THE WATCHMAN ' is tho Oigau of thor Faltolso, Allianco In 6th and Jth Consrc sional Dlsirictar ; Advcrtiisers, mako a; noto of this. . " . NO; 44. . I vif r A vn 5Q-FCi uuv than ... n:r is rho beat r4 ixiIFTIIIRD SEllIES; SALISBURY N.. C., THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 1, 1892 1 1 , - : ' : I -I - -. . . ' - i - 1 " ' ' L ." JJ """" I i '. i n I tmt n in ' i i nil l ' ' for Infcnts and f is m wcH (ulaptcd to cMMren tKat ' oniin -tiJit as superior to as7jrescription aowntom".- II. A. AacnER, II. D., of 'CastoriaMs so onlrersal ttnj ,'.r Matron to endoratflt- Few ' nrrf the New York City. jjnc raator BloominGe Eelormed CLurch. r Cmtau I A PHTY ra owe yjnirself and fam- ' A a L'ft Ti-8 tentynlqo Acre uui b-wu- flslnS f-hoert. which represent tbo fciic wai-i-' prices asked, aa thoason&j p'-ti'liE NO SUBSTITUTE. m best fmas n;s Wonia for the fcOhSR A en'i;nt .; '! t:oe. 1Unt will net i-i;; ""filf.Var.vl-"-4'?.. f:;vtth 1H?, rtoxib!i. trior - csi 1 iaii)p.f ; IS Ks,ltuall ttjan aliy other Khfrfvcr j- W w tli r me. Kft.'l3 custom i inutle allocs coating ---r.-Trti'toi-- V'? rrit ?atu?-.Kvwo!-flnecnlritonR. . Tbe . iii .-ti:t, '.- ',c-"c.v ii'ralli p'i-km cv.-r Bold. fit'Joi ri-f. iu v tir.uU liiiD i.3;Hilci iii jb casting i-.-ti-t$EJ. '. . r: 5t tciP J.;, l;y farm era find nil ' C-iJrcii'c: "h want o p-mwt licjivy calf, tli'ro M-4,.psR!iil''i;i clrro sin tiny to walk la, and will - tns i.i-H Ish'!f9-wllt tf5 vc r.ii-ro wear for tli3 r!BcT tSwc :-ny fcUjr .l ':y :ironi.nlef.r scr- th laerefisltiit eai-aiuov tiist workiosmen Nvetoual thlstait. ' i'Jnuof . era Venths' SLy.1? School UU ?$ l-ibobs an inrni W tha lxvs evry- MseT Itomoat prvlcblKiessola at the prices. ! UCUlCb .0 and Jtr?5 5;ho-s fu. n!M are madf of the best Donfa.or ft bo Calf, iniml. Tb("aro very styli.sli, com fwrtat-1.5 and dura l ' The S-XW e li'ie -fiu : il i c u Rtom n i rrt 1 thoes coat i n frflJHftUi S f. I.a.!ie who wish toecononiizu la t! It'-ootwoararo fl'iriitiK tfilsout. ; : l aiilioii. U'.I-ufiLja'naine and the tvr!ce 13 Itnmprd oa tha lottom of each shoe ; l.iofc for it lim you I aj.. liowareof fealeraj.iempinif tosub- : Kltute other ;i(fik-g for them, "buu (uljRUnitlont'kra ' fraudnlmt and Huh jeet t prosecution by law for ob tsining m)M-y uiiilcr fal;.-prptences. V.L. OOl C!i.Atj, iirocLton, Wasp, gold by Til 23 ingt )ii Life Ins. Co. OF NEW YORK. ' . CCNDt.NSED STATSHEHT. :. ' . . . JANUARY 1T,: 1SD2. .R. st-fvdf Wit "'juii-ies. X. V: r. ' " - JiUailiT.lM it-i -rent " and : all l.ul4Jiti", - . -; Ni'W Insuriiiirt-. lsri, - . l'a'i-l IViev-iioj.h-rk-iii VHIU, i'-ti'l IViry-liuldcrj since ir paiilziition, : Liumia, 1801 . . 11.0." , T20 2." l l.7i;:.t::)l ").. r)S-;.;j j '1,4 17,0011 IT) - 2 o.tji: "),"" 4 u:, 2.081,433 74. Assfts .Iii vested .as illoys: iiahg secnridl)v nn V ' - Kva! EnnU-.lirst lictis, - 1,541,102 02 "York l!iiv bonds, ' - . -" .271,832 50 'nioKivii water bonds. . I' -Riclirabini. ( Vu.) hondsrf Lhs to I'olnV-holdersVr.. Co.'s Policies,- i. .1 . - f0ttmldj;ni5.: '' . i ' 144,000 10.300 278,730 34 ; 3,500 t jf-d Esutt-; von -vhIu, - .h R bank and trust Co.'s, 217,708 1 41(5,067 77 " inierest ati nn.- i, premiums xlc K'rrelfinii in transiitic, For i '" - $1 -,450.033 73 g"incio3 and otlicr particitlars, address. il i). hlaki:, . , District Apt., 4 Ualcig i, X. C. mmm . ' '- - v'r-jet 1 Is tie Phco to Gat Honumsnts, Tomlbsto A l:irp stoek of VEUM-ONT MARBLE to arrive in a few days We guarantee ati&faciiui in cv?ry roipect and positively (wiU not be uiiU-rsold. Gmnito Monuments . ' ' - Of all V1"'1" a specialty - , C D. WEBB & CO-, " . . PnoruiKTdiL ' "WeniMn ito Watcbmin when you write . 1859 Children CMtorla enres CoKc, Constipation. ' Bc-ur KioEnach, Diarrlioea. ilructation. Kills Wotum, givca Eiutip,,aad promotes dt." gestion, . ,. , ..TV - For scvrral yoirs hao roeomrtM'nflM your Oastona, ! inl nW;iIt always cotiti to t do 8aa itliaa iiiTarially produced beneficial results. . - , j . ' Enwm F. Pardsb. M. Tho Wtnthrep," li5Ui Street and 7th Ave Kew York City. ComAirr, Mubeat StbktNsw Yoe: u J H 1H',P 3 'MOTHERS 9 FRIEN To Young Mothers o o o o 8- Slicrtciis Labor, 2 Lecscns Pain, 0 Endorsed by the Leading Physicians, v O F.oofc to 2Z9th&t8,nizlled FREE. 2 CKACrEELD RHQULATJDf CO. : 0 ATLAMTA, f5A. S" O 1 SOLD BY AIL, DliUrvGTXS. g A Hcujsehora Remedy FOR ALL 9 ZmJf Webs' ",,w ti; AND Tr.tC E mVJ D85EASE6 Urrrae SCROFULA, DICERS, SALT .IJ ra RHEL'M. ECZEMA, cveiy form of-malisnant SX!N Ef-UPTION. be- !des being etficaclous in tor ir g up the A wnan Impaired f.-cm any cause.- Its almost supernatural he&llrfj properties justify u$ In gjarantecir.jj a cure, it directions are followed. ocht rnrr illustrated Otiil riiLZ "B.t f Wder." V BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta. Ga. 0 1 -1 -- -- jj , . . OOO00O OGG:' -DIS'OYAMCY OF BODY q ccin never bo 'rctilizcd vrlien t:o low rkd -j do not. r.ct cj urituro :itc:u;3 tucy c.ia bclol-.liirjf up cf vryl, low f? Qcoliiic:7, but Q T7CS G a. t 4 LUW LI J .1 AM LI - . i 1(4 '-Lvvlil rolicvo 10 e.z-tl CiP 'icriit a rna 000OQQ TJ nnf a1 1 1 1 1 1 q n n n 17 v a n n 11 and 13 Ccmn3iC3 St., '"liSTorfolk, ,"V"a., Owned and controlled by AHinnccraen for handling produce, - Don't sell before writing ijA par-' ticulars to J J. ROGERS, Mgr. P. O. Box 212i THE 1092 3 2 nmr- t x 2 ":-..v-.-4 . B1W M?0y 1 1 Georgia Home Insurance Co:3 COLUMBUS, GjL J. HH0DES BEOWKE, PKIvSIliENT. WM. C, C0AET, Secrltaey. Total -Assets; over 51,000,000, A Home Ccir.pary, ser king: Home Fatroasge. -lritiff til tltiutt-Biiks etltwcst aidctEte rates. :Ic8fs adjusted rrd paid jreirptly. " -J.ALLEN BROWN, A gt. I 1 WIUTEYEIl IS-IS BEST. I know a.l tny life grow'3 1 lor And mine eyes have clertf-T Sight, TliAt under encti vri!x pomfwhere , There lirs the root of Right; -That fnch sorrow 1i;v it3-pnrpp;e, I? the sorrowinr oft ungurssed, Rut hV sure as the fun brii3 morahig, ' Whatever is -i3 hes. ' ' - I know that each ?inful aelion, A sure ns the riigiit shiidcj Is somewhere, some time -unthe4 . Thy the hour hi long delayei. s 1 know that toe son! i$ aMed 'Sfimetiniea hr the heart s unrest. And to grow nieans of'teu to suifer Rut whatever is host. f know tlrero are no errors In the great', And sir things worK together ' ' For the final good of wart. - : ;.f V And 1 know when my soul speels onwarl In its-grjiud eternal quc.'t, I shall say as I look back ear ;h ward,' VJ:j!terer is is best. '.'' Ella, Wheeler Klcox. NIAGARA FALLS.. Tlio f.'rontest T l.iuvTI'orMV Great Woiiders Anions: the Hi? Lukes Western New Yaik and Canada. Correspondent p. Kiagaba Falls, N. Y.. A up;. 8' I notice several filings tliut. arc lif tVivnt" in the North from wh it tlwy are Sonlh. For mst;i:ie on sfldoin sj'any lxxlv chewing toliact-o, but many sinok The hulies iliink uioiv llieiv tlan in the South. They usiillv c;.rrv a tickler of rye iu and take a tT.iji" 04 the sly. in the cities they tiruik leer, lait, to 1 1: i ; credit it tan he s-iid llutt tlipy do 11 d drin ic to rxoess that i-, ladi -s do not. Tl.ii newspap; rs are d f rrut, too. ?Iost of (In in are m-ikin tin nev. TIih eopln tf : he 'Nort h m:iv l e iinai?, b it ii.ev ale iiot nian enoiioh (o allow an ediior -ti oik e ;h1c n hours a lay and comii out. in d-l.t at the end. of every, af or pract icin the mot riLlid et-oir'oiuv'all 1 Ik while, 'liie pi pers are not, full of dead advert isii;'. t'!;e liii iuc-s men t-Jirre' 410'iiid t 1 i::g abcu't iht lo not mi 1 oree bill. i he tar ft and other thii gs and allow their a; vert ix'inentfi to stand oae wav 3 x moil i hsi. They advertise even t hing. If they w liHvi buy alO-e, co ', farm, employ a b.,iyl aiiything or jr "fi".y vaut ij m n t hing, 1 Irev advt rl i-e. ill -ist cf t he men advertise for a il'e .nd nci' ia As rule the newspaiier-1 do not. sty 'a large cr d of eouutrv -p.-op.e vve.'' in town Saturday ve .iiu.r," er ih ; "ilr. Henry Jones has put: us under j obli atl Mis to l.iai by hi itdhig us u... tirsr mess of reeii je.-s we have had n t hiec ye ii's."' Ne I her do' ; Inn i -al: o . "lies. woo promisetl t pay their mm seii.itfons in woi d lo cmie and w in. In - iip-imff. for it is geitiiig cold," nor d , Miey spend tim t iianksng Mr. S.niiad J.Mik:ii-io "jda ing the iar-es! to rn it. we h IV" ever M'en on our table." ToryeArs and yj,.r.i 1.0 North, m p p i has coutaiiu-u anyiling iike t iis: "jlf. .James McDonald 'came uj).t- hi tore esterdav moiiiing with a broan smi'e x!en ling al ov r his faee. It's i loy, and will be elu-i.tniH-d G rover." So ne of the Tarhed etlitors stopped in Wasbingto.u. Tlsey 'wanted to in vestig ite t he rumor t Iiat C.evel and was nominated two in uOhs ago at Chicago I'bey will tin nevs in October, ilowever. about twen'y-five came oil 4-o Nx-w Yoik. 'After a two da-.-sta there it was found th tt ail excejd two ha I decided that, they wen' at the end of the world and could go no f irtlier. Tli'fe are two routes to Nia gara Fa I U. from New York. Oneisisp the Hudson via the New Yoi k ..Central. This fo id has a line through toCaicago wi h four tr.ick.- and the fastest trains in the worth It runs hough via Nia gara Fall-, cro-ssing on a suspension ridge just below the falls, thriice by Windsor, Canada, r.nd Detriof, Mich. i ne is tr.c isew lorK, jj ii e Erie and We-tern road' and tlren over -the L high Valley route via Buffalo. This U another through route to Chicago. Mr. II. A. Latham,, editor of the Washingrou G.izette, the haudsoni'-st edit'ir in the State, and. the 'writer were the only editors who went, on the Nia gara trip. We went to Canada, but stole no moil'1' before starting. We left New York at 4:3 ) one afternoon. Tlie distance from New York to Nia gara is 413 miles, but. we traveled a circuitous route of 500 miles because tile lailio uls wanted us to see Chatau qna Lake, tee finest .natural rural re lrvat in America.- Oar special train went through Port Jervis, Emira, Biiiglnuitom (where Jones makes scaies), Jamestown, Buff do and other eft i-s containing from 2 3,000 to 3v)0, 000 inhabit! mis without stopping. Although "New' York State contains several hundred. towns and large cities ui i ge at in tnufacturjng concerns, it is a tine agricultural, stork and iriit raising State. The farming land is very valuable, esjiecfally on the rail roads, ranging from $100 t 1.2 Kdau I even $1,500 per acre. A -g -n?lem m who oa ns a fine f inn near Buff do tol 1 iiie that the Armour leef inonopo y ha cut off all profits in beef cattle ami only milk cows are- kept. Even b it I'll) J 1 I . r- fl 1 I ' I I H T w i T uiue ujouev isanaue on me tarius ex cepr. near the cities, where truek-j As be tore state I, t it Island diviies ing and dairying pays. 1 1 see ill s that Ihe mighty rush of water. Tin? Amer farming is to" become mere nou-p iving ican i fall is 1,000 feet wide; the Horse Irud.'ei v vvrfv where. Th fmit. rr.oi ! Shoe 2.GX). The river m ikes a decent - as a failure 111 the Nor h this year. That, wiili cut off receipts from the New Yoik farms very much. For thirty or forty miles frohi New York City, goiris We-t, - the- laud js level, but it gradually 1)efi1ie2 liilly tlien for three hundrel uYitesmoauV taiiitHue. -These, mountains are tifyi-u?oi-e than ttiree or four JiutulrtaV iVet higlij-but the vatr ""aad 'air' Jxithf 4iieJ pure and thou uids jrom the great. cit ies iili the lKmtifiil fayr.if Inise: arid njoy rural life every su'iinjpi in the western part f NewvYirlc whe:tt and :;ls ;row well. Wliea't .is sown 111 me spriiig, as mw uiuu, All- . ... i Oil ..! 1 ' ? t J i hum cm, w neat is just tieiniring to rnf. l-in. If ij nunilir f wii'. innn I lio ..-f ter harvest is ovfr.ii iN r li CA r 1 i y : befo:e it begijgs inNe Xiivkf? i.l-S 'i i wide. Many rsfejim jp1ie:isiire 'bwrtV glide over its smoothe snrface. The coast is corered with hotels and sum mer boarders. 'The great Teachers' Assembly meets on this bike every sum mer. Chatauqna Lake is neariv north from Cleveland, Ohio, and is near Lake Lne. In. going from Chatauq ia Lake to Niagara, we pisel through the great K st Buffalo train yards, now tlie scene of blpcdshed between thousands of soldiers ami striking railroad riiea. Niagara Falls' is a city of hotels mid .money Tr ips. h.hns electric street- c os and nil modern coirveuiences. Opjv site, on the Caiiud i side'v is Clifton, a lare ci'y. ilelov Clifton the town of Suspension .13 ridge ai d Lewiston are located. , . Niagara Falls" is a railroad centre. Tlie N' v lYirk Central, Michigan Cen tra!, Iiomo, Watertown & O.'ensbarg, Iydiigh Valley. New York, La'te Erie & Western ar.d Grand Trunk. sv.-teins all run tliere. - The Neyv " York. Centlral ail I Michigan Centr..l cacti cross the r.ver two miles below the falls oil their own bri les. lioth rblges are over ilie rapids, ab i:f three hundrml-'yarlls apnr. Oae is a cautilever biilge, Jthe ot iter a suspeiisioul 1' a h a e. about iMK) ftioi long and 25'J.feet above the river. - . - Tli-'re are three parks t..Niagara- 01 e-ou the (.Jan ad a -si ie and twoa Iks Aiik'rc.ui side. IVnspcct I'.r!:. is on tiie An eiican side. Goat ishitid .has been converted into a -park; -with beaii t.ful drives and wafk'-T ! Beth are ow ned .y" he.U. S. government. (Jueen 'Victoria' iuk contains 1 o tsfees-and is e'J 4-1 1 e Can a'a -id.'. 1 1 byft?5 to. 1 he, 1-laglih 'govt "i liinoiiti --AJi ei" tin 'in are v en 11 i . . L. -pT. TIIE CRHAT- FALLB. No pen can de Mia' .ra iLie' is cribe Niagara Falls, i iier iietweeli two i.ikt-s. Its .snuree is lakp Hrie, aTi'd its . . " I T I VI " 1:1 " 1 oaiiei li -live v;aiario. 1 he nrst-pen ee- scrip' o ! on record is one written by a Lit:iiii-j prieyr.. i'atinr tieunepin, i i i.i it in 1(7. 1 m kj the iollowin g extract iroai his quaint tleseript ion ."B twixt 1j ke ():i;aiio, and Erie, rhre isa and pr.-diious eadenee if water, which falls down after a sur prising and astt n shing manner, iif. much that the tin verse does not af ford its parallel. 1 ls true Italy iuid and Sic dl:;nd boad of somesuch things; but we may will say they are mhi'v patterns, w! en compared io this of whie.h we now spe. ik." A-ain he says: "This wonderful downfall is com pounded of two cross" treanis of water, and two falls, wiih an -isle 'sloping along the .middle of it. The waters which fall from this ho- rible . pn cipiee do foam and boy I after the most hid eous manner imaginable, makingyan out rageous -noise, jnore tcrritd'i than that of thunders; lor when the wind blows out of the south, their dismal roaring may be heard more than fifteen leagues off." At that time tin? Falls were wild and fiee. The, enterprising Yankee ii a.l not et s. t foot on the soil ad joining. The river is navigable for steamers above -and below the Falls. But. for some mihs above and below no craftan stand the current. The water above ti e falls rushes along at a wonderful speed until it dashes over the perpendicular precipes 100 feet .high, then it '"bovis and foams,"-sis, leather Hennep'n sas, uirtil the rip ids are reached. For two' miles below the f.dls the river runs between walls of variegated slat 250 feet lii.uh. The bed of the river gets narrower aial narrower until if is o:ilv 210 feet wine and the water is several hundred feet deep. All at once the channel of the river turns to ;.t s'iai pa:ig!s. The 111 ul waters seem to be unable to turn at once and rush straight for ward and pile up and Income a moun tain of whirling water. Tbis is the -whirlpool." In it Capt. Webb, the famous English swimmer, ist his bfe. But Gr;iham waiit over the falls s..feiv in his barrel, and after going through the rapids hud being whirled around in the ''whirli ool" for half an hour was rases ie I. I s tw bis barrel. It is small in diaup ter two feet and about seven feet long. Entrance is made at a larg "on g hole," which was s-alcd up. rresh air res-rvoirs, holding a'r enough to sustain life several hours were placed in the barrel lief ore start ins. 1 f X - ... , . , I of 53 feet in three-fourths of a mile j : lfre it leaps over the precipice. Ui is eslimated that 15,000.000 cubic feet I of -'water rush' ov. r every miiiate. It ve arrived ju-:uiiauiiifliir laijerin goin miles to see, and can be seen no time for breakfast. tbe-fpildAvijrguoriiVhere laa in the world. In the spray inc. :Thtsf h'keW'li Irig aiurfMffto rainbows ei s;,i(t thaJUib fadiMuove up the r'mr.WAUNIJIW Cllli IltfLLEriX aboutrsiX; feet every year. The lime- - ; srone-rpelvtWfiIuiuiri, is .bound to Ayear souiqv As fit her Hennepin sus: k; is horrible.'". Attheboltom of the fails tjie water bods and fouiH :n an indescribable manner. The foam" or spray, rises like sir a mi at 'east ;tjr! "hifndred feet :ind is sno.v v"Uile,-? The mi4 then rises several huiidwl'-frt't: higifer and forms white, lleecyi eljtuU all the." iime and for tw miles or-tnore a steely -drizxle of raia fallsperpetually. Titiis can 1 e fee 1 the ouly practii;alle and visible formation- of .clouds joni vapor. This is worth TV. " i : 1 1." i . 'i t , are plainer and the sight fills you with awe. Every color ami tint shows out splendidly. Thee rainbows" are ex actly in the. shape of the falls them selveg. In the river below the falls a steam boat has been built, it is ctlled the "Mai l of Mi3ts." You can go down one of the several ''inclined railways" or down an ( levator and get aboard the boat and ride up under the fails, tlie boat going out of siht under the seething foam. - Grand as the sight is in fummer, it must li tqualiy as gran I in winter. The river below freezes, and also the spray, forming thousands of icicles. Niagara river is a envious one. It is only oij miles long- fnrtu Lak Erie to the fall", aiil 14 from the tyiis to Ontario. Oa M. rch 2oh. 1S4S, a strong w ind froiti the east blew the. water in-'o Like Eri; For the ice formed ami d.amned up the river.. No water went over Nia gara Falls for 24 hours, and for the -first time ..people walked under .where tire water pours over. Fut tie wind cfianged the wat( r forced the "ice out -of 'the way and "bit sine.-s was resumed atthe s'liue old stand.'r . . Th.e old s u -pan si 41 bridge, one mih .bidow the fa'ls. jyas Idovvn dow'i by j. w;indstorm on January IO.I17I88O. It h i 1 but lecentiy been completed. In a htt'e over J"2 month's the present nev sfeeT structure was completed. 1 fc is 1,20$ feet long and over 200 feet, above 1 he r.ver.'' 'j ne four cables are jnach (ii- inches in diaiiP-ter. The bridgi sw'asjs very much w hen carriages pass over it, but is considered absolwtel) 'so.V' ' The Tuscarora- Indians still have their habitation near Niagara, and make many lit le orn iinents of heads, etc., and sell to visitors. The Chippe was and OUaw..s aisi dwell in thai vi cinity. l i.ere are thre ? forls near Ni.'.g ra. Fort Ge.;rgj, Fort Niagara and Fori jiessissuga. Oa J ly 23th. 18U, de-je:ate Italtie was fouglit here be tween Bristish and Americans. Aboui 1 8 IO wa re killed. They were buiiei, oil DiUmiUolid iliil, on ihe Caiiad; side. Perhaps more people vi.-it Nia gara Irom tlie extreme ends of tin world than any other point. It :s no' sirane, 1 heivf.ore, that many oi'd char acters t here. Many partly insane people commit, snienie lor ine-J.empra- uon to go over the fails or jump from the .cliffs or bridges is givat. Alany are killed accid' ni 1 v or by iii.king toe much. A number have -been killed in ioo!hardr attempts to go over the f li or walking wires or ropes. In 1 87o Signor Bll"iini walked across en ; wile cable o en ineli in di on der. He juiiiped from the cattle three liaie to t he- liver 200 feet below' and came out, unhurt, la 1800 Blondoi walked. 1 rope over the W hirlpool U tpals on stil's and carried a man on h:s back. In 1870 1 v. 0:11 in walked a rope at tin same place. tla Juhe ZZ. bteeve I ee:-e, a nainter from i Jrummoiidsvilh', Onta- while it was raiaiug hard I I I IJill 11 11 IlllllOlltl.' I 111 . no. am: wire blowing vigoro usly, wa !ied Iked a stretched over the rapids, 240 feet above the water. He afterwards attempted to cross the same way while drunk and was killed. His cable is still there for the visitor to see. I jbeg the reader's pardon for so much reading oil this line, bat hop-' that that the.lusToricahpoints described wiil be of interest to all. Mi- . .- w -v R. In one dav the human body gs ne -'i heat, to melt forty pouow.s of ice and r.iise it to bailing licit. 1)j:.k )N, Tnvis. J.ily .1-91. M::s.a s I ;;-;'Mav linos , s.iv .a khi o i. (iNTi-l'.-e U i -1 ..e riy f air I ou:e;'t 1 . I - I . ! w is .inircie.1 roai fl cro-vn ef I: leal in ! a s.iles or Hiv feet: Yen -1. r. ! ieisccr I dial-.-ul.y of bioatlila-' .oiJ at. i "tlKTii;, e:Ueaui i (t Uif hejrt, aiiJ n l pveti ice of all i-aht; one -os'ral w:vi cios " i f..r tea ye.irs. uo v 1 cia b:vai!i taraa i it fei a'l've n-r s'.fit oa enters! 1-3 far t. yeOr.--. in f -L-ii tin-1 led lo see ni,'.i! ca i.e. d j.v I sle a1 somi tl;" I i ,in- j i la.i .Ul iil, . . " i am 5i ve.irs old. nui i-x'.i -:t s on to h- aa,c to thee hahl'ui' tUMelp.v h Ui. I -s; I I-el pall 1 wa. in kv ioar i Mir -i p. e. e . aall uea-niy man-niJ-id ittomv frteidsand tw imnl.c r jliy Yours r.'.s.'ect.i.'y. a. M. K.v.MsbY. Statk ok Texas. County at Com :nelie. ( Befoiv the-ud lersijrnpd uutiii-riiy on ties eiy. pe,;yaPieued.v. M ! -. xUi-j rt;;r m.--iiioaiys-o. .. s.ys o.i Oda la-t ..e o, un si K-uiiv-t in dt- o. !Uui rel ntvc to tue vmiw o. 1". C. r. :n : djla is tra . A M. I'.A sl.'i, S vorn to :t:t 1 .s'HiahjM b-l uv m? V K u-aa II ' . eo n t i..a . Co.. icias. When Baby was skk, e garo Casoria. When slio was a Child, she cried for Cwtoria When she became Miss, she clung to Castoi ia. When she had Cliildren, she ga-j them Castori itjeseeti "Iscnssin? t!ie AnsTrlian Ralli "rir j The Horrors r Carried Life. 'ci!ww,,.wr..i.w.,.. . -' - - c - t ? A A 1 r.liS 1 LLK, iN. U. Politics continue' af fever heat. puUe normal, tongue sligiilly t:oatl, also body; candidates also wear tlu-ir coats; pis" 0I1? irdoitth-tl every day; imieTi cass mg and praying among oftce-holders and'ranks; caiup iigit fib-j Very active; both iles going to vju; kinauv tuhi ing over to our side; ' backsliders ! uig reclaimed; candidates fel,si-k at the stomach severed times a day; ?ome candidates go io stvak and the audi ences stav at home; th; devil to and not enough money in circulatrou to paYvJxim; naif all four feet dust three inches deep. - The above is a sample of the new crop report llir.t I am sending out from the Warner Signal Station ad Infor mation Bureau. It is not connected with.the N JU. Experiment Station and and has nothing to do with tin' "Im mediate Weather Report" that is sent out from Wa-lvngton after the weather has been loose in the woods six days. It will be worth the subscription-price of the Watciima .during the campaign if nothing else go-'s iu the paper. Now is tlie time to subscribe. I heard Bob Jenkins ai d Henry Burke di.-cusing the Austr.di io ballot law. I listened patiently, and con clude! that both of 'them were right. Bob said the law w;:s right, for 110 man ought to vote who crm't read. Henry said it was wrong, fur every American cit:-n ought to bo allowed to vote whether he ca r read -or not. Both of them are right." I believe I can settle the .whole 1 lusines-. 'L"t Jiosj who are now v iters voO it o:j asj long' as they live w h,a! read or. not. But 1 1 einer inev can 1 1 1 1 r. not. But Wiieu any young caches tli age ef 21 have the in in re law so lixed tli ;t-wheti he go. to reg istcr the n gi.-trar hal n quirt1 him to read euong'a juinicd matter to gnarm tee that'he can re.-.d his ballot and pul it iu the right . box when he goes to vote. Tn that way the poor sinner who neglected his education in tie past e.ould not vote as usual, but the boy of to-day would begin to hustle aro 111 id tor a little education. You see a man a ho couldn't -vote would be no man hardly. No man with a sjyirk of pride would' fail to get at -least a..oiiimoa 1 1 1 x. 'ill -clioot education. it- would oriwg iooul a levouuiuo i it si.iio.ji una t-i md be of vast benefit to our country. It would be a mild an "com pu Isory ed ucat ion .' inexpensive The result .vould be that ninety-five out of every hundred would be educated in five years from th.e day the law went into effect.. This is no wild theory; it is sensible and practical. I aui-jjad the people's party put it in tin ir platform. That sictkni alone is worth more than ill tlie other put)- platforms put to gether. . As th.e winter is c. ailing on and hard time still lead the procession, mam me- are likclv (1 oecui I want to give the yor.iig loius a lime auv:ce 1:1 a non r. 11 1 . . 1 t : . . partisan spirit. Yon ce I tn -.rried "a -liege bred girl who thought herself ''ar above me in inteTVct, extrava gance, te., and I reckon she still thinks so, for she hohU on to the dcv-d Tor the farm that her father gave its. A'iiyw,.' we moved to ourselves and oe.-iru hon-ckeeping. She soon proved tb at, allhoag'i she was away up in aiu-i ', algeoia, French'and Boston, she wa- tiie most desperate co k on earth. )l tow e I had to grin and bear it, lor for it won! in'i d I poil our hu:cy- noon 1 .k'dce 1 v.-ok I y pu- .1 r ici a 1 mel'd" a . .A. At ti: end .f the first 1 i iiaggard !"!:. a rai:: Li 1 1 e 1 on I 1 a"' :1 to ti n pale. ois. uits si:e made v.a re ao ait tiie s .)f "wahi its an I resciiidle-l dya unite cartrid"es. I sv.'.iliowed two or three WHO e "V lV I I . Wi oi.4i : t 1 r-.xt . 1 ... ... 1 al.';.,..H I ,rn-- o,v ! bad oil, that I sent for Ur. Sumner. lie came and looted at my ti felt my 1 use mid lo kin (i - g wit 11 11;- si.icmn. lie said 1 w as 1 bgrstion and several things in L u.n lie asked me n .;y bmg the tmub.e had I 1 1 1 I .... . I ..Ok I fff k T I x en ten. I told him only since 1 go named 11 - t : n beg iu to smile, for m 1 1-a nan s n e v nun. in: I 1 1 i- ..... 1 1 .,,, 1- I.t'iii If.. ;m ."I'll IU V AilY to t out o; t'.e room a inoaict ind told id tn hire ,t f.j'iii on '.Viio jod! 1 le c.l my wue 10 ueove f ! iLiii'a' 1 him a-1 I to :k hi 4 1 ... 1... ore iu a :vi . In about t v o wet I vomited Up .v res. m'llei mil san tlie tha , . . - 1 .t. no - :n ' !U:up-s ui.-.i r-.a-Ls worn r.eind. I ex oume n li l mi d 'they were b s-o t !,..' I (1 ' a : . : 1 ." w i o.e rseib siMjii le n-;.ed t a Ci saw how near sh 1 e ... , 1 er that for sue, had to tie-io laiiu tt a wido'. 1 ours ;.s ever. Jakk Warnkr. Now Try This. It w ill cost voir nrd bins and w ill surely d ' ou good. If j(iu have a Ceu-h, Cold, or aav troul;e with Throat, Chest or Langs. Dr. Kings Now Discovery foi Cou-siiniption, Coughs and Colds is guar anteed to give relief or money Avill U paid bark. Sutl'eieis from La Grippe f uud it just the thing and under its e Inal a speedy and perfect recovery. Try. a'samplo boi tic at our expense and learn toi voursclf jdat how good a thing it is Trial hot ties free at Kiuttz & Co.'s druj. stoic, Laiye si?e oOc. and $1 00. V- . .' 1 ...j. t la ilii lil.r.inVIl ! htiiliiir" ant Boys, donf be atia.d ut . aac .te.. 4 t4isoil - iijn't you old bomb o.ris, but be sure they know something f Uie w;ir U:()Ver? about loading you up w.;b good grub s ,Iely n ,.v miMlt t., up, for nt befoie you our hves m their care. - tonv-uii:lli there w.AUl ftjirgrr School IIuiin?' CrorcspoTi.loncc cl tlie VanAniaD. T There was a joint disWsin3 Cay thtf evenjng of August 2hf tweeuV'Ci -Shuford, raudidate nominated fnr'TCoiii ' gress by the jopje's party, and Job cf S. Henderson, ciind id ale nominated for Congress bj deniocratie pirtv Bro. ShuforJ mada Jibe lirst ffichfc0 As he ascendetl the flour Mi rtfihml -. smile pbived over hii face, urn! pve' t rating eyes sp n kled -with new lustre, bespeaking theTTict that in his con- -genial ftpirit was on an inspueil princi ple of .true patriotism; a fact Avliich was nnquest ronable. Mr. Shuford disCusseill . the fmirnci iF svsteni and asked Mr, entlei-sou to tell the people about the iiii nou tiodar Congress, after which lid took .up Ihe . Omaha platform, and t;et- -ting warm on the subject, he deliTtred r.n able and fhcpient aiddi,es- to a l.ighly appreciative" audience. - AVliiU in the. midst of his Seech a lncl in. the back part of Hie room broke dowi) ! and Shuford said "that bene hr was hto'i -tl e Cl.k-ago jdHtform. dt was Weak.' Therowd listened .tiq.tivelfm: one hour, and bceasne euHiuiastic on nerV ing -true doclrhie. '' j d t.. Mr. Henderson then took the floor for one hour. The first half of his i speech was about the division , of the - democratic party. He failed .toan-' sv r any of Mr. Shuford's qiiestious, and said he was in favor of the fie ;jv coinage .f silver an incivase in 'the "v currency and a graduated income tax. He further sa d Jefferson was the fa ttier -of the democdatie party: that is true. ...Why do s he vote for Mr. Clevei- : bind w In n he he will veto every one of't hese' measures. ' I telieve that if Mr. Henderson would vote accord nir to ii's conscience he never could vote for Clevcl did. hi M'- ,Shu ford's reply he asked -Mr. Hei:u rso:i to show him one of Jeffert son's, principles in the .Chicago plat-, form, w hich he-failed lo dj. We judge a mao by his .acts and not by his professions - Mr. S!iuford-w. s eli'rer.l Lne afters time, but lr. Heiidci's m ifTdn't get a iiii'le app'au-e. Mr.' Heiidersun si id, in his sjieech on the 10: 1 1 that he could tell the strength of i lie pe p!e srpji ty by the ntusic. wonder it he thought "sawhen hi -poke here. There were over 0:10 hundred people present, and I don't think - there""' were., a half dozen straigh touts iu .theerowu.. - I h aye dreard Mr. Herjlei-so:! speak three. d.ffereht timet; and ke never ha". iipprpachtl the Chicago platform yet. The facts that weresvt foit i hereby Bro. Shuford will certainly, germinate.. -and bring fonh giid fvuit for Novcnir lar. Fint final ly, - J. M. Peeler. Corn s.ondeiK 0 01 t-u;;, , Mn. EniTim: At the joint discus- siou at rricK-s school n mi-i; oei ween tweeu lion. .John S. Henderson and 1 Mr. A. C. Shuford there was a' largo crowd present and if was a feast day for the j eo pic's party. Mr Hender son spoke fir.-t and at some length. 1 le 1.11 leri o de to show that ic puty bad done' much to relieve the opie.ved people, but failed to cou- vincc the -people- of if. He made . poor (bd en eelcss talk, during his who-e scaiHel v receiving p- plause. I don't suppose 'he "made tiny, votes for the democratic party at that place. . -"Hi" said in his so; ech that the uatioi;aP (ptestjon lay between Cleve land and- Harrison, or in subsfatice that We i r v ouTd not be elected. About that time it eemed that tli.e "thirraji for V aver '- fail I v r. nt the a;r. At the (lie of l?i-spei-ch dinner. w-;':s an i.oimad. Alter dinner- Mr. Shuford -took the rostrum for. about two hours, 1 I 1 " I 1 11 1 i I ai d followed .Mr. Ileudi moiion a hot" trail, answering all bi.-7piestiou sati-;-torv to :uf, I lclieve. I think sotno ' lit- 1 il t 1 ' ' , V ' rJ tsi... t 1 were never openeu ocioi.e. Jr. 01111 ford 111 a le it hot fot Mr. Ileuderson, and to tell tlie whole stcry iu a few , , , , , J " . , s - -f - fe,ow w;' kua , a liSlinlonl gkun He- ;P drsoii nil t'h it ilav. I understand that he ha i hiiu-p iriiaUy tkun before they o of. lure, ibe.hreii, the tima has can.- w l ea riie old deanigogUes-aro sc:i going around ili.scnss'mg tariff, blooiv si-iiL etc.. telling the same old 1 : ' , . i-r . , 1 ..11:..;. uar.sloiv lo..Lliiev inivu oern iciioi; ;" t ... ....... ..nrv.ii'-.i :itlil :'ill(tlllf' ii'i i.i i in. in ii.. ,.....,.... ...... r t ie fo:e oil ;n I staging negro mi pre-. .1 imicv. i to y might a a ell si ug p-a!ins to a dead boi e. We are so wnPu out l !..:-.. ....I. -n, y .!.) . .! 1 wfl.lT f !l:lf. ' WM ' Willi su 11 1111 1 1 !. i - . .... . , -, ,v. l L w.lilu 1 J i 1 : - ;i il. mil. 1 n"i , oui-selves ;i!iu CX" 1 old handshaking between the blues and greys. . . Hurrah for Weaver and F ebf. A. L. Pkelet If we eanmtdo all goixl, we can do so ne go I, heave it is well to keep ri dit on in the way of helpfulness. ' o M. Car er, C-iestcr, S. C, writes: 'A ncro b o lu-r ii to .1 u.ii cis 1 trf'-H'.otDti. The Uoctot iiid it w.attd kill idiii. I t'Ot t l.ii to use Itoianlc d isaini. he tw , a tltiZeii Uwlt les and U no. well, lie lias r.ot used ahy tit It lor lour niOoUis nulcontlauts well ' Chiidr Cry for Pitcher's ntorfe, ' have-1 e m eJuca! a