. nt News" ia ntrriin and ,3 w - vicinity. , , Messrs. Holmes & Miller liave received! an order from a firm in I3remeu,Gei many, ! F.T 3L l:irrp. Int. P- I .citoma - M"l-if .stems arc boiled and a wash is made w.iich cures the hecf of fvCaU. Ti e freight charges on .lo&J pounds toUreimga .is only $S50. , . . tCIECKIiENBTJRG NEWS. Tbe county commissioners metia r,e- The roan who reported to the Observer Ioca,IJC tiller. Mo. i day I;tIAY,.OCT. C, I8i2.; night " a roan hurrahed for Weaver and oolite a crowd of boy start ed after him, but he hid. Wto could not fi-.'O a skru of a Dolicernan durin'r nl' this- XT.. .4 . t. r. -. " ! i " - meeting to-night at the Baptist v;calj!y . fl l.i lr.il ."Shut the door A 'ckiS Ion- polo r-vhicb periuUonV-.- Sjitc-t. tUe.mosti.tiie purest at Sim-. - Y. - ii ,."., ,.r. i:i.t itm ' (M inn to Le the most popular. ;;,,:, .f the Isold's Supper Vifci1' at the Baptist church icemen's Rally t Y. M. C. A. . i- A f.ill. iilli-mlfinrp i . r.'.t. -l.,fr f-.il frt 1,"5 "lilliU !' v iv im.scofthe low prices at Go. U I T ' lU a " v . . . iln ' nt the . i . .i ninv ,n'it fiirin on r. -. i' c i l.i, si ..... .t . IW 'Suy Ul l'" ." f .V, Miller, Gcu'l Secretary of . Y )!. Cr A- of this' place letunud . -a .Vlioviile Mouday ni-ni. iv,,. and organs ' sit factory prices iii:i-.;'t;i,.v icnnstit 5eo, W. Wright's ji' 'Jda l;uruiviire House.. " Work v. .II ?hov le eomnieneed on lny ; i,v,j -i i dU'l fr 'in Wood leaf to Uie ntw yuikvi1'' road in Fraukliu. , " ()V, Utile I'jue to renew. Your name vi'll 'be dn-ppi off if iiot.-atlendfed 'to. Bring i" e'lub'with your own uaine. A Key- Ir- Cr,'sil:i'r xvrs cfojfsing the nv inttilTis tuy, .instantly killnm him. Tbere iwer mi f erviees in the Mctho diktlreh uuday . mM'ing or night. Pr. LciLh, live pastor Leifiig down with ;, . Ktnni! Hall at t hi- J? air g V e must say that such is a shame for any eiviiizjd CDiuuiuuitj, and it is lit only for ea vanes. Mr. It. P. Mayo went up to Hickory last week toitteud the death bed of his granddaughter Nellie, the daughter of Mii and Mrs. D. C. Coiling. Nellie was ahnut five year.- old. The immediate Cause of her death was a hem mora ge brought on hy diptheria. Mrs. Colliits has another daughter down witldiplhc- mi. Cards are out for the marriage of Mr W. J ruff, of Kaleih, to Miss Julia Evelyn Gralvam, daughter of Mnj. W. A. Gra ham, of Lincoln county. Mr. Huff is the superinteudant of the street railway in Raleigh, land is a very popular gentle tpan. ' j ' - A No sir, -we never refuse wedding cake when it is sent in guhur monthly session Monday. The that he saw Richard Ilazor and M 'l, What is Go to ou Amcrff the Descen- OIliy -Portant uusmess transacted was Ulauton at a meeting in Mr. Brady's pri dants f the Signei'S. the Decla- 'the appointing of judges of the Novem-; vato office last Saturday is a more mali ration of IttdeTcsiieiice. : her ehct.on. ThU occupied some timt cious liar than old Auaufas w-aa for An- . and Wtt lilllo tnariu f thne for olhfr ania-t vaa trvinsr to Kiitw Wi,n ! r.,,fniw f. W! Ytiii'vn lu imi roost, business. The mtoiulmeuts for some" and Iheotlur tiling IUI r k;. ii .wt """ vu? cbvar , j .. . ' -vv-Bim pv4lCiaua. u Lau U joiUt UlscUSaiwU at 111'' vaOlii!-i Mint llillf N. C- - Correspondence of Waicamau. Ekitoct As I have not seen any thtu iru uaa part of itio uuioit in your VuluuUle paper lor some tiiuo, 1 win arop a uoic. ' ahuui ui no liuo bcru i a scar- paits of the county are dais.es. The done u ou a crctlit of ; Oday. He would ' iluuuso iurc jiaturUa me -iu. i'n iicople'd party wfere ignored, only where jmake-a good captain for a rotten egg . vwi . u. . cieio aud N. - they could not! help themselves. In : batalion. Cant you uet un one 'and iM..ftoUf peojte party candidates for Ibe Charlotte they appointed for the repub Subset ibe to the Watch m a ti , only cents to the end of the year. Gov. Holt to-dav appoiuted.S. I Knee- j licans one white man and seven negroes, It county, a notary public, three of whom cannot read nor write. rioiuius on 0 2. H." A. Larn- The Richmond & Danville Railroad will tell tickets to the Almaucc County Fair at But lingtonN. C, and return at following -rates from points named: Tickets on talc October "10th Tlo 14 inclu siverlimited returning October 16lh, '12. From Raleigh $120; Henderson, fl.GO; Durham, c5,etK.; Greensboro. 05 ets; Winston-Salem, $1.(0; Salisbury, $LoO. Rales from intermediate points iu sanie proportion. Iist Thursday night the usual quiet of SaljrtLury was disturbed by the cries of hie, and hastening down we found that Mr. A. A. Shepherd's house was on fire. The hose company did as.. well as they could under the circumstances, but there vuts no order, and everybody thete acted os captaHi We need a better drilled fire compaiy,ai;d a captain with as much authority as is uuully vested in the cap tain oi a fire company, and who will use it. , . The Richmond .& Danville Railroad will tell tickets to North Carolina Stale Agricultural Fair, Raleigh, N. CVand re turn atTollowing rat is from )oints nam ed: Tickets include one ad mission to .Fair Grounds, and must be Mampcd "ly proper agent at t Iil Fair grounds before beiiij valid tor. retiiiJi passage. Char lotte, 4 10; Concord, $3.70: Salisbury, hrtf.L-0- High Point, $2 50; Greeusboro, i $2 70; lia-rlinton, $1.76; Durham, $l.G0; Schna, $1 GO; Golditoro, $1.50; Oxford, land, tif I rede Four Presidential electors on the Dem ocratic ticket in Mississippi have resigued and joined the people's party. Are 5S,000,000 brave white, men afraid of 7,000,000 blacks ruling them? Say," Rud.ask the. old soldiers that question. .... ' " i A solid South means practically a solid North. In that event the odds are over whelmingly against the Soutbv Chris tian Advocate. '""The force bill and the tariff of course will play their partfThe more-ignorant The voterasare, of course,lhe more these questions-will stir them, especially the force bill. Mr. Rufus Smith, a well known farmer of Lodo was struck by an engine on the Air Line road yestei-day morning about 2:30 o'clock, aud received injuries from vhich he will die. Butt's panorama tent has beeu pitched in Huntersville this week, and loafers are happy. They get out in the shade with thejr mouths open and look at it until th6 suu drives them away. Mecklenburg County Alliance meets wilhTIopcwell Alliance on Tuesday the 13th day of October at 10 o'clock. Sub AUianccs'will take due notice and gov ern themselves accordingly. We saw Mr, W. J. Craig, of Morning Star township, in the street this week re tailing homenade syrup at forty-five cents per gallon. He informed us that he had about l,f00 gallons ou hand. ihp lulH ei Oc tober, 18 bunltj l'risitU'iit. ! : " . (Hir nndcrs are asked to read the ad-wtisements-and pat ronijse t he. men w hp r.dvuii'-r "Tl-.ose who donot may not wi-li ciMoniers. A rciuioilUe appointed for the ur-po-e -n l aiul tltew up. a i cw church ,,,vri,:u,t for the L;;i JiH thurch last Sat urday iifurtioon. . - llr. M. C Quu.n-has 1 e if- arpwinted ; .',Q; Uw-oluUnu t'l.50;i AsheviUe, $0,10 r-ist inr in !soi.lh Ward in place -ol Jj.-u-uu, $5.10; S'.fiiesvilic, $o 70:" "msion- T.H.;Vai:d;i-f-rd, who" ca-nnot tei vc on . "itJciWrf $2 70; Wiikesboro, $4 GO; Run.l JiiHl. $G10; iUkisvine, $2. 0. Rate: from iutei media be points- in Mnue.propor' tioij:' lilies of sale, Oetober 17th to 2Isi, nu'iU-ivi ; 2-ii!irlSl2. Limited. .rc turning, October account f tu-iness. Fhc ff' tchetcd scarf has passed , awr.y t . I I i -i I. , ,1,. (V.m i 1 1H 1 1 Mi I I i i " It- II (,f mn' delicate- tinted rit.bon. en. Altriii -r y-EH, we wear scarfs. U.- W . Viakl It'HI WIN DC HI fi'lis- U:rv. ut Mt. Vernon Hotel oil Thursday j Vife'-Preshl-ui spoke here last -Fridav Oi-oluT 'JOdi lor one flay olii i irenee limited to eye, ear, nose and UiroaL. Ciil't. J.A. itainsay, jinder the direc- tioiA.f l'ostuiastei General WMti.in",al;er!avitie ai)oUl 75 vtilid(.s in lhe pro. Mr. Fit Id , People's I'arty nouiinee for to a lai'e m.d enthusiastic crowd of people. A proees-joii was formed and marched ; down Alain st reel dut to Harrison Move. i . L ' Rotten egging and calling honest peo ple goats, ignoramuses, blockheads, cranks,, fools, weak minded and such con temptible cowardly epithets will advance your cause rather slow, gentlemen-. So long as there is a "barrel" the g. o. p's will not despair. So long as people love personal gain more thau country or humanity, the g. o. p's will make use of the barrel in politics. Tulan Citizen; Jtjust liaisneci ton r oi in-edoo o. ;.ssiollj by acUlal .ouut ut lho groun(Js llie poston.nres uiroug uo t w ... . ; .ld tiierp about 24 horsemen. It Gov. Tims. Holt, who was to have ad- i . i t' .. i : .1 ...... O . ...1 .. (irt'ssed i ne peopie. oi aiisuuij i".uiu,i , Oct. 8ili, haS cancelled all his appoint- mcnts on account of his brother's death. A"pa n t on i i.m ic fa r ce com edy en fill ed :."Kajiika". will J) presemel at the opera houe-Friday night. The pref s'all. over the country peik of it inl ine most glow- Jag terms. 4 Hon.R B. Glenn .addressed; the people! ofsulisdmiy in th4 court house Monday Bight. Bonfires were made.V A good deal enthusiasm' was shown, hut jcr- hps.lhat'Wasall, - - -. J - Mr. A. C.Shuford, the people's party candidate-for Congress gave us a pleas anteall last Saturday. Ile ivports cheer ful pn-spects from -Stanly, where he has Ueu -piieakinsr.. ' Piedmont Alliance Fair opened Tues day. The crowd w as jnpt; very lare. There were horse and bicycle racesv The Pilgrim Cornet Band, 'e hear, is to fur aitfi the music. Some of our friends jre ineliued to-put too much partisan matter rn their letters. was rumored that the man who had the flag wuu'il not be allowed to carry it through the si reefs, but he carried it ju.v,ihe sau.e and no one tried to molest him. Marion Butler was the first speaker, and was cheered repeatedly. Then Air. Field spoke He asked ail who had vot ed for Geii'l. Weaver when he run ou the Greenback ticket to. stand up, and but two stood up, but when be asked for all 'those who would vote for him ou the peo ple's party ticket to stand up, about the whole crowd rose. - IietUaiiy Acuceiny. Correspoa icnee of Wutchmau. Gathering eorn-and sowing-wheat will soon come into dike. is iiivdy partisan.. This is not a party Twq more liquor licenses were granted Uae coinmissiouers meeting Monday. i was bad enousrh before, when a lady ,couM not go to her destination without crn&sing and "re-prqssing the street, but low what will it be? ! f The directors of the fair received a let- lie will not lo ino hhui tae Vbrk on liie new Alethodisl )arsonage lu 'progress now. Air. and Airs. Robt. Poole are spending a luoiitti iujjuiry eouuiy. xMi s. iiav ie u. iiotsiiouser has returned from the Lea tin giving br-oeZcs oi Biuw- ! iug itocdi mucii improved in Her heaiili. Iii 1 ui Grove alliauee ordered about 2G0 worth of guano liii week 1io,Oj estate Ous- lesageui, Worth. " u,c a-ways.T gi.au ,ro ncai iipur . f ucw collou JaaL1,dav. put pUs.sd do n.ot maVe your letters of- jgiu mueb ibis year, owti.j; ol ine crop. 1 be creamery is still progress t but slow. jNoue ol our larmeis are furtiis,b- nUk. I bey say Lbe price l.i too low andtbey canooL allord to Uo su. i luc.iiiiiumuuc oocieiv w iti nave a public debute at lhe academy oil Friday I uiglkt. Question; Ke&oived, that all in- .loicaiinii uriiLkS should be irohibiiel. wine cJLCiUdeu. Ibe democrats have at Fast" succeeded In ialiiil ll.eir 11. ;ii tt..ii itiii i ..-, '"apra a sharper North offering, them ' hoisted i7o loot poio last 'inursda jabu w ft) for tile w,ivileTTei1of putting games 11 lot'ti il0uut all toe dceiund meii tbe tfciaWand luinjrl complete coiUroP. !ialu Uo iL 1oc' alc UuL idea- h lsame, but we are glad to note that the TheGoid llui mm, ii!i along lu Us uual qutel Way. Fiuia leo lo bitecu hands only, have employ mctit now. Reports are out to lhe eiictt that shy' wii.lgct ou "auothei- "boom" au cany day. A Air. WoodrobcViLiondou, Lugiaiiii, sy have been iuformeL win euoo at nve,, w ho willyiuspeet me oahe. The hummer lei m ol iieihany academy ctoces next Friday, feepiUiber GOin, 1 here will be,a aeallou of one mouth; alier wuich,"tiie second term opens anu will coutniue ior live mouins. Ouiv i'.hi Salisburv. and w ill conduct servi- 1 three siuucuts horn other uiairicts have a . ' i . ..... lhe hall is promptly refused. mor has it that Mr. J. B. Sheets, has beeii on a "tare" quito recently commit suicide last Friday evcu- lDo. The suicidal iutent is denied hdw fvep, it is claimed that he shot at a plank w that the bullet glanced and hit himr W. 11. O.iIcp. A.ssi.-laut State Si-cre- .J Of till Y W i h ivill CM!,,!. Sn.r. - . . .... . 1 v. t, lllj w v iii u.,r...i .1 . -ii- t- . ' Li t - :nt i-ittv -ttfi ..'..' Mroeeu oecuiiU so Iai : out inuicatioiis ale MU iv,.Vi,,.r ..n, Vt'i..f lUut neie w uijlie quiiu a uumoer lirut- r, i.t..U..,mM V'..VJI- ItlHlai.LC tlll IVI,,I..- A 1,1. .41, 1 .ii i.l-l- ..... - A mi wii a a . V4 VuniuCA, a- well organized cuctety na.- oecugfetleu up itceuny, w hien uie TI ''' I 2i lil ti i!5 t I rllUi I ll 11 1 f V i.rl i.nl.I'Ml tuui..i it. irll i n,,1B,or winter, wiih its hain or exieiupu.anecus uiscuioo, ana lJr dun c'iiti,t i t:4"u,1 "' i'0ic m m paiilaUKiiiaTy toiuisanu tneil u.--es; fit til fi , 5bu,'t.i. -ihe ;Drlfjgist,,? ' Aaa iuaneimo,ie, lile buudin- i iu be I - 1 I II I it .l a.m.. -lkm- . 7 ' c- K U " cquiiunance euiargeu. luoOabiy at. once. Priucinal "Hvi, , r'"" -.' a conutieuce iwiaiociv wilt dou little dibininiag-tlur 'ah-iVi : "W1 1141 I'iciMircrt wb:cb u& vacliu we iuiu;v . "MM tlllior Si. 1U. till .- . ' Inch meets in Shell, v ibe U ta lfi ...... v .... - - i I'St. . : The democratic county commissioners of Mecklenburg have appointed seven neio judges for ChaTlotle township. The whites are sealed and are hiding out. Go to Georgia iy.d fc get the egg Company.. 'T arn one of those w ho believe that the force bill only exists in the minds of a feW rabid r publicans,andiin the mindof tdi tor Dana and -many campaign oratoi who but for that would be out of aiuii.uiilioii, sky rockets aud lireci ackers. jS'aui - Jotica. We see Messrs. AIcDowe'.l and Hart is will uJ to Gilead church next Friday to tell the dear old farmers how I hey shew Id iniHi. llw l.Ii.ve Mini wliieli I'.nW fives t b e p.. . - - butter milk. They will be met with de feat as usual. It is a light job, or has been so far,, to refute their arguments. There was a grand rally of people party men at Pine Grov.e last Friday fiiuht. Messrs. Gibbon andlFord, two oS next legislators from this county were present ami made good -speeches. Mr. Hugh Harris shelled a while, but it fell like water ou ducks backsT I did not know which one of tbe boys he was when they let up on him. It is a very shrewd business measure for both old parties to be running the Government printing office and folding room through the -entire summer at ex tra pressuie, to get out their election buncombe. But it has some well, some rather depressing fea4ures. yho pays the bill ?: Exchange. One of the most hopeful political signs is the disruption going on in the fan ks of the two old parties. The people's party and the mugwump tendency are causing both of the old parties to lo&c thousands of their best men and neither party is in any res-ptct so solid or enthusiastic as four years ago. Sam Jones. One of the county magistrates was in our den last Saturday, aud in conversa tion rcinarkedithat it was rather unpleas ant for him tp ride 13 miles to transact Fome important business with a county official and find him out of the city ltc tiuneering, aud no one to act for htm. But a farmer is a small potato. It w ill not hurt him to ride 2G miles for nothing. Time is plenty. ' Hickory Grove neighborhood it holi day. A protracted democratic meeting is in progress.- It is intended that it will continue from day to day 'during the fall season, unless they can get oneconveit. If trey should do that it will close, judg ing from what a democratic brother from that place told us last Saturday. The chances art; slim. He said that one of the speeches made last Friday flight had damaged their cause. , The farmers of Mecklenburg county are no longer a great body of unthinking innocent sort of folks placing, implicit faith in political guardians, no longer like dumb driven cattle uuder the party whip, rounded up to the polls and voted. They are now organized thinking, intelligent, hard students of political economy; are learning their rights, and knowing, do mantaiu, notwithstanding there is men in the country that are depending ou Run aud get the force bill. Jturali'st South Dakota) says : One dol lar of every sixty in the United States was appropriated for Government expen ses in the Fifty-first Congress when the Republicans hadtv majority. One-sixtieth of the wealth of this nation was just appropriated by the Fifty -second Con gress, now adjourned, which was over whelm iiigly democratic. Is there hot a cause for unusual interest which the peo ple are taking in governmental affairs? Is it possible that the washerwoman must work one week iu the year to pay her share -of the ayqropriatioa of the last Congress. --"Alexander Hamilton said: To annu the use of either of ; the metals as money is to abridge 'the i quautityn,6f circulating medium and is" liable to all objections wnicn arise irom a comparison of the benefits of a full with evils of a scanty circulation.7 (1791 ) "Thomas Jefferson endorsed this view, saying: " 'I return you the report of the mint. I concur with you that the mint 'must stand on both metals.-' (1792.) "M. Rou land. Government Bank of France, said : Y " 'The two moneys have actually coex isted: since the origin of human society. They eoexist because the two are neces sary, by their quantity, to meet the needs of circulation.' Mr. Cleveland, in a letter to the Con stitution clearing, up the false tales about him, his wife, Miss j Winnie Da vis and Fred Douglas, says trere is no truth in them except when Frederick Douglass was in public office in Washington City. He as president ofthe United Stales ex-tended-to him the same courtesies, so far as public receptions-and matters of that kind lire concerned, which were ex tended Jo other ollieials of the same grade. Ol course that is all we said. He was the only man of that grade there. They only have one register in Wash ington at one time, and when Frederick went out Mr. Cleveland put another ne- rro in to be of the same grade as Freder- commission him? 3cTier8vilio Letter. Correspondence of tbe Watcoaun. Mb. EDlTpfi.-Ou Friday evening I swvooped down on the city of Seviersvillo auu teaming there would he a meeting of the T P." club I passed the follow ing, resolved that we will be at aid meeting. Accordingly we" repaired to the vicinity ot the etub room as soon as it wai dark enough to hide our ideutitv. MM. . ii- ... i t . . u euasr was caning me ctuo lo order when we arrived. We found that sneak ing was the program. A Air. Little was introduced, lie spoke for 43 minutes oil 1 the evils of democratic misrule, com mencing with the Charleston convention of 1800 down to the present day. He spoke forcibly and to the point leaving no doubt in lhe minds of bis hearers thai the democratic party has been guilty of deeeiviug the musses while it has ad vanced the interest of the rich classes. The uext speaker, a Mr. Gibson dwelt at length on class legislation. Saidi he could not see why the merchant opposed the reform movement as the laboring men paid for ail improvement. That if the lax was levied on the merchant he put a per cent ou his goods to cover all expenses, laxes included, and the laborers paid it all, for if the merchant did not sell his goods he could not pay his taxes. A Air. Soph ley was-then called out who proved by history aud newspaper report lhat the democratic tariff thunder was a myth aud impracticable until money w as raised in sopie other way to pay lho expenses of the government. He charged Grover with favoring the force bill iu Tennessee iu li8. Air. Stuart was call ed but asked lo be excused. Air. Harris spoko for thirty minule3. Couldn't tell where he stood. Jlis tongue was not half as slick as his face. Mr, S. J. Rig gers a retired merchants of Huckleberry farm made the last talk. Could not tell whether he was a democrat or a republi can but dou tlbink ho wants much re form, buppose he is living oil his accu mulation as a retired plutocrat, and don't leel the scarcity of money. You Will hear from mc again Soou. Loviugly. Tim Teazzeb legislature, and llmm riarns. aud F. B. .McDowell, eauUtdaies far the legislature on thsjfcoaUed democrat ticket. He ave us a goud talK on. lho issues that is oelore lhe eouuiry. Hissieech was well received. Jir. AlcDuwell came next and laikeu lor uuu hour, lie tried lo tetl usi wuai was tUo mailer with our govern meut. Ho tailed utterly loiiiveauvrem fedy, or stick to ine deuiocruiie party aud- mat uua oecoLue very iniu. lie said he Would But say auyuaug behiud a man's back that would hurt hiuiTbut hedevoied parted his lime iryiug io abuse Capi. L. u. Vail, who wa hot there, and sure enough be did not hurt a uy body, for the boys were hurrahing for Van wuie ue was t,) mg lo abuae hla:. A no next speaker was Hugh Harris. He made us guod a speech us lhe puny he represents would jusuiy. lie madod some friends but uo couerts. Neituef oi tue democrats tuaue auy votes lor lho party. .Last but uot least was,; V U. oieeie, who heid the crowd for oue, and a hall Hours, aud ho literally mopped up lhe earin witii JlcUowell. He tfid not leave auy thing out a greasy spur, jut as we expect lo uo ou tue eignth oi govern ocr wiiu ine wnoie nx. wit s. ni.,. some of the wouid-be boss papers of Char- lotte says tuat mure luau half of lhe crowd was Kxuui goals. Tuey wilt think on or about ine eighLh of next November lhat Ibey are he goats lrvun horus A V OTlOt OF TU V EAVLli 1ICKET. crick only he w as blai kir. Of course there was nothing wrong except Freder ick and his wife were not at Mr. Cleve land's reception. That is all there is in it. W.E.SfflVW&CO., Manufacturers of sadd: Harness and Gollarsi , ixi Dadcrs fa " ' . LEATIIEK iND SAUDLERV IIAKDJVAItE I N ALL ITS B It .VKCIIHS. CHARLOTTE, JT, C, THE GREY SCHOOL, For Boys and Girl. me next sessiou of tbis seliooi win begin Xugust23d, 1892. and close .Msy 20ttr, making it possible for young mm to uttend th rcuooi uie noie term fti.a gel Home in time to aid in working the crops. Tbf work is thor ough, the rates reasonable and the dicij lii. uiitd but firm. For further iufunuatiun. write -for catalogue to - II. A. GliEY, Priftcipal. Huntersville, . O. S:tie Pert siici't Q iestions We find the following going the Hounds of the Reform press, credited to aii ex- hange, We regret we $0 not knpw the author, as we should like to have given him proper credit. The questions are framed for fanners, but with slight change they will lit the ease of city work ers or miners,, or, for that matter, auy of the workers in the great human hive: One door in Vanderhilt's mansion cost 3s.jft.00a.. W h at d id y ou rs cost? Don't own any. Uon'l own any house? No. Forty-six years old? Yes. Helped your father support a big fam ily 'till you were twenty-one? Yes. Then vou married nnd rented a farm? Yes. Only two children? That is all. Don't use .whiskey or beer? No. Never loafed around town? No. Always beeu industrious? Yes. Worth only $300 or 400? That's all. average v.bt:vt:. No more sickness than the family? No. Have done the best you could? Ye-;. , Have raised piles of grain, hay and stock? Yes. Tjok all your share to live? Yes. Ever expect to liave much more? '.'No. ' - " Got rheumatism? Yes. Wrife work hard, too? YeS. y Ever been to Europe?; No. Ever been to the seashore? No. Never spent $20 in car fare in my life. Lived high? No. Used barrels of sorg urn . What have you done with your mom y? Never had but little. Got any money at interest? Not a cent. What.is the reason you have not doi 6 better? I suppose it is on account of the tariff. What makes you think ho? Because everybody says so. Did you ever do any right hard think ing'-why you are no better off? j No, to confess the truth I have not. I - took it for grunted that what evcrbwdy said must be about right. Did it ever occur to yu tl at the m; n with tbe $50,000 door don't want in.y thing discussed iu this campaign 1 xcept them forfcvery morsel they eat, will call t ' tht rn goats, Tools, 'kpiel.eads, cranks, nud j0 tU)tfcn1; alld if he can keep the will, and haxealieady exhausted ibeir ' le frrm Fnvin1 nlivthing against tbe energies huuliug something meaner lo . ..jlroai'ts l.e will have a $100,000 door iu : From Concord. Correspondence otllte Watchman. This thriving little village is situated six miles above tslatesville, on the June Bug R. R and is destined to become town in the near future, any way if names have any 1 mug to do with the destiny ol a place. It is know n as Concord Church, Fancy Hill l ostofhce and Iredell Station It now has about 60 inhabitants of the best people iu our country and as a cer tain proof of the Haltering fuiure for V is that the people there and in the sur rounding community beiievo in eduea lion as is demonstrated by tbe schoo they support in their village. This scliool is under the care of two of our best teachers, l'rofs. Bur.k and Ten ister. To prove that they are the right men in the right place, one only has to visit the scliool us was lhe pleasure ol your correspondent a few days ago, and near the name ttiey get as insirueiers in the communiiy. l'rof. Burk is such an old and ell known teacher that it is useless to say he understands his busi ness, lie lias charge ot the higher work in the scliool and handles his work with such eare and familiarity as to cause one, who knows so little, to wonder how a man cau ever learn so much and learn it so well. Prof. Fenister is a young man of about . 1 twentv-six summers and to see wnn w hat Z'-al and aptness he executes tbe primary w ork aud governs is proof why "he nets there" so well. He has entire control of everything, never sits down in school hours, and the least act of disobe- ilii'iu-H docs not eseane his eve. rjier- ual vigilance" is his motto, then to see how willingly his students obey him moves that while he governs he wins them. They have a good school and uew students are coming in almost every uay The school building is large and coin fortable and situated in a beautiful erove a few hundred vards from the village which is much an advantage, asall teach ers will attest, that no school should be in a public dace. Verilv it is a uood thing in a good place and any one having boys or girls to prepare tor life or college can uo no oei 1 ci- than send them here. Here they have a Presbyterian church with a large membership and Rev. Mr. Presley as pastor. While in the village we had the pleas ure of spending the night with Mr. W. B. Gibson, candidate for sheriff on the people's party tickit in our county and be outfit to be elected. He is a christian, hospitable, kind and businesslike man 111 every respect. He is jubilant over his tirrwnects and does not expect to Sullivan WHI Try It Agaiu. New York Oct. 3. A special to the If orfa from Roton says that John L Sullivan has startled his friends in that city by announcing his intention to challenge Corbett to fight again. Iu an interview he said: "I am saving uiouy now with resolute deteruiiualiou to challenge Corbett to fight again. Au give me a chance to win back the mony that was robbed from me iu New Orleans There was something wrong. I am not making any direct charges just now, but that I was not right I will know. After the first round I could see a dozen Cor betts, and, as good a man as Corbett is, I donVbolieve he nor anyone else liv ing can stand up and fight me twenty one rounds 'witout being hit. There is a scheme foot to break what seemed to the pool room-men a dead sure comoiua tion and I was selected to be throvvu down." SALEM Mkll ACADEMY, 13AL.E2I, N . Oldest Pemala CoHsga fa the South.- The 91?t Annual Session begiua September lat, 1892. Register lor last jearJJ27. Secial features: The Ikvkloi mkm- o if kaltm,(Jb Att actkii axd IxTtLLKCT. Buildings UiroroUghly remodel 1H. Fully equipped Preparatory, Col legiate and Post Uraduate departments, be sides first class school in Misic, Art, Lax GUAUkS, Ktoctrios, (Jtmmkuual am l)iUC- TltlAL TUi'llCS. I JOHN II. CLE WELL, Principal, W.H.&R.S.TUCKER&CO, EALEIGII, II. C. PIEDMONT n I hnnnn Lrmn M In I I n - rn .! Salisturv, H. C, October 4,5, 6, & 7, 1892. Running, Tiottins and Tournament, Balloon Ascen sion, Mule Races. Premium on trotting race $100; on ru lining race, VJU. opeaKing- anu a good time for all. Excursion rates on all railroads. -Admission 25cenls. Everybody come. R. LUD WIG, Pres't. J. C. BERNHARDT, Sec. BLAZER SUITS And Other Traveling Hequities. e For Ladies who will leave bv.nio this Summer, we have provided many goods and wares suitable for traveling or me at Seaside or Mountain. BLAZER SUITS SKI KTS AND BLA ZER, ." SlIIRTVAISTS, HIUVING AND RIDING GLOVES, Waterproof Overgarments, ..Walk--, ing SiioesTTrunks, Bags, Canvas , Telescopic, Giurs, Etc. OUT-OF-TOWN ORDERS receive the most careful attention. CASH with the order of $5.00 or mor , we will deliver goods free (except Furniture and. Crockery to lhe neanst express office or railroad station W. H. & H. S. T-ocler & Co., Raleigh, W.C, Mention the W7atchman when y'ouwrtl. We are still at our old stand on Main street, where we have a select stock of Watches, Clocks, Full-Goods. We arp oper.tnpr un tbelarfrett stock of fall goods'' we evt-i carded by 'double, -Uncb wesuiulbellat lotfi-r prior tlisiii ever la-n.rfi. Just .-eceive.i fl'tjr pIV'w rl pant goods lo u T.c per yard. Two bun jiru pltj. olc i.ilco. oiughaUiB arm Uiehacoous, flfty p eces Alumanee.Cttnwn rlaoneli, wool fun nels la whue. reu, gray and blue. Ftlty Uiilis wool Ul ii ik-e.ib.sc. to-$5 netl iktfc H, i. t a U I6:. Ou hundred f'ozen men's slid ts a -d drawers SIS cc I0t2. 1 wi.j.iy-Uve ijc-tcea tubic c-heioths. la best grade " i nr.. i n n iucyxd. One hundred umbrella j'it in 3n , UOOtnc0 and all Kinds OI line Useeuts each, sltk um.etiasf.e. ;,. W pcotaeicrr, i.iva a.. i Uoz..UnienNcnhr.iiUna8otk8':..ipalror 7rrf. ad-zen. Ladles' S aWt'-H r.y inwe. woria 15e at loo. On cai ! naltea' t oreu c 4m;, .5c. t. Five bundn d im n niri 0. ' h U- 2-re to $t. Flftyw iioz. Table Iwiylles e. to r.6o Twenty nozen la dls' b a --a sai.or b.ita worth Vic. t lie. Cctton and wool knintug viim tn haTikaln all colors. Zephyr woi-st;d lu all cOiOrs. A great b.iraiu la fchot-a for f ill trade. Fair ami hju re ileal ir.jr - 1 vt-ryihlngr marked in plal---flaurea and one low prlcto all. Mail orders illlcd .y.oiuptiy ai.d satthfueUon guar nntel. Give us a trial an1 we wltl s;ive you money. llAitltl?H.H& C, . - No. 3i S. Try on St.- Charlotte, N. C. Jewelry on hand at the lowest prices. Watch repairing a specialty. All work gurantecd 12 months J. & H. HOEiLH. ....( wiih whiskev or any other way d I I J TV J ..- . - - - a rv Hie is strictly a temperance maw that should be a consideration lor eve", christiau man when lie goes lo cast his VWe were told that the woods about there is full of people's partyites. Before closing we would like to say to your correspondent of "seventeen sum mers," that wo can furnish him. two of the fair sex of the desired age, one wit.i long dark flowing hair, the oher s not so dark nor- long, both with nice ways, sweet smiles, pretty faces, good hearts intelligent, and w hich to be pose-ssed would be a jewel to any man. If In wishes names or other information ad dress. T f J-llBNBY. Harmony, A. If weeds are mown -when then tiie are at all approaching ripeness, the oniv s ife way to dispose of them is to burn them up. If. the -sds J':'v already- formed - thev will nreu suTU-wuUy to uenninatiN so reseed ih.-niselves. If tin i t d peril i ted it would le just as well to h i them rijeii upon lhe stalk, and lo save the labor of culling. To prove theirutji of this, go cut a id examine the p; tdi of weeds that "you have nnnvn down iu late summer, an 1 after fhey h ive laid adiiv or two y. u wdl iind nuu.v ripe si-eils. Another p.oof niny e found iu our jnuthe with wheat, wliieh isf n e t lieu in tl- doujh staueand without any injurv to . Hs pOW'r ( Is-it favorite expression with tliose who h;tv InoJfrd tlirough our M-.mnv-th Stock of Fall Clothing. The pra.se for Ljjte S'.hf, (Jo.k! Qnaliiy and LOW PRICES, evidently bennies lo .-xt leat, that is what, our- ni.uiy customers tell ih And why" houd they unless I hey th-.u-;ht .? 'lire truth is, we are , showin' the uiost attractive hue of Males' A par. I off-red to Unwan :ind adjoin ing counties. We Indv yoiir wants and r.oerls h'Mice we ;n..ke your interest, ours and our, vour. We.buy direct from "Mnufii-tturer-i" an 1 .y from ten to twcnt-five per cent, that small bnver h ve to pay who t i l-uj only from clobbers." Atrain, we buy for "CASH for Two Large Finns" iu hirquantr- ties, winch szires us am.thcr "iMile IMgure. If vou will s'L'P to figure our wiving" on tnr entire purchases, you will be nirpri.vednt the amount. All this, we cite to our customers, for we hll a we Luy CUE A IV BOYS AND CHILDREN'S SUITS & OVERCOATS YOU arc invited to visit lhc Clothiers. Hatters, and i rriiishiiigs, Nearly oppoit l'tj)ili-e, SALISBURY-. N. 0 of gel Ulilisd i ! say 'ibuut them. the next hcittc; he builds. i MWsJW iL Wcurwl m hoc WiU- lliIlLa 5 ticaiarstentFHEE. Atlanta, Ga. O&cq myt WMteuallSU n r 3tfiD fJ3i CtAIAXiOGVEi. RlrlCD TArSSS XPEN5E3 .riOOtRATfc, .! 'I J I

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