THE WATCHHAH is the Organ, of the Farmers Alliance in 6 th and 7th. Congres sional Districts., Advertisers, make a note of this. 'nJ3 u ' ' more ...ittofl tna . Salisbury. 7 medium rTT? rrfTTRn SERIES. SALISBURY, N C.; THURSDAY, IIOVEMBER 17, 1892. N()3 a.- ... . t. -wl T ill l Jl IIIL1JI .- 'U W . What:is:--C r V,' 1 WARN EU'S CROP IlULLETiN. .ESS I I if Gloria is Dr. Samuci nwuw A.w..v 7nd Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor tlier narcotic substance. It is a harmless sihstituto for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing: Syrups, and Castor Oil. Tt q Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty -years' us by n r'.cni.j? flio Chiltlrcn's Panacea ?TiIi'on8 oi Jioiuv?sr. . ,s -the other's Friend. - V -' 7? , Castoria. - Catoria isao well adapted tochHdren that ! wconuniBxid it as superior to any prescripUoa I I Eo. Oxford St., BrooUyn, 2. Y. -'--be use of 'Castoria' is so'nniTersal and merits so m-ii known thai it seus a-rork of mipcrcrc gallon to endorsa it. Few aro the IwnEentlaTnni wlw do not koep Castors Cxnoa Kauttk, D. !., v Sew YorkCay. : - Castoria. - .. . Castoria cores Colic, Constipation, , . . , . , &ovjc Stomach, Diarrhcc'a, Eructation, . . Kill VTorma,- &ve3 doep, and promotes dl gestion, - TVltliout Injurious modieatioau . A Mammoth Strike Has Cernt. lUble nyian and robbed his "For srreral yoars I barot rccotnxncxiidetf your ' Castoria,' aad chall always conlinuo U do bo as it has ioTariably produced bonefld results. J ' - ' " " ' JJSUt Stroet and TUi KewYork Oty . f r iY 1 1 pjill Tint Ckstacx Corrurr, 77 Hciuiat Siott,. Knr Tok Crrr SZ22 fa a DITTY yon Tre yoiirtelf l fai- i.JJLiM in tout footwear by pnrchalu Khlrh miwinl IBS fceit Talnn for price aaicea, u naww sr. - V W. L.1:; DOUGLAS - S3 SHOE GEN-ffEEN. THE BEST SH OE HI, THE WORLD FOJl THE KGMtf. A criming eevrrd sKoe. Aa W ot rtp.flna calf. Seam less, einooth Juslde, flexible, more eonw forbl, 1 !h an d durable than any other hoe ever old t the r rice. Equals custom mads suoescosunc Ciw& nand-sewc; fine calf hoe. Tbm m&A st I iHi u easy and durable atue over eold at tb pries. iucy uual laie iiupor tcci aboea MutiiiMg CO 30 l"HfB Bhoe, worn by fanners and til ?Ua others who wan a good heay calf. thrt? aoled. extension cJp shoe, easy to wala In, and wUi keoptliefcttdryond-wnrm. I , CO 30 Fine Calf, 8i.'25 and R-3.00 yTk Pa tngraen HhocnwtU give more wear for tlsn money than any other make, x hey are made for ser Tlce. Tho Increasing sales show that workingmea fcve found this out. . . D . . E3u b hooa are worn toy the boys every where; TiHjmos. Bervlceable shoes sold attheprleei. LSUiS i.OO and il.T5 Shoes for Biiaaes are made of the best Dongola or fine Calr, as dolred. They are very stylish, comfortable and dura hi. Th.TrnhnAnniacii8tomniadeBhoeseostinz fmm 84.00 to 6.0X Ladles who wish to economise la Advice to "Women If you would protect . yourself from Painful, Profuse, Scanty, Suppressed or Irregular Men struation you must use 1 BRADFIELD'S FEMALE REGULATOR f!iiwsivnj.B. Ariril SS. 1S36. This Trill certify that two members of my immedlatftiamily, after having suffered lor a -mar a aUMtl I t I W rttars irom iuensiruni . i teifiz treated without benefit by physicians, were at lengtn compieieiy enrea bj by one bottlo lis thi'lr;nnf wMrnn ftnritner this out. 1'a.iimi w i Dousrias' name ana ins nnc timiwil nn ftta hnttnm of each ahoe : look for It wnen yon Duy. uewareoi oewenunamnuiK j uu ttltute other makes for them. Buck substitutions ara fraudulent and subject to prosecution by law for ob taining money under false pretences.. . . vi.lZ VO VGLJLH, lirockt n, Mass. Sold by 37 xr: Washing Life Ins. Go. CF KEW YORK. CONDENSED STATEMENT. 1 " JANUAUY 1ST, 1S92. . . ' - - $11,459,038 78 Assets, - . - - Reserved for policies, N. Y. btun liir'i 4 cent., auo all Kiibitities, - -New Iiirurancc, 1891, -Ou'-tafitliug Insurance, -lai l iV.k-iohh rs hi 1801, -Tai l I'oliry-holders since pr 'g.iui.utroii, - laeoiiie, ipl - - - 11,032,52025 11.76-9.691 50,586,622 1,447,000 45 20,635,554 95 2,684,435 74 AssctsTnvesiletl a Follvs: Loans securtd bv mortsaes on - Uea'l Estate, first liens, - 8,541192 92 New Vtrk Cilv bonds, - - 271,832 50 Brooklyn w;icvr bonds, - - 144,000 Itidiinou.l, (Va.) bonds, - - 10,300 Loans to l'olicv-holders on Co.'s . . - ' - - 278.739 34 loans. - ' - 3,500 . m m i A S ileal Ksu'te, cost value, - oui,oia Ca.h in bnnk and trust Co.'s, r 247,708 lutcresit acerued. nremiums de- fferred an4 in transit, etc., - - 416,067 77 "V 1 ' $11,455,638 78 For agencies and other, pnrticulnrs, address. II. 1). BLAKH, Siecial District Agt., Ualeigh, N. C. of Ilradlicld'a I'cmale Itcgolatori i effect is truly wonderfuL J . W. Sxranqk. Book to " WOMAN " mailed FREE, which contains valuable information on all female diseases. BFIADFIELD REGULATOR CO.. ' ATLANTA, OA. K . yOB 8JLLJE JiX A.' ZRUGOISTS. -- '- ' - ' " ' 1 CHILD BIRTH MADE-EASY! " Mctvers Frho " is a scientific- allyprcpare.i Liniment, very ingre dient of re;o,'l;"c value -an J in constant use by Hie medical pro fession. These ingredients are com- , bined in a manne: iiitherto unknown Time to Get Your Candidate. In Out of the V t-Ji titer. Tlie - Latidlil. i Correspondence of the Watchman. Saxdeusville, N, C. The reports received froni nbout. six ty counties indicate a landslide in fn?ur of one party and ag iinst several others. V neli tiiee landahile ctnne :long you want to climb u tree smJ get on a hi h limb. " bur farm work durinjf . this non:h Yu houluiiouse your candblates. It win a ineni no jooa to reutuiii out all winter, unless you paint tlient, Hiid cnac w quite exiensive, rut ttfem uu- ler roof where they v ill keep dry am wiirni. JJut not to gH them too warm however. Keep up u ste;wiv hear." iy ubout; fi f ty jlrgVee-t n d : wut eh " t hQin caiefully. . If lliev get too waniT, have a faoIefsouiewhere to let in fresli air. llf 11 it 1 . - w . . . veu, ine eiecuon is over. it we don't get u r littio rest now, we ooaht t L-t us all settle down md wait for. what the Democratic par t,y has prom iseil us. If we net half i has promisel in th- past twenty-tive Fyeai7, w will be n hnppv people so far a legislauon is conceriid. If none of these' promises are kert. then the folks mav look out far another land- dide. t)ur llenuolican friends mon keyed with the people and so the Peo- dle s jarty and the Democrats both jumped, on them and thrashed them within an inch of their lite. I believe thin thing will be repeated every four years with any party that gets hold ot tile reius and tries to monkey with the welfare of t i e people. The masses are thinking. They are willing to vott with any party that shows a willing ness to do snmelhino. If it s; ! then somethini' will dron. Now is the time to stop q carrel liim iver politics. Go to wurk and behat i ; f i ii yuuiseu. onp maMtig iaces m tue men wno wnc mio tne people s party. 1 hey meant - welt, iou people s men quit making faces at the democrats lhey have won and nothing is left but to wait and give them a chance. Stop makmgJ faces ut. t lie republicans. The are whipjel uiitt can do no;hing. S oj inatiiiir races at vour nei-' hbors. liA. I hem l' their wj.y is riirlit if thev want to. to reading t;0 d books ;ind papi . Go to your alliance meetings and dis cuss tho. mt'astijHS you think yiu need. Do it in a u-ieiidiy spirit iuid leave all reference to panes. ' Educate Your selves in economic q'iesl;ot:s ix well iis 1 arming or other business. . Yours iu t he fa:th, Jake Wakner. hands a- love us expense. D ie day the settlement was startled 1 Tivnov KAvmW k Tb trwirnnt nf I cross his eyes. iy the rejiort t hat a voting lawyer had I cotton spinners began to day in South I "Pshaw!" he iid, Mi I had" a :orae to live there, and there was irreat I Laucishire- No disorders attended the I letter like that rustling to see who would get the first beginning of what may prove to be one "Fair play !" cried oue of the othew case. Two cowboTs rot nn a . smib u' t.,, """" wi n an uneasv lansh about the ownership of a saddle and 1 boysfn said their then shook du e to see who would have cotton spinners to reduce waes 5 per I friend, seeing they made no move to ll. tt . a . . -i . 1 O il... a . 1 a me lawyer, vvnen the case was called I cent. 1 take it. Aca tins is wnat ne read: the courtroom was crowded, the "iiitlire wmiia uisuesK lookm; more Solemn than usual, and tho lawyer, a young sprig straight from an eastern 8clnol. with an unenj-look on Lis face and pile of law books, occupied a table at The federation of the Master Spinner's Association is a very powerful body. It is a sort of trnde union of masters. It controls directly very nearly 23,000,000 spiudle-s including nearly alt those em ployed in spinning the more commonly used size of yarn. Indirectlv the federa- me side. There were many witnesses ' !01 influences millions of other spindles, fever. to examine for every hod y I wanted a .'"c ft 'll l i lt 1 1" H'- JJVIVt'tl UIIII9 HIICCU IU BMI llllll linger in the pie,nnd when the evidence machinery in order to throw their weight "Mi owen d er Pa Pa, I sa every nite wen I kis yur pictsh Ask god to bless you good Hi ra Pa yure best girl. Dolly" For a moment or two you would have said the whole company had hay toiling through life-toward th -ravc, who neel cheering words nd helpful ministnes. The incens is fathering to watter about there coffin; but tb"Y should it not becalUaed in IheTrpalT;. to-day? The knd words are ly in" in men s hearts (and trembling on their tongues, which wdl h i mi Pilairs ?LWhJn V. 1waT ones are .leeping; ictshure I twhpto,,MlheT not I spoken - -t "iirii.mrir Hie neenen sn imifii and when their accent would be so pieasing and , grateful ? Exchange. . DeflinitioiiM of Home. I T J rn;i Di J .. t was an in tnc lawyer 5 male (pute an onthestdeof the Oldham and Staly- wjiiuou iiiu ou.-reu a priae aor eloquent plea aiuj clinched his argu- bridge masters. Hence, although the the best answer to the question: nients by readii2 the dai-ioii fof the owner of ouly 18,000,000 spindes actully "What is home ?n Here are a few of voted their determination to insist on the th hrtcdifc rera hieh wr nceiv. more far-reaching and so. far as the actual United Statesjsupreme conrt in p l I . ... : I. ... : . "v Ut i. A'i i i -,i HJier.ceui. rcuuuiiuu. iurrc3uiuuuu ym i j . el Cuse. As he rat down with a con- .J .u:.- ..; .i I ed fident smile the defendant wore an air member of the federation areconcerne'?. I Ane BoWen setting lit w of defeat, but the little iudye arose it is nosiiivelv bindine on the mnioritv brightest lewel is mother. with an air of itidiet:d niiHmhtv tlit rexcept for such of them as may beconteut I "A word of strife shut out: a word would have stnken a sunrem court H.I)ay into. com,uon fun.d lh? sm? of of love shut in." . jodge dumb and caused tb utter col- Sr m"aU3 iWy kCep "An arbor which shades when the lapse of the young lawyer when he de- The interests involved are tremendous. snn,nine ot prosperity oecomes looaaa- chirml. i4T oferrnle dat d'iswiil. nnd dtr I f.Aiforfl nlniosl. prrliii vaI v in son th izliucran harbor ivhere the human MOT FR ER"Sf D" WILL DO all that is claimed for' it AND MORE. It Shortens Labor, Lessens Pain, Diminishes Danger to Life of Mother and Child. Book to " Mothers ,r jailed FREE, con taining valuablef information and voluntary testimonials. Sentbv expre on receipt of pries $1.60 per bottle CRADF1EL0 REGULATOR CO., Atlanta. Ca. BOLD" BY ALL DBUO0TST8. O O O O O oTiseToTBiaMBSil Toenwi const inntion nurrrlnrr thoIOTT- w els ehonl d bo avt iitlt5l ; it weakens t heir power of motion. A gentlo ciK;rieut 3 effect la oaly required. Tutt's Tiny- Livor Pill 3 arc prepovod -with ppoclal views to tho permanent euro of COSTWEKESS tr.d HEADACHE. They arc- mild and remain in the cys-Q tem until theytxet oa tho liver, cause a nataral flow cf bile and their tonio properties impart power to the Tjow els to remove unhealthy accumnla- tlons. Good appetite and digestion a result from tho use of these littio pills. rrice, 25c Office, 39 Park Place, N. V. O Q G O d O ouuli- hiedlv uauiblrs Norf blkfilliance Exchange 11 and 13 Commerce St., ISTorfblk:, Va., Owned and controlled by Alliancemen for handlmgj)roduce. COTTON A SPECIALTY. Don't sell before writing for par- J J. ROGERS, Mgr. ticulars to P. O. Box 212. STATE SVILLE MARBLE WORKS ! Is the Place to Get Monuments, Tomtsjtones, SLc. A large stock of VERMONT MARBLE to arrive in a few days We guarantee I a Jti u iu every respect and nosilivelv will not he undersold. w " Granite Monuments .. . .i Of all r5"1 a specialty S C. B. WEBB & O0-, PltOPRlETOR. Mention the Watebmaa ijien you write Justice in r x.ts Western judges have heeji the bnit of many ii.kes and varn. and wiiile the stories hav made interesting read' ing they have b er. gfiierally taken to Mie br -zy otI.priug of sonit isn.ig n i itVe mind. Such wast lie idea 1 i-nier-uinl preriu to my iutiudin:tin tu fmtt of the honored upholders of ' jus- lire, but a short a quaintatu e with -onie of their absurd construct io is o If 1 -! ... tile law lias oissipatOil any misjriviii I had in regard to to the truth and ve racity of thescrilw. "In 1660 there was a body of United oUles soldiers at rort Concho in l orn ureeu county, l' X is, and as a liatura consequence a Milan town nau sprung tij imsL atcross the river. ban Angel was not a place of much importance a hrst, but it soon sprung into pro mi nence as the toughest town iu that state. iu mnauiianis were tud s;: loo n men, with i I., g cowboy floating populat on til men to wnoui tne six siiooier was almost as much of a necesilv as tin i tood, and the use of it as common as that of a Knife and fork. Shooting scrajes needrd no court to settle them. I hey settled themselves Horse thieves received no mercy. 13u when at last one day a petty case came up it was deemed nccessa y for the dig nity of the place that a justice of some sort should be appointed, and that is how Judge Preusser got his title. He was a abort, stocky built German, with small, piercing gray eyes that were twinkling with ninth or emitting sparks of anger as occasion r -quired. His word was law, and on one occasion when he discharged a poor woman who jjiad been arrested for stealing bacon, and against whom the evidence was conclusive, a bystander exclaimed: 'Why, judge, you can t do that ; it s contrary to law. the little judge braced up in his chair, and bringing his list down with considerable empha sis, replied; lam the law! It s jus ticp vat we want! aim cue case was settled. Numerous stories might be told con cerning his ruling in d, lie rent cases how, after fining a man -fur disorderly conduct, he paid the Hue himself and gave the r soner money enough to get to El P.iso. On one occasion two be lligerents were up before him for fight ing, one with his head chopped open with a hatch t, and the other minus an ear and his nose hekr jn' plate by a strip of plaster. He heard both sid s f the .case, and, finding the quarrel was the result of a mutual misunder standing, discharged both with the caution that "if eidtr of you Villers, coomes up efore me agaiijj'll gif you a.veek in j iiiM Then lie made them ahake hands as;d invited the principalis in the case and witn- sses to drink at 1 s ueraiKianr. vins. It is probably the only case on rec ord where the decision of the United States supreme court has l-cen set aside, but such is one ot the uncertainties ot the wild and wooly wet. Detroit Free rress. Livestock Points. Hogs, sheep and poultry on the farm. ever these combined L'ave may safely be allowed to go to waste.;. When your-Ken cease Hying change their diet awhile,giving them less grain and more fresh meat scraps and m;lk. Let plenty of sunlight into your stit hies for the winter. Cows and horses were not meant to live like rats in -si hole. The more sunlight in the cow stable the r'uh r the milk, Hoard's Dai ni .i.ry-say . Soni'? of our learned scientific experts are discussing the quest mil of how fat get- into the milk. It does not matter how it gets there so there is only 'nougii if it, and if cows can he bred that produce 4 per cent, regularly we ir not. going to quarrel wish them a' out how they got it. We know hey did not steal it. It is claimed that the flesh of poul ry and animals killed by electricity las a superior fl ivor to that slaughter ed in the ordinary way. B it the -x- perinnt lia certautlv not ben ufii- ciently tried yet. I i-i a nutter which might be tested, as it would be tin eas- ier wav ot taKing the lives of to.d nui- uiaU than by the oldinarv irocess"S. m Lancashire, the huge interests at stake re little understood save by statisciaus and trade experts. A few heuiefi, however will suffice to show how important a part cotton plays in British national economy. Fibre of the value of between 0,000,000 and 40, OOO.OOOunnually is purchased from abroad. This is passed through a huge variety of I . I t I U ! 1 processes oy worts peopie wno receiveu 'no-eih of the total was puid iu the country. bark finds shelter in the time of ad versity." . uHome is the blossom of which heaven is the fruit.' "The only spot on earth where the faults and failings of fallen humanity are hiddeu under the mantle of chart- HE LOST 0X12 THOUSAND DOL LARS. it iii m " ue was a wen to oo larmer witn a grown sou or two, and they were tbiifty. Uiie day not long ago the old man came into the office of the county paper and tound the editor at his desk. The editor was surprised. He had known the farm er for twenty years or more, but he had uever seeu him in that place before. "Good moruiug remarked" the farmer happiness. uAn abode in which the inmate, the superior being called man, can pay back at night, with fifty per cent in terest, every annoyance that has met h:m in business during the dav." k The place wheie the great are sometimes small, and the small often great. A .itl,A..'.i lr l .1 r I iU. a11. j. uc luiiiti a biuguiui mo vim dren's paradise, the mother's world." "The jewel casket containing the most precious of all jewels, domestic Jeff Davis Alooniueat Coatrlbntloiit. JACXSOX, Miss., Nov. 3 -The Mis-' sissippi committee having in charge i the raising of funds for theJeff Davi mon orient ut Richmond niei at Gov. Stones office today and arranged for a iystematic canvas of the State. A ratnittee ofjsjx 0nfedeiVsLi "will have charge of the wort iu reach county. January 2ud is designated s Davis contribution day, when every person in the State will be asked to give not orerSl nor less than 25 cents. . Aiississippi has been rulkiug since Mrs. Davis decided her linh-md Vn-rva should U ia Virginia, and it takes con uderable work to make them enthusi- asuc givers to the monument. The Dojr's Name. "What is your dog's name?" asked Man who was waiting at the postoffice, of a young fellow with a particularly nnght dog. "Auk him," answered the young fellow cooly. And I answered uAsk him' "You are an impertinent snob," said the older man, brandishing his uiuureua, k"Ihg;iiig down"a rroji is sometimes m excellent, thing for a poor hld, and rye is one of the bst crops for thi purpose, i n! t lie lings on the rye hll .soon ns the "ram begins to rii'in. i h-'V will be in t-xceilent onditiou for fattening by the time the corn is ready for thriu and the rye field will have a Fertilizing thai it will remember for vears. sheepishly "How are you?" responded the editor. "Glad to see you. I thought you might be coining around someday." "Yes," and the old man's face grew rosy red. W hat's the news?" inquired editor. 1 waut to suDsenoo lor tne paper. That's news aiu't it?" and the farmer laughed. " Well yes; very good news." "How much is it a year?" "One dollar cash, or a dollar and a half if paid at ihe end of the year." The farmer took out his pocketbook. "Give me five dollars' worth," he said, "There's the money " The editor gave such unmistakable evidence of surprise and curio.Mty that the farmer felt culled on to explain.- "Where you are treated best, and you grumble most." "Home is the central telegraph office of human love into which run innum erable wires of affection nianv of which, though extending thousands of miles, are never discontented from the great terminus." "The centre of our affections, around which. our heart's best wishes twine." "A little hollow scooped out of the windy hill of the world, where we can le shielded from its cures and annoy ances." "A popular but paradoxical institu tion, in which woman works in the ab- tho sence of man. and man rests in 4T guess," he said, "I ou-ht to have presence of woman." Nashville CAri done it bef.n-e . W e and the boys have tian Advocate. AiKcu auuui ii, uub wc ujuuifuii mere but wasn't anything much in the newspapers anyway, and we thought we could get out of u dollar a year some other other way. Not long ago we ran across a man with a tine plan to make money. No matter what it was. We went into it and we are short now a thousands dollars. The other fellowain't though. Tne School in i,: " issue It will be a sad day for school when it becomes an national politics. For it always pens that the hih purposes of thinking and right feeling men lolUcs. the public in i nap- right are Oi.e of our neighbors read us all about hampered, and often they are thwarted, him in his paper yesterday. If I'd by the timidity of politicians, begun taking your paper tweiity years L-,,nws Trhat ther nitii ..-77T im oi iii oson, m., ik.i Xicry one knows inai mere exists i L !. J.l $1 000 we gave up for nothing. Send on 'his country a strong opposition io ine your paper, and when my time is up let public scliool as it is now orguizea Do not dose animals with medicii.e when it can be possibly avoided. The thing has been carried quite too fa' i nd the most monstrous doses have len poured down the throats of poo" quadrupeds just because they could not help themselves, brood food. and sani- it iii rary care will in ai: but extreme cases obviate th1 need oT the horrid dosing and drenching. The old fashioned cow me know. Good day," aud heweutout. Detroit f ree Press. HIS LOVE LETTER. He hurried up to the offiice when he entered the hotcd, and without waiting to register inquired eagerly: " ny letter for me i , The clerk sorted over a package with the attention that came oi long prac- docfor was about oh a level jftith the tice. aud threw one a very small one . the Intluu medicine man as far sis in- on the counter. telligence went. POVEUTY IS EXPENSIVE. There is not hing so expensive as pov erty, " says a Washington house wife "It seems paradoxical to put it so. but no poor man can afford not to be a few its i-il ii rr dollars ahead in the world, l lie ex treme case is that of the very poor, who must pay for double the price I 111 .! 1 1 cnargeu me ricn. oecause inev nave n get it by the bushel or scuttlefiil, and . . i - mi so wiln every tnnig else, me poor woman has to pay $50 for a sewing machine on installments, though she could buy it for $35 cash down. Her lack of the ready cash costs her $15; that is. whereas it is the poor who ought to get everything cheaper, they IV re is too much reason to fear that parties will began to hedge," and to use meaningless phrases about ther uh- I c school in their platforms as soon as the school becomes an issue. The politicians will apprehend that the antischool vote will be against them, and they will accordingly take a position whicn win ue no position iu reference to ttie matter. There are indications in the party platforms of the present year that the school is to oe au issue or tne ruture. It has already entered into the politics of some of the states, with evil result. If all the people were as well agreed in religion as they are in reference to the usefulness of education m making "My dear sir, the dog's name is SAsfc nun. explained the youth as he re treated to a safe distauee. Ze roit Free. Press. Wise WurtU.. There is a great de il of feel in fnr art which must be acquired. No man can do his d ll.l.V in ii ivm-bl like this without getting bis back full of knives. If a man change his politics, t! t ne is The travelling man took it with a curious smile that twisiea ins pleasant looking face into a mask of joyful ex pectancy. llu mriw n hp rpiid it. 1 hpll. , , .1 u i i i.i . rd ntb..r tr;ivP br t int, lost ed 200U Clliz-M mere wouiu oc no irouoie. him, he laid it tenderly against his lips Unfortunately that is not tne cise. and actually kissed it. Consequently the only possible rule A loud guffaw startled him. k.I..t.- mi Ir liuro nhl ftIIrtV " Maid XllM. I v jv lit- i v vrav, yw.. . m 11' vmce, "that won't do, you know! Too in morality and religion so w as a i . r..r anvtbintr f!nnfps nnw Ure agreed, ociioots so. consiiwiej. your wife did not write that letter." and no others, should be suppprtea -b ..xt i i-i v ii .... i u 1 1 ; . i tun nn m if. tains. ouin s yjomvumon "io. sue uiun i. iu me uoTeiitui' - - - .t - i ? . man with an amazed look, an if he would like to change the sublet. "That letter is from mv best eirl. I n stooi at his cothn. and then there This admission was so shallow call him Jtinstable. Bu not one thing a fossil. Young man. trv to irrow trv to h better. If you are bound to be a'puuip kin get ou a vine. . Some men are honest just twice iu their lives when they are frightened and wheii they forget. Reforms grow. What the school boy mumbles to-day, to-morrow be comes public opinion aud the next dav law. When three great big dogs get afb-r-a little harmless "cotton t .il," v.h ; does the whole human family a. j. a id the dogs? The greatest achievement possibli - 's.l- I I I . man is me minding of a cl that will stand the test of an went searching. Fat horses and cows usuaily lietoken big hearted owners, but not always. Yet none but a men man j ill starve his horses poor. If you think you are riglit take a balky horse aud try to lead him off without lying. 1 know no better test for a man's righteousness thaq this. If you ean make some lnfortuuatft one happy without getting happy yourself, 1 should like you to send me. your address, for you are a phanom-, enon. t laracieJ omnis. Art is an old language, with a great many artificial affected styles,and some times the chief pleasure one i?ets tun of knowing them is the mere sen of knowing. Thcre is no royal road to an v i 1. n ;.- Excellence is a flower taab blows on the hill crowns aud he who would wear it must plod. You can't slide to tho irs on a tobog iru ii Yesterday the chief occupation of wornau was to giggle, and gossip, and get married.1 and new on button, nnd "darn" the'day she was wed. Young women you don t live yestwrday. Post-Mortoui Love "1 stood at his cofBu, and then unexpected I were mauy tongues to peak his praise. that the trio of friends who had caught I There was not a breath of apeasion in him said no more until they had eaten j the air. Men spoke of self-den ula rof have alwavs to nav enormouslv more ht trooI dinner and were seated m a I his work among the poor, and or nis .'. . i J . J . . I o . .... ., , ,i . . . . w i . l:. than the rich for the same things, chum s room. Then they began to good qualities, or nis quietness, nis merely because they are poor. I i ex- badger hi m. "It's no use, you've got modesty, his humility, his pureness of tn rad it Nictc. said one or mem. heart, his rami ana power. uerc - ... i . . t. nf l i . 1...... ..II ..K...t , ... I rr ,..!, cnAL'. inniiinaiil f nf We wail I. IO miov ait nuwub juut i nnc uianj l'"' i , - . :l best g.rl." the charges that faleshoodjiad forged c " We cannot comm uid veracity ill the or.wer of Ki-eincr and rtniil tremitv thev must seek the pawn bro ker, who again p eys upon their slen der resources because they have so lit tie. Credit for anything always most money, and the poor are those who s must pay for it. Our means are very .moderate, 'and the only reason that, we m I t 1 get along socomtortablv as we do is that, we never owe foranything. Years ago we were always in debt, and t he struggle was severe to g?t along, I we are gent lemen. without counting the distress and an novance incidental to owing tradesmen money. Finally we found out what was the matter, and got square with t ;e iii i nm i is - s world by a io:ig ettort or sen aeniai Our income is no greater now than Blessed is the man who,having noth ing to say, abstains horn giving ug wordy evideuce of the fact trom call ing on us to look through a heap of millet seed in order to bn sum that "So you shall," said Dick, with great against him in past ye iraand thetrea I -ll ll. I ll - I A. 1 1...J A I n..A WAVA ,.m mm i w ill ?ive, vou me ieiw;i. i meiiL ue nau rruirU. xuci - wt- j - -t - .... md vou can read, it yourselves; there enough kind things said during two or it is," and he laid it on the table. "i guess not," saitl the one who had ben the loudest in demanding it. "We like to chaff a little, but I hope that lhe lady would three days that he lay iu the coffin. and while the company stood arouaa bis (rrve. to have blessed him and made him happy all his fifty years. and to haft thrown sweetness and joy ing truly is a form of health that uas to be delicately guarded, and as an ..u- cient Rabbi has solemnly said, "the penalty of untruth is untruth. hardly litie to have her letter rread by nbout his soul during all his -painful this crowd. and weary journey, nierewmfuu inii Itnt. 1 insist tn it!"' was the answer, sunshine wasted about th black coffin "There is nothing to be ashamed of, ex- aud dark grave to have made his life- tUc,ullincr Thut'aa littleshakv- tvi'h briV-h; ?S Cieare.-t daV. But 111 v i' i r- . - t i - " . , . , no; 1 1 lie so fir ahead of him that life will lie burden." i.i i ..i ,i ears were cioi men mi couiu ! thr lied by t! e grateM swtmds. cared nothing then for the sweet flower - far ni tii .1 uurx nili'it tiiHin Inn coin II. Ll love b'os-omed out toalate. The kind ness came when If? could not receive ..i ll J 1:. II...:..- Ii .. . ... , 1., Iu I hur 1 i h mo ohtfi.rn'n swa oweu humiiciuus- i us u ewni. iui mwuiMnir ...v.. .. f wearv men and woman j , mcuiid " -- i r-i - -. - I'll admitbut she won't care in the then, but it produces at least one third least. Read it, Hardy, and judge for more. We have no bills. Depend I vourself ." upon it, a poor man cannot afford not Thus urged, Hardy took up the let to be some-w hat ahead of the world ter, shamefully enough, and read it. otherwise the world will yery toon get There were only a few words. Fir.t Charlotte New$ , Some of the charitable ladies of Charlotte have iuaiig u rated a movement for the establishment here of a home for aged women aud a ref uge for homeless women. They are suc ceeding encouragingly, and lhe indica tions ;.'re thai ibis iiiuvh mtdd instiiu tiou will soou be founded at Charlotte. . Win. Prt re. LuUsvlil. Mo., wrt fS: I w ' stall fllcUxi Willi BcUiua..fcOiai r Si tii. e c. t.ue ria -Ud oae ivg tor nine cars. 1 1 1; " ot surii ira afl a.urud aiflVo ni ..ocu.i., l J---no cu'i- uuui I tried liouolr B. i i.aim. it uiitd iu iioit.KVici!. I au. wo Here,, I i- 4 1 , I