lWl,WW - - ' " ' i ii i ii - mi - i i . . .e-- r.- : . r; . " Tv ; . - " . - the watghiiai: rW- ' 'jfsk .-' -Tl O ' -irirT:" ; - - , . I is tho Organ of tliD XyCA-' y tl M 11 'I CLvi V V Cytj) tlMs, H U 11 ii il a Advertisers, make a .or ccnt. more I?5 .--tlian any . lino- iT5cr - 1 ... allfl 13 s -t,a. best aa- XVIII- THIRD SERIES - - V - - "- I .Mill LIM I I I IJJWW SALISBURY, N. C, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1892 NO. 474 -ygM 7 D ALLIANCE piUIXJTOKY. H.ttwnal AUmnce-Xl.. L. Plk, prOBiavnt. Nnrth CjMna ; H. F. Loucks, vice 4rtsi-d-nt, Dakota: J. If. Turntr. eecrrtary trcisarcr, Georgia ; J. F. Willett lecturer, Kansas. State Alliance 'Slkxxoxi Butler, president, W.I S. Uarnc, secrcuir. for I nfahtd and Children Clinton, N. C; Raleigh. 1th Congrmional Lciizar. Monresville Pnr cv. Catawba; - - j - ..r,orl a ? so wo!l adapted to children that ',. i t ad superior to any prescription ,'., '!. iJ. v. i ill iiu. Oiford t, Brooklyn, K. Y. ' - of Caltoria is bo universal and U 'i n td endorse It Few aretha cf T", V-s who io uot keep Corid jpti-ilif,"'1"' l" " within ruu.. c-AHig MlRTTjr, D. D Paator Clooruins-Oalo Banned Church. CantoHa enres Colic, Constfipatton, Sour Stomach, Dianrboaa. Eructation, Kills Worm, gives sleep, o4 proniote3 U- Witput injurious medication. For sereral yenrs I hare recommended, your Cast-ria, ' and shall always continueto a" so as it baa invariably proauoed beneficial results." . - ) ' Edwm F. Pardct . M. D i The Winthrcp," 125th 8treet and 7th Ave., KewYorkCir. label Tms CwTAtm Goupaict, TMitmr Brum Kur Too. District Lecturer, A l'resiiknt, Col. II. A. .-Pres., E. P. Pcnic k, Elm wood; Scrrctaryand Treasurer, J. U UAmsey, Salisbury -Rwan Co'tnty-U Milter, president, Blafckmer; M. L. Ilttchic, secretary, Saw. IreJ'U County J.: M. Parks, president, Statesville; M. E.Ranisey, secretary, Mooresville. CahirrmJGomtyX. F. IIHcnvan, presi dent. Concord; Dr. J, S. LafTcrtj, secre tary. Concord. . - DMhUm County-US. Green, president, Jimcs; V. A. Lindsay, secretary, hi.mh.w viile. I Catawba County, T. Wilfonp, nns. lent, Newtoi;; J. hJJevrton. F. Herman, secretary, "Whut is a woman's weapon?'' . I asked a eharmiug girl. She dropped her lashes shyly And stroked a vagrant curl; Then cousciensly she murmured Thi3 rostbqd newly out; "J have a Strong euspicion . Her wiapon is a pouti" ,4Vhat is a woman's weapon?" ' ticked a lover true. He turned him to a maiden With eyes of heavenly blue. Her velvet lips were parted, All innocent of gnile, And eagerly he answered: "Her weapon is a smile." , What ia a woman's weapon?". I asked a poet then. , With sudden inspiration He seized upon his pea. . r ."Oh, I could name a tioisand, , He cried in accents clear; But woman's feurest weapon,' faU-vwhen it is neethd the most?. Gold can be beaten into a very 'thin film. But the thinnest fitm that the human mind cm imagine is not thin I e.noagh to compare the gold basis with the billions of business transactions in the world. Adcance. WAIINCR'S CROP BULLETIN. at I grant you, is a tear !" Dtirdil Tribune. From Salem. Corrcs; oadence of the Watchman. - Rev. -J. H. C. Fisher will preach Salem Sunday, SepteniW 25th. P. S. Kluttz curexl his hi-st and only barn of tobacco last week. Mr. John Harkey, of Steele town hii: has bonght land at this place, and we are glad to learn, will move down in Ihe.near future. He is a Weavirite, a reader of the WaTCIImas and is coming from a township ot which it is said there are ouly 0 demo crats. Very Little Cliac?e this Week How Woaieu Talk The Giett 5ltm ories Souie or them Hare. . CorrespondeHce of the Watchm n. Saxdeusvillfu K. C. There-has Wen lmtlitile change in political aff iirs. The woods are fall of candidates and all feel like they 'onglit to be electeil. But people aru advised lo bet sparingly on most of them as frost will soon be here which is is SSO ft. 150 ft. more making it 530 ft. -r , We next lake in the weaving de-. department which is in a brfd nix 300ft. long with brick and material all ready to add, TOO ft. more making it 400ft.- long. In this three hun dred and twenty-four loom keep v , I heir clatter dailv. with xpettidion i adding one hundred inore-soon. T'u; nJo contaius ilie L quilling and beam ihg machinerv. "Af'er KiRnl through thestj depurl- Reports from corresnondents in 12 nieuts and the dye department, which is in a large budding sep sr;te 'front the otheis,' the cloth is taken counties indicate a s-mall falling off m numbers, but most of them are vigor ous and persistent. In the western district several are suffering wilh sore, mouths, resulting from too much kiss ing of croupy babies. Candidates are numerous and give the voters no rest. is liiKen jut anoUter room wh.ere it is cbu"utcK Ouished wnd fchhd .ready for shipping. It is then carried into another bre buihling where it is hlorctl away oc shipped. ;-i "This cre:t coi,ct-ni " eonvmf from N. C. Rcfiwrin Pres9 Association, ta a m:TY yoa owe yfren h ' " i'ie bent value jot your "-" 1 : " " " I " Advice to Woheh If you would protect yourself ' from Painful, Profuse, Scanty, Suppressed or Irregular Men struation you:must use S3 SHOE onFfiSiBwv W l-w Kj ."-ii mill not rf a. lmo " s "m t h tU?o I flexible, more com- lie r nco. i-iuiia tiuioii- mc-. BRADFIELD'S FEMALE. REGULATOR n k BTBBfiVTT.i.n.' ADril 2G, 1838. This will certiiy that two members of my immexilate family, after havinj? suflered for veArs from Menstrual IrretUlrlty, bfng treated without bffiy physicians, were at length completely cured by one bottle o?Bradaell' Vemmle f"1" effect is truly wonderfuL J . W . bTRANQK. Book to " WOMAN M mailed FREE, which contains valuable information on all female disease. BRADF1ELD REGULATOR CO.. ATLANTA, G A. jroX SALE 11 Y ALL lRirOGISTS. O'jRcenJ: L, Ramsey, president; Marion Butler, vice-president; W. S. Barnes, ec retary. PAPERS. Progressive Farmer, State Organ, Caucasian, Rural tiorae. C trollaa watchman, Farmers' Advocate, lioiiQt tin ilom-Journal, Alliance senunei, Countrj Llje, Mercury, Rattler. " Each of the above-named papers are re quested to keep the list standing 6n the first t ,,i aa nthrrs provided they are duly UUUO IW1 uv , r - - . elected. Any paper failing to advocate the Ocala platform tvill be aroppea jnun list promptly. Our people can now see that papers are puousuvu As the election grows nigh they be come more obstreperous. It may bail 8 to 20 bales of to! ton each dy iv- Mr. Warner, how do you sell your mat tne voters wm nave to leave iue . quinug ine laooi ot awau w cron bulletins, or do vou give tliem ouue 101 u ie uja ucu cue ciuuU( . 'cu .c ii i..r,. ..v,.. v..v awav? Please send me a dozen, any- comes off. 1 hey have to do tn at or re- way, to give away to our republicans sort to violence, a naye got my gun and democrats so they will know who loaded with trace chains, flint rocks .... f i iitnniiiitA v.itiirn'in Kn "imi iiiif'M wua aesireio set uuicioiNui Buuic w . .... . ,t . 1 ...,d;d.,c juc;m i,,,0 br, nt 1 7jd bv lnlit i- nre frettinf? hot out here in suui. n uhj uBt v A "C!viIizeaM. Idol. Man is a Deculiar animal. In all ages of the world he has manifested a Raleigh, N. C. (.'Untoa, N.C. Wilson, Is . C. SaUsbury, N. c. Tarboro, N. C. Aslievllle. N. C. Golrtshoro, N. t-. Trinity Col!e;e, M C. Hickory, N.C. Whutakers.N C. . r . .... 1...... ... ii ii? mi 1 1 1 i , IiTa-! K,r I lUf ...j rullinnr hnr fttir. nr in W-of t... tU of Ibeir l..br, T.cre are a few eojooraU ret u. ah pU .end to and live without doing hard lanor but they are suen as me peoples pai ty ' Id at l S4u(VtH 1: .!,. -asy nn.l .1 araM.-sh.s ever fold SutjrlAWeUuil too-impord blwes coating ancp Wtoe.wom krtS - Q,vLn vl.o v-.iut a pood fcoy ca.ffr - JS ci'i'aob-8 '-. easy tovaLi In.audTvUl S?tiia3 Pnd g4.COWorlc- .-2a in-Vi--u'a Simhs v. ill ft He- morfc wear for tHo ' vt".n ai.v.thi-r ;:ake. Tbcvurc matie for ser Tirt ivrvcanv. talcs chaw that woritingaiea h. worn kJ Jhotey- evry- tadie fific-M. i-ney are very m ,"'u""' "K"r".T , tin. TheSi"8hoeeiJsetiFtomiriade3hoeseostln(. Im!3 JlSltrt 86.10. l.a,38 who wlsii toecoaomize in faation.-W.b.Ixtoi-'Mi'iianro and trio price Is tamufd on tho'bmtiiiu of each shoe; look for it when yrtu buy. Bew.itfof lealenattempMn?toPub. tfltute othrr .nafces fiWim, tneh salnitltuutMisar fraudulent ami Biii.jti.-tT ju?i5Pciition by law for ot- W. L. UOLiiLAts, lirociitoc, Maes. Bo.d by m. BROWnl. LQC1IG3 f H.OU an.l 31,73 Shoes to.' Miwesarc mafto of the lofit, Angola or fine Calf, as Mon life Im. Co. A Household Remedy FOR ALL BLOOD andSSCIS! DISEASES 13) ipi H3 0 Botanic Blood Balm IM. r..o SCROFULA, ULCERS, SALT it CUreS RHEUM. 'ECZEMA, 'every - ' mrilnnint SKIN ERUPTION, be sides being etficaclous In toning up the system and restoring me Kniivi when Impaired from any - : almost supernatural healing properties Justify us In guaranteeing a cure, it directions are followed. SENT FREE bW23U.- Rioon BALM CO., Atlanta. a. The Conference Platform. Th following is a correct, copy of the platform adopted at St. Louis by the labor conference: - FINANCE. 1. We demamj a national currency U-safe, sound and flexible issued by the en rat- g'v'rnment ouiy; u nm Icrnftender for all dehts, public and xvifhnnt. tht use of Jank- mg corporations; a ust and rquitabln moon a nf f ircula'tion. at a tax not t IllVUiil" . . . 1 exceed t.wo per cent, as set lorth n the silb-trcasurv plan i of the Fanners .Al liance, or some better system; also, by ..i- in iIia ilisr.'iarce of its ohli- j.ilV III. II u- L J v- w o fratious for public iaipiovements. We demand live ana uimmiic. themselves. I he Caucasian race pre t.Mids to be civilized, and yet live hun dred years from now, the people who live then will look down upon us witn the same pitying contempt at our bar barism and ignorance, wi.h wiuoii we look down upon the people who lived five hundred years ago. 'Ye laugh at the ignorant blacks in Africa, who in their brutih supersti tion worship a tree, a cow or a stone, or carry a pebble or a button as their fetish. Are we, as the superior race, race, one whit better or more reason a- - . . . . . , . -i . Lh ? Somebody said, scratch. tne gut from our civilization and you will find barbarism. :Ve worship idols as much ;.s brutal black in Darkest Africa What else is it hut fetish worship and idolatary to hold in high esteem a pearl, an excreence from one of the lowest animals, obtained only at a fear ful sacrifice human life, -and abso lu'clv worthies as far as practical use is concerned? Is the health, limb and life sacrificed There are times in our life when we y ,i,c ou.i ..o u., .i.. would not . have, and so they don't are anaiu ol ueu amount to much. All we need is a we are sorry we ooni tue. . vj , V man like Shuford to deliver us a few mg m i or repairs. uueruiB (ldressesandthev will crawl -back in niatism. Mr, wumw , cu. mc, -amn. The mo4 of them are sitting visit my w.te one eyen.-g. So I had on the fence and if I had the urn nut- to sit ana n;ten 10 ineiu Mk ,u uc nition I would certainly take my old someoouy 10 snoot xj ult and make it hot for them, but talked about all the m he by and by they will come back when neighborhood who had bought new they find that they are Graying from dresses this summer ho "'u.c.vUy IhPir shenherd Paul for tl,em' the Color' how.pthey ,Cut wihiE th past few weeks this part them and I how they looked after they of the county W been flooded with were made up They made a pho o- such lying sheets as the leading Ch.r- tograph of each one But don t these ...f T..K.;,ri, ...irr, m? ms women fdlks have fine recollections 1 tb ,1V I illlCl StlC 11 things? Then they told d . a 1 1. .. 4. ,1 ..; . ... -S)lUliii am .c. uau-., .U,.l,KlJ1.r;(lG !lM pu i . -ii. ..:i:r..: ..t. i now manv cans uittwn'u are llllt-u won viinving siaicuicnis . , saving ajTiinst the candidates of the people's a. coinage of silver. . 6 We demand the amount of cir culatin'' medium to Ik speedily ln- ..,-r. ,.d to not less than JSol) per capitn. w J ' .1 We demand a graduated income ' d We believe that the money of tlx treasury should be kept as muih a Mr,sib!ein the hands .of the people O F NEW YOlRK. CONDENSED STATEMENT. . JAN r AllY 1ST, 1S92. Assets - -' - -Jl'wrvoil for po'i. 'u-.'S N'. . iitanMar.l I per ctMit.,- and -: all li.vbil it u s, - - Kew IiisutMiuy. 1 HO 1 , -Hntt:inilii!jr Insur:U!ci, IV. 1 !'.v;iry-lK.l.lcrs in lS'.H', iWu'-hnbUTi fine-- ' piii..iiin, iiicotiH-, ls:i ll.O?,2,.r!20 25 11.7(;f.!J!U -j).;so,;22 1,447,000 4T. 2,C8 t,435 1 Assets Invented hs Follows: mns gcvurnl y wrl-.v& on Ileal Kst:itt',-irjt liciK-, Nvr; Vnrlv-t'ity lml., -Urookh n WiitrC'r boir'.s, - llichUKi'lul, (Vi:') V):Hl'is, - Loans to Poliey-liolikrs on t.'s ; Solicit-?, - Collateral loans, - Real Kstate. cost valiuC- - ' ; Cash in bank .an.f trust Co.'s, Interest accrued, jironiiums tlc fcrfe 1 and in trausityCtcr, 271.h:'.2 jv1 144.UOO VThv do yon o-affor W md hence weJ par candidates, but why they are at put up, how each c ,n wa. sav I m ty with them I cannot understand, and what each one would make out V.rner will vou uive me infor- the fruit this winter. That m Jake Warner will you illation? If these people's party candidates are as mean i;s the partisan press ac cuse them of being, why have they laws fruit every woman in of more memorv for vou. Then they di-ca-sed the sweethearts of every girUfor three miles nround, when each one would get married, whether they would do wtdl- nr not., and evervtliinii about them. not been arrested? Surelv the '7 - ; , , t. . ,, i. t ,i n' .i... .i t- L.n INext tliev disc m.W.nnu ..i-x u.u ome. n.e- ,-"V,.V ,. ",V 1 " , neigl.borhuoJ, present and ,-roct.ve, stones ( useless v,eouie ih-l u muuhc , j.oiccu, ui noc . .....v..... a.. ;s the bun-' hung long ago, but they have not ( useless pebbles ) t.o a sill v sureistiiion liist Irtds and thousands of human lives Xow there is something wrong some- thatare h-st indiving for useless pearls? where, but what it is 1 cannot tell, but lt,it tlii idol wo:uin. .IA. amiu.tr A- t I belu vc tlioe turn wtixou tne !P0P'e h harmless, consiUerett witn uif Next thev discussed the uabies of the how much each one weighed, how they the liveiv lun rid snnerslition that Ul ikcS whole world tributaryto n few baukei, s:mnlv becaur-e mankind ha- been tatiiht to nlace a hisih value on use yellow metal, and deify a golden calf IIEllE ARE THE PROOFS: The total annual "crop of gold in O enawlyoutoeatrddcGtyo provena haVo been piTpiacc, N. V. 83 cent?. OjaOF-y' O -J& & iiorfolUlanceExcliaiige 11 and 13 Commerce St., ' noiisis 23 Qwned and controlled by Alliauceraen for handling produce, demand all National am State revenues shall be hmded to the nf,ce,Sarv expends of government, economically and honestly administered. . n;- r, ..,nA Hint. Postal Saving I K. C urmM - banks be established by the govern ment for the safe deposit of earnings of the people and.tacilite exctiange. LAND. tt-pp nnon the . lOUI 3'io-vwni... -i land plank', beg to submit to your :,p. provnl the following: I he land, n cluding all natural resources of wealt h is the heritage of all people, and should i. i. .nnnnnnlized for speculative nnrnoses. and alien ownership ol hind 'i 1 ..1 u i,;i.;f..,l All lands now onn i m ill-" ij ui iwuvMi - - - .idUIl . i in f .M 1 intpd hta es. jiccontuill to census . , statistics is S'32.SS7,1S), inst enoug ti) pay one-filtieih of the annual ex p. Tises of the United Sbttes govern- nieiit. The aunual crop of wheat is about 450,000,000 bushtls. t one dollar the gold crop will buy about one bushel in twenty-six. The corn crop exceeds two billion bushels. At sixty cents a bushel, the roltl crop will buy one bushel out of ihirtv-seven. AH the annual products of the country are worth probably $5,000, 000,000. Gold represents a proportion nf V to IDG. For more than half a century the produced scarcely any j.arty have put out as candidates - are siich men ;is the boss democrats are afraid of, and the only way they can iniure them i to print some lies about . . . .. l-l ft L I) them. 13nt It IS llKe Detsy u.iiwn says about Daniel when he was cast inio the lions den, it will not hurt them. But oh, what a sorry day it will be for those that are doing the ly- for the inspired word says: All 1. 1 i;..VJ wb..!l iiwvp their portion in the iril llfii.-i osjuii g bike which bnn.ctli miu nre i.uu biimstoue." Now it seems to me that if these false accusers ever read their Bibles they surely would quit some of heir bare-faced lying. V ny some oi our own county papers are trying w make capital by printing slauueious eports about men. which tney neiei leard of before, and how long will U continue. ... . In conclusion I willQay lo "ine Hustler that there are a lew gui down here but 1 think they are an un der mortgtge, at least they try to maice a fellow believe it. So it there are so auv good ones up there 1 will speaK looked, who they looked likertheirdif- lereiit ailments, what was done lor them, whether they cried much or lit tle. Willi, bull U,t lotUtto Hioli- mrtthpfM t eex Ki'iv.i.. , just initiK oi rhatniuch uioin..i ng turned , loose ,n a community. wonder the peo ple here ieve'; ti I i . of hard titnesr -';r'. - - say, we lure not- heard a word-tibout lwrd tinfes since we h ve been in the place. Verily, they are the happiest set of i people, seemingly, on earth, and no wonder when they have dady - occupation, fox which thev net better pay than -any other mills he have ever visited, and are under the liindet set of men as superintendentsnhat has ever been our privilege to nicety Mr. it. IL Hay, the secretary and treasurer, is one of the best" men, we have ever liad the pleasure of meeting and we don't think his equal could hardly be found for the place he occu pies, for he. is as kind as a man can be nothwithstanditTg he has' entire coiv- trol of all the- hands, lo piove tnar he is the rigtit man in the right pi; r -every h.uid like hliii -and love to U his frieud. - - x We also had the pleasure of meet ing Mr. Jno, II. Crowley, first super iutendant. Although at first Mght one would not naturally iake iu wjth him, yet to like him one only has to know him. He is a live, energetic man and never stilir Many more good things mhrht he said ot . Uiesc men, and norbnly Uicso but others of au thority as the -.harmony iu w everything works will attest. T , H . 1 nut. mi them. etc. I don't know how many more things! I V'ainted and was Around Mooresvillo. "'..l.mir lev. F.-IL- Wood, of MooresTibe, has just closed a revival, meeting at it ,i..!. ..-..'a jinnul I'lfw Iter?. A iiiipniisp.ious for three hours, liy that - Idod tn the church time Mrs. Collins had gone and-peace cjiurcl-in-uchlrcvived.i once more reigus supreme. I don l . Htt.l infant child of Mr. and " want another such experience; wouiu rather go to the war four years more. School began again in our ais.ri.ct l...t Monday. It is a subscription school. Every district ought to have twice as much school as tney ao. We Mis. Noah Ketchie died last week and was buried in the town cemetery on the next dayTThey. have tlie sympa thy of many friends in therr sad hours of sorrow. ' . , , a ii miVdnv Kchno s have clo-eii. 1 . -l i ,1 ,.Mu,i. pnnni,:.J.inns-rrJ mtpd htates 9 ; r, -:,nAM il- the product U gr.laHy ii, uVPlKS Oil tUeil ilOU.u O--;- , . ii. i- II it couuu ... 1 1 , j ii o rp.ovrnmpnt and held ues at the rate of thirty-two inn . on reclaimed uy w.. i n ., vo-,r l i ..I.tfW milv. dollars a yeai, IOI actum iciiiwi.j ...j- 11) !47,708 410,007 77 .). - - - -$ll,459,38 78 brnci'es ami other particuliirs, address. - 9 - II. I). t'.LAKC, . '-- Special District Agt., itaieigu, COTTON A SPECIAIiTY. Don't sell before writing for par ticulars to - r J. J. ROGERS, Mgr. r. O. Box 212. " v 4.1,..; in excess oi,toCM - -, .-.,!.. A;.;Chn lands now owned by aliens suomu unuMue j ... I.IUV13 L 1;1 Iw.lfl ,ia . fli, VJltP or tl it will take one hundred npnvs to trive us . :i pei tn mm v..v.... transportation tion of 50. provided all the gold pro 3 Transportation being a means duce(1 13 COined into money, u.c oT defence! and public necessity, the h.tion remains stationary and none ot Government should own and operate ,he gold wears away or is lost roads in the interest of th people. John Sherman is authority for the telephone, Ltnment that "the life of silyer is U. tllV - - like the postal system, being a necessity twenty years, that is for the transmission of news, should be the -country must be MTEM1LLE MARBLE WORKS Is the Place to Get Monuments, Tombstones, &c rvT7P MnvT MARRT.F. to arrive in a -few days We guarantee Utisfaclioniu every respect and positively will hot be undersold. Granite Monuments Of all 'k? a specialty VC B. WEBB & CO-, - ; Proprietor. Mention tlio Watcbman vheti you write ; that is all the silver in renewed every r ine irausuiioijii . w - i j .i ftio rrnvprnment tnmnt. vpnrs. because of wear and tear ownea ana tiiHji-aieu Kii b'-- ,t.v j , in the interest of the people. and loss , early so as to avoid the rush, l least .,..t ... .rooit one tor me. fii't urade one that wears a beautiful faqe and sweet littl- smiles and has a good dis position) seek alter young men of about 17 summers, age anywhere be tween 15 and 20. 1 desire to spar love and perhaps matrimony, j i j. i,;..k Iioj itpvpi a true ueait nmiu . . . i . . . . ... hun brokpn. Please leu me inu soon as to your selection, for you know love is a credulous, atiair. Best wishes for the Watchman. ClRMSON. t M i "- " v . . 'Mill i 1 i 1 lnM ffyk l v I . k have had a young lady teacner ioi tu - Vni. iVe'nVschool at the.Ur.tva.'Y or three terms and she either courted -ch;,ol j- clced--ast ' Monday, and the big boys too much or didn t whip - j uenfy Thai p closed his Uji.ool them enougil, ior tuej thmir ht ot asatiir I'resiuPHt urtinwu , -, iia T.n ..e. of "Trearinir a to send a few thousand troops to sut- . lecture ly Mr. J.as..1harp oh dueUem. At my suggestion, as one e work .klla cJucitiofi. U rtf lb., pommitteeiuen, we nave a m.oe . - -1 iji- i,Pst teacrs ami V1 VV" ' . HI... !...... cmiU Ui iuu.r . , teacher this lime, ine uu . tbev heard he was coming illipv tbonr ht he was some dyspeptic x .v,j 0- r. . . ... I... i dude who would Ic tve Hie nrsiuuy ,ouv when they seen hmi they thought 4t was Sullivan or Corbett. He whipped four of the biggest bo.s so they ....l.i.t :r. down the first day. hvery- tliii( bt ookiu-' brimi ior kiuwuu.. in Lite ueitrhboriioou to.w for iave incii'ely, Jake Vauxer. 3IcAdeiisvillo Letter. While some parts ot theaoove u- j ,w capita of - . Illicit II 11 UVI J t 1 v- -w w- V - dress may seem at a i mere glance to "old. we would not produce enough to make partisan political distinctions. the supply at that figure, pro- vet nnon careful study one win cieany Vidcd the popuiat on iCm....e., see that it is non-partisan, and further, will be impressed with the truth of its uot ...wl llio urndnee ot CO Id did fHy c..i.t -. tj decrease. ...... The aunual product ot gold is jiut The 'Smi" Cholera Mixture. i!.iriv'.)0.i loaeeof Aitc;iua This Uing the tir,t place to catch usj tors on our vacation frm chuol worU, an ;f ; o.fli :t live Place re thought .t ...M.tinn ot it rn'mht be ot ln- terest to your many readers, therefore xve venture a tew lines, uegiu pardon for any intrusion it may oe. ; The McAdru Mills is situated in bas- ..,;ti r.d.nblv teach here 1 hi winter. An AllianceTTally was hei-lj at the. liiawley scliool house last Saturday after which tlie Alliance met in regu-. far session. Some fine music was ren dered for the occasion and tdi evening was much enjoyed. " . T . A tnre crowd gathered at the aepot Saturd.v ev.ning to witness the nr rival of 'llo'i. A. E. Slevci s n, candi date for -vicocprtsidvnt;--lh topied about rive nnuutes and Air. Stevenson m a sbortutk ftosn the platform of the car;i:.ym 's it-spec to old Iredell, the h.ane ot .his a'.;-. He then left lor sui'.it. hMTft'hi! snoke at night, ceverui puu .a tmm hp.ru wiMit nit t) hear him. ii ... vi.re arm whftnli.-.. .m i !.. small nrong of the More man twenty JW vi - u,ii u)'j i z. , o ' ,t nf r I - . I I l 1 4-1. .,4- m-aTiilitinn OT CIHJl I I 1 riVPI it W.IS ion uu i i.iiu pii.v.... . . - i i- ...c;r iVinn purr, a prescription h'Uorbittp. on the A'.r bine Uaitioaa. , n up by eminent uociors .iuu A. LEHOH ELIS1H it. 7ondcrfal ECects othc Liver, Stomach, Uowcla and Iliducye. IS.ly mittep who framed it. with only; a tew dissenting votes, and the platform was adopted unanimously, nd received with great applause. 1 ne coferenca having complettnl its work ..I..: l.. 1.. e.iwl urlirturtipd rs a reprtsenuiiivw uuuj , u sine die. 1859 ly'iS!MS!:iHgll feral . 'I' THE - 189? Georgia Home Insurance Co., COLUMBUS, GA. RHODES EEOWfcE, WM.O. C0ART, RES11)ENT. fcECRETAR x . Total Assets, over SI ,000,000. A Home Corcpary, seckirjg Home Patronage. liitrtt ill (lSitCS CJ txll t H'Wtsi, Lccctae iatCR.;. LCces aojtiEieo: J. ALLEN BROWN, Agt. nromisesi and the ability of the com- ,f c -t an(1 u iarge part It was aaopieu of ln;it s use(i ,n the arts ana pcienc. Under these circumstances it is ranu idiocy to talk about gold payments and old basis, but the hallucination is iLnt im for the benefit of the baiik- ;...T m.d bondholdinsi millionaires, who ..J2 ..Mo to i-nntrol and rob the busi- industrv and agriculture of the , j . . p . i. whole ciyihzed -world by means or uu rm ; rtii.; l,l, n fixed, stead v useless golden ciilf idol, that is oni a aiin. with an honorable purpose. It thin shell, and- which maintains its dicniBes your nature, and insures your supremacy only througu uom mat . u,b,,,u J . m.d iinnn the minds el success.-riicr. ry,MU,u' " . i n-u the people wno uo not. uuniv. A gohl b isis is a luiysicaj iui uiunj . It does" not exist and never can exist unless great mountains of it should be found. . Thi. nroof of this is found m the ,-,,'iblished in the bun, and it took the name ot tne duu uuoich Our contemporary never lent iw name lo a better arucie - seen it in constant ue ioi ucnj xw years, nud found it to be tie oesi, rem- edy for looseness ul ww.- yet devised. . J .vnvhn has th.s by him, and ..i,u. it in time, wilt ever have the lllIVCO . cholera. -v.:. ,.,,11 4v!L but I aootil iweivc u Alii iu... ., v fifteen year, ugo y IU Ue U. A id.,, but was (iu;te sm-dl to what it U j . d l i . ,. i r.in .i!ii ' Var;l". WUilC now, ii tnen j - i j It is i enemv. -dom to learn even from an ' t. i. . ....... u' M aitiiiLtons, now ii n.is . "o- ... i...-.. i..r of maids, ccv. the property iii.in.5i-' " " i ... i l ... i i. ,r, the Mo Aden heirs, but w nr M.-Adenof is now couuoiicu ------ . Charlotte, the late Mc Aden uroi her. lUfurmslies work ior a lot of peode i ; industrv of which Uasto.i P.a,..lV uiav ell u.Mroud,aud itxNorili. .... ii 1. I . ' . i . ... .1-.. ir ilM won la oe Wo p immtnd it to all our uin.u . ujurolina liai iu jic .. - ;- w . . . 1 A.I . tT H,..n IP II 1W 13. P.VMii when no cholera is anuciputeu, i reat Ueai oeuei ou. - For Biliousness Constipation and Ma laria, lake U'Uiou Klixir. - KoV Indigestion,-feick t and Mn, ;, llcadachetakc Lciuoii Luxir, For Sleeplessness, Nvrvonsnc.- aud -Heartfailttretakc pimm Uix ir. For Feverf, Chills and lKdahtj, take T .......r. VliYir. LadicX Tr natural andlbrouirh (U-a.no D?. Mley'- Vernon boxir v,dl i . - ..- ... :.. ,a tliH ubove liatpea u.-- entail of whiei. arise froma UmI;,1 diseased slunwch, kidn.-x, r1 . n i. .i.r C- nrdinarvi .im. ..,n. .u ..f the machinery is iuu ... mnni drivinif wueei, h4,-o o : J When Baby wad rid:, we garo her Castorla. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she ga" j them Castoria i..:.. summer conipiunus dvsentery, etc. . .. t ' "TakP .final parts of 4incture of cay enne pepper, tincture of opium, tmc- j W hen we see t hi ture of i hubarb, essence of peppermint, i .uni belt4fc w a c and spirits of campium m e I)oe, 15 to 30 drops in a nine coiu water, according to age and violence of symptoms, repeated every hfteen or twenty minutes u til relief i i -lained.AVw York Journal of Cni horses. . KUV. IL . I. . .... Il II III I t'll il i.i.il'ul' III I UltrC iiui.y.-- - Hie w . . ' . . :. .i curiosity wittiiu useu. . ,..-n.v nv wen. (. i....,f..,.r tins we cu UllS Ol euu.iM.wL. wu i..0 ..Xw.l. Uiii U and spii.uiuaepa. mc. , "... ... 1 4. I. .,.. loom dou icei. . . . ueut the cotton aris , u. u fact that a si-cie basis was never put to a tot, but what it failed. Every time there is a great finan cial panic, or a nation is iuvolvid ;n n war of an v magnitude l ayments even ioilver, are iuvariablysuspe; dei. I . p;frnors Castoria) Is a basis - rehable that t :nvauao y oiAiuren vij . , In this dep; .dv for wcav . i . ..r I llfi'llll ft?a( 1 a ..fLrn v2 i . . macu '.Hill i n lOivi' i . i,..itir u urin aa - dies UlClUUii.o f ,.; five and they are thinKiug ui thou a ii mow soon, i' -.Jrn sitati the ad ling to thi ' room or or ......, i. 1 nil V V 11. J laiitatCt0aua?i- 1 gists. ; A Prominent Kinister r.tcs. After ten years ot suin.o- Indigeslion,Avun grca. ... - -. tiuu, biliousness, uwouiyi" - . llcv. C U. Jaw.-, -Eld. M.K. Church tsout.i, Ka.2STatnall. Atlanta, i- i Mozley'ss well mau. ChMrin' Cry for Pitcher $ Subscribe to WATOHMAW.

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