"I , -' - :' - -' -- " " - THE WATCH 11AJJ 13 thsr Organ of tho Fanaera ' Alliance , in Qihr and 7th Confnp sional Di :ti ? Advertisers, make l . note of this. -.. rer cent, -more 5 - l-ol&tion than -any ,er piper pajjiisnea y ..r,rP til fcost, V. - Qt. XXII I- TIIIUD SERIES. SAEISBUIiY. N. C., THIRSD AT, OCTOBER 20, 1892. KO.51. '' V for Infants and XIast or! ais bo well tulapfJed to children tha.t . ' nend itas superior to any prescription pgwn to md. II. A, ARcnrn, II. D., lil o. OxTord t, Brooklyn, II. Y. J ryv of T-istorla' la fo universal anl , . irit so wU known thafit sdems a work ?SSSfation to endorse It pew arnthe i--.''. New York City, le f aatcr Uloomiasdilo licfofaied CVorch. tt TS A DT'T Y Too nrvo 3'eaiielf fwd fatn Jiiiet tc bent valuo for yourniocer. I .iinoirilo in ycnr.fjtwcnr by pn rehash; ir L. Doaslas H!toee, which ripretcnt tu iJat Tnino for srlcc asked, a thomtanUs S3 B1QE ctr?&hzK Wi EST SHOE I" Ti!; W03LG F0 THE KCfif. ! A renclte sewed ehe, t'ia? tr'J no Hp, E8 - faX'"lt'iit ""'l!i:i iu?lu3. flexible, mow com fjri&ble.fityiiMi anrt 'lurablnt.'ian atiytfierF.iio cvnr ! at tl price. , xuaB-cutoiu mads aiioc30o-ting ' fmnri te :.' beiI t5 IJar.'.-sPTr?d. f rect if nhocs. Th " nw.ststvKiii.cafy aiiJ ch rabii aj.es ever fold '-. wtheprkf, 4"jiejr oitud Hue iinjircJraiiocs ccsUus (Q 33 i'olicft Sirte.oaf. byfait!eTa ad all 1 t)ve iiih'c.r who x.,nt, n srexxj hcfvy cal", tSiroo :, :lid, f xteasJon c'i.;r'T s?.i;o, e.-.s vi iuUl ia, tad will toypth-feft tiry r'.fi. CO &c Fl?'i.'Tiif, :.3,1 a?sd G J.CO Work ' wfiitnaa?B'ii Pi.-os v I'.l JO jnrn war for tho ! Bif.tey than any oihm- iut;!co. '"Tui.-y pro iriadaf or s?r ;!'ttoe ?Ti,:) incioaslng sa! rfiow tu&t Tcrklngmen I fcavefouni tUiaoiit. , tJM) yi.Ca cua Y.:;tlr t; Or.!l' i Dvi) t'.tv5 tiro -! -n- fcv ti.e rs yery- i Mioses are mad? of the lies'. ronolu orTae. Ctt, as 1 diSirecli They are-terr stylish, .eoniforta'WtDin.ddura- ! bla ThPS3.Wsh.-a ciuil-jC,Ji'toniinak,8!irK.scO!lnff tnm,t4.ito6.txj. ltHs who wisS to e&oaotnlsa ia : tolrloiutwcajt arc fl:id!n tM.nout. t aotion, I. Ih-z'' cair.a r.utl tho pri.-vi I ' tamped on the lxttciri cat-h pvue; l-Hifc for It r, whenyoutuy. Pawarsof ?es"?rsttertirfif'f!to3ib ; (titnte other jnekes f'.rtht'!:i. h'ueh'suMsttt'.n loiut :r i raoilulentbna euiii'.-i-t t procceuiiiiii by law lor cb "! lalnltig monry uii(l:r-t.il8& prt.'toacti ; W.L. WOLiiLiAt, nrocktaa, SJaea. SoHty LiiG m. Go. CF NEW YORK. CONDENSED STATELIEST. I, JANUAliY. lbfv-lS5;2.- i?set?, ' - -; - - -: . ll,-t.ja,o:iS7rj ItiTveil for-policies, X. V. . i Stiiixlard 4 per ci-wt., Mii i i sit liabilities,- - - 1 l,0.';2,."i-J0 25 i'vi Insuniru-e, 1 S;l, - - 1 !.7.1,til .. .Uitst.iiti 'ff.tr' f aa: rsi :i ce, - - -5a.5S(;,(;22 .-. fnl I'uliev-hul.ler'ia 1 JSt 1 , - 1.4 17,000 lo am rohev-liolders Mnceor- gaiMZation,: - - - , - 2o.:;5,rr4 1: Income TSUI - '- - 2.081,435 74 A sset s I u ves t ed n s "iil li w s : , Lonns spcurnl lv Tr.ortL'.u-e on i -Renl Estate, first Hoi?, . L -'; Sw York City boiilh,. - - Brooklyn wneer ljytn-i-i. - Ifehnwnd, ( V a. ) boil-Is. Lean's to I'oliVy-iiolders on t'u-'a Policies, . - - - PotUtesat Iohus, V - '- ' '?al EsLite, cost vhIus, - j'hjtibiink nmi trust Co.'s,, . Interest accrued. pretnUifns- de ferred aad in transit, etc $a,"41.ir2 t2 27t-;2 0 141,'00 10.,3UU ' 27i7:if):;i . - 501 ,.Sl'"ft 25 i7.70 11(5,0(37 77 .! I 4r. i h:s t , ?igcic3And olber inrtieuiars, address. I II. 1). IiLAKC, Special District Apt., t Mcigh.N.C. I i 1 mar Washington , Is tiii Place to Get Monuments, Tombstones, &c A large stock of VERMONT MARBLE to arrive jn a lew days We guarautee faction hi every respect aad positively will not be undersold. - Granite Moriixmeiats I ' Of all v-!t specialty ! ; i : C B. WEBB & CO., ;,l5.1y ' " PBOPEIETOIi. -t' , Mention the WatchrAno hen you write ; I ' '-JO i - t V . ' ' ' " .' ' " " . ' " . . 1850- ' ' ' . i f h-'i-i -i m i Children. CMtorla enres Colic, CoDUpatton. Sour Stomach, Diarrboaa. truetation, Kills JWcrms, gives sleep, azul prot&otes dJ eestion, -. 1 "Witiiout injurious medication. For several years I have recotnmenrtetd your CastorSfe, and shall always continue to do so as ibhaa iiivar iably produced beueficial Enwrs F. Pxkdsb. H. D ; -"Tho Wlaliarcp," liSOi street and 7th Ave., Kew York City. To Young Mothers iUtiay mim Sa&sea ! Shortens Labor, Lessens Pain, . . Endorsed by the Leading Physicians. Book to "JToihcve" mailed FllttE. 9 S EIvADFtEUD KECULATORCO. o - ATLANTA, GA. f 2 SOX.D BY ALL DRUGGISTS. J A Household Remedy FOR ALL BLQOD'AHDStflM DISEASES Mmo B!oot kr,,c SCROFULA, ULCERS, SAtT K UUr'fc, RHEUM. . ECZEMA, every 9 torn of mailgnantKlN ERUPTION.be- sides being efficacious In toning up the system and restoring the constitution, 5en Impaired from any cause. It almost supernatural healing properties justify us ii guaranteeing a cure, It directions ara followed. 8rjT rare fixuptkated tl I rtifct "Book t.r Wrniiwi." BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta. Ga Q Q O it's Tin fills Toctirocnnft'.ipntion purrrJnsrtliel'OtTr- elsshouMlxmvoidol; it Tveakens their effect ii only rcnnlrvil. Ttr Tlny" L.i?er TJlis nro rrnr.rc.l with ancckii I views to t ho permanent euro of COSTrtKECS an,-, fjThcy arc jrJltl and remain In tho eys- ( toin until tl.ey net on the liver, causa n 1 4? I. - .1 . T f 4 ....In prcnerties impnrt iiaTrcr to tho bow- t. a v- alio x VJ i;iiiirti vi. j cVj uAi 5vt!or!3. Good epfvet'to aad tllcreslioa Vj? rcsttlt f riiii tIo use oftlieno llttlo pills. Price, 25c. Office, 53 Farli PlaceJi 1T. HorfolkAlUanGGExGliange II am! 13 ConnnererTSt., Norfolk, Va., . v0wned and controlled by Alliairceraen for handling produce, ;' COTTON SPECIALTY. . 1)011 1 before Writing for par- iticuJarsto j - J. J. ROGERS, Mgr. P.O. Box 212. I , THE 1892 L Sri i r Cm s 4 y.(nr4 a- Sim MARBLE Georgia Horns Insurance Co., ' COjMMBUS,GAA J. RHODES BEGWETE, WW.- 0. COART, PkccIint. Secr eta r y. Total Assets, ever 31,000,000. A HomeCoinpicyi'teekirg Foie patron age. lrivics til cksEes ci KuLs aV.Iost " . adequate rates. Lcsse Aojnfeted ; EEd"aid;prcii.pt"y. j X ALLEN BROWN; Agt. WITH TH K WiGOX-TIIAJX. A Thrilllnir Sttny of a Drusli Willi IsujKl ,! Hull a n.K. Tire.'ity Artnv waffons uw their clriv- erliCty cavalry inn frcai Truop E- a pull of ninety tuslnsttcruss.ihe Indian the te'imster.. Col. Blank, at ihe new pist to which we were hound, had writ ten to Capt. While, yo was to com mand the train f ' .3iy u-ifei to conie out with you. Svq that ujv previous 'instructions re hcrried out. 'biie knows what ihey ate. And we Ijad hot inarched an hour when JJayt. Whito miu t , fo;rjjie and said : "' "Corporal, you will net as a special guard over that wagon." v 'Very '.veil, sir." "The colonclfs wife i in tnut wagon, as you probably know." "Yes air" ii , i ' i ' i r i t - : in casj uie inui.UiS are too s;ron or uh they mut- nut iinu her alive. P: I! !(t' .: 'inaLS au: I rode back to the third wagon and placed -my horse at ihc nigh torewheei, and lifted my cap to.ihe.Jady, who had been provided with a "comfortable seat, by herself. She. Was a little bit .sf a woman, 'not over, twenty-five years old, and married to the coiond only two year's before. She looked at me with her big' blue eyes and smiled, but she couldiot steady her viee as she icn.-u forward and inquired: "Corporal, do you you think we shall be attacked?" "Quite likeiv, ma'am, but we may "QHV'Ai ill lOU'' !l. i f "And if. attacked, and "you caul heat the Indians' off; you ' "1 have the captains ..orders, ma'am!" "Yes, very w Ii." We.boiit mute; stood. I ,hal been specially detailed to kill her if. I saw that we. were to be wiped out! The thought uf it made me Uizy j.s 1 rode aloiio-. Now and then-F l:1 a need uo at country, its, we suau oe atiacheu wv i , Lu i " i 1 1 . i . I uave beeen terrible. I the hostilts. Thev would n:t let sucti , imT- , . , , I . .. ' ri.i :i Ie pardon, ma am, -but the red tu opinfr u in ty pass., 1 hey could m us- j? J,- ,r , 1, L i i -e . i i nrawi:' oil and the victory 4s ter toifi to oue.even if we counted iu . . , c iir i find her face whiti and lii'i-cvi1'1 '' anxiously e;rehini: the horizon, i n ai u7y 0rde;'s a:d was there 10 o'.ey ti.eill nut coa.d 1 uu 11 r it 1 wa-i toe U..-1 living man of that tr .it;, could 1 rais. my carbine a:. d ueco'ine her inurtlerer'f At two o'clock on tiie. af'.ertioon oi ti e seco el dav out we aiV a ilvz-i; mounted iudiiiiis on a r.dge to tin r:j. lit and clo-eit up the tra:a. To lln ii t were a succession y!i riuges. and if : i ere was' any ftree ot ho-.ules -about ttay v -i- hidden ' euiud tliem. 4im O OtielV Wife vas one rrf the firSL to d'ScoVcr llwi illiiuii;s al theiiut. She w 's looking at me as 1" glanced up. "We shad be attacked? she or.erieU. "Within ten minu'es, in. o Well. V :l- -you "et'ui-, ul 1 nope vtc siuiii beat them off." '1 ne redskins on the right now began to rule to and fro ami whoop an it yell and seek do draw our attention aou force our train to halt. Orders had been given the day befote to keep mov ine in ca.e of attack, . In closing up the wagons had doubled the line, mov ing tv,o ;i'u'fiis!, ihe horsemen teli into ti.eir pi c s at once- twenty on' a side, live m front and five, iu rear. Some of th-.' hampers h.id carbines. while 11 had revolvers. .Half a mile beyo;"l where we had seen the first In dian the attach was made, and it vas a bold oi e. As c came opposite a valley running hack into th. ridges a hundreu or moie mounU'd Indians came charg- ini; -own on us. ihe valley was just about as wide as the tram was long and therefore the twenty of us on that side had a chance at the reds as they came on m a moo, shooting, snouting and seemingly determined to ride ovei us.. 'Corporal 1" . "It was the voice of the colonelV wife, just ;is we were preparing to Fre. "iesm, 1 re mem tier, i rep! red as 1 lowered my carbine to look up at her. We poured th? fire of our orbines into the chargitig m..ss and cbeCKed it. rush. The Indians then passed 'to our trout and rear, so us to assail us on tdl sides. There were fully three hundred of them, and had the train halted but for a minute they would have had us wiped out. s . A part of them had been order d to lire uiily at the mules at tached to the "wagons. As they - wen kept moving only three" or four were struck and none disabled "L'ornornl !" ' Thrie was lighting ou-froiit-aiid rear and ootii sales, and the. bullets were flying about us in a spiteful way. Five had passed through 'the "cover of the wagon oesiae me. It wa? the colonel's i wife csilling to me. I Ioyked up inlo In r white f ice and she g;i?ped; "Corporal, are vou Going tov-to "Not vet we aveholding.oivi' ownf 1 replieifas I turned to open fjre atrainjof n-utssjty, contract moileralely, so as We were g-rdual: y gel'tiuu'Out of tli to p:-eerve. a toierable ea-y mone trap. Further on the gmufld ws open J and to our advantage The Itidian al- ivay does his best fighting at t lie sf; art. Here and there we had a man wounded, but there Wi ts iloconfus'o i--no halting, hene.er they gathereti asijf tochar vc cpenedfiie on the spot tod scnt ieivil netu. .-war lire was raj. ia aua well su?f aired, and at the end if a quarter r , . , , '. ,tr of , hour we had them beaten. We were just drawing clear of the. ridge wnen a bullet struck tb?e third wagon ttanistef iu the sliburer ar?d he fell .if.rvari on Ins saddM'..', it h:riwnel !ht dint-r the eves 'af tlve coiouel's ? p Mi i i ' wiie alio Mie CaiifeC. loai'.e: "Carpira!, o'y voia orders P She h:id her tiundsver. her face so !t1i;tt she niiht ii(t sel nie as I raided ours. She dropped her hands and stared at me a minute V.s if sbeT Could not com prthend. Then she fellJjack in a de;id faint, and it was a lonlialf hour be fore her blue eyes opened to ihe sun-: shine again. A week later at t he new 1 . . J. 1 I 1 l I l i ' i , I post, tyo!. lilank Called nte in and ; A asKta: . v "Corporal, weren't '.ou ordered to hoot Mw Blank ''Yes, sir." "Tlien why didn't you t!o it?" lie ( sternly demanded. "I I was goinato, but " tkBut whnt, sir'r It was gross diso bedience of orders and you are no long er a corporal." Bat that wiiS the old martinet's way of pro mo ling me to a sergeautry. A'. lr. Sun. ' : Some Statistics. Frum 1S50 to JSGO, farm values in creased 1U1 per cent. From I860 to 1870, farm values in creased 43 per ceut. From 1870 to 1SS0, farm values in creased 9 per cent. Froin 1880 to ISO;), farm valuer dr cseased 8'J,0U0,UU0. 1850. . Total value of taxed and untaxed property $13,500,000. Assessed value of property 5,275,"- 000,000. Of vvtiich the farmers were a-sesscd 84,500,000,000. 1800. Total value of taxed and mi I axed property 31,000,00U,OOO. Assesed vaiueof pruii-rl v T2.00(h- s i. - t I I ciU.oOU,' .00,000 1S70. Total y due of taxed .and untaxed l-roj.ci iy 0,OO0i)iR,0().i. Assi-.-ed v-lue of properly 15.350, jU0,i a UL Aoie;i i;:e i.iiiners wi ai'Sessel! ii4,wO0,tMi,iHjt). 1 0 i'olal v ;d ue of t ;:;-d and UolaXeu if proper? U.'Jn '0. As-essed v..ju- of j'r.per:- $17.(K0,- OOO.Ot- . tf nu.e'i the farmers are assi ssed i,Ot).(HiO,t'00. In 1 85- M he farmers of the jtt-.- cw-ii-d 70 pe;- i-c;:f. of t United e.i a ivearlli ot rue couuiry ai.o paid 00 i )er cent of lis iaMes. In I80D ilh-7 owned naif the wealth of the country and paid 87 per cent of its taxes. In 1880 ihey owned only one fourth of The wealth of the country. The increase in their f..rui values during the 2.0 jjejar, from 1800 to 1880, had dropped iroin 101 per cent to only 0 per cent, ind yet iu this despeiately reduced and weakened conditi u they paid 8 ) per e.ellt of tile taxes of t.ie country. The average farm in the United States in l87o Ava-134 lucres: in I880 the ave rage wa atiotit 325 . Acres. Should this rarte of inciv-ase continue, in 19oo the avtjr ig:.- f irm in the Uni ted States will be-Doo acres. If we allow 2 acres to the hail I. iii 10 o we will have 4o tenants to one landlord. j A.r:1ni ivw find frnm tl.n v.iv.QuntJ eensus m 189.) that from lG7oto IS80, 1 3,8,922 farms were op.und up in the United oial.es, of the-. l,21.7ol were tenant farms. 84,757 bonanza farms and only 210,201 1, .-.,. .f ...:) f. ll'IU' 31C.IU I'll 111. Heuce the K-irupean system of land lord and tenant is being introduced in to thin country at the rate of about 5 to one. Coutractiott of t!io Cnrrcii?y, On the 12th day of April 1SG0, con- gresis passed a law authorizing tiie sec- retary of the treasury to selI5-2o bonus and with the proceeds to retire United States currency, including greMik.cks. This bill passed the house by the fol lowing vote: Fifty-seven republicans f.ir :n,d fifr.r-thive against. t)f the 20 1 1, i 1 ,.!,. ,.,t UeiUUCrilLS Iii HIV- Iiuusr, X uuiy wiiu .. . .....I 9. f.r H.Vi.JII V.,nv nui.-o 'laiiiOt lillU .A-' S,i jmmtm democratic votes would 'have killed the bill and yet that party pleads that it it never-had a 'chance.'1' On December 4, 1880, E. Spaulding. a Buffalo, N. V. banker, and animiber ol Congrees, wrote to Secretary AlcCul ioch as follows: You, iio doubt, now, to a certain ex tent, have control of the ctor ncy of the cotmlrv. and I think that you will, market' lhcre may ie OCCa6iOli.l! spells of tightness fr money, but gen erally, I shall look for plenty of money for at least one year to come, When this letter was. written the country was in pc-se-i hi of 81.b90 -OS , i 770 cariency.interest beanng and non- lifrrsi oeaui.-g. : , Paring this yearaere.we.-e. but 52 ; , business tailures m the whole countiy, !in . vifl(,:1 , - of Lu': S17.G25.ooc. - jjabnr was well paid and fully eu:- ployed. 11117 mill llik I'lavI t rr 1S07, Tftienr the work of construct ioh' was yigonus!y pushed, ami there eiv 2.:iS0 f;i!urev ith u total loss of $SG,- 218,Sfo. 1SGS. During this year,. 473,oo?or of money dest royed.and failures incread 2.tio8, with a loss to creditors of i3 774,ooo. Money lei:a;i to betilit and tin ncial "spasms" were fivquent. " 1SG0. Tins year oveiSao ,ooo,oo- of money , went oilo toe crematHm lurnaee, pro- ducinn 2.799 t usinets tail urns, : los of 67o,c54,9oo. Mon. v m . . . o tnd rmvini' t i iter and wars lowe; 1S70. Thi-i year S07.ooo.ooo of money was destroyed, and 3.551 failures took ilace involving a loss of SS.2-l2.r,oo. Money very scarce and we of laljir were re duced all over the country. 1S71. Thitv-nve millions of rcony- this year is retired, with 2,915 business fail ures involving a loss of SS5,25o,ooo More men out of work and wages cut down. Only ahoutSl2. 000,000 was destroyed this year, but such had been the strain upon the business of thu country for the past five years that this proved th;e last si raw to 4. GO b'!sine-s hrnis, volviiig a loss of J2i,'58,0'. Mow cutting of wag'.'s aud more strikes talk- id of. 187:". This vo ir the storm reached its cH- max. Be.siuess had l that with prospects Yt."ilii every reiui uiug season nrighlen ana money womiu ovcouie ni rc pi. ;ii it'u!. lu.sie;il ol this, how evr, not 'vithsiandiiig but Sl,G 9,oo we iv destroyed, the peojde b-eau;epau-ic-strii ken, and 5,18'J buine.-s irm were precipitaiedp.v. t! a loss of i?22S, 40').oot. Five hundred I housand men are thrown out of employment, wages cut down all. over tin; country, and st riiies ar of tVcpanit. occuretiee. 1S7J. '.. tit Notwithstanding the terrible result of the las! vear. the wtiie-pn-ss of con-tt-.u:tici! still creaks on ils hinges of d'-a;h. as round i.mi round- it sweeps out i" ein-uia'io:; 75.4.S..oo cert: il ea? es of i:.d:''')iednes-, u hich h-.7 ben made h-gal t.eitder money.' ire.is;:;y note-,. .335,o45 !e 85.70 . i.ooo 1 tender-. '). 000,000 ir..!,;! tonal eut'it-Hcy, and v 1 . 0.:) .0 1): ill i ICS pro-'iueing i32 iiiduivs to e;'e-h;ors. 1 t t , iu! a uir's or 55.23(J ,o')o be ol A m:l!'o!i iii.e men g,an to t ratnp i he i .1 1, 1 ii 1 :) seal U Wages' si ill decline a-tid strikes Oi . rc nuu.erouv. 1875.. T!se volume- of ciirrenev, tii.s year. was eoniracted 4.).S17,-1 18 and the fail ui es reached 7.7t , with loss, to ereMdors of 2- l,oG ). .(:.. Two nnl- I f I . . ! ! . 1 ' iions 01 lauort-rs oui oi wo. r -mine b'-gins tii stare them in the. face, and tramping becomes a profession. 1 8 1 ' Accortling to the must, reliable edi mat.es, the cot. traction of the eurrericx this year, iu the destruction of reeu !).icks, audi the withdrawal of batik cur rency amounts to a! nit S5.-'oo,oou. w i I h 9, .'02 f a i 1 u r ;-. and i 1 0 i ,000,01 t . loss during the first (piar.er -of "tin e;ir rei.idteil over 1 0.000 not less than 3 o. 00 .1,000. w 1 1 ii 1 n ; s .oe rs, bv not include losses to sloe!, ind: foreel -.sis res am! su!e of iai!re.sd What a rOCOid foi- tell Cais! : wonders that, times w -v h'ir-l,aud mer i He? Still wish ail th.s army of wreei mi I ruin, with the iinr b mrd o, cm trad ion at the close of r-aeh y-arvpo;ir. mir 11 t heir cause, toe tieotue - weie . . 1 1 1 mir rnn:0 tilt1 "f-, --- -- 7 1 asleep, or 011 their lenses praying to; some interposition ;f rovidi nee in their behalf, whdeJohn Shanan r.'eut marching on with the 'touch of death, to burn ixc remuiiiing &3,ooo,ooo,ooo of the p'"pie,s money. . Three tuillicua of men out of em ployment. r . . . , . I ; 1 1 l3au.cnipicie& mm 'j rapidity, The nuisance ofl liaukruptcies rauHipiyiug wan greai ramps culminates. i( are cut down to starvation "o" prices K:nke nols and general couser:ia- ' 7 nation si. Z-; the peiiple, anil I he neon e. and 1 ic euxui t- ! t.ioil is c::t down to SIX hunhe.l air n. . ,. tlirec mi.itoti dollar:,- 1S77. The ;vd torch of tie vn?rl.tl li iii en up the roiin try fro:u-Pitts!jnrg to (,U; eag:. These ;uv the f'.iol ; :i:ts of the red-mouthed, dp-spots, the mon -v power whicu is still forgmg chains for ii.e i nibs of American industry, with a view to enslaving the American pop ulace by robbing them of their hom--s and H resides, and tim- contro'littg their 1 1 life, iiber'. v, an )ur-ni:s ot HUeis.-i bv e,in! rni oi.' tm-ir wines tiiroiiig.i tne I , control and monopoly of mourn-. These are blod's truths Aviiich people Call heed and he saved, or th. heed not and tiie 11 public laj Financltl Conspirators. lost. If the rr.en who walkel together on T.av.nr dav w'otil l vote toirethrr. the ' n l v i politicians would ak in 2so linger, VUa,n .M -. nfVT- . mil. Me. II UC. V, "V. "V. -t ichansc. THE H0 YARD. Feed for Viz sml Slioats. The saying that work well dme is twice , lone will apply to the feeding of swine. Thev should ho fwl inf. vh !lf. thev need at d no more, if th-y are to oetepi Healthy and in good condition. On no account should any fiKxl be al lowed to be left over in the trontrh. Pigs and shoals should 1 fed for growth and not for fat. Grass, irreen swet corn cut up when old enou-h t ooii, together with hr.oi, middlings and oats, wun what, untk the d..iry affords, is the kind of feed for crowini? T)is. For winfe'r feed nothing is better or cli'-apT limn sugar teets with a few ears of corn to keep the growing pigs nia -neal thy condition. 4ur fatting cornnieal with a small quantity of oil mont, uncooked, should furnish twt- f birds of their Tations. Smith Ilard- ing. Fall And Winter Feed. If you hve a dry warm place for the hogs to sleep in, good winter pasture of blue grass or rye and plenty of pump kins and routs to feed you are well pre pared to carry tiie breeding hogs through the winter in the best condi tion possible and at much less expense than if you fed high priced grain. Dig the roots and store them at the proper time. Pumpkins may be kept much later than is em-rally su ppo-e 1 if they are properly handled. After the pump kins are ripe and before the frost touch es the vines gutle r them and be careful not to break off the stem or bruise them. Store them iu some dry place where they, will not freeze, Sort them over once in a while and you will have pumpkins near!y ail winter. 'lo feed the pumpkins, cull hem open and lake out tiie seed. Do notrVedthe see l to breeding hogs as it uets too much on the kidneys and is injurious. Have a iloor or n clean place on which to feed the pumpkin- and give alLthe hogs will eai, up clean. Let the hog in tiie pasture through the day anU give a feed of loots at. nighty Give wiiut, house .dop and milk yoii have to -o.i e, water them Weil and keep Sail where they cm get it at all times. Wait till the Tarn ot ihe 'tide. Thtfceraz.; now is for sheep, and farm ers are rushing out, 01 iiogs. In a vtiy -iiort time this may be reversed, L ihiui ivill le, and then t he-breeder who is in ihe position to supply the demand foi divt-cl iss In'e'ediiig stock wdi reap the leward of his pluck f.n 1 perseverance.' When tlu! upoiiiiiiihir beias, pepa Mil want the bet aiel mos.. protit.ioi. and wiieii tiie iiuniessot swine gton-- :-ug i-. iV-es'abhshcd noi hing-, but the oe.-.t fdowd wiil do to keep up 1 he stand- am. Stock Hogs run jli-t alout the same as io ijuantity and quality this year a last. in weight and size ihey are p'dnt J.e!ov '01, but in number point ii.;re. Prices of bogs have ruk-u much uore satisfactory of Lite, being above (jj. during i-ever.il motitha W itlt tin embargo upon the American hog re- .uoved in Si.veral Kurojiean counlries. uspe Is are good for a livelier export uoveiueut iiud a coutiuu ilioii of better values. l ie M ;uie the Sale. T-1 at fd w Oil! an of the house r I i;.ive lo! i vou a dozen liui-s 1 it .v.mt th P u.I ni i- htue r. ( ' ide Sick bun, Tige! ' the uog 1 want 1 lit o,,ilA jug hi- t i,la.li;ne ;n 1 am i L . riii-n UieT V u liaVi.-n t .-.eeii r . 1 I 1 lis go- -i pe,:it--. it tt':ii tilt il:ii-. ! hau .'iii file iii.J.' Ir-" :!.- h Cr.ille oilier, an I 111 1 1 1 :es iu. in 11.01 It never te it iii '. Ion. 1 1 ' 11 1 1 iiea en , Don't ou see wnat the d -g is loiiig hi lie a an mi Jl . Thi ul'lejine, 111 i a:! ui) !"iis root 21 take- "He'll tar you to pelec if you don't riai). tor m.-r.:v s sa!;el lies lasted b ood and 1 m afraid 1 can t make h im stop now i'1 T have to put up with stich things. madam, and it s in a good cnuse. 'lln 111 a:-hine ts the lie.t ot;e tnat ever w.i- invented. If I can succeed in iiitr incing one into a family I teel I h.iv do;;e a beuevoieui act. Vou can ue ativ kind ot water, h rd or soft, hot 1 t! 0! 0! Ile'il kii! vo ,! What i ' ! e UMeiiiue wiH'tn f L s w nth a in;d.-.) 1 U 'M-trs tn am fa mi Slid- it i. I 111 Aeilll-lg I - IOI KUI ; 1.1 ,1 hin r if ti.r i f 1 t V S.l -lr Here's your money. I'il take it ligi 1 ige . Le t go: Let him i.iic-vv, ma'am; let him chev It's a woo. .en 'ieg, Fe. another One it, ho'.ne all n-aiv for t-e when this -. oiirf i- worn out. Looks as if we were going to have rain." 'hioi'ju UuUy i'ril.'.inr. A! n-H'. ; I! is e us; of tV' gar 'n : ti e -.1... . r. ay !.; ; : ,! i i 1 rail U-r. I n. a . i pi ai -, p : i ; 's. -i - s i ..e. r i n- - lie ret." e h-aves v. I I , ' ec 'inieal i ! ! et .on sizj of the manure pile. ' J. V V le. TillU.iu.il , lulir.. " m;50;.iio .-jis.- ujio. ? wa lt -It II. ' :. iTSlllIU I - iuf a a .-; a . ( .irj a .a. i.i i e-LLcr r -J.IU.-i un. ju.ui-..t, The First Member of a ram 11 r of In. . sect Enters to This Coaatry. The National Jtuseum has recently obtained a live specimen of the Soleno- don Gubaau3, a very rare animal beloftg- ' tag to the order 67 the insect eaters. MeirJersf this family are found only in Cuha ar.d Hayti a:sd $ Ijre one has. never heretofore been icn Jn this coun try or in Europe. Our naturalists will -now, therefore, have their first oppor tunity for studying the nabits of . this curioup. creature. It was obtained :c through U, iS.t'-ommr Reimer at Sinif 070; and was shipped to the Katicnn) Museum at XTashlpaftoji, toje.therwith two others, hhh. 1io-wvcr, died durinj; the vbyas", aml their hMies were pre served in nleohol. Mr. Tnte, tiie eura- -tor of tha tpinm?d .setiwi of the mn waiiEitatrk tlwierv .little. is known of the habits, of tfei'3e nni ntals ercepithat " they sleep durm,r th- rhy iind go out at. iilht to R-:ircti for i-i-u rts upon which they -chiefly feed. Their long flexible noes are tujsed to le useful hi smell iny out their prey. Thin is perhaps U13 most curion fenture about these ani mals. Their! on io- are covered with" coarse black hair.-with the exception of the rump, which is-bare. The Soleno don belongs to the same order as the molo, hut ihey constitute a family by themselves. Si: ie its arrival at the museum tins StJe!;hrtj has lived on bits of fresh mePs. hut it isthejnten' ti'mto 'nialceari"e. peri merit with insect diet, and ascertain- whether tiie insect3 of this latitude agree with it. There is considerable donht whether it will live, but if it does it will be sent after a while to the Zooloffical (1 rrdenn in, Philadel-. phi a. If .caterp liars come withvn the scope of the manmtr of the terra in sects, and if this new coiner develops any kind of joi appetite, it would find constant and no doubt vnVunerative employment under- he parking-commission, and besides make itself solid with the citizeits m the Instrict. - Amazing' Spt-td of Ihe Pigeon, The mnehbf"mdee' sfeam. engine, tho motive pnwprs of wliie't h?.yrt otristant Jy , to be teeded-juid re-uvd. is but'a pv ;r contrivance by the side e the pigeon, which, with his self-contained rrhi" ism, can not only tr.ivel'at 'a.'nj;-mg ' sfieed-, bait can "ptay " for an 'extra-ordinary perioih The prforn:oiee of tfit) pigeons which lately nVvdrom Lendn-'--to lirussels is Mstoinelimr. 't'te werc loosed from then tasKe-t.s, soin- :;'i v eters in all. at lo.:Jov m. ri di..' and they compMed . v; h t miles within a imipite oi' j el. .ek, h ,v .injJT llowii the dLstfOte te tiO t v? lurty one in i nut es-thai s o -T r; went iaiO hall-uiiies iu 340 ,ie more than a mile in two minutes, ana this sustained for nearly six hours. ,It -is to be assumed that -they lost no dis tance and that they' went the shorty. -wiy to Brussels; but it is reported -Uai?. they encountered a se r-i . ;-i,.r;ii on t ee; t p-issage, and every lean who h-vs kttu : against a high wind well understand:, what that means.- It is ten ious that t -fair weather, to sasot!:o; "f might have been done with a f voraV breeze, very much beirjr n , haye been made. Asit u sp.e-; these xigeons, kept Hp tin ! v; .'es. inost equal to t'nv lyerau - tnmt. i. which the winner of the i r'; run ' race, and is superior to the : ... same few winners have in-i i , " " . eleed, almost eqoal to the tiej. . .. a racehor&e over a mile. tha. -'- "r 1 '.v ing about one minute fort-twc oti-Is; for no one now places th -1- ' est faitli j:i the legends of Eclipse a., his. mile a niimde. Maud S. has eovertu a mile in two minutes eight and three quarter seconds. Tiie b'est time made by a man is (leorge's four minute twelve and three-quarter seconds; bm ' il is the enduraneeoi these pigeon" th.. makes their worl; so woiidertuh Migra try birds, of course, come infinitely greater distances, tlioug'a it is neces- . sarily impossible to . ti mate their speed. . Whnt nn i:?- Will Do. For burns and scalds nothing is more toothing than the white of an . egg, which may be poured over the wound. It is softer as a varnish thar.r colodion, and, bphrg always at-haiv can' be applied. Itjs also more cooling than the sweet oil and cotton whiv was formerly supposed to be the sure., application to -allay, the smarting pain It i3 the contact with the air whit J gives the extreme e'.iscomfort expari enced from the ordinary, accident of thl3 kind, and anything that excludes the air and prevents inflammation- is the thing to be at once applied. The egg is considered to be one of the best remedies for dysentary. Beaten up slightly, with or without sugar, an. awailowed at a gulp, it tends, by its emollient qualities, to lessen the in 1'animation of the stomaek. and intes tines, and by forming a transient coat ing on these organs, to enable nat; to reutne her healthful sway ovu" diseased K)dy. Two, or at most three eggs ier day would be all that i- quirel in-ordinary enses, and sot . -:s eetinerj lv medicine, but.r " the hghlf-r the diVt othr-v; : he quieter the patient is kopV ire ::-mofv. eertain and rapi 1 is the reco'x e. y. Cowards are seared viiii lit real ere7 tiers: boys ar-wh1pied in;y .-. u . iou. Hut -a s'eady m.nd ac?is oi nor asks the IhwIts eonncil ChildcerTCry for Pitcher's JDastorl" ' v 1. . e -4. ; , - i k

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