THE WATCHMAN" s the Organ of the Farmers' Alliance in 6 th and 7th Congre&r sional Districts. Advertisers, make a note of this T -ll s 50 per cent, more culatioii than any a Til II aer paper puWisnea S l Salisbury, and is V:: erefore the best aa- medium. SALISBURY. N C, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1892. N04. . & - 15 V i . V . tvl v I TPK 3 Ti ll 6 - - Sunday i,n Slavery Days. tities of pine lwvi"hs. which crotected In the South before the war Sunday the congregation from the sun and the was looked forward to with anticipa- 'showers, and ilisnersed an aromatic lions of unaffected happiness hv the ne- odor that was by no means disagreea- groes on the plantations. With it Die. came not alone the restful idleness of ' An object of most envious concern the day, but the additional pleasure af- (to the other darkies on the! plantation forded by opportunities to at tend divine . was the family coachman, or carriage The negro as a race, is asocial being. The; absence of - extraordinary brain driver, or that of their number that who was singled out to go 'with" young mist u or any other member- of the Castoria is Dr. Samuel Titchcr's prescription for Infimts and Children. It contains neither upturn, morpumy It 13 a narcmess suosuiuio for Taregoric, Drops, Sootliinff Syrups, ana castor uu. ,Its guarantee 13 tinny years Castoria is tuo Children's Panacea other Harcotic substance. It -is Pleasant. - Millions of Slotlicrs. the Mother's Friend. Castoria. v.- i . "Castoria Is so well adapted Co children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me" II. A. AncHsa, M. D., Ill Co. Oslorcl St., Bfooldyn, N.-Y. " The use or ' Castoria ' i:i bo universal and Its merits ho well tea that it scorns a work of supererogation to cmlorso it. Few are the intoUIcent families who" do not keep C-storia Trithin eay reach." v C-kHLOS ILiSTTM, D. I., New York City. Castoria. Caetoria circs ColiCrXbnstipation, Sour Stomrxh, Diarrheal, Eructation, H-Uj YTunrjo, Cves riecp, and promotes dJ fjeRtion, Without injurious medication. power denies him ttie privilege of nuusenoid to church. Aside from this thoughtful medita!im4r the solace of being considered a recognition of supe- renection. His intuitive impulse is io nor merit and a mark of special conn loosen the cords that birrd him to him- den ce, it carried wiih it many pnvii- self and to sjek congenial comp tnion- eges which were ratly enjoyed. It ship. j meant more comioriubie transit to and This inate characteristic of sociabil- from the church, more presentable'ap- ltr was intensified in the . plantation parol, and best of all, ood eatm s. darkev whose master's f ant ilv wast 1 he sermon oreravgefKal hand- usually the centre, aiound which a highly social microcosm existed. Sun day was the day aliove iill the rest win n he could uive full pi;iy to this tendency and htfwas never happier than when in the midst of a group, hearing lum goal apples that he could get for them, aud he must do it. Ke told them, that it would not be right. They said that was all nousense; they were going to have the apples, and lit would have te be the one to go after them. He saidr "No, I ha. would be stealing," and h would not do suoh a mean, wicked tiling. Then tney sai I they'd drawn him in the river, lie Very much frightened, but he said, "I would rather if and otheis talk. 111 a I 1" . snaKing ny me cispersing congregation was in order, and sometimes, wheu a sermon wa t follow in the afiernOon and iheday w::s a pleasant one, the at tendants divided themselves into a lit-4- tle group here and there, The baskets "For several years I kaTO recommended your ' O-storia,' and shall a! .rsvs ccntinuo U do so as it ha3 invariably produced beneflei Edwin F. Paie2, M. v., SCth Ctivct and 7th. Xvo., Kew York City Tus Cmxacx Cowm, 77 Muthvat Btrstt. Xxw Yosuc Cttt chu'eh," tinMefoiv, always .meant for him more of a social than religious en joyment, tnougli occasionally there were venerable exceptions to this rule. The darkies from all the neighboring plantations were to be seen at "ineetin' and all (he grotesque happenings of the week and bits of highly colored nossin were to be exchauo;ed amid Gwine ter were opened and the lunches, prepared bv the old-time Southern cooks; wen heartily enjoyed. A inter change of small talk and the news of the neighborhood made the time pass swiftly; then caaie the second sermon, after which "young nustis is escorted hack to the carriage by some gallant beau, who, seeing her and perhaps the old folks comfortably seated within - ; hearty guffaws, in 'which the uiost in- hows himself away in a Chestertieldian noce ut good nat ure" abounded. - manner. 1 he sable aristocrat with Tiie ante-bellum negro was always the rigid demeanor slams the door to picturesque in his attitudes, adjuncts, with a bang, and with becoming dig- T IS A T" -;TT too ott yowrfteir ana lm iie fc -t value for your-roney. Rrnnom-'A? in your Jiwlwrar by p jrchnBlp W. r,.Uviijla J Hmi, vhlch reprewut the bat v&lce lor prices aked, bs thonsaada XT TAA.C HUM Dor i A U -Jkiht W. L. OOOSLAS TK BEST SHOE JftTHE WOHLQ FOJt TM f.;3NCf. A BMoIno ses-eH ehnc, that trill not rip, ma 0f. iwunlesa, runot'u insiuo. f-oilWa, inore com forttble.6t viish D(1 durable than any other shoe ever gold at the rice. Equals custom uaJo &nocsccsUug 9V laost stvlWli, easy aud ii arable slu.ea ever sold at tbe price, 'iucj eciol iim Imporccd uixi coctluc from to $12. - . . r o SO I'olire Sioe, yrom by farmer and fcll ipOi others wbo vaut a pooti heavy calf, thrc9 eoled, extension edge nhoc, easj to wait lu, auU wla keep the feet dry and wann. , CO 50 Fint? Calf, QZ.'IZ and &2JDQ Work SPimn Inimeu'a Shod will give more wear fur iho nooey ttie oy other mate. They are made for ser vice. The Increasing sales ehovr thai wcrfclngmsa liave found this out. ' - t)rir- &i.09 ana rth8 81.75 ScJjooI E3Uy& shoes are wora by the boys every where? Tbo root serviceable bhoes sold at. th prices. tUaUlU5 $2.00 and $1.75 BbcKS for JV1 isaes are made of the boat Dongola or Cue Calf, as desired. They are Tory etylish, comfortable and dura ble. The$3JjOriOo equals custom made shoes eostlng from S4.U0 to t6M Ladles who wiih to ecoaomize in their footwear are findiDK this out. - ' Camion. W. L. Douglas' name and tbe price Is Stamped on the bottom of each shoe; look for It when you buy. Bewarecf dealers sxtcmptinKtosmb (rtltute other iiiakes for them. Such substitutions aro fraudulent and subject to prosecution by law for ob talnlnK money under false pretences. V. 1 DOLUL4S, nrocliton, Class. Sold by Advice 3:0 WoaiEii If you iwould protect yourself from Painful, Profuse, Scanty, Suppressed or Irregular Men. struation you must use tub Washington- Life Ins. Go. BRADFIELD'S FEMALE REGULATOR Cartkbsvillk, -April 25, 13S3. This Tfill certify that two members of my immediate family, after bavins suffered for years from .Tlcnitrjol Irregularity, beins treated withoutbaneflt hy physicians, wero at length completely cured by one bottle ofErcdDeld'si'emale Jveculator. its eCect L5 truly jroaderfuL J.Vf. Stsasge. Eoo- to " WOMAN " mailed FREE, which contains 'raluaiLJ lnforuiatlou on all female diseases. BPiADFIELD REGULATOR CO.. ATLANTA. GA. roi: bAlk ut a t,z. jiruogists. mi -OgHZfe-&mg I'Tirwrrrnriln nimnnnr-lii-tiiirri -itb PURELY a vegetable compound, made entirely ol roots and herbs gathered from the forests of Georgia, and has been used by millions of people with the best results. It CF HEW YORK. CONDENSED STATEMENT. JANUARY 1st, 1892. . . . - sn .ir.o.nns Ts Reserved ft?r ioticU'S,.N. Stundard 4 ier cent., ami all liability, -New Insurance, 1'8'Jl, outstanding Insurance,' -)aid l'oliej-boliiers iu 18'J1, -paid l'otuj-holdtfs since or- gauizatiou, ' - -lucoiue, 18'Jl - , - " ' Assets Invcstcil as Follows: Loans secured by mortgages on i..i v.-au first hens, - 51 ' r New York City bondsr Brooklyn waeev bonds, - - -Uichiuond, (Vji.) bonds, - f Loausto ioiicy-iabkrs on Co. s PolfciS, - - . Collateral loans, - . -Ileal Estate, cost value, - - Cash in bank and trust Co. s, Interest accrued, premiums de ferred and in transit, etc., 11,032,520 25 11.7a,C 1 lj447,OO0 45 20,G:ir.,r54 05 2,(53 1,435 14 271',82 50 144,000 lOJOO 278,7159 34 3,500 501.S18 2Ji. 247?708 416,067 77 All manner cf Blood diseases, from the pestiferous little boil on your nose to the worst cases of inherited blood taint, such as Scrofula, Rheumatism, Catarrh and Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. bwiFT Specific Co, Atlanta, Oa. Q O JTho cmallest Pill ia -do T7orU! "Wliy do you cufTor rTSfrom Dyspopsla cud Skslc-neadache, Q rendering lifo inlsorable, ?beu rvu4v .j of. vnnr lirlnd ? v Mils m EH W-m i Q bLU iw of law LIwr Pills Owill 6pccdil7 roraoro all this tumble, enable roa toeat and digest your foodj, Vjl prevent headache and impart a Oonjoyment of lifo to which you hare been a stranper. Doso umall. Iico, w jia cents, uiuce, o ruiii JLr OGOOOOOU and surro'iriiliriirs. ami particularlv 1; 1 so "oher Sundavs." Tho iiiamirr of his locomotion to and f roiri the'kineetin' hoiisc" made a striking picture, with a touch of irresistible drollery about it. ifpre than likuly he proceeds nfoot,:ind if the day be pie is nit he carefully re moves his '"Sunday shoes1' and the thick cotton souks, draws off his coat, throws it over hi left arm, and (tan tles the shoes from his riht hand. With his impediments thus adjusted he advances upon his way with a quick, sliiifitiiii? fait, a liglit heart, a planta tion hymn at. the top of his tongue, or a cheeky t rollicking whistle upon his lips, if the roads lie muddy, jthe "dis- 'unce usually great, or the darkey tiuu--elf the oliject of ih overseer's espe cial favor, he is indulged with a horse isl ride of whoe hack bone he otri;iy himself, his wife, '-md a yonntrster jr t wo. They jog alon slurlv.puttii'g up with the lulicri"Us discomfort of tlx urangement with every evidence of ood huiiior. If the attendant upon oivine wor- -h'p be far advanced in ye; rs,his mater, with that respect for the aged so char irteristic of ti.e Soathcrn gentleman of he old seho l, places at his and "'de oe 'ooman's"' disposal an humble vehicle, which has out I. sted the greater jiart of its uefullneis. Tv this he harnesses n olantat ion mule, whose solemn de meanor and highly deliberate niove mcntsare in keeping with the measur ed, easv-jromtr eharacteialic if the lurkev twain. Thev set out, the wab bling? wheels describing an endless se ries of curves, convex and concave. The venerable occupants are seated im split-bottom chairs and are attired in their "bes' bib-en-tucker," with their darning apparrel "ettin' two ways fer Sunda'" to employ the vernacular ;y which they mean to suggest the all prevading presence of starch, which plantation darkies were accustomed to use unstintedly. Thus, with an entirr It I A ihseuce nitv j.sceuds to his perch. Then with calm deliberation he draws up the rube and caref ully tucks it around him A moment later the reins are 111 hi.s hands, and then with a crack of the whip the coach rolls away and is so.m lost to sight in a cloud of dust. Kctte Id's Washington. lowu tu..n steal.' They too' him to the river, and put him under the water, and then pulieu Dared Not Itetitm. The old inan who sat by the road side coughed violent! v. He seemed to have one foot ia the grave, yet he was a wanderer, ragged and forlorn. A little buy stared in wonder at the s rmge, decrepit figure. "Wliy dou t you eo home? the child demanded. The old man shuddered. Buryiujr his eyes ia hi.s hands he moaned miser- ; "All right, M'randy, all rihL" iaiA . I tln ilrl ... ... 1.1- . . 0 ' It du beat all I tet she k'm took i chicken p,e to save hj.n gizzard. J 8he purtv enough ter be locked" a? but when ,t come, ter Kitten a wife'C fcf ' mterP tis .pouse firm, hu .teeth to rattle, "if v., j .-. alunyhc tuatl will." r ably. "Don t cry. The words of comfort from the ten liitu out. His lace was very white, but Uer ii,,s wrurjg the Krlef staickeu heart. le blew the water from his muoth and nose, aud gasp.d out, "ro, I will not steal, loo may kill me, but I wont sin against the Lord." Tbev put him under again, and this time they kept hrm longer than they 'iJoj1 with His voice trembled bodily weakness. "1 dare not go home. "Don't dare?" age and The vouthful pvp rrrpw hu with as-' "1. . ... 1 I ...!!.. 1 ,1 . . - " o meaiiL iu uu, uu;i ue was reiny niunucu. i toillshllient. When tney took mm out, ami found that he did not breathe, it was their turn to be frighteued. They dropped 1 s little dead bod v. aud ran away to luae from the police murderer-; and he was certainly as if he had been burned at the stake. Peril iips God saw that the best thing for him was to have his faith in Jesus sorely tried for u little while and then ihesi without waiting for him to grow up and meet things that might be eveu harder to resist, to talce mm into heaven at once. He has been there a goo I in uiy years now, and iu its light and gladness no doubt he rejoices that to stand for 'NTo; I do not dare." There was y world of sadness in his tones. Twenty-seven years aero, bov, I left nile 1 Mil Ihey were l iny home bright 'and earl v.- My 1 inarbvr, iu l-,pH m fnn. v ure oiu uiau meek v and iviri, as she dragged her along after h, r -V sorter tucK me back tef oid'time. when I were a youngster wound amon the purtiest on Viu," and he licked his chops in apparent enjoyment of ancient das. . - - -You're what yOU UHUS Wll, an old foot- nther 11 U uo stoPptn a fore winders in this here wicked city " and she quickened her steps as he NIHIL AM un.l fil M. I wrv,. iwitm nun to with her. Chicago Mail. keep pace Peter Cooper's Illustration. PeterCooner W:is nn nf fch nmt cno. Tears sprang to his eyes and rolled cessful. careful, and h.wi,, unheeded down his cheeks. men of his time H tVJ4 otritrifrlv and told me to get some thread, onnosed to the methods of m.nv mr- sugar, toweling, matches, a washboard, cuaiits who launched out into xtrava- saieratus, needles and and As he faltered the look of agony in Ins lace grew more intense. '"and one other thing that 1 for- and neer could recall. I it,,T. God rive lum strength w,li;.t was right o even him his life. Our faith severely as tiiought it cost may not was that be tested so of this little been an outcast ever' since. 1 dare not go .home." Intently the boy watched the stoop ing hgure until it hobbled labnously from sight. Norweigian boy, yet we must have th same rockv purpose to be true to Gud, no matter what it may cost. Ex. ijleau the fo. lowing, something esting about Ben Lusbie, who it THIS A II I ZONA KICKER. . tt n ... ii 1 1 0 A DUMMisu uf. ror ine i.isl ioui mouths the mayor of this town (who is ouretY) and the e iitor and proprietor of the Kicker (who is also outsell) has luen U iore the.electors ot tins Senato rial district as a candidate lorSlateSen- at r. Now that we . are elected t perhap well to do a little summing up fcirsi 1 ne olii:e cud not see; u ..ut wo laid our pipes and made -neesl'ul grab The idea that th oinice -should cek the man was al : i ? 1 t. in the ve r48) B. C, but uasn't been worth js backs in this coun try since Chrito her Columbus-dis covered it. Tint was aiicd us for .bout tcnjyeais we were waiting lor s. nie office to sed U, and we are mighty poor cluthrs and don't sit down !o a (juare meal once a Week. Second Having sought and secured, the nomination, we planted tor a pull in every direction 1h.1t we are honest, repectab!e, and u. d all 0. K. as ni' n run, and that 'he i-pposilion couldn't even get up u deee it lie about. US, was all right to a certain point. Bevond that we had to shell out cash, tap a keg of whiskey ben ami there, ami promise to take care of about fifty heelsers who really by squawking birds ought to be doing time.- Thi. tl Up to date we have been shot at four times; we have been bombarded with cat--, tried to steal out running mule; we have received thre infernal machines and twenty-one threatening . -epistles.- On the other h.-nid. we have wonded two of the our wires The fact v. Aim, wuu. , enu.r ililn who hjlVe J0,lbtd our ve ,ce of self-consc.on.sness the aged 1 , . fim, ;i le arrived at the churcn in due 3 ' B. V'e have - ' 111,430,633 78 For agencies and other . particuhirs, address. 0 11 n it lk. Special District Agt., 'Haleiith.N.O. N arMk Alliance Excliaiige 11 and 13 Commerce St., Norfolk, "Va., Owned and controlled: by Alliaiicem'cn for handling produce. COTTON A SPECIALTY. Don't sell before writing for par ticulars to . - J J, ROGERS, Mgr. P. 0, Box 212. statesvill: MARBLE WORKS Is the Place to Get Monuments, Tombstones, &c- A lSrge stock of VERMONT MARBLE to arrive in a few days We guarantee ttsfa?tiia iu every respect and positively will not be undersold. Granite Monuments Of all '"V"'1" specialty . . C. B. WEBB & CO., " Proprietor. Mention tlie Watchman wlien you Tlte ; coup time If it be a shrine intended exclusively for dusky worshipers, the building will "e a large rectangular structure coin posed of log-, the apertures between be ing chinked with mud and clay, and lhe roof consisting of rows of rough ak clapboards, held in place by lonjj saplings lying lengthwise with" the building, and these in turn being se cured bv prongs of hickory. The most eonspienou adjunct of this humble house of worship is the chitnuey.which leans away from the structure with si hurt offended air. It looks as though it were about tojopple down, and its hetrogeneons materials constitute an impenetrable mystery, held by a frame work of sticks and clay. There was no scarcity of preaching in the ante bell uni days. 0;i every plantation there w is a number of k,,ex horieis," who were regarded with pious fer aud :ou by the 11 groes. In, the services conducted by these black ministers the women participated as niuch as the men, and.-some of th"ir "jsperiences" were extremely amusing; but all in all their worship was pecu liarly impressive, if not weird. Singing is one of nature's first, and best gifts to the negrc, and no music is more resonant with melody than the voices of several hundred blacks sing ing uDe Old Ship o'Zion," as with snp ple KCiuhexion, the bodies swaying back and forlh and their h;in s clap ping, they keep time with the nnging. An emotional race,the negro is intense ly susceptible to the influenc ' f music, and with melody comes the irresistible desire to move the feet, pat the knee, or make gesticulations with tht baud. In the milder seasons of the ; e r the iDirrn wnrsh-neis assembled liei e th a spacious arbor formed by a fr ..are work of saplings re t;ng iu the forks of small growing tree?, or of others cut down and stuck in the ground. U)on this . ...1- ., ffVili 11 ir wi re denosittd a ian- aided to break up three meeting-', licked left. two 01 tht opposition speakers, and keot such a corner 011 the kerosene market that only our side could hold torch l tjht parades. Fourth. 'We have used every effort to down the opposition suid get there with both reet. and we know that we -ire solid. Had it been left to us at tin onffinr we shou d have nrelenv n a . l n.iniiviimi with An shoofi!!' I I I ll'l, l.lllll IILI II W . . ill I ill. We should have elected 10 i.m'i Crowd, Geatler.ian." From the Indianapolis Sentinel we inter ior fif teen years wasone of the greatest fea tnres'of 15 unutn's circus in the capac ity of "lightening ticket seller." He' had a wonderful parrot, which was pre-enied to hitn by one of the cauvass rtie'u of the show who w;is at one time a s-.ilor on a steamer plying between liotou and Feruaudina. Lubie used :o have a way of quieting the scramb ling mob ot ticket purciiasers around the wagon ly saving "Don l be m a urv, gent leini'ii.'1 Tnere's pleoty of 1 ..Tv 1 .1. ..11. " ume. v )U t crowu eacu otuer. at a tune, gentlemen," and such i mi . . 1. expressions as mat. xne p.irroL,wuiMi was perched 11 poii the sate 111 tne wag- 11 1 11 ( . 1 : 1 t . 1 on l l-t 0 .iCK ol ljUsij.e, gui iu ie.ii is tiits- little speeches alter a season's lour, aud often would break out into a piercing shriek with one of them.mucli loL'isbies amusement. Ine parrot which, was quite a little vagabond, broke loose i'roin her fetters o:ie day nd IIjW over inLvj a neignooruig wood near the circus. A searching party was made up, and they had not proceeded far before they heard a great racket, apparently made Hastening to tlie scene they found poor Foil clinging as nest she could to the limb ot a dead tree surrounded bv a screaming fluck jf crows. The parrot had only two or three tail feathers lelt, and the hostile crows were striking, pecking and pluck ing her right and let t. Hang ng on as jest she could the parrot was shrilly cn-aming. "One at a tiin:, gentle- V "llnn't. fhuv, there lake time!"' "There's plenty mote gaut enterprises ou borrowed money ,for which they paid exhorbitant rate of interest, The following anec dote illustrates this point very forcibly: Unce, while talking about a project with an acquaintance, the tatter laid he would have to borrow the money for six months, paying interest at- the rate of three per cent, per month. Iff 1 m - . Wny do you borrow tor so short a time?"- Mr. Cooper asked. "Because the brokers will ot nego tiate bills for Jonger." "Well, if you wish," said Mr. Cooper.. 'I well discount your note at that ratet for three vears. "Are you iu earnest?" asked tbe would be borrower. "Certainly, I am. I will discount your note for $10,000 three years, at that rate. Will you do it? Of course i will," said the merchant. "Very well " said Mr. Cooper; iust sign this note for 10,000, payable in three veurs, and give your check for $800, and the transaction wirF be. complete.' out where is the money for rue? v "You don't get any money," was the reply. "Your interest for tiurty-si moiitns, at tiiree per centum per mouth amounts to 10S per-cetum, or $10,8U0 therefore vour cheek for SS00 lust makes us even." The force of this practical illustra tion of the folly of paying such - an exorbitant price for the use of money wa such that the merchant determined never to borrow at such ruinous rates, and he frequently used to say that nothing could have so fu y convinced him us this rather bumoroas proposal by Mr. Cooper. - CityGlrlsWiilerTUeir Horses, V. V. Hall, a young farmer near Moutueli r. em yed hitusely hugely a few d ivs back iu, watching a couple of city girls attempt; to water their horses at the trouuh at his place. The horses were checked up. and of course could not fet. their doses down to the water. 0 - Thi seemed to surprise the youiiw ladies at first, but finally resizing the trouble they both got out of the buggy, and iroii' behind lifted up on the hind axle and after raising the hind wheels clear off the ground peeped arquiid the f the v.' to see the horses drink. Finding that the horses didn't seem to know enough to stick then heads down at the same time they r tised the hind wheels one girl remained b hind to hold the buggy up and the other went to tiie horses' heads and tri. .d to null their noses down to the Wati-l'. After laughing till he shook several boards off the side of the blacksmith shop from where he watched the girls I if ton the buggy and pull on the horses, heads till tliev were red in the face and almost ready to cry, Will went to li,.ir :isist.:l Hi-fi and unchecked the horses. 1- The voun-jr ladies g ized at first in be wilderment, and then with a kind of si on't-you-ever-tell look at each ottiei :irnind them. ci.n.iji lUv,v. . .,lt..., iw...a l J..." !. I l. .,.l- it, thairs, fl's :illfl. alter iciiunursaul mc nc.m tuu tiMianimu ICdiicu in " 1 I p . I it i ii - waitimz for their horses to drink, drove appearance oi ine lace, out me mo off leavin-Will to sit down on the certain indication is tire green and a I ha Iai li'ikimi uni or I li.i ttiif I I r a U.H.nh nnrl ri I m 1 11 aie I TCiiw uiuwjiiissui ic luni. in I'UIIIIT 111 I.IIO UOU.II . . , . . . men , your go 3 beirre the people as a humble citizen possessed I over of a fair - na -e ot, tne carainai viriu s We should have refused to buy up the old soakers or come down with a dollar for a corruption fund. The politi cians wouldn't have it that way, how . a . -i m vir We were m the bauds ot our friends and they didn't want any new ideas introduced into the campaign We feel a bit sorry for the opposition candidate. r..r r i.. n ticft and should never n ivt A. Kailroad Toboggan for jiuic, "One of the queerest railroads any where in the cpuntry, Said Iwv. U S K niW-i. ot fort i Ontario. is a novel line tint runs from South On tario up to North Ontario, in Sin Ber uadino County, California, where I live. The line is seven miles long. A sp in of stout mules draw the car up the road. 1 here is nothing situ in on gular about that, but it comes the return trio. "The seven mules are on a tilt all the way, although the track does not look bl-.iit. So when the car starts back the mules get on and take a ride, lin ear booming over the whole line by gravitv. The mules enjov it, too Thev ride there in as self-satisfied s j .i in While he was totally unfit way as any other pa.sseng.-i, aim uie . v . l I T . . . . nli ii in i ilif have J view seems equamy us manning i. ; a U ti .M itnt. i fim,. and North Untario, you may kuow -s bitu- OCeil llUHIiiiairu, . ...... r-- ... .....w .... . "I CC... A ..(-... i and will be left dead broke and atcd at tne moum t o a;iluin but tuere are a lot, vi maguiuceui monev eompietely discouraged by the result. We also feel sorry ror me goou meu m.nii.r the onoosition. 1 hev have iied about us, shot at us villified u and whooped it up in various ways as . tifv tliMV owed the rsartv. It was Tan2 it rather strong when they de n ir..d tlmt our father was hanged for murder and our mother used to I e a beer slinger, but it was in the line of duty and only what might be expected in politics. A Brave Little Norwegian. Several years ago, a little Norwegian boy in Chicago, gave his heart to the Lord Jesus Christ, aud made up his mind to be true to the Savior, no matter what it would coat him to keep hi word. .j, , One aft-inoon s miebad boys, larger, th in himself, caught him and told him that tlny knew where there were some Cholera of L-'owls. This disease may b knows bt t' t over the city gal and her way of doing things. Mudedo Herald. riio rretty a disease ot the liyer, and is due in al most every case tojOTer-feeding, as in the case ot those ge se which were fed io close coops for the production of the enlarged -liversVbf which the popular pies known as pate de fois grits, or Strasburg pies, are made. -Similar gor ging with lood has the same eneet ou fowls, but, it goes beyond the mere en largement of the liver, and ends in fatal inflamatiou. There, is no remedy; prevention by moderate feeding is the Fisrure in the Shop Window. 4Well-, Fm gosh darned ,M'randy!" "Do von iest come along, Jessie, an you ben a-married nigh outer forty vears. J . I 1 1. - The twain were trom me interior .. .:f.ii.. Ma m .c nf oniiviitiA rn- niaiiuc.iy i . v' i. ' ... ,,v I, v nantaloons and coat cure.-Ae h-& J nnes ilefves too short, and a hat mat nail nneealt.d his features. He wore huge dasses. and was peering through them ivifW :i!i tiw ;nii'ht at a revolving le- male dummy in a StaJ,.e street window. J i ii i. t i. ..i. ..-I :.. She wore a plain oiacu, uociv suuu m ii.o cL-irf :md hic'h in the necic, and a verv tilaiti bonnet of antique architect uro' While he stared she tugged tit his sleeves. "Well, I m gosh darned he repeated giving no heed to the en treaties of his w;r". urged Packing Butter lor Winter, Butter to keep well must be well niftdev that ts the buttermilk well work ed out and a fidl ounce of pure suit worked into each pound of butter. If packed in tubs see that they are clean, tirat scalded with hot water and then washed with coid. Fack the butter a inade and keep each laer covered with, h cloth and salt until the next one is added. Fill the tub within one inch . I a .. . .1 l.l. I . 1 . I .... I 1 Jessie, Je-sie, do come away, she or ine top, men springe uu a utn?..., a-sighting cover wuti a cioin, nuu vuc ni tuow all around next to the tub, then cover with a half inch ot salt, put on cover and set away in a eool dr cellar. No vegetables or fruits should be stored ia a cellar where butter is to be kept,. br- IS von. J 1 iii. r . - . i mountain' around mere, une cu:oui for thev can scarcely be called towns, i situated on the Santa Fe and the other on the Southern Pacific. It is the sev en miles of street railway that connects the two. "The way they get the mules aboard this: There is a little truck under the car, and is pulled, becoming an ad junct to the regular passenger depart J ... . it., i i- i : j mei.t. L he moment me iruch. is suu out the intelligent animals make a start for it and step up and on. It is ex tremely amusing the way they do it, and the way they enjoy this ride, and thev are "reat favorites with the peo ple." San Francisco hiysai i ,'jjsatmner Wrc Pit e. LuttsvlllP, Mo., wrl'.es: I wnsfall nicied Willi s..Mtlca, and li.i.l 1 si tU-.- use oi o r uui a id one leg for Hue years. I eut to Uol Siiiiiigs and rKsoin-d .tilTf r.-rit ux;tord, cut ioju j no cuie uutU 1 tiled ttoiuuic lii'Aji iiaon. Ii nai le mawulJf.ia well. lum v.eUuu. loi. Why everybody s ofy! "Well, I m gosh darned: in re n:iti'il for the third time. "If that thar gal dou't ton anything fer look- ever 1 seed. Wonder wnai iney give her fur spinuin around all the time. Not much I reckon. Most any purty gal 'u I be glad er show er p'inted at 'u pryi.-ed by every feller 'at comes along, er thousand or more a day, I'm think- in. ,ii c "J. ssie, Jessie," pleaded the wife, pulling at his elbow more vigorously, -them Toniii-'sters is Uughin at ye.' "She's dooced purty ,'u she knows it," h. m.Mo.1 as he regarded her more criU icallv. "Yaas, she knows it. W at ,,urtv gal don't know th-.t? I shud think her feller 'ouldu't like it. though. Uut, law. M randy, she nam ia-miuuiu uim! W a wi' a"ll th ogiinn winkir she gets, lost er young winimin has b o- enough heart f- r m re ner one till -he g ts settled d wn, Law, Suz. blamed if she don't Minle sweeter uui a pJ.ich mi that their readheaded ch 4 yai.der. I gu.s. tiie shop folk. i her that frK;k, fur its beyond hei i . pne. 'fu! fuuuv w'at store yunji lhiiik o ler nir it s now wiuimeti do s si t on finery, her stand in t.ur day jes cause thev are very likely to jrxhalt odors that will be absonxrd by the but ter, even if the butler is kepkiu a close Vessel. New York Sun. . 1 1 A Baltic lt.yal. A tremendous battle took place near Peru, lud., where a circus has gone iu to whitei quarters, the other day. The contiiat mis were live elepnanw. Diamond, a four-ton brute, and Prince, who weighs three tons, have loug been m 1 I . jealous of each otli -r, ui eariy iu mo morning, during me aosen-r ui m keejier, they broke loose nd lx-gan fightin.. Tue other three elephai. 1 iu me ir.iupe iHjcanirt excited and took part iu th - it .y. Fn ice had the best ot it, an I soon broe Uiauiond s tusk, and butre-l him inr.-ugn a brick wall, which fj i upon t le tighti g bra . s, uurung and m-m so ba ily th .t their cms ioui! l heard more ;h .n a m e. i 1 e k ej p ai d trouble iu q neting tlie au.mals, and s.e i.lace iihiv i.-ciuht lo. k place vaa nass of wiv-k'a0e.

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