! f r I 1 i : . 1 J i I K 1 1 I, i F I r1 Carolina Watcii m m i, L. &2X3ET, ' Editor and Prop. Ona veur in ad vdiitta - . 2' .0 tiix months ' '' TBUMS STfMCTLlT CASH. The WtCHUAS is.onran of (he Alii ftnc$in tld $tu and 7tu Congressioiur Th Watchman ha 50 per etiil man circulation than any paper pibli.sbed in punpuury. . i . .. tr 9frerul m second-clasn mall ft Salisbury. J?. C. " TJIURSDA Y DEC'. 1, . . ,,. . ' .... ' t . to tb's time no paper has lxg tt Ibe fionjg about "turniiig (the x rascal - cuty J)el.ys arfi dangerous. j Tub salary ot the President and fSJecretarjr of the National Allinn e was reduced at the Memphis nieetiu,'. 1 3o far as we cao learn the members pt the Alliance, .with fe;v exemptions ' jthe organiz .tion, f nrt.w.inloa f tl.u A'Min .in, hint and riffl.t uud no amount of abue .. i i. i- .L. ..r . 1 i pr riuicuie irorp ine Hirelings 01 puuo- pracy can drive the people from them. fXbe Railroad Commission ha ruled Jhat railroads have arihti to charge storage baggage and an action based on tbis reguUlioa was d is missed. -Ex. We fear the business interests of the country rilL manage uff..irs to suit, tbewselves in. the nejt four years and the laborers will have to shift the best way they can. TsMt. Vernon; III.; Progressive ftrmr thinks there is a class of re. form writers in this country that could dispensed with. It is the ones who . . . ynte Sheriff s Sales. - are as yet no fiJinos of Claude Willson, the missing ediior of he Wjlson Adtanc. Tile Itileigh comSK.ndent of the Charlotte Observer has heard that Wilson was seen in Nctv York aud that his mind affected. Jn 0 certain bistorip battle between a mon Key aud a parrot neither si e gained aoythmg but experience. A five months' war between capital ami labor has just closed -at Homestead with about the same general results saXew York Herald, Ltd. , Keep up the imigration reform ex- pitement It is one of overshadDwiuu importance, and should maintained with undiminished earuestnes until the great object sought is accomplished, Ifarnely,' the prevention of tbedumping pi siums, pnsons and poorhouses of.are ow i"d the continual low Euroiye linon our tinrtlPI,;i CV.-. r'P- . - A joint stock company has beea or- pniz. d' with a capital stock to pur- r i" i'lopeny. , , , , iu. vn:versiiy team beat Tnnit I at foot ball last week-... A portion of gampsou coqnty is threatened with a Water famine.... A new and tHorouh 6' system. qf water works will be put flown in. Tarboro.ScotlaDd democrat, Neck Wb blundsr along and have queer potions aoout things. Over in En gland they have free trade, and agri pmture w in a bad way. Over in A rnerica we haTehigb toriff and our far mers are suffering for .want of monev f,v"vT" we cause, to have queer a a m ..." JiQtions? Geutlemtn reform the tar- fi, but don t stop at that. Miss Ella Knowls. thp Aff Pentral-elect of Montan.i, is thus d'e- seribpd: ' "Sh K,. li - . i t ..v. ....o on tt nuiuau h Keen i sensibilities and tender symnatbie. and b all the roughness of Western life with which she has come in contract has Wpot impaired these qualities, In appear- anc she is more like a demure vouim 1 - 1.1 '. . . . I HruB i,i:an a stern fortia She is nt matflmm L.t1. i. ;ai . I I mui uiii iirniii i ndTrrtM i Vt lu r"T Sl0uh dJas a faceiwhich whiU strong and rm, is also pretty. with lilOtftflAivxrt . I "'""iwu, and filter mm come W. W. Aslor with Ai9i rwtrwvi i ue Pvw uuu cage with $90- 0ft. IXXJ.OOO. And.Iflv finnM ,.IK U..V iW T t "-.f" tmuw,- MX. Tnty-fiveyears ago Rkfeller Vaclerk inanoiUtore, at a salarv pf Urnfy?6re pilars a month. ' t - . . U seeys to n clear ll.at whatever pifjr beftpneat tlje assenibling of Con- grew in December, the new Congress ibould be called in exlra session dnr- ,n. Tf7'1, Hlf ,b.8bo", r- the lIcKiulej act, appoint a com- jnisiiion to consider further reduction n1 fh .....l .i,- fff f.iwW w iu, uu tt.ijourn. 1 XT IT t I A mPW T trlT tt..r.A ....1.1 I it I rtll -a . I heads Iheli&t with i2snnfifv ..-j ; to kuo. that nj :.. rnl)!lHr wnrmQ w.n . . ' It i not nece-is uy th it the repeal ! the McKiuler i ct ."luuld take iinme . I I lathe det iii wjrch ri bmres a more in in . l itm oniiCi lai-'itinn im'fi fiir OTHiinlu i th. tffec. 7o. 1 ,p'nl boi.'ld take - immediate .ud tln hohjr-r-iof 'stock.- of goof! nu ;n muTt-r its provisions be allowed a rr at ; or, the ame him a wmerpnrposi in; cffceNd by setting 1 lie dale For tak mg fUvct at a sufficient time in l lie J future to ,,reVent unn-cessafy injur to busi uess. Fa yettect 'I leObaerver. ..The Winston coiivspondewt of t lie Charlotte Chroivde says tht VV. Swaini, of Forsfth, has n present which be proposes to send to President-. i fit i w . .1 it . t n ie;i uieveianu. it is tne rvurin car- oln:4 symbol of K l,d luck the leti nind foot of graveyard rabbit, Mr. dwaim bus had it adorned .nit h a trohi band and ring'so that it can be worn with a charm, lie nys that Mr. Cleve land must either wear the rabbit foot j or put a North Carolinian in his Cab- met I TV-.,. . ... i r ;7r . . - : ' xiiB toxoiuo i-j:njjtie points . win gratification to the large .."number . ol diat efiVct. Tliat is a matter o legil c uiner are as mii.h in teres! ed in thi oilmen in iuoutreal r i who are worth a q -ai of a million" as evidence of the I rfnpj:il nrniruritr nF Hii PuiimliM nn. o-- r j P1"- 1 019 13 as .,f one wt're toimnt to thewell-fed appearance of a'few hogs in a drove who regularly grabbed nio:e than their share of the feed as evidence that all the drove was well fed. Let the Empire put on its considering caj r . 1 . I ror a moment ana tlimk whether anv Montreal-man could by his own indus- try brain work or manual labor produce a quarter of a million dollars' worth of wealth? W1IICH WILL E2f L? Those who voted the Deaiocratic ticket thl JeiiT S1,ld w,1 -r memlwrs- of t,le A!Ii:ldce eUim that they are as i. i.. ii... i .. . ii ii i nue io ine oruer as wiose who voted the Peoples Party ticket,and visa versa. Now this is not for us to decide. What we are driving at is to call the atten- tion of both" sides to tlie fact that there should be a strong effort just now to prove your feal ty. No matter how you'voted go fo.work for the upbuild ing of the Order. Begin at one .Yur zeal now is batter protit'of, vonr fidelity than the way you voted in the I recent election 0'E WAY TO SETTLE IT. 1 he r ice question will sooner or lat- er settle itself. Ifcapid strides hnve b ;en made in that diiection in the nat few years. Now it is stated that thoi -1 sands of negroes are leaving the South- prn otates for other sections the West in particular. They say they cannot live longer-in the South-because they are fuilingft-o get employment: Wae liotto!i b:. l. ...i, ti will soon be distributed over theeitir country. This is as it sbo..bl South will never be what it. xvi,i.i : the race question were out of the wav. .inu now ii, is geuing out at unex ected rale THE NATIONAL OFFICERS. There is pretty general satisfaction over the election of national officers at r i . i i . - iuempma last wrek". Uvery 'm- mbpr could not have their choice, but the new elected are honest mf o., c 'p ibIe' a stron8 pot in their favor T - - m Cr : I I The Executive Committee is one of tue oet, uieorgjuiztti Mi has ever had President Loucks is chairman. Bro. L. Leonard, of ilFssouri is a successful farmery Bro. Mann Page, 'of Virgin- 1 I 14 :i).iipacsriil 1 1 I ill - ... .vv,v-...-k3. M, iniiirr HUil onsin.s nwnv Bro- Dl',in- of New Vork is fiill of business. Bro. Demminsr. of Penn- sylvania, owns farms in M.irvb-.nd North Carol in -i. Hp in ming in McDowell countv. ThT brethrpn nro nil nll tt .. - .. "u. auu Km ii i ,.f I ces The e organization successfully, oc in tne order for nffl- bu l'lotliropicmofives.- All of them are Presidents of their resneet- respect- uta Gi . i . . "c finances, winch shows tb, hat? ! mits. i V, n j i. uv,b lift i r i hi imiti 11 n n ti f s a. l - i V . . . . vi neir .nmue people. THE liOAUXOSGUESS. - i . . mi.cii interest is manifesto b. i.. number of our best people of all cla 'jw it . This ;,,t , - , This interest is rp.v ,7..:i- , . . p tjr. e hook everybody should discuss this matter thoroughly. Think .bout it talk ab,,t it rL ' u, . T ,k' imrt " b T. 01 'Km . utti ueen soivn.i Tteoniy thing left isactior, and only - . wu. " o - "i iiui , any oniy bJ discussion and agiration cm this be accomplished. As the members of the Alliance have l,;ive been accused of "eoin.r itn now -b7t that is entirely uoupartiiinand of v.l- ue to al! classes Ti 0l,.u- iiinir i.:.. . - . . . ":'ce vK'" w series ot debate- oh the snliW t JV., - - , tfsVkess. f-They wiljcoHjAet.the.fijiMn-lwor; yJLT Li i itVCJJ of land keep ligiit cu until all are educate - l ui favor of Mib.4aiitial road. The . I "-I... I mutter as aiiyL dy, afid, perhaps wo'ib I V lluii'o 1 un uh' f. J ti -j it omc ,iu -1iC "he thinking men of t he emniry an going to take huld of this ontler: am ru i want to he ready to help iii thi - g od workr Otir. columns axr nlvvaNf- - lopen lor art.cles o i either side of th - question THE FACfiS IN TilE'CASE. 1 The writer attended he meeting y the Natioual Alliance at Mem phis las reports sent out by 'sov;iuteJ Pr s correspondent, and was-prepared for f; repetition of the same. Of coursl some of the reuorls vere true. ' bus much of it was manufactured. i It was charged, among othr tLingff that the managers of the People's Paif ty run the meeting.- This is tntireHi incorrect. Some of the delegates vol 'dJ hat ticket this year, but many o; ibem were Democrats and Republican's and several of them were Prohibition tri.iir-.Le .WJTf ( no ttent;oa was given to party line nor S!'cF'on- - livery partr and. sectio.; 13 vp:esented in th list of officers an I Commit tees Tl.ere was no politic;! signvficiitici atlncaed to the defeat of Dr Macuii for President. He has been a standim candidate every: year, and - that uloiii Was enough to defeat him. I Aside 1'rorr tll;it resident Lo.ucks had just ben ii I - t -l V -- A A . - - . ....... I I I l"c umi;c " iev niouius, ana a goou (many thougnt it unwise and unfair ti J Put a n,'vr ", especially , ii Bro Loucks had shown himself -to' be hone earnet and capable. As the meeting wasjield only or,e week after the elect i- n, it was inttuia mat me delegates wou M ta k Mint i from every standpoint while togethei but if anything was said or done in thr meeting that would show what p;.rtv any aeiegate belonged to we failed to see it. The business and welfare of the Alliance was the only topic dis cussed or acted upon. TE GREATEST AGITATOR. j. uc lunviiuiy is a Ci py til l n St'll- teuce pronouncfd against Him who fiit espoused the cause of the poor ami preached and gavo hope and encour agement to the down trodden: "Sentence pronounced ... by pontiu. Pilafe, intendent of the prov. of L wei Galilee, that Jesus of Nazareth sha suffer death Uy, the cross.; in the, 17th year of the reign of Tiberias, and on the 23th of the month of M r,h, in th- m0t ll)ly city of Jerusalem, dm in tile ronuiiC.lte f Annus l!:,i:mi.. Pontius Pilate, intendent of the pro vince of iower Galilee, sitting in judg ment in the presidential seat of tht Praetors, sentenced Jesus of Nazareth to death on a cross between two rob bers, as the numerous aud notorious testimonials of the people rove: "J. Jesus is a unsleadr. l.O II. 1 . -. . . ue iias excited the people to sedition. "3. He is aa' enemy ta the laws. Ull IT. II . - tirf cans iiimself tiieson of God "5. He calls himself falsel Iv th King of Isra-t. u. ue went into the temple fol- Inttail lw n n i t.'i i a K'eriii inuui.uae palms in their hands. , I ill" "Orders the first cenlurion, Pnint n ! ... US orneuous, to bring him to Hip df execution; forbids all persons rich oi pia e I poor, to r prevent the execution; of Jesus. f "The witnesses whertave rigncl th cAcu.iuu oi jesus are: 1. Daniel Kobani, Fharisee;. 2. John Z irabel; o. ivapnaei Itooani; 4. Capet. lk.Tpsns tn Iim f .L-A, ..i f t , -v-uc.nviiw.uuur Jerusalem through the gates of Tournea The sentence isVnghived of brass, in the PlehmW .9ni,;.i .r. n - .. ! u On IfH R!(1P4 tlx.ro .. ... 11. r . UA similar plate hase been v.jvic - ni c in r.i ..linn,. et to each inbe," , Tho Inaia lltibber 7onn. The latest trjumph of Yankee invent ive genius is an india rubier fish worm ... . 1 1 r.-vf....JA.i i a lODea-remarkablv troodimita tion of ih r ...v wuiiuiiti rarin worm, is indestructible and in actual use proves iu tUfcr iisnes as the gpuuine article, ine oh bbo. rubber wnrmo i.rlll I i whole seiison,. and, there, will ,he ' eiTvf" ' ; J r ."H uie me every irvv uein rps in cna ,f . ... ... n Mil i , lllc iaii irv mWders have left the Itook bare FossihlyJhe g.-e itet;admirers of the ne bait well b th. feminine fishers wh., however expert wj h the hook -mi one, nave never reached the where they can impale an auglp point worai oiiuont a; scries of . shudders. TI onely one -.who will find it drawback y me gin wno-e cheif d bsbm-r .,..... ....... il l"ii-'ht in - "v-k wmrs iiwm me excuse it llt L'irIOnr gives .iiiymeyfl;,,,, )in t her Lii1 is lii ii 4 nil ;m run ii i inti,., " r . 7 '", The m "'V. " "l 1,0 IUI)I worm turn iiu it . . "."- . 1 Time " p 9-lS -YOU 11 Aiiii. Plain Facts anJ SJurp, IMthy Sajin froia Itefjini l'apers.1 Correspondence of WatcUjuika 1 " ' . Feee ahd unl m ted coinage of sil ver is us sure to wjii m tins cou,ury ius -ue sun.uiu Crtutiime to sh'.ne for un inn ioar ;,ej-s. , rut ,tli?s i.i oilt 'ipe, Mr. GJdtjug, and smoke it. A'I i wunh,lU0 cents' .on the doll-.r m i 0-ce 1 1 1 ; b usi lilLocllde. M o.. Senti- H I. . i. " inn cAeneuiem, or me election iverud jiow. thj j enple can drop thai natter Itlta. w in k-to the bulging, up 0 iifir WiiMlHjUines jirid betieriii;. neir condition in -life. vAud do not 1 t nc u.u'ieijcea oi, opinion lint poiilica. contest I form breaciies of friehdshir out wirpon ye.r in beaiin'. Ala nance (ilea net ' - - The silver uan ou pjht to 1, open tin int i u. earnest j.s soon as CYiwres- on vent-a, auu .re t no. oppriuuiiy pasr- it g-'i in a lick rr toe w lute uieta!.- t. Lou in Monitor. - ; ; 1 HE gret . sfrike i.t . Horn et e:td is iow at an end... Jror five months the Amalgamated! j'.s-.ocial ion' have laboiei. ith as8hstance of kfiidned flrm:? ; .1 tnnc u l"eve a n',Pc or ages wbei, - - " v- i v ill v iuc Vrt I 111 gie Uonijiany w.ts abte to pav the olu cnr.lJroitHsire Fanner. Within a few weeks a powerfi.l cor l uaiion will be formed by the consul i iafio-1 of tire liiteriintioiial Pa.-kin.- and Provision Company mid theChica o I i.ckiug and ; i'rovisioii ' . . uoiiipany. I lie amalgamation will be efK-cted b passing the control of the International Jompany to the Chicago and the con -olidated concern will take the name of the latter. r (inner a Friend. A Terrible Jsl-M. Wednesday i ight about half past S r I' I . i L- o c ri . i I I ..... I A 1 v-i fiii.ui I n w iii.iitjvl in ...v i. r i ... 1 1 i. i " ii, t ue is.i.jf na, was cail'-lil in' ii f i i . . J . whirlwind and turned over on her Me leur Je.v-ie Hrook landing about amih elow the city 'while on the way here vith a load of wood. Six colored men vere aboard at the time, two l unniit" the boat and fonr pas-enge s. Oniv 'wo out of this number lived to tell the story. Ine men all succeeded in seem ing u iolI on the boat. Some could swim. ionie could not, but'ow.ng to the cfi.'u to ne felt able to reach Hip shoie One made the -tar.t b;it coiu lud d im- neiii.iteiy 1 hat he cm. hi never read, he land ahd came riht back on tin bo it. I'he vounp-if of the number, George !t:charfl-, wlurvas ijmt a b 'V, cl:e. roni thp -exposure about 11 "o'ci'-ck. N'-ar mi-lu:-U; hii step f. ther, Wir. V k I i i il I - r 1 1 ' t-K' t vr :iv m i V !' 0.it. went OVerbiiard u-lbnnr id,.., 1 H'H (IH II" wjii ii i.- .!.( .i-iii, a iiur fflj ut-s )C : rp by-Ins stitt-rtn. with the inienti.ai nf . ' 'i :rving t(.r,wach the shore anyhow, lie ippeared to tho.se left on the boat' to iave gone down almost at once. ev. en V hem" so bninvb,.. fbf I... ....... J ' ' r ' I IlltV lV I nower es tonrnKe tne ni n pvlk . i 1 4 1 .1 t M . . His body vxi net Vet been found these uved near Urn foot ere. k. Two lours later another boy exi ired. awui uav iiciiy . urayior, O. Jatne .ity, making 'the fourth death. Th oodles or tire l frree dead on -s en tin- boat were lain, across it tiieir h -ail.v hanging on one-side, their leet on th -.!..... ... il. i il ii . t ii nci, -u di-ii l 1 1 k j wimiii not fall cvei and b( earnrd awav. I..,-..l. ..'!.!..;-.. :i ... i i nriiiniu.niic as u- afipear5, tile tliei. were not discovered and rescued nnti 1U ocioek llie-ncxt day. I hon Capt lay wood Uoyp, trom about Clubt'oo; cieek, and hrvin Green, of this citv were ine oniy ones leit Hvmrr 1 1. . . i . . i i-i i am. they were covered with ice U"d suffer- 'ng tembly.Veir-Iternt Journal. 15 iw Legs ami Divorce. "Are, bandy lejjs sufficient irrnnnd r i: . i . o r 1Ui "i'icer is: a question that tbi emits win soon be ca led hpOU t(' i cornel Ircide. A few days u'o young worn an- not loner umriied burst into a hixth s;r.et lawyer's ..Hb-P old her tale ot woe The man n every -way in fed to m ike an excellent running; male lor the lovelv bide ln.t jr b-Mirr rilj.twV ......... 1 " i e-ioeiu came over lie;' i re. Mil or in itnuio'ii if bliss. H.-r b.ib n,l jecanu addicted to the.. hoi-sPb.,.-L- b:.b,. and before long this A polio was trans formed into adctoi nnly - HVrWj) ri with him anv r.-V'vj, ....vt .uecjsiusH every one says I uuit Tiave inanied him ioi fci I Id I r T . - f i ie;ise; air Li'iwver, net me a dl. Torce. ,j:yade!tfiia liccord. YhKt"ss." Means. You often see it "Stat of North ariiona. cou ilv VnU ,c. v' ... u . t... ... . . " ' . It 18 ctjjunnu at Hie Oefrinnin,, flP .,1- uowieugments and other le-nl elne- . i i . " . trt umews, buLnor, one cabalistic "ss.v it c j -. . - tor. l o yg s-titirU-and to the point. ie aiibreviation is a mid m,.i ..t the Ldiu ord "scilicet," which is also a contra';, ion, having original I v ..,.,h of winch, you vuil note, enlire". or in Us abbreyi ded state, is ,quia!enl to theiildLilish-lo-wit;' still widely used, the design of both Iing 'simpl to call particular ataention to whai follows. A Gco'l 3tsiness Deal. Ti Tee Or fnnr wi'pLe -.un, !. ... i lot! Was b - - . -.v.., i ijr-n coi- the manairers id ib Vir. tor Mills of this city bought their t-re year's Fiii-ply of cot ion. T en- tot Ion. Thev bought 2400 bales. to be delivered throughout the follow .y need it MIK .yea i as ipr At i he price of e-ofton r,wl,, .t: . .. in' , i . i ue v ic lor .ii lis li. is jsaved just ait is quite uanuoouie um to Iransi fer to the otit column. Charhtte Xeirs. A Highest cf all Leavening Tower. -Latest' U. S. G-c Administrator's Notice. Having qualified as ttrimii.i? trator upon the estiite ol Ceiiolia Miller, kM. all i.t-rfons hav- ing claims itg;iiusti(l estate are hertlv u.ti- fieit to present llicni for liiiymcnt on or before I flu. -)r.tli I.w .e !.,!.. itu'i' ,i ii - r u.iS un' ""Mslie m;v incur. A T. HJTT uc-r.eu in oaroi.ineir recovery. All reisonsi ... I. 1. . !...!'.. . 1 . . iiuvoieu id es-iaic are rcqufsti'H io ini.Ke immediate jaynuiit. J. . oYI AS, Ai n.ii if lu ti l. THE GREY SCHOOL For Boys and Girls. I lie next Fessio u of this school will btfiti II. i ? . ... ' m: K ic I :ifK; h c fur Tnnnir m. t, I . . . . . . " i 1 1 1 t I II I ll U i. i .i. .....i .i . . , . . ol ""Ul l,K ,VIIU11 urnl 'I'" t I;' tne m turn t. I . : i : ! ... .. i u i ui orhin; ine eroi.s. l.e wrk isl hor- oiitrli, the rates reasonable and the discipline' ni;i i out linn, i or Jut ther i!trmatiun, write for catalogue to , Ib A. CUEY, Principal. Iluntersville X. C. IIcw'sThis Wociilmecrdnd dollars ioran-r.se cf Ca U iiiine1 coi be cured b lial! ( a .uiii cure - V. CliE.W & i.u., l-ro. s, iole. .o. u Hie UF ClflMf. 1 i . I ;,( m ( i k .i. c 1 ! 1 v io :tbt 15 nV aih. in il 1 1 ! m r i, i c bC III nil I UHl SS Hi l.f: (tins in r? fr.'i -l. I , i Je to i.irj ot.t ;:i y cL.i-j n i fc j-.ilCl l th; b in Vkst Tkacx. viio:e.ile I)ri:pj;!sts, 'i oiir i.jiui i., IUNA SJlA'.V S . ,riU-., .. 1. , . Hairs Catarrh Cure is taken lcniernnv on' rct J ii,.o:j Hie blol au m:i- .us surfAce s vl uc mviii. i .ie-,(..e, .( r Ol It.e lire CI 1 irtrni. Ti'Mimr.nlais ln-e. ai i &AVANIIAH. (iA., piil 2G, 1SS! Jiain iiM-u l i fee .,( 1 I iC- of r. r. i lor impure i lou a l.tl :eiu ! ; w eak iii'ss. 1 !: iv nr.: dei-ived :re;:t bene is fi ulii liavii.u RiiiiKii . ""V Jl ' 11 '-l III . ( 1 i f l ( k I (. .. ...,.,1 .!..... "I... .'".wilWI. si. e in ncu i. 'ii in ui- it in i,.,,..,,,,,. V IS trniv JoiI2 ; ilOERIS Oi'Iiee of J. X. M.-Elroy, Drugget. I O; iaii'bi. F!a , Apm o"llv: t : " ' ' .aiinan. v. a inei,; jiippti.an !,m., avaunali. (b l.'ear ;r J sc. Id i hree la.t ! Irs of P. P. , large size yesterday ,-und one bottle sm I size t D-fla v. The P. P. P. cured my wife of rheuma- tisui Wialcr 1m lore b.si. It . t, ber the i.at winter, and a bnlf h.m;.. ,$1.00.8 e, idi.'V.d her a-ain.auil -lie has not had a svinprem since. I sold-u liottb- i.f 1. I. I, to a friend of mine, one of bis turkeys, u small one took wck.aml bis wif.-gave it a tca-poon-ful, that was in the even in-, and the iil tle fellow turned oer !i!ce'l,c ,i...,,i but next morning was up hollering ami well. Yours respectfully. J. rs. Mcelroy. T . Savannah, Ga., 17, 1891. Messrs. Lipj. man Urns., Sa va m.ah ,(Ja:: Dear Sirs I have suili ud fruni rhi-n- m.itiMu for a lni: time, and did not f;.,,i a cure until I f..i;n! p. p. V ,;,., ,..,, pletely cured uie. Ymirs u-nlv ELIZA F. JOXES. 10 Orange Si., Savannah, Ga, XoTici:. llnving onalilhil as eveentm- f late David Ibiseman. I will sell at public , auction, . n il.u premises id' the said de- ceased, the 17ih .lav of December 1 S')0 for cash, tin- foHowinir prmicrtv to ii ' I r '. ' ' - ...... i I'Mir no;se wagon, 1 one hoi one noise W;i"in 1 hiijrjrv. l c:.ri i S.'i l W I.!:-. t ! ful.t s,l. ' US. u!ie- villi H i.i ml.- , . ot'ifr tt . l.-.-J luin ii . . . .. v i - irze e-. ri i r TUrhoar i w in gl;t.-8 .lniitr iunimiri . Abo 1 th ujs ant etln r b on s i t ; ( ; ; i fl'.'. 1 liii;.,!ing v, jjj, h ir.se nnvcr c iih'aicil. -Also soin.; corn ml J i. l ..i i . . " n.l uinit :iriK-;tS t(,o tf.KMi to I7H-Ilti.il. All persons having claims iurabist sahi .a.e must present tlu-ni -iuh- i;t!l.1,t;.-;,tP.l ,.n or nelore Hie 1 itli day of 1) c inlx-r I s;ci an persons uieicDte.l to saul esta;.. u ill nl.s.- II T I mane jiroin pnynicnt. J I. is N,v. 17th m 2 i. ........ . .... i TllIU A. I' bosKMAX Lx ot IJuviU Koseman. Dec -SEND FOR CATALOGUE. LAWN TENNIS, BASE BALU TEMTS RIFLES, mm. e. c. meachai5i ArTiis co" sf. iui?. IE iQ BOTANIC !o BLOOD BALM THE GREAT REMEDY - FOR ALL BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES - IJll hflm thnrnn. lvl ....... ier:Ii7-ian aud tiie poopla for 40 rears, and never laUg to ' cure quickly aud permanently SCROFULA, ULCEUS, ECZEMA, RHEUMATISM, PIMPLES, ERUPTIONS, x??SSSo0' fATIXO. SPREADING and RUNNIKG BORES, invariably cures the tnt loathsome blood dteeaiwii if directions are fol lowed. Price $1 per bottle, bottles lor ti. t or eae by dmyiriata. - SENT FREE w.sW BLOOD BALM C0.v Atlanta. Ga. Childfyi Cry for Pitcher's r-ntoria. Georgia Rome insurance Co t : COnUMBUS, GA. . J.EHODIS BEOWNE, WM. 0. COABT, . 1 bisidekt; . Secretary. Total A sset stover ' 81,000.00 0. Heme Comparijv-seeking: Heme Patronage. JBsrres hjj ciaEcs cf Eifks at lowest - adequate lates. Losses adjusted and paid prcEiptiy. . J. ALLEN BROWN.AGT O I'D i NOTICE.- Nolicrisl.erol.vgivr.il that I will not I e respnusil.de lor anv debts or Colli r.tcts that my wife, M;iry T. Hall., mav make, '.r jissuiup jihv li':ibili"!v . . ..... r . . - October 31. 1S02. Cures nil Female Cuiaplaints and Monthly irregularity, Lc-ueorrLoja or "Whites, Pain in Back or Siilcs, ctrcEfjt.hcnstLe feeble, builds up the whole system. It has cured thousands and will cure you. Druggists have it. Send stamp for book. DU. J. P. nro.lTnOPT.E CQ., LonlsriUc, Ky. Brown, Weddmgton-& Co, Retail Hardware. Yp 1 i'."-1 'vtiTt-u it .nre mi oi one j.otinn nutter moulds, pine 25-ts also i lai"e K.t ol o;il and ruiinil r?v.-,,l ... M-aigli 1 rays. Ih eeb brated S Will" "airy I I. -.n ns, (lind. r C in i s; sill can be suited. and Dasher J he I. est Hssoriment qf Table ami i "ck i r iv ii i ves, the State." T- I . - o and Tea spoons ii, I5r: ss, and Poreclai 111 hivori r.t-ric-.. : . .. Ketibs. mul at sch b,w prices Ibat no lamily i t,d be withrut tbem. A very large si.sorf meat or Tinware -Is, SkiUeis. Ovens and other hou.-e-kfppers' arli. le- Wo have the hcvt Cypress Tubs a re on t !. o nv.. S that e market. V hv t)..,.,ni throw awny money on an old paiiUedhih when a small iinioUnt mere wi!i -ct a good one. Call and see us when you want an v tbuig in our line. BliOU'X, WEDDIXGTOX & CO., East r.ark. Street, I'hai lotte, X. C. Is one of the issues We. are in tlio tln'oicf "..v,atou Ul L11H n m c- . - yj tf t SHOES. tx Silv. 1 1 ver Dollars ,vill go 'further in our storo for F UT Srinrf lywhcre in the country. We il( T 1 AMJ SU0 -r-rr , - ; L als Cai r3 a lianclsomo fin, nf man an irunks and Umbrellas undersell all competitors. Vl' f'llf.r Wc r--- i m m m 9 k Jefore;'--You'Buy Your H-n) Merchandise. 1 have a full iii.e uf ioods, Shoes, Which I am offering secret about it F 1 I advertise. Call and see my Stock. I pay the highest market produce. I am selling BANNER FPTrrn iyrvi ,i, nn lor cash or on ihi.n RileMc' Old sama Innisv, That mitcli.chjckViV'niec. of . which yo.r havejaid away as Se, 7 chi5 be repAi Aiadcas gf J pew by JjCi iM 1 Hi avwg graduated at thelf , houls for watchmaker iii a,J: not hesitate to ofier a bati4ome ; . Gold lati. Free '. 'o t lie person who can bmij; , a . 1 iuis ...l.; ... i . I a i. " "men tliiVe.h(L.nTn.- uif ;v" or causm I IT 3011 lieaidache, tan be nroner r Kh.sses which -w ill enable you to 1 perfectly, and at a price way bdow t traveling quack or peddler. " ' uur line of JEWEWlY' und 5fT" V'FRVVapp- i( fi'b V iivw AuJj Js the most rw .... he- n VU i 1 1,0 he. P e are .howmg a most bp..- i:iul .'me. vfll; .i.- , 4 A lw .ru ..... J 4v j "ms to please, E2ISNEB- & GOPJIAIT, Leading Jewelers - IS IT KOT BETTER To iave your printing dn; neatly and in an attractive manner, even if you have io imy more for it ? Well, we do not chnrge - more for our but-guar-, antcc ihc finest work done in Salisbury, and as fine work in our line, as can be done anywhere. Our motto is- Neat Prompt, Accurate. Cell on us, look at our sam Pies, hear our prices, and be convinced that Achat weav is true. J cry truly, Watchman Job Office, E. B. SPRINGS & CO1 Ko. 14K. CollcffSit.. College St., CHAELOTTE: - . N. C. To llianceinenxindall other Fanners; Mi-r, wp f,r ;.. I'-i' iec. tor uie .nng f oir IT O "f r ! T 'r r , , Jv I lil I- W s e are A'ent f 'I Pi A L I .1 ... W MIT -IlT.7i-r..,l , -.i iid Fertilizer (V - ... . 1VJI i iiif Vj tia ri o i if wJ and can C'h- inur m the fcl .te. ' Our Fertilizers have given th,- nV,t . sbu-uon tnallM.d.Wo,,.H t,k.f, lutly up to the stand ml W- i ' . lai-e business with-fl.. v,,t. n;r M,;tt , Mil-AI!i;,l( iMn ...o o, . nun w on i.i ,.k giam- on Annii. minted P..,-iii:w.. ... i . llos St ufe be t vc-ar.' Write for prices. ol I ift of the campaign, i . nriT 1,-it , '...i I . . - . in ot-ciass sr ne nr VW.X J . G en- for sale. There IS t no price for country t ... .. it 1?. .i . - ....i nit idiiinue Vtfi .n , "Uf .the-C.Ex,.riD.i Ph nf VU;tht Kraiie on And .1.1 i t U UnA tlft 'WMM was s-lil u. hat Me. Also nu ii, ber that the X C Lxperiinent Station mV,,s IlM r i isroeeries. Efc..-. . nespectlullv. - X' fe I l s it it; . t- -f I f i j I 1 ?- i f I" I i 1 ! s- I i f - - 4 4 i i I i -i I- f