-,r vTHTtM ATT ,0 per cent, moro fs thp prgftn 'of:, th Fanners' Alliance in Gthand 7th Congres.; sional Districts: . - ; Ailvertisers; amaj note of this. rUion than any papr Polished Sibiry, and Is S3U3 .v. - bast ad" ;.tl 6-. ;.?rn? in - XXIII- THIRD SERIES. SALISBURY. N; G., THURSDAY, AUGUST 11, j v, M ft y (WAU-U- x- n .n -u.oi.u u u. vwu v.u;,Jt,,ii..n. n vajal -ii. -Ji. e - ..... - - :: 1 - - . . 1802 , -: ; X-' .''--U NO. 41. , for Infants and Children ( CMflr I a is so well adapted to children that .om"m nJ itaa superior to acyprescripfioa 'ratomf.-' II. A- Aacnca, IL DM ; UtSo. Oxford Et.Iirooklyn, N. T. " U nf ' Castoria is so universal and i,,:iowo that it seems a work ' tellt famiti--s who do not keep Caatona .clar-os Mahttw, P.D., . ! , New York Wry. UteJ jTaor Eloowinedato itelormea cnurca. m ia i DU'TY yon ottb yourself anfl fam tJlA.Kt. Hft Inn for Tour inonCT. '-mi -o In Tour footwear by purrhnwnff f I Suclai Loe, wich represent th '.y,(fai prices asked, as thousand WnrllkE-KO SUBSTITUTE. aOJ'EL GENTLEMEN. ri 1 FOB I If r. BHTI CI A-cPBoine stwfl nlioe. That will not rip, fine rj Van. I' , iininoth fuslde, flexihlo, more'com-irKXY.-.ttviUN nft'l diirabla than uuy other shoe ever 1 !1 t!ie'Hc. CtunU custom made shoes costing anrt $ naji-pp-?reii, fiTe calf shoes. Th Vt.:(".lft lifl., ami duraJilo Khoes ever Sold a k" r rl"." i Li'i' eiukl liiio L-uitortcd shoes costing (. . 7itii$;. A - 150 Vclicc tilioc, wornjy farmers and all 50othtr who wuut a bjo(1. heavy calf, tbrea i iW. f xutsiM aide shoe, easy t9 walk la, aal will t r-tlH'fN'tdry f nil warm. fft-S9 FirJntalf, $2.5 and 8.00 Work--4i Stioes . ill give more wear tor t ho b'-.t tbiti a:j.f ot lir.-.aiikc. Tiiey are mole for ser-. Ti.'lue iti'i '. tfusing sales chow that workiagmea kitfuuL'J inisouU Oftur. i.U!l tr.a Vnnth 9 1.75 Cchool BUjlu shoes are worn by the boys every- ttoe. the most r.TvlcPatile shoes sold at the prices, t-CUlCli - 5vi.0 and SI .73 KIkvs fo. ;.:farcia3oc: the bestiyOnKolatirfinoCaTT.aa itixA. Tfiey arc very sU llah, comf ortafcle and d ura lit T$;UJliilio9eii'.mIseDstonniar!enhoescOjMlng tr ?tu6 to $6.1 (.- l.a.iics who wisti toecauouilzo iii tn if . 1 1 weu r a re fl nd i n tt t h 1 s out. (fttWH-WM Dou-jlas'naine and the price is Ramp) on the bottom of each shoe; look for it iton yon buy. Pewarcof dealers attempting tosub f2sti'oUipri.ialco3for jthem. Sach ubtltu:lonoare inirtalcntaud oiibject to prosecutlou by law for ob iMut ii wi'y ua!T false protences. iiVUlUli.13 i.l Ov.lklUU, 111 USH. BOUIVJ III. Minion Life Ins. Go. Of NEW Yt)RK. CONDENSED STATEMENT. i - i- ' ' - - . . - 1 . ! 1 JANUARY 1ST, lSJ2.r $ill,l50,r;j8 7! --nl for .oK-i.'?, X. Y. ' Sun far.i 4 kt c'c.iU., iiinl 'l (i iliiiitifs, - - ' liisHMiici'. -is:) i. - t4;i.lij1:isur;iiirc,'-. - P'liicy-h. ti.it-rs in. IM:1, -t ? siify-jiol.Icrj ijicc ur- i i:o:;2T520 2. i i.;7;:.;'ji ,447,0(lOI;". . . . 2fhGi.vri f" - 2,(;8 1,433 74 IiiYostel as Follows: 5 -fr.nn 1 liv nurtr,irp nn -u4-.tati:, first, lien's. "Myu w.tffr.l.oii.ls. 271,8:52 y0 1 11,000 :".,'j',i-;(Vii.i i)ii.i, ' - Polir'v'-irol',!,.rs ., , io,;oo .!,,"ic,Mt . - - - - 278,7:50 34 jpIWs- .... :t,5io ;W;iti-cost value, - - 51,818 25 4-3 bank ami trust Co."s. ' - 2 17.708 1 ad in tr.Hiait, etc., - 416,007 77 for (,.:... . i ., ..- T ' '. . 6 "Mrs una oiner particuiitre, address, - II. D. ! I LAKE, Special District Apt.1, 7 IUleighN'. C. ' ' ' S flTESYILLE I m,va . i 1 m - -. . . . . ... in every vospoct and positively will uot be undersold. Granite Monuments 1859 -i - . Castoria cores Colic, Constipation, i Soar Stomach, Diarrhoea. Eructation, ! Kills Worm, give sleep, and promote di- restioa, -Without injurious medication. For peveral yenrs I hare reeomninKled your ' Castoria, and Khali always continue to d so as it has iarariably produced beneflcial results." - Enwi F. Pardes, M, D- TbO WlnGirop," 125th Street and 7th Ato KewTorkCity. Th Cwtaub CoirrAWT, TT 3frAT ftram, Krw Tobx. CHILD BIRTH ' MADE EASY! " Mothers' Fwekd " is a scientific ally prepared Liniment, every ingre- dient of recognized value and in constant use by the medical pro : Cession. These ingredients are com bined in a manner hitherto unknown MOt!ERS, o FRIEND" WILL DO all that is claimed for it AND MORE. It Shortens Labor, Lessens Pain, Diminishes Danger to Life of Mother aiid Child. Book to " Mothers " mailed FREE, con taining valuable information and voluntary testimonials. Sent h v express on receipt of price f l.fiO per bottle BRA0FIEL0 REGULATOR CO., Atlanta. Ga. SOLD BY ALL DBUGt?ISTSL ' A Household Remedy 5 FOR ALL" DISEASES Co) Botanic Blocd Balm Urr)e SCROFULA, ULCERS, SALT UUrtgS RHEUM. ECZEMA, every form of malignant SKIN ERUPTION, .be- j sides being efficacious In toning up the A vtliiii and i.tfAplnii 4ta ritntflf it!Afi 'when Impaired from any cause. Its almost supernatural healing properties Justify us !n guaranttfiing a cure, It directions ara followed. SENT FREE nXCSTRATED "nook r tuidtn." BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta. Ga rr v l ri 1 Trr 'Jt VTSV7 dO 70TL EtlSQY from D3-cpcpsL mid Slct-IIcadachcv rendering liio tulrerablo, nr2xeu til . remedy is at ysur luuiu 7 ' a I lit y wen r will ppeodnyrcraovonll tJi!o troaule, 3nablo you to eat and iircat your food, I prevent hcadac-Iio mut Impart an - enjoyment cf liio to 7hicli you have been a stranger. Doso einall. Price, & . 23 cents. Ohlce, 39 lr.rk Place, K. Y. 6S0OO Q0 Q Q O Norfolk Alliance Exchange 11 and 13,Cpmm3rce St., jSTovfcilk, Va.f j Owned and controlled by Allhuicemen 1 for handling produce, COTTON A SPECIALTY. Doii't sell before writing for par ticulars to J. J. ROGERS, Mgr. P. O. Box 212. . . - . i ' " - - . RBEE m To) JL VJ JL JL Hies 1 IA WORKS ' Is the Placs to Get Monuiaerits, Tomtstones, &c mock- ot VKjiJlU.NT MABuMi to arrive in a few days Wo -unr inter Of 411 V?'i q. specialty " C. B. WEBB & CO., - t - PitOPRlETOR. Mont ion the Watchman whn yot write V- THE 1092 Georgia Home Insurance Co, COLUMBUS, GA. J. BHODIS BROWKE, WM. 0, C0ARTr - TBEtlEKT. SlCCKKTARY. Total Assets, over SI, 000,000. A B orne Ccmpary, sec king Home Patronage. iiit-ii in ui irt trjb.u.KS at lowest i etc ate latcs. lofses tjusted . :.: srd rr;d pJomT.tIy, 3 J. ALLEN BROWN, Agt, IJFT UP THE L.1TCII- TTwas rfark, and I -with inwnrJ fenr OA StddJ like a culprit, weeping, near i Tlie)iowic in which my 23 trior dviralt ; Such fnng ray saul h i I ne'veffv'lL ( A Vwcf a l.lressetl me from -trithin, ;, - 'j'Lift ut the Utcli and eiiter in." - ' i !i l . - ;. - 1 thought I was unfit to be r: A giu-st of Fuch a one us Ue; ! : 1 need garments new njd fair iJeforel dared to enter there. Duk still the voice W: heiirl writhiu, -Lift up the latch and rntcr in." Bnt in my deepest heart I knew i That I had sinned, and basely too; ( I trifled with his blood and tears, Arid slighted hira for month and para. -Joi still the voice was heard within, "Lift up the latch ami euter in." , 1 . But r vrmrld r.itber not comply : Until my life to m?nd t try; . I need a better, heart before I could be welcomed at the door. ' But still the voice was heard within, 'lift n-i. the latch and enter in." Not now, I said, 'twill do again, When I am free from all my paia; No sighing, ones tire wanted there Where-song of gladness fill the'uir. But still the voice was beard witliiu, 'Lift up the latch and enter ia." With all my sins and guilt bppressed, With heart of stone within my breast, Say,! would you, Savior, honored be With such a worthless guest as me? "Yes," saith the voice that spoke within, uL4fe 'up the latch and enter in." Christum Adcovate.- ..- , ..... . The Lutes Vud. Mr-'. Abner Tav lor, the wife of the millionaire C'h cao C'onyressmatr, has nitiated'a slat ilingly tiniqi.e fad, per haps! the illicit startling and tin que ever inaugurated by a Washington society lady. ' It hits been customary for a long -time in Washington forladis tos-ecure the-aiitogi'ajilis of Senators, It pivseii- tativfsi ami lnh public riiguit? ra-s in an album. Mrs. TaylorVs.nibition lists (nilgrown the album sta:e. There is now p ssing tiirouh the IIou :f Itp reseiitative.H one of Mrs. Taylor's tin derga'niWrits, ' which is technically known to the female sex as st skirt. A neat little note from Mrs, TVylor i appended, addressed to the representa tives of the people. In .eueral, re questing each one ot 1 htm to write his autograph ut on the'g.oinei t. She xpiami In the note that it is her pur ges? to embroider the -names i:i silk villi a Vietv t possessing when tin mamentatioii is completed sail. ant- r.ipli f-kirt of the pjvs-nt Congress. Tlieipnss iye of this linen nfTiir frn de k to dsk thii ugh The II;use ha- -.rented ; no nid of asm s uii'iit 'allloilf; 'e Cuii4re-sn4n and .iiioiy of the iii.'mI sfjHt the 'people's represent.ttiv' s tie siuxi iiisly ' itiquiriuv; wiiete thi Ulti!?'"' fad nf tue Iadi !S uoili -u Stop. When t!ie g.irinjot reaehes the j u.tie, til it attu-t l.tidy; vv.U pro a ;ry experie.ux a sho. k t'l-oui which i; will ike snn-i time for it to recover. A treiteral Impels expressed simoug .he stat -sail u tn the hill ih.it Mrs. Tayh.r's f;:d wid; not strike tne fane) M the rest of Ih-: f id seeking Wu-li ington lad-:es. Washington Corres pondence Atlanta Cunst.it at i n. i Wanted A Boy. Wanted a hoy, a brave, con ngeon nanlv. hopeful Imiv: one who is not ifraid pftlre truth; one wlto scorns a ie; one who hdes decei ; one who uves his mother"; one who doesn't now m rJ than his parents; one who has the courage to say no, arid stick to ; o ir wh ) u filling to begin at the oottoiu of the Ialder and work up wards"; one who thinks it would be tin- iU inly to sin ke; on.-! whe thinks aa education is wortli striving for: one who is williiij; to jbev hi- superiors; tne who lnows his home is better than he street; one who doesn't believe the narvelous tales told in the story paper, and will not read the vile stuff: one who won t cheat in a fair game; one who won't bi a sne.de and do a'mean act unseen; one who won't spend every penny he earn s or gets; one who "hinks he should respect hinjsell and keeps himself in decent appearance; one who won't attack an old man be- cause tic ia reeoie ana aeienceiess; one who won't torture ditmb animals; one who won't steal; one who 'Won't 3 wear; : one who won't listen to or re peat nastv sttiries; one who won't re- t ' . - . k Vile or leer sit uruuKeu persons on tne street ; one who wont do a diriy act for anot her b y wlro is too cowardly to Ini his own meanness; one who loves to do rihli becuse it Is right. Wanted j.t boy-a wholesouled, earnest, honor- t!le. stn tre l v. Where can he be found?; Does he live in your ireigh tit i t w t I m ooriioou.'' is lie a meniwr or your fauiily? Mo yt.n know him? American Teacher. Strength and Health. If you are not feeling strong and healthy, try Electric Bitter. If Li Grippe has left you weak, a inl weary, Ufc-Klectric Litters. This remedy acts directly on Liver, Stomach ami Kidnevs gently aiding Jhosc organs to perform ihefr functions. If you are. afHic;el with 'ick. Headache, you will rind speedy and permanent relief by taking Elect t ie Uit iers.'. Oiie trial will convince 'ou that this is the rem dy you neeil. Large bot tles Q cents at Kluttz & Co.'s drug store. When Baby was tick, we pare her ca-toria. When she was a Child, sue cried for Castoria . When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When shd had CJadren, she ga-j them Castorisi I The censaH office Thursday, UsqwJ $ . MmUditi the subject of the T colored prpiHnori or uie uu;ie.t ires in. VJ. The lIetiii tiws that the f!orel population its retariiP(i'uhler the ceu stw of ISO) is 7,038,30). Of ihU iitinlr 7,470,04 ftre pj'reons of Afri cans 1180611107,475 nre Chitte.o, ,039 I Japanese,, and 53,800 civilized Indians. . . :,' ; ' Ci)tiulorin5 persins of Afri:an dj see'it it is seen that there ha been nn increa.4e during I the dHiiide ! fron 1880 t 189v) of 8804 or 13 51 er cent., in against inn 'increase" 4rnuf tlm .dec;ulrJrofii ?1.U4.: 188.) Iif 1,700,784 o34,& per cerrtTlie liufc lletin 8.ts; The u)tiortnali ipcreuse of I he colored populalioti of the South durinj' ti.e deetide eadins; in" 1830 W to the4 popular btdief th.it tiieVnegro j was increasing at a much irreater rate than the white population. ; The present census ha shown, however, that the high rate' of increase in the colored population, ns shown by the census of 1S80, Wa apparent only, and duo to the imperfect enumeration of 1870 in the Southern States." There, has leeu an ; increase in thti number of Chinese in the United Stiites during the decade from 1880 to 3800 of only 2,010, 1 91 per ceut the number 'returned 'in 1S8J being 105,403, and the number returuel in 1800 heing 107,475. The Chinese iu cresised G8 88 per cent, from 1870 to 1880, smd 80.01 per cent from 1800 to 1870. In 1880 the Japanese in the United States numbered only 148, while in 1800 they numbered 2,030. -In 1870 there were only 55 Japanese returned and r that census. The civilized Indians have decreased during the past ten years "7,(501, or 11.45 per cmiK, the number returned in 1880 being 7G.407 as 80 J returned in 180v. against Horse -Breeder's Meeting siil Usi c -. All the prominent hors breeders and nearly till the owners of fine horses in North Carolina have agreed to meet sit Rahigh on August 17th and .'18th, 1802, for t.v i. n pose f insitiuuratiiig a permanent race program file forspnug, u ii ti.'r a i l autumn, and toorgaiu lireeilers Association ior theStaf ind to this meeting, every ii izeu iii the bt: te int. rested in owinnir. ' reed n H ordrmii'L: the Aiueri-an tiotter i' : r-lially invit d. Tne racing feature of this meeting will be the very largest, most. ex:itin' iml inter.-sting s-ries of t.id- of pe d ver known in tlv S ale. Tne pro r amine was nn er k a ty a few gei.tli- iii' .ii i lieu at tnetr inuiv.unai expense v anu tnev are gr-.?ly gratified, indeed pie is- nitl v surprised, iU the interest which has developed in the uinlertakiiir. Forty seven horses have been entered to late, an I lh re will be as many sis eight start'-is in soiiie ot the races, which will be made on the two days named The increase nf interest in fine horse breeding in North Carolina for the past two years has h.is been phenome nal; and already there are within the borders of the State, horses of interna tional repate. The spleiided race pro gramme for August 17th stud 18th is the logical result of this interest, which will receive sin immense impel us at this meeting. The races will also be si fererunner of the race programe to be made up for the State -Fair, and everybody interested in the possibilities of horse tlesh will appreciate the ad Vantage of being able to note :tny de velopment at the State Fair trials. The meeting for organizing tlie Breeders' Association will be held on the night of August 17th. The race purses are libersil for an introductory meeting, and railroad rates for the oc casion are unusually low. Mr. E. Le of Raleigh will take pleasure in giving information desired. The Mormons in Stanly County. The trial of W. C. Windor and L. Tavlor, two Mormon elders, took lace last Thursday in Albemarle; lessrs. Brown and Jerome appearing for them. The case wsis heard by Messrs. Ross and Redwine, Justices of Peace. John Biles claimed they had c t used the separation'. of hyn and his wife;. she denied it. The Stanly Xetcs lists this to-rt:iy: Not bavin' sufficient evidence to convict them, the magistrates re leased tlie M )rmons. But though there was no written law to get them out of the way, there was a moral law i scribed up n the heaits of our peo ple and when-the ssnnts (?) walked out of the house they were met by a crowd or citiz2iis who were determined to rid our county of such evils. Mr. J. R. Burns, their le.ider, told the Mor mons in a decided ton? that they must leave or be carried out of the county. The' read the same in the resolute faces of tlie crowd and quickly promised to leave on tl:e next Usiy. This satisfied the people and vio!ercer was thus avoided. We learn that thn"r counsel si!so s.d vised them to lelTve. The .Mor mons have gone, and let U3 have peace. JullA EJ Jahoson, Stnfforrs P. O., S. C, writes: I had buffered 13 j eara with eszuia .anJ was at renfsi nniinod to mv bed. The lichiriff 't;S terrl- ..... . . . . . M. An a .. i 1. ...an H.ff f ! ua ot ilot.tnlc lllooJ Balm, which entirely cured me, ft lij 1 OSS YOU lO pUOUSU UUl iur mc ucutuu ui oaers suffering In like ra 'nner." JQjridrerj Cry for Pitcher's Castprt T!ic Colorwi llntiriii. 4 Solid Platform. Cprre8ronJceftheVatchmar. Tlie feople; party, of America, in tlieir first natiomil coriYeiitu n: in tl.o name and on behalf of the people (f ,,,er are a RrPat many people iu the the ountrv, wiopfed the followinWO, fcnow ,,ow lo no adcan prr-ample and leclanition .f principled Jeach ,olhers it takes nil iheir time "The conditions which; surround uslto n1, const quenlly they have i-est justify our co-operation; we meet! verge ruin box even thrierniiiie of the bench. Thel people are denlorilizpd; most of the States have ieh cimiptdleirfnsoiHte the voters at pollinir olaces tu Drtrt-ent universal intimidatrit or bril)erv. Newspapers have been subsidized or mtizzlfd; public opinion silenced; busi ness nrostrated: our homps rnvpio,! with mortgages; labor impoverished: and the Und concentrated in the hands of capitalists. Our people are denied the right of organization for aelf-pro-tection; the fruits of the toils of mil lions are boldly stolen to build up colossal fortunes for n few, unpre cedented in the history of mankind; said the possessors of these in turn despise the republic and endanger lib erty. From the same prolific womb of governmental injustice we breed the two great classes tramps and million aires. Our country finds itself con fronted by conditions for which there is no precedent in the history of the world. Our unnual agricultural pro ducts amount to billions of dollars in value, which must be sold at low price-; the results are falling prices, the formation of combines and lings,. the impoverishment of the'producing class. "We pledge ourselves that if given power we will labor to correct these evils by wise and reasonable legislation in accordance with the terms of our platform. We believe the government should be controlled by the many and not by the tew.' How is the force bill. Well we think that Congress ought to pas a force bill to force our, congressmen to st iy awsty from hrre races, sin I force them to stsiy in Wash ngton and at tend to business. No one seems to know what the force bill is Some ay it would take all of our liberty away;. others say it is tor the purpose of getting a fair coiint in the ehctions in the South. However, no sensible man is ahn med. for it will never be come ji law. Wall street men keep l be matter In-fore the public in order lo keep al.ve sectionalism. There sire men who think the demo cratic p r y gave birth to them and 'hat. it must, be their religion, their God and Savior. Thousands rf men claim lo be good pariv men and they could not get credit for a pound of soap. A good party man must, belong to a good patty, and be a good citizen generally. Main strong old party men think their party v,ll give them si pass in heaven. 1 letkmi it will cai ry tl em somewhere when they die, bnt it will be si p'ace where overcoats are not needed. The republicans have leen in power and the democrats have been in power, and if you can tell where either of them worked for the interest of the toor fanner we .would like to see it. ioth labored for the interest of the money kings. The reform movement is on foot stud it must continue until relief comes to the farmers. If those who are so frightened stbout the force bill would 'do more to force the rascals to the rear and let honest men rule, they would be more thought of. Jim Weaver and Jim Field will cany the day. It ;is si sorry farmer that won't vote for a field. Manning. 3Isinniti. Corre3poadenca of the Walci man. Mr. Editor: I sigain bpg space in your valuable p.iper for a few items. Corn and cotton is looking fine, but some of the cotton has got the rust and is dying. The hum of the thresher ha9 been heard bnt has not reached this neigh borhood aVthis writing. The school at Salem Academy U in a flourishing condition. Mr. Iheo. C. Park1!', of Green sboro, N. C, is teaching. We wish him much success in his new work here. There was no preaching at Salem on the second Sunday owing to the in clemeinyof the weather. Mr. Theo. C. Parker conducted prayer service. The Salem Alliance is still in the 1 md of the living and is living. The farmers ireuerally are in earnest about shaking off the yoke of oppression, and if enough sensible, intelligent men will join the Alliance to balance the wild fanatical element, this organiza tion will continue to prove a benefit to the country. The bring'ng ofthe farmers together informed many of them of things about wh c!i they we're otherwise ignorant, an 1 thus learning how others have the advantage of them they become intelligent. Their r ugh-iies.-, too, is apt toj-ub off more or les by contact with others, and gMi.ein in p:ovement is the consquence. It has been remarked.1-however, that a farraerj become informed and rise t positions in the Alliance they leave their country homes and go to loan and seek office. .Tills looks b.,d for the j country, but it they succeeu in niiu- ing easier and more Importavt places, whv they only serve to stimulate those who are left behind. Another objec Uie mwst of a lmlion brouihttothe ' if'r a cuarry snoubi oe of mora , orinehdp. nil r,rtv eiciseu jrom Uie:n. Perhaps the . Corrunlioii dominate th iLlb.r. !,"r? not -physically qualified to work on , Mslatures, conrtand touches if ,lrni auV h;lve.n, ttlt for making tion to this ormizition is qrgrd, nnd that is ll.at the iiiot -conspicuous nnd ofBt ions iuemlMrs are t he poorpat farni- ie.ra - L, t UJi hear in mind the fact that ;,m ,,UU1S,V These are . ueJ tneni, nence they nw ,m tt 111 t ,n't others. No fo dfN are rimieiy imauie 10 execute, With Vst wishes -to the Carolina Watchman, I remain, v Yours for justice, S. T. SlFFORI). Mutinlngr. Correspondence or Watchman. . The farmers of this neighborhood are through laying by a-nl are now putting in most of their time talking politics. The threshers have come and gone and wheat turned out well. From present indications there will be an. unusually large crop harvested this fall. com Mr. P. S. Kluttz is contractor on route No. 18.018, between M; ininnir anu uemz ior me next rour a ears. We learn that there will be si d ily mail established on the ShefriU's Fori! road soon. A daily mail would l greatly appreciated Try the people of this vicinity. With exception of Mr. S. B. Colly's family there hasn't been any sickness in this community. Mr. C:IIw has right serious time, sill the family being in bed except Mr. C, he having to do stll the washing, cooking, etc. We are ghtd to leat n that some of them sue convalescent. They should remember the words, "Whom the Lord loveth He chastene.th. On last Friday according to appoint ment, quite a Jarge crowd gathered at Salem Academy to hear the two f;. mous (?) Hons., Shober and Over man, propound the great -political ques tions of the day. But these men, whose object was to organize a Cleve land and Can club, failed to appear, but neverlbelPsT'poTitics waxed warm between democrats and People's party men,tlie latter getting the best of the - rgunient. in the absence of our pnstor, Rev. B. W. Cronk, who is spending a few weeks in Virginia, the pulpit of Salem church will be tilled by Mr. H. E. It Sloop, a student of the Theologicsil Seminary, on the second Sunday'- in August, and by Rev. R. L. Brown o.i the fourth Sunday. Locke township Sunday school con vention will convene sit St. Mark's on the sec nd Sund.ty in August. Judg ing from the selection of speaker there will be some excellent speeches. W. -...IT il-.il i p From Uownn Acsidcinj. Crorespondcnce ot the Watchman. Rowan Acsidemy Alliance is on :i boom. The People's party will cany that box in November. I took Jake Warner's plan the other day. I loaded up my old shot gun sincl started' out. the Inst thing I shot at was t squir rel; the next thing I cameto was a threshing crowd. I sounded the Peo ple's party $:inong twelve men and found them all People's party moil x Cpt one. I shot him down, and by a thorough examination I found that he was rotten. '1 h next one I cant'' to was si bhicksmith. lie said he was to help organize a Cleveland club at Rowan Academy, but was not going until the IVop'e's primary met. I went ij'i, and the next one I caiun to was a good old democrat who said that he didn't know how . to vote; I had a conversation with him for about halt an hour and told him of the robbery of our country nnd how much money the railroads had borrowed from the United States government and had failed to pay it back; he then said that he was for the People's party. The next thing I met was a Cleveland man, who said free coinage of silver would rum the country, stud that there was cumuli monev in circulation. I come to tlie conclusion that he had got up backwards that morning and had never come to his right senses et. i We had free coinage of silver up to 1873 and it chit not ruin the couniry. After the war we had 852 per capita and there was not too nttieh nioii"y in circulation; v" Now if we had never 1 a I free coinage of silver before tl.en we would believe what some of our pluto crats tell us. Both Cleveland and Har son are opposed to the free coinage of silver. Now brethien, if you want better times you mu-t vote for Weaver and Field, if ui want worse tiu.es vote for Cleveland or Harri&on, for Loth of them hold to Wall street. r I will retire until I can get some htlCX shot, M. P. All R-.lssi.ui sc!l ls will be closed ujitd SjpteniVr on account of the prevalence of the cl.o'era. . i i ft i en Backlen'3 Arnica Salve. The hest in the world for cuts, bruises, sorts, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tet ter. chapped hands, chit idai ns, corns and .-kin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pav reuuircd. It i ituarauteed-lo give pei feci '-sal i.-fact ion, or inocey re- funileI. Price 2-" cents per box. I-o. - J sale by Kluttz & Co The MocrcsvHIc JPJrlmary, CorrcsponactceoftheWtttctmai. - T1 nm'arv M the Pennine -.ff-. i .uniisnip caine 0tt ftatnrday amrwas well attended. This is Coddl creek township, tlie one in which tie? town of MooresViIle is, and Kis aa mnch old forlorn democmcv to tho piare inch a 'anjl township "in North Uarohrxi. But nerertheliw lb Pn- pie's pary.has ah'old here that can no k I 1 t, . - - v. - .... ue iH-oKen,;.,:. The primaryln ip," Davidson, 'was a boomer, over 8(r voters beisg prCTen t. - -. The'conventi?Td in Statesville for . Iredell wsis a boomer,. Jt made tho old parlies open their eyes. It was orderly and in lho most "perfect ; har;. mony. Afull counly ticket wi'ui pobf 5 in the field and there is no doobt but that it will run wet 1 nnd may bo Iec ted, especially since the .Molt element ofjhe renhblican party has been nd- . vised by him to to with the Peordei Lpartv. The ticket is as follows: For tlie Semite, W. B. Mott; House, S. A. Lownmce and - Elliott; Sheriff, W. B.TGrbson; register of deeds, R. V. Tharn; treasurer, M. E. Rstmsey; coro ner, J. D. Parks; siirvetojvS. T. Laz- mby. A. C. Sliuford, o"f Catawba, en- dorsed for Congress. Mr. Shuford -poke to i large and attentive audit ence und made the best arguineiit iii favor of t ip fiep coinagp of silver thai it h.:s been our privilege to' hear. The ticket for this comity is a good one and although 4redjIl county has; i. ever ; allowed the democratic flag to, trail in I he dust it may have to suet cumb this time. i mote it be." A Spectator. ICookitiK-inui Letter. C r.ospon tcncc-fij W.itcliman. A company ff wen passed I brought Shiloh ;t few days :igo cm their way to Blowing Rock, Warui Spiings, and other mountain point. t on, :i pleasure trip. : Jes-ie Holdjs died oil tlpQ 2Clh of! -In y of fever. Riley StewjirL's child, aged about two years, has been suffering from some disease of the. head tor some time andT both of its eyeballs have burst antj r.uri out. John Hnnn, of-Arexuivler eojiintyi r few days :igo went to the house of; Noah Teague, of the same count v, ami peall him out smd after some djscussicib llaun drew a razor sitnl ci4 the tnaiiij artery of each of each of; TeagueV arm, from v. hich he dit d.. U-mn is yi, jail at Taylonville. 0. New Sterling, N. C, A'lg. 2, 1802. Prof. IL Ii. Mugh.cSp. Correspondence ol Uv? W'utchman. We learn that Prof. E. f.Ung'ie of Reidsville, S. C , is to assist in, fold ing the InKtitule for Rowan county. This being the c se we wish tp c.pni mend him to the teachers ftf tp county as one of the most thorough and practical teachers that it has Ijeen on i- privilege to .met. He lieHd the Institute in this (Iredell) county and our .teachers sire delighted with hill. We have been with him in two Inst jT tutes and think we know whereof wq speak. Teachers, all go to the Instir tute or you will regret Tt. , A Teacher. Mooresville, N. C, August 3, 'i)2. " LEMON ELIXIR its VcntTcrful Effects on the. Liver, Stomach, Dowels and Kidneys. For -Uiliousncs, Constipation nnd Msi laria, take Ijciaoi! Klixir. For Indigestion", Sick nnd Nervous Headache, take Lemon Elixir. F r Sleeplessness, Ni'Tvousnegs nnd Ilearlfaihire take Lemon IOlixir. For Fevers, Chills and JJvbility, nko Lemon Elixir. - Ladies, f.r natural aud through organio regulation, take Lemon Elixir. - Dr. Mozley's Lemon Elixir will not fiil you in anv of t ho above named dis eases, all of which arise from a torpid or diseased liver, stomach, kidneys OP bowels. Prepared only by Dr. II. Mozley, At lanta, Ga. 50c. and $1 bottles at drug gists. ; A Prominent Kinistor Writes. After ten vears of great'sufrcring from j Indigestion, with great nervous prostrn-- tion, liiliuusness, uisonlcreil kiuueyH and constipation, I have been cured by Dr. Mohy's Lemon Elixir and am t ow a weti uian. Kev. C C. Davis, Eld. M. E. Ghurch South, No. 23 Tatnall St. At'anta, Ga The highest railway has -recently l?en -onipleted up the sides of Pikes Peak, from Maniton, Col. It. stalls at an elevation of 0,-10(1 hot above :t lnv so.i. and ciimt)s a winding course 7.750 leet to the lieigbt of 14,147 . frtJL above" the sen. This requires a grstde aver aging 84 fe.-t to the mile. Oki!asio, f"l e, June 2d. Ii9. Mejv'ks. Liri'MAN I'lHOs., I'i'Or I. 1'. I. t.KSTi km km I let-; li n.y unry lo infonn yt u t I he run; your wouJri'ful imJI. tre, 1. I'. P. wrougt.t n- iay cy.se. l'hae dried ff- to ye.irswl'h dysi-isla ..nd malaiia tu lli' wort f nn. auil was i Oatlj sum rer Jioin sleW Leadack . eiv iKiwelsaut ri'it ;u-t Uut inltc a v. tt-k ami ttv HUni ly ofiCt a wc k. 1 eoiilo i.ot retain lialf I al. iu-i! my sioinjcU was alwajs umouiiniUibly Ucuvj: I lilwl ' tills, alt l-iiaJs of lueiilclnes.-but only 'ouiid temporary lCll. t In M.em; l was dt sijoii'leut and wjs ho.lvg to svooHnU relief la death. se ing your P. P. V, abverttscir.ent 1 decided to. try it 'aud eiut Med lr.lea to iet me a bottle, a'n-1 after taking t.Uat bottle 1 leit one Uundred eer c.-nt. betu-i- 1 liaveu;lcen tnobotllts and will soon s' another, and can uo.v tat. in peace an.1 enjoy every thing, aud" can sleep lli.e a top. MyJic-claehej have e aseU a d ny bowels me regular. I would advise alt suffeieis lne tuy:e ( to give f. t'l I, a trial and they wtn wilie you nVl aavi. I hat it hsai s a ny iueuic:r.e on the tuai ki t. J You:s tnn.v. Ti.itsC lv.k, i Artist and ranu;r - 1 i i -1 t4 , i T ... T - 11 Cm fi! - . i: 3. r: h a- n ' H -1 X if. 'I 1 - t A- H : -- -, -34 - a : : . '4 i 1 S i Vi . .in fi i I1 : T-tf H i ! i - t i j f e i:" -!.t i ? i PI 41 i! b:

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