jt ; . : If ' ALLIANCE DIUKOTOBY. ' c;i .t,W Marion Butler, presnlent. ' n?:ZK7cA-r. 3. IMmc,, secretary. L" .7.07 M..rer illc; l'n.sul,nt, Col I. A. l'.ir ey, Catawba V.-f;. E. I , 1 i wr k, KlmwoOil: Secretary and 1 reasurey J. L. 1 iiiinrSalisIurv n.uCnttf-Jxe Miller, president, IJI.ickmer; M. L. Icliie, secretary, Saw. 1 -TrMl County-. M. Parks, president. rStatesviHe;; M. E. U.amsey, Bccretary, Moorcsyillp. . CaJrarrus Ccunty--S.. V. Ililcman, prem I'nt, Cn-oril; Dr. J. S. Lalfcrty, secre tary. Concord 7 xk7. S. Green, PhU'i J i in es; W. A. Li ndsay , secretary, NilK' Went. iilc. - - - . 1 Catawba County S. T, Wilfong, pns. -d.-nt, Kcwton; J. F. Herman, secretary ,;Kcv;t0.i.- ; -tf.'f!. Reform Press Association. . "; . . ., . Ji,dUr,viteyrtmaLM, 4-etary, rc Farmbr, mate organ,: Jgg: Mount ltalloaWournal, fK a hi n iniinpl 'v ' Golasiioro, . i. I tK Trinity College, N. a vtf?K? - Whll takers. N C. izp' Selected. Any paper failing-to advocate the Ocqla platform will be dropped from the Hat promptly. Our people ctin noio see - that papers are published in their interest. m i ifc I Thc Conference Platform. The followiig is a correct opy of. -the platform adopted at St. Lyuis by sth e 1 aU r con ference: FINANCE. 1.: We demand a Jiational currency nf. sound and Uexiolc issued by the gen :ral government only; a full Itgd tender for, all debts, public and private; and without the use of bank- 'i in corporations; a just and ' equitable iueatls of circulation, at a tax not to exceeil two per cent, as set forth m tle) iib-treiisury plan of the ranners Al- Jiance, or some better system; also, ny payments in the fUscharge of its obli- payments in the discharge of its obli- gations f of public improvements. a. We demand free and. unlimited coinage of silver. - We demand the amount of cir- ulatin: mxxlium to be speedily in- XTeased to not less than 850 per capita. C. ve uemanu a giauuuieu incuuit ' jtax. ' - ' - d. Wedielievjp that the money of the treasury should be kept as much H possible in the hands of the people, 4ind herlee we demand all National and - istate reveuues shall be limited to. the :" iiecessnrjr expenses of gavernment, cohomicully and honestly adnnnislertnl. - e. We: demand that R)stal paving .banks be estab.ishea by the govern- mentfor the safe deposit, of earnings .fit me people Unu wciuie eicnaiige. -.-'." . ' . land. ' " ' .-xr- i . it. i 4 y Ur " u;i;Z- S Mil r Wll IIII Ml I I I MM II 111 III I I I T; "l 1 v? ;: 7 'iLrr nU ' i.ml smireos of wlth. : j-n.-C.att...; e ..n o.wi cKm V1".". Ty. 7' :Z.:Z'Z 1 u ' i .i:,r-...-.i,;.l . i.lOO feet long groaning under UstUue hour was spent in discussing tar nurposes, and alien ownership or land ... m, ? , V lt. i - lL r,, i uiu i ' ; i.:t.ui- Airi ..,, weight. 1 he table was attacked from, hniug, canneries, etc. l ie meeting ad- held by railro:uls and other coporatiom 1 lands now owned by aliens shmdd be reclaimed hy the Government and held or actual settlers only. ; ; TRANSPOliTATION 3. Transportation being a" means - jof defence"'- and public necessity" the diovernment should own and ojerate .roads in the interest of the people. a. Tlw telegraph and teleph one. ! ,? JiKe thet postal sy stern, being a necessity . for the transmission of news, should be pwned an(Toperati4by flte government , : Jii the interest of the people. While some parts of the above ad- jdre.ss may seem at a mere., glance to J ' ,nia:ke; ;paVtis:iii political .distinctions. v jet upon careful study one will clearly - .eo that it is non-partisan, and further, ! will be impressed with the truth of its J jiromises, and the ability of the com- 1 luittee whc( frameil it. It was adopted i - .-with .only a few dissenting votes, and ihe platform was adopted unanimously, :&nd received with great applause. The jconfereuce having completed its' work jm a representative body t' and adjourned J . jime die. - - : Kow Try This. ' ' It will cost you notnTng and will surely lo yoti "good: if you have a coueh. cold jor any trouble, with Throat, Cheat or Lungs Dr. King's New piscovery for .consumption, cotighs and colds is uar jtuiteed td give relief, or money will be imid .'back. Sufferers fro ai la erinne found it just the thing and underitsuse Jiad a siee4ly uud perfect recovery. Tr3r n saniTde bottle at our expense and learn for yourself just how good a thing it is. Trial bottles free at KJuttz & Co.'a drug torc. iarge sizes ooe. aim l.uo.. - An exchange sa ys That Noah was the first pitcher. Ho upitched the 'ark within and without." The game was Jfnally called on account of the rain. Bacfclen'a Arnicar-SalTc. ; The best salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores. Stilt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, .Chapped ' IJauds, Chilblains, lively cures Piles or no pay required.! It ',,l,v , u75 , . J . .,.r,,.t' . w frfi.irantoed to srivc iwrfect Siiuslaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per gjox. Foreal&by T. F. Xluttz &Cov v JWrcn Cry for Pitcher' Castorlal GOUNTY ALLIANCE MHETINp. nicliard KazirVtteniLs and Gives a Fall Accaaut ;f the Proceedings. Correspondence cr tue Wa tcliinr n. I withered mjolf- toetler last Thursday morning wiih the iiecoss:iry rciuipare one grip s.ick-,'sniaUSiZiriie nhi" of bad fob .ceo, one shirt, collar - veen uUltm.ri vie. ,,, ,ir of twhfers. one of, them partly smoked. and in company witn Lapt. vunl and one of ThutnV& Vaii's tst turnouts, we left the stable'?, headed for Wil liams' chapelta attend the county Al liance which was lo meet wjth David son sub-Alliance, five miles out from the city. If l,-..A liopn in:d .abn.it the citv that vVe wil1 f,11'?1, ivo,";. ,il o rangejneiiU had blockeil tne game ctt us at Davidson Alliance by publ:sJnn n carJ stating that club raisers or if- flce geefcera. wouhl not-be allowed to .mm f-istif tnti ffj C:j 17i ill IV 1 1 1 f Nrif. T till Hii'll J14IX"9 -TVJ UU t-s - v did not have any bee of that kind in my bonnet: We found crops on our way oit to Williams' chapel looking well and tln prospect for rations the coming year goqd. - VVe arrived on t he grounds at liatt nr.st nine .and found the large grove lull ot wagons, buggies, carts, hnliles -and a tioodlv numler 0f blacked shoi s showing that many had come on foot back. There were old mejT, young men, old, ladies, young -ladies, small bms andvniall yY The boys said there were' some very pretty srirls there. Well we thought they were good judges and tud not contradict them. - As.the exercises were to ojvn w iili a As.the exercises were to" cjvn uii o a speech by Prof. W. D. Vinson, a nun- allianeeman, the public was invifed. On the giounds were mercliants,' doc- iov insurance agents, farmers, etc.. who were not members' of the ' order, (en o'clock the Alliance was called toonicr by riot. 11. A. Urev and an address of welcome was delivered bvl pro Elliott which was replied to bv President T. L. Vail. At the close of aiYs address J. P. Sossamon in lmI,1(.pll- Prnf W. D. Vinson, who spoke arr-hour and a half on tho pres- ent COuditi0n of the country. H. wet back to the davs of the revolu- tion .m( Cixmn up to tj,e present, touch- jnE, manv of the defects iifour govern- ment. In the main his speech Was well received, oome of the Jirethren r bought he rather went for Sockless I i iM ' l' 1 l i l. I. I. - jerry. -iney uiu not iium muca siock U" the name of U rover. Cleveland. . . I The Clevelanlites were very scarce arnpn.the Alliaiiccites. At the close t Prot. V inson s sieech dmttr was mnonnced a, d we found a table near J01 1 Slllpf a both sides and heavy inroads made on e were more than twelve b;if ,.ul lef er were tnrouftli, I tbmk all dad full 3usiice. o No one" doubts that Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy really ; cures Catarrh, whether the v disease be recent or of Ionp;i; standin?-, because the. makers i of it clinch their faith in it I With a 5CO guarantee, Which isnt a mere v... AM MM I iicwapapci uar- ,u mat ne una no ousmess 10 oe a oatcii on a.11 " -m a i Ulor and if he was not going to do anv moment. That moment is when you 1 prove mat - its makers can t cure you. ; . rTL1 r . t " r . T ' inc reason lor meir laitn is this: - ; Dr. Sage's remedy lias proved itself the right cure Tor ninety-nine out of one, hundred cases of Catarrh in the Head, and the World's Dispensary Medical Associa tforcaa afford , to take the .risk of vout being the one 'hundredth. ; The only question is are vou willing to make the test, if the makers are" willing to take the risk ? If so, the rest is easy. You pay your druggist 50 cents and the trial begins. 1 - If you're wanting the $500 Ml a. r r ... .t yuu ii gei 5omeining Detter- a cure I . . -1 OB ; O O OOO0O Iof rtscrtiiUns health la djseoycrcxl ia f in? lirl Hi b (HvcrMtioHNete&hca I persela, flatulence, heartburn-bilious v cohn. mntior Ar th Kicin.-! ji troubles of tho bowclaj their curtitlvo fjj wis u.ro nisTTcioas. i noy sre a. rr receive r.3 Trcll ns a geatio csi:ariic. Very Knall nr. a easy to fciJic. iicCjXZ? 33c. OtEoc, 3 & 4 J Taric l'iaec if. 1 Q O O 0 Vj ....... M.-m. , W nhV ivnitM have thouaht that sol a man a Dick Morse could have bat tled with that table as long, as ie did but if anjone think I misrepresent him I will refer them to I3?n Harnett ..r Mnj. Harris who were ej witues-es. At 1:30 the Alliance -as c tiled j to or der hy the president and the roll of m l-A lliunces called. It ; -was ! found thit. iii'iiilv everv Alliance In the onnt v was reniesf- nled ) v! frtl! ?tcleg-y1 iions. -The minutes f the last icon ntxiof meeting .vere real and nnprovt(. 'lht tiiiSnished business, was first tranac- till. It was placed in the tianos of a committee at the last mpttihg and they wereje tdy to report. T be busi ness was soon disposed of to the satis-, taction of the Alliance. Some resolo tious were offerei and put in th'c hands of committees with instruction to re port: Friday morn i i! ir. The Alliiice thi?n went into the election of jofS.jers for the ensuing year. Capt T- L. Vail was re-elected president by accla mation; J. H. Ramsey, vice-presi.'ent ; .J. S. Davidson, lecturer: L. M.j MeAl i4er, secretary and treasurer; J. D. Jamison, doorkeeper. The chairman of the" committee of arrangements made the assignment of delegates for the night. After some other business of minor importance the meeting ad journed to meet Friday morning at ten o'clock. i I will take occasion here to let the readers of the Watchman know what kind of an impression I had made on some of the audience. Capt. Vail and myself were assigned together, but lie having some business to look after at home was compelled to return to the city and that left me without a con veyance as mine host was not r on the ground. A good brother whom we will call J. LI. Ilanah for short, walked up rtTnie in a croud and addressed me. as aptai'ii, and said: "I have a ! convey ance here and will he pleased to have you go home with me. I 1 elieve if vbu do it will bring peace in my iam- ily, 'something that bus not been there for many a day. My wile lias Iji eu quarrebng with me for ten years cau.-e she balieves I am the nx be es t man in the world and if 'I can get you to go home wiih me it will settle the matter for she will see that she has been mistaken." I wont, and I think it had the desired effect for ; he ivas u;rum going home but we had not been Ut bis residence half an hour nn. il h Jvas tiie liveliest man I hud met. 1 wa royally cutertmwtu. s ' ' Friday morning at ten o'clock the " Friday morning a 'Alliance was called to oraer and the minutes of Thursday read and approved, The first business that came i up was the-5-installation of the newly elided "officers. The president was insfaTTen by U. A. Gner, ex-president. -of the county Alliance, and the rerm.i'wng ofrieers were? installed by President Vail. T. L. Vail was elected delegate to the State Alliance which meets in Greensboro A nreamhle and resolution on th, death of Col. Polk was read and adopted bv a rising vote. A resolution was then offered tendering Prof. W. Vinson a vote of thanks for his timely a bin ss which was unmimouslv adopted am ordered that a copy of 'the resoluti ull le sent to Prof. Vinson. Ci;pt. Vail made a report of his visit i.. il.- r ... . l i l l j l hi uueouiereiee at iiaieiu. on tne 17th of May. After rome friendlv discussions on different matters the Alhairce rejourned tor dinner, They met at 1 :30, all full and fresh. Mourned to .meet, with Hopewell Alli- ance the first ihursday m () tol er. KlCHARI) Hazor. P. S. - We forgot to give Pro. S. X. Potts, of Hopewell Alliance, a little advice in the proper place, but will do so now. He was nominated bv -a brother for a certain ofTice and it 'was argued, in h?s behalf" that he w: s a batchelor and could easily .:ive his at tention when called on. We overheard two young ladies, who the bovs sav were gooa looking, sav that it was his ii i ..... . own fault that he was a batchelor, ihi 1... I. ..J. i 1 1 I 1 better than that the Alliance should put him on duty and keep him there. K. il. LEIION ELIXIR its Wondcrfal EfTects on tho Liver, Stomach, Bowels and Kidneys. For Biliousness, Constipation and Ma laria, take Lemon Elixir. For Indigestion, Sick and Nervous Headache, take Lemon Elixir. For Sleeplessness, Nervousness and Ileartfailure take -Lemon Elixir. For Fevers, Chills and Debilitv. take Lemon Elixir. Lrfdies, for natural andthrouah organic regulation, take Lemon Elixir. vr. iuoziey s lemou Elixir will not fail you in anv of tlie above named dis cases, all of which arise from a ton. id or wseaf-eu aver, siomacn, kidneys or bowels. Prepared only by Dr, H. Moz'ev. At- lante, CJa. 00c. and $1 bottles at" Uru- ; gtStS. ; - A Prominent Hiuister Writes! After ten years of crreat snifennr from Indigestion, with irreat nervous prostra tion, biliousness, disordered kidneys ai d eonstipation, I have been cured by -Dr. ilioziey's Jeinon lidixjr and ain now a well man. Ilev C C. Davis. , Eld. M. E. Church South, No. 28 Tatnall St. Atlanta, Ga The JJinil. Ttupa?sii)nato lover. Tell me, m v. LI angel, what to do io prove my love Oh, that! might, like somes knight of old, battle for you, suffer" for you, die for you. . . Sweet girl. I wish you Would give up sin.lving. . T . 1 1 jinpassionate lover. uu come, now, tpat is asking tro much. Children Cry for Pitcher's Ptor'a CJood Iiyc, ISoycott. - Capifartothe extent of 200,000.000 has Combined in San Fmncisco and is sued ai warlike-manifesto against the boycott, i Their htnguage is terse, for cib!e,cmphatie. Their tone implies urdimitedc mrtdence. -Thy talk like men who are not one bit afraid. The rjkflrraed Trades and labor pigauiz i 'fnms must kneel and kiVs. the rod. The wea?HMi and t lie onlv peaceful wcaoon the isiborinsr man is knocked from Jiis haud at the first pass uw.de'by the "c;ipifalist. The rich employers do not wait for their poor eiieme . Chey take the initiative. Tire war of labor anu lapitaLis beguiK by capital. Every- xwlv has anticipated the conflict, but few thought capital would be the ag- . ' . . .. TT ' jrrpssor. Labor must suomir. . u ncon- ditional surrender is the ultimatum. Poor, blind capital! Poor, wealthy fools! Better have left this war to your children wdio may be wiser than vou. 1 he boycott was a very harm less weapon compared to the one that European workmen are using. It i "the mildest weapon in the world. Do you dream that laborers are so degraded that they will accept the lash without a murmur? Your money i very pow erful hut are you sure it can throttle labor in opeircontest ? Are you quite prepared for the final, single-handed death struggle? Is America ready for the inauguration of a viler system of slavery than the v..r swept away Can you who. are rich make open threats- against un who are poor? Can you afford to fire the opening shot? Go to vonr bookstores and ask for "CgcsnrVColumn," by Ignatius Don nelly. Read it over two or.three times. It will give you food for reflection. It will tell you what our fathers taught, 'that all men arc created free equal, and that your wealth will be a shield of straw in the day when you '0::d the iVmericrin .workiugmen to desperation. We may be scum of the earth, but yon must not forget that the scum will get on too. When it does," God help Gu. Triirkcc Jieptllli- raii. The Crops in the Sfnte. he department or r.griculture re- X ceives nisi after the end ol each month :l'h!;oii of thoroughly ihe ro covering the crops. The report for duly 1st was summarized yesterday, it snov.s ihe percentages of conditio!! to i.e is fo!lov;s: Corn cotton 8U. wheat fJ().7. oats Uo. tobacco Gi, peanuts 8") . Irish p(tatoes K'bV.swce: potatoes W-L sorghum 0! , rice meadows-( ha ) )o-h. apples uti. peaCiis oZ, v.l voi'5i . niUi-fruits grapes ..H, st.-.ek D7, it:! lo ep iff, swine 1(H), l;tb.-r e Every crop bus" improved, as 7 177. c(ni!rK'.reo wiin I lie 1 i 1 i I reports in J one am: The ercent:ige- of cotloii con- r.ies r, r 1 i t i ii i p.e next reporr v. i.i snov leeuratelv the ex'ent of the de.rnuge by the rams the past few days. ""Neighbor (b.'kiug 1 enigoantly over fl... C.'ii..,,"' l,T ir!:'i fr ('( von : r, LIT. IV lib' -AC, 4.1. i..v - work in yov.r garden so early, m bo. Industry brings it- o-wn reward."' T( m i my T u ck e r ( t u i n i r. g is p :i i ; ot 1 i r spadeful) 'll reckon st, but i ve fo i: dijjr'jiir mor'n half an hoe.rand he.vetet got the b.amed c:'.n half full of worm.- yet." An exchange ivs: "A girl out it; Oidiforuia lost a bet of cue hundred kisses on Blaine's failure to get the nomination, and paid the s.uiie, Ti e young man demanded a re-count and the jirl consented rather tln.n havt the 7a-e thrown into the eo-irts. CURES All " 1 hT,l,.iRi,n ei'rtnr Y. i'. t-a r-vi in.l'lii Vcii.bla'elrin , nl irsstr !bo lt!th wat mlltfscK.'ia 't ths euros cf ft'.I -J. V Curdle 'Tb b tv Kt Lay r s!i.i ell trrstrae-nt, (ttAT?hf It It ft C GORES loliolo- bluuij-rfllaila cklo 1..M, rai.xftr Cfiruias r.u.&ic CoiaiiwiU, Az. .url I c!m, TetWr, Scald H4, ic.,'t.U. ki.tlL;:rtf ui.tl.ri r:iiiit:i. mmmc cube; MIMA QUO cle-jhiP prcpertka ol P. P. PrkA'y Aili, ?ci Bjei LlPPiJ AIT Proprhtcn, ' V vtts v f rv r'.v- 1 65 ' V'" aW rl s!?$ n-r&sVi pjr:.ti r-piz-r rr"v t-sr7?' mma es-s rim z&zzzm Pr&61 Iv3 -.l avs tg&1k4l rTryl cttw ft fc?.r. vmv Tiir fcold by T. P. KLVIZZ & . Calling lliengar Trust an 4,octopusM won t cut down the price of its pro duct a tenth part of a cent. The way to deaf with it is to abol'sh the duly on rfjii ied sng;ir.-f Giohelemo;i'at. Wie are riot arguing for either free tnidd or protection, nor are we drJCns. ing tne tanfxqueHlion at sdl, buHf.tbe pest way to deal with .the sugar trust is to abo'bh jf ln? duty n "sugar, 1 we would like to s;sk if to abolish the duty on oilier cornerni sMticles would not ea;good way t(!' deal with nil the other trusts? Y merely ask .for ii - f6nriatio.ii.fr-'Vron revive Farmer. A way with Lai f-vra v measures. To uhoiih UTities is njierely to tumble one small fellbw, the politician, off the consumer's! ' backj Yet a little while and .all trusts will Veonie interna tional, i' Rothschild a id Hockefeller alreadv dominate the world's oil sup ply, ru.d tho co-.Mrollers f pre duc tion liL nlihaf -Pn'lTc i-.-ill o-Mi fr,xxir l- M example.' The nWturNl oiHionent oft the gi-aspdng f-npjilier. i t lie awakened consumer. W !iv c On t tne consumers organize? Because the monopli-ts have hired; ballot-jugglers to confuse -them with. false issues. Great is rall. Star kiprnrj-eJ Banner. The Word "Obey" Striken Out. At. the generul conference of the Methodist Protestant church last May a'iotTiei' piia.e of ' the woman qn est ion croppedont. It was tilo action of the conference in striking fut the word "obey" from the marriage service. The matter came up in the consider ation of the report of the committee on ritual.: The discussion occupied nearly the; whole of one afternoon. Kev. J. W. Thompson in moving that the word "obey" be stricivOnTrcni the seryiee, said lie was willing lo let it rem am if it be placed in the serviee again, so as to require the man to obey his wife a:1 well as to honor and con fort, mid keep h'r.. The vote wi s 45 to CO in favor of striking out the word. The women delegates vcted for'it Tlie.lhational flower of the Egyp - tuius is i iw he;!otr-opf of the Assyrians is the water lily,, of the Hindoos is thj marigold, of th" -Chinese is the ciirp saiitheiir.:i,n. ' We have no natituial, ilower, bu.t ther.' is hardly any flower more..sng'i'stiv!i to many of us than the forge timcno-f. IT 13 A rUTY ran otto yoBTSPlf find fam ily to fe'Jt i:io best valac for your i::oacy. l:ci:osizo In ynrr foul won r by urchr.siii!j W. Li. Ifa'aeiiia KJioo-i, wU'u -5 represent tbo t'Mt vaJne for prises asked, as tliucu.uJ W. -Lo- DOUGLAS THE -E EST SKQS HI THE WORLD FC3 THE MOKCT. A penains eewoti rhoe. ihnt "ii' not n'p. v.tio C&li, wsamlcsf, tiin-fOtii tnpldrt, HeTiSile, more cor. fcrtcbln, cty lit h as;d dwrat-lo than any other pfcoc over sold at tlic j- rice. Equals cusUju mado sliocs coetlas f rrm gl to .5. $f nod S ITa.iwT-rcTred, rloenlf r4oe3. Tha i? racrtet' !!t.!i,a.-v and durable shoes ever Ml.l Dt the r:r!c. fi hty eflual lino imported ehoea cortlcj from$(toSW. M dSC 50 l-oifp Btof, t?oto by farmers and rul ? ttheT3 who want a good, heavy calf, thrra toled, ej.tssi.-r cdo elioo, caay to wailc la, and will I Keep Uip feet cry cn-l wr.rm. vice. Tho inofea&lug talca elivW tliut workingmea ruive loana m:s rait. jfe),.!! gf-.0i btici VoiT'lis' 8175 Erlsool uH-iJfvJ- tr.hov -oro v.ora by tb toys nvw. wiiera. Tho iiiost wrvJeoabUt lioes&jld at tli" prk-cs. PUSOsSi -f.co sua si. 75 stK.es r--- PIipC3 arfiiaaiJoof tho best i)oup:Uor tin--; Cr.lt, aa dt'sired. They are vrv ttvl'sa, eouif. rt ablo Ep.t rtiira his. Tfc.T83.GCst: 00 otiiuilocusto: i v.ad; ts-iceecost 1: ttortk WiOto 5f).). lia'ltcs who wUh to ecouoiuliio la tl'cl footwear aro findiiiK this out. .: Cauiioii. W.n. nouns' name nria tho r?!c5 U fit imped oa the bottom of rnch sfcoc; look lcc it v.rhPii yon buy. Beware of dculcro at tempt !hk tf sub stitute other makes for them. Such Fub.;tttuttonSare fraudulent mid subject to proriccuuoii oy uw tor 00- t-iinin money undr false preTences. V. L. UGL WlAB, ilroctou, aiaee. EoldSy it tft COhH A MOTJTH e-n V.c- made rrcd ivtttx: in t'li-alsli a aar.se and fc'iveouir wuoic u li v uok; s may In iiu-- to tle bdslno-..-;. s.i.'.rc luoments may m r;,tlt..il)',v. fitrjl'.iy d rlsi. A tew vacancies in "-n'twtJi - '. no I'.i. l e:;i s. 15. F. .toll N SON & CO ialastrevt. iy.:'.ir.ioad. V.i. Stea.ni, Air and tal of VERTICAL PISTON. ! 3'? -.'' "vt-, y. '' 7i$ rr SI' 1 . "i'5feSii'te 7 --iS f 1 mm !:0 Pi - i ia ' m CHILD BIRTH MADE; EASY! " Mothers Frcjjd if a scientific ally prepared LJntment every ingre dient -of recognized value and in constant use by the niedicst pro fession. These ingredients are com bined in a manner hitherto unknown - 66 MOTHERS-' WILL DO alKhat iclaimed for " it AND jilORE.- ItShoitens Labor, " Lessens Pain, Diminishes Danger to Life of Mother andhild.. Bock to " others " mailed FREE, con-; -, taming valuable information. and voluntary testimonials. Sintbvcjtpres or receipt of price f 1X0 per bottle DRADFIELD REGULATOR CO., Atlanta. Ca. sold by all rmrjaoisTa. A Household Remedy FOR ALL BLOOD-aotSE(IS3 DISEASES Mmfa Blood Balm I rttroc SCROFULA, ULCERS, SALT it WUlg5 RHEUM, ECZEMA, ever form of malignant SKIN ERUPTION, bs sides bstng efficacious In toting up the system and restoring the constitution, whan Impaired from any cause. Its almost supernatural healing properties Justify us In guaranteeing a cure. If directions are followed. SENT FREE "Book f Wonder." . BLC0D BALM CO., Atlanta. Ga. YOUR CA5E IS NOT HOPELESS 4 - AIDS NATURE IN NATURE'S OWN WAY. IT COSTS YO'J NOTHING TO INVESTIGATE. A Fatr.phtet MAILED FREE upon application. Atlantic Electp.opoise Co. 1405 New York Ave., Washington, D. C. vYashiDton Life Ins. Go. Or iiCV YGKJC. JANUARY 1 ST, 1S02. Asset.3, - ... ili'servj'.l fur fK)!iti(.'?. N. Y. Htanduril 1 jervt-nt., :tnl all li Now IiisuiMsiec. -Oitt-t.itt'l.inir i aui ai:eo, I'aid l'e.ic y-ho!,!crs in 1831, l'uid J'oHey-hoMcrs since or- $! 1,1,0:53 73 1 1 .0.12.r20 2.7 1 1 :7ot.i'i Tn)..Y-::;.i;22 J.-M 7,000 -15 2i'T.G.'5r.f.Vl 0.") ',ey ti-u5i4 1 gan;z..tUn, - - l ass;1 is iiivesicu as i 01 tows: Loarr? ?i cr rnl r: mortrare3 oa A ' T i .1 II V I ;- iU'al iUs. liens. ' - $0,r,n,102 02 ;-XfW VorU fitv 1).-,., - - 271.s:i2 50 ; lliMiikiyn v u.r !:o;v!.;. - - l-!4,eoo f Kiiiiiiiuii'. (V:i. li.iils, - - 10,oe0 . 1 Lo.uii to roliev-hol'Ieri on Co. '3 ! I'olieie.-. - - - 278,7.0 34 r Coi';:iter:il loans, - r - ;;,5(W ; Utttl Ht;ite. co.--t valui'. - - fiH.Hl8 25 ' Cash in bank ami trust Co.'s. - 24J,7U8 Interest nccnui!, .? eiuiutua de- kned and in tf;u.:-it, etc., - ' 410,0(17 77 $1 J,4."o,f;':;s 78 Tor agcr.cios and cI'kt j'-f.rticnhir?,- address f I!. I). ULAKi:, tiecial Di-trict Act., l'.uleijrhN. C. . UaiYsrs'tf tf Kortii Garoli&a. Instmetion is ofTned in four general courses of study, six brief courses, a lare number of ;:.'ciai courses, and in law, medicine and en ritieering. The Faculty iiiclu ies twenty teachers. Schoiarhi)s and loan funds are available for needy young m-en of talent nnl char ictcr. The next session begins Set.t. 1st. rr ca.ulojrue with full information, address WtK.SID::.vr WIN.STt.O,', Cha;ol Hill, X, c. Vacuum Pumps, Vertical and Horizon every variety and . Regular Horisontal Pistcn7 , . Hi -iT---'J ... j,.B.1&i,,HJai-i4.i-i The most simple durabltTand eficcti-Ve Pump in the market lor Mines, Quarried Refineries, Breweries, Factories, Artesian wells, Fire duty and general manufacturing purposes JgjirSend for Catalogue. ie A l UAMMtUi SfMHTulritUn; - a 1 j Minn f Mm W. Hul.le .qper and n'cHba Foatpv t , . uonaensca seni aaic la;trctt Jaiy g. SOUTllilOCIJD. v. Kictomondl,... ...... ;--. BurkcviUel ' KrysvllliW.. Ar. PanviU?..!... Oreenstjorij ., . S 42 H "SCI fl,: n. 15 pm 4 m f j 5 Ml f jf ' 15 p x 1 ti P M Tlp-n-tS 45 1- M 'l-i5pM li i ?.5 A M M'U Aj, 10 i A S til A 5f 2 00 A M 5 l A M 10 A M is r; p,m till) A V n: a a A M Lv. Colflsbovei . !!n it'ri Ar. HaleUh .. Lv. Pale jrii . Parkin..!. Ar. Oi"eeusX)o . Lv. WtasiOii-iHleia I.t. ;rrensboio Ar. SiU-buryf.....,i... Ar.-statexviiSe.-..: :. " AH?vU!ci "' UotpvtaT3... Lv. XallsburvL... .. ..... ArVtharloii(f. i Spa o a n btarg . Oi-tenviH " Atlanta .: Lr. eiiariotw..... Ar. ColumUi , Ar. Augustai.. .. .j 12 j. It i-2Mn KOhTIlBOUND. Da i r v N'o. ID. r; Lv, Aus.uf " Columbia A. Charlctte: Lv. Atlanta.. Ar'harlotte . .. LvTi'hnrlotte , Ar. Salisbury Lv. llct Springs.. " AshPile , StatftsMlle Ar. Isimry . Lv. S:'tsbr.fy Ar. Orefnialoro At. WlnsicE-Salem. I.y. Oreonsioio...... Ar. Dnrharri KaleigrU .7r. . Lv. liiiHWi.. Ar. Ooltlsi ftro. Lv. Greensboro . Ar. PanvlUo " Kcvsvple ....... IJiMkcVme:.. ... " KichmO:.d lo ro " S 10 a M is r m C-40 A M 7 m ' ; 2 ' h r. p m 9-tWa m 5! CO V u - 4 hi 5- 31 A M lft 20 Jll 4'l " :io i! "" U U P M LS:s " ti SS ' . 3 05 " Jln:-n 12 10 P M 2-l: 3 31 " - 6 3i' 113 4 S i C mi f w f. Si; -m M Jia3 - 711 7 lis -K5 - 25 ' I'1 25 A tlX 111 . sii.i --- 3 Ik) N4S n !r. 12A 111 H. 4 '7 7lrt 1 Dxv.y except sun lay t DAllV. turning, leave Atlanta 1.40 p m., Charktte iC m.. Salisbury p. ra , Oreensbnro T 00 n - m i.rrives Danville l.0 a. m . Lvneht-unr":-- 9 ' w ashlntrto-i a. m. Tlirouirti tHil.iu.in nu'.Zl New York to New Orleans, also haw an w-rJ Washing. ion-nna ."wempniM, via Atlanta ar.d Iilmilrgluiip k . . . ..." un ir. Xns 9 1B(1 19! r'fltinwt nt lflrlir.,n,i Wctt Point and BalUmsic tally'cxcei-.t sunbay 14 SLEEPINO.CAU SERVICE. - On Trains 9 and lo. Pullman r.unvt Meeprr W t ween -A Mam a anti X-e-w otk ; biiv.ttn un., -V and Augusta. 1 r On II and 12 Pullman- r.v.ffef s.crp is hvv:f IMcbmoiid and DatiVille ana buwuii Ni w y,i Washiii?tdn and Knoxville 1 ;i j.vt i.-, a,sU Lr and As-heyliie. and Pullman Kke.rfrs' ti W7asUln?Wu and Allan-. a. " , On 9 And 12 Pullman Pullman "P.; lure sicemr. cars b.-twcK-n Rale gh aad Ahln xliU ' 's K. UK KLI V. . ' A i r, K. Superintendent. ;mi. p;.s? Klrhinond, Va. Walni -n,?, "n ? W. If. RISEN, S. Il.li.-.J.b.-.hji t.en. Manager, A.01 .. 1,-, rf W'aslliigLon, D C. vt Kirt 1' i. SOL 1IA,S. I mf. .Mgr., Waflslngtri!. b. e. VTllA f 1 Jt dluw.tn (nT.-iify (irj lie Millstone Ouanirs, Tool.-, jr., ( f r-: r. ! i,ni!.,s e.-.taie, I tt:t conilnui! 10 m.inur.ici im- nau.-iniili ndll-SiiiTKllrs Hiir enable n li s t i- ; rn'iti roia and wlioat. 1 omti-ondi nve ; e!i. 1 i 1 . .waVs so ly .I.T.wva n, : Fall Ii. t u an u. N. e Men'lor the Watcbinan A. S. I1ESL1G. Attorapj Aiilaaw, SA LISrJirii Y, N. Vf OOIce in Da-vis k Wiley's hank luiiliinif. -corner of Main anil Iiiii?' streets. Will .r,u- tice jii Courts of Rcwau and adjoining roiiiitk-s, I'ri.nijit and careful alt,i ution -iven lo nlMus Washington and Southwestern Vrsiii uird iim' lira opera ted between WaFhintjtou and Aii!,m. dally, leaves WafiWrjrton H.m: rV. , -a. m.. Orern.'lv-ro 7.-9 a. ni.. Saa.-lMi-v J um's? c!itrii-U'd lo inc. .St e.i.il ultctiliuu givrt.il t'J cuileclioiiS. JOHN A. RAMSAY, Attends to Railroad I'oiihtrirKion, r-'iirvt find litpj'inp of Ileal Estate, K .41 mate of Water Powers. I'Imsis for the Erection ol'JIifis, Dweliii.gs. A-i-.; and attends to tl.e ttrlin s" ui 5iJI kiteJs of Machinery, liuildiug .Vaieriidy. ic, kv. ' R-12 tt PROGRESSIVE FARMER - Raleigh, N. C. Organ of the N. C. Slab1 Allium. Kdiled by Col. L. L. IVllc, asite. I,V J. L. Ilamsey. The pupfr vill h kept uj) to the usti il bigli" iiiditnl H iljseribe for. it, only -Si prr vcar in advance. The Progressive l'muxr ad the Watchman ill be sent .10 new uoscribers at 81.00 for both 1 ners. -Subscribe now. Afldrr'. PUOGllEiSSlVE FAh'MEIf. Katci-di N-C Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, ai.tl H r cr.t business conducted for Mooer'te fees Oua Office is Opposite U.S. PatetO"!" cud we can Becoro iiaiept iu less tuiic tuoa t remote from Wasliinton. . tiend model, drawing or photo,, wdh ce?: tion. We advise, if patentable or rot. - rrej. w charge. Our foe not due till patent U wtarea. A Pamphlet. "How to Obuln l'l.to.u, names of actual clients in your tuw.cauuy .. town, cent Irce. Address, Opp. Patent Orncc, washiw6tow. P..1 capacity. . Al VERTICAL pLObW .J tt a t tt fi J fr'-ri2'tt' y;'ii" c Foot of East?2Ud StiPKt Nw YcgK.j

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