THE WATCHMAN i . . , - is the Ornan of the Farmers Allianc e in 6th and 7thCongres sional Districts. Advertisers, make a xas CO por cent, more Hrculati6n tlian any khorpaper published u Salisbury and is therefore the bact ad vertiSing medium. 6", VOL. XXII?- TUlIlD SERIES.; SALISBURY. N 0., T HURSDAY, l?OVSIBEirl0, 1892. ND1 r . - f- i - ' i in i - " "7r "V " . ' noteofthisy - - - - - - - - ' ' '' ' v - . " " - . " .i ' . -- ' . " ' 11 ' m ; 1 ' - 1 T.-. 1 V 1 gaa; NSNSSNN vs Castcna irDr. Sasnucl ritchcr prescription for Infants and GliiiarenIt contains ncit2icik)pii;i,3lorpTiiiio nor cthcrf 2i arcot ff eubstancc. it i3 af:harmlcs3 substitute : for PareoricDrops, Sootliin rup3, ;aad Casr Oil. It id Pleasant. Its pxiarajitco ' U thirty years' uso Iy ?Ii:!ion9 of :,fotIicre Casteria ls the Children Taaacea r tl:o 2IotIrcr'y Friend. ' Castoria. "Castrrlaisso -well adapted tocbUdren that I rocon;r..c!d it as superior to any prcst riijtiou kaowiitoKic." . A. AacHS.1, M. D., - - i:j-Eo. Oxford St., ErooUyn,K. Y. Gastoria. . " The use of 'Caftoria' la so universal and lis K'-rits so cU non that it seems a -rork J? suj'CMrcgation to endorse it. Few are the -tatpHicentfamUiP'swho not keep Castoria rlthLic-.v, reach. C'AlliXS JlAItTTX, D. D., - cw York City. - Catoria cures Colic, Constiatioa, ur fctouiach, DiarrlifDa, Eructa.ti jv 'E5is VToniia, rivca sloep, -d i.romotoa dj postion, Without ia jarioxw medication. IFor nereral years I Uare recommend your Cajitorift,' and shall alyraya contuipo ic do so as it hid invariably-produced ienc2ciA. , Edttis F. PiJits, iC D., lZllh Street and Tth Avo 5ow York C5ty Tics Cx-ttaux CowrAr, 77 Mcrrat Emarr, Itinr Yorz Crrr 2. S55Z V IT 19 A DUTY too owoyoiTeIf aad fan - I Jy to apt the beat value for your ijioncy. -I: otei!ilze In Tnr fowtwear by purcbnalnf ' W. 1. louirlaa (She, which represent th tot value for prices asked, as thousands tPXiiS NO SUBSTITUTE. W L,. DOUCLAS : 83 -SHOE csnfi!kW THE BEST SHOE IN TR WGRLD FOB THE BOKtT. A aenulno ewrdtJio. Wi"f vM not rip, Pna caif, oa:ri!e.-'B, snxiotb lnido, tltiiibi, mora com tortafi'.e. t v.1 ish aud i! arablo than n nhTthoc ever "ro'' t-TTarcf-Ree, fnccatf siloes. "The 0 most fci l!n:i. asy wui dnrahln bIimos ever olil lit the price, 'l iicy equal Hue imported aaocs coeituj from $3 to 411 . " 50 I'olloe SI.oc, worn by farmeri and ad ; JJJ O 9 other who waut a pood hnavy calf, three eoiod, extepiJon eio shoe, c-fatjr to vcai. in, tuid wal cMptb tfM tdry nul wurm. - ' O 5 ') l'intj trail". S-J.'Jfo and 82.00 Work. Incmcu'a bhoM will give more wear tortfc wiiney than any ctiicr make. Tliey are mail for ser- - vice. The increasing sales show that work-lngmea Iiavefou-nd thlsuiit. ' (nir- Jv2.0 ana Vonths' 31.75 School fcjUS ' ihu are worn by tho boys every where; Tho riKxit fwrvlcoabifshoeseold at the price. . rh.aCISS Hi.OJ and Sl.7.'S fof II ifl-a a made of the best DonKoIa or f ne Calf, aa desired. Tney are very stvhsh.comfortable and dura ble. The&iWBhoaequafacustonimndephoescosttasj from 54.00 to S.iJ. Iidies who wish to cconctaize la their lootwear are findins this out. . Cautioa. W. K Douglas' name and the price ! stamped on the bottom of eacn hoe ; lock for It when you buy. Bswareof dealtrs attempting to sub ' stitute other makes for them, fcuch substitutions are fraudulent and subject to prosecution by law lor ob .'" talnlng money nailer false pro truces. V. Is, VOVULiAS, iirociiton, filass. Sold bj Advice to WojiiiN Jf you would protect yourself from Painful, Profuse, Scanty, Suppressed of irregular Men struation you must use BRADFIELD'S FEMALE 1 i REGULATOR WAUN Ktt'S CHOP BULLETIN. Housing: Up the Crojs Before Frot TMiiny are Cl!eI But Few are Chosen. " Con espondence oftae Watchman. SSAN'DEI.SVILLS, N. C. : , Reports from correspomleutH in 00 counties show uiucli iictivitv anion" tlie n litic;il fanners. -They ure roun,l- ing up the h..ids and hw uvvay tin- voler.H for winter use. 0ymr t-7 Hu uncertainty of life and the certainty of dfutli llif canuicl itf . c;iii li Louut cheap now. U Jfact there iVan over- protiiitiion of thr-iu. Th demand is about ovr. Two . month's ago you conij hardly hujr tlieiii at -tjiiirr price 4.MOW you can ietTftiiljiriO:i caiMll- ilates at 40 ceuta aiHete orSluO per do zeii.- L iigff fnr rimoeratic' candidates in Kpme tociiliiii'S, are only bringing 9 ) ct.iits npietf. In oilier iIaris you uuy inetn itr 4" Cents. in some places ou cut buy two god siz-;d peopled party .candidak-s for 75 i.eiits. lint in snne sections thev taiij.; from two to four ditll.nrs ca:h, accord t age and condition. . Republican - con I II. i Sr ;re?noaAi cunuitiaies are tM'1" i r a quarter, while county and leiri-lat'Yi candidates can bebought on foot at It) cents a bunch. If my "friends ds'iv to do so. thev can buy tiiem now and dry, pickle or can tin-tit fur. future iite. Mut of them will .ae from two to four ears al i i r, . iMwcv'Ji;cre will e no jiouble : b u pi nty'nf&theui foifnex: cauipuiii. liu-y ;nvv and increase much Live wire jrrts-- a?id :ir as h;iri to get .clear of. No use io troubl jur-e!f ;)bout se'eitinjj; them, they art as numerous as the buds of the air tor further pur address the North Carolina Exix riiuent Statio tlid semi a bov alon to wake liie oUi- cers up. Well, before this gets in print, ues the politic d pi :Ze (i-r!;t wiil be sought. Umv.v b -Ls are up on the re- s'ur. l navn r i-et auvruiii" for l tiou i lialf Burictl a Man i'oi'.n Ji. .A horriahle i"ke was perpel rated ohJ ryr - aril . i - i - 4Utmiai niiuingion. at inesinuc .puirt Icnu., Oct 22ud. oome ytajng men irocitred a cotiin and marched AliUmg.' -ton to a lonely spot, where he was told that hedid notdisclose the whereabouts if a lictitious ": treasure be would l 'nnetl alive, lie retuaed but in st ite of his prayers he was pat. in thej t-o!3;i and halt Uiirica lr an Hour. -V hen token '-out he i was a raving niainac. Hi- u&Ktil.mts hare ilcd. e lYork Sua. . - -' ' - Death of a Faithful Horse. Tiie ceneral suiw-riiitendeiit of 'the life-saving serviceat Wastiiuu'toii, D. C. tfites inftrniatio"ef-i.h ri!t!i-of 0-d Neptune, a horse that has quite remark able history. He was the first hoj-se purchased by the government lor the life-saveuing servier, and for -twenty years past, fully performed the duty of carrying the midnight patrol at the Arrateyue Beach station to the limitf of his post, a distance of 13 .ii!es. lie learned the limits of his I -eat so well that, however dark or stormy the night, he knrtv- at onee when he reached there and do anumut of porsuasmu would Cause him to e;o farther. At the time of his purchase he was a beautiful iron jrav. but the hardships of the be;ich and advanced aie turned him snovr whi O'd Neptune on numerous occasions rendtrel valuable in saying life. ile knew his duties no perfect I v that, he was regarded a ni't important adjunct to the crew. The men became very much attached to h:m and give him an 'honorable burial on High Hill, Va., within sight of tlu beaten track whereon be h-d p.-.sed the -best tart of his life. Baltimore Sun. iron gr.diugs, as. indeed, are . all tlie windows in the house. A thin parti-. tion, running half way across the room, forms a small reces or 1 alcoba, irt'j winch is a old. wooden bedstead, wit h a retched straw p diet ami a scanty covering of old clothes. Qn such a bed, prtdiably, died the great'discoverer in poverty and desol ation. In the mid dle, of th;p:irtitioa is a -little" rquare window, through Which anyone sree in in ttira1ci)b.r tuiaht se if anyone entered-tlie room. The wal!s,bare and discolored with ago, lotik as .is they had not been whitewashed T for at least a century. -The floor ; isof Square earth en tit s, the same on whteh Columbus trt)d four centaries ago. -'. In this room he was for a long time a prisoner. In that nl.-obay whem ttm crwmaii and his wife leep ;very nighty tln;f TErjeatsd is- coyer died. Near the -head 'of inc. hen the form of a cross has len scratched with some sharp instrument deep in the plaster of tlie wall. Tradition savs that Columbus made the cros--. an Bad lioads cost ix llumau Life. "I am thoroughly Convincett, SaM the village doctor, "that banner Pet- son s life could have ! en saved if Cabtkrsyil Lit, April 23, 13S3. This will certify that two members of my immediate family, n.f ter haviag suffered for years from Menstrual Irregularity . being treated without beaeflt b;' physicians, at length complete! y cured by one bottlo of JBraaUclit' 6'emalo JCcgulator. Its eilect is truly wonderful- J. W. Strange. Book to " WOMAN " mailed FREE, which contains valuable Information on all female diseased. BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO., ATLANTA, GA. m 7i P t t. n r i- . 7: r; r n uo gists. f 'MA 1" H F U t I ' 1 1 & J ft B ft B V-f believe the result will be much, of. the ro;ida between here and burtons course somebodv will bet lected. Some- Corners had been as good as they i he di-da'iCe is leu i t i lip.. miles, it ioo VoiniLi reierson nan an oody will draw his saLrv for two or have been more vmis; but who vill it lie? iiititer which pariy gets I lure, m'c ood men wiil be elected, and ,-ome b i imur long- r th ui it should have taken linn Jo ret ere, all'' me In If an rv of that. 1 wish Cx );- Wa-h- There is no reason !o beii. ve that this wmBMA Ins. Go. i l rHlLND Hi To Yon3 uies ttio. I am sorrv that this is so. .n maltt-r whicii J)-'i'y l:c:s m the vol rs m :t win oe us.Mp(iinteii. i am or ii!;ton or Tiiomas Jt fler o i had left oiiie:,-Uv In Villi !.): i reSiii- l!; ill llir-n i tad i vei V four- years. Thev w-r .! " Tl rea! men. H im v couUl nave- It.ii one t'o ti the oiiie.we Would b dyier off. J in nlauie, the "lMMit-i hour iouuer l-j orive inere. ami I isj liour made iXibtlv the dllfereine belrtreu ife and deal h. ' IMj sterioii.t Disappearance Ktlilor. Wilson-, N. C, Nov. 3. Clurles Wilson, editor of the Advance, at Wilson, ri. C. has disappeared most mysteriously from his home there, and so t;ir all cnerts to trace turn have failed. Wilson was to have left Wil son on the three o'clock train that morning for Greenville. N. C. In his rcoin was found an unfinished letter lie hid written to a lady friend, and in which he Stated, d he must co.-e, as it ws then io ociocK. tie d d not. go to Greenville, and no where abouts of him has-been obtained, though the telegraph wires have b'en diligently used. Foul play is suspec ted. oo. - On the Best- Authority. A storv is told of a trial for burglarv in which one of the jurymen .seemed to be so certain of the prisoner's innocence, and pleaded for him so eloquently and so convincingly, thai the eleven others (who had no particular bias either way) allowed themselves to be argued into returning a verdict ofkknot guilty." A few tbivs later fresh fac's came to light which provrd the accused man's innocence beyond'a doubt, and one of the wavering jurymen happening to nv'et with the man who had so power- Stnb Kndr Thon-ht. They wlio marry where Ihsy do not love are apt to love where they do not marry. A misspent life is like a wasp. One does not feel the sting until he f;eU to the end of it. . .. Pleasure must be always well dress ed. Happiness- nevtr thinks about its clothes. If theeiirth stopped to wait it would drop out of space. . i - -. Doctrine brings no sinners to repent ance. , ' v A liar will break all the other com mandments if he gets a chance. Trust iLivoaiaiis iuduetueut. -.but not LiJf , .... .... .- ner -1 1 1 n s.:yTnrrTT?' Wrinkles come to stay. God mkes character; man m ikes reputation. Detroit Free Press. Winter Quarters far Swine. The farmer who looks after the com fort of his stock should now direct his J How lie Kiiew llitu. An actor in one of the Broadway theaters not long ngo gate the t.ame of one of;Dr. Houghton's curate- reference in a busiocKs transaction.-'-' The merchant maile hate to the LUtIe Church around the Corn-r and prefer red his request for particu'urjj concern- ' jug the fyiancial standing and reliabil it v of ns proposed customer. MIndcvd ," said the reverend gentleman hnry,,I ' can give you no" guarantee, my good sir; I have merely ademHory ncquiinl ance with the gentleman, as h is not a member of onrchiirch"' Wliy that w very sfwnce 8:,id 1he-merchant, perplexedlv;he tdd rie h- c me h re regularly." He does,jeturmd, the curatet ith a rehiiui&r&i ;smile;'Vlkhe Air. William Goat On bord a man-of-war there are usually several ptts. Their presence is not f rownexHipou by the .authorities, for the life of asailor is so iuouo(onoa. ,fln!mn tn wii.l.r nnnrinrs. fnr?hU " u ,UIC5S Y " WtflCOIIle tO swine. As a rule, no cl of livestock ? cer?1Md Den-; of have so little attention given to their 'S surroundings and no other stock on f'Tnf ? rJ ' "P,Uln fa the farm shows a greater appreciation TPrentice boy, as the hiP; ma,- of comfortable quarters. Any place or fot A N rru.ser Baltimore ha for auvthingis good enough for the hogs, her mascot a goat...- is the nreTa;i:n - id nmoncr the farmers . U hen. .,,e Was V?1 n. COmniMlou, Hogs are invariably kept for the profit he d4 W.f nle th P. tu' ;c ,.. "'ri,: ,;..r- Pers wiiiiam uoat." He is an old up in Uncle The first cut- 1)11' IC IO III lilt 111. 1 tin llilUT ICI.IIIII3 I I. I I . . . k are what a farmer sees when lie buys -t "-""'K veei orougnc up in uncle .v,. ul.,,,;,.. Ti,;a u..,rr tr.a I om u.iYv irom a Kia W I Ulvt U.inillllV, A. LUO Ml lll tlUl klltIV . ii . i ! I 1 are two int . ntives for making the pig- Kl "' u.j uuui in wnicn lie win ui- pensandfccd-lots as ccuveCient and V hmiself to be taken ashons He pleiisautas possible. First, for the l:sf,'uMo the service erery Sunday better returns for the amount of feed. "rning '" exemplary manner. q..,,i ti, rf iw,, - ork ews. the pleasure there is in knowing that vonr stock is being treated humanely. Aloniaiilic Story. A little planning now and a few hours' "Some of the leading jewellers of work may be pf much value to you Cinciuatti have been tellim; arom.mtir during the coming winter. Xathmtl ftory about n stra'nge. drk kinued St'X-kuian and larmcr. man. about fort v-five vears of ain wUii. cmt s in iind uuder pretext of want im 31llwankee's Great Fire. to purchase an emerald has the jewel- i i .. i i . i - . ... .... . Scores of blocks of Milwaukee's er a.sp av n,s enure wkk. The lei ow h,r ,t. Unti! firm-. tn-PfliPr with '"o ut. uie moiics exuioneu careiUJiy, .k...k,- , "V" . fim v w utl-e-aJ, ..Mill hundreds of frame houses, were de- . , "7 - . vuai nMr i.i- i i . ivuilil, is not Hi. it.!i Ins l!g h .t i not d Propiurt" doesu "l. hi eel a nvan oi i u ugged litni' : v, a im fu r ti e Ciik :iiil liell tlie "iiiiaiiASa inte baa tii Uc-sa Shortens Labor, S Lessens Pain, 0 OF NEW YORK. COkDr.KSSD STATEISEKT. JANUARY 1ST, 1SD2. Assets, - Hr:W38 7t Iieservtti iur jo icies, N. . JSl.itniitrvl ji-r tent., and . Ml Iinl.ii.tic4, - 11,032,520 2;. Kew. Insurance, 189T, - - i 1 l.7..0il QutsUnding Insurance, - - 50. 536,022 l'uiu t'oacj -tiolaefs iu - 1,447,000 45 Paid l'oriry-liuliicrj Viacc or- V ganitotion, - . - - 20,635,554 95 rlncoiac, l'9l - . - 2,ti8 1,435 74 Assets Invested as Follows: '. Lfnns pei-urtil y mortg'4gcs en Iteal Kstnte, first lie as,' i New YorkCitv bon is, - --'Brooklyn waeer bonds, - Iliciniond, (Va ) . boii'ls, Loans to i-oiicy-liolivrs on Co.'s ''" Policies, "- - - - - Opllate'ral loans, - - " . Jteal Estate, cost-value', -. Ca!rin bank ani trust Intcrct accrue;!, .rciniuTns c ferreil and in transit, etc., . p, -.4 HI 92 02 - .27 IB.'12 5t-144,000 10,300 278,7.19 31 3,500 501. SIS 25 -247,703 416.067 77 o o O tn f Mathers" mailed VJi 275. V. BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO. -ATLAWTA, GA. '- G Tho cnnEost PHI in tlsa Wcrld! from H j spepsia and Slck-llcadaclioi, rcntlerlHZ lifo miserable, tlwSi' . . . i , Tlus Mult- lit n a - Diii. i peop'a', a man I -111 .11 WHO Win llhlK ijlow the slroiijif 1 o .i 'i i f .i. i ?re tor t ves. I tear tli d tin election wiil not ivc us i!:a: m.-tiT. () course I he Pre.-idviil don't lejislatejuit ie has a k-reat lnltueiM e. 1 he riht ' ii . t i ii nail eoiU'l "er, a Munillliir lot) in ti cm' tJaitedStati-s if he con Id once oit eieel a-e was an isobited one. ,' 1 line nu allS no! fitly luo.'iev, out f 1 tell liuui:in i:le us wii. CfuntrV u.-c: wrr'mt? Hi i ureat e t'.CM ii'!eiit ipon"the condition of tiie ro.aiK. It soin'-times happens th .t ihe state of the io..ils lv-such thai, the phvsicuin aiiit- t reach sxiiie sii:i;o,-d at all, and stroked by fire last Saturday. Com Being informed that nil the emeralds oil establish- iB l1he store l'"e ra hibifed, he ier liver, the lltiues, driven by the fierce fully iitd'ienerd them all thanked him : winds a hurricane which were blow- sated them from in it. spread with intrhtful ranidity to the lake, over half a mileTo the east. At midnight all the southern sec- liavinjx wai imy lor the co.umis-ion oi a great injustice. And vei, now I think of it," he ad liunliillirv .if .tl t l:t .in I1ICIJV1II.1 U J.'J-J III Ml Vl i.-IU'iioi, f . ii - 1 meiitonEist Water street near the Ha,ls ""..ini.y. it is ia ne COJBWg i win ucjfuim nie mjii, iiati n gOla-5 from ciiy toity in seirch ot a rre talirmanic ."tone stolen from his ' tribe ed.vo'- c0'd.d not have known any- j timi ot Milwaukee was in ruins and the ins nut. as tin- ivmi!i of:, n.itural i i i-ai i mn v, Mien nnwfail, " bat as a bi' fiood or a eivat. pi'oj'le i . i eoole Kei way on d. T:i.-.t is I hjf rouble. xcitcd and throw 'their votes ny m an thai toe p.oty puts tij), and he parlies alwavs put up a man that s iits a lew. Until the people realize nore fullv the dotini tmlt awaiis thi; lati-ui, they will con:inue this dnfu ro)lislmess. i nilv, Jake Warseil e the i . : i :. i . ' .ii.. i u lite uiisilless ii is iu oiiJioa iti ie o oi ; he ro.uls hare 21 t built them 111 m: Ii a u..v th.'t tiny will rem. -in. f..i:!v oasaiiie :n continued w rt weather. There nie many matters besides mere convenience boiiad up in hie 'mention oj' 4 ood pad-. A i ueral .nij-rovemesit 111 liiem i ill not only udd gn'all.v to liie wealth 01" the people, but wnuiil make their iives e.i.-ier and sometimes no doubt longer. Youths Companion. d. thlii'T about t: ese new l icts tlieil. so how eon'd you be so sare the man was ini.fC'iit !"' "Well," replied the other, "my chief reason f'r t hi iking th it he did com mit tlie eritm; is because I did it my self. .Such authority was certainly not to be diput-d. Harper s dreadful by an American tonrist. He Is said to be commissioned by his tribe never to return thl he brings the stone, as it is, regarded as sacred. ; , A Towu la Wales. - The wdsh language; is famoui (jtt con murrai 1011 was still 111 progress. Never in the history of the city has such a calamity befallen it. Acres-of land, embracing the great manufacturing di.ncfs of the city perhaps we should say notorious fpr.' have been devastated and now ties a,e unpronounceable words tuutitcotb: mass of smouldering ruins. Almost tains. It is doubtful, however, if liiertu the entire southern division from East j4 anv worj that for length and Uope- Water street to the lake has becncon- -lessuess-of pronunciation equals the sumed. ii;im! of altowirnn the island of ' An- lelegrain were quickly dispatch. d crU-sia. North Wales. It is SDellerL ' . r-ii M . 1 " . - -a I . ' . - . - 1 1 nii..(T 1 l 'itMiiu miwi nii r.r nn i 1.1 . 1 1 11 . . 1 Waslrineton has est, sim e the laying i t 7 " ....VJ lUUS,.. ? U l-WW7 What Some Tliinfr Have Cost. Tlie maniliceiU- national canitol at-i ; , for aid, all of which responded prompt- wyriidrabwlityiiogogoch.. How it ife ! i ' . . - 1 ' I "f iO ... ..r lis coinpr-Mone m j coo, very ueanv : , . ,... arUk .i n i ..." ,.; ... 1 7. . .. 1 .V- $15,(0iM'(K), but the. State Capitol, of '" ' - yr(k . Xn,L " pronouuceu uooouy knows, ii iu, . v..c Vm.l ,i Aih-.nv ii, ,,mi .assist 111 the dire calamity. ever was a man who knew, he v. cvmin'e e Ict Shortly before 9 o'eb-ck the variou- obabtv dead long, Miice, for the A n h -.1"! mosti iuio deparl.i.e..l- of the gas works exphded present-inhabitants call their town by delg!l has .ipcath tost almost ,t)UU,- - , snpf(iss nn .v;f, rP:,fpninrr bC-..i. ; II..U; 1:.-t'.:.lZ row old largest clock in the ti i inf tar Pills will speedily reraoro ell this trouble, v enabtoyoatocataiidiliestyoitr fooil, SJ cnloytuent of lifo to vrliicli you have " been a strangror. Koso 6mall. jrice,V 25 cents. Oiacc, i'aris i-ut:", o e Clutrlt MonVGala Wt-ek. UHAULSSTO.S.O. U., INov. 1 1 I sectmd tUy of I he jnla week opt-ned this morning wilh a raiid voluntarv of national airs onSt.M ichael's chiun-s. AH the trains coming to the city are to contain the world. A broken wooden horse with wh Where; Coliinilius l)i On the Calle de Colon, a tliugy, n U- street ill .uladolid,. ab uii 21 )0 y;irus i'iig, stands the house in whi h Cflumbu-s died aUhotrgli l.i-t eruntbliiii: into decav. The i'aet that ri does staijd is not due to any taken for its preservation, but to the subdues of its construction.' It '. h )r-e was -150,000, given" by Mr. ilal is of considerable s z -, and was, iiojCnn.i Pirl)es, of Bost.m, for Ariou doubt, oiiiiin ally cons: ructed for some- which lie bought from Senator Sran- ! person of rank and ds' inciion. "The f ford, of Caiifornia. Axtel the trotter, I . . 1 -XT . .. .. . im,i 1.1 l I O f C 111 M 1,111'iim " im uniiiuiuj: i ii nr L WO S V 1 Ul UICS Llf nlalTS. Or IQ. OOO.atul the most expensive buildiiitr of i l, . m, . i 1 " . J . " u : .. 4 , revei orations, mis loss aione repre- -i i. . : l i j. ,.. l sei I lie laiue-o am uio-t r-A pensive c;tv e .1 ti ,l . 1 i ii 4i "it , iii i ' ., . c ' of the. recently erected Plant Ii.j.11 in nit u uiu u l-llli.O J.7 luiib Vfl distiii'"ii;5h it from other LI an fair, tbrv sen ts 1,000,000, which was the cost say Llanfair P. G. -Among other tlie. recently erecu a Plant. ,. - w lo nofeneaks the -We h T . . Ii a rri'u-i f fi s iiU a ivonf tiro r i . ! . Tt Philadelphia, and its principal tower is .. 1U 7 A i. . " V 1 ... .. . u"g''Hge ,s u:e pnace ta ;aies. ne , . ., i- ii- tl ithisciiy ior iu iiours rriaay n:giu iCl Napoleon iiom. parte plav'-d -when a t il a t child was recently sold for 1000 franes. rather i fhe gre ifest price ever paid for a - a . j forty-Hx acres of business and ! residence which is property, valued at $5,000,000, were burned, upward of 3,t)(H) persons were made homeless and four lives were lost. llatinled Locomotives. "There are on nearly 'ctery railroad locomotives that are known asjonahs," V - fl!. 459,638 78 jTor ageDciw anlo'Jier particulars, nilJres. " ' - II. P. PhAKS, ' ' Spociid District "A gt., ; llaluigh.V, C. Morf olkAUiance Exchange 11 ifind 13 Commerce St., iNTorfolk, "V"a., ' Owned and controlled by Allianccraen for handling producer COTTON A SPECIALTY. DonTsell before writing for par- J J. ROGERS, Mgr. ticulars to P. Or-Box 212. (STATEfflllLE - Is. tho Phc3 to Get Honumeats, Tcmtstones, S.c . ' lars sto f En.MON'r MARBLE to arrive in a few days Wc guarantee atisfacli'oii in every respect and positively will'iiot be undersold. f Griinito Monuments -i " . O" all i a specialty - h- C. B. WEBB & CO-, 15.1 Proprietor. Meutlon the Watchman .hen yoa write i-rowded wilh visitors. the weather is nerfect. This morning, eight t-fficers 1 entrance is through a great Norm .n brought 105,000 when three vears old, said Henry E. Archer, who has spent " .. .. I -s i.i i . . f m . -.1 fit 111' archway fi stone, ana me eiit-i aiice j wlnle in lo'Ji, or. ulaise was sold lor twenty ye ns m tne service or me nu- hall is .pacious, ulnle the staircase is : $100,(100. tiois Cent r.d and is at present S"jouni reinforced hv a South Carolina con tingent sallied forth into the wilds of Berkley-county to chase deer. Charleston, Nov 1. Peace reig s in Chai h'tieaiid G-da W cek goes on. lb city' is litf rally IiuitwhI beneath fo'ds of stars and Stripew, and its 00,000 inhab itants are busy entertaining thousands of visitors mid making tl.emvelyes happv. Nothing more alarming , oc , .i enrrea in me uoirraiiiiiie in amue broiiti and its incline so one in ili lit- almost geulie, mat One hundred and three thousand ; mg at-the Central. "Locomotive en np it. The dollars has been off -red and refused for ! giueers are not, perhaps more snoersli biement of the building is of stone, a lle!)iew Ibbie imw in the library of Uious than other p-oj)le, but I have tlie V atican at Rome. Ibis makes it known more than one to throw up his the most valuable book iu the world, so j position rather than takeout an engine tli at wai regarded as unlucky. ooine vears atro an enuiue on an Illinois though tne upper stae is ot onc cov ever wit h stucco or as much stucco as lias survived the ravages of time.' Tlie outer walls are massive, and their interior is, no doubt, composed of n stH-cies of concr-'te. or mixure of uior- i ' mrnt than an exciting and interest ing t-r, pebbles and fragments- of stone, . ... . t ... .. . i .ii?.. far as dollars and cents go. Inl0o5. when the entire Dutch nation was crazy upon tiie subject of tulips, ! road blew up, cutting the firemans a singlu buHj was sold lor ii'O. At head oE with a Begmeut ot ooiler tron such prices it would pay belter to raise "une of -la cross by a bind of civilized ; whicii figures strongly in ail old Span-; tulips than to own the most valuable g.tld mine in the world. Speaking of gold mines, where do you suppose the most valuable bit " of ore, Mieroiiee Indians trom tiie uoveniuieut i re-ei vation in North. Carolina. The game a-;.s wnii by Old-Alan-Afraid-of-The-II ig amid the plnudits of 10,000 spectators. To-nigl t there was-a genuine : o 'h Carolina cake Widk, in which twenty of the, Afro-American elite of the State competed. It w;is witne.-sed by 15,000 spectatrs and was a. great success. The United Stales ships Dolphin and Vesuvius are still anchored in I lie stream and are visited acd ndmired by thous ands of Amejicau Southerners. The oflleers went into the countiy to-tlay and rel urued wii h venison enoagb lo supply the uie8 tables for the entire crew. Fort Sumter i stiil in its old place, with i:s garrison i.f one veliran, who will 'never surrei,di-r. Neilh-'i fort norfl-ig will be bred upon by the present, generation of Charlrsloiiiai.s, who are fO -!iii lor the tdd iligand an iippropri; tionjto g:.lli-oil Full iloul trie. The pro echnieal d's. lay, which some people tb nk is to, di -solve the lillion. is not scheduled until Thurl v The Co int ry is app.rently all h structures. - No nation in the world, perhaps, has !esxespect or apprecial ion for the antique ami tiim-hono:ed than have the Spaniards. The hoii-e where Co lumbus died is now used as a cMwstable. Above the stone archway is a ti:ne-st-ain-'d medallion. be.tring a u;a-i"s head, standing out in bold relief on the slue- ever smelted m the world. st lar as is known, was' fyu-id? In C dit'o n .i or Austr.ilia or India? No imbed. It was a lot containing 2()0 pounds of quariz-holttuig uold at the rate of 5'-',-000 per t n, and was found in a mine t t i a . i . . i - ii.- i co. u iHiei ne.u u is i ne eugiiicii m- at isnpenung. Alien. .erintion "Anui murio Cohui Auo ; The cost p'iest cirars ever exported ' iDi'C." (Here died Columbus, ear ' from Havaii were a quantity uiade ex ! 15'. 0.)Cl6.e t this bangs a small r i 1 1 - ; pres-lv ior the Prince .of Wales, and board, with the following iuscrip: i.m : v iluetl at $1.87 apu-ce in the factory. The engine was rebuilt and made a good as new but no engineer could be found to run it more Uihii one trip. It was soon whispered .about that it was haunted; that the headless fireman had an unpleasant habit of appearing on the tender with pick and shovel and insisting oii fireiug up. .One night an engineer ami his fireman tle-ertctT- the locomotive while oirt-on a run, and the conductor attempted lo bring the train iu. He was not afraid of ghosts! not ne night, light. New milk sold .herej'yo.i may ?ee it miiked." An old woman living there gives tourists some information. Upon entering the ancient structure one steps into the sp.icuus entrance ha. I, which is pitched wilh smalt peb- ii. i ' . t ' i i i . ne-. wu eu ner sine is a larLre uooi- wav, but the doors have been remove and through the opening one can see tiie co.vs sti;:doig iu rows. Ineoty ciiyjs are s. ab ed in the lowt-r part of he Louse5' The cov m;-n 'and his fam ily live iu the upstairs. One isqnickly :ed into a room overlook Hi. t e tr t-t H it be side-tracked at the first opportunity and waited until, divhgiit r i ' before completing the run. He i me that the shost was no i -ke; that ------- cj The laikrestsum ever asked-or olfr- Uverv tune the furiiat:e door -was leil ...1 for siii-rl.. diamond was fc2.150'U00. onen the h-?adless apparition entered which the Prince of Hyderabad,. in In-j tiie cah. bearing a shadowy oop of l - I i ' 4 1... 4 -.1.... t . . 1 I I,'..,. ll,n uiiifiiiu tiV 111 ilia, a'Mvi'U io gi e tuc j cici i.o .cai. i m mwni.ii .n. iunniu .-'j th'-n owuetl the imperial, which is con sidered the finest stone in the world. The Shah ol Persia and the Sultan J b the shot). Then an engm-er, who was!d t either t -.'-e it out or lose . .... i i- pi..-; i n. m-eiu d it. I ir lore N ' of Turkey each p.e-s -s a -prayer mat bad run a i.-n i'.-s it w. nt ' J? 1 1 "l I I 1 4 ....I,.! . 1, ',...:,, . hroogli !.. 1 .1 ....., ...,,1 nai'l I. ....!.,.... ......'...! .iiJll-r,!!, idled Ol 1M" lllilil ''1 il a;iiuu ii n mi i.-, a c i i ' . 1 ,4 ' " 1 . ..... . ;i!i.t val-K-d at oiii-thiag o -er 82.5'J u n- e -pb-. Jr was never rebuilt." 000 tpiec". Tiie largest ami most . t-xpen- j (JlSbe Ih m x rul. is a fluent French and Gertnn speaker. but in his youth it wjs not thought wise to endanger his mmd andtemper by insisting upon his learning the lang uage of his principabtv. Harper's Yoiuiff PeopU ;- - rI h :iiit3g-Viotr JLruclumutiOii. W'ASiiisrGTox, Nov. 4. By thePres- ident of the United States of America: A proclamation. - 1 The gifts of God to our people dqr-. ing the past year have been so abund ant and so sjecial thaPthe spirit of !e vou t t ban ks-gi v i 1 1 g a waits not a call, but only the. appointment of a day when it may have a common ' expres sion. He has stayed the pestilence at our door; lie ha given ih more love for the three civil institutions in the creation of which His directing provi dence was so conspicuous; He h-8 awakened a deeper reverence for law; He has widened our philanthrojy by a call to succor the distress in other lauds; He has blessed our schools and is bringing forwarda patriotic and God fearing generation -to execute, his great and benevolent designs for our coun dry ; H inus given us great increase m material wealth and a witlejdjtFusion of contentment ami couif.irt iu the homes of our people; He has' given his gracu to the sorrowing: . ' AViieref RF., I. Benj imin H trrison, Presid ut of the Uiiited States, do call upon ill our j-eople t oliserve, f as we. have b -cu won, Thursday, the 24th d tv of this montll7)f Novem'r, as s day of Tiunksgiving to God for his merciet, of supplica.ion for his contin ued care and grace. - In testimony whereor I havcunlo set my hand ami cau'e i l i e eai oi United State-HiO be jiCixed. Do:;.- at the ( .tv .( W a this fot.r n day- of . v t-in oer, on . . i t sive rug m tne won.l. m ule or ine or tli.iarv mateii tls of wijich such liiin-js mm ii Fact ii red. h 'owned by the r. v. v t s lac jo ivt ie .: ... ...i. i .K. .1 Ti... i .,i"i j; T 1. Tfn.'. .i.eor if Oc ine room wiiurt uDiuiiuHisuiru. io- i. jrpon Ivluo or juuuuuii. -liwii o traibl 0 me i vinibuvs are furiiislicd with inas.vj You hi People. ' ; u! In. in i Ti nn.. w nets: -'It does .1 mr H i i I tu. 1 n d K9 tli Uie lung3 od ;tsli.ra.i ini . o Jt-. i-t uitaie the ingto:i !...i; ,iitl e gU.'. : .i, and of the ituii i.e I i'U'l niiict - . i lll'l' i e:iOei!' i Oi til ! Uaiied'SUi'es the t.oe . ili,l!ilrel ana .evenienth. Re.n'Jamis Haisujso.v. ii v tin.- Pltsi lent: Jonx S.EB, S.ciVt iv of State. v I