r.r Carolina Watchman. J. L. RAMSEY, Editor and Prop. r sunscHirxioN rates. One year in advance ; feik months - ? ' r' TERMS STRICTLY CA3II. $1.50 . '.75 " !mu u'itpiiw i i nrrrjn of the Altt" n lice in the 5th and 'Districts. 5 1 4111 Congressional f The Watciiman has 50 per cent more circulation than any paper published in feajishiiry. " . ' Watered as second-class mal at Salisbury, C. THURSDAY, JULY 28, 1892. , - r Must a. man bV' a college graduate .before he is entitled to a hearing on 'any subject? . r Kx-Ciov. St; John has found out that if all the licensed liquor saloons in this republic were placer side by Jlln ;H.ov wnnhl reach a distance of niMVi (HIV- j :'002 miles. .' . ' J "Frmv can the money be put in eir dilation after it is . issued?" Simply That is .s easy, as falling off a logy. Other question. i Ask us an- Tiie force bill clatter wont work. Jt is a dead failing. The negro su premacy scare doesn't scare either. JJow, what (Ban be concocted tomake the fight upon? Congressman McKeioak scored a point in Congress the other day when lie said, just after the def-at of the free coinage bill in the House: uMr. Chairman; if Wall street has" no fur Iher rise for this Congress, ! move we now adjourn." - v Col. JY P. Cook, of the "-Concord filamlard, passed through the city Monday and gave us a call. lie has grown quite fat during his stay at te springs. He tried to get tip a fight with our devil, hutwe put him out and gave him to 'understand that he "must stay out. . ' -- : 1 It is estimated that the strike at the Homestead, Pa.,-steel vorks,T has cost all concerned, the State in the cost of sanding the militia, the steel company, and the workmen,, about $80,000 a day, of SI, 000,000 since the trouble be- gau. n&is. These strikes"are a costly busi I he t'mkertons claim to nave a - charter, granted by .Congress soon after the war. If so the sooner that charter is annulled the better it will be for the members of Congress. Some of them may be mistaken for Pinkerton thugs when they next visit; their constituency, ' unless suclraction is taken. . THE NEXT STATE MEETING. "The next annual meeting of the ''State Alliance will begin in Greensboro on the 9th of August. Doubtless i pearly every county will be represented, and from the nmes of the delegates.a Tar as heard from, a majority will be true and unflinching reformers. j T4iis meeting will be one of unusual : importance and will be attended by many who are not delegates. Greeus boro is one of the prettiest cities in North -Carolina, the location central and of easy access. We trust the meeting will bejiariuonious and profit- ablea as in the past. IEEE COINAGE Or SILVER. There are those who favor free coinage of silver because others do. IT here are others who oppose it because others do, neither knowing whether it j would le a benefit or injury. I Prior to 1873 all the silver presented '. at the United States mint was coined for the owners, no matter who they were. Gold is still coined tlyit way. ir a time after the demonetization no silver was coined or, at best, only lim "h ited quantities. TFlieTrade Dollars" were bonght upit 80 cents by ' private individuals and taken up by the gov ernment at their face value 100 cents j- on the dollar. More recently silver lias been coined more largely, amount ing to from $2,000,000 to 4,000,000 per month. The contraction . aLs that were passed after silver was demouetizeil ffnade money scarce and values depre- . Iciated. . I t-hs?s had the result of con scontrating money ih banks. Free . co"n age ii right. As long-as silver is one of the metals used in making ' money, the coinage should be free like the coinage of gold. h - 1 , - '-' - -. ' Notice. 1' All persons who favor the reform '! movement are earnestly requested to Meet at Hatter Shop on Saturday, Au gust 3th,-1892, at 2 o'clock, p. m., for the purpose of, organizing aPeople's partykclub. ;Ve earnestly trust that the " fanners and laboring people of the town Ahip and surrounding communFty will turn out that they tnay in fown ' upon 1 he ' f-isues of thtt ; day.' 1'he time has come that we show6ur cofoi-s, tliat we take a firm sUtnd 'for right and justice. - Subscribe for the WAtciiman and read it and you will never regret it. 1 - M. V,uu: LIPS. SENATOR COKE ON CLEVELAND.! In the U. S. Senate ou lhe 20th pf A pril last,. Sen atbr fiieh&rd Coke, made n poech". on free tfoitragB kof ; sil ver, in which he showed up the record of Cleveland on that question. Th f Charlotte Observer may ask why the Democratic Seifators didn't rjfute the charge" sMid bring Senatorj Coke to lhe bat. .No doubt the Observer will pro nonce it a "JibelT for that is a favorite word with it, but the speech stands on record. The .VYatchman will have something more onlthis line soon. Senalpr Coke said: . i ! The executive department ,f the government, iiY all its branches, from HayeV admiuiitration to Harrison s, Including Cleveland s, has been thor oughly and completely under the. con trol and influence and dictation of the great capitalistic combination which has just scored another victory against lhe people on the silver issue. All the administrations 'Made bitter, savage war on silver and left no means untried to discredit and break it down t and debase., it-, .;Nobixly uivf e, b&v j jlr;' Cleveland stood oh the silver question until after he was elected, and he dom mericed t war-on it before his inaug uration in a letter addressed to a 4oin mittee of members of the House of Reprcsntatives (one hundred of them) who were deputed to cohfer with him on the subject. All of these administrations from the president down to the lowest reporting official df the treasury department," in messages and reports denounced silver coinage, urged its abandonment,' denounced the $340,000,000 of -legal-tender notes as a debt df the govern meht which should be paid and the notes taken out of circulation, retired and cancelled al though not a cent of interest runs on them; advising the country that geld and national bank notes should be our only circulating medium, with subsi diary silver coin for purpose of change. This is-the feast to which our people were invited. in" response to theiroft-re-peated demand for free silver coinage, for a perpetuation of the legal tender note issue, and such other increase : of circulation as could be made in view of the money famine from which they were suffering. ' . ; An Out and Out Lie. Capt. John Beard was circulating on the street this morning that the Demo cratic rally at Franklin Academy Stttur davn'mhtVesulted; unfavorably. Hesavs "a mairtold roe" that there were about se veil ty-five perspns present, that Lee B. Ovennan spoke about an hour and a half and then Mr. Shoaf, a People's parly man, spoke lialf ah hour. There was noJ shouting until Mr. Shoaf spoke. After he was through Mr. A. H. i5oyden rose to organize a Democratic clubr when all left, but five. He talked loudly about Franklin being the banuer township and exulted over what he pretended was -a Democratic defeat. NoV we presume to brand thisas an out and out lie. The rally ftas a graud success for Democracy. There was a good gathering of Demo crats:Hon. L. S. Overman- and I Col. F. E. Shober both made strong Demo cratic speeches, and ''Mr. Khoaf, a Peo ple's party man $"did not speak." "Boyden did not make a speech but a good Dem ocratic club was organized Hon. L. 8. Overman says the meeting was highly satifactory and that if all the pi ecintsare like Frauklin the county will give 1000 majority for the democratic ticketi. : So far as he could learn all who attended the rally were thorough Democrats ex cept one: lhe meeting was a love feast for Deri-ocracy and not of the People's party. A REPLY. Editor Watchman : The above ar ticle appeared in the Herald on Mon day, and instead of being an out and out lie is a batch of lies, the lies being the product of the fertile brain of the Herald man. What my informant tOid me and 1 repeated to the Herald reporter was that F. E. Shober, L. S. Overman, Baldy Boyden and Sheriff Monro went to fcranklin township on Saturday to organize a Clevelapd club. They call Franklin their banner town ship and my informant stated there were seventy-five present.' Sheriff alonroe says the house was luU.J : Lee S. Overman, spoke three-quarters of an hour and Mr: Shober half ail hour; -.... ......l ... j ii T uunic uim men veuii aruunu 10 'get i i.l"Jll. 1M I. i r u.uiira iu me viuu. Aney naa nve .1 ' i 11 I 1 T i i siguers wnen jucnara )osey was asked to put his name down. Dick told that he had been; voting the dem ocratic ticket ever since the war, and 11 1 1 "-' -1 - . ' . maiiers naa grown ana . worse each year and this year he intended to vote as he pleased. . .Then a shout was 'raised. At this point some one palled for Baldy Hoyden, but before he cot to the speakers stand neaily all! the crowd left the house. The above ii what I repeated to the Herald. Cot pare the two statements, I have Wad my say to the Herald, reporter person ally and now leave it to the public j to say who the liar is. The Herald says it interviewed Mr. Overman bul does not tell how many names they got! to the club. I therefore conclude tliev do nptdispute the number. My in- rormant named them and counted them on the five fiugers of one hand. iNow if four men get five signers in the r banner township out of a crowd of seventy-five (or a, house full), how -1 - 11 " -r n luaiwr voips can iney give jur. uieve- laiid in the township. Don't all' speak at once. ..John Heard. P. S. Since writiner the , abovi! -1 have been semi-offieially informed tnat seven and not five was the number! en rolled in the club. Not wishing to make any .jnissstatcment.-l make! the correction. " J. B. A .Reply to John S. Henderson . Letter. Washington", D. C, July 15, '92.. XT. K. -Miller. Esa.. My Dear Sir: Letters received from every part of the 7th jdist rict convince me that the great majority of therpeople everywhere heartily favor mv renomination for Congress, j While 1 am discharging my puuuc uuuw liere as the people's representative. 1 must depend upon the people, to take care of me at hoiud. I shall be greatly indebted to vou if vou will attend the primary meeting of your township and vote for my renqminauoni riease jm press upon . every Henderson man of your acqnaintance-the importance of attenaiiiET tne lownsnip njeeuuj4s i,uu the countv cohveutiori. ! Whatever you may do for me will be j thankfully appreciated. If you can spare ine time write me a line and tell me what my prospects are for carrying your lownsnip. vv un Kinuest nrgarus, w- heve me to .. Very truly yours, i Jno. S. Henderson. Heiuo's Mill, N. C, July 25, '92. Hon. J. S. Henderson. ' MyJ3ear Sir:--I can hardly afford the time, but I will trv and -write you a few; lines to let you know how poli tics are in this sectinn. I have con eluded that you are badly deeeiyed as jyou say that you are receiving letters from all parts of 4 lie 7th district which bonviuce you that yon are the choice of the. great mass of the people for .the United States representative next term Now, my friend, are you riot ware of .. - . . ... -! 1 he fact that the people nave organ izea and are carrying on the largest school that ever existedMn America, and don't vou know that thev 'have the most honest and skillful men in the United States employed as teachers; and don't vou knaw that the chief aim and ob ject of this school is to. teach the masses the most rigid and economical; form of government? Have you not yet laid hold on the fact that the people have conceived that both the democrats and republicans have joined hands of fel lowship, and that they are pulling to gether as a yoke of steers, drawing their load to Wall street and the money power, and can it be that you have not found oat that the -people pan't be fooled any longer, and that the Peo ple's party is destined to sweep over this great nation, of ours ; as the waves do over the mighty sea, and don t you know that just such a thing is needed to saye this great nation from terrible ruin? Mi Now, if you don't know these things you are not a representative of the people as yon claim to be. IF! you sire not aware of the fact that the great majority of the people in Gold Hill township have already announced them selves" People's party men, and further more, that the masses of the jjeopl6 lii the 7th district are fully determined to down the ,old plutocratic democrat and republicans. I thinlr.yoli had k well go on and sleep vbu'r Pap but, and some time in November we will come round and wake you up and show you how it is. But, to be candid with you, I be ieve that there are enough old pluto cratic democrats iij the 7th district to renominate you for Congress but it will take all of the crowd in some parts of the country to make rip the delegation Now, my friend, I sup pose that yon haye written to me as a good old-democratic friend, as usual. am the same friend stsl ever! except the ring has slipped out of my. nose. ind 1 can t be led any ! longer. But ah! you say so much changing is not good, but let me say that men who love humanity, right, country and God, sometimes change, but fools never do. a 1: sC - ill i . di hiis time we appear 10 nave a coun try full of wise men and but few fools. It appears that our so-called smart men are the fools just now. jnqw, my inend, 1 tiope, that; by the time I near from vou, ! Vou S may be numbered among the wise. Hope this is satisfactory. Ml Itespect fully, U. E. Miller. To the Friends of Ucform. I have been commissioned las State Organizer for the Citizens' ) Alliance and Industrial Union, arid red nest the I. .i.T 1 'f r ueaji,y ci-uieraLiuu 01 an irieiius or re form. The Citizens' Alliance and Iiir dustrial Union is to be to the tradesmen. merchants, laborers and others, what the F. A. and I. U. is to the! farmers. and was tablished to enable the peo ple of ind cities aridJtownV who are not eligible to membership in the'F. A. and I. U; to make an active, sisteriiatic and etfective hght for equal rights. 1 here is no money on band to pay the expenses of myself or any one to yisit tne cities ana iorm assemblies, and 1 expect my brother mechanics and friends pf purity to take ud the work and secure signers for an assembly in each city. Write to me for blanks and instructions. When ready to organize, uotifv me and 1 will come and give you the secret work arid put you in working order. Remember that suc cess or failure lies with you, and that a successful fight demands organiza tion. VV. 11. WARNER. State Organizer C. A. &. I. U 041 Asheville St., Greensboro, N. C. "Bron son makes me! tired. He 18 quarrelsome and clumsy." said Martin "That's true. Bronson would try 10 spnt a nair witn a meat axe. tink." I The tramps are a lucky lot. after all The returns are all in, and it is a nasi five fact that not & single, solitary tramp lost a dollar by the Barring failure. - . ' r '. - ChHrircn Cry for Pitcher's Castoral t PUT TJilS IN YOUR PIPE. Plain Facts and Sharp, Pithy Sayings irom .Kefunn rapers. v . The mn of 1770 -did not consult England about free coinage, Com hig j Crists. , , " : ... The weeds of vice on Povertv's acre grow strong when manured by Charity. Justice. The reference word in this campaign is reform, and don't you forget it. People's Party Paper. Soldiers of reform buckle up yonr belt a hole tighter and prepare for the battle. Ewinq Advocate. There is ncr power in the land that can prevent a complete political revolu tion. W infield Vwnrade. No north, no south, but aiaew na tion is the result of the Omaha con- vention. Milwalka Advance. Don't fool any longer, but at once go to vork to save your country and your home. Mlnfield Comrade. It isn't riiucli trouble for a man to make his politics. The trouble in re moving i.Madison Gazetteer. . Modern republicanism is not a principle, it 1sa disease. Modern dem ocracy, is an 'afoiction Union 'Ban ner. ' ': , ' - . -', " Wealth; for the' few and poverty for the masses means for any n ation either decline or revolution Madison Inde pendent. . ; - There are: many people in thisreoun try getting nccustomea to the habit of waking up in the night to hate John Sherman .rEx " The politicians of the country seem Jo be engineering race troubles in the south as a last resort to stem the tide of reform. Texas Sentinel. My God give men strength to over come theiT partisan prejudices, that they may vote for home, family and native land. -Southern Mercury. The fellows ' who expect office are the only chaps"who are morally certain the country will be mined if the candidate of their party is not elected Grange Advocate. -Brick . Pomeroy says: "The silver question in this country must be settled in-the near future, ancl it will be wis dom to settle jt before events might develop a lead.qnestion." We now have 50 percent. more business, more people and more credit than eighteen vears ago and only half 1 " an.:, : . :i as niucn. mouey. 1111s is prosperity for the usurer. Texas Sentinel. Four millions of blacks were liber ated by the war, and now 60,000,000 of American citizens, incuding whites ind Macks, are being reduced to sla- verv ly the. Kings or. avarice. icxas Sentinel - , The,g,verjHient tariffs us fjve hun- Ired million dollars a e.r and we urOiui undr lhevr; burle'ti. J5The railroads arid us fifteeh mTlii'hi a ye ar and wr call it: busfiVessl liberator, Fayette- ville Ark. -" "There is no. excuse for anyone in his country not haying plenty of this world's goods, repeats the parrot press. Just so. This is why the in dependents . have . started after it. Omaha Jocsm. The education campaign is on. The effort to increase the protection cry by subsidies to the Alliance journals is 1 1 1 t not meeting witn success, juaging uy he many contemptuous decimations editorially expressed. Justice. What a host of hired attorneys for corporate interests can be found in the 1st of delegates, to old party conyen ions. The old parties are firm believ ers iu the old maxin, "A stitch in time save nuie.' Cincinnati Herald. A party without a principle is like unto a wagon without wheels, aud if you endorse a cause and vote for a party which does not, you are like unto a man vno tries to ride in a wag on without wheels. Luray Union. It is highly proper sometimes that mud should be thrown. The shovel and not the pen,, is the thing to throw it with. Men who throw dirt with the pen are poor hands to make the way of life smoother. Jexas signal. - . ; ..... . It is pitiful to hear the poor money lenders. fell, how they have been robbed I Ll -I i U.-k I...'!.' lL oy tne western inrmers, out isu t it funny that the money lenders are very anxious to continue the system under which they bavdjrbeen robbed? Cm cinnaji fferaq - - ' J . Cqngressmniii,!Q.'ve8 said that , 'Con gress could npMejp&ata money into the neoDle's rjockets Can't thev? ' It l :. E 71 Li m did legislate twelve hundred millions of dolars out of the people s pockets into the vaults of the bond holders. Little Rock Farmer. . A $10,000 picture of John Sherman hangs in the bank, of England. Pro bably as a remembrance ot the Sher man financial legislation; John's vic tims (the Western farmers) "will re member it without any pictures of that Hessian. Union Baiiner. The theory of basing the paper cir culation upon the gold basis when the bond and railroad security holders of Europe have the power; of drawing out all the gold, is like building a port upon woooden post1 in front of a strong foreign fortification, all the enemy has to do is to knock downthe props and they have the fort. Atlantic Wave. . The nolitical noliticians in the old partieay t hat tlif jiew party lias tot a shadow of a cnnncert success. hen in theame breath they say Jhe.Ieaders fiiidspcAlreis are demagogues and only wiant office. New,if they will tell us how these Jeaders can reasonably hope for office when, as they s.y, there is not a shadow of a chance for success, thej will do us agreat tavpr. Pennsylvania Fanner. THE NEY. i ! State. Tie i-Aslievitle j street railray eppx pany carried - j t wenty-t h ree thpu.and passengers during the four days of the firemen's tournament. - ' 5 The county commissioners of Iredell, after wrangling over the matter for several months, have granted license to retail liquor in Statt-srille. Near Winston ja white servant girl was mnrdered a few days ago. Her body, shot through the! breast, was found 111 a piece of woods hear the town. ' The largest i county teachers' insti tute ever heldjin North Carolina closed at Greensbprof Saturday. One hun dred arid forty teachers were in atten- j . ii l.! 1 ; - uance. i p - . j . . if.; h m ; i ' - :" Charlotte Xeies: The policemen have begun the Work of killing tagless dogs. They havesb far killed thirty five dogs. Every dog found without a tag lis a legitimate target for the police man s shot-gun. j ' '' ' , "! The Railway 'Commission has re ceived complaint against the Richmond and Danville railroad for charging 25 cents a day for trunks left in the de pots and aginst. three railroads for having no depot facilities at Golds boro. ' J. C; Lawrenert arid Miss Aritoiriett Fly nt,' both of Rural Hall, were mar ried oil the 19th instant after a court ship of twenty-seven years, Mr. Law rence has; just somplete4. a handsome residence in Rural Hall and the cpuple are now taking lessons in housekeep mg. j J. M. Cumraings' planing mill and lumber yard near Winston were burned last week. It is thought that the fire originated from a spark of a passing engine on the Norfolk and VVestern railroad. Five hundred thousand feet of i lumber were burned, entailing a loss of 810,000. i No insurance. Figs are plentiful, at 25 cents a peck. Why are they not shipped from here Jforth? They are shipped, here from California, bear transportation well and briny good prices.. Each fig is wrapped in tissue paper and grape baskets are used in shipment. Figs should not be too ripe when pulled. The experiment farm will ship some iu a few days. Ualeigh Chronicle. Charlotte Observer: Mr. H. L. Creightori, who lives sveral miles front here. On ( the Beattie's ford road, quite enthusiastic on the mining inter ests of this county. The gold min- inir wnicn ne w conducting nimseff has lately prod: s;d ore valued at $1 5 to $185 a ton. Mr. Creighton is pros pecting throughout the county. -' He- thinks hii ore more valuable than the above figures indicate. ConcQrd Standard: Mr. S. R. Rig gers, of Bust's Mill, was in the city riiursdav and told the .reporter of the strange actions of a r'tk in aflrjdon his father's farni. He and 1iis' Ijroher Will were hoeing : cotton ;:n l were near the end of the row when they were attracted by the rock " moving from its bed in the road. The rock roiled over on its top sioe, witnout.nnvT visible cause. They afterward ex-i I'.muea 1 lie rocK ana coma see no cause whatever for its moving. Tliei rock will weigh about tweuty-five poHnds. Elsewhere The entire town of Iron River, Wis., was wiped out of existence by fire Sun day. The Senate committee on inter-state commerce tolay agreed upon a bill o compel al railroads companies to equip their cars; witn automatic cou plers and brakes. Baltimore, July 22,- The Netcs his afternoon has the following spe cial from Sits Washington: "It is un derstood by some of Mr. Hill's ad mirers that lie has tor some time con templated resigning from the Senate. tie may ao so at any time. The business failures during the last seven days as reported by R. G. Dun & Co., number for the United States 168, Canada 19, total 187, as compared with 100 last week and 176 the week previous to tne last and 254 for the corresponding week of last year. Bethany Academy. Crorespondence pi tne Watciiman. Some of our furmers are through Iayr ine by, but a majority are not. MM Hi A. ilolsnousers wheat crop averaeed fifte6n bushels vet acre. .MrvU. JLi. ililler openeu bis school last Monday. ; . lIThe reople's party will carry Gold mil township. Mr. James Fisher is now recovering from the fever. The venerable Dr. Kothrock has been ill for sometime. Mr.' C. L. Brown and daughter left this week for the health giving breezes of Blowing Hock. Elm Grove Alliance sent her full dele gatioo to the county meeting last week. She is still the banner lodge in the county. ! The new postomce at Elm Grove be gan operation Tuesday. The mail arrives three times a week. Mr. 11 Beaver is postmaster. The W. II. and F. M. Soc.ietv of the North Carolina Synod will hold fts an '4 i nilrASUi: w"-Wful. bidder is supposed to Bethany Academy is getting on a rise ting on a nse eight months now., Prospects for an term are very bright. Eleve. ; Announcements, I hereby announce myself a candidate for re election to. the office of Register of Deeds for Rowan county, snbject to tbe action of the Dem ocratic Convention. II. N. Woodsos. I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-elettdii to the 6fl5ce of Treasurer of Rowan (.unyf mujctv vu tue action 01 tne isemocratic UonventiOn J. Samcil McCcbbixs. Foi Sheriff. t hereby announce myself a! candidate fort re-election to the office of Sheriff ef Row an count r, subject to the action of the 1 Democratic Convention. J. M. Mosaoe, .... ..... ' ' i' : leofrtc-'.s l?arty"ConycntIon; The v6ters of Rowan county who. favor the reform movement are earn estly,, requested . to meet, at their re srtiveVoting piecincts' on Saturday, Aiigust Cth at 2 fv mJ, for the purpose of electing five- executive committee men and to elect delegates to 4 l be cfounty convention, 'which meets " in Salisbury "at 11 o'clock on. Tuesday, August 10th. On the same day the congressional convention will be held. Below is the number of .votes each, precinet isrentitld to in the county convention: . Salisbury, 20; Franklin, 0; Unity,'3? Mt. Verriou, 4; Cleveland, 3; Steel: 4; Mt. Ulla; 4; Bradshaws, 4; Enochvillev3; Locke, 4; China Groves 5; Botiari's Cross Roads, '3; Heilig's Mill, 2; Gold Hill, 3; Bernhardt Mill, 3; Morgan 4; Halteishop, 4; Rowan Academy J 2. "Every man who has any regarcLfor his mother and father, wife and chil dren, friends and country, should attend. C. L. Brown, 1 v J. A. FiSHER, ) 7lh Congressional District Con vention. . An adjourned meeting of the Peo- s deV pirty of the 7th Congressional istrict of riorth Carolina will meet in corirentjnn, in the city ptr Salisbury, on Tuesday, the 30th day of August, J892, at 12 M. to .nominate a candi date for Congress in said district, and also to select an elector for Kame. the bass of representation, as fixed by the convention, is one delegate or vote for every .fifty votes cast by each county for governor, all parties, in 18S8, or majority fraction thereof, AH the counties in said district, if not already organized will do so at once, and send a full delegation or come in mass, and select men to carry our banner to vic tory. H. A. roRXEY, ' , Chairman. Notice. The voters of Hatter Shop precinct jvho will co-operate with the People's party are requested, to meet in regular primary convention at 3 p. m., on oatur day, August 6th. By order of the executive committee. BuckltMi'a Arnica Sal ve. The best in. the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tet ter, chapped bands, chilblains, corns and skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required. Jt is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money re funded. Price 25 cents per box. For isc by Kluttz & Co. RJWDtE KcBMilse tm yMr ltweir Dy yarcnaaiBV W. Li. Dalaa HkMi. which reorasent the keat Tla fmx prices rn.mk.ei, a tbauModa ' Ifc L. DOUGLAS 51 SHOP fPJliru THE BEST 8HOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE MONET. . A a-eaalae sewed ahoe. that vHH not Hp. flaa alA MamleM, smooth lmldo, flexible, mors com- linn 1 1 and durable than any other shoe ever from 4 to$S. ' price. JMuaucuatommaaesnoeacosunz Ill iianaivfrca, dosckii anon, ids moat atyllah. caar and durable ahoea ever sold at the price. Ther equal tine imported ahoea coating from $3 to $12. di roiiee Baoef worn 07 rarmera ana au. mui other who want a arood bearr calf, three soled, extenaton edge ahoe, eaay to walk In, and will keep the feet dry and warm. CA SO Fine Calf, 9.'i5 and 92.00 Werk W lacaica'a Shoe will glre more wear for the mone than any other make. They are made for aer toe. The Incraaalng aalea show that worklngmea bare found thia out. BnUfl K.OO and Tontba' S1.7S School -BUT U Sheeo are worn by the boya every- Lad ecr Ji:SS anS'SrnS.; Mlaaea) are made of the beat Dongola or fine Calf, aa 1 fleaired. They are very styluh, comfortable and dura- froh) 94X0 to $6X0. Ladlea who wlah to economize in Die. - me3jjunoe equaiacuBiom maaenoea costing tnewKootwefrarennamKtiuaout. - ' Caatiea. W. L. Douglaa name and the nrlce la when yon boy.- Beware of dealers attempting to aub atltvte other makea for them.- Bucb substitutions are fraudulent and aubject to proaecution by law for ob taining money under false pretence. W. U. JWlfQLAS, llrockton. Maaa. Sold by tamped oa the bottom of each ahoe; look for It ftl. S. BROW1M. Administrator's Notice. Having qualified as administrator uponthe estate of Atler Kirk, deceased, all persons, linvinir rlnima nrrsvinst a.tirl istntA o hroKir notified to present them to me for payment on or before the 28th, day of July, 183, or this notice will be plead iu bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate are re quested to make immediate settlement. EZRA KIRK China Grove, N. G. CLOTHING m : IV.'.- ? tJ Great Reduction & HATS ! When am-thing is sold under i .i - cuoneer s nammer, tno. success- 1 bargain. Ours is neither an auction : in .. ii. ..a a-r. I uuuijr! cuicrpriM; ten us inti ur this season that $ Summer Suit on of moiiey, while the Suitnay be worth more tp you. Our mam t i ..i i r it uiumtiig luuni. jk auiu uni ut uic way SIXAVEEKS. To do this effectively, Co-t of a big portion of this stock, and i . r . oeiore. a rare opportunuy inr aa ilv for all BUSINESS. This is the way we worth for yonr hard earned dollar. cain. Straw Hats almost at your ROGERS CLOTHING CO., , c. which you have laid away as nc ? ' can pe repaired and made as.g0oa a Having gpidpatpd nt the best srli l for watchmaker jn .Americiij jive not hesitate to offeri handsome ' ,!; Gold Watch Free ; to the person who can bringusa afrt or clock which we are unable torennV iuoac ejea wuitu wave UCvU gl?ijW you trouble, or causing you p;un 0, headache, can be properly- fit witl glasses which- will enable you l0 . perfectly! and at a price way below the traveling quack or peddler. Our line of JEWELRY ana SIL, VERWARE is the most Complete in Salisbury. Watches were never xn cheap. We are showing a most beaq. tifyl line. You will always find ns"i0 Look for the blackestTfront in. tuwa Sfep in, and we'H treat youhite,r Always yours to please, 1 EEISNEE & GOEHAi;, ' Leading Je welers NOTICE! 1 111 . WFJERfiAS, at a regular meeting of ti : Board ot Coramisglonen and the Hoard of Jut. tiees of the Peace ia and- for-the county -of Rowan, held on tUe first Monday in "June. ' in joint session, an Act entitled "A act to ' provide fojr an alternative method offonstrBtt.; ing and keeping in repair tl'ic public roadi 14 ' the State,f chapter 3Gl.o the La of ns page 353, jwas adopted hy the said Board lj lake effect from id itlterlhe 'first day -August, 1892, as therein provided hj tl county of Uowan. AND WHEKEAS, the proTisionsrid art will be in full force from Rnd after sjid day of August, in lieu of the provisions ttilt general nmd law under which tho public road, of the State have heretofore been worked. ' Xow, therefore, in pursuance at the prnti sionsofsiiid Act, we, thu Hoard of Curamii. sioners of Rowan county, do hereby give notice anl call upon all able-bodied "Tnitle person ot Rowan county between the age of 2l aud45. years-to "v ork on the ppblicrottdg of laid "- county not exceeding four days in ee6 am erery year under the rules and regulations tint may be providetLbv the Hoard of Commission, era. ! " W. L. KLl'TTZ, II. N. WOODSON, Cli airman. I I Clerk. : July 18, 1892. i , The People's Party Tariff Reform Buggy, -: I BITII.T BY THE , f ! EMERSON Si FISHER; CO, Cincinnati, .Ohlv).' - -New btvlii Leather Ttp, Side Il.ir, extra well pointed and triufmHl.v Fr sale by I - ; W. SMITHDB AL, I Salisbury, 1J. C. 1 . AH lhe E.&-.F.. warreiitfd fiwffh are branded "E. & F. Co." on iueJ;it. ? ?, ? IT NOT BETTER IS To Have your printing dove neaflij, ami in an ; attractive, niamicr, even if you have to pay viore for it ? Well, we do not charge any more for our worjt, hut guar--antee the finest work done in Salisbury, and as fine work in our line, as can he done anyivhere. Our motto is: Neat, Prompt, Accurate. Call on us, look at our sam ples, hear our prices, and U convinced that what we suy. s true. Very truly, t Watchman Job Ofe, : :?: ? - - i the - get a nor a forced sale, but our. erperienc in : i.a : V -Mnre W us n i a viu iu our pucacii ,nJ our coun ter that cost us the same am- mothsioc''1 wpiv r. t t. GTATIK in ui our v tux we will not consider Value nor will offer Bargains you have neT - wanting tabuy Clothing. AIU warning lo.ouy ioniiiiH - jy bout- do in dulleasons: give juu . l.lfW We pocket the loss al.d vou getc " . k. A IIjI own price. 00RMA Opposite Fostofflce, -4

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