I V '-) 1 ' v t -V Is V Garoina AVatcIimau. CITY AND COUNTY. ; r.i the Best Uews is Rowa.a and 11 Vicinity. ; y THUUSIiAV, OCT. 37, 18:, i iJlrtukHs arc booming Very Si at "present... " . - The" Rowan Veterans wijt re-organize pa Nov. 3rd, ; -- , - - "the best," I be most, ih. purest at Sim, niVDiug rStortj. V There was a fdjght "Tall '.of snow at T)an ' yllle, Va., Tuesday morning.; - ' A lu.sir.tr game. " Jiuying your goods at any place -ftut;- mm ou's Drugstore. Mr, J. M.. Ticriaan . returned from Guadalajara Mexieo, Tuesday. Chase Uro's Piau and Chicago Cot tage Organs at Geo. V. WriglilVr. Mr, Joe Davidson, of Charlotte.foimer Jy of tliis5iUice, was in the city Tuesday. t-Ilev. J., II. .Wy, if 0 reeusboro,preae.h--'ul in the. 1'res.b tcrian church last riuu. dav. - The people ar laying by wool and coalnoiv h largo iju untitle for, w i tiler tise. ' , "'. Lowers Clothing Co. have a new ad. in this issue. They give you some go d pointers. HXv. i' J. Murdoch aiid wife who have l.feii vis't'tiuir northern cities hie re turnee Coru b being gathered, and soon the good old country coru tihitckihg vviil be In e. j. , ir-Me'n vil! fight for i'helr poiiiics, 'mil ' '.liowduii'-t hoiMcLvf-Uieju do keep nboui I l lair i elision." - - Re v . G. I). IJ.iriilieiin of Wilmington, occupied the ifulpit at the Lutheran church la-it .Sunday. " The.oi. Fciix Sisters plaed two nights here to good : audiences. They i have uo equals as 'u.niav. Tho largest and moist complete lot of FuniituTr in mc CH-iUe. al G o. C . V ligtu's Furiiiiuro iVixcc. ' . NoW is tin: lime to renew our t-u! -- icripliuiis; bet t.-.p clubs. Everybody 1 tiihl to lake the VATCIIMAX. 1 'Hwi-t ration book.v close on the- 2'Jlh. . Only two iiio;e das, and it" you tunc liol regisit icd ym wont be ''in ;l.", '. Norm;-: AJJ pcooiis indebted to !dc- Cubiit;.- & Mi i.'aaic-s lor l'Vi ilners ar- ri'ij-uc.six-U lo inaie proi.ajl scllif unjiil. - i Mnilu. and sre. if its silvery 1 i 1 L will j n.t iriliU u ti;i .-;io f.iee which is .s!ia tl i vv'.iii iiio Ci.i.l is ot'c.ifo and I roil hie. Tu" Lure Stoics (ilb-d Jo t j.i ir ut mo ! t ta;ac-o uii ilyc 1iii.:-i I oi uii u u m liu y utc at tjvo. V . w'ti flit's. - " ; M.-s Mid tie itchier aiid Mr. IM FUm- -l-tj; "! ma: i iv trS-tiiuhiy , (.K'-tuht-r at . lh. Z"'n Jv'-i''! nu;l iu urea, iua" Cs.;.n tirovt-.' .14 f. l; S. , Cap hi! i i !S Ci ii;;iheli;i the m-MThaiitile "nuiness Rjrain. lie hji ope!t d a leeii si me in iain and lnniss siiii hs. nc: of4 Mr. U fi 'i: Wri'iL ' i v vat on an e1 ' tpiisive W e-nern trip is home, agatju1. lie Mas very laVoiably iinpic-ss.d w'li the ; West. t v- ::J 1- ' - ; ' f ; A "candy stri(ehn5vr w;s given :vt the residence of Mrs. Win. Drown, Tnes-dax j itiglitonplimenlary tollie young people ; All' report a very pleasant 4 inie. .::"-jyd. 1. L i.f the Southern Magazi'n : is before u-:. it is "m ally,, printed and - ably edited liy Miss Annie Smith, ot ; I lticlunond, Va.- Wo wish it success. About the biggest" campaign lie w . . havH Iieard yet is, that if l!;e deuioeralie tic'iet islected that the colored peopie U Will be disenfranchised... , .''" There was a fire in Concord hist Thnrs da., which destroyed ,:1 he re-idencc ol Mrs. J. Ii. llopkiiis, a widow la iyf w ith inreesiuaU cn.ildre' crv lift Id ,w. s 8ved from the Hit . ' j Mr. T. II. Vam a loid canl M I . T.. llolton1. (lie republican cand.tffic for Con gross, at the M"t. . Vernon ii to Fi t ay I l!'Id- lloltou-: hiid bee i mali -a -u.,:. jslijndering Mr.-Yauderfor I. " : -lion. A, Lea.e-'de.uocra ie e :ic or yl this district epoke a! Gold Tliil last Thursday. There-wt' n bout -100 cs ad it is reported aa ATsry ciir!iusi Mtic raoctlng. - . h Tim8 are getting very critical aa ya i 'ct ion nears. The people think that it the ltepuhiienns should, win'; and try to put the "lore bill" on us that Ttherc i would be another rebellion. T ?v- Dr.dtumple went toSuinmervillr P C., llonday.to oiUciate at the marriage of his po, Mr. Jus: Rumple, of -Virginia i nl Miss Jennie Vardill, ofiSuinrticrville, s.e. - ' i - : . -: - .Tho coming of winter, with its train of 'ftincsslias brought manv ''people in - woiart with Simmons "the. Dru'ist ' rthe tirst time. Smm an awni.iiiiuuw- eems always productivo a'.eonti-Unic-' ween drug-ist. and ptMchascr, which J a li!ii..l .... ... .1: l.i" ' Our UvVh should be like the davs. ,'("-e beautiful In ihe evening or alike j" spring it-'ow wijh yinmiW, ami 1ik; autumn, i hi'j -xyii 'i !d.'-i- s'ie:ives ol w.'rks and deeds h .vt- riW;- he held, ";i.iii ocbirrnd at O v.....!Hr.i oiti. 'rvo :im' l"o,.,-, , -4 . whi!e. Mi:d M, -;,,.., M ad, n, erv.j!sr.v-i! foi i -.i.r :.- The x cut,.,, wn, leicwcc beiween Vm-ui j 1 i iCvuug.urrciW i4ife U-s au'.i.v;u CoMnrloiU , i iud wil1 make ' that place his future A biirluise parjy wns given at the ics- j.lenec of Mr. t. MV Barn hard t last Fri day niht Quite a arv crowd of young in'ople .were there, and ihey .all li.d qnile u nice time. '' - " '.; I Mrs. M. Iajradfiid, vjiged atwut. CD; years, died from consumption - Tuesday morning. She was bjuiied ju Oak Grpvt ceuieiary to-day. She Iea'cs ?a hus band and four children. . " r Mr. J. C. Simmons has recently pur.- chaswl a hot soda water uppanitus, il i quilira noveltyifor rfalisbury, being the lirt of the kind that was ever here, and iisj is coinjug i'nc iiickles for our friend rMiaiimiis. . f J. Van Luiclley's agt will delivei frees at Gold Jlill, Tuesday, -ioveniber 1st, at Mjurgan's fclore; at China Grove, Thursday, Nove.uber 3J; alfcsalisbury, Wednesday', Koveuiber Uth, at K.yU, Jaines' Livery stable; at Cleveland, Tuesday ; Tovetnbr Joth..- Parties hav ing purchased trees will call promptly on the dates and places above named and get them. Mingo .Tone?, a colored man who works for l he K. & D.-Kailrtjad Company was h.'l'i n,p by severstl highway robbers last Friday night. Tlie -ordered him to lUrow up his bauds, but when he -did,. it was with a pistol. He fired but did uojt hit any of them. It w getting so it is -!a!g rous for u man to go out without some kind of protection. Almost four tons of paper will be re uuired fvr the 11,824,000 bulloU to bv Qscd in New -York estate. Tbey are am to bo printed by one iiru, which receives $'i.7o a thoio-M.nd for llie work. We would advise our New. York. " friends to g;ve us their jiext printing. as tlie Watch man can turn out a very nice article a; luuci) lower rales than that." Little Alice Love, of Raleigh, liiece- oT Ilcv. N. Jones, hapieucil to a very dis: t resting accident last "week in that city. She was out looking at the tlisplay , ol' ii reworks at the. celebration, When the siiek of a sky rocket si ruck her in the eye amPr'auged .down her face. It made a very had yoni:d and her eye had to be -taken out. She made many friends w hile visiting , here" last summer who will be grieved to hear of l he accident. y Baker & Neaves hardware store w : s burglarized Tuesday night. T!ie bur, -lai's-'lried first to bore out ttie !cjc, wiicn a better way 'occurred to them, and they cut t he-wire work in the corner" next to the. lock, put in I hei'r,. hand unlocked the .loor and walked i:. T"iiey however, d.o :i:t l.-jke any thing as there Was no-'inoncy left in t!ic. stoic. .This i-s a capital of !ei!?e as the-ro is a sbttjpin apartuioat io .he b:iiidin-4 v. hi;'l is nv:t i eitii !ar! v." 5 Ye.5. JCvtMijH-.- Tlicy wfrc retiiMiii g from hn:eh on Sunday niJil :.isd hisaid in mu!tii-g to!M- d'- fi-ti!:ds'onde;:inwi;: "(!i. !e! use e.iifoitf my s'aj'.var: :i:ni .iT-iniud. . i. y i ciHuT and fr.in;;: f:r-'i, :iin!lhi prijl'.et i !:' fii-'iii t he f.iilin" dews o!' ile.iVfn, nnd siiiell ill:-;: my O'.vius: own ami Curt lest inrtle- Uov , from even tie softest tench of the gen tlest evening zephyrs." And then she "creencdli ;,eloso, closer to him in ort'.rr to make the encireling business a .uccss, and just a- t!ie enfolding process begin in ali oi'its thrilling tendencies, 'he jerked Ids hand violently away ami muttered a snppre-sed 0;ilji, for he then most pain fully realized. Ihat as a rose is. endowed with thorn. so is a woman wiihFjdsis, and mMth.er can be too carefidly handled. "hat-. is Going on Among- the Descen dants of the Signers - of the Decla ration cf Indepsndence. Political hers are buzzing until the i.- s ies are drowned in the Uproar. Marion Butler will address the citizens of Iredell County at Mooresvillc on the 1st day of November. The-s!?epiise.t of this campaign at least" D.id men will make bail measures, l'iat s ows that the people are at. last beg: h- forms do not govern the country. Men niug to find out who not to trust. One never rcalizes-how many friends he has until die : corqes to cast a vote nor ho v few he b:is instil lie unts an office. F- iir weddings in which Charlotte ie? interested will occur this'wefck; tjiree of them in the city and one iu Morganton. Mr. Henry Grass, a well known farmer ofl'aw Creek, made si.r hnvs of cotton ll- of a one-horse farm, and. sold his h'st bale yesterday. , A number of farmers in yesterday re ported that they were through picking! cotton ami that many others wouM be through in the course of two weeks. ----- ' I If vAn ii'iilf llii oiinmr IV r ki cm i t i , )r .' Ur i,rCSnt : market next year at a g0 ,d ,vi-hi and dner- ' f the apart- with tj,ir rye for symmetry, provided monetary system." IfGnsmeans iht he ' ce ,IW htu COIll, atv, Keen nient during h, night frnd-circulates for YA,- L, rori.,ing the roof with a is opposed to the sub-Treasury bill the ' .r.., , j ) ' lt of throu?h if- T!v;' "V.irxs sho-;ld be ccntru, rij at an obtuse angb?, froin duirgc is true.-CAarc Observer. I rerulaV packing season tiiev bring most ! cl03ed b,rQ in. the morning whj,h it sp..l c-p.iMiy on eithe? -- .. : !mSnv - ' j and kept comm nnd snaned through -gP The tran-ular spac- thus fonnKl Beceipts were bghVat the cotton ph.:- 0A i the dav. If tho air of the cellar is 1 .... ... . r u,,U.u, Uc. tha :"orm Saturday.. Only 297 bales were! At alt a3 ins of t!u y.'ar it is iiecs- nindjed. Ueripls for-the week amount-ts.irv that n.uie proi is:o.i"bs made to nro- 1 -.Vi t 1 " A - l . - d to l,-25i halt's. For tame weivk last vear, receipts, 800 bales. Mr. A. L !ntt cbise-1 a mevvv-:.ftil" en- Sharon i!m xhi- L ;- irii.t. i i;r i a t :.,ni y . : iliou .;. bi!;.- .'! vi-l.m WClrt : r'a'. .y pii-;.jii i w i:i.. ,- ii M r Vlui'.i.- Suiitb !; W::S 'Jin r b i '.rain on ',tw Air Line r , . r I fits . ity s.vt-rv.l . hs :.gt dud - ..dav ui-ht U.the houi f.-.a tli jLcts of LU - N Mr.. Fniiip: Muri'iiw, of iJewe town ship, who had his collar bono broken several , weeks ago by a severe fallwain tlje city yesterday, better, but stilbhurl iu;" about ibc'nvek. . . -M.r.- Harry Steward and Ml" Carrie IIojver, Jiiiid to be one of thu pttttlcs irls of Pa ' Creek township, 'ere mar ried-VJi.j-sday uight ai'Jbe home of. the bride uud iu-presence of it n ember oi number of friend. . ' A difd in the wool democrat ras heard to .say the other "night' after Weill, hadj inade" a speech that he would have) cheered him bill he thought he-waj a ihir.l parly man. The Charlotte Crick and Tile Company yesterday replaced the old boiler and en iue which were in the explosion of two weeks ago b ue& ones from the Meek- lenbur" 'Irou Workst : u m some wise man leiiux now u is a magistrate lu ecutenuurg . county can commit a law breaker to jail simile-, from the j til and compel a constable to lake him to jail w ithout auy play at uliV Dornt al speak at once. ' rP , . - r -i lne man who votes for his principles is respected. The maii who votes siti his party, tight or wrong, is simply a bundle of wax for the wily politicians to mold as wieyseeut. Are you wax, or are you a man It a man, vote your sentiments because you believe you are right. Ex. " Mr,II.M. Caldwell, of Sharon, has quit , " , . . raising cotton and turned his atteutiou to iVnit growing, gardeu ijitaluce, poultry, " b , F""-.. etc. Keren; iy -he sold o7 wortn of up- pirjind wurthf gs nnd produce generally, xie says no cuu mate more oil" fruit nd veiretubies than bv raiMin' coltou. ''Cleveland is opposed to sin increase in the circulating medium." There is more money per capita in circulation ihAv than jnerc has been bii.ee the War ChuHolle Obtixti'ver. Jlow does tins strike you cranks that re clamoring fr a iirealer voiuuie of .liout-y. The above i The horrible story ii told from Penn sylvania ihat-a man up there sold hi three daughters, ranging in age from ten to "sixteen earsr for the payment of housii rent, for which ho was arretted. Es. There ought be sent either a missionary or .(ho force ii!i up there 'akquire Yoiingblood, of lower Steel Creek, s-eenis to ie faring muck .as the gentleman wiio journeyed toward Jeri- c!i j rioim; years a go. Lately ho has suf fered fro. 11 ba l neighbors to t'ne extent ol iiaviug his smoke jiouse broken into and ii:e:it stoeu.-!ils horses poinmed, aud but last-ycek his g.ird.-n was destroy yd, e cry; king ho had -growing rOled. bi.'l i lip M. J. I. Carr has a badly smashed U. ,agoti II I m its making tuy close ue-piaiut-ancv.' with a moving tr.ii. . Sa": urda evesdng at dark :!:c -vag-in w. is driven on the. I rack at Last Trade st reot-cr jsi i:g l o :ic haded t! h co;i!. L started o;i ill. raew, inn not in lime ll csm !einr !ill :rj appriiacliing train. The i i i ver and H;rs c:;c iijed ne. !ra bu: Hi; W.C.'Oli received the full frci' d" I he col i b-ion. We do nut hear so much about orr production of cosy cviia:;e-. spring beds, wool . mattresses and .mohair blankets Tno lfiaeg ho U hungry iov.s not think he is builcring from overproduction of le.ef, potatoes and bread. The man who j freezing dot s not think he is suffering from too much Co:t and loo hi any 1'anne. uiiUerhirts ami beaver suits. o.-i i'orlk Advance. Tlu-y (eil of a clergyman in one of the KewEi'ighiiid chics who iiassctupa a-r-!iion ihetory and proposesto uiauufAC. un "Sermon imtes tor preach er.s ui any de nomination," adapt ing i hem to suit the peculiarities of suiy cr t-d. Ex. W e would like to have an agency if they fi.r uish good sernionsf 1 think we can place sime. One yay and about the only way, to put religion into politics is to vote f r good men for ofticc. Men more than measures is lhe"ma?:im for li'.c Christian voters. The man is better than the plat form. Men are stronger than measures. Good men will make good measures. govern it and the country will he to a great measure what the governors are. Naxhvilte Adrcale. ThU nation has bad a taste of electing men on certain platforms, and then see them get oU" the next day and work for self instead of the muisses. Wlifii hoes pile: up in li.'aps keep w bnii lin'V canual mal.e tiif nios: profit-ddii returns for food consumed. A . coiuTortaMii pi,j i-? a eontente i, thriving ouv i1ne m ur'y to t;ie f-r;ii 'r is ia kn H.viug hoiv to-ui-n-co lu :i ft' il'jrti')i ! teot , strine r mi t.;ni f?xtr.n's of wc tLi'T, hut ui-.-r- s uo v tn.vt wniter is apsu' i ic'ii-.ig. i) :it iv i'1. 1 it I'll one of iii-j hitrd 'st c:n a. pou't mahe vour hogs a dr. ve oi !irijS.ieiirs s,.teiir r i, .it. t.b ui r'l N; fiK-iiit m iUti tf -d h; to roto it. ;e i ! v. here tht wotr wiii run in- .il d. ---- . nous i i it. u ii. ii t vo' TnjriK iO'v rue - v . .i i : r :. t . i i ' : wii u urtkcs oer i oese nig.i Mop: eic t p'o'iits, ciMi.iuiiiitig be ii f ' ii lo n.i m mi ii -v sy -i ui, w .iic.i tile-in so ma h 1 i IcVfest of all Sn Xcayenjoj foji- 4 V-4 They "Grow Larger in California. Another big snake has been seen in Calaveras. Our informant is. Mr. A. Lascy, Deputy United btates Mineral Surveyor, who resides at West Point. 1 Mr. iascy ana ais son, ranK, were on l a trip into the rncantains. They had rcacfccd a point on the old emigrant r0jid, near tho Big Meadows. , Mr Lascy, Sr., U perfectly familiar with the whole of that mountain country, and hid decided on a camping place a few miles further on. But I coming to an pld cabin oh the road, . ... K, , , on surveying trips,, they concluded to take a lo' t to he cabin water their horses from a spring in tha trulch bow, and possibly mako that their camping place. They accordingly stopped their team, get out, and prb- ceedeto eIore th(i asitlooked verv dilapidated, the roof bein? partly , . . ' . , , J4 . crushed in by the weight of winter snoW3. Mr. La-5cv, followed by his son, f in tho w ,mr JL, .,2 closod but not cd lt opea and stoCpcd to enter, when he .fv wifs r- of cf f , D I Uki liw ,r i.ti 1 11 11 v cpifiAV Uyvu . .., v. , . . .... j ' . ... ness of appearance, surpassed anything , , 4.1 i. 1. , he had ever seen or that h3 real y bo- neved did cxiiit on laud. He never was euevor ;n tue bi? snake storie3 that ,,11 3 1 . , he had heard, but ho avers that every . . . , . , ' ' , ,. 1 . . poiseseu legaiuuig taese reports were 1 . 4. , , , , . , . , 1 . . j 11,. UWl-UwU V. M LUUUbiVUJ 1.1' ,., tU,V . . . , foot. Tno cna.e ay stretched across I fi oimt it i t , if. nnni- niin. nnn -1, m niu iiiv.i iwo i.'.nu uvai 11111 ulliii the door, and its tail reaching to the opposite side and partly coiled against some stones that had been used for a tirepTace. Vfith its head elevated about threer 'est from the floor and drawn a little backward to tho stately curve of the neck, evidently to make vjoni for the swing of the open ing door, tii o hu-e monstsr faced his intruders. Loth men carried rifles, and as tho elder Lascy started back, tho son brought his riHe to his shoulder and fired at the reptile's head Mr. J Lascy, quickly .recovering himself, fired also, and almost at the samo tinio. There was a terri!!e shuffling sound for a second and like a flash the snako scaled th walls of the cabin through an op'::v!:i cloo to tho eaves and dis appeared. :ud a. iio v.-as going over a piece, of his tail fell from tlv$ wall to Lie ;'ocr. Whether both shots had e.Tect orlnot it cmn vt b said, but ou-3 r.'not cert. duly did. hut missine: the.head struck the tall, which was in range on the opposite idf ag.iiust tha rocks, aud iu going over die wall it was torn from i is siender hl!i. The severed pieca.wa3 six feet kngth,and about the middle was the' siz of a man's wrist. Mr. L.uey brough the tail home as a proof of lils advijutttre. The- snake wa3 ;-t le:ict sixtuou feet, long," The body was immense, as can be judged by the tail, and as it !.iy up x the ibxir, partially lliltauc'd. it-appeared-to be fully eight inches in breaiith. It was covered with alternate black arid vftite rings. Mr. Iascy sayr. that from -the fright which the sudden and unexpected sight occa sioned and the rapid disappearance of the -reptile after the shooting but after they fired they quickly retreated from the door it ij impossible to give a minute description of the appearance of the monster, other than its color and enormous uizo. IIqiV to Cool a Cellnr. A great mistake Is sometimes made in ventilating cellars and milk houses. The object of ventilation is to keep the cellars cool and dry, but this ob ject often fails of b-iug accomplished by a common mistake and instead tho cellar is made both varin and damp. A cool place should never be ventilated, unless "iihe air admitted is cooler than the air within, or is at least as cool as that or a very little warmer. 'J'h3 warmer the air the more moisture it holds in suspension. Necessarily, the cooler the air tlm more this moisture 13 i condensed and precipitated. When a cool cellar Is airod on a warm day the entering Rir, being- in motion. 'appears oool; but as It S'.'a th cliar tiic ccoUr air with which it becomes mixed chiil : it, the moisture is eon l-nsed and dew is deposited 0:1 the cold walls, and may often bo ssen ruiming u"vn them in streams. Then the cellar is damp and soon bc-comes moldy. To avoid this the windows should o.-d.r bo opened at rd-ht and lat;i last tiling before retiring. There i-; no need to fear that the night air is u unfaithful; it is a pure as the air of ndd iay, ai.d is really damp it may be tiionmdy dried by I placing i i it a j '" f fr-sh lime in an . .... .... open w)X. A p'-ct or :in- vn: insoro aoout sev?.r ; 'o.'in Is or more than three quarts of wUer. nu.l in- this way a cdlar or milk i om may soon be dried, even in the hottest kind of weather. . f 1 . . I I .1- The real di:Te;t-iCe between men is energy. A strong will, a rattled pur pose and inviu-ibic d t -r vunation can accomtdtsh -almoHi anyiiiing; and on 1... this lies the distinction between great men and little men. ' .. , ' 'J ''': cr: Latest U. S. Gov't Rctwr o -1 ' j of THE Ilixmr mnhv. Looked Upon a, th9 EtII One of th - Household. I Th. formal rvrJrv1 nf mmU,. - Widow in Bonsai lasts for on mnts dna V,ous, 11 wouwtry It. The. bottle J goi to lv klX ajvli.u i.u.i,s ior one montn I uutut. aies se-en or i-hr. a m, v. i . With the K.-iv;i;th tlA mmf nl03t numerous -" - "ii i . inaia trie liranrains Keeping only ten i davs. Durincr tliis timR slip has tnnmu' I pare ner own ioou, cpnnnmg hsrselt to a single meal a day, which consists oi uom-u iice, simplest vegctaoics, gni I firinr;i;,.,i i I on no nccount touch neat, fish, ergs, or anj uci.c.cy at aj. 5ne IS IOruiuaen I to do up her hair and to put any scent or oil upon her body. 5he must put on f same cotton s i id i"iiid ni ,ThtPvf I same uuo.i b.111 aa,, ana lllgiueveil wnen it is wet, and must eschew the I pleasure of a bed and lie down on bare ground, or perhaps on a eoarse blanket spread on it; in some cases she cannot even have her hair dried in the sun after her daily morning ablution, which she ' " V , I must go through before she can put a ' particle of food in her mouth. The old v7, Tk 7 v Ci ' bis dcatu ccnda to heaven quickly , and pleasantly in proportion to the bodily Inflictions which his wife can , . r . lL ... .,' j . undergo in the month after the death of , . , , , . , ? - 1. . , P . ..; , 4. ' reason, at least for the bene it of the , I , , . , , , . soul c-f her departed husoaiid, must submit to continuous abstinence , ... ... . a. t. . : and excruciating selMnfiictiona. A whole month passes m tins state of I f . j - 1 rCilil uiitl ilitOil, llIC llli'lvidt UCIClllOll- I I ies, which drag on till the end of that pevK-.i, are all poriorme-.i, and the rigid -p r ' ' 1 r -i 1 ' scrvnnces of tiiC widow arealJiLite, M.es and Cn.idren , ; . Sg . , j iciaxcu, 11 it liiiiv tci :.iuu, since tho only relaxation allowed to her is that she need not prepare tho food with her own bauds, and that she can change her clothea, but always using only plain cotton saris. Tho real misery of the widow, however, begins after the first month. It is not enough that she is quite heart-broken for her deceased husband, and that she under goes all the above mentioned bodily privations; she must also continually bear the nost galling indignities and the most humiliating seif-s icrifices. She cannot take an active part in any religious or social ceremony. If there be a wedding in the house the Widow must not Uracil or in any way interfere with the articles that are used to keep the curious marriage customs. During the poojuks. or religious festivals, she is but grudgingly allowed to approach near the object of veneration, and in some bigoted families the contact of a r widow is supposed to pollute the mate rials requisite for the performance of marriage ceremonies. The widow is, In fact, looked upon as the " evil one " of the hou30. If she has no son or daughter to comfort her, or if she has ; to nass her whole life, as is often the i ' ' caso, with her husb.-'nd's family, her condition truly becomes a helpless One.' D'iringany ceremony or grand occasion ! slm has silently to look on, others around her or.joying and disporting ; themselves, and if some kind relation j does not conr to relieve her tedium she j has hardly any thing to do but to rum.i- nate on her present sadrwretched con j dition. 12 very fijuiala member of a ; family, whether married, can go to par- tioK, but a widow catniot, and if sheex- presses any wh.h to join tho family on j such occasions it is instantly repressed by the curt rebuke of her mother-in-law or some other relation that " she is I a widow, and she must not have such i wishes.1 Oiigia oi' Slanting Hoof. To find the source from which tha : European nations have derived the art ; of baiiiiog in stc wo must look to ! the laud of tho Pharaohs. From Egypt j the craft passed to Greece, and from I the Greeks it was taken up by the Romans, to be by them disseminated i through the north and west of Europe in the process of colonization. The i Eimilavity, in regard to the constructive I parts of the ancient Greek builuing3r to some of those found, in Egypt of older date affords strong conliimatioa of tho. tradition that tlw O.rceku bor rowed tboc.-t from the Ej-yptUna. Th Greeks, however, ia adopt;;: it iddd ft nesr fcaturs, tha podiniGnt, aa4 th reason for thl3 a-idition 1b eaay to find. j Egn,t is rr:iCtically rainless. All ti prolec.io:i from the climate require tha ed ! in a palace cr temple in such a country i is shelter fro a: the sun by day and from : the cold ly i:Uht, and for this a fiat lecf supp -ru'd by wails or pillars with architrave?, piile sufficient, but when, as in. ail Li;v .pln countries, rain has. to be trikfm into account, a slanting roof becomes a necessity. The Greeks, arehltiyiv.- as occupied by tha pedi ment, and this :ovt of the facade, which owed iti. b-hLl; to tr,o exlg'-ncios of c.imate, .'..s ihi-ic-f-o-th r-.g i!ied as so e&scnibtl i I lac art-stie eomp.eto- nessof th ..o. k that it was sail that if a temi'le were to be eree'ed in t!i3 celestial regions, Ayhere rain w ould not be possible, the pediment could Lot pa emitted. . ' . - -. ; Open-work wooie-a materials, lined w ith rich colors, are used for redid otcs for autU!EU Wear. ' - : . . i I - i Iii Hie plana for keep:n the brood t)WS from novw nxlll : ir. next spi in if jioiUe give . them u fi.LMiu.tt. new raiie. , TJirY may pot et iiiucli rreen food bnt tfip? will irt-t s. -:)0tiL-ti to prevent dieter nt furrow. in titiif. if th-y must Le keep iiidrv .v,.v.-t Hirw Auccuieni jooa to pre vent coiutipatio.i, the forerunner, to most swine trobles. The more perfet t condition the brood sow can be kept iu while in farrow the better thu n,.i; the pigs she will bring. Life, HealtlL Strsngti. Messrs. Timus itkoa.. xnn t . I wn me to mrorta jou that I was iiTTf V"?"!-1 months. I. mud some prominent hj-stclans. ..iTii., 7f J o". IK u ! ."JtUf IWV,iA bf'en UP ever since, nnd atniy buil- urouc, j une unorniea my iriencstliatP H F " ow miu. Scld bv all rniirlsisnd ?turi a r "" , onc cr J s. Ko? amosd f v' Messes. LippwiN Bkos . Savniin h. tin ? sPie. isaw jour ndv rtimt m ot i. i. l. (Prickly cure of rheumaUsm. und tiiou?ui i wnni trr.ii. uJTAn , i.!,su H,gre,i reUlf Irtlu ,r- 00 '" rf,uru -er me a sum t.v. After taking, I ti ink ten bottles, lJx?Xe "H? na,d Wo or acbe since, previous to that I suffered tor twe nt-nvc ( i ve;ni n.i ..ni " b e Jeatt Denetit unai 1 tried i p. p., and f'lviioixi c 111 rccoiuiiiv uuii! 11 10 an Yours iruly, J. S. UOSAMOXD. iyiioes 01 efry ucscripuon. r a . f Kid or Gout lvul vr ST3i-eels or snri'ig lieels .eels or spring P per a or Common Sense. - xfords or Bull ons. aslioea for Everybody. ow Cheap they are. d ur Every Offer a liargain. x ami ne and V Cm: vine 'd. Satisfaction Guaranteed. E. YLLBSJH! a DO'S. SAMPLE STORE. SALISBURY, N. C, Ncur Stiti;.1. i.ip.', 0j.jio:ili. Juiiiin & Co. We are still at our old stand Lou Main etret-t, where wo have a select stock of Watches, Clock, Sj)ectack'S, and all kind oi' finc Jewel i v on hand at the lowest V prices. Watch repairing a specialty. All work gtirantted 12 months J.&K. HOE, AH.- cvl :'de ynrr ion wiih those 4. Is a f.;ivnr:!i' Slock of ralM b'thii'-. The prafer Un rSt, GY d Cj.ali.y, hih i'PTr -r;dei.tlv tflonys to ns ft b a-t, t lmt is I ut oil nony ci si- ill'i; And wbrMionpMb. v unless tiny ihcuglit 1 tiuM vbnv-;-the ipih :.ttr:-ctive Inn- id ilalo' Appaicl uSerrd to L'owai. aim a"jo.,i n ' count t- We mi dv oiir want and tteiU; b lire we n-ke your n. ti. v , u.i anri ours, yonr. buy direct from 'Manufacturer.-'and v from t.-n U ;rUtv.five P.r cent, ti nt t.mnl' buwr Uve to p; who c,n bi.y r.i,:v r.; Inhl-'or. " Affjin. T- Ivv for "CASH for '1 wr Finas .in UryH t.ei whirL fiTfi us another "Uid Fimire.- H ;ou win f r.p p t .a,iDp on our 3tirt purch, :cu m,H be nrW At wt gi to oiir cuktomert, for k is e buv-LDLAi . !MFs SUITS BO CHI r VdU ititv invited to CU tliicrs, Hatters, and Furnisliuigs,' arlv opposite Po Office, W.E.SHilW&CO. Manufacturers of ' -4 ADDLERY Harness ana Collars. And Dsalsrs in . LEATHER AND SADDLERY HARDWAIIB IN ALL ITS BR4KCHES. CHAKLOTXE, - ' - Ii. THE GREY SCHOOL, : For Boys and Girls. , The next session" of this school will begin August 23d, 1892, and tlos My 2Utu, 1893, making it possible for young men to attend the School the whole term and get boiue4n time U . aid in working the crops. The woik ia tlior ougli,. the rates reasonaUle. and the Uiscfpim . mild but firm. For farther information, lite for catalogue to , II. A.OUEY, Prineipal. Hunters vitle, X. C. 1 SALEM FMLE AGADIIf, SALESX, N . Oldest Female Ccllege in the ScutL . The 91st Annual Session .begin SepteuiUr I at. 18t2. liejfisier lor Inst year 327. Special leatures: i ilk liKVKLomk.T or riiALTH.Clutt actku asu I.stkllkct. Buildings tbrorouxhlt remodelled. Fully equipped Preparatory, Uof liiite and Post (Jraduitte Department, id i-8 tirst class schools in Music, Abt, Laa- OCAUK8, KlOCCTIOM, CoKMIUCUL AMD IkDC TRlAL SlL'llM. JOHN U.j:LKVELL, PHcipa4, W.H.&R.S.TUGKER&CO. RALEIGH, C. BLAZER SUITS And Other Trailing Requities. For Indies who will leave homo thia. Summer, e have provided Uiauy Rt ofls aud1 wares MHiable for traveling o tt at Seuaide- or Mountain. BLAZEIl SUITS SKIRTS AND LA ZEH, SKIRT WAIST-, DK1V1M AND It I DING GLcS l Wateupuuof Ovekoakment:s, V. 1NCJ UEK,'TliUMC.S, IUOt, CrtNV!" 'i'KLKecoi'iih, tKirs, Kiv OuT-OF-TOWN Giu:i-: receive the mo&t oi relit I attoutu... CASH with the oiuci i-'OU luor. , v.e will deliver k 1 'lt4- -Furuituie and Cro kt ; . v to tn s ' -c.iress cftice or rurirc:.d 81- 'i 1 Ti C--D 0 fei.-i-i ... 1 1 I i" ' ' ' ' iiiv. i i i ' I- ' - ' '' 1 ' ' '' pli-e H' f p;oa .;otis in -. - ('i" u CM-" cb ct .'.ii . n ; t 1, fif t V fCS All llm I !,''.' ,; ncis in tait.ie gr- uii- bl .nk s c o : J'.' -1 i . i.uiidn u r'-,hl 1 ' ' "1 w ! ty tin' i : ;-s : nl'J' ' 0C J .1 il. ein liUl.t.iiii in.- .1-r-fiiis ckcI.. m k r.f 'iaf.v. rlfiy ! ' - ! v. ii . : li S s 1 u 1 Ol. 0 . ". 'at HH- One e v i-.tJiea iTbVlSlKC I.-..:. I-. 11 .!'- Ml.': b') Vll if i..' '' J T .bJe I i.Mi' It : M 'IV-'j ' -llcs'lVai lc s:,;.c. a. l.ut.'Sc:-. rcitcnnn rv.-o; kl lllil ? ! ri. T. I :c -O- ' ' V ivor-icii In in 1 ii 01s. .-.-i o.. f..li loiitf. T n..i -,.ti. T. .'-m;., niiiiki-U Hi pst'- I-'.'"' "V . " Man vrueiririi.-u !;'. ! i:; odvi -. 'v;. . IlL" -.'. ClVC lift U UW.J on-. .. I So 30 S. 1 ri 1. Si. . ui Iw'.it, N. Stic bo lutve looked' throisgli oer .-iT!Tii; tte., &'0VERC0hTS. . visit the SAUSiiUHV, V 1 . r r m vi y k DOW PlTCS flolKm.g tenr'jjorie to ;he s.Ltls"? -: v 7- 3 .

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