I V: -I r .... -.- - - . -- i ' -' ' I A I.IJ ANCi: DIItWJTOKy. Huron. SVuih" l;ikota, adclKSS l iklw '; J r- Wiilt-ru, Icetimr, JCiiia. ' v : ..- - : - J ; 1 tftafc .i7i-M-irin Ualkr. pntdciit. Clinon, N. C; ' V A llHrnesrhccrctary. llali-itrb. - ,..r,r. M . svii..-: Pn-tf.lnjt, (d II A. r,r ev,C.it, vl,;: V.-l'n . K I.VJV"iek. tlmwo.MirS- r. ti.rx ainl P.casuiyr, J. 1: Bl.KkliitT Ml. I l.te. seeeoirv. . ' Ir,hllCvni;,.. M. rrk, presi lent. ,9t;U.-v.iHe; M. K uiisry - secretary, , 'Moort svillc. . ' ,. Calxirms C,,nMly-. F. tliN-n.HO. pnTi dcn'K C-J-r.1; Or. J. L ilivrly , tu tary," Con'MU'i: ' J)tit1on Vril--l-&- (irpi-n.pr'i.Ii-nt. im:; V. A. LinJiy, se.-rctifry, Ti.niua iCataich Conuty--. T. Vilf-.n?. lent, X.-wtim; J. F. Humiuii, fvCMlari, : Newton. . ' I r . . 3 . 0. Uffoim Press Association. PJicrrnJ. L. Jiumryprt Hiiind; Marion Butler, tic preside til; V. X. Dame, sec retary. I ; PAI'EEH. P6n-ve F irmer, Statu ,gan, TTnlel-b, V. C. Cauaslar. ' - '"'V lOirat l.m. ':v' k t- " OAroiln i Watebmnn, 8a!l:-.ury, N. .. TanuwV Aitvwutf, 'l;ui.)io, ( . . iounUln Hom-Jourii tl, As f-yui". . Alliance si-n.iiivr. floiJsii-oro, N . . Count rj Lll. Trlnliy o.n wo, N C. Ten im. 7 IM-.-Uory. . . Kau' I vn,l:ersr C. ' Jxtch of the above-nmtfedpapcrs are re quested to keep the Jul standing on the fird page and add others, provided they are duly -elected. Any prijer failing to advocate the Ocala platform will be dropped; from the lit promptly. Our people cm n our see "thai paper are published in their interest. .The jpoiiTvrei.cc Ilatform. The f(floii!g is a correct c py ff j the .platform udt ptr-d Jit 'St. Louis by the labor confer nee: ' 1. Wre deiii ind A uatifmaF currency afe;, soiind sfnd Uexiblc isSm d by "the uenral government only; a full legal tender for ;tl I debts, public and private;. and-.without the iise of bank ing corpi stations a jest and ipiitable 'means of circulation,-at a t;;x not to -T exieed two per cent, as et forth in the ,d,-treasurv plan of the Farmers' Ai J, ond juirty and no 1 ,.-ion. ance,or some better system; alo, by Wewcnucd or u-ay m.o ne large avnients in the dic!,arge of its obh- K,niK':"!t!m ut.U 1 E- r- 'su lianc jmynient Rations for public improvements. (i. We deinand free and unlimited coimige of silver. . - '.'. . We demand fl e :imonut of cir culating medium to speedily iti creased to not less than i30 per capita. c. We. demand a graduated income tax. s 1 (I. e 1 elievt' that the money of the jtrd'asury should be kept as much as j V --possible' m the ; minus ot tlie people, and hence we demand all-National and State' revenues shall be limited to the neeessary expenses of' govern mrnt, economically and liohestly administered. ' e. We demand that i'ost.al, Saving banks be established by the govcrn ment for the safe deposit of earnings bf the people i.nd facilite exchange. -:'.'' L lakd! I Your sub-committee upon the land plaiik, beg to submit to your tip.' jirovHi .the foilowjngiyl he land,-including all natural, resources of wealth, - is the heritage of all people, and should " iiot be monopolized- for speculative purposes, and a! ieii ownership of laud Jdiould be prohibited. All lands now " held by raifroTids jiud other coporations - iln excess ot" their sicinal needs and all i lands now owned by aliens should be reclaimed by the Government and h.eld for actual settlers onlv. ,'. ' TUANSPOliTATION i . ?5. Tr lusnortatioii being a means of defence ainl public necessity, the liovernineyit shoUUt own ami operate ' roads in the interest of th people. 1 ' a. The telegraph and telephone, like the po-dal system, being a necessity for the transmission of-. news, should be owned and oj'eraled by the government in the interest of the-people. While some parts of the above, nd d ress ui ay- see m at .a me re g! an ce do make partisan political distinctions, yet upon tareful study one will clearly se4? that it is non-partisan, and further, will be impressed with the truth of its promises, and the ability of tlie com- hiittee who framed it. It was adopted with only a few di-sentihg votes, and the platform was adopted unanimously, 4tnd received with great .applause. Tiie conference having completed its work ns a reprrscntativu body", nid adjourned sine die. LEIOrX ELIXIR Xts Wonderful Effects7 on tHo Liver, t Storoacli, Dowels and Kidneys. For Biliousness Constipation find Ma laria, lake Lemon Elixir. . For Indigestion, Sick and Iserycus Jlcndache, take Lcftion Etixir. For Sleeplessness, Nervousness and l it art failure take. Leiuon Elixir. v' For Fevers, Chills aud Debility, take L'-iuhii Elixir. ijiatie, ttr naturaT and through organic regulaiiott, tkc Lemon Elixir. Jr.-Mez1ey's Lemon Elixir will not ab you in anv ot t!ie above nanietl dis cases, all of which arise from a torpid or ni.easeti iiver, siomacn, KHlncvs bowels. - ' 'i'reiaied oji,ly by Dr. H. Mozley. At lanta, Ga. 50c. iind $1 bottles, at dru'- gits. .- ' , -., f - '' ' . . . s . - A PromiceEt Iliaister ITrites, After ten year's of .great siifTeritr? from Jndigesi ion, w it h great nervous prtVtnt- trial, biliously, disordered kidneyaml J nate H. C. Fl ick, cf "Oarne ,c...Si.patton,lbaye been cured Dr. was sente-u eti to 21 years" Jfozlev's Lemon .Elixir and am now a . , jcaia . ii .Z. ... P.... it li,.l i UK'Ul. Met 1 inan. Kov. ;'C.';a DavisJ v . . EM: M.'E Chine i South. Nq. 2$ Tatiiall St. Atlanta, Ga mWwiWr RUIIAKI) KAZOlt VMt- tlie W-'teTtinnn's riinfbttte A1 v. rtiMTS T!:ey are all Ks-jt litis jr. f on-'Sj oknee of Ibe V..tclima:i. V- took a vra!kJ ::ronml town the other day- to see what -on f ad vert isers wi se doi'.ig i:; rejanl to the force bill ;i!:d tie tarlil. We e;d!ed at Jattn's U:imM.;i k (J.-.'s ami Mr., Bridges tout us thai he w.,s selling cnU fjr rete-nue--'onlv. lie said l.e h,-.d reihicej "the tar.2 on hope from 2MolO rents, 'and il the peer Irish boy whose mother sent h:":n do this country with srck- and who had to pay j2.L'5 duty on them, wcnld rail at his place 4ie would 'sell him socks at tS cents per pair. e know they are selling fo revenue only, and Vc art satisfied that is all they ask. Mr Bridges is a bachelor of high - re nown, say G foot; in politics he is an uncompromising prohibition, demo cratic, republican and people's party candidate Xor matrhnony, and w iil not marry anv woumn who wiil ask for hfressri'r to r anv more monev man win oe reany mi familv affairs -n an (eoiu;nnca nian. ie-asKea icr a it 1 1 j trade icporLmul tiny hdd us they had no-rx)-m for cJ inplaint, taking into consideration tTie low jrice of cotton and the scarcity of nonev. They have enf ilw-ir nriees -t o smh the tones We found a crowd in the store. We don't. 1 know a better place to get cheat ) L'OOUS ;o.d lair fli'almg.-. bee th-ir adver tisement in this paper. Out Mr. ihiilges says what i.- hoiiiering him more than anvthit::' else hot.' i a sec- hilar lias rust leuumu irom tne liirftl.ern nu.trkets-wh.ere he bought a large stock "of leather, harness, bridles, etc. Mr. Shaw minutiae lures every thing iii the harness line. He can tit 71 poor ho:e or a fat horse, lie will take pleasure in showing you his stock and will not ask what yonr politics are or what church you belong to; he will not even ask v'ju whether you are I married or single, lie sells goods for revenue only and finds hhat it pays to advert isti a the ATCii.iiAN". bee his adverti'sem"ent and go and see him. He is the the only fat man in the city who can ride a bicycle without taking two stout men alongtohold it up. I tlsen. dropped in the store of I'rown, Weildhigton & (Jo. There is no one in that houe. fat or lean, that can rilu a bicvcle. uuli'ss the thing has four wheels. Their clerks are all loug li -sr. ed jind'big tooted. Tl ... 1 ue are maue 1 1 1 t.-xpressly for reaching high shelves and walking on the business end of ta)td;s; their, shiiis are all -sharp, they are made expressly for running into mow ill g sytlu-s, wheelbarrows and rail road truck, ;is tlicy keep a full line of all such goods. Nov.- you .talk--about hardware, they can sell you anything made (if steel, from a cambric needle to a -steam engine. They have got the largest stock o! hardware this side of Ba't i.U;nre.: Ybu will think the tariiT is oil when you" price their goods, and they are prepared I'm foreo hdl or ajiv oi her emergency in' politics. ' I think they are Cochin Cnma variety, war ranted, -call ami see them.-- There is not a man in the Slate who i a big enougii liar to tell hall t he t rut 11 about t tie it stock. . Seeing a jarge sign on the outside of the Davidson building that read Ctunnierci'al College we cr.twled up stairs and there is where we struck it heavy. We found, a room libout the siz" of a poor man's garden (we have got. one about the same size) Weil it was filled with chairs and -tables. Mr. Day, the manager, showed us around. We found thirty or forty students at their tables. We thought the buys were making labels for tea boxes in ChimXr-Lut Mr. Day in formed us that it was short hand or stenog raphy Well it .looked asy though a thousand legged worm had got into an ink bottle and crawled over the paper. We found then) teaching shorthand, penntnauship, book-keeping and type writing in -ni I the branches, that go to make up a business course for either sex. Voting man or young lady', if you are taking a business course "don't leave the.Slate nntil vou first go and ?ee the prrprit tor cf the ClwrloMe C.-tumer-e:;:i College. See -the advert isen.ent on the third page of this paper. Richard Razor. To Testtbe Law. Chicago Scpimi her 21. A spetial from Mart in.syille, luiiilusn. savs- "Charhs Ilantiiton, in h( half .if ihp !o..Vs lui h!cd ii suit against Ctmntv K .... " Ae.oitt r bai;ta and Treiisurcr Lan-'- wood to test the 'constitutionality of 1.1 . . . . or'il.i..,, . iibc- , " S!rP,rHotinient laws ot - ! , ' . Similar suits will be I.Ietl jn evf rv coen?v hi theS:a!e whi r the distriits were " s fleeted' by these jrueasures'. -' ' '-" ' bergman. who ittenfnfpd U ie & Co.. i m prison- I t. i I Childrvi Cry for Pitcher's rtcria: Allinrco Notrs. , - Tlire nrp but threo ways of qettin?: woaitli. One ranst either work for it, be;; it, or steal it. . , Mmy (thouKirtls of men in this U.,.,,iirt- frf rfrH-p,viiiir 'ast annual m- coin. Tlsey in'itlitr work nor Ug. If riioner .was robbwl f it irin-st ilraing i'ttribute,. ir. wotibl iosf its power '.to ui suii the wealth prmiucetl by j)io lt;ctive labor. "E-!iloitrrs";iiul- "nroniufeiN' is'tte bonds ami r.i SiJf future lalr ; Jofsnsof t I1. Why houM lnt the I people i-'itrt c.pitnl to labor itself upon j jits bonds. I Why should labor, which produces I nil wealth, grovel in abject poverty and toil for a bare sub-it rto wnile toe drones, who toil not. tare sumptuously and are clod "in purple and tine linen? How c:iu the n a'i u thrive when the pet. pie are compelled, by reason of debt, to pay a higher rate of inb iert lor their medium of exchange than the per cent, made by them in the puivuit of their calli 'ug'? Exchanjc. The i e t ;tl.in il,n 1 real iigilt to-Uay 1 Wlinin Uie , lines ul hired men. Capital pays some , lured men very lih salaries for no other service than to beat down olirer hired men in their wages. Xoncon form ttt. , , Scarce money means cneap -,,r ' plenty of money means higher p. ices i , , , tor labor arm lis prooucts. u you .ue , a producer you do not need a map tuj show which of thee proposit ions you favor. The new party is the only partv favoring monev. Slissou fi World. ' 'Hie first.domif ion of land was made j !v democrats. There were about 30,-' 43i(J29 acres given by democrats prior to lS(il. The Union f'acitie grants, the largest .erei - made.- were ;:voi by ! the republicans, but only two denn- j-imIs voted :i"-:iinst them in the House. Great West. Delegates to the St. I. jf UlS COllier- ; j ente will remember the fair treatment we received at the hands of the St Louis Chronicle. It h;is recently hoisted the Weaver and Field ticket . ou Can do to avert it. , and will tiuht for the people's party. J And be careful that you don't make The Cincinnati Poti has alo llojrped j the mi-take of adding your weight to over, and the Ddrolt Evniiiui Af.'Mithe lm.ss of i.ri'og.ir.ce, assurance, has joined' the people's party. The Cievciand Pre hoisls tjie .people's ! party ticket '1 hese are all nietropoh-l tan city papciS and have :t com b; ncd , circulation of lGOA'OU Wiiineld Free Press. Di fie rent Views, correspondence or tl.c vatcl.iri'n. The democratic party lias all the while held that the worst, feature of the; third party was tne (Sanger ot turning our State government back inlo tl.e hands of tlie republicans, and yet they have- done a thev io.ssMv count fo 1 - 1 get out a republican ticket , and brth first time since the war they actually compliment the republicans on having! a nice ci..n ticket. No.w, Mr. Eerier, we think it is about time we shetd.i change collusion agnint them. The yctiotr of the re publicans proves that there was no collusion between us and when we put together thosx points, ; z: 1-t. the great" desire of the democrats to get (Xt a republican ie;s!sfei!':v with tiekef S-i, tne which tnev chargevl u.s with cOiiusion; ot a thi- high compliment they pay the nomi nees of the republican party; 4:h, the rumor current that the democrats had, or would oll'er Mr. Eaves liity thosi j1ind dollars to get out a State and county ticket ; d, the fact that Eaves above all other prominent republicans was clamorous for said ticket against tlie better judgment of other promi nent republicans and did succeed in getting theticket, v e think makes a case against them. Now it' we should fail. to elect our ticket and the republi can treket should be elected, as den.o- j crats so confidently predict, then intty the consequences tail on them. iney now have a choice or what they think are two evils, let theni de cide for t hems lyes. - Wiil they throw th" electoral vote to Weaver and take their chances be fore Congress or will they let Mr. Har rison luve it and thus face tlie force bill (so called.) This is a view of it from democratic standpoint. Our view of it is that we shall carry the State for Weaver, Exnm and free coinaget All their reports of back sliding to the contrary notwithstand ing. AV-i l ii - ,i , . We pretend not. t see a third party m tlie neld, even ignores us in tlie an- pointment of judges (probably with the intent to report Alabama on us.) JN ever: he less we are m the held to stay ami mev win see us on e.eciion av. i t .. 1 1 i , although they could not no'w see a two foot stone on the end of their nose. 3 p. if. Mr. John Nichols, who lives near Pineville, met with a peculiar and pain ful accident several days since. He, his wile and two children had gone to bh iron to visit his sister, who is quite sick. As thev were leaxing for home thei mule which they were driving became friglened raid ran away. Mrs. N chois fed -ut of the back of the -wagon and was. it is feared, scriotisly hurt, i'S she struck her headn a rock. Ti- i,;i.i.. i - - . i i xi.e Liun.icu wot iiiniwu ijut ulii es-I caped injury. Mr. Nichols held on to! the mule, but after his wife aud chil dren were thrown out he tried to jump o ut. ins loot cauiriit m t hp ime ;nii he fell hetvilv to the ground. He had h habit of sticking his tongue between his. teeth, and while trying to slop the' iiuu.inttt iiiwm ii uucousciMiisiy resior i i r, -i i. . , . ..i .... . . .1 i .'Ittdto his old habit." As he jump-ed o.t, or fell, he -bit his tongue nearly in two, it being kept t gather merely bv n ihinr sL-iu ili. 1 1. VUUL :imi1 u i fa li. vu l.tin i.i i:lliJ .. I. ...... ' . ' ill VIII u 1 1 j . i in ixu since the jicci lent. H.r etiud tion is serious. Charlotte Obrvetw Politicul Status uf Congress. The following official' table how tle jiolitical sUitus of congress from 1872 to 1S90: Forty-third Conjrrpss. 1 87 Re publican Senate; democratic Hou-. Forty'-f onrt h (.-ongjvss 1S74 lle pnblican ..Senate; democratic Hon-e. ' Forty fifth , L'oi giess 187G. Pie nubliean Senate; democratic House. Forty-sixth Congress 1S78. Detu-oer-;tic Senate; din critic Honsp. Fort v-s ve n t h C' i ;4 n ss 1 SSi ), - - Re- pntleaa Senate; U'incr;itn- lbnise, Fi-rty-piglith Cunyr-'s 1 publican Senate; denmcratic llt.us. Forty-ninth ( onrcss 1&84.- Ltc- pubii an Sena'e; iletuocratic House. Fif .iel h Conures 1S83. Republi can Senate; democratic Hou-e. F i f t v -i rs t Co n - res 1 8S8 . Repu b- ;!ic:tu Semite; republican House. F i f i y -sec o u d Co 1 1 gn s 1 8J0. Re pnbliuiu Senate; democratic House. The. year named is the year in which the Congress was elected. O. M. Cr er, Cliesttr, S. C., niltes: " ue?ro fcov la-r a bat e:is- -f .-e otiil.t. The fhel r s ilJ H v. ni t Kill lilisir I loI, him 10 use l!oiutl: Ii:iU l...:1;i. lie too.: aoezeu txities and Is nov vtM1 iK- i,..g r.ol ii-a any oi It lov luur moutliH auaco.an.ues weu t Tbii,!; About These Things. More armed troop are now in the C. 1 I il-.., ITi,o...l i.if..cs l A ,.f..vuiif war between the rich and the poor t,.m enrol,,.d in th(? of Hi Ml tin; u uiun.o i" I'll it tA, Wiishington in 177G, when he drove , Knglish f-.rces out of the colonies. What does it moan? Does it point to proserity, conientuient, pe-ice, brotherly love, intellectual advance ment for all the men and women of the country, and a g'-owth in the ha t ional virtues that make a people truly admirable :ind great? Think about ihese things honest.lv and without prejo.iice. Keinemher that in the early days o? 1 S()l tlie man who would have lUe- dieted the horrors of the rebellion 11 O lOtve 1, ceii 1 oouii 1 insane. . . .. 1 .. ... 1 i.i : 1 if 1 . 1 .. i. :i . 11 you initiK ine.e is a jeai. teiiioie iLniLi'i: Ihrratening the n pul lie Yourself what you are doing and what cruelty, i rah Her. nee, ami greed norfj lurched t:pm the safety vaive. It may not he a pleasant place KV ?! t .some of IiuicjHiident. jf these d. 0; D eat l wt)(.u 1 Onr d.r.'s suteisience, free access to natural opportunities and a tlaily market for its prt tbat, is all labor needs io make it indepemh lit, not of cap. tab hot of capitalists. CURES ALL Em ii n n fi y i f r v i s iu rtr pa ft liLuuu mum : CAm timSTS Bt2 ff fvTift 'rrc' rib !t -.r'-'.'r. "rvl 8r.ijfft,rtb 'l foT tt Cll r- of nil o." ..' iu r' o;: .;iir ovecli,--!. Kl-suaiattftn. M&i&itft. o:4 :.at hvc rct'etd 11 tr-atrront, Catsrrfi, C, r r r- vy c ih on in x h o k o li o '-""'"a, ;-'-"'Ljjfc, .LfMiiJc I'ciiijiio Ocuiii.aU, Mui es.-! I' . r, TeUti, -i !.! i-Kad, eW., etc. t) t r-'e .r, in exert1,? ;t tino'er Liuiif wl(.!3 .si.nt3 uro poionei find Thva t!oo4 U In rti ItiT i r :--itv -n, An U Pri:lrin TrroT'i HteT cieaniinj y.rf ptrliei c! P. i". T., F.-ickly Ath, P&k B&it nri Pot- .f.um. Miiiuan Aijwii't i i i list;, A3. pRwgtata, Lippman Block. EAVAS3AH. QA So.d by T. F. KLUT'l Z&iO YOUR CASE . IS NOT -HOPELESS 7 rAdm IIM AIDS NATURE IN NATURE'S OWN WAY. IT COSTS YOU NOTHING TO INVESTIGATE. A -pim Pamphlet MAILED FREE uftt application. ATLANTIC ELECTROPOISE CO. ...It 1405 New York Ave., Washington, 0. C. 1 I t'! .' J t- .i .1-. 3 Iv . i t.;,-il i u mm mm m . P-v.vi- r-c-d-. nnd 7rtt.- v r 1 -t Ir & if B 1 5 I $ 1 oi e li q FlfiLlililil T i T T?flftO Ts 1 . 1 v s& w i iammm mmo. r 1 i I 1 LI 1-V 1 1 J Miss Joyce Yes, Jack until I to become partners for life. Miss Means And yon will be the senior partner. Ikw nice! ssssssss S Swiff's Specific S s A Tested Remedy For All Diseases s A reliable care for Contaeioas Blood Poisoo, Inherited Scro fula and Skin. Cancer. Ab a tonic for delicate Women ' and Children it has no equal, y) Being purely vegetable, ia harm less in its effects. A treatise on Blood and Ft In Dl eases luailud free on applicaiiou. v-' Jrui?(ists Sell It. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., S s s s s . Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga. ssssssss . JOHTES -SEMINARY FOU : YOUNG : LADIES. Why pay ?2o0 per year for boarding, and tuition when ywit can j:et as C"ood and even better advantages tor $75? ir circularsTadd ress Key. C. A HAMPTON Pritudpal. All 1 tea ling .Springs, C. DURHAM TT "TF TT fTT IT Manufacturer High Grade Fertilizer for - - o The lollowinLr hnnuls and exchisivolv KT. C. Alliance Omcial Acid Pho-spiiat N.' G. Alliance Guano. Frogressive i'ar: DURHAM Factoiie?, DuilKtm, N. C, anl J. G. BERNHARDT, Special Aj Salisbury, N. 0. Ob Xm Steam, Air and Vacuum Pumps, Vertical and Horizon tal of ev3ry variety and capacity. VERTICAL PISTON. .a?r?Trt.k .:il t. ti'ar-ti.:"! rv T. - ' ' l . I r.iLi-SS. IK ,- 'V 1 GRAUyiLLB INSTITUTE,- OXFOCD, N. C. Boarding and Eay School for Girls and Young Ladies. pniSCIi'ALS: HUs xr.rarrt Burguyn ITUUard. v oimn's Cotiee, Bait lmoe. Miss K.itU.HUm Jluven llilli irU. A. u. wo.nao's ColievreTTtaito. Instntctlons In Ensjijsli Hn.ncfies, asusic (Vaal niiii-ln.truir.iita-). An, ta-nnn. French -n-.l Latin Tt rtus vi-iy iao-.ier..ie. Send lor Cat uoeue. IT it A N i JL IV. i:owan County Gran ite MiUbtone Quart i(f, '1 eels, .. v., cf K. K. i'hmti b estate I v 1:1 continue 10 niitBUliiciure millbtoues, iuUi-stndksanJ 01 table u U s for g nuClnjj torn n.lu heiL i GlTlfcliDltDCC tlOili-ltel. AUUib, jr.iv 4. l.ni ui, Fiillli, l.'cwau CO. . C Mcr.'.lOc tlie WatcLman. " JOHN A. RAMSAY, Attends to Hii!ro:nl Construction, Surveys. 'and Mapjanff of Real Estate, Eittmates oi V." ater Power?, Plans tor the Knction of Mills. Dwellings i. . and attends to tlie imrchase 01. nil kinds of .Machinery, building Materials, 4c, kc, tla-tf A.S. HE!L!G. Aiiornoy k.'t 1L$rvxnsr. SAUSIIUBT, N. C. Office in Davis & Wiley's bank builtbnp. ceriiii of Miiin .-inil limits streets. Wiiljri.c tiee in Courts of iUavtiii and acjoininp conntk-s. Prompt and cart ful ntti ntion p':(-n to all tns iness'entru.-ted to inc. hiicial attention given to collections. TT TT F77 COMPANY 9 "w jEnmrr. 0- inaiiu fact ured express i i . It r th'j Aliiaiicr Yours Trulv, FERTILIZE II CO. OMi.' I )ir. iiainf X. C. IJic-limond Va. 4- Tsn 5, Eeguiar Horizontal Pisten. The most simple, durable and efTecjtl've Pump in the market lor Mines, Quarritr,, Tjefineries, -Breweries, Factories, Artesian weils, Fire duty and genoral manufacturing purposes. jpSend for Catalogue. Tl f, k S CAMERON STEAM PUMP WORKS, Footof EastSJi) sinner Nw ohk7 r. Lilt wine mm c. n. uuiae. Uiicr uu KVUDJO i'0Str l- , . . " - '? '"C!.lveni Condensed Krhediiii ii. f., ... n iti .. . .... 3 SOUTH POUND. . . " ACi.4t01Jl. . .... hur tvi.le ..... 1" Keysvlile....". r. kanviile GreensLoro ... LV. GOUioro Ar. lailtlU LW laileiga ... lurii..m...T. ... Ar. GretnsuOiO .... l.v. Wlnstoii-Sakui Lv. Green.loio Ar. S:iUbniy Ar. it.lUhVO!.r Ashexme. " l;Ot Spil:.g.,.. Lv. vails'our . Ar. t taii k iie Sjwriai.laa... Viltt'UVll.f Atlanta .. Lv. eiun.!te . . i Ar. CtlUHUt. 1 Af. AUgul.i . . KOUT11LOU.ND LV, AUJ.USlit oluuibia ... Ar. t ic:i;ooe Lv. A l lan la" at. Chnnotte L. Cuaike.te ; At. .-u:llSi.J y I V. la I Spi " Asia i le " St .leMlIle Ar. Sa.isia;r Lv. s;etsUi) r. .Ore 1 n-eoro Ar. W ll:S J)UaJ;li ni . l.v. GrecnhlAin) Ar. lair; -a in Jaletj;li I.v. eol. it; it Ar. (JOUih,. c ro. . ... Lv. Ureetisnero .r. OuUViUe Kevsxille . liurk'Ville " KR'Uuunid t Oaliy except Sunday. Waslitnston ami south w-s.ter t sni i.;, ,i j1ra" lteit operated, between W uslili.u-n uTi :i.iia tlAlty, leaves Washington ll.w. la., i,v g ;i. in., r-reensloro :..' ;i. m., Siris!1 m v ' , ir' ; Ch;o :oti4- 9.4' a. Ct.. !trriv s Atl.e.t-i ;..V;- :i. j litriitne, leave Ai i;u.t;i l.jo p m., t.l.ai I ;:. v -. if ui.. s iijsiiuiy la.nj p. m , t.ni r-h. io i; , .-, .. , . TTiVPH DaUVtiie 1.20 A. l. . I liehbl!!: . .-.( ','.'' Waslitnutoii s.::s a. n. i lnoimli lu ... , , f-r New York to ew cu le .ns, ;i!.,o (. . i. , i( ton and M inptils, via At ansa and Jo. "i.i.i, Wvfcl Tolljl and i;.;l;!u:Si f dai! t .v-i i : i.i i SLEEI'INtJ-CAU sEHYlrb. On Trains and to,. I'uM:n;iii t'.;,:v. i v ',. , . r i,. tweeii Hlaiiia uia i'lt'tv. 1 oil, ; Li i v. n !, i'. and Au'tisi.c - "on- It mat 12 I'ullm n I r.tToi s.ciji. rs ,. u,,.,.u KU liiMiM.d and oanviU- niut t iHw iiT - i n k Wasuinton :indlauxvt;u- via l.n:vi I. , s... i-:, :n' ami A-T.evUlc 'lid I'ni.tuaii Si. c4 1 . 1,. W-tSh!:igtOti ;tlld-'tl;int.l.' oil 'j i mi 'i i'tiuntan i il nv.n r.e.a t- s:( j carsb tween U.iic rli ..nd .s. Mi.e e. nr.. Km v. ' w . a . 'i r . i.. SujerUitendcnt. . ini-ns.s au-i ., Itu-liniOikl, A. 'V. aore..:t. . p ( v. I!, t u..j;., s. i.n. u w. i en. .vi .id aver, W.tsliaigion, O C. SOL li. iS, . laf. , W; A. t X li i', 1 . r. .. t a. tr-i ' wi- . i i iO? , 1 tv'i ' v fcLii....'.i.rt'. , ...a...-. '. .'- A. V- ' J- " ' V " . -v Cavc&ta,- anfi 1 ra.ie-Mnf-k eaia'iict. tuyl ni! Put ent bu.-iuce.- cor.uacted for .?0E:.-4T Frrs. Out Orr.CE is Ov-ir-'Z U. S. PirKT c rre- ttttd we can o'cnr? nat.-nt iu ti.ujj remote from W'si-hi'itn-i. tiend nscdcl, drawing er r',r,?0 . r llh" tl.rrTp tion. We adv.i.c, if pac'i;;..' !c tr i.ai. f.-e . of charge. Our fee no! ti-,1 n:;ior.: k run d.' A Pamphlet, "Ilnff t Ol-.i-iia r.-itcji:s.','.f rimes of actual clu-riin J'-'i.. i'.-.c.cuuiy ur town,-sent free. AJ.ira.-.s, O p- 3 f. r, .' c- ?S Opp. Patznt Orricc. U'auiinctcn, D. C. 1 ilVlifVLuui l-h PiiiiULll t r--- 7 ()rg:i!l of the " 1 Pie". Mrs 1;. li. I'l : i. ! . v;,oei i A . 1; -I. " uei le sii n-lanl S' V e.-;i: o;'. . l i ! m I o ! j : - i hsei Jie jo.r it 0 11 I, ill ;n: i i ' i r hi 1 ..! i::. r. aUvanee. ,1 e I 'i i igri ss. t' . i t.oe ATCiilf A N Will be selif to uevT's..ocribers-af Si .,() ft. i' p prs. L ' I 1 m r.-ef ! ifi'V.- -ni vi - A i'KOvJKi-SiVK FARM Hil. . . Kal.-ig!. N.C The People's Pari j Tariff Reform Buggj, ni'iLT :Y Tin: CO., Cincinnati, Ohio New- styl- L-? ith. r 'V- i-l extra wi! ji.nnted and tr.u.ni' I. I. r, Fnr sale by W. E MITHD in AL , . Salisbury, IT. C. AillheKr& F. warrenbd Ihi'-'i:!-- ire branded "E. & V. C'." n theW. VFRT SGAL PL'JKGi W-. v. 1 No-- No.i,. ...v.. .':ef VM J o. . M 4-'i- 'a ti i m ;4,'l,a Wn-r . lii5p-. .,, ,;'4 ....... ' .. , ' i iir : - S m I" - A m i :,u - ".-o.am ' it- a m r.'"'1 " lis y',u :.tm (J.;5 " UAU.V. M. n,, -A. i" ti ,,-..' 51 ; " a 1 .. ' 1M :-uiA.x O- - , ;, - - . s ,(l Ji -i' v m v V "'A H .,, ... - - I M 7 ... .. ' s,. .: . ni - 1 ,-.. ot ,, , 1 .. . 1'- -- n -n k v .. k v. -a r n- - ; . 4 .. 1' y 1-1 AH s ,". 4 .. 3 i : .. 6 .!.. " .. A 5J ifr-if- .4" i .