucy Brown,, the one for French, by , Miss Jea iiiie Kjuttz, and one each by Misses McNeely and Craige for attendance. x Some fiend attempted to burglarize the resideuee of lion. John S. Henderson about cloven o'clock Tuesday night. The burglar raised a window, but was discovered by Mrs. Henderson who gave an alarm. Some gentlemen, returning from a Bible reading,, were" attracted by her screams and went to the relief, the burglar liad made his escape. But Mr. Ilenderson was absent, "being at his post in Washington. The white graded school ot tl3 city closed last Friday, Short services were held in the morning. The awarding of diplomas was preceded by a short devo tional and song services. Prof. Kizer class, which is as followsj Warren K!flU, ,.ilh irront hntutr. w:lifpr Mp,lrr. .nnnu oi,.,..i; a., wii' Frank Gaskill, AVjlbtir Folsom, Eliza Swicegood and Bollc Rendleman. At a meeting of the directors in the evening the old corps- of teachers was re-elected. The recent cold spell has been very disastrous to the farmers' in the tobacco section of North Carolina.. The plants have been1 thoroughly chilled, and in some instances where the beds were sit uated near a stream the ffost has plaved ' 1 . . 1 - 1. - - ? ..... nav-oc wua urein. -r rom now unui two loth day of June most of the tobacco to plants will be put out, but in many lo-J o calilies Ihe farmers will be obliged to , . . , . o.ri'ly on their neighbors for -tobacco- plants.; This is a very serious matter for the farmers of Westcra North Carolina. ..' . . . . .. . fcr.lhciobacco cnp is thtir ihu'n slay.: Ah alarm of iCre vos sounded about jiiue oVbfk Jast.Ftif day j.i;jslt, Jjt pri c.eedejf jCr:xn Mr. p. VV, B owh.s store on Chestnut 'Jiil'l near the. eoitou f ictory. The fire department started put but Iind ing that thev could not make conneo lion with a water plug they ret u rued. The store was burned to the groqnd and only a show cose whs saved. The Joss is about $1,800, with $1.000 insurancer" The oVigiu of the fire is a raysteryi A wreck- occurred on the Murphy branch, beyond Ashevilln, . Tuesday afteruo jiK in which .one man was killed afd others injured. While descending a heavy grade near Bryson City , the train became unmanageable and dashed down a heavy grade. All went well-till a broken rail was . struck, when the engine left' the track and went down an em bankment, scarry ing the train with it. Engineer J. At Wood Hunt was killed and Fireman Means had both' legs broken. Other membersof the, crew sustained sjiglit injuries. In the Country. A drn-c through, any section of the country will show that compared with last year, there is really a scarcity of cotton iields. Wheat, oats and corn are to be see,n on all sides but only here and there do we see the familiar rows of lit tle 'waxen like cotton plants popping up out of the ground. Where a cotton field is seeiij though, ono-with a knowledge of iann parlance, pronounces that it is a good "stand." Cotton has a very good start. In some field's it has been chop ped out and the plants are growing finely, la some fields corn is just above 'the ground, while in others it is knee high. Wheat and oats never looked bet tec. at this lime of lire year and all signs, point to a splendid harvest. Jii'ii.ii V t!o Meeting. The fire last Sunday night put -an, ab rupt end to Rev. N. S. Jones' .preaching in the Baptist church. Mr. Jones w a COr-h.reaehiiiL' orr Christ's second cmintr. time bad come. A truthful gentleman " noticed two girls in front of 1,im a,1(1 that . tlieii- faces turned deathly pale. When the cries become piner and it was known that there was fire in town, the crowd wirged to the direct, and ni a few minutes ihe church was deserted. As Mr. J.ioes is not ac customed to preaching to an einp'.y house, iie cut h'ts srvraion s!i nt. The Po;lt- ll-.:-r. G,i into nearly every garden you please and you will see the work of" ibe'potato bug. Gardeners abound lowu are ha in much .trouble With then. We saw one patch a few-days ligi where thev had left nothing but the stalks f the pola- toes. The only way lo prevent this is to "employ some one to pick the bug oa or else sprinkle the plants with some dan gerous poison. A Jlteklenourg gardener -(.!! iiiue i ivi -i n o rr.il t . .jn.nto f Iti.ti it. NO UU, UV UlttlJVl .1 W V. Vtl 'V HU 11., "It is easy" enough, but (he li:ae to act is when you put your potatoes in the ground. Wl.eu you plant your potatoes put plenty of wood ashes in the ground along whit (.hem. The acids developed from the ashes, kills the bugs and fertil izes tfie ground at tho saane time. It is the only safe an 1 sure way to prevent a visitation of the potato bug." Gardeners :hould cut this out for future reference. Xr. Hall's ' Lectures. Rev. Dr. William Hall, editor' of the International, of New York, de.livored a lecture in the Bsptist church Tuesday njght on "The Resurrection." The ad mission was free and the church was full of eager listeners. D.-. Hail talked an hour-and twenty minutes. He is a very eloquent preacher and the audience was swayed continually, and moved from smiles; to' tears. At the close he an nounced that he would deliver another lecture Wednesday night on "llow to get married and how to stay married." Before he. began the hotise was again filled. lie talked an hour and fifty min utes, and gave one of the best lectures that was ever listened to here. It was a splendid combination of wit and wisdom. At the conclusion he announced that he would deliver another lecture here on June !)th if one hundred tickets could be sold. About half of that number have already been subscribed for, so the treat is assured. However, the date has been changed, and the lecture- will be deliv ered on Friday night, June 10th. : i J-X- Hi Card of Thanks. Mr. Editor; Will yon permit me through the columns of your paper to tender the ladies ot Thyatira church sincere and heartfelt thanks for the con sideration and kindness which they have manifested toward their pastor iiruh,e neatly furnished room whieh they have fitted up with tables, chairs, window shades, mattress, pillows, sheets, quilts, comfoit1, counterpanes, etc. May thev he. richly rewarded for the encourage1 ment and cheer w ith which they have filled his heart by their handsome pres ents. , Pastor. " Dr. Wakefield will be at the Mt. Ver non Hotel in Salisbury on Friday, June iOtb, one day only. Practice limited to Eye, Eirfiiroat aud Nofe. An Old Rook Wanted. -If you have Cl,ly of Emmons' Geological Survey of i11" Counties of North Carolina, you can get a good pneo, by bringing it m thU office House fop. Sale. A good farm horse iVr sa!e. Cull at M, S. Brcwn's. ,jlnU of the of the Dcela- i 'raticn of iaiepeadence. . :: Xr. Mi las B.Leslie died suddenly in Concord on the 20: b. . ' ' Mrs. Mary Caldvvell, of Taw Creek, died Sitaday night, aged G yo,iM. - . Iollock Lee, the fail r-y car-old son of Mr. David P. Lee, of . Sharon township, diel at ten o'clock last night, erf Remit tent fever. y . . . The closing exerei.'es oXBitin academy were opened Sunday by sv sermon by the Rev. Ed. Mack, of Charlotte. The school will close to-day. , Mr. -Julian Carr,the great philanthrop ist, says he must have, $100 of stock in the permanent arch that is to be erected over Independence square. The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Sloan, ofBerryhill township, age 2 years, died on the 21th at 3 o'clock. The remains were buried at Steel Creek church Mr. B. W. Simpson, the young man from .31 on roe, who was Texas bound, but who was arresled in the city to await the arrival of his father, was returned in care of the latter to the paternal roof on the 21th. : ' Mr. Robert Haydrtj formerly editor of the Charlotte Oirbniclg, but who has been located at Lynchburg for several months past, left there last week for Portland, Oregon, where he goes into the uewspa per bu.-'incss. A very interesting meeting was held at Huntersville A. 11. P. church, com mencing last Friday and lasting five days. Much interest was manifested and several members added to thechurcU. The preaching was done by the Rev. Galloway, of Yorkyille, S. C. We congratulate, our Mecklenburg friends oa tbe-grand successor the cele bration of their declaration of indepen dence, Friday. Charlotte threw open her gates and her heart, and acquitted herself admirably, as she always docs. The address of Senator Hill was an' cf- fort worthy of the occasion and the man. Wilmington Star. Notwithstanding the large crowd in Charlotte on the 20th, good order pie vailed, little drunkenness" was seen, ai;d only two accidents reported. The little son of Mr. E l. McDonald was run over by a wagon and knocked -unconscious Tho ten year old son of Mr. John Newell was tramped under foot by the horc of one of tho marshals, and was scriyuslv j hurt. ' Mrs. N. wloa T.dd, niec'e of iha late Mr. ;g", . ai y.r. Wil'iam Tol l, and sister of Worth Todd, who died several days died Saudav at her home in this citv ;er aV ief illnes:;. lier husband left fr Paw Creek Saturday to -attend the fun- eral of-.Mr. Worth Todd, and on his re turn found his who t-iek. She grew, i gradually wm-.-e and died suddenly Sun- i lay i.ight. This is t he third member f ihe family who has died in a week's ; ne. The funeral ee k . 0:Jj('r Ci'r. took place at Paw low that one of the big democratic'' leaders has had a hearing, we wonder if Mr. St. John, the great national leader of prohibition, will receive an equal welcome on the 27ih. His coming o soon after tho 20th is inopportune but -we hone he will have a hearing. However hopeless the cause of 'prohibition may seem at this juncture, St. John" and his followers are lighting the battle of moral ity and humanity and merit the respect of ali who realize and deplore the dread ful carnage that. is being wrought by the devil's greatest abettor iu life, '"Kirlg Alcohol." In conversation with Mr. Scott Brown, a former graduate and now one of the managers of the Keely -Instil ute, on the the'20ih, he said befoie hi-; treatment it would have been utterly impossible to have passed such an occasion without getting drunk, but now thero was no temptation for him. Keely ,has solved the liquor problem, but unhappily the reiicf is not in reach of the poor. Since the national and State governments must -license the business, cf making drunkards and receive a part of the profits arising therefrom, they might in part atone for the evil by paying for the remedy and giviiig it frco to those who are not able to pay for their cure. 00, 000 poor souls fall each year before the fell destroyer. Tho government helps the liquor men to -kill them!. Let it help Christian people to-savc I he in. We are glad to state that the butter and cheese factory is under way. The contractors have the pillows ready for the superstructure as soon as the mate rial arrives. The well diggers struck a strong vein about twenty-eight feet below the surface, aad an abundance of cold water is assured. The factory will-have a capacity to work up the product of GOO cows. The present stockholders have less than 200, so there will bj a market at the factory, for the milk of all t ows within a radius of eight miles and doubt less, several hundred besidts. Such be ing the case we think it will uj wise pol icy for all farmers in reach to lay thtir plans for providing feed for an increased n ui thh her Ot cattle, me general lamuu spring in the "crimson" will deter most persons from, seeding again this r.n Wr. wrnld suirtiest that rve be I ti l v j . sown at last ploughing or often -first picking cf eotto;i to como in ifor early feed to be followed by the best of all for age crops, red top ami orchard. For late cutting tht re is nothing that will yield so large a crop at so small a cost as e r:i mixed with peas and sown broad- cast. With a canninj i.iciory iu- ;un- for mi!k, ond with the liberal" pntmnagoi v.-. mi-re h no w iv iiia f:.rmPM. around thft rian,. rit. ... i . . : out oi ttie cotton rut. '-" Extract from T)r,.Ta!.nwge sermon of 34 ay loth, text, the dumb devil. But do not let the world divide the church be cause fall this for the dumb devil is just as conspicuous in the world. The two great political parties will soon a semble tojuild platforms for the presi dential candidates to stand oik A com mittee of eaei party will be appointed to make the platform after proper delib eration tfie committee will come in with a ringing report jwhereas and whereas and whereas. Pronunciations all shaped with the one idea of getting the niost vote. A' I cxpiesfcion in regard to the great moral evils of the country ignored No expression about the liquor traffic ftr that would loose the rum vote. Xo ex pression in regard to the universal at tempt at the demolition of the Lord's Day. No recognition of God in the his tory of this nation, for that would loose the vote of the atheists. Bat whereas and whereas and whereas nine cheers ii i ' . wm do given for the platform. The dumb devil of the text will put one wing over the republican platform andj.be other wing over the democrat platform". There is nothing involved in-the" next election except offices. The great con ventions will be opened with prayer by the chaplains and if they avoid plati tudes and tell the honest truth in their prayers they will say, "O, Lord we want to be postmasters, consuls, foreign min isters and United States district attor neys, for that we are here and for that we will strive till the election next Nov ember. Give us oflice or wc die. Wo think the Alliance has no reason to be discouraged at the result of the ! Stale canvetitiou. I: gave us for nor a man whom we honored with the highest olliee in the gift of tho' order in tho State. Mr. Scarborough, superinten dent of public instruction, and Mr. Coke, secretary of state, represent the Alli ance and hs principles as enunciated by the last two national councils of the or- der. They object to governmental ownership in t'ae St. Louis platform, but that measure was premature as we had at Ocala demanded "governmental con trol, and if that did not correct the evils of which we complain, then ownership." We should have adhered to that policy, and tried control before demanding ownership. Great revolutions can only succeed by successive steps, and by at tempting too muehwe sometimes loose all. Our nominees also -object to drop ping the tariff issue out of the St. Louis platform. That was another mistake, as it had been advocated by every State and national council of the order. We can't complain at the platform tf the Suite democracy, and if the national : democracy incorporates in its platform the Alliance deaiands for an increase of the cturenev. Government control of railroads, and a tax upon incomes, ever' allianceinan should not only supp-ort the ticket but go into the campaign with ' enthusiasm. If, however, the Chicago convention ignores issues that three mil lion of Alliance people have so earnestly advocated we can have nothing to hope from that party, and we had as well stay at home and let Mr. Hill or Cleve land work out their own salvation with out our help. The importance of white supremacy in the South will take all good men to the polls in State elections. Will the Mecklenburg Alliance de partment of the Salisbury Watchman support the ticket nominated at Ral eigh last week, or wid it go cavorting around the political "arena. in a delirium offrenzw like i'oik, to the amusement of the spectators of both parties? Xeirs. The Watchman is not in the habit of "cavortincr around." If the JWrx has ever cherished any political principles it has failed to rell.ct them iroru its col umns. Like 'an unfledged bird.it has set with open mouth ready to receive any political food that those who contnd democratic, conventions might choose to L'ive it. V e. on the contrary, nave cherished and contended for certain measures that we believed would he for the good of fie count r. Among lho:C measures were ihe "unlimited coinage of silver'" an increase of the circulation and substitution of a national legal cur runcy. for bank notes, reclaiming public lands unjustly granted to corporations, the suppression of gambling in farm pro ducts,, and a graduated tax upon in comes. The fact that these measures were embodied in the State platform shows that the element whom wc repre sent were, dom'nant in the convention, and the crowd to which the News be longs were only there to endorse what v dictated. The battle that the Alli ance has made for three years fur politi cal reform is shading the iiemoc'-atic .l ni forms of the States and will bear fruit in the national convention, and wt .". not reirret to sav we have made the fieri. t without unv hein fiom the Xius C3 - . or papers of that character. TliPK-1 .hp. two c" asses of nersons who t-hould have no place in a nation of free men. First, tbe blind fanatic who is not able to realise that those who differ wit! him may be right, and second, the part san serf who has not-political con vie tions of his own and accepts anything ,i;.-t-i!iil bv Tartv leaders whether u gested hy pi inciplc or polhy. Upon neither of these classes can the toilinu struggling masses depend for protection to their interests, but rather upon thoH who are sufficiently free from Mctiona: or partisan pn judiccs, to see tbir.gs ii their true colors, and Kufiieicntly inde pendent to defend the right, even though they clash with the interests of political or. mouied autocrats. , - - " v.C;ie .vH,vi- Iow: ' j SundaysJutto5th,ll a. m.B.iilrtC - eate sermon, by the president. 8 p.m. Sermon lie fore the Y. M.C. A , Rev. JasVY. Fair, D. D., Richmond. Va. Tuesday, J une 7th, 11 a. ca. Annual meeting of the board of trustees. 8 p. m t Reunions of the literary societies. Wednesday, Jane Fth.lla. nu Alumni oration, Rev. J. M. P. Otts, D. p., L. L. D., of Alabama. 12 m. Annual address before the literary societies Col. John J. Dargan, -f South Carolina. 4 p. m,: Meeting cf the alumni association. 8 P-ln- Anniversary of the literary socie ties. . Thursday, June 9th, Commencement Day, 10 a. m. Graduating orations. conferring honors and degrees, awarding prizes, &c. S p. m.-Reception by the literary societies. Monday is devoted to the senior class day exercises. Ba'ler is All Kight. A politician who is quite "'"well known in this section and who evidently knows what lie is talking about, tells the News that Marion Butler has been abused more than the circumstances would warraut. lie thinks from what he knows, thatiUis reasonably sure that Mr. Butler bus ac cepted his defeat in good faith ami will not only support tho State -and national democrat ticket, but will u-e all bis -tiuenee in its behalf. If Colonel Polk wants to push tho Third party business in this State, be will have to do it with out Mr. Butler's aid. Aeirs. The above will be new? to Mr. Butler, for he did not know n he had been de feated. Some of us that aro not wise politicians as the above gentleman, but who are a little better posted on Zlr, Butlers movement?, don't think he has suffered deft-at and think that he may Lo heard from later on. Mr. Bath r will be found in the ranks of the ivf .rm move ment, when some of the old fossils that have been fattening at the public .crib lo lesc.many years will be gone where the woodbine twiacth ivil wluro tho whang doodle m jarae ih. Declaration of I:i li ia 1 iv..y The following are the names of the lei eg ites present May 20ih, 177o: Col. Thomas Polk, Ephraim Brevard, llezekiah J. Balch, Jihn Phifer, James Harris, William Kenuon, John Ford, Richard Barry, ; Henry Downs, Ezra Alexander, William Graham, Jolm Queary, Abraham Alexander, Jno. M'Kuitt Alexander, llczokiah Alexander, -Adam Alexander, Charless Alexander, Zacheus Wilson, Sen. Waightstiil Avery, Bi-njamin Patlon, Mattew MeClure, Neil Morrison, Robert Irwin, John Ficnniken, David Iteese, Richard Harris, Sen. . . The CeleTTration. The long agony is over, and Mceklen mig has celebrated the 117th year of her indepeudance in the llGth your of Amer ican freedom. After it is over one natur ally asks himself the questions, has Tt been a success? has it paid? A large crowd was attracted to the citv, and doubtless some money was spent in the the town. Charlotte's enterprise and at tractions were again advertised-and the 'oft told tale" of the .s-emblage of brave spirits on May 20lh, 1773, was repeated by a Senator from a distant State, thus mak ing that State and the country at large bear testimony to the glory of Mccklen-' burg and North Carolina. ' . The tournament earned one back in fancv to the days of chivalry, when gal lant lfnights tilled for honor and their ladyloves. The procession was impos in", and the sham battle recalled vividly the days about Manassa, Fredericksburg, Richmond and Gettysburg, when the shrieks of the wounded and groans of ZEES 13 KING OF MOWERS. Tiie -'.Huckeye excels in Simplicity, I)nrabililyVf4gltt Dr.,fl, 0rrat Cutting rwer, an 1 jierfect I.ttu ui LUl and Connection?. WVgct the Uuckeye Mocra n car lout lots ;.nd can give rock uotto-m prices. ' . We are hcjidqnaityM for rep drs u all kin.Js qf o-ers and Jepers. . ' We kptip a ftiil line of HEAVY- t low prices, bu ing. Flour a spcialty. N -. 13 Soul It College street. rnMuori nnd rattle of mneirv" """ admhitstcrcd fg doses - of flattery frf - - rt tl,ro expects auunuant pay in-votes. :;. The incident Connected with the audi torium exercises most dereftfng ef pniisO wis the prayer of the yuntig dltineMrv EJ. Mack. lie nlone feemed lo haTff thebrainto realize, and tbejivurt to.fici that amid the sham and gloinfieatiohof such aa occasion thaaUhrre was a toeing:, struggling mass cT hutaaoity, .whoso minds .were raeked ariih anxiety'' and urtfoso hearts weTeJinrrowrd with cre and he prayed-that thry might-he tv re newed in mind and body for the battle of life. E l. Milk's prayer wan for human ity. Mr. I fill's oration1 was for popular ity. These 4th of July and 20lh of May - oratiins rc well enough In tbcirVplflce P U tH t0 hon"T tbe "gi rucau, Din laoKrfmporlant tacsre wr tho living. The toiling millions n rt fetf tcr hear from those vrUo set themselves itp as statesmen arid leaders of thought, ad- vice upon the vital issues of tbe day t?sak may affect for good or ill, thfcir own aul their children's fiiturcrratiier ?thatt hoi-" low flattery of our dead ancestors. If the 117fh celebration of our declara tion has revived love of liberty in its broadest sense, andredvfe'cl''C6uragB for tire struggle of life, it has been a Rudces.. If it has only lrcen a period ot fexcitemont merely to drown care amid the'-int'oxica--tion of noise and a crowd, it has not. ; rices. ' My stock of GROCERIES is now com plete and all fresh and new. I buy ih car load lots from first hands for CASH, and my motto is to let them go quick at such prices that no one caa undersell. SPECIAL TRICES TO ALLIANCES BUYINGdN QUANTITIES. . Fresh field and grass seed kept in stock, Also Pine Tar in any quantity. . Respectfully, ' J. G.SHAIINOIiHOUSE, Agt, No. 23 College Street. Charlotte, C. Mention ttie V.'atchman. " W.E.SHilW&Gp., Manufacturers of . ' ADD1ERY, Harness and Collars. - - And Dealers in LEATHER AND SADDLERY HARDWARE . IN ALT. ITS MUNCHES. CHARLOTTE, - - IT. C. Weptlon tne WatcUraan. WHY NOT Do the last thing you can for- yonrleceas!t loved ones ly marking their last resting placo with a Tomb-stone or Headstone, while It. Rr MORSE & SriN are selling out a stock they have on hand that: must anil will t) gold? Just thinlvf)f getting a Monument for the small sum of 12, or a set of Tombstones na low a .;! ThU importunity will not last long, so i you need anything in our line you. had better tiiil or write at once, E. H. MORSE & SON, Xo.J2i0 S. TryoA-S't. Ch lrlotto, X. 0 Please mention the Watchman. BARGAINS BARGAINS In Hoes, Rakes, .Farming Implements, Hard ware, Stoves, &c.,-at 203 S. Tryon stiett, neit to opera house, Charlotte. X. C. HEKIOT CLAllKSOXr Assignee of Uivhard Moore. :V. Cail aud s e us, prwid e fyr uitesT)crorix : ilepectatll:;, - . -'. ' . . F.S,NEAL:&CO. cnABriorxB, ir. c. $161 Cut ' BTJO Id IB -1c- ZE3 " V. -i r t t -r '-. ' s V. V r Hi t5 -1 ft in i t i 1 fl in 1 IS t', Si ! 1 , f . s i . i 1

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