0 m IS . i mTtr.ir m t 1?HE WATCHMAN h3S 50 per cent, rnore Lulation than any btber paper published f Salisbury and is therefore the best ad vising medium. is tho Oman of the farmers Alliance in 6 th and 7th Congres sional Districts, ' Advertisers, mako a ' ? i Si. I ..a n it I it note of this. r f Oli. XXIII- TIItRD SEKIB no. 34; ! for Infanto and TastoTl a L? to vc!! adarod to children that -1 reommf nd itas superior to any prcscriptioa iaown U m&." - II, A. AfeCHin, M. D., Ill So. Oxford St, Brooklyn, Y. . t ue of 'Castoia fa sounlrersal an4 n . w-Kts w well known that it seen a work. 1? n r rrroration toewlorse it. Few are the - Wi&nt families wbo ki ttot keep Castorw pastor CkoiaiD63alaEefjnaea Church.:. - riew loriciiy. THS CsHTitrm 1 come id ' you with a small xiffuir lliaf you may neqil." - In England, tTte Cotiiincnt iindjiiiu v foreign countries, ftlTiS(.lf and wnresv-4ii well knotvn. HaiiV Ani'nc:in families in; their- re turn fnitii ahroad bring niy avticles viiii.tlH'i, for they know then'i nvfy wi'il, Uut -you may not be one of these. - -Confidence : between man -and man msIw of growth, and when found, itsJ j.irity in:ikos it valuable. T ask your .conlidnce and make a reference to ilns-.l.Mirmii to indorse that confidence, cli'iottiiuik it will be midaeed. -m-Af i he j.'st form of a en re an alfa ! r,lw.luTi 'lie - for ' biiio:;:;tS( liKidaulje i1i::r -e:tn He found in i bis Viur. The eiire is" so -sm.di in itsrlf ! ii l. -i : ..Li. Z.. r. . SDniinut.s Im-Lm- irs limit when relief tmies-tliat it has become the marvel of its time. One and a half trrams ui lii.ilicine. - coated with snrar, is 111 r.'iiif'ly, ni tue h-'iy or on.'' sma - . . 1 11 1'iiM '.'iidwh to ei!MiTce as I Hi. 11 A iiOCK'SXEW LiVElt 1'ILL. It (.J in: the markets of''Enrope, but wv to North America, The price is -1 is ! j,Hknv!is an honest medicine can be siSiiut. 25- ("nts. Send a postal card in- a saiimle vintl, to -try them, "before 1 jitii purtliase. - . - dk. iiavdock, G3-Fjilton StMX, -".-Mont inn the xv.uclunan when you write. Y. OHK (i n Mil ri 1 , ' n ' 1 1 1 i 1 iOlKAIllELnPjG EXCfl&DS8iirS C'aSS material, and 0 nro 9h nor 4nf plmnnv . 11 and 13 Commorco St., iSTorfblk, Va., Ownnl and Controlled bv .MliniieeTTien handling proluce, 1 COTTON A SPECIALTY, f P'trft sell before writing for .par ticulars to ;' ' J. J. ROGERS, Mgr. P.O. Box 212.. ' 03VC33S3xr who have ,aZm m-auacurs, Scanty, l'r sirmllon, Msonli'rs uml Displace ments oi the Womb ana Sexual Or- s6fio . P;U1S. Harrennoss, Leui-orrlioca, etc., IwVitT for "Woman's Hook oh. Like," (sealed) w P?n'"ulare for borne cure So cur o pay. ciMSn. QuU-"allona, Unlimited Experience, UietoJ.snostsand Honest Kepresenti.tlons .ro D 3m ..V'TMiceess. 'AdcTrew Q.W. BARKER, "' ? -V-Cherry, Nashville, Tenn. m STITESVILLE . , Is the Place to Get Monuments, Tombstones, &c. . -HocK 01 v ,Kaiuis r MAKW.h to arrive in a few days We guarantee uy,u ,n every reject and positively will not be undersold. Granite Monuments . V Of all kil a specialty " C. I5.1y Ration tho Watchman when you write 1850 A ' - - m - Children. Cator! enrca Colic, Constipation, Sour Btomach, Diarriiosa. Eructation, Killa Wonua, gives Bioep, and promotes o pestion, Without injurious medication. M For serpral years I have recornmpiiried your ' Castoria, ' and shall always continue to do so as it bos invariably produced beneficial results. -' . Edwim F. Pakdct. SL D- TLo WintaIop,,, 125th Street and 7th Am, Hew York City. CoitFAJTr, 77 McaaAT Strbt, New Tohx. rice TELL THE TALE. The suits wo are sel ling this week at $10 take the load.f any thing ever phaccd on sale for the price. They arc made ill every style CQoimorio TTlnrmnla dbblllllllb,- 1 itllllltlb, OCriit'S. t UlSteUIS, OUltS that are well cut and P 11 . -1 elegantly irimmed, Suits that will wear well are yours for a bill. Suits that would be a haraill 01 6 OT lUOYO but in order to clean I oi it odds and ends, and broken sizes , we offer : them for 1 -$10.00- Our lino of 5 - 0 0, .50, 12.50 and 1 15.00 SuitS are tllC best,- II j -w Till Tnhnmnnor nnri nnbmocr i vjiiv c wj v u iivwuivou i ,CUr, ,t.a nA vxvo ,i v v.,. v, ,v m,u d v 1 tnese pr4ces. Makes or than can be bought elsewhere. Wc arc cro mg to cut prices right nni mr, until o.vnrv ainf - 1 1 , r 1 n . . 1 ; - ' I IS SOlU.v VVC liaVC a IUll Kx J i and Vests VlnaCa OCerSUCKCr, Aloll air, &C. VuU lino nf Trunin - vi4 uuw v. jiiuiiivoj Traveling Bags, Sateli- . 1 ClS, CtC. " - - - Mq T?T rTVT iJAlU it IS ARBLE WOR B. WEBB & CO., 1 x Pkotkietor. THE AnAYirfin ITAniA TnfinAMAA fi UOUlKia nUlUClUbUm UK .. " J uyL,UJlUUS. UJU J. RHODES "Rr?fWTJT? WW n nrf a urn InpsiufeNT. - Secretary. Total Assets, over Sl,00p,000. Home Company; seeking Home Patronage. jiitLjt&vfcncieiccs ci iis ks at lowest adequate rates. Losses adjusted -and paid promptly. Ji ALLEN BROWN, Agt, THE W0QDP.ECKEIU W'rh Wtite&vell feritto thAl tVtr t see An' e iU: it-ore n. nctkinv An bobbin' ini W, lXkc lie's i-arVin' o Mleh In IR5 wift-skakj J. t Crotch.., : t) tfiftl H6f s'oVtred hickof jr tree , f)?-rtjft Ifl ever sec sucfl a tormentin' Lint! When I woke tin this mornin the first thing I Was his !Tulbv-(lnb-l ib" oa an o'.' hoi cr 'Fore the other fowls twittered 'r stirred. j See 'im sit"tierc a icckin' that worm-eaten 1 i limb, . '1 An' a wlnkin' at me .13 I'm lalkin' o' him: i While) his har J bullet hc.d,'shinin' gloify ah read, 1 . I Drives a bill like a thorn, black ah' s!tm. Sbeirts in teasing a feller he takea a delight: An' he'd rather be killed in a one-sided iijrht; 1 Than to give up the grub he has found -ia I that stub, - 'il ta shjnv the white feather in fiighf.; ; IlcVthej beatia'est bird au' ho don't care, a " sjrawf ' , Wy he takes what lic wants without IJccnse 'r An' hb chatters with fun at the crack of a giin While he's fillin' his famishin' craw, i 111 be hanged if I don't kind o' fancy fm tho'. lie's ;SO blamed independent an' kcerlcs,lybu ! ' ' know; i " . I Ai' I'd feel sort o' bad an' considcr'ble sad, If he'd inind my complaipin' an' go! j S. Q. Lapius, in. Wuo Parmer. SAVED THE TEAIN. "Mr. Ransom, please tell us why it you are filling such a responsible pos tioH anriyou not yet tlwrty years old?'' This question was asked by one of a crowd of four or fivegentlemen seated in the handsome private office of Mr. Hansom, superintendent of transporta tion of the Chicago & Western railroad at Omaha, Neb. "Well,'' replied the superintendent, a good-looking young man twenty-six or thereabouts ,"if you will have the ya- iience to listen, i will narrate briellv how my heel caused my promotion, and was the means of saving many lives. "rive years ago I was station agent and operator at Hamlin, on this road, The depot was the only building at Ilam- lin cousequeuujr, A nnxx w uu my own cooking and sleepm cooking and sleeping in the depot, get ting my supplies from Rands, a lace of about rive hundred inhabitants, eight miles np the railroad. "It was about ten o clock on a hot sultry night in August. There did not seem to be a breath of air stirring. The windows were up and the doors were thrown open, so as to admit all the air passible. No. 32, the fast mail, had to be reported' wrore 1 could get 'go.od nighr from fhe dispatchers and retire. I had pulled off my shoes and had nothing on my feet but my stockings. As I was idly leaning back in my chair, my feet p roped up on.the instrument table, and lazily drumming on the kvy with my heel, I heard a slight noise be hind me. Before 1 could turn around to ascertain the cause, a man's harsh voice ran' out: " 'Move an inch and you are a dead man and at the same moment I felt the cold muzzle of arevolver pressed ri u ki i. " i ,i i i. i ui ytnir iianuM uetimu 3 our ikick and look: -straight hetorc you, com 1 w raanded the same voice sternly. obeyed with aiacnty. iiAy nanus wereseizeu rouguiy anu bound securely to the back of the chair. " 'Now, my beauty, I guess you won't do much more telegraphing to-night,' and he broke out into a discordant. darlgh. "lie evidently thought it veryamus- nig 1 didn t. "'Conn on, boys,' bevelled, 'I've got Jtlns kid fast. Artpr fi mnnipiit throp or tour men as well as I could judge, with my back to the door -walked 111. 1 r r . t t 1 1 1 iia: na: c ip 11, you ve got mm, I aveyou?,anltheyall laughed roughly. captain, 'have you got that spike lifter?' , "iYou M 1 haS'' Came fr0m 0Iie f the men. , u'rh1e cai,tain then turuca an,i ad- dressed me: "'Young man, no harm is intended I I. - .1. . .il L "I A 1 A yaiIJou Keepjperreciiy quiet, uouoc- less your curiosity is very much aroused as to our intentions. Well, it can do 110 harm to enlighten you, as the mischief will be done before you can give any alarm. We intend ' and here the man s voice became absolutely fiendish 'to take up two rails on that trestle out there. Letmesee, the fast mail is due here at . "'GodHuan,' I broke in with horror, surely you don't intend to wreck the f;ist mail? Think of the lives that will be lost if it runs off at that trestle!" and great beads of cold perspiration stood out on my forehead, as I grasped tho lull horror of the situation. "The trestle referred to was about onehundred yards north of the depot, aud spanned a very wide but shallow creek, fully severity-five feet below.; I t'tiPiv fbnt. if Nn 39 inmnAi! flit trupt person on board. "'Jim,' cried the captain 'you re- I main here anrl tppn vnnrpcpnn tliisfHl- low; if be moves, kill him; the re- mainfler ot you-conie on and let s go to uTLii Then all except Jim followed the captain out, and soon I heard the me tallic clink of the crowbar, as it drew -the spikes from the mils. "Oh! what could be done! 'My hands were bo uml so that 1 could not reach the key, and if I tried theoutlaw behind" me would send u I gullet crashing through my The station ten miles ahnvo n.j.i. reporteti No. ,32 on time. Soon it would be nt Ean. "Never 'did time. p.'lSS SO Quicklv. It WA3 Univ 1fi-A7 o'clock .nnd N 59 lienor I- r - ------ ( vVAV Ai gj MM Ml inspiration flashed through me like an electric shock Why could I not warn No.,32 with my heel? In my leisure moments I had am nsed myself by learn ing to send with my" foot, never dream ing that it would ever be an advantage to me. "I fjuietly pushed open the key with mv heel and called 4R' three or four an I r rtt ; times as fast as possible, when I was in- terrunted by tlie desperado. " What air you waggling your foot about on that tablJbr?' . : " 'My foot has become cramped re maining in one positiou so long,' I re plied, as carelessly as I could, although my heart was in my' throat. " 'I'm so sorry,' he said, sarcasl ically. I commenced calling 4R' again. It was now 10.-40 o'clock and No. 32 must have left Rands. "Too late! Too late! Oh! my God, the agony of those moments were ter rible. "Ah, some one broke me: 'i i R " 'Robbers are going to wreck No. 32 at trestle just north of her ' "I was ticking when suddently I re ceived a blow that sent me to the floor, and left the key wide open. " 'D n you, what were you ticking oh them wires?' cried the outlaw. ulHow can T send anything with my foot?' I tremblingly exclaimed. 'That's just, a habit o mine drum ming 011 the key with my heel.' "'Habit or 110 hahifc, you won't put your foot on this table again to-night.' "He evidently believed that I could not send with my heel, but it was not hi-j inteutioii to take any chances. L wondered what the operator at Rands would do put on his ground wiro, and report what I had said to the dispatcher or just think I was trying to scare him, and lock up his olhoe and go home. I thought the latter more prub ible. Anvway it was now too late to stop the ill-fated fast mail; it would soon plunge olf tiie trestle carrying its cargo of .human beings to certain death. '! lav there waiting for the dreadful crash to come, iti such an agony of six pence that the next day strands of gray weru round m my nair. now l blamed myself lor not thinking of using my heel before I did. - "Suddenly the sounds r i riile shots in quick succession came from the tres tle. The boys are attacked,' ex. hiimed tire desperado, excitedly, 'but you hh ill not escape unhurt.' And placing the the muzzle of his revolver close to my head, he fired. "I fell back unconscious. "When I regained my senses the room was full of men, one of whom was bandaging a wound oji nry head, and explaining to the others the extent of the. same. " 'A close shave, but only a sc.-dp wound, men,' lie was saving. '1 daiv sav he will be ali right in a few days. Ah! he is conscious now, he said, ten derly, as I slowly opened my eyes. 'Tell us all about it, young man.'. "It was rather a laborious task, as the wound on my head was exceedingly painful, but I went ahead aud related the whole occurrence from the time the pistol was pressed against my head until I was shot. "When I had finished the gentle men who had bandaged my head, and wh.o,T afterward discovered, was a doc tor, explaned how Operator Rhodes, at Itands, when he had heard my message, did not wait the key to close, but ran out of doors, mounted his horse, which he had ready saddled and bridled to ride to his home, after he had reported No. 32, and cut through the woods at break neck speed. He knew that No. 32 in variably stopped for water at a water tank four miles from Hands, by rail, but only two through the woods, lie had reached there just in time to climb on the rear car and give the alarm. "The train was then run ahead until within about two miles of Hamlin, and the -conductor and a detachment of United States soldiers, who were luckily on board, went ahead on foot and sur prised the outlaws, who showed resist ance, and were fired into, two of them killed instantlv. The others were at that moment ornamenting teleirranh pole! a "And now my narrative draws to a elose. Two weeks later I was ordered in renort here, and was siven the po sition of second track dispatcher. My promotion dates from that day." "But what did Mr. Rhodes get? some one "Mr. Rhodes is chief dispatcher. Joe Fox' in Atlanta Constitution. It Should be. in Every House. J. B. Wilson, 271 Clay street, Sharps -burg. Pa., says he will not be without Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump tion, Coughs aud Colds, that it cured lHs wife who was threatened with Pneu monia after an attack of a Grippe, when various other remedies and several phy sicians had done her no good. Robert Barber, of Cooksport, Pa., claims Dr. Kind's New Discovery has none more ur him" than anything he ever us. for Free Trial Bottles atKh.ttz & Co.'s dru store. Large bottles 50c. and $1.00. ,-- , nhuMren CrY'fuf Pitcher's CastOrta. i icturestancy i armiiiff on the FrenelrBrad. BufcK SlIOALR. N. C. June. This isa great pleasure resort, con sisting of jseventy-five acres lying along the French Broadj It i? frequented by myself arid a : wealthy man who is building me! a liouie overlooking the river. The estate' lies on this side of the river. Bo ; does the man who thought he could dig me a damp Well at a depth ;of eig ltv; feet when he knew damp well he could not. I had intended to celebrate the landing of Christopher Columbus this summer with a considerable! amount of explo sives, but I have I already used my al lowance in this well, aud.did not make Very much nole either, - As I pen these lines; I see the man slowly emerging from the well. He is the man who has been digging the well. He has a stern look aud a big dyna mite cartridge in each hand. Come to think about it, he did not sayt that he could strike Water at a depth of eighty feet. It was a feeble man who after wards turned the contract over io this one. j . f I am building a house and studdery here on the estate and learning how to till the farm, so that by piecing out the crop with my salary 1 can main-. tain thice North Carolina hens aud possibly add a guinea in the fall. When George and I George Van derbilt add If came here to show the Tar Heel horticulturist how brains would overmaster a sluggish soil, and how with a course of careful rotation of crops and by tickling these overshot farms and with the hoe we could make them laugh a low gurgling laugh we did not know that each of these Venetian red hillsides needs a livery , stable and feed Store 011 it to enrich ic. We are learning that with some sorrow and are irrigating our water melons with tears. We exchange work, weeping on each other's water melons. My tears go farther than his and knock the striped bugs quicker, he thinks. Oil a good day I can cry over quite a patch. ; Cow peas are used here a good deal for bringing up the soil. They do not make good soup, and they are not a floricultural exilibit that one would go veryiar to attend, hut for impaired soil and loss of fertility they are highly spoken of. W et down the farm with Appolli naris water, then put on camphor tar to prevent moths from eating the young sassafras, which grows quite plentifully here,; and as a foliage plant ranks with the bull thistlejuid jimson weed of the vulgar and nasty north. Now dust oil the farm, as there might possibly be remnants of soil on it. Next, mix enough white lime with your red; hillside to give it a creamy shade. Some put blueing in their farms here. Now fertilize the abuttments of your farm with chaos from the barn and in summer fallow the land. Ry autumn you can turn the soit over muL cross plow. This will bring the under side of the farm to the surface. This should have a top dress of guano, and if you have in the house two or three car loads ot shad , roe that is pretty gamy, you will find that it will startle the soil and possibly ijive a great stimulus. At hist I overstimnlated my tarm and crave it a headache. I put on it several of Zola's works and then added some other fertilizing material, which gave the soil what the physicians call hvpernutnrion, tol lowed by overexhil- eration and then coma My neas have been planted three times and each time eaten by rabbits. When I first came here I nut up on my grounds this notice: i xo shooUnj? on thes: grouu'14 ex-; icft lor political re ;sons. i Moonlight lvneliin parties will; also nlcaso not hitch to thew trees. . j E. W.Nyk. I As a result the estate is covered with wild ?aihe. and yesterday 1 tried al the forenoon to overhaul a turkey that had apparently stolen her nest, only to learn at! noontime that she was a wild turkey sind rather better than the av erage as a roadster. Hut the fatigue and face of nature ln WWern North Carolina at this ill t V 'VV . season of the year makes you scream xtrlfti iL-licdit. Kverv curve in the road irives -one- a new and beautifu f fur blue mountains, the near green of the foothills and the magnificent forest an 1 wood flowers at your elbow in the foreground. North Carolina has the wildest ranre of varieties in useful nnd orna mental woods of any locality in the world, I reckon. In the radius of a few miles all kinds of oaks, pines, Ju fnlin olive P-reen on the suiiiiiii-i -"r ""t'i o outside and shading down on the out side t.o a bright lemon color or straw. KEvery shade of green and jelhnv m ike j , , , n , f woot u, a one .u . sniells the rich and penetrating ordor nf ho elcanthus, as mellow and sweet jtsthe boutjtiet of a peri.- The laurel ' covers the sides of the mountain ii'jw, hickorv iiuple, elm, ast), etc., without iuu umi "m.j -3 . v y c ,a are ouLl, an,l nmo,',g others the 1' at work vesterJay I r. e your t I P tr-,abeautifulon.ane,1talwocHl, mule after the Ik..c h.oi. I thout LJcmlW whn it U curly and well -t wouU a n to y " J l lln fhw trt.e arrows eaC 1 . ' " ' l'-J y-o un th'S beautifuLllower, ami tue iree is -"'''"-""' - -j oU covered with it, though it grows ( nnder a good character I want to no if seve ty or eighty feet l.igli! HIV, a 0,'Jectin of me k EveLnd anon through the shady her with me on your place pl-ntc and if you keep your eyes pcled you of reci fiEe is looking the ferny for the early rising worm in glen. - The rhododendron is alsb now on deck with its mighty waxen flowers aud its wonderful .leaves A rich and varnished green. - From Hickory Nut Gap Mr. Vandeibilt hr.n brought this season, I presume, a half jmiilion of these beautiful natives and transplanted them to his grounds on tlie rrench Hroad. They will look well and add tto the value of his estate nossiblv also sending my own up thirty cents per acre, which on eight acres gives a net advance of 2.40 to the keen and thoughtful proprietor of Ruck Shoals. There are also several of the rarest and most curious orchards growing wild here, which dumbfound and de ligutXhe botanist, the floris-ihe phre nologist and the veterinarian. One of them especially is very beautiful, and has a name to it with which I am now picketing my cow. ' - Violet Bowersox writes, ilnder date of June 18, from East Miggs: "What are your habits regarding carc.ot complexion and skin? How do you manage to look always sofof juuur ouiuou give us your pro gramme for preserving so wonderful ly jour elastic and rosy appearances n ii - . li Certainly there can be 110 why the world should not have reason ot have the ad vantage of a valuable experience, espe cially when it is so useful to good health and an attractive appearance. I arise in the early morn in sr. biddincr dull care begone, and almost at once proceed to take a tepid bath of twenty minutes, followed by a shower bath of live minutes and a rest of thirty min- ites. The face and throat are then sub- ected to a gentle friction of elder lower water mixed with a half goblet of warm water. This removes all im purities from the pores and gives the surface a clear, ivory hue. 1 got onto this in Fans. ' Scented oris powders is then rubbed into the hair and then brushed out igain, taking care not to leave any of it at the temple or nape of the lieck. A delicate cream, containing the nice of the lettuce, is then spread over the face and throat. After ten min- utss it is removed with a linen cloth. " This is said to remove the drawn or tired look contracted in society so of ten while trying to think of something o say which will not betrav evidences of thought. Valontine a mixture of rice, pow der and Rismuth is next applied with great care, producing a clear alabaster whiteness, with a trace of lustre, and toning down the hot and hectic nasal flush which is liable to come upon those who allow the use of a strawberry on the top of their cocktail. 1 he evebrows are then smoothed w?ith a baby brush, leaving a touch -of fardc in dieu. Then with a leather estampe lay under each eye a delicate shadow which increases its brilliancy and gives also a touch or gentler re morse, which in society muicates that wealth has made one bhvse The above is the secret of my young and well rounded appearance, and I give it here that all may, if they will, be beautiful. Sometimes, when I have not time for the above programme, especially while herein North Carolina, I simply bathe in the branch, afterwards run ning up and uWn an unfrequented path for twenty minutes before dress ing, and avoiding so far as possible tlie haunts of the coon dog, which is very plenty here, and does not recognize me without dressing, though ho generally prefers me that way, 1 find. Then 1 come back to the branch, rub briskly with a nose bag, dress and begin with literary work for the day. Any one can bo well aud be.iu- tifnl if he will obev these simple rules. This is followed by alight bpoakfast of cold coon and possum sweetbreads. breaded. Breaking of letters, tho following was written to a neighbor of mine here last year by a man who was work insr on one of his fauni3. Much of the keen delight and excitement of read ing it is lost when it gets into typ but still the eager, yet repressed, en thusiasm of the groom in refering to his bride, wbo is under a good charac ter, according to rumor, together with the vague unrest that haunts him re garding the mule, will strike the reader even if the Ticktown ortho graphy aud Ivvley institute penman ship are torn away:. Dear Mr. R.: I wrote tojou yes terday morning I gt married bust night. I would of told you iii my other letter Rut I was not expecting it ! fr it I have got me here I hope it will Re all rite with you I cau put in lietter time and-.-have no ! occasion to be awav I niarrietl a Miss i - j rUe () me riaig your mule your truly fName suppressed, as the. man is still living near me, ami feemig tolei ably robust this season. He also threat- eus to Leep heus.J RlLL N YE, . . l L I.! T 1 .-t 1 ,1..,. I'.ll ...ni. mv w e won - Ptr.,i;m Ili-im iA Thev sav she is to me at once I wane io no u ii an GREETING fltOM VIKOfSIA Scenery, Boasted, AdTartfaesj All! ance, rolltka irC ? COrfcspoBtlence of the Watchmar. Our last examination was nassed'at Iloanoke College on last Friday-"and we bosirddl the night frainifor the good Old North State and all it hold v dear to one who had spent the 'school, year in Virginia Wr reach Lyrich-" burjj' afl after a few1iours "lie oiorV daylight dawns, and we find .ourelvea on the banks or the .lames river. Just at euiirisefiw afl -cur college life nd-V -ventured rtrfd eirthirsim, wo bou'ndi the huge iron bridse ixrrdt p;iee rapidly-, to the eastern Uiiifc. There we .saw jv beautiful scene tho rhdng srnV just peeping over the hills, witvjhowmc' the city of 30000 inhabitants iti most beautifai rwisition. This is n mountain eityhd tho houses scemel pilcif ortanpon anDUi rlJai Imosi go -on. ArHying Uj the depot ihn train wia awaiting as, aJid we fm. homeward. Tho nearer home we got Iho groa?vr our pride forour State grow?. Hoa -glad wo were to exchange tho moun-T fntn shrubbery for the boundless fore?ta useful timber that greets us alo: ' the ludkiu river! We are proud to see our truck and cereal products sa much larger than tluse we left behind. And so on it goes. -Virginia boasts of better schools, while we of our natural facilities. unread vantages. No one sec tion is independent of the other. l)..i ii::, ; i it . .i v .i ' V-v u u i uu is not me suo ect on which I intended to write. lam glad to see the Alliance still so-enthnshstic, and thi t new energy is being put forth. I extend to you the right hand of fellow ship from your brothers in Virginia, They arc just as determined ns you are here. The cause is growing, yroiv inrj. I regret that 1 could hot attend any Alliance meetings in lliatr "State. . I am proud tosay that I wa not tho only member of the Alliance m the college we had not a tew of them,, and niany advocates who are sympa-' nizing witn tue cause. . Virginia has many stalwart alliance men, as she always has for any good md needed reform, and they nro lead ing her to victory. The farmers in hat btate are in a depressed condition also, aud what they arc doings for the Alliance cause conies, not from what may exist somewhere else, but from home and is u re to be sincere. Politics is occupying too ranch of the time in that Statens it is elsewhere. Never were- those 7dd partios in a - worse condition. There am "splits'' all through them. Tfio democrats oi Hill and Cleveland," the republicans on Harrison and Rlaino, with Mahoire and his folio wers for RIaine; but Mu hone died (politically) ut MrnneapeliH. The democratic! primary lit Salem wa a disgrace to the fair nanio of Vir ginia, and not between tho third party aud the democratic party, but among, "straightout genuine democrats. Wo" hear tho third party is being irganizel in Virginia and no doubt but what it Will be largely patronized if good men are nominated. Iho (uarnds in thft parties are caused niniply lec;iuse n'few men wautel to "run t he convention. This much and I close. Virgiui.i is with you in bringing about tho re forms the Alliance demands; whole sou lei and flat-footed. Take courage, "Tar Heels," and go on with yout work while ever there is an acre of land owned by an alien', n drop of water to be squeezed out of tho rai In roads, a trustor combine in existence, or a billion dollar Con gressin America for not until then will your work bo done. You have a galaxy, of Stale ' calling and urging you uu to the workv Right will ami must prevail, but wfc must do our part. Our. duty U before us; veiid, think, act. h. Mil.r.Ric June 17, Hdfl rctnoly T hewuriig sy w'cJl koAvn a.uA bo pnmh m Wi ed uo AfteT cial nvcntlon. All who byo uwd Hao trie Bitters sing tho aame iwrrg Qf pratee -a purer incdiciiio does not exist mul lt v fcuaranUiod to do all that is clained. klcetric Isttters will euro all disease of iver and Kidneys, will rcrhoYol'iiiiple 'oils. Halt Hheuin mid fttlicr affections. caused by impure bUxxl. It drives 3fa- ana from-. the ffysleni and prevents h well us cures all Malarial fover.i. For cure of Headache, Coiisum( ion and In- licstiou try J-Jectrie. litlte-rs. l.ntiro satisfaction guaranteed or uiouev ro fuiided. Price .7K and $1.00 per bottle at Kluttz & tJo.'ti dru store. ' A-srU'.O MEnifMNB. . Nothlne ht rn'i! r,'.lius as P. T. e. T- u nvt riv-uk-lu"! at tins Hftwm, ami. for toning up. In? i'gt r tUk :t!il asisi.r:uilMner irj iipl'tlz.r u. 1. I'. C. It, will throw off M u irt.t, ana put you lu l'.mI coiuliiJon. I'. I. I. is tli K-st Hprln ' mHll. ctiio In tlto worlfl (or ditfen-nt ulltncatH thy hjsu ih t-i iUblo Ui la tUo sjiriii'a'. For o;l Sores, SSiiti Kruiitlons. PimplPH. t'leem .u4 syplilili, u.-vtoiil I.' 1. I'-i aniyct well un I cU'iy tho talni,' only to l(crtvU from tti ns or i. V. r. O'rleio,,' AS'j,'i!:iJ KootaiMll'otadslu-ui; A grfttt spring medicine 13 P. P. the greatest Mooa imrliler in th'" worH, its iio.-t,s of ppl(j lu Uitscity whery it li umiuf tcturdi can leatlljf. Itev. Thomas Dixon, of New York fonuerly-of tliis SUito, hasfornu'd an engagement' by which he gets $10,000 tor RH) lectures. .Most of them will W delivered in the west. M. P. Lano, novere.ttx, Oa., writF; MOno siun mer sver.U -ytsirsiii?, wtiHf rallruultn'lii MLssj lsnipiH, l tt-caa. tilty alT.s'Uni with iiialaiistx t blo.l c6in l tut ImunM my iialtu tor wwa . omm. S'ver loiT.-iiSiw mo rs apiK-arl. a iuy hs. ion! ,mhwx sf'!M fl io.j?lv lM ruuneut reui'f it.ini i mhu tax iff a. ti. e.,liiclcrrMrfl, vullrely." - v , . - -i ,i : 1 1 '- i Wi 1 ' f,-".- ; m m ; Wi 0il ' ' t;: s .1 J V - V I? t r if. si - r 4 X-! i if . t i r 1 254 w Si- n5 i h A i ": i if Is ' 1 J 7 I 1 -f 1,1 i 1 $ Si II ;9& i 5-

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