Carolina Watchman. CITY3 AUD COTJHTY. -u the Best Siws in. Howaa aad , ' Vicinity. TiiaiSliAY, DEC. 8, 182. The hew platform at the pasHcuger de pot ha been completed.' Again thi? week we are compelled to leave out s Jme iuteresiUj; matter. Several dollars worth of new ad the Watchmau this week. appear in A thirty pound turkey was sold on this inarket one day last, weefc. The pavements on Fi-lur street near the- railroad aits being macadamized. The Salisbury Uacket store 4ias auc tioned, oU i is good and w ill discontinue business. . " , 1 Rev. P. h. Groome, official editor cj the MethodUt conference was in town this week. ' I hUev. Dr. W. II. LeHh, has, by Confer-eiiL-e, been returned to his pastoral charge in thisli a e. . r Mr Huaiivcutt and family from uear Albemarle, has moved toi. Saisbury 6 urthe t. Cotton mills. , The ladies of the Episcopal church will give auenleitainineut and serve a puncheon at the opera house Friday night. Sir. W. L. Harris, one xf Itowag's well to do fanners killed a hig one day vhut week -.lllal weighed 5QS pouiwls. - "i -j": - -; - 1 " Salisbury park on Inniss street with its trees and shrubbery presents a very i neat and attractive appearance. - 1 Hon. I;e Overman Ivas been elected a truste-i of Tfiiil4?oUege to fill the va caucy caused by thedeath of lr. Johu W. Mauaey. " r-Tfrth- Trlni 'S. Henderson left fr V;ishinj;ton city last rfatunlay ni-hC-lo bo pfeMjiii at the opening xf Congress on lasfMonuay. - ; " Bed Springs, Lounges, Chase Bro's. 1i:uios Chicaiio Collate Organs. In fan -l.iiir vou vinil ii Hie i'urnilure iae aiGeoVv Wright's. The Charlotte Observer says thatSal 5; isliuit ys goingto have a new $10,000 op era h.aise. dad to hear it, neighbor. A mrvv one is'uee.ledV no queatiob about , " t:lat. - vOur friends who have clubs are rr ' quested to get up the'r renewals b( tweeu-now and Christmas, and. toget as uiawy new-names as po-sible. Bv authority of Conference recently lu l'l at Winston the Methodist niiuisters ac -rvliri iu this county tiave been returned (, iheir nwpectiv'e charges. This, we lliink will be .gratifying to they- congre gations. 4 The cMrated' ' X Jollities" played ij Meioufy's hall Momlay.. night to a rlrtfge; iii.eHqe.v"hey, ki-pt the crowd -niaring : through tin- entire. pby, and ev er' bbdyiroiiouiiced it a stjecess. We M-gre; to Munounce the ueam r Mrs. I) na Harris, wile of Mft W. L"n H;u i is, -:iid .Uaughu-.r f M r. J s- Atkins, of Abeiimrle. which occurred Wei;;esday 'ldjjht. ' she was an excellent lady.. I),; V. II. Wak-li.-i.r, tlw Ea., Ear. NSf a'i'l Throat Specialist of S ah-ll:, Js C. w 11 Ik in rfaltslutrv, at Mt. Vei ii..u hotel on Tiinrsday Dec 22-nd. : . ' li-..ciicc fhniied to organs named. 1 ijlossrs C. P. Cox, & Co. mercantile tirin - at Albemarle, iStanly county, made an - assignment la.-t Friday. Attorney T. J. i Jeruute is the assignee. This tinu did business at Mt. Pleasant for many years, came to A.lbeniarle some two years ago Liabilities and assets not known. Jay . Gould, the great millionaire and - fi,,..ii.Mnr r.f W'-.iU street. New Yo-k. died Det.. 2al. at D:13. aed about oG years Mr. Gould's vast fortune it variously esti mated at front sixty millions to one hun di ed millions of dollars, lie w as a man of great business sagacity and no uianoj his day accumulated wealin as rapiuiy as he. His death was caused- fro in pulmo nary euusutnpiidn and his end it is said was peaceful. The county commissioners met in reg ular session last Monday. The countv ofiieers were sworn , in, the oath ofoUice iKjihgadiniiiHtered by Chairman Kluttz Coroner Atwell teudered'his resignatiotf, which was accepted. . The r ...commission ers' appointed Dr. Dofset't to fill his place County Surveyor Fleming tendered his resignation which was accepiedaud C. M. Miller present incumbent was ap - pointed to till his p'ace. The LU'hcran Church. Last Sund.-sJ ye localizer had an op portunity of 'attending service at the - Lutiietan church in this city-. Notwith standing a residence of several mouths In Salisbury, this was our first visit to this jilace of divine worship. We were" inuclt pleased. The church building is a handsome" structure within and with out." A beaut it id chandelier j-itspeiided from the eeHitig shedsa brilliant light at night. An elegant pipe organ, recent ly purchased, and costiug $1200. seuds. forth in distinct but melodious -tones, its sa cred miu-ic. These material requsites mark ji -spirit ef enterprise quite com inendable -in tlris . congregation. But. really, our German people, of whom Lutherans are largely compose I, seldom do things by halves. The pastor, llev. li. JCiug cliose for his. text: "r?e dil igent in duty, fervent in spirit serving the Lord", or words to that effect. His - sermon was logical and forceful through out. Rev. King ha an originality -about him, an independence of and a l'hiiuuef soctch and ni .nuir that we adiimv.f He is apparently thirly-livc years ofeage, and has, we. are inclined Lo think, :? bright and it. rul lu tire before .'l'm" e wolhLuot omit to ay that the noir is a cr.,.H one :tiiil did eil leii I SlH"ljr llioUij dfcuoiniiTii'buiw- .iViul l Iiim sci ilio . ' "ui 1 in ij mr r 1 11 itu I . S-:i I i.Lii 1 l.l... . . -1 .. ii K . u .uV.iJ " y' ll!Ul' nt toay- along tvill i.. 11. . , - -- - - r 1 "uie;jj .-itoi-iuiuiv. ;" MECKLENBURG NBWS What Is Go1iisr.ii Asa on the Descen- liiiutg fit' trie Siuersaftbe Declu- . tmioupt Iudcieu4-iice. i'?' S Mr. W. 6. Pbarr : was yesterday ap pointed it in ember of live county lmurd 4ifduaiiuu in nl1M. afm, m. .. . - - i Ihvix ritr.w.,! - i Key. V. H." BamhardU a converted j Jv, delivered an interesting lecture at j lluntersville. JIouday uight. His jeet was "Palestine." There are ten -amdicants for the post I LofHce ut Huutersv ille and thrre wards to Hear from. J Here is ouTy oue otfice ana ' . it is one-story, borne of us wilt be left. - J Mr. J. G. Hood, of Davidsont will have a lot o oi bales oi cotton on me marKevi" uui-. jiw-eijiw w ...... . . t . to-uay. lie uai it storea uere yesteraay Cnmiual Court this week ederai Courtnext. At the latter. Clevelaud and Gaston cou ties will furnish their usual! ... , , . number of attendants. Mr. Sam Friedham. of Lands' Ford, put his one mule to good use this season. J ttr:.t. : l i net u r ..,11..., ....J I .v.. .u.. u I i.usie.soIcor:,. ucwau to m m- s. I 1 f r I inui) Ucu.uWlui.Ha. Yesterday was a busy day in city and countv official circles. The countv com-1 inissioners, board of aldermen, couuty school board aud Criminal Court were all in session. Unless there be other evidences of foul play, Corouer Calhey will close the year with only four cases having been "set1 upon. Piueville furnished two and Char lottetwo. Can't somebody body somewhere? kill some- iveryoooy wanistue new couri nouse . , . - , . . i i in bis vicinity, lait there doesn t seem to be anybody wanting the jail near him or near any other man We don't know wno oi us migni get in. so we uou i,aiie 1.1 A. I wueineriueie isajaii oruou IT .' 1 .-A 1 -rl i esieruav uiifriioon. me irui iioiisk oi rf T - n I Mr. George 'Williamson, in Paw Creek township, was entirely destined by fire. Six bales of cotton were lost. The or igiu of the fire is not known, but is be lievetf to have been a match in the cotton The report of Chief of Police Mason for last month is as follows; Total num ber "of arrests, 17. Of the number 5 were for drunks: 4 for carrying concealed weapous; 2 for assault and battery; 2 for alrray; others miscellaneous. Total a- mount of fines, $202. The b ard of aldermen granted license to Jlie following applicants last Monday Jto.-eJI whiskey : J, Lindy. J. W. Ciark& Co. Hubert.-Portlier Brewing Co.. It. Arndt, L. J. Salmons, J. W. McCoy, L. M. iMIinger, J. M. iluu;er, J., C. Springs G. W. Norman and J.-D-Austin. The StatesA'ilie train brought iu a tribe of Catawba people - Wednesday ou their way to Mills county. Texas. There were but two families M J. G. Sim's, .uid Mr. VVr. D. Ilcy uolda but the nuui- b r ofchildren iu eacli made one think i lHsl-c!a.s Suirday School had come to town. - Mr. Br-wn's cow was fouud dead in its stall. There was nothing "wrong with it when it was milked and fed Friday evening. .Mr. lirown sustKct-who the guilty party was. Observer, If the cit izeus of Suarou would appoint a special day and do some first-class hanging in their neighborhood, it would slop some of that cUsffedn ess. Lid, Saturday 'morning while at work in his shop on North Tryon street, Mr. A. A. Gaston was stricken with paralysis and was uucouscious for some lime. A carriage was called aud he was taken to Ins home on- South - Tryon street where he is lying in a very critical condition. One side seeuis lo be entirely paralyzed, i'ho physicians consider his cae very serious. The State canvassing board announced the result at ten o'clook last Saturday uight. The vote in -tite Stale was as fol lows, taking leading candidate for eletor of each party: C. li. A3 cock (Democrat) 132,yoi ioo,o4U kj. S. Biackburn (Ucpubiicaii) 0,o4U; iluriou Bailer (iimd parly), Waikei (fionioiliou. 2,00 44 Attrz CorouefCathey held au iuqucst Wed ucsday over the body of Win. Tillman and the verdrcl of the jury was! "Thai lhe said Wui Tillman came to his death by a pisloi shot from the bauds of Ben llnskius. The jury is also oi the opiul ion thai one Johu Coleman, colored, was accessory to the crime." Tho jury,couH sisted of : M. .11. Ltud.say, N. A. Calhey, It. J. S.rlord, W. 11. Gray,, H. F. Jviik patrick and W. J. McCail. Criminal Cyurl convened 'yesterday morning, wnieli lact Was eviueuceti iy the usual "gau" iissembling hi Trout ol tnecoui t house. The grand jury ia com posed of: M. A. Alexauder loremau, T. .S. Cooper, W. S. Stewart, S. E. Ganis, S. 11. Kerr, M. W. McUhn lei . D. W . Mayes, A. W. Clark, d. A. Farrow, J. S. Crenshaw, It. W. McKnight, J. M. Kape, J. Cash.on, T. G. Keius aud A. J. Blanch ard.I - Bev. Edward Mack's sermon ou the Jews, Sunday, morning,' w as 'so fine as to be a subject for general discussion yes terday. "Mr. Mack advanced many newi ideas about .the Jews as a nation, and made tile fcui ject intensely -interesting. He said among other things that the day of the persecution of the Jews was goiiig l';that the time had come wbonihey would receive the gospel, but it would be first at Jerusalem, tln.-ir home. There ! thousands ol -ihein ne flocking, aud there wi l tbev first pnvbr:iee Jesus Christ fhe? SaVionr.' Wanted at the Watchman Bureau: 15 8. College street, :CUarlottejN;CLf 100, 1000 in CUm federate money. V j Hop-eU is to have a new More. Mr. S. WtKlruy and Ir. K., Y JlcNt-elv . .. . nave ittrmru M ItartriMsMiIti ot.,1 ... - i;.. : " "wj w in a iew tiavs. I -.f, riM. . ' . I ueuev ouara of comirf mnors fi.r Mecklenburg count v wjit into flu Monday. Messrs. Hilton and Jetton re- sub-hind The new board is composed of Messrs. J. II. VrdJiiit. R.h Moore, J. M. Davis J. M. Kirkpatrick an1 J- H. Sedler. Mr. Weddingtou was i.IallAil.AhaiiMMM. I tv w111UttU Mp. Withers, the cotton weicber. in I - lookipg over his books yesterday jotted O. i tnote l I .1 .cr. ,oo ua- same date last VMr. R OftS- inrronsp I . rf m , , , . crw f ,r- !..t ifilfL.U, Po . . . WrtV -m -t.!a o - . . ' iuaie; ioveiaoerii. ij,u oaies. ue- cember receipts last year, 3,481 bales! Iudicatious are that the receipts for the remaining months of the season will fall far below the receipts of last year.' Poisoninsr and hanrinr seem to be the fashiou in Sllstro&. Thursday night a ne - r O Bml IT1 Hall '1M1 mi.l. ,.inn. led and a horse hung: and the night fol- lowiusr Mr. Johu C. Brown had a fine 1 cow poisoued. The horse and mule be-1 longing to Hall were fouud Friday morn 1 g in the stable dead, the one ou the fljor, the other with a rope round his his neck hanging from a beam overhead The animals were under niortiraije to Mr. W.M.Long. The Virgin Cetton Mill at Hunters ville is to change owners before the buil- lintr is com nleLed. i. e.. before tho ma ... chiuery U iu The building was erected by th(J yiririn'Cotton Mill Comoanv. and we learned yesterday that it is to be bougllt out by another stock company, lhe members of which are . Messrs J. G. Hood, F. S. Knox, J. L. Jetton. Hush SI. l: II T Ijulil!ln Sir nnl T r- T 11 .. umu . w. x Mouroe. The pajers have not been pas sed but will probably be to-dav. The new company has placed its order for machinery, should the trade be effected and the compleliou of the mill will be vu.-died rapidly. Odor has been smelling sweet like un to bouey for soveral days. The cause of this is that the Mecklenburg Bee Asso ciation met Friday morning in our den and filled the room full of sweet talk. Eiiiht or ten members of the association were present, aud the discussions on bees their homes aud habits, was interesting The association has for its object the ad vaiicement of bee culture. The discus siou ye.-tcrday was on how to prevent adulteration of honey. Several outsi ders. who Were present, also look part in the discussion, and many theories wen advanced, lhe practicability of which re mains to be proven. : During, the busy season one of the buiaicst otlices iu this city is that of the money order aud registry clerk iu ih posioilice. the business is steadily ou lhe increase, aud from now until lhe hol iday season is over it will be unusually heavy. The office under Mr. Brady, ha. beeu in charge ul Mr. Zeb. Sheilon, who understands the work thoroughly, and dispatches the business with haste, ami at l nc same lime Ln perfect uccurac Yesterday 27 money orders, amounting to $213,43 were issued; also 15 postal notes, amounting to $2S,7o; 32 mouey 01 ders were paid, which in amount fooled up $407,00; 25 postal notee were paid, amounting lo $01,21- This was jul an average day 's work. Last season ''hard times and less fer tilizer" was ail the talk. The faruii r -harped continually ou one or the other theme. This year oue hears of neither, "hard times" are things of the past, "aud said a well posted farmer yesterday, 'i the price of cotton continues good, plen ty of fertilizers will be used, as the far mere will have Inore mouey, than for sev eral years with which to purchase it." Observer. We have talked with a num ber of farmers-aud have mentioned it tc none who say they will increase theii cotton crop, and we hope they w ill no so far forget themselves or forget theii UvQ years t.xporieuce ,i f,.P,iii,HP-M tbv into ih commercial fertilizers as they have been doin; The following is a copy of a Curiosity in the way of a will left in the clerk' office Saturday to be filed : . i C "I Jacob Hall, being of sound aud dis posing mind and considering the uncer tainty of life iu my advanced age wish 10 make my last will and testament. Therefore, first: I will and bequeath ti riiy good daughter, kmina Douglas, my muley cow named Head, my oven am. bedstead, also one looking glass, coffee mill one bow basket to hold aud to hav to her only use. Second : 1 will and bequeath to m irr!inrliiH IffMirv Hnll m V f':ilf tnu Iwir. Q.u-i.uuv-, - j 1 j 1 " y rel, one large wash pot, one chair, alse three jars, oue skillet and lid, also all o; my bed-clothes to have and to hold foi his only use; also my bureau to. Henry Hall. . " Third : I will and bequeath to m Sam Springs, one chair, ali grandson, of my stock of chickens for his own use. I further will ud bequeath to my grand daughter, Emma D ug:a-. my chum, al so all other unwilled property that i not mentioned iu this paper. I im Iut in property to Emma, my large table known as my dining table; my small ta ble I give to I L nry Hal', This my las; wi I an-l testament made this 22nd day ofJanuary, 18u0. .wixned and sealed in presence of wit nesses, his Jacob X Hall. mark. As the names of witnesses were not attached, the will could hot Lc'&cd. A SECULAR FKAST Until Christinas at J2. W. Burt & J (Vs. ThUfiru) hfls hud a resting place in Salisliury only M nee last August, bin v.x. -. . - . ,n jTrowMig, growuis 111 r... -.i , mt faror witli the neoii e. T wv J ' J caine.noi with a "Huur;h ot trumpheU" but in a quiet unaj-gunimg manner, and bless (you they are here to stay.' E. W. Burt, F. J. Burt, yes, COUMIIS Uhey .he, and as kiiichbs of the vard stick as polite "ulenuen as. you would desire to seei vThey mean business, and if thev tei von nn urtud nil ' - - W V- w w CM wool and a yrd wide," pin your faith to em iuv imn t T,,,m mmrllt. "O "n" v..- cardini? theold limn ntbn.1 r.f inn . " 1 - i .1 l ,:. ., . icni. uirj ICil HJU lO Uie IOieironi OI projzi e -c U and from it tonlnlV.l j n i ouuu uirv ouer you oamains never dreamed of by tradesmen of the tallow candle sn'e. 1 hey v eil understand the ring of the Almighty Doll ar, and if you are wanting values, ju.-t toss your "chink on their counter. Its an open secret that they are hav stacks of ,uo .Uio -Selliri2 w,xls, but its no wonder. Value for your money never fails to tell the tale. Dryvgpods, notions, huts, shoe?, etc., weihfits quite an attraction. SliruK . alii rs lioi' Afun'd tr cliildreusX. High cut, low cut, "Jack ana uie game. r nu common, coarse, all sizes. Over 3000 : pairs to select from and at prices to startle you. lonous a oii; assortment anu me i r i , if figures will astonish you. Dress g(Xkls, prints, plaids piece ,g(Hl, slieetmgS, ;ld huudredsof other articles, bright, beautiful and cheap but too numerous to mention. Durham ottn : Joe Parker, a you ng man wno lives in v aKe countv, near Momsvdle, has invented a kind of combination plow that can be made to do the work of three or four differ ent implements simply by moveiiig a sniiile bli 'Pi. e ...1 1. .. . . xueiaruieis w 110 nave seen the model ire much pleased with .1 and think he will make a very good thing of it. A Knoxville. Ten n., dispatch says The remains, of Governor Sevier, :Iih hist bovernur ot leDnessee. were j ... 1 taken up Friday from lhe vault in the court housei grounds to permit f the enlargement or the excavation for the foundation of Ins monument. L'lje casket, which was placed tem poiarily in tlie court bouse, is in a good .1- 1 . 1 : -;. 1. . fact that fjoveriior fcvvicr died .e.v-.nty -seven years ao Parties who tome in from the Pop lar" Tent sec tii 11 r'DO: t a l ad state .1 I 11 iT . I II among i ne uos. i:e atanaara nn be re fore tiiadg ineiition of the loss to Mr. u ill Kol ifison. We now learn that he has several hogs by hy drophobia, Victor Caldwell had to kiil -ll his dogs, several 011 Fisher's plnce had tol killed, and nearly every- ody 111 Poplar-Tent section rr arrang ing to kill their dogs or have them secured, believing there is danger. NOTICE. Tiie business heretofore done under the name an( style- of lhe NouFOLK Alliance EtcUANOE, Westt & Rogers, ilanageis, has. this " day been turned over by the Board of Directors to J. J. lingers, who.will in the future conduct he 'business assuming all responsibil- ry, having given to said Board satis factory bond. All peioi;s iudebted to or having jlaitns against ..said Exchange will set tle same with J. J. ltogeis. . G.D.DE HAUM, JOSHUA SKINNER, JAMES T. WILFORD, Committee for Bo:ird. N-3W York Racket Btore, ye- - Be sure to call on me befoie you T)uyr;pU4' Dry Goods, No- tdb n i'j '-'ft aisp-Calico, Sheetings and :d r -t1 tings in the Dry Goods line ES. Don't fail to examine my handsome line of Shoes, all the grades. I make a speciality of Shoes and defy competition. Farmers, Professional people everybody invited to come andisec my Goods. Pespectfully, N J. CARTER. Main Sr. Salisbury, N. C, one d or below P'-sf office. KING COTTON Buy or sell yoar Cotton 00 JONES 5-Ton Cotton Scale. NOT CHEAPEST BUT BEST. For terms add res J0NXS 07 BINGHAMT0X, BING11AMTON. N. V. I 1832. Subscribe Now. The oldest paper in North Carolina. THE WATCHIM Is oroan of the Farmers' Alli ance in the 6th and 7th Con oTessiorial Dis- 4- if n m.ji,kj It is devoted to the upbuild ing of the ag- ricultural inter ests of this sec- Hon. It has the largest circula tion of any pa per ever pub lished in Salis bury. SubscriptionPrice 1. A Year, or IJcTS For Six Months. Subscribe Now. 1832. 1892. SAIItf mill ACADEMY, C SATiTTriT, a ' , Oldest Female College In tie Sctith. ! The 9Ut Annual Session brgins Sritember 1st, 1892. 327. Sidal leature Ta Dkvelopmxst or lis alth.Cbar. actkr asIxtilLkct. buildings, tliruruuglil j reniuUelleJ. Fully (uippcl rxraratorr, Col legiate and Post Graduate Departuenu. be- swes nm class scaools in ilisic, Art, Las- 8CA0K8, ELOCCTWS, CuMHMCUL 1X1) Is&Vl. TSUL 0TCIHK8. JOJIX n. CLEW ELL, Principal, We are still at our old stand on Main street, where we have a select stock of Watches, Clocks Spectacles, and all kinds of fine JQQQH61"' 011 hand at the lowes price. Watch repairing a specialty All work gnranteed 12months J. & H. HORAH, DOWN WITH THE HAMMER. CLOSE PROFITS! QUICKSALES1 MONEY'DOWNl KILL TWO BIRDS "WITH ONE STONE! ; BUY YOUR GOODS DIRECT AT VHOLESALt PRICES! IVXXZNT'S 01OT23CX3TC3r. DON'T DELAY! ORDER QUICKLY! EVERY DAY 13 A DAY GONE. CUTAWAY OB 8ACC. Men's BUck Worsted Suiti, tack 2 85 ' Fancy Stripe Diagonal snk 3 15 " Dark Brown Ca.-simere sack 4 50 ' Gray and Black Cassiincre Suits 4 S5 Heavy hatiuct Suits sack 3 65 Black Satinet Suit sack 3 78 Heavy Black Cheviots 4 89 Fancy Stripe Diagonal 6ack 4 37 Heavy Brown Cassimere 4 85 Blue and Red Check Diagonal Back 5 '25 Gray Hairline Cassimere 5 75 u u II Rrown Plaid Check Cassimere sa;k 5 90 B -"f and Gray Mixed sack 5 87 Fia G r Mixed Cassimere 8 50 .ndsom) Brown Cassimere 10 25 ti it (4 14 it it li It l II I II 1-.. cy Br vn Plaid Cassimere sack 6 75 EletntQ ay Mixed Cassimere sack 7 25 Ilea j ocotch Wool Kersey tt 45 Fine Black Diagonal suck 4 47 Gray Twilled Satinet Suits sack 3 65 Fine Brown Diagonal Suits 10 50 Gray Plaid Cassimere sack 7 25 Fancy Woven Brown Suits 7 75 Gray Basket Cassimere Suits 8 50 Black Cheviot Suits 5 5 Wood-Brown Cheviots sack 4 75 Dark-Brown Cheviots sack 4 98 Rich Steel Cassimere Suits 11 00 When sack is meutioned we only have suck but when not mentioned we have Cutaway and Sack, but if out of Cntaway we seudSack GOODS ISOLD ON 30 DA Yt TIMEi When erders are reteivtti tl.routh Bonded Agent. , - COMPLETE CATALOGUE MAILED FREE. CLflTHISC. BOOTS. SUOfiS.DUY GOODS, U AT S.CAl'N HOS1EUY. LKtKUUKAli, CAKPfcTU, JEWKLKY, CAKUIaUKs, HAKS1CSS, KTC worm ofTrutb. caxre "7"i'joa of Xx-lo. OUR LOGIC: UNDERBUY, UNDERSELL, ONE PRICE TO ALL Goods soll at 5per-Giit. Profit, jOrdcr Quickly! gone forever. FARMERS ALLIANcE WHOLESALE SUPPLY HOUSE 117 & 119 N. Eighth Satisfactory arrangements have been made with the Farmers Wholesale Supply House o Philadelphia, Pa. to supply members with goods at the lowest marked wholesale prices, aad any goods received that are not satisfactory, can be returned to them at their expense, aud muse will be refuuded lor the same. - Business agents who have filed a Bond with us can place their ordtrs for the FarmersWbole sale Supply House through this office, and pay for same within thirty days from date of Writ. Signed W, H, WORTH, Bus. Ag't. N. C. P. S. Alliance CLOTHING OVERCOATS Tremendous Stok of Fine and Shoddy Trashy stuff Jon are liaMe to makes you when ONUE-A-CUSTUMER-ALVV AYS-A -CUSTOMER. Yoi wi.uld be astonished at the fiueq-iality of our 7.5018.50 $10.0(- SUliS If you want a nic DRESS SUIT, ask to see our $15.00 black 'CIj. Wore ted in round and qiure cornered sack and Rival any you can buy for $2J.' 0. We BEST TJ2TIDEWELA fr the Price, aniany Pricfrom 25 cti Great Varietv. Every Style f'W -Every Styh-. Fine A.orttneut of TRUNKS and Clothiers, Hatters, and. Furnishings, Nearly opposiU Post Office, yZSS&' mmf CiAXAIjOGUB. T A Ticket To The 1 WORLD'S FAIR: --; v 1 Adires Atlanta Journal. Atlanta Ga, SANTA We have opened bp the largest tock of Christinas goods io the city. Weh avW a great variety of doll babie, . li e:sr.- riages, boys wagons, drums, laucy norut and hundreds of small toys at J, 25, for small children. Also nne vase cups and saucers, mugs, albums, work bokes, piano&f accorcuaos ana nuoarea of pretty things, suitable ' for present&i' From now on we shall cut prices on Dm Goods, Notions, Shoes, Hau, and yod will save money by calling on us. ,Thy thousand yards of thirling at 5 cts a yd - HABRIfcON A CO., No. SO S. Tryoa St. C'barM- H.C andOctanlIaMti ' carad at bom vIUm vtMiavBook of t(w tinusnaent FREE. U II AtteatawGawOffio lBJ.WOOU.EYJ(.D. AUmtGawOfficalHiWMtaftallfit. SPECIAL LOTS LESS THAN COSTI MUST BE CLOSED OUT! ORDER QUICKLYJ 11 Cwe Men'i Heavy Sole Kip Boots l 57 9 Extra Heavy Sole Kip UooU I 14 " Flesh Split BooU 1 17 44 Heavy Split PeggW Boots 1 4 31 " . Solid Calf Boots I 87 1 48 1 98 2 48 59 87 3 73 8 44 Good Split Boots . 7 " Oil Grain Tap Sole ' 12 44 Fine Kip Boots 9 Case Child's Heavy Grain Peg.Laee sizes 5 to 1 1 8 Cases Women's same shoe, sixes 3 to 8 7 cases Misses, 11 to 2 8 cases Women', A Kip, Lace MEN'S OVERCOATS. ANY SIZES 34 TO 4JJ ANY SIZES. Men's Fine Oxford Kersey Overcoats $8 00 '4 Heavy Bough Bearer Ovencoats 75 ti it it ti it it it tt tt Black Beaver Overcoats 4,95 Blue Ciiochi'la Overcoats 3 45 Heavy chinchilla Storm couts 4 87 Gray Kersey Storm Overcoats 8 7S Fine Steel Kersey Overcoats 7 90 Fine Blue chinchilla Overcoats 5 50 Fine black chinchilla Overcoats - 6 58 Gray Beaver Ulster , ' , 3 J)5 Solid Black Beaver Overct ats 8 2 Rough Kersey Overcoats 6" 85 44 Gray and Black KerseyOvercoats 7 75 Black Diagonal OverowUs 4 25 44 Heavy Black t hincbilla Overcoats 1 !5 44 Dark Brown Beaver Overcoats ; S 70 41 Long Gray Kersey Overcoats 7 95 Jou'l Delay! tA day wasieti is a dajr I St., Philadelphia; Pa. UNDERWEAR M-dium Goods at POPULAR PRICES. -Not find at sorue places, hut the kiinl ihiit bound andK unbound, cutaway. TivtJ show tU : ' up. WOOLEN 0VEIV3HIRTS ia VALISES. SALISBURY. N.C And