V r aTCHMAN m t)er ceit. more THE WAXCHJiaj? Js thej Organ ofthe Farmers' Alliance t in 6th and 7thCbEgrca sional Districts;- Advertisers, make a note of this. tion than any. T ''.-,. riublished paper r- and is til oesv ad- OS' odium. . SALISBURY. . C., T 'Will- TIIMID SERIES. foi NOL 45. r- Caroling .. i , . . ' . ... -. - . . . .. , ! ' . -- '.' . W ' ' ' ' - - . - " -' .... - .' .' . - - .-. . ' d he v v Qh iLJJLJLllld 'a '01 (kl vfSS) d r-1 si wi. r&Jt 47 n TV for Infants and ,.Caor! a 'IssoweH adapted to children that . Jgon'ihcnJ It aslupcrior to any prescription f Jll Su. OiforJ t., Srookln, N.'T. r' .in,, of 'Castoria' h so universal and o WHjt Known tuau if ""V1-1 " IW "at ion to endorse it. Fer are the f mL families who cio uot keep Costona faei rcac cahlos 5LTfjr, TJ.TM" '" ' New York City. Ie pastor El6omins;Ula SeXormed Church. ' Teex Ctotacu " r ia A nrTT yon ow yotirelf njpd f3tm iffPt the -best vaiuo for jfljfrioaey. aliit price usked, as thousands lllii: KO PTTBSTITUT 83 SME curnEM, THE BEST SHOE HI HE WORLD FCT THE KGNE7. tfncitio f.licr tiat tri.'i not rip, fino ealf. ainK'-smooth lrrldo, flciiblf. more com j -table f ! h ainl durable than any other shoe ever 'A a: the r ra-o. hi.uaia custom tuaclo aliqpa costing f otl ITnmT-ceivrd.finccrtf shops. The B'otii i as;,- d iraolf; piioos over' sold ttthc prire. 'i sty cu.il fins iankartctt thoca costtnz 1 m 1-1 ?;. " - ' " J . ' 50 J'olicc f-!of , worn liy farmers and c!l vOi -other v. ho yiuit a iiod heavy calf, tnr"o l Aitciu rjsion e.i-ni.oi, eauy to walL. la, and will I r Idi-fi . 1 . 1 5 " ;ir:n. v&e .rj.n '1 - - H -.1 wili r! r.oro .vcr.r for t u.'Tae nfit 1' f, baloa ebovy live found ihr.ou:. r-t.j i R'ld Vot-:I: MT-i- irmde for or- tiii-.i wcrklncmea J.75 OcTiool ieraf -Th,ot i.f-v!ip:l.!i'8h(cseoi i nttl.!jr!cc3i I f4iu0 -i-UMO' IIunjl-Mv.ved, 2.50. !,; nud C1.7. 1ict?3 io J.ifw s m. '0 of t ii tfrst.l'on.'i.l.-i or flno Calf, na liiirsiL laey arovcry 1 tyli.s!i,comfortahle and dura t;. ThetiUdshiK) e-inalcti?onnnadephoescf8tlp.? If a4-i.uno $i.- i. J.ailU rt Avin v!sU iu econojniio ia toJIu:itweararc il'H'iBsr tlii:oul.. kfx- tJxm'iOD.-V,'. I,. iou(;hs' nnrno sxrif lfi'9 prl-o Is fujaped 00 the bottom-of ewli shoe; -look for it, beajronbuy; Pow:iroof i!ea!tr'sattp:rTvticrteub Titiitrrtl)er!nakf(jr t'icni. t'-iiLh r:iliht!tulons&ra adalentiKl snbjet t to prosectitioa Ly lav for ol Wulngmi'Bf'V iini!Tflse iir;tiixicJ3. W.L,liJl'GLA!?, l'roj:iiHiut TJaes, Coldhj uwifi ..i- :t:") .H..rn ty tin bo8 eVcry- ,7 . MMtoa Life Ins! Go; 105 Cr IIZW YORK. - k ' CaNDCIISED STATEKEKT. v JANUARY. 1ST; 1892. s rveil for o"n io-;; X." Y. - iVIiVrl jM-r t i-iit., rtii-1 ;i lui.:!it;,v. ... .S liwnntm-i'. 1 sm. -'M'Uivliiig Iiiui-atfe;. ' -- FiUV.ky-ltl.lt-b' iji 1 , t J M oTi c v-1m tltk-r j 1 1 ice t-r-rtnizatUm, - ' litaafe;- lit) 1 . . " U,TK12,520 25 - i()'.3Str.(i22- .1,44.7,000 45 - 20.r,15;554 05 , 2X8 1,4.".5 74 t Assets I u Vosl ctl as Vol low s : smmil by niortjrit'Tt's on ' wl Kstate, i'vrvt liens, ' -f "- York City boiids. ' -' .1,541,102 02 271,8:52 50 144,000 10,3U0 '-WlVH Wrlt't r liOli v!iiudn,j Yi 1 1.., lmt -Pnlirv.-I.,. 11 1. . . on I'o.'s 278.7:10 34. 'wjTAl-l'bahs.' ':" -t"iie. uost Tiilue, - .flln '.ink'aiiiUnist CoVs, Ur.';t' Hi-rrtiiwl ,,,..,,,,1,,,.,. ,i.v - 3,500; 501,818 25 - 24 7,708 - 410,007 77 r.'wU;t.l iu tr.msit, etc., - i tilt (en w) a a o '.. ;..i -uLiici i i n ii i,n , utll:3, jll. D.llLAKi:, 'Special irustrict Apt., I '; r.t . lUlcigtf, S. C. UJJ. mm :;;Is tho P-hc3 to Gat Monuments, Tombstones, &c fMri:e stock f V :m)N VMA KI'.K --.vii iu.evervvre?peei ana positively win not ue unaersoio. Granite Monuments Of all k'os- a specialty Wly 1359 if A Children. Cantoris cnres Colic, ConJrtipfl-tlon, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea. Eructation, Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes dJ pestton, Witiiout injurious medication. For sevpral years I hare recommended yo-ir Castoria, ' and Rhall always continue to do so as it has invariably produced beneficial results." - ; rI ftom F, ttxpn, M, D- The WiIlthrop,,, V&tSi Street and 7th Ave., KewTork City. - OoMPAirr, T7 MecoAT Btrebt, Kett York. lip If y oo would, protect yourself; from Painful, Profuse, Scanty, Suppressed or Irregular Men struation you must use. BRADFHELD'S 'FEMALE REGULATOR CARTEnsviiXE, April 26, 1888. Thi3 will certify tuat two members of my -immediate family, After ha via,; suffered for years from Menstrual Irregularity, being treakeJ without benefit by physicians, were at length completely cared by one bottlo of BradiScid's t'emalo Koulator. Its effect is truly wonderfuL J. . axoAKQE. Eook to " WOMAN " mailed FREE, which contains valuable iufonnatiou on -11 femaltj diseases. DRADflELD REGULATOR CO.. ATLANTA. GA. 1 FOE S-1LE DltUOaiSTS. A Household Remedy. K FOR ALL - K ran TB" AMnSMHClB r DS8SASES U- Crec SCROFULA, ULCERS, SALT .Ut,irfeS RHEUM. ECZEMA, every torn of malignant SK!N ERUPTION, be- () sides being etixacious in toning up me "system anil restoring the constitution, when Impaired from .any ccuse. Its almost supernatural healing properties justify us it suarar.teeinj a cure, if directions are followed. nri'T rsrr itlT"STPATED OCrJ I riiU "Boil i Wwderi." P ELC0D BALM CO., Atlanta. Ca. . 0 O O O 0 O G O O O" Tiu) enrllost pal in fie Worldl Q THE SECRET a iOf recruiting licaitU i3 discovered in i -l J 1 1 VjCWJ j w-m - : Y.fZ Vi :E3 U U tiUklJ OIn liAcr affection, cick Tieadachc, lys- ( O colic, crcpticus cf thd skin, and all troubles cx' tho bowels, their curativo J) cCcctsaro marvelous. Thcyaroacor- Orcctivo as well as a gentla cathartic Very fsiuall awl easy to ta';e. Price, toe. Oiace, 33 d 41 Park Place, N. Y. - o o o o o o oooo lTAxPrt17r SllnnrT7TTl.rtv.rf ilUrlUmmliaUUS JQAUnallKU 11 and 13 Gomnisrcs St., , j ISTorfolk, VaM Owned and controlled by AJliancemdn 1 for handling produce. COTTOIT A SPECIALTY. T "it --lit n - ' n uon t sen betore writing tor par ticulars to J. J. ROGERS, Mgr. P. O. Box 212. tn arrive in a few davs mm ran ton O JL UJ .elL 2L .f WORKS , C. B. WEBB & CO., " ; Pkoprietor. Mention the Watchman -.vhen you write . THE 1892 COLUMBUS. GA. Georgia Home Insurance Go J. RHODES BROWNE, WM. 0. CO ART, 1 RESIDENT. SECRETARY Total SStS OTTPP SI 000 000 I is usnsi,,y the case butv within fifteen VUUsU L-sbwb. UVer fyUUfUUU..secouds !lftcr lhe moj, has been rom- A Home Ccmpary, seeking Home Patronage; Irttif? til clffEtscfEuksatlcivrest -- cdcctc.te rates. Icsses adjusted ttd pcid jrcnptly. J. ALLEN BROWN, >. TELL IT. If you have a thought that's gaoJj . If you would be understood; If there's magic in your soul Give expression to the whole Tell it. Give your honest thoughts to man. Who will help rou, if he can; . Help you rise from low to high, Help you live; you ennnot die v Tell them. Tell 11: em to angel band, Hare tbero all to understand What an earnest,' happy life Comes of trUth, devoi taof strife Tell them. Who tan read a hidJea soul, Or help onward to the goal? What can be your recompense For withholding conSd-euce? Give it. Who emi read another's glance, If 'tis tragic, or romanteX,.,,.,-:':. . . . If.'tis lore, orif 'tis hatef If the truth you would relate, u Tell it.. Know thyself, and liecome known, We in lifalmay uot atontj x For the iiijuries revealed Uy the thoughts that are concealed Tell them. 0, sweet interchange -of thought! O, the grandeur thou. hast wrought! Defying all mankind" ; In the univrsc of mind- Jvst tell it. A. W. Chnst. Tiio Arizona Kicker A New Department. With this issue we establish a new depulment entitled "Sjiorting Newst." We do it; to aceomtnodate a -baseball edit of from New York who struck this town in a barefoot condition and offered' to work fir three dollars a week and Iris board. We don't know how it will pan out, but if he U willing to risk ' it we are. j On three different occasions, we haw endeavored to establish a sporting department, but the sporting editor h-ts eii her been shot or run out of town within a few hours after the paper came out. Our people are rather queer ibout certain things, and a journalist must know their chiracterrs'its before he can please them. P. S. We stop the press alter hav ing worked off GOO conies to announce that our sporting editor h .s concluded to-st-ek a tiiuereiit. c Innate; Ibi was assisted fomewhat in this resolution by Dm Skinner, Jim Uebee, and others whom he ciiafj.ctcr zed as "one-hor-e por!s A-iio. had hierer s;'en a genuine dogfight.", lie v.;s a. mile- ahead :nd gaitiing at evM-y jump when thev dr p;ed the pursuit. "Sponing New.-" i- 111,' win oiooauiv nor, appear next, wet k. AS UMFliTUXATE 'OCC'L'USEXCE. Fiticljiy 'li.ss. a ,vt ranger' arrived here i'roni Ciiieago wit Ii a view of opening an niKieitakmg estahii--hinent. L111- foriunati-ly for him he went prowling ;iliint iy iiimseit iiii.t ha I - not lung to say to any one. ; He came into the Kicker oifice about 3 o cloek S .turdav afternoon., and ;ts he enlCrt-d the door we thought we recognized him as WW Whaatley, of Ciincu Valley, "who sent 113 word two weeks ago that lie in- tended to burv us in our private grave yard. This recognition vw strengt h- ered bv the fact of his reaching be hind him as if for his gun. As subse quently explained, he swas after his handkerchief, which in this town n always kept in a man s hat. We aluays get the drop, if possible, and we'got it, on this man ami bored him through -the shoulder: When became to give his name as Henry Briggs, and state his mission and 'prove his. identity by numerous papers, no one could have felt nivire sympathy' than we did. We reed to p.iy the surgeon s bill and ftiveldm forty dollars besides, and we are now paying his ooani at the hotel i i i -. f for the week us well. Mr. lirigss has no hard feelings toward us. On the contrary he realizes his mistake in not porting nit on the rubs and regulations of the town, and freely admits that he has no claim on us whatever. He Found Out. Jim Whitbeck, alderman from the fifth Ward, has been aching for some time to find out i i i - . . i - i ii nis uonor me mavor wuo is our- self ) was well up in ki(JushiugTs Man ual as president of the common council. Last Friday evening he found out all he wanted to know. He was indulging in a speech when there was no question before the house md was politely cautioned. He re fused to heed the caution and planted himself on! the broad platform ci American liberty. His honor stepped down ana tooK Jim ana his piattorm and threw both down stairs in a heap. ... . ... - .... lhe, piattorm didn t sutler any to speak of, but the alderman from the first had his-shoulder dislocated and the funny bone of his elbow cracked in two places. If there is any other member of the c uncil who doubts the mayor's thorough familiarity with uushmg, he is tree to experiment at any meeting. No Riot Act. His honor the mayor (who is ourself) wishes to an- nounce the fact that his t.tnee has never been supplied with a copy of the M.xt. mi- on1 lU.a t" m..u gatherhig to d mischief W act can be nuviill. llliiu i'i V. cl-C cl 1U0 read. It i I frvf nil r Mti?anc r member t his matter. There 'will be VVII VII 1 4t .l7 1 V IV" no waiting on the part of his honor, as ulanded ttdiSlierse " J. , VJ I down on th ground with both feet and mowing right and left. Wc sin cerely hope there may never be occa sion tor acting in an official capacity, but it is wise tor our citizens to post up on laws and ordinances and - be ready to avt in acconlance. His honor Wiis nut .'uctin officially when he dis persed Jim R.;dfoot Satulday -evening, but as editor of the Kicker and an emi nent citizen of the town. t : Ciov. W. Jt. E.i:tiJi. Democracy in and around Goldsboro is Miik poison against Dr. Exnm, hence resort to theniOit,nureiisouable methods to down hfm why, oh why, this sweet essence of deiuucny so fla grijnt in its efficacy ? ' ": ' A. Koscower, of the 1 Twilight sent or caused to be sentjoiit Vile and slan derous .''reports against:ft Dr. Exuni, which have been heralfled over the State as the prime essence of democ racy, without any regardifpr their cor- Tettt?s&-r": " ' "' ' " " Monday August 29:hv1892, about 1 o'clock p. in. Dr. Exuni and (J. S. Wooteti were sitting in the back room of the Goldsboro postoffice witSi John It. Smith, the postmaster, near the back door, and Mr. Smith, the p. in., states that A. Koscower passed along as they sat there. Dr. Ex.im called to Iloscower and said, 'l understand you said I tried. to bribe you?" Iloscower rq Led, "That is what you Jid." " Di Exuni r p'iel, "You.knoxv it's a lie, you know it's as big a lie as ever you told.' Iloscower then ( ffered some "expla nation in reply, and Dr. Exuni said, "go out, go away, I don't want any "fuss with you, you l)iug scn-of a b Tnis conversation occurred within the back door of the postoffice, not in I lie presence of any ladies. There is a lady clerk in the postoffice, w ho states she heard them talking, but did not. understand their language. Iloscower at once sued out a warrant and took Dr. Exuni before the mayor, who fined him 5.00 and cost; total -57.00, which Dr. Exuni paid. And then Iloscower proceeded to telegraph the press as published. Tuesday morning, Augut 30th, 1S02, A. Iloscower, of the lleadliqht, put in appearance before Mr. D. J. Bro,-idliurstvJ. L, and county superin tendent of the public schotds, and made .1 j. t iT t ,i l? 1 T1 the following am-lavii: "v. r. jbxnni djd unlawfully and wilfully commit perjury, before A. 11. Hollowed, mayor of the citv of Goldsboro, N. C, iu that ! ne s;t d W. i'. Exum swore that be ',t lying son of did ilof cat! Sai l laaltS a b- Said A. ii. Holiowelt, r mayor of the city of. GohUboro aforesaid, liaving aut;.orit y bv law to admiinst'.-r an o aiii and w .s at the tune ft l IV (f the com im-ioii t :l:e auovi-li'-the said 'V. P. Exuni on th-di-onlerly conduct jig.iinst nance ol said ci:y." . In the afternoon of the ice trying charge of the ordi- s.ime ( lav Ho -cower withdrew this charge. Why ? For the same leason that ie made it for the i-ffje! ; except in th;s latter the effect'' w..s against. Iloscower, wc.ereas the circulation of this false charge operated against, his superior and was designed for 'campaign buu eomb. ' Here is found the editor tef the Headlight going on record under oath as being guilty of what lie charged Dr. Exuni with. Dr. Exuni swore be fore ttie iuaTor that he did not. remem ber his txact language to Iloscower,. Other charges are about parallel with tUt'Si'. Gold shore lie. Another Pair of Siamese Twins. That strange freak of nature known as "the S'ainese twins" has, it appears, been repeated in ()ris-a. The "Orissa twins" are described as two little Uriya girls of about five years old. When last heard of, says the London i'ms they were leaving by steamer for this country on their way to the World's Fair at Chicago. They are, it is stated, firmly joined ' together and if one is fed both are, satisiied. When they were in early infancy at Hoapara, in the interior, the native villagers looked? upon them as the in carnation of the "devil, and their par ents were boycotted by their caste peo- rde. The .storv is that the fatherV first, impulse was to feparate them by cutting the sack which j dus them to gether, and the mark made iu the at tempt is still visible. A wealthy teh silder of the district, however, inter vened. Ketter Naick, the father of the twins,' is reported to be now stead ily growing rich. The Simes twins, Chang and Eng, were, it will be re membered, of the male sex. They were born iu 181 1 ami died in Amer ica, within two hours xif each other, in January. 1874. mn i ii Good Look. Good lopks are more than skin deep, depending upon a healthy condition of all the vital organs..' If the Liver he in active, you have a Bilious Look, if "your Stomach bet disordered you have a Dys peptic Look and if your Kidneys be af fected you have n Pinched Look. Se cure good health and you will have cood looks. K ect lie Bitters is the great al- j terative and tonic, and acts directly on ' t.hesp. vital nrorjns. It cures Pimnles. w - t-e - Riches, JJenis ami g ives a gooa com- I .... store, 50c. per bottle. When Eaby was sick, we gare her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria ' When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she bad Qtildren, sh gae them Castoria Weaver's Iteply to Henderson, of iuwa. (In the UousM)I Representailve3, July 'loth, ISS9.) (We copvv the following speech by General Weaver from the weekly Ral eigh JSeies and Observer of Au mil 30ih.lS92: Mr. Weaver: ISTo; cannot. I will give the gentleman all he wants I was an ardent pponent of the democratic party during the anti-slavery agitation and the issues that rose out of the war. It relatesxto the tfis tant past and it is wholly unnecessary, t .followed the standard of the r mfblitan party bec;ui?e I believed whilst I was doing it" tljat they, were riht and were the friends of the poor, the lowly and the downtrodden; hut w hen J learned t hat the republicanism of 1877-was not the lepuhUiiajiisaat 1860: when I found that they had de. monetized silver, which had been, good enough for everybody from jhe time of Washington down to the time of General Grant; when I further learned that the republican party had passed the act of January 14th, 1S73, to con vert the greenbacks into interest bear ing debt, and another net to refund the public debt arid-nuke it payable in gold coin, thereby robbing the people- of fully $000,000,000 in this single enactment; when 1 found they had given away hundreds of millions of acres of public lands and were making no efforts to reclaim them; when I learned further that they sought to perpetuate the national debt, and in tended to make it the chief corner-stone of national banking, and that bank notes were to he substituted for green backs as our K!e paper circulation, with the monstrous attendant evils of expansion and contraction at 'the will of the banking corporations, and when I read the speech of John Sherman de livered at Mansfield, ()., that such was to be the settled policy of the republi can party, I concluded it was time for me to quit. And although Ili id been a member of the convention iu 1877 that nomi nated mv colleague (air. Gear) for governor of low i, and had supported- ? .i , ' .. 1 1 .n llllll III III'IU l.WlltCIIM'111 1UI inc nwmi- nation, w hen I became acquainted with uk Si tacts l wrote nun an open and frank letter saying that I could no longer act with the republican party, I could not do so because I found they were no longer the friends of the poor, and that, while we had emancipated four millions of human beings, they were now, through vici.ms legislation, pursuing a policy which wouhl, unle.s ai res'e !, enslave many more million of the white people of this country. The events of the nat ten years have justi fied in y gravest fears. (Applause tn the democratic side.) 1 left them then and challenged them to open combat, and have never asked for quarter nor struck my colors. I have delivered blow for blow, ever trying to keep within the bounds of proper political warfare. I left the republican parly when it had 80,000 majority in Iowa and 4,000 ui ij riiy in many Congressional 1 dis tricts over all opposition. Does that look like hunting for an office? Does it not rather look like I was following my own convictions? I leave this House to iulge of that matter. When I began with the little band of greenbackers Jo denounce these great wrongs I found the democratic party of the West, which 1 mal so vigor ously fought in the past, under the leadership of the gallant gentleman from Missouri (Mr. Bland) and others, were leading in the good work of the remonetiz ttion of silver, aud they passed a bill through this House for its full and free reinstatement. (Applause on the democratic side.) I found, furthermore, that when the biil for the free recoinage of silver reached the republican Seuate they emasculated it, and that a-republican Senator from my own State (Mr. Alli son) was the gentleman who accom plished th result.. Having stabbed every greenback note in the back with word "except," they now sought to send silver forth maimed and crippled, only to be coined iu limited quantities, and then only on government account. I found the democracy of the north east aud of many other sections of the country bitterly opposed to the oestruc tion of the greenback currency and i s addressed tlie people t Ihls neigiihor wicked conversion into interest bearing at Salem Ac idemy. I did not h-ear debt, and early in five winter of 1878 the addresses, b it umbrs'and that Mr. they passed a lull through this House ; Overm-n abused the people's p triy and vvbii-b out a ston to this destruction. t he iuyii who will v-tie. for it, and I lie i t little Peter Coop ;r greenbackers had aroused the country aud- many staunch old Jackson and Jefferson democrats rolled up their sleeves and went to work in their jjwd party with the results stated. (Applause on the democratic side.) Many republicans in defiance of their party leaders joined in the iood work also. As the battle ftjjir equal rights aud fair play waxed i hot I sought affiliation with the demo crats of my district and State, and we lyive ever since in my district, aud of ten ill the Slate, co-operated, and we have made it very lively for yon from that day to this. And I advise you to keep your eyes open, for there is still more fun ahead. 1 have never joined the democratic party. I :iin a member to-day of the Union Labor -party into which the greenback party has practically merged, along with some other labor organizations. While it is true that 1 have never joined the democratic party" I have l'elt it to be uiy dutv to affiliate with that party in thU Hons- it, iy State, and in my district, whenever it was practicable, through the actions of sep-, T1 conve.hos, because I believe! .- cmucraim pany 13 nearer to the peopje man ihe repubtrcan part, and b 'cause I find more friends theVe for the principh wJiich I representation ia any other party outside of my own. Itviflji'rrom Around MooVesvillc. j Crorespond3nce ol the Watchman. Fodder pulliug is now in full blast; so is ploughing, since the drought has been broken by good showers, alwrough the ground is not thoroughly wet yet. Mr. R. V. Tharp, candidate for Reg ister of Deeds on the people's -party ticket, in Iredell count', closed his school t the Gabriel school house last KFrisT.? ;ile wilt ? iiow looh: uf ter is candidacy for a while. He has already been reported as making, speeches. whicl. is just like some of the rest of their lies, without face or bottom. He i has never attempted to make a . sing e c.oi, - - i speech. Mr. J. Henry JTharp will close his third session of school at the Brantlev school house, on Friday, the 9ih. A Mr. Poston, living a mile or so from here, had a child scalded to death last Friday. It was about two years old. It was walking around the table and pulled a pot of hot coffee over on itself, inflicting injuries which caused death in a few bonis. While the democrats are yelling over-production around us we are glad to inform the howlers that we are get ting some recruits info the army of consumers. Mr. and Mrs. Nouh.Ket chie (full grown Weaverites, too.) are the fortunate ones. But it's a girl, and as we haven't woman suffrage yet, she can't vote the people's party ticket. If anybody belie ve there are no Weaverites around here just let him ome up and I assure him" he won't go far till he will, in his darkness, stum ble, over one or more, for the woods are full of them, and still they come. Not only are they plentiful, but this i ' 1 it 1 1 J 4i "I m, , ., , r , " I hey are here, all sorts of good ones community can c oe neat lor gn grades and s:z.is II , fellow can spark B i,; for the love or fun ol sparking, -for matrimony or for pastime. They are so plentiful that a fellov can't fail to find his ideal. Two of the htst. of them said to you correspondent the other da7 that they had a notion of advertising, but that, if we would. men tion it in the Watciihan they would not. Any one wishing information may address us. Now, don't all speak at once. We will take pleasure iu recommending them and giving full particulars. The Hustler. Sept. 1, 1892. Maiming, CotTesron Jcncc of the Watchman. Mr. Editor: I again ask space in your valuable paper lor a few remarks. The people of this neighborhood are liaving quite a lively lime. The peo ple's party men are wide awake and are showing their hand whenever they see proper, aud wherever two, or three (composed of straight u's and people's party ra1!)) are gathered together, pol itics becomes very interesting, anl two cases out of every three the people's party men gain the day. On the night of the' 17th of August Hon. J. S. Henderson and Bro. A. C Shutord,. candidates for Congress, had a joint discussion at the Kepley school house. Mr. Henderson spoke an hour but made no impression whatever upon his nudienre. Mr. Shuford then took tlu flour and ai;n- shov ing th peop:e their net aud t he l nanci.il conamo;! oi our -couuiry aim v. nat imj i r . l 1 I L a. ! tleiii'-crafs with 1 18 maiovi' v coal have d'Jiic ii' the ii.at Iriid, ai.d becaust they did not h could i ot la-S ve 1 10 majority they the '.ive Coinage bill. Then th-- lbm-e went-wild w nh ap plause. Mi-. Sixfold is an excellent speaker and wins niaay friends where ever he goes. At ti;e close Mr. Hen derson said with a pitying voice, "gen tlemen, I ask your votes on the 8th of November next," but he made no im-pre.-sion. But we will press forward with unwaveri"g feet antl vote for Bro. A. C. Shuford.' On Friday, August 19: h, Hon. Lee b. Uverman a'v.l J. nies li.- iMciveiizie r -a 1 J. nies HI Mch theref ire gained no friends out ide of "straighUnits." M' M'.Kenz'e then took the stump " nd s .id he wa i'ed to speak to his brothers, :ui circumstances would no' n u .nit iheiu to be p;eci t So heblun ;eietlawa and said he was going to the legislature any ho. v. If Mr. MeKenzie goes to Raleigh the people will never find it out. , S. S. HopcI5s3. Yet Saved. From a letter written by Mrs. Ada E. Hurd, of Groton, tf. I)., we quote: "Was taken with a bad cold, which settled on my Lungs, cough set nuand finally ter minated iu Consumption. Four doctors gave me up, saying I could live but a short time. I gave myself up to uiy Sa vior, determined if I could not stay with my frieuds oq earth, I would meit my absent ones above. My husband was advised to get Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. I gave it a trial, took in all tujht bottles; Ft has cured me, and lhank God I am now a well ami hearty woman." Trial hot ties free at Klutlz & Co.'s drug store, regular size, 50c. and $1.00. W AUXKH'S C It O P BUI LFti v - " - Some Mark! Changs Since lh Ut One Cam Ont-Otber Matters. rrespondence ol the Watchman. , r' Saudersville, N. C .. 1 here has been somemarkettTlmn : in the political atmosphere th s week. ; More candid des are now in the field and the weatherrtas changed to ao c.5m module them n account of my last InllethLjhe executive committee thought co) weather essential to sav their candidate. I .lind that tluip A . i - . . . tongues are snu coutetl? ai4 thev are wealing overcoats as they go aroun4 hurabngging the people. Reports from the central district in dicate a -good crop of candidates at low j-pnees; fever high and promises numV', rerous. 1 lie ralll f, til has been -1wUhv tneorSf sit' alid "prayeirH i'Sofarne5fr Office holder and those wanting office; are i u a niaioritv. Several eon-esnon- trZ T T r .Von- d-euts ?T J1" reclaimed and W'iers sliding bkwards, In the eastern district it is reported ported that one candidate has been arrested lor cusmus, but one correspondent saya he was graying and the weal hey prog-, nosticators didn't know the difference. . Peanuts ami cotton ar opening rap idly, the cotton from the effects of the sun, peanuts by. means of tbe peopled teeth. Com is pretty good and can dilates all foa l of it Avhen stawed; fish ing good o i the co ist. A sea serpent; ' thrVv miles long wasee:i near Beau-, fort. " ' In the Piedmont district, including. Rowan, candidates are pretty thick; pol i I ics red h ot ; t urn-i ps an J moonsh i ne! distilleries in full-bhist, especially in Davie aud Wilkes. New brandy is beginning to get in its work and black eyeVare worn by members of ail par-, ties. Weshrn district U all right. Two. candidates to each voter, and. still'. they -come. Brandy distilleries all; ii) run ning order and no revenue -officers in vited; several candidates are. r.unning; for fun, 04 hers for money., Te ros, pect for wititer apph i j,mt,ly gpod snakes are limiting their dVnsiiHbeajSt inn imiiiiiii "vjti 1 tT .1 j.i i':ni ii.tlj, llll-i f n 4 m - i , - . V- H11 4-01? wind blowing fili-st tw- waw and then auotlii'; plenty o- horses. and cattle, but no tnouey to. Jiyy them with; either eye cairdxr worn tied up iii4 a rag with a pii:ltice From all correspondents Ilear4i"that the outlook is gootj and gating better. Many candidates will ink be elected, bat, it will be because the people do, not wnt them. There is a disposition, on the part of many voters tf vote as, they please, but they ""Tire afraid to No mm ought to do as he pleases. Consult. )ohi; wife aud then do what she-says. My old lady has often Told me that, and I eeyer Tail -to take, her dvice, whether I want to or not. Love to all, Jake Warner, False Itrports. Corrospontlcnce of the WaU-lmian. Whatever m ly he the strength of the people's party, there is one -thing c rtain, viz: that they have been the indirect ciuse of more downright un blushing, unmitigated and tin-cruplous tieiug on the put' of the democrats than they ever did before. Two nota ble instances are The reports of two meetings held here (Thoniasville). Oil therdSih of August the. appointment "of J.irvis and K'err. at which deinor cratic-papers -said- there were GOO' or more present. Very enthusiastic. The truth says there were loo in all, 10 j. of which wen eople's party. '7 remibjir c;ins ami 21 oernocrais, two of yhi,clv a ere u:,d'r ag The pii'uary opr ened at the close ttf Jarvis' peei liuud .1 t ! ll-il lev had Ht i. ali loit I, two under J l a re. Again at th; !, All tic nlc which .in i an ce was belt. it 1 lioaiaVille on III! II August of that 20th, the d- tin era! ic repoi ts were Si rie! deliber.de lalseho d.. It -WaS; v a people's party affair, the peakers were sp cisi y invited and. r poke to please, There were not Jess, than 2,000 people present, 83 per cent, of whom were people's party men. Every democrat ; t the ground could be easily delected, by his long face. ' Agdu they say Dr. Masie abusedr ami "hindered the democratic party. Dr. M - s; e s 1 uothjng of the demo cratic party that is not a matter of his tory. Tim v-tv history they made in (he last - Con 4 res where they hadji majority ot 1 lS and actually .spent 53 ni'iliou dollars unre th in all the tariff and revenue conib ned (of 'the McKin lev tariff) collected in one year, and yr liit-v May tie v ;.re going to modify the tari itsidlieiei.it to. restore our pecn pie to a h-'.i.ithy condition ot Hnancis There so; ins to' be notlnTig under the Heaven that they do not promise and nothing they ever -fulfilled. As to slandering thcin, it is. simply an im possib litv. In tact, General H eavcr is about the only" man that has been able to express anything, like their true chiracfef. Let them say what they please,- Davidson county is good for a full people's party ticket in spite 'of all their lieing . ul bulldozing. UXK O? llltM. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The best in tbe world for puts, bruise sores, ulcers, nalt rheum, fcyer sort, tvir tt r, chapped lunids; chilblui.is, corn mid pkiti-erunlioii?. and pTllvJy cure W. or no nav required. It U guaranteitl " r,v luMfeirrsjiiisfactmn, or -money glided. Trice 2T, cents per iilv by Kluttz &X'o. box. 1 x . - ' - . ' - .- r