I- I " I I - II '1 ' t r--Z-rrscjrx---,- - V r P ' hi tr K 1 DjirrrroKV. ... ,.i II.- L Lucks prcs- liiiroii, boiiili Dakota, mldicss . .ii.Sfn, 1). C J- H.Thi.m r. seen ..arc?, U mi-ia; J. V. Willetts, le turur. -;m. ' L ; f V.". : - Vinnre-yUu Butler, president, m. N 'C;vV S, lrne, secretin. L -;.zu Mo.rvsvilw-: I'resnbnt. Oh II A. u,r ,v. (;.r wi.r V.-l'rw, E. 1. IVmck. 1Kmwi ..lvr'tary and Treasurer, J. I. hintsi'v. StiTislOfvli 'fo.j cWtty-J.esse .Miller, present, Dlacknier; M. 1,. HiteUie. sen ary. Saw. Jre.hU W-j. M- lrks.'l.reriierit. SivflUi; M. 12. lUm?, secretary, . (UUrru C;n1y-. V. HWTln. presi ijent. C-i Ur. J.;S. Lalfcriy,. ccit iary, Cnrirl. - 1 J)ieih m CLdy-. S. Gm -iri'ibb-nt; Jjmes; W. A. Li nulsajv secret ary , Tl.om? iile. "" ' CiUatnba County S. T, WHfonjr. nn-si (nt,;NJwtM.; J. F. Iturinaii, secretary, 1 5(ev.i)n. " XovemVr we 115 to I poor folic would at the ballot box :Uid we would; See in it that home of .that democratic ma jority of 150 of the last Coure. would be put in- I he nine hole anil if we fiiuHd liiivemt'ii up there .it $ Hi Jday to lok filter horse races an 1 such like we would at leint gefsMmie new hands and get some men that would ! sit lei.st frv to do something tor I he 10 to 1 lint sent them there. If they pui ! the old farmers' s!ieej on the free Ji-! ! we would ': ;ik that tlu-v put the wool coat on also, not on their niea4y back j hut on the five lUt arid do a httieother j iei-livh)ii for the masses ni;dlet Wall Street take a re-t. HicaARp Razor. Kinsa Was 1S5 people's p.irty newspapers. The Insane Avlmu at fialei-jrh ha" 2G ii niatifi; s to he the : real est nonilwr in the hiptory of the institution. lUCHAKD ItAZOlt Xcr War shi:s. Wash xgton. Swpt. 20. The two v. -se!s for who.-e cuitrnct ion pronos- Chnfers of cioTer, if Imir; in a room anl left to dry n slwd their perfume through the air, will ilrive away flies . ' rw- ..! . I....,.l .-..Lifai'il l.t lllu ' 1 V V Has a Talk Willi a liaenemr. jury a vic i.--u. w .-... j j j Ihpnimeiit, win ni.iKe an lutporiaiii aiidii'ion to our naval iher, and ;n r.Iitics. Voi respondeiioe or thp Watchra in. ii;pUitnor; armament ai d equijwiient thee is the VI' .1 . .. ,1,... lo q' ri; Li ji f ri iitir-ii mi :i i v 1 11 ii ki 111 i ... ... . "H "ir?. "'J .r: iro oronosei M:ns wi tau-A r not U r I - t - - - ... I I WI IV-- U 1:1111 V I r IV N fVKeforni Lress Association. , " . J r ..- urpas anv s ,i il similar I v pe in ex- iewi hi :' ! .sivine l'l .ce where we "0 once -st week . r - .. . 1 . . , - ,r 1 ' . : n t . i . , ;s: nce. i heir iiuh ini' powers m! I In- VjficerH-J. I. rtmh president; Manon to Vet our five w.t packet hamper-, ( - , g , A W. S. Barnes, sec ,jf (lUr .fonuaUm. J t retunj. , 1 he businK-s m;naj:er or I tie ii! to is a, . , ' . .. 1:A'" . 1 bacheU.r ami is not Jjotltne.i with r"- ' V - , , tee. .l-'-rJohnn.iusev iherefcre he has he TJi Cirna Wufhrnan, . a'?i,sVu J' i t ... j. ... ,,i:t;..B II..! be built, will cost ill ti e m lnhoi l.oo;l I A Fronc li Lie Fijilit. A r ancy X is so fat that' he bas not seen m, feet for Hie hist ten Years 15 No,tbii?? ( xt rao.-dinary in that. I know- a-fefmlent. tSiaf is .-o t I i tliat. he h.is to tlimb on a hiid. r to tiike off b's hat. C That's r.othinnt all. 1 have a cousin whose !es Tire so Ion; that w hen lie calahes col! in hi-5 les - on .j inuxrv i re (sit-s hi ijeiu sinczni" till the 24;h or 2Dth of the same month. Courri.fr dti Midi. Fill op yoi'ir ifoiil but; p ipers with that s;!Iv ro about -a vote for W eave; i . I- 1 1 c ht'inir a voie rnr Harrison if von :irc m Cleveland rl'tir. or a, vote f i r Weav- In nnny places it is i.l"eI tin t J fj the pcixin-who hears flic wlnpp r will in the davtime will d:c beffie H e erjd of the yea". CURES poison .Nature should bo assisted to throw off Impurities of the blood. Nothing does it so Trell, so promptly, or so safely cs Swift's Specific P.AIIVILLT3 I1ISTITUTE, oxir'o.rn, . c. !.L. .3 A T ... - " LXFB HAD NO CHARMS. For three years I Tras troubled with mala rial poison, which caused my appetite to fail, and I was greatly reduced In flesh, and life lost all its charms. -I tried mercurial and potash remedies, but to no effect I could . get no relief. I then decided to try KSlSl -A few bottles of this wonderful Ff,fWkirl medicine made a complete and permanent cure, and I now enjoy better health than ever. J. A. Rice, Ottawa, Kan. . Our book oa Blood and SHh Diseases mailed free. Svtift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga JOHTSS 5SMIITAEY FOR : YOUNG : LADIES. Boarding and Day School far Girls and Youfig'IadiCG. PlifNl li'ALS: Mtii Ma ?nrft r.urjjiijrn KHlLutl.,, v'om;iaC'ut.'2. JJiUlJiO.v. Jtlss KathJiitH H. ra lilia.oU. " A". IK Wo iiiin'-iCoUi'e, I'aito. instiUCttODS lu -Eiu4a Iir..icaes, A;U.-ie (K-al slid lii.'truuieuta ). An, otTiar.n. Kr. mUnJ Latin Ttrnid vt ry iuouvr .te. Sena lor Cat tiotmc- -. . Tfri 1 liyv'iBg tsgbt llit (jrXi, A iM 1 "Kow.m County OraL lie AiUiSione Onari les, 'i cols, a e., fei E. L. 1 -Willi s estate I vLUOTiOnue to manned k re mlilsioms, Cilli-s..mlh8ana ortabie u,lt s for grlmtmjr com ami wheat. coritfcponawicesoJt ttea Auostts, l r J - l'- A 1 '1 . Fall u.f owau t o. N. C. MrrMor tlie WatcLniUD. t Mm II VI a LdiiV P. Mm . . r xiuiii uj j V. W. hul..e oyer auU UiUmu toai ' - tr; KectVen) I ?m .fit- nrt vj-hi An i . . rr-- . ... Coi.(ltnsedKh.JuiJiu tiTeei juiv , tit Jv,gj houruiouxD JOHN A. RAMSAY, . ... . , Mount.lr. Home-ourual, A!ll3"D' Senilnel. : Couotrj Lite, v.ereury, Raitltr. Goldt.oro, N. C. . llllorilKU it iiiuu u:c ima- i n 1.1 -v.v- Trinity rvjuei-eiN.c. j ,, vvrts cati-ed by Mr. Clevelaml leav HVLuuikeiN c. uiif liuzzaid tave and u'tiing up to ti: ii-i . r..--- r.... l . j: er beinj a vote for Ciewlaii.l il you ..:.,' ....t ........ .,a on C ill t even ItcttiM- ad vaul :i res for STi?? For It will ! circulars address the llur:s()u rin tr. Y are mi fhinlc of anvfhinir morei!lv of I hive million dollars. Congress, in the -Nav..! Appr pri Each of the above-named papers are re-; New York and ;ettin; on the sunny queated to keep the lid standing on thejirt ' sjje 0f (ijt lolu-r She han Murphy. yage uruadd others, provided tJiey are duly jje gHjj tj1(1 wvui (i d.nner and staid Uegt Any )Kpet failing to at. the t;ibJe four Uoun all(l they made Ocala platform mil be dropjxd from the b , , , M i M ' T list proutptly: Oar people can now see a trade with old ill. and A .. lam hal papers are puhlhhed in their interest, many, now he says those old people . f imm I will have all Uieir children to vote tor iMr. Cievelaiid provided he will employ Tl.c Coiiferexicc Platform. j the cl,iIdren to 1)itk t0tton a.al gather The following is a correct copy of peas when he gets his! farm -started. 1 Ihe platform adopted at St. Louis by it is understood that, all the chifdren the labor conference: in and theywill he allowed to p:ck t. cotton early in ithe mornrn while the : finance. dew is on it a nil. will not be docked ' ,tT , .. , i iiiiythink for ds.mpm-ss, all of which I.We (lemnnil ;ujiatiiinl-curivncy m illfoimatlt sa!a AVas fair. He.-dd sate, sound aim nexjuie-ssueu ,;. M , M T. mmanv wouhl the eiijral oyeinuient oniy; a iuii legal tender brivate: and means of circulation, at it tax not toi , hive about :;s much fleet as air. thing e'sc you c::li sav, a! (I it won t do any- .11 ! T - I " I 1 I lion bill of th- past session, uthoriz--d-l ti0!lv :tI1J l!:ll'Ml- ll- Wl" J,,sr : ti.econ.tructioii of these ve.se!?. .ui ; f niuH. chr lo your master Hip made no appropriation h'r them. The who alwnys did h-y.; a tie. And battle-ship wili cost exclusive of arma- then yon can t sav iinyinniir in that meijt neariv four million dollars, and Hass of pajirs that will rea.Ji the po the armed cruiser about the same ,P. anyway! 1 ou have lied to them amount as lujr prototype,, the Newf) ?0 P' l-Jeiitly th.at the York, or nearly three million dollars, P! ll;iVJ 'nfidnee m yon; and exclusive of her.anmauent. Pbuis iorj whf, "'.V want infoiuiution they will oo ton friend, and lint a. monop oly hiiv-ling. A'liitttci- I)i.p;itt'h, Tip ton, lud. licv. C. A HAMPTON Principal. All Healing springs, X. C. Attends to Railro:ia Construction, Surveys, and Mapping of lie d Estate, Estimates ol Vuter Powirs, Plans fcr tue Prcctiou of Mill?. Dwelling?. &c: mul attends to the jau-clmse ol all kindsof Muchimry, Puiluing Matt-rials, c, tel2 tf .v. i.rciiuajtiU; . ... l.ur.,tiJe " Kfjsvtne.. At. i 'uuvi.le.,... r. GrtecaLcro Lv. uoJd&l)it. . . . ; At1. latlttyU ; Lv. fi'aleisra . ...... Durii.-iii Ar. Oitn Lbtio l.v. V. asiou-8a ! m . Lv. :r tn.' t-OiO Ar. Si it tuvy ai. siaitteViiie . AsUtrMiie...... livi si.jii gs.. l.v. saMsiurj . Ar. Cuui sol i e ........ . Siana: I liJ " -lteiiUi.e . .... Atlat.ta LV. Cil.OHtle... : Ar. Column. ! AT. Agtel Ji -x-l!, . i i V M i M 6 IM V u "' 1 o I- m r h l U i (i M , I- if J2-1 s A i J - A M a y, i a :.r 1 .'. M AM f- I" A M ' A M ,t 1.1 M 11 , a i 4 u A. S. KESLIG.v SALISBURY, X. C. Office in Davis & AVilry's bank huildirg. cornel of M.:in mai Imsi.-s streets. u ra.--tiee ii: Courts of Kou an and adjoii.irg coinitits. I'roinjit and er.ttlnl all r.fu ii pivtli tn!l bu3 tness entrusted t me. kS ecial attei.liou given to collections. the cruiser, which will 'probably .b named the Brooklyn, call for a vessel a little longer than the New goveinu.eni ou.y a i"' i Iea!izc! slUut 10,000,000 out of the for all debts, public and c - aml ut lhe enJ of he fom;ih without the use of hank-, e i. ,...l, m-.rr lugcorrat.ous; a just and equitable: h (, im(1 .isu0M .S tl!;s w:iS n.eans or c.rcu.auon, ai, m nut io , my iufoimailt S:iid cotlcn vent exceed two per cenrs set forth m the! u p ou,cent on theiuml; he said it prio-lie:isury puui or tne raruiei liance, or some bettef system ; also, by i . . i ! a i ui ?nD-tre:isury pn.noi ii.e rarme s ai-N. CL-vehmd ,t in cotton would bance, or some belter system; also, by ; nnd th lt it mi ht naymenjs ,n the discharge of its obli- river Well he went on pt.ons ior public improvements. , ! talking about Mr. Cleveland and we W deniiiiitUlree and unlimited nskwl what a,j0uJ. that ,itfle n)-oUo coinage of srlxer, f Mr. Cleveland and Tennessee and We demand Hie amount of cir- p!llt.i ,,,,1 4,:j IOC I'-JLU Ulll. L1Z O.lHl- ViVlliilliu U1U culatuig ni wirt'-to he speedily iu-' a NV;iut ;m-force hill unless it wa creased to not les than but per capita. 1 1(, U ys ejecholl Then X rea(1 lhe c. w e, uenianu a grauuaieu aitunie tax. - I I. I' I .1? il. a -i I. . a. y e enee uiai nie money ui ine following to him: Executive Mansion, V Wabhinqtox, D. C, Oct. 5, 1SS8. treasury should be kept as much as ' T A . , ; v., vci. 0,1000. possible in the hands of the people, oti.M.A. Garland, Attoraey-GtnnaL and hence we demand all National and , pEAti fciB:-You are hereby re(p.esT it "". . 11 1 , -l 11 fuil t I nl.'u 1 1 !, 'u Mini i irpi'1 win ir I State revenues shall be limited to. the;teU 10 .laKe tiige ami uirecuon or me necessary expenses of government, exec n.,ve umicu ouues economically and honestly administered. ' e. We demand that Postal Saving touching the appointment of supervis ed banks be- established by the govern men for the safe deposit of earnings of the people i.nd facilite exchange. LAND. 1 2. Your sub-committee' upon the and. plan 1c, .beg-to submit to your ap. frovnl the following: The haul, in iudingHll natural resources of wealth, is the heritage of all people, aiid 'should not tie monopolized for speculative purposes, and alien ownership of land should be- prohibited. All lauds now held by railroads and other coporations o.IV;ILr ; ors or electious utid special deputy rovpin-1 m:.rsmils and the performance of .their duties and their compensation so f al as these subjects are by the coititu tieivand laws under the supervision and control of the executive branch of the government. Yours truly, Gkover Cleveland. "He said I had no business talking about that for the boss politicians and the'pape.s would get on a hump and they would go around with their months Mocking like a gnatt trap in July. lie said that wasionly a matter of busliitss, that Tt whs only one mouth -III t'&4'ftt 111 I llfll JlI'llKIl Iltf-MIN Z1IK1 ;i I I f lands now owned hv iJieiis" should be W H expecting to lo elected reclaimed by. the Government and held for actual settlers only. ! tKANSPOHTATlOJf 3. .-Transportation being a means :of defence and public necessity, the povernmeiit should own and operate roads in the interest of thi people. . The telegraph and .telephone, . liKe the postal system, being a necessity lor" he secoiid.term and he cculd havfe a little Tennessee f.rpe bill and not count it. We told him and Mr. Cleve land had said we had the fine.-t tinan ciat system in J he" world, aiid thieatens to veto any bill .to change it. He said it was. a fine one for him and "the na tional -banks and the other money lords and that p or people, had no bus iness meddling with it; he said there was plenty of money. We told hihi 1 1 olK, otherwise her general dimensions will be ab'uf the ame. She will be about fiiur hundred feet long-on the load line, i wi:h sixty-four feet beam, twrntv ihree feetdraft, 16.0(H) imhi a!ed hois -pwer, which should be capible of sending her through the water at : spei d of twenty knots. Her coal sup ply will be .si boll t 1,700 tons. lb r imminent will co::si.-,t of eight 8-iueh brtech-Ioading rifle.-; twelve 5-iuch bn ei h-loading rapid-tire l ifl s, e.iid a strong artillery bat l ry of gat ling ours six poir dei, ami a 0-rpcdo boa With her great coal c pacity it is i bought she will be able to have steam ing endurance of 1 5,000 miles at a fourteen knot r de against 13,000 miles from the New York. The battleship will be 300 feet bmg. 48 feet beam, 24 feet dralt and will have 11,000 horse-power, nhich it. i Calciihited should .develop 10 J knots speed. Her ; r.iii:ent w::i cou.-ist o: four 12-inch breech-loading r.lhs; twenty six-pgunders and live one-pound gun. .With award of conjrac'ts for thes: vessels every ship author.s-dby (J 1 ; -gress in recent years 1 ii her wiil have bi-en constructedior cid r. t tors ar.1 hoi ize(j to begin work it they have nol already started to work. Clearing the C : t. DURHAM F.ERTILIZ E ID A M NomiitoVrcD. Lv, .Aie.,uia .... . l oiiaabia Ar. ihiii.oue LVr-AtlaDt;! .Ar. CU.-.r.cile Lv. Cliu'rloile Ar. .-ndlsvuiy- Lv. not spoiigrTT. . " AShevl le " sea.sviile Ar. sj Istnr.v ..... -.. l.v. SaiisJjury . ... ... .r. rrceU? 010 Ar. ins ot,-Sali 111.. rv. (io eissl ore Ar. Pur! an lathjiiU... ...... l.v. lad.iyii Ar. ('nu)s cvo. . . ... Lv. ersttio Ar. li;iaiac ' Krjsiil'.e ........ JJiaKi-Ttlie.-.. ... " l:K-innid No. l IVdLY. Ii XfV :i-a. r1' m '1'ia 1 ia -ia t l.l j exci-j t .-I1,:: X , :t re r h ) . e l .'. if is i y .1 A M T u Si. 1 13 r si y 'i a x i 5:1 v ;t 1 i t. 5 - k L 1 . ill - v.". 4 P .1 I 4i :S i- I'.") . till .. f: V-1 :.i - i jt; 3 .a rt n'.iiT - lis V j( -4 Hi .. x lA c m r a r -M: H in . ii.ij. 4; !.; s- t 4 i - V ' i p. Washinj;tiiri HH.l So'jl i! est 1 m Visi f- fted ();Tt'i?il I'lixvec'; W:-.U -...,' ttauy, icuvis Yi';.sa i.g;.i ur 1. pTn,. i ,'. i' ' ";J- in.. iiiiTi'M..'.u .. ;i. 'L' , .; !.-i-; - cl.at-ietle 9--S-. a. la., atiin s All .1.1 .-. -, JllT.liiV,-le-:V; AOai.li! l.-io p Ui.. h.,i'- 1 ia.. S.,iisl,i;ry 10. $4 p. ui i-n 1 ln,i -", rrives Danville l.-n a. h , I a r.chi u-- . ,rV-,p' WashJn-rto.i x.3js a. in. i hrec-li .l-H.in, . 'i. m,.; New "iork to New Oiio;?r:s. uiso Im .-i, ,. ton awl !eh-.pli-, t-H-A-l-ui l:l 1;,,; '., , ' ,! Nos. y . nd li'i-onne.-i at l.-Jeliin. -:.! u. x,": Wisl I'olatTrsd ;;ai;iri:Siie (Lu: t.e j I sta.i" j pa' rss; 0110 CURES. AL! . SKIM i COMPANY, Manufacturer Ilih Grade Fertilizer BLOOD DISEASES ! - - wheat. j. . - . ... j .ui' .j a i. . m. . a jj-itiiwiu kia. 'J tt nivfu. &-,d pre?- ri' It vj ?a:i-fr, V.u i tr tba fttre: of all i rri? r.n! FT-ices cf P'i-in .-, J.'tnrdarv nnd Trtt- --n .. , v t-L-iy v '.r r" t : ! I tr-.:.-n.at, Csr:!:, k 0 0- J - The (ollowinu: brands manufactured SLEEPING -t"A .-i;i;VH i;. On Trains 9 :ndo, lu;.lio n i'i;ni s;( . ...r ifl. tW'-eii ai ianta ui.u New 1 u'.k ; lt!utlh 1 i- a '.' Aecrtisi,. . ' 'on 1. anil 12 rullwan 1 tau'l S,?- pi H-i,.-iv,, LL-lanr.iat aial lUirvU'Si- aim I t v. . i; ., w Yi.-k Wii.s-:iny:toi .ma Kuux'.il'u l.t Ji;..u Ii . s.uv an. i lit vii ie. m).-i i la.in u, ( V;is:!jil-i.Ou .iimI ai 'anLa. Oii .okI Vi rut.'inaii ri:-K:..;i V. ,( rarsb rufca u.,it sra aiid .-;.i tn k. ;t, itt i y. ,-. r k. S?iifiiiem?en!. c a. .'.-i i.l-!i:i!0:ul, Val .';,o t "i. r W. H. (.l.'i.KN. S. I!. 1.1 k, ' 1 i e!i. Vi.UMter, A. i in ;t. W.istuiioii. D C at" ii SOL HAAS, ; r;,t. V-.';.-l::i.' Kr.. p. i- '-' "' te rc-3.- rv Or-'Ct 1 tut.-0 cxpivsslv Caveats, and TtzJ.c-V.nr'.iA ot.J.t-ro' eiit busia.js c'n.i;:f :. ! i.r lctr., Ol'T O-H-C e Oprr: u. '3. r- aau we can t-ccrtr? r-..- -nt, u i,u:c i ruuiote irom i :i-:u:,.-: 'a. Seud mo!c-l, dr.iivin "-,r r-sir-to., v,--:h ?rri tion. Vt'e t'ivi-e, if -ai-niiir,.--f i i.t. n-eo .t clia-pa. Oi.r fee !:m "a? ii ' pr.n-vA : mOV:-!. A PAWPKCCT, "Hit t. (!.f:-i I'::tjl -.t-" :-.l names of actual caT.: ir. 7.;;r - ,a,iitv or t-j .vis, seai Tree. A lirj --, and exclusively lur tjie Alliance: A rather scandalous ;;fltir, tl louea not sulileien J ly so to necesitate its ta--ing heard with closed doors, wa recent ly triid at the Yonne assizes. All the iad.es in town h; d nssembled iu court. The presiding Judge, alter taking sb ck of the. audience, said: The persons present are, I suppose, hardly aware of the nature of the case about, to oe tried. 1 must ask all respectable ladies to withdraw as quickly as possible." Nut a soul budged. '"Usher," the judge went on, "now that all the respect unb; ladies have left, do me the favor of turning the ethers out." Lcinturne. nut) l ivvQiV.y: In I Tl l- -l-i; ; i; I r, V f. if ! t ! , . V ' . - ! :c In n h I; r- i uH fl I H. C. AHiance Official Acid 1?1 IT. O. Alliance G J V Oi L! !1 0"f i !,e 2- . Ir- o. cisui--ii.(j i-n.;.-and P t m. cf T. p. i .-i.kJy. Asi, Icl Root Hints for Home Comfort, Ett slowly and vou will not over- fort be transmission of news, should be - r11 t , i ,r f, 111 ovned amH.perated by the government V'e Jnioctlc f.lf r1-. "1 dccl.-ii-ejl -fi,- ;..f.S. t i loivlree and ur.limittd ccimiiie of si - in the interest ot the people. j 4i m- i 4- t - r . vei'; .the Chicago p h.tfum dulaitd While some parts of the above ad dress "may seem at a'.inerd glance to njake partisan political distinctions, yet upon careful study one! will clearly se? Hint it is non-partisan,land further, wiil he impressed with the truth of its promises, and the ability of the -committee who framed it. It was adopted !f!i only a few dissenting votes, and ., Vbe platform Was adopted unanimously, Ainlreteived with great applause. The eonferencu having completed its Yvork a repr sen tat ivo, body, and adjourned $int die. against it, and if not in plain language a u;rld of meaning, lie said we far mers were a set of sclum -is ami wiiuttd to run the gold out, and have no money. We told him that Zeb JVunce was a howlit g democrat ami is not much stuck on Cievel.md; t:he oi iy think that makts him stick at all is iroeresBive r'armer. , L. i'oli;. ; r: , ! s y, -ii i ; !. ; o " K- p! up to ; !o I...); i Ii, rl'i i ,(.' i ( r i' . i i adve.liee. Tbp' '! a ! W A" ( Ii MA X n ev- --..o (; ,! ,,-rs at ; :. ;. i i r 1 i. -i. ;i I- M-ss:e w ill I UI for A I'i-lac, - i. V. I . I i I s!'..i'ii;ri y. . r in I'.iMi.. r X'l.t io .;ii v-- Aiidr. pers. i ihe u.-W, i5iaK;i:L;iS!VK K.!Oii:i;. Kah ml. N.C LEIMQN ELIXIR itm Wonderful Effects "on the Liver, Tor Biliousness, Constipation and )! juria, lake Lemon Elixir. . l(,or Indigestion, Wck and Nervous Headache, lake Lemon Elixir. Er Sleeplessness, Nervousness and ' I eart tail urejake Lemon Elixir... For Fever. s Chills and Debility, take f..eiio:i Klixir.. - L.obc, ur natural aiumifoujrhorgiinic refutation., -lake Lemon Elixir.- 3i.z!,- Lemon Elixir will ' rnt .r its anv of tlie above nanied' dis :i i of Wl icB nrise from a lornifl or .-. ! ; ...... i. i ... i "il siuuiucii, KH1I1CVS or eat. Keeping the feet warm will prevent headaches. Lite to breakfast hurried for din nercross at tea. A short needle makes the most ex pedition in plain sewing. Between Irbsband and wife little at tentions beget much love. Always 1 iy your table neatly, wheth er you have company or not. Whatever you may choose to jjrive away, always be sure to keep your 'temper. Dirty windows speak to the passer by of the negligence i.f the inmates. - There is much inarp ininrv ilnna hi. imh.y night knows nothing of your adraitting'visitors to invalids than is theories cf nuance and econnmv hf I ..r.ai,,iitr c.,T.rt,.,i . . . .-1 I i;' unuii i ni.lL ijiov. u . Matches, out of the reach of chil dren, should be kept in every bi d-room. The tire cheap enough. 'When sheets or chamber towels get thin in the middle, cut them in two, sew the selvedges together, and hem the sales. lot vv. ':vi ?;.- o- Soid liy T. F. KLUTTZ & . O. Yours Trulv, DURHAM FERTILIZER CO. Oflio Diirliiini, X. C. Facforicf, Durluun, N. ('., and Iticliniond, Ya. J. 0. BEBNHABDT, Special Agt., Salisbury, N. G. because he want" to stand bv the g. o. n. 1 to t no last. He said in the Semite on the 12th day of June 1800 that the common day laborer who works with his hands and receivei his pay on Sat- Mi Y knows not hmgof the automatic theory, he never heard of Gresham's law, he never heard of the difference . 'in ex chancre iindOf those things which ere technical to the theory of fin nice, but he knows that w4ie;i silver dolt irs are plentiful his wnges nrej higher than when they a re scarce, and he knows when he-hears them clinking in his pocket as lie ltturns home on Saturday nighi, that they make the music which speaks of food an 1 laiment,- cheerful faces. ami more comfortable surround ings ut his heart h.stolie. Tt.ev want When you drv salt for the table, do not place it i;i the s;itt cellars until it is coljd, otherwise it will harden into a lump. Persons cf defective sight, when .ti reading a needle, should hold it ove -9 YOUR CASE IS NOT HOPELESS AIDS NATURE IN NATURE'S OWN WAY. IT COSTS YOU NOTHING TO INVESTIGATE. A jo-page' Pamphlet MAJLED FXEE upon application. ATLANTIC ELECTROPOISE CO. 1405 New York Ave., Washington, D. C. ;.'W els wiil be j ssisted. fKonly by Dr. IL Moelcy,-,At-. r5. mid 1 bottles at dnir- r"t ytaitient' Kinister 'WriteB . far ten J'eaj-s of groat suffering from i.dt.vion, with great nervous p rostra fion, biliousness, lisordered kidneys and eons! ipation, I have been'' cured by Dr. - oz!ey Litinori -Jblixir Mini nm umv a ue i i.tin. ,Kev. C .C. Davis, , EM. M. K Church South, ' ' iSo.l'S Tatnall St. Atlanta. Ga rbys nroney and we ought to give it to! something white, by which the sight i iiHiir i nere nc ver was a greater crime perpetuated against the Amercau Peo ple by legish.tion and that is saving a great deal, tor I have known" ?otne most infamous crimes of that charac terrthanHh 01 e which robbtd them of the values of their silver money. Nature has placed it hi the earth art a latio pf about 15 or 10 to 1. The por nian who use it and receive th Office ofS. chekry, 21 Or -. ton St., Savannah, a., l)c c. 1-1, l-.&'J. MrssRs lirpMAN Lnos.. s.iv.iiiu h Oa.: Dkak sIkis: 1 wouid like loai'd lay testimony lo ihe almost moaevnous ffect c f 1". 1. P. fn the cas of Vary Ingr; ham, a woman living on my p.-te s io had uc6i:st:mt-on?h. sore hn.ut, 'ictlity, etc aid was cmaolaied to i tlog-vce Tiiat Siit was u::a ble lo gfi out ol 1 dun n ed. bHiy Kivfii up hy The Cluircli vt Russia. The wealth nf tbi Piuiiin nl,.n-L Pbysloiar.s; she h.id t akei) tio- iiiiroiis so-clltii i ue weaun or me uiissian qhaich, , h.WKi ,:,e(iK-tn-s without the latest . nvet.u-.aii w- savs an intelligent UUSsian, is a must i ln P- under the P. e. v.. she t i ire uaieiy i-eg;. ; " i lil t. ii T . to iaipiove and is i ow tri sis g-no.1 lu-jilih is ft-r i U:ctlcuia''le. it Con Id p.iy l.ie Uussiail her life. y. ucau icfprto e at. ny time us 1 national tebt (some 3.000.000,000), luetntc1 JYours ,Viy? 'mlIl ciiehuy. and would then be enormously wealthv ForRaiebYniiinu-gtsis V-4l.; t ii 11 ' i P. l'. r. A wonjMini laeaicnip; u jrivfs an apre- let tills same Church has not been ili-.li lnvtror..i-s and htifijirilur.s. Tlie Peoples Parly Tariff Reform Buggy, M MM Jij1 LI'ILT LY THK 20'J I; FKH2R-C0.,- rx mcmnati, Chi 3 Xcw styh' L:.' ttln r Te;', H extra vv.H painted and lr.n:ni' sale Lv i For Salisbury, IT. C. All the E. & F. waru-ntid Ilup .re branded UK. k F. Co." .n t!' t'- Steam, Air and Vacuum Pumps, Vertical and ilcrizcn tal of evary variety and capacity. VERTICAL PISTON. V VS8TI3AL FtSHSl A 1 Begular Horizontal Piston. An. t t wTe n- lit 1 v 1 -U1t 1 ,3 1 tr Sf ! immft 1D4 M3- C J4L ir ,1 U u.. u.l .1 II ! il T T T rn rj rV-iiir. i km on; nil reilnc f n wages-nud buy their Weekly supnlies! , - ,u unnng Krea.t Uist ress r ' ' ' a nrraouUerr kueI ili wSmh' with it mi -In r,i; p oi.i. i i ! Prevalent in so many provinces. No' nmt joints. J , 15 ?'e 1,1 ,l Of about 10 to l:.llim i.;t..kmia L.l A u. P. P. P. Can s sypliirn luaU'lts various stages, old ui lUericil men who put the r ino-itv 1 ":"VV,T -j-.ieu uy n , sore, ulcers ana Ktmcy cnmpimnts. i i i t ""':' no eoi.lribnl !nn tn, V.. P. F.'SSfc-'ires i -irr:i. e.-3! vn.u erysieetas, all s'.ln 111 O.l 11KS ana Use Checks Ulld" I).indle' TP" 7 o-. -fljisrs an.tmerea.i..! poisoning.- .Kiltl l ui no oof .11;.!. !... i- i OiVt. P. P. P. Cu'e tv-8'epsi!. chrome feuiule complaint gltl. Let. US establish that ratio aildi I and Iv-oke down eoi!thh!:on and loss of give them this money. We told b in that on the 8th day of ' manha. P P. P. Tie l.esi h rKl nntiner of the aire. Has Chlldrm Cry for Pitcher's n-tcria. i bSSTr eScSe,,t curM iUm aa The most simple, dvrablo and efFective Pump in the market lor Mines, Quarrier,, Itefineries, Breweries, 'Factories, Artesian wells, Fire duty and general manufaeturine; purposes. JpSend for Catalogue. TVie AS CAMERON STEAM POM? 10RKS, Foe or 3 ssri'.D r a i.- Nav YoutL. 1?j r;.i i

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