- . V-4 t . ' I i in ! I ! . J.L.RA:i5BY. " Editor and Prop. SUBSCRIPTION KATES. . : TP-iS STRICTLY CASH. jVh-ue the fariiWs haven-i ail ' pred 'himself .pposed Ip it,and ,thatj WAKM-.X. JtH ;ood man v "honest. r:iti iohc farmer. Wi7w, setil;g fcrlh hislgec- ; ' ;Sa w'auxeiiv citor KULiii-mxi I o The Watcuman is organ of the Alli-1 .-.Jein the; otb and ?W Uougressioiiu -Districts. . 1 l- "' - " ' ; The Watchman has 50 per cent tire cii tmlation th?n any paper iuhhshed in Salisbury.- " . ,Enten;d asseepadelaH3 bail at Salisbury, N. C. THURSDAY. OCT. C, IB02. Til ere seem to be a good deal, of Frick-tioh irp about Homestead. f A fto'jtiag vote usually requires an .anchor of hard cash to hold it steady. j-o-olwl iirw.n to Lob ui when the other f Hows yuil "the idling. Thev ale still hurrahing for the V great Inainy men who have "run the conn try" Tor the past twenty-five year.'! And they are praised a:'-" compliment ed, and fed hard boiled molas,- aud held up a modehs of of industry and political wisdom. The campaign in Kentucky is mov ing aloDg all right. It has reached the ree barbecue -stage. "' ItAlE ybur own supplies. It is the only chanee. . Buy nothing you can efc along without. , Col, Harry Skinner will address Per- 'quiniMiis county Alliance it Dimwits' Neck on the 18th. . W; do not hear so muck about over .rrtrl.if.ioii nk f did: It would be hard work to nmke tiie man whosleeps in a f raw stack believe that he is suf fering from an over-production of cosy towages, spring beds, woo!-inattre.-ses and niotiair blankets. The. man who is hungry does not think he is suffer ing from over-prod ucl ion of In ef, pota toes and bread. The man who is freez ing does not think he is buffering from toy much coal and too many flannel undershirts and beaver Jiuits. SOHTHINGJTO THINK ABOUT A correspondent of the' ' People s Journal, of Pickens, S. C, gives the followincr ideas and-advice about the .O T situation in the North at present : Are you aware of the fact that we have one of -the shortest crops ever raised? And with the low prices will have less money. Men will buy corn who nrohablv never boucrht' anv. and It is reported that Col. Ji:n Cook, of ni:inv wjl sell less than ever before. the Concord Standard cpn templates a Will fre not -have to water our whis trip around the world in'the year 1900. key and coffee pretty heavy ? Drop off ii- j i :.. x a iftw.uogs, ami ju xact uo moie Jigu. . i ii - MavorWUI X CW. of MoMcsvilln. Saving in more pi aces uian w ag evei Miiiinii.I rt V I (rnrul will irrnw . 1 I 1 m 1 j i I ia vi t m. v-av-v f D lias never oren pimsen wnce .uoroeu .t 0f thisis I believe Providence whipped. Sullivan, at New Orleans. 8ends the fhort crops to force the ieo- Mayor Coley and Sullivan were bosom pie to do more hard thinking, since it 'friMtiriY li ' is taught that a man can do more hard study on an empty stomacue this NTnr that 'TiUtftnunt' PrV uVul'l thing has'beefl coming on for several .party have returned safely from the ice W t" "VW- r . ,, , ., , , ., ejections suyw. legiouH, vvoutuii t n ue a goou mea 10 We must make the State and JNa stop the-Arctic expedition foolishness? tion touch our nurses much more li"ht - . . - ly. N e must iielp ourselves a grea deal too. , It seems at the prtsen -? " scludule We will have to ?o back to the campaign, ,a lien home-made wool hat. that will la that will lay every day will be ja big Uhree to h've years; home-made cloth thing. Who can invent one? ing and shoes, to -dode ..the , tariff Come out men, with your advice sti JThis country will never 'be asi ' UP )ourcleel.t thoughts and tell us, nuuiuau a.T lb mi "lib until e II a 1 1 U If I i ; a , 1 i 1 1 I jp ,,.,... t . .: i ..i. , . J - . j i uuuyciifciuus learn to snoot fastest. two-handed, and use a big pistol tor a gayeJ. demands of the IWIi.i rw . ------- larniers; Part of his letter is -.puLIi.-li-d in iinother column of this pt'per. Mr. Oates Fays 4 hat the Vub-trei-sury plan is unconstitutional. - WAniiia like to a-k Mr. Oat is a few questions on constitutional mat ters: Is it constitutional for the government to levy a tax on the clothes, food and implements of. farmers' in or der to protect and enrich the manu facturers of New England? Is it not that' class legish.tiou? Isjt constitu tional for the government to take or deposit bout's held by a National bank and issue it money at one per cent in terest? Is it constitutional for the Government to build, school houses ut every cross-road in the country ? Is it constitutional f '-r the government to 4rmii hit-P-M s?iinis of money in banks r-L' without charging interest? If thess things -are' constitutional, why islt not cousiitutional for the gov ernment to issue money to larmers with their products as security? There is lust.as mucli sense in len i- ing money io farmers at one per cent, s any other clasp, and t Here is niucii more -Justice in it than in rtqtnringia. certaiu per cent, ot everything farnieis buy. to gd mto the private pockets oi manufacturers. If a scheme to benetit manufacturera is constitutional, why is v scheme to benefit faimers uncon.xti- utioual? The manufacturers have had the favor of the govern nient now for half a century, and it is about time for a new deal. Onerof the tilings the government must do, constitution or no constitu tion, it must either wipe away the tar iff and other statutes which oppress the farmers, or provide some relief for them such as the sub-treasury plan proposes. Now that eggs are used in arau- meiits during the i . Wau hman. SANDEtSVILLE,. C. Repot t$ from S3 counties indicate a good outlook.; A majority of the can didates have ripened very early Many of them were thought to be sl grteu that trpAt AVOiil.l..fje sure to, get ihehr. But lhank the U&rd, all danger is over. Frost lias det enniiied to stay away un til after the election. 'Possums are liovv heiiig fed to can didates in tire Western district, Ltaiu- fall-4 inches. New brandy abundant. It is hid Out so the revenue men can't get a smell. r Candidates active and no danger from early frost. One tf the . . . ... .-i t .1 candidates .called anotiier a liar llie other day.' , The crowd said that was a ehestnut. . that all candidates were liars. Sixtv-four postal cird reports, from the riedmont U;stnct indicate no. rainfall, 'out candidates are billing in the estimaTioti of the public. There are four candidates to cnery voter now, and more will be brought out. Snakes are going into their dens and camp- meetings will soon be over .; The (Centra) Uistrict has been show- erv. I:Ue,cauaiilales cannot get any body t(k hear theiv siik;, . They club uw.aiid listen to each other discuss the . ' i i i ' i i'i j i . rti: orce mil ana tne rarm racicef. -men they form clubs and swear they will vole for the g. o. p., the d. o. p., or the o. p. or bust, which means that thev ue looking for a sott place to ial when the thing is over. Many reports have come from the East dieephead are biting well, ant rattlesnakes are plentiful.- Peanuts is THE SAME SOIIG; ; i, a ii : k..- I, - , ii i i ,1 iui rt jeai oi imu mu iiii.iuue u.ia jAIIOR itrnrlii.fi nil wa'.IiI. naf lU, - J - w f vm V.J MVUIHl. TLII C ii UOt; Ii "Ii " i i' l-" ' Willi il.iL- n.,n ,Ii..f..l-.i . .I,..-:!,., -iv viv " wi a viiii Viltlatc lis UIS111UU t ioii a,nd share largely ; and this is the. No other agency has done so much in f!,.,l ,1 reason of the poverty of those who do , , , -mi i Oi i i ,i , already been visible. For se'eral months the Alliances BUT finally the farmer becam H. ai,a LUe,r orS:ins nuve cnea 0111 v,Sor- cou'eerted. What an absurd thing for OUly , agilinst bloody silirt Politics- him to do after jdl that had been done "me ! -U1 luem wei,t w " 5ts- lo y for him! How ungrateful to the fel- that no campaign orator could expect lows who had taken the job of un .Un audience irinat racket ; was, raised mug the country" off his hands' iespne an tnai in is campaign - I 1- I i IT l 1 uas oeen one oi tne diruesi ever seen. The tram grand the millionaire are ejy nlis ,jeen said on issues. thy SiameVe twins of perverted indus-1 Hired carxip.dgn or.dors have .belched trial conditions. The longer thev out the most absurd and mean section al slanders. When you cast your vote I see that it is not for men nor parties that try to retain -or get power upon the dead memories ot the past. grow together the more painful the .seperating surgery, which alone can restore peace between themr The merchants and professional men of the country jvre too much at the mercy of organized capital to eveu pro test against existing evils but most of .them will fall into line whenever they .become convinced that the farmers will stand together. e- A Wirunun ,.1 1 I - i mvmx.u ui &Leais, large in tne a gregate, have been discovered in N braskii. The State Government there . seems to be yery rotten. The State officers, in some instances, have char ed supplies, bought for penitentiary, and other concerns, at twice what was paid. The fellows who are "running the country'? had got used to that sort of thing. They thought it would always he so. They came to look. on the farm er as sn inrioeent,.credulous individual who had no rights except ta produce ail lie could, take what they were will nig to give, him for his crops, and pay nis taxes. As . long as the farmer attended ftnciiy to ins plowing, he was the 'honest, patriotic farmer," but so scion as he got. discontented, and liejjau t intHfere in political affairs, he became 'a "Si ?1 fari'iim." o :.. r i. -i 1. 1 cuuiatur, a ca- lamnity howler," "disgruntled, offite s-eker, an "itgitator," a "crank, nii.atic," a "fiat moi ey lunatic,' 7 AN INCOME TAX. A graduated income tax is a peculiar v lair tax. Under it the man who profits most most by the favorable conditions main iiined in the republic will pay mo4 of he republic's support. Under it the taxes will be placed where it will be most easily borne Unlike other taxes it falls upon result: achieved, laying no embarrassmen upon' the endeaver. Under it profits will be taxed and. wages extmjit; busiiie.-s enterprise will be free to earn and will make its con tribution to the public revenues only Out of its surplus earnings. Under it wtalth will no longer es cape while .poverty is made to pay. ' ; Under it prospertj will : be invited where it is How discouraged. No plan so equitable has ever been devised for riiising necessary revenues. W hy should not the present Congress have levied; such a tax as a part of the reform work it had been commissioned to do? A. Y. World. (Dan.) Washington L.ettcr. Correspondence oi tne Watcninan. Washikgton, Oct. "1. Uncle S un nrooosesto excel everything previously attempted" in the same line by his ex hibit at the World s lair, this is only natural when it "is remembered that liis exhibits are lobe housed in $1UO,000 building at Chicago, whereas the builu- inn erected for his use at the centen nial exDositioii olily cost $8U,t)0U. A rive times more cosily building wascer tailv incentive calcuh.tedMo producs an exhibit five times better, from even point -of view, .than was shown at Phi! i i i ideiphia, and present indications are hat it will do it. Already La mi gross lias appropriated $708,250, exclu.-ive of the juildmg, to. pay tor I the goverunieii exhibit, aud it is ejxpecttti that tin amount will be considerably mcreusci at the coming session. E ich of-the Executive department ire preparing separate .cxhibiis. tin- iuo eiaouraie -ana .most ., u.-eitu oi which will probably that oLthc agri culture department, wjiich h.id been uV otted cloO,0!DO ui the nioie-y ajiproprjr ated. This department wdl spread he fore the visitors to the fair a. miniature United States, showing the products ot of every section, lnulunmg tiie god things as well as the bad. things, ami for the special benefit of foreign visii- ors tne system oi meat inspection win be fully shown. The Smithsonian In stitution will also be allowed to, spend $150,000 upon its extensive and instruc tive exhibit, much ot which is already completed. Ditto the Fish Commis sion. Ihese will be the-most extensne exhibits but the War and Navy De partments, which are given 140,000 each, will not be far behind them. Tne rest of the departmental exhibits will be somewhat smaller, but they will in every case be as complete as it is posi- purlins ix Y(jbi iPii'ii. lain Faetg and Sharp, Pithy Sajiiij .' from Iteforni Papers . If a political party does not serve he interests of the people.it should be smothered. Farmers Voice. Thn democratic lloiue defeated the fjref- coin age bill and passed fifty-seven rivate peiision b:l!s.the same day. This must be a peaceful revolution, is a revolution of bloodshed has always been thp negation of hope to the poor. Th Truth. Are not the mines of the west as woithy of the fostering care of the gener.il g vernment as the looms f the east? Ihe Ctiluaope. S Gen. Weaver went down into Geor gia and they rotten egged him. Hot- ten ecfiis are-a strong but after all a weak argument. Farmers Voice. people hike jnslice into their ds. Xeic Forum, St. Louis. ire nearly-ripe, ami tne nayseeaer sowing his crop of -wild oats and re n is last as he can Candidates are too numerous for, tne asture. They are feeding them on imported turtle soup, which comes in free oi tariff, and is laddled out to those who are trying to die with the force bill cramp colic. Ihe tire coin age of silver has not struck that coun try yet. They are sliil trying to find uut whether the war is owr or under. 1 see by the papers that General Weaver was ejjged in Georgia. That seems to Le a new issue. I suppose the party that gets the oldest eg,;s will win. i his thing wul keep on until some of thun will be swinging Shang hai roosters around to knock out opo iitMits. One of my neighbors slid he was tor the party- that h.al the real chickens to tight with .Rotten eggs are uncertain. It is- not believed by many of we hay seeders that much re lief. w ill bo given by a party that throws nothing but. rotten egs. True a .speech on the'turiff or the loice bill is about as. nasty, and the breath of sojUie of the speakers, is us stale as eggs ever et. 15 u t till- egg; canipaigii is i J a acW to ine Jiui 01 Us. it one time ifipeeied to vote the D mocrai ic jlt;kvt this year, but- t his egg-campaiu has been sninng ni tire conntrv. v iih In the United States theie are forty- four pi-ople in every hundred who are uimaged in agriculture, as compired with ultv-six ,n Canada, seven m England forfv-eight in Fronte and seventeen in Germany. Leadeille Star. The silver republicans of Colorado who were betrayed both at Mmneupo lis and Pueblo will quietly but firmly insert the, r knives beneath the httl rib of fhe Harrison electoral ticket.. Lead ci lie Times. The history of this country does not contain an instance wherein, the farm ers were arrayed on the wrong side of a political question. Leadtille Star. An Oklahoma editor writes: "The wind bloweth, the farmer soweth, the subscriber oweth, and the Lord know-J eth that we are in need of our dues." Perhaps there is a hell hereafter But the hell which the partisan politi cian raiseth and the hell which the av erage voter playeth with own interests. are they not sufficient! Vnula Jour nal. It is useless to try aud convince r man that it is to his interest to vot for a candidate who has in public and iu private shown. that he was owned body and soul by the enemv. Alabama Mirror. If llie Pink' rton'sdi not go tollnni- sle.al So kll. Wliv were they armed? If hey w ti t t here Ink il l, W hy are they not guilty of .nurder? If they are guilty. hv are the men who hired the in not qually guiltv? Arrest every mother's sou of them and execute the lawyir let us s wea r w e h a ve n o I a w .w r t h n i e n t i n i 1 1 g and the own hand The forcj bill is th' pet theory oF the easjern dvmocrats and republicans to keenthe South solid heuce vote.-i. for the money power. It won't woik. Gentiemn; the south west and north-r west are all opposed to it and these .-actions having formed an alliance will never permit it to become a law, but cn the contrary will burv Cleveland and Harrison and tjie iorce bill in a common grave. Southern Mercury. When public sentiment calls for any measure in tones so loud that there is no mistaking which is the popular side then .the republican and democratic congressmen ; may always be expected to ct ; as is reeu by the scurrying to and fro" in the House to introduce bills' for the suppression of the Piukertou thugs. This rule, howev-r. does not dndd good where -bribe money comes in to play, as is the case in the demand for an increase of currenc'v; or the opening of The Cherokee Strip, public sentiment is then trampled upon. Polk County, (Mo.,) Farmer. it Overloaded.1 Stetson Hats for k 9 0. If the banker may use the pnb!i nnmev without paving any interest why not the farmer, the mechanic, the builder, the state, countv, town ship ami city be permitted lo use it by paying interest ? 1 he Lall.anpe. Twenty-two fhotisand dollars' a day 1 hat is what it costs Fen nsvl vatnu ti keep the -Homestead workers fronu-arn- ing bread for their families. How long will ihe taxpayers stand it? Kin- caid Kroucle. Let 1 1 s shoot our !;;! lo's fast and with pnei-i-Mi at the Carnegie, prick .1 1)' .i. ..j - ' 'I I il ami iineiion vi;i;;ins. lnis is tne sni- st 3,000 pairs new sam ple Shoes and 1,000 new sample flats juat arrived at E. 1ST fV When Baby was sick, rre gare her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria ATien she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. Wten she had Cliildren, nhc gae thom Castoria SAMPLE STORE- SALISBURY, X.C, Near Stand pipe, Opposite Julian k Co. Th t Watch, clock or piece of jnvt.rv which you have laid away a iist!vs can be repaired ami .made as MJ .)S new by ' . lHhiOKGom0 M A Ippipfiiliffl ft,,, V-Vmi Lj i-i. - fllete is in ncii' room iir ihrnbt as to re- ieTffom the -gg brigade. With, a Iftindrvd and til'tv majority in the lotl-e and plenty 'uf rollen eggs out rtfrt-v' might-relievo soun: ol the. bnr- deus with which the Republican parl ias .-addled the country, but hop gets mighty, weak. 1 hey mighr be .b!e to ketjptiie force liiiits at. at a s;i!e di- 6, ... ii i ance, they inigiit not. I ernaps tliey could reduce the taiili on wijuI asni rotten eggs in the sugar, and make It some Clieaper, out l leel Ullle ibout it They could t brow enough rotten ggs into the f ice coinage of sp it be on a part v. but it bleito make them in the time at flu disposal of those engaged in the work of preparing them. A good n attired rivalry ex hists among omcials to outdo each other in this work. Among the nntions which.have for mally accepted the lvitation of the Gov ernment to send vessels to participate in the great International Naval lie- view to b'3 held, in New York harbor and in Hampton Itolid, in April next, in connection with the opening of the orld s r air, are Great Britain, Ger many, France, Russia, and Italy. Just how big this affair will be will depend iargely upou the view that: Longres- will take of it whii an appropriation is" asked for to defray its expenses. llie small appropriation made at the last session was merely tor preliminary expenses K-'p'ublic ti i ; President und Senate, 1 1 1 u Ule- III ' !I1S y which t govern meui !e.-troy tlie enemy of fi'-e Adair County Farmer. Now, voters of Aipeiiea, There arc numerous plat I't'.ruis In foi e you. l'u! your mind and home love into t l:t vote your ho p 1 11 1 y T . oi pootiie or i- sm-iii. L a tzai. il.'l'V thousands of , -business U!CU are learning that poor cows do jlioJ give much 1:1 i lie, and as he producers -.2. vi 4 r-r Cures all Funulo Complaints una iioniniy irregularity, LcvioorrhaacrV. Jiitcs, Pamin Back or Sides, strengthens the feeblo, builda up the whole systcnu It Las'cured tboiuanda Bnd will euro you. Drugr;ist3 -havo it. Send Btamp for book. DiL J. V. BKOSG0CW 4 CO., IcshvKIs, St. 11E1SN ER GORMAN. Having graduated at 4 lie host h-Iscm.Ts for watch uiakers in America, we uo hot hrsit :te to offer a h.a.dsonie Gold Watch M 3- Aclmiuistrator's Notica. le.u t and sou! aii; intei pretai ion and est iHiivii-tuiii, regardless I lavif-er (iii-nitt"! simihihj ta IV ! (ii'iiu'.iii Mil. (.!, .ci' -I. in- i lniiiis :;jiiiit ?:u l i ? tii-d tc jT'v-'i'i.t l!i ia !';ir t!;i- 20r!i duv of Julv. ! -c' if ilt'vl ill l:t r of th- ir !'i-c.;v iin!cLt''d to r-.ai ! c.-l.itc-.nv o - . lKUiii'iiiau- j:; iacnl J ?t:nt )r il:h!i t'iC :itt' are V i'-K'lU : I !ti- l I j L I- I 01 i ne country j urnisn it 1 1 1' 1 the low n calves Iim v the countr bet ter feeding. cows should liave IJaltle Flay. tl:e milk for ire milling that little Point to a single "measure pl en gen he ver to make it te on a p-o t v wouldn't be. sound moiiev, after ott-en egg treatment. If Clevel Hid is lected he could sit down on a basket Pull of roiten eggs and break them, but in my poor weak state, I cannot assure lie people that eveu that won id make he country prosperous, lam willing o admit that rotten eggs are an effect ive wtardi on the stump, lor no candi date can stand their logic, but when our p rty gets out of sound reasoning, so'id argument, ami has nothing but, eggs left, I must confess that 1 feci shaky about sticking to it. First thing we common .people know, the leader w il ant; till their pockets with rotten eg carry the convent ton their own way, We wont get nothing but a scent, and it Won't be on a parity with roses. 1 really don't know egg-aetly what to do ''' ' Yours on t he f ence. Jake Warner. a an "ass. Says- J lo.m Sherman:' "You can't legislate money into a man's - poscket." And Carnegie fittingly jlJusirairoTlhe jem.u k by teiting the story of thelaw TEE "TIMES" HAS CHANGED. 'The Meckjfnlury Times has ceased to be an Alliance orgn, and is dispos ed to say hard things about the meas ores advocated hy the Older. Below is an editorial that appeared in that paper April 25th, 1800, in which thel euitor argues in favor. of the Sub-Treas-ury: We recently saw in a Washington paper that according to Col. L. L. t oik s estimate only forty members of Moorcsville Items. Correspondence 1 the Watchman. Mr. It. C. Lentz, one of south Iredell' best farmers, gathered from one acre of laud 1,500 pouuds of cotton, as result of nrst picking. Mr. Bob. Thrash, of Williamsburg, paid r . our comrauuny a uying visit last Weuucs day evening. Rev. Juo. Ballard, of Doolie, preached in jlhe Baptist church here last Sunday night in the absence of the pastor, who is Assisting in a revival meeting at Trad injrFord, llowan county, this week. Kev. Dr. Wharey preached at Center church last Sunday morning, after w hich communion was administered. The pro tracted meeting which was to be held there this week yvas postponed until some lime in this mouth. Farmers are busy plowing since the Preparations are bein y:Twimiuformed hh client 1hat thev HouSftot IPntafiyes are in . , , . .... f ' ' .. iU"v1" favor of the sub-treasury pan, and of eoiildn t jhi! Imn for so hght an oi ,llese McCI:unmv is ih(, ' . ' m - - - ' - .. . . . J wua jei.se. "Uut bed .-ui, sawi the prisoner, "they have me here now." And a ymile went rjund ihe board as they drank anotiier bumper -to "proteejion to the A f fl e r ican w ork i n g m a n r , Children Cry for Pitcher's Castonal mv siorxto tarohua. Nearly every Congressman has le ceived letters asking for his views m re-ard to the suli-treasurv James B. Weaver. ogrrcs'OjBcknc j or tao WatcliiaAa. , Mr. Editor. I have just Lecn read ing in a suppk'ieu.t to, m State Chronicle under the caption of "weaver as a Ty rant,' some of the statements' sud ccrlifi cates relative lo General '.Weaver's ud ministrations at Pulaka, Tenn., during the lute war.. '1 his the Chronicle calls lyrany. No doubt these things are put in their darkest hue; and with that ex ception they arc very complimentary o tne man whom the Lliromcle wishes to defeat. L t us fcc : You will remember that then he was a general in the Union array, whose business it was lo bring the Collin hack into ihe Union: Did he be tray his trust? I answer no: Did he not do what he could to accomplish that w hereunto be was sent? I answer yes. Now w here is the w roug? It oulv shows that when the General undertakes any thing that he does it with ajj his might. Now he has taken a staud for reform and fur the -people and w e believe he will go for it U the ext at of his power. "Hurrah Ifor Weaver," where couid wc get a better oy the i urn penneuts two years ago as in the interest of the people and likeiy to effect corporations, I hat when the independents attempted to pass in -the legislature, the republicans and demo crats did not combine to defeat. The Calliuoje. Even a Pinkerfon thug sometimes icks backwards. One of them named Lelar. has sued his employers for $20, 000 damages on account of iniuries received from the workiurriieii at Homestead. Carnegie ought to use his influence with the president to gel the man a pension. People s Advocate. Carnegie wires irom his castle 111 oconanu mat urass snail :riw over his works iu Pennsylvania before in 1 1 1 " 11 t win cmpioy union lauot. crear- is protect iiui! How American labor is protected against the' competition, of European paupers J ope La Adtccatt T. V. Powderly roundly denounces the governor of Pennsylvania for send ing State troops to assist capital against labor in the Homestead riot. It plain ly shows that our militia is controlled by Wall street and must go at tire?' bidding. A revolution is in sight.--Labor Herald. HTcev 1 i or l,i ! US ll tuf wo! i v. AP i" rsoas NV. I'OV.'t.AS, A iju;i:iistrater. &? 1 1 p tin i'i to the person who can bring usjyw.itelf or cloci; wjiicli we are 11 n atleN-uVet air. Those eves which have Lecji"niii" you trouble, or causing a 011 pan r headache, can be properly tit with glasses which .will emdjar-van o perfectly, and at a price way below tU traveling quack or peddler. Our lino of JEW'ELUY ami SIL- EtiWAUE is the most c -tuplete ir Sal sou ry. atches were never so cheap. We are showing a no -si beiti- t;i if iue. You will a! way- fiml ns ;ii, L'Mik f"i" the bh.e!.et id -1 1 1 TTi um. Stcpin, end we'll tieat you v.-i:t. 'l Aiway.- o"v,rs Iu4ias", !l,e,i.n (1 IT HOT BETTER To have jvitr fruiting dtvt The (he t ' . T ' , . , , J manner, even if you havc4o j pay jnore for it ? j Well, we do not charge any I move for our work, ltd guar- CURE. I ha Best and s-vuest treatment on earth for 1.00. Sola oi:lv r I j lb S. Colle-e St. Cliarlotte, N. C (intccjhc finest work duid m Salisbury; and as fine irarl ti our Una. a t cm he dine RPftWH L Wfid d 1 TI ?f h il & tO. - V "'here. Oitr motto is: - Tieat, Prompt 1 1 1 UViVllAiQl Eetail Hardware. Accurate recent rains. made for a wheat crop, w hich will be a large one. Mr. Pat Brawley had the misfortune of i man? losing his tobacco barn by fire recently, J Suppose I l al been a rebel soldier, together with a. fine fot of tobacco. The ; Would I not have tried lo kill every cause of the hre is not fully known. J Yankee within the limits of my power? Mr. J. H. Tharp left for his home iu It I had not, no doubt these veiy Uemo north Iredell last Monday,- after a very crats who are breathing out tl reiluings pleasant stay with us. Mr. Tharp has ' against Mr. Weaver, would have stigma won many friends by his visit, who ' ' tkjed me as a coward, a traitor, a lory, a Wish him success iu the future. May he hypocrite and peihais as inauy ofher come again. epilheis as th y could thiuk ot. And Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Shuford, formerly " now because Gen. Weaver was ou the of this vicinity, but nowof .Kich Hill. Mo.. 1 other side, and done iust what thev arrived here last Friday and w ill sneuda ' Wt u'd have me do. thev are trvinf ti bill, but very few of them have had 1 month" visiting relative and . frieiuU. , I h i.ud him as a tyrant. Every subject Ihe coun.ge to speak out. Fortv mwi- ir if p 1 1 L a T .eoooeDC". m n.-w two waea.. Uan they suw any where Um have mt. Lt u.u.ue to his 1 1 - uuujuuuim; scccnu oaooutn in 1 measure nnu only one man Im ex-Aber. : i Oeto- profession? if A. Civilization is a nice thing when it has to be sustained by Pinkerton thugs and State militia! All hail to cur law makers! "The conflict is nearing." The Mountaineer sniffs the battle from afar and is ready for the fray. Moun taineer. As the U. S. government is a large customer of the Carnegie mills, and as Frick, its manager, has determined to operate the same with non-union men. they will be patrons of a scab factory. Union men, how do you like that. Plvw and Hammer. This old world of ours is considera bly out of plum, 111 a moral way. Ad am, with the best of influence about him, had not strength ep.o!ig!i to pre serve Ins manhood, and from Adam until to-day, man has been an easy 1 .... 1 j ...... 1 j r prey 10 vice aim temptation. farmers Advocate. i Once and awhile some farmer w ho has pumped himself full of politics that h can hold nothing else, declares that it is utterly useless to attempt to instruct the producer in advancing agriculture so thai ho may be able o grow more and In Iter crop -so long as 1 4. 1 . 1 : 1 1 11 e pi eseui social, pou-ical anu eom meniul conditions exit: Farmers Vo ce. We hayc just received a lare lot of one pound butler moulds, price 2-Vts, also a large lot of oval and round Bread or Dou-'h Trays. The celebrated fcwing Dairy Churns, Cylinder and JJashcr Churns; all can be suited. The best assortment of Table and Pocket Knives, Table aud Tea spoons iu I he State. Brass, and Porcelain lined preserving Kettles, and at such low prices that no lainily, need be without them. 1 l . 4 ..r T; .v.,-n A very uii jn a.-soi i mqi i Puts, Skillets, Ovens and other house keepers' articles. We have the best Cypress Tubs that are on tire market. Why should yon throw away -money on an old painted tub hen a small amount more will get a ood one. Call and see us when you want any thing in our line. BKOWN, WEDDING-TON & CO., 20 East Trade Street, Charlotte, N. C. Call on us, looked ourmvh les, hear our jjriues, and It. convinced that who I ''ire scuj is true. V 'cry truly, , Watchman Job OfficA E. B. SPRINGS & C0, I,o. 14 N.iCoIlerc St., 11 c. Subscribe "t o the WATCHMAN. .0' CIIAKLOTTE. To Mliancem'en and all other Farmers: w. .v. i 11, ,t wt arc B" O t' lil ill! IO O-lV 111 ', prepared for the Spring-tr;.;e on ' FERTILIZERS. '. We are Agents for the Ci:arH.!u; and Fertilizer Co., nnd cfi-K1 prices as well as sell th? oet. 1 1 n 1 in tne Dinte. Our Fertilizers hfive'ivci istiletion to all nd wc nn lullv upio the fctnnd:irl.- ' lai'e business with t! c m f his sc tioaT.lid w nun! ' - '' ' -. it. Beniumber that tla- s. 1'7(D ,i Station gave us the hi' -, -,:l,,L ,.rt ; ...". .. . .1.-1 f ,i.cNl . 1 . i... . 4 1 1 ; , , 1 nrit-ciaie. vi " " . 1 . ij; Kxueriiiieat Statma hci-t thtr t -c - ti. kt-rp c '-' 7 , ,-,-Al.!Si' jrade on AuinmniatcU this State-last car. rite ir prices ri.ni x.;.. T Is one of the issues of the campaign ,1' Wo arc in the thickest of the fight with- a lirsH-I " -t,,l1 X1SH0ES. .itiV: Silver Dollars ,viil go further in our store for-FA e,: than anywhere in the country. We also carry a han"- Hats, Trunks and Umbrellas -1 11? 1 11 11.. : t-l4--s.no very -cheap. e unaerseii art eompuuiuio. D.S.B.

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