!! i i 1 1 - g. i : i I : , 1 4- n 1 L 'i 1 ' ' h 01 taw' i i - fry ?t -1 v J1L i r e dren nn OVERCOATS. Mtut be sold before Xm;t. Mens'Fine Overcoats from $4.00 to 7.00 less than actual value. These are Tailor Made Goats, jklter yalues you have never seen. Good Overcoats at $4., &M and &7.50 in Visteretles and dress Styles. iBO-STS DRESS OYEBCOATS. Boys dress Overcoats from ?3. to $5. Worth 2. more, a;es 14 to 19 rears. . jCIIILDRENS from 1.50 to $4.00. Worth" -75 cents to $1.50 more. Ages 4 to 14 jrs. jUomein and see our la,rge,stock. - We will give you bargains that will aslonish you. and In Our "WOOLEN- TTIsriDSRWS-AJ.. At 75 Cents and $1.00. Each garment is easily worth 25 cents more. Best unden-hirt in the mnrfcet at 25 cents. Extra heavy fleeced with French Collaret ts only 50 cents. Heavy knit drawers only 35 cents, You ORNISH TM Be. Special interest in our Boys DrpMrtmenl has nude it. at-! tractive not onlv in Frees hut in Point of hi vies, 1st, r miMi and Patterns our Suits and Ovircnat.s cannot be excelled. Good serviceable suits at SI .25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 and 3.00 in Single ami Double Breasted. We seldom fail to please the most fastidious in Children's Clothing. -From 25 cents to $2.50. But our line of from 50 cents to 1.25 are great sellers and always catch the eve. JO C J a ro - ( We can please you in hats, for we carry all the leading styles, and have them at any price you want them. CAPS at 25 and 35 cts worth 50 and 75 cts. Will take Inventory of Stock and Moye Between Xmas and Jan 1st. to the J. W. Knox Store, J. W. Bos tions o)d stand Hence this Great Sale. post ci, - ; v . b AirieBwmT: n ' 1 i a ... " "- " - ' - T ,l1 ,l - v- - mi piM.ii. ni mtzr.iraxvaviua smm & -uanTiiieHailroaa Co. Opposite XollCte Oblige. One night on oneof my side trips in the mountains of the Cumberland I slept at atabin 'where the accomoda tions were j s narrow as the host's liber- Soft and 1 reached it by a ladder. In the morning when L had arisen 1 felt 'that a little qold water for my hands and face would not be very unwhol pome, and as there was none in sight I called for the Mnall boy of the- house and h fame to the foot ot the ladier. I jookeddown through the hole in the flaor and told him what I wanted, and he invited me out ino the yard, where here was a trough full of- water and a piece of coffee sack stuff hanging to a post for a towel. . -The bov, who.se- fiee hadn't been washed for a month, and whose tow jl air hadrt't I een ombed for -a. year, jfat ched my proceedings with interest. When ;1 began to comb my hair With jny pocket comb he felt compelled to falk. '. " ; r "Po yer wash yer face every ""Bay?" ie inquired curiously. 'Usually," I relied with a smile. - ."And comb yer hair?"' .VYes." ,'Every day?" he repeated-;' 'Yesv every day." , It was too much for him, and he was silent lor a moment. "VYetU'Mie sa d at last, Mon't yer think yer aheap uv trouble to yerselt?" That time it was too much for me, and I gMTe him a dime and told him to go off arfd have a picnic. Detroit Free Jt-ess. ..." ' .'- The Religion We Want. We want a religion that bears heavi lv, not on the e; c edingsinf ulness of sin, huton also the exceeding - rascality ol j.ing and .stealing; a religion that ban ishfs small measures from counters, pebble froitt the cotton-bags, sand Jrom the sugarv chickory from the cof ftf'j ah.m from the bread, and water r m the milk cans. The religion that js to ave the world will uot get all the big strawberries at the top and the lit ' "Tier ones ,atthe bottom. Tt will not niake .oneThalf ot a pair of shoes of - got-d leathe-, so that the first shall re lound the maker's credit and the sec ond trh is cash. It will not put Jou yiirs stamp on Jenkm'skid gloves; nor m ile Puns bonnet in the back -room r- )ti a Boston milliner shop; nor let vel- yet that: professes to measure twelve vflrdieouie to an untimely end in the lehtK It does int put- bricks at five .lollars a tnousana iuio eiiimneys u contracts to build with s;ven dollar materia!; nor smuggle w hite pine into llobrs t hat have paid for hard pine, nor leave yawning crackf in closets where boards ougjjt to Join. The religion t hat is roin? to sanctify the world, p;ys llsdebtp. tde not consider that f rry cet't ts'ret rnt'4 one hu ndred rn.en, is aci'ordijDg to f he law. If 4 uoks .on i: m:!n who has, fin led n tradti and conUmes to live in Inxurv,; a thief. HtJivnuuijK. . : -- . ? , : F. W. Ilulde-operand neuben Foster. Receivers. Western, North Carolina Division. Condensed schedule In elTeet October 9, is?a. EAST BOUND. Lv. Knox vine ... " Morris-town.., " Paint Kock... " Hot sprl'igs.. Ashe vllle " Kound Knob " M.irlon " Mor'anton .. " iil.-kory " Ntswton. Ar. Statesvllle... Ar. Sallsburj- " Ortensboro .. " Danville " Kichmoiid !.v. Greensboro.., Ar. Durham Ar. Knic-igb " Goldsboro... Lv. lUmvllle Ar. l ynchburg.. " V. ashingtbn . " U iliimore " PUilfidnhla.. Ar. New York. DAILY. .Xo. 13. T 13 am 8 35 am 12 25 pm 12 39 " 2 45 " 4 08 4 43 " 5 33 6 35 " 6 56 " ;"47 " 8 37 ' 11 20 1 15 am 7 Om " 11 r 3 3 pm - 0 0" " 12 05 " 1 30 " 4 C3 " 10 4J " 12 pm 2 20 " 4 50 " WESTllOUN'D. Lv. New VorK " Philadelphia. , " l.iliin;ore " Washington... " Lynchburg.... Ar. Danville. Lv. Klchmcnl DanvUie Ar. Greensboro .. Lv. Uolds oro. . " Kaleljh " Dun mm i. Gre-nsboro" L.y. oi DAILY. 12. XO.9. o.ll. '4 30 pm 6 r.g " 9 20 1 1 00 "I 6 oo am 7 25 12 50 7 45 " 9 20 ' 7 45 ' 6 1'. " 7 15 " 15 " 9 SO 11 oo pm 12 08 " 12 4S 1 09 " 1 52 2 36 3 h: 4 25 " 67 " 610 " S 10 DURHAM' EERTILI " COMPANY., Manufacturer Hij;hGrado Fertilizer 0RANVILL3 i:f7irTJ J. J o'i-0;:i), ,. c. J1 T. ft . 1 . . I old by T. 1 KiA" r rz .t o. GRAN1TK.- 1', . :sunc (."..a l i 'i t PROGRESSIVE FARMER Kaieili, N. 0. Organ of the N. i Siate Alli .r.P. .-.!n list iii ..-. ;?:uiiwoa-.J JlT- lj- L- roik, proprietor, j. L. Ii.ii -!1esaK Vo'irU: Ito Ir''. iS rhe P-r will 1-e pu up ro usual tngh standard Subscrihe for it, only $1 per vpar in ad vanre. The Progressive 'Farmer end "jTouag La dies. PiiiXcIl'ALt;: Mis., M.i jr.rft I.ur.'U-. n Ili:i nl jnsuu.-iioas in Ln -:ic?i !'i ia-l.es uslc 'Yeoa ai.J riuiioii!;! ). An,i, c! :i. . n. ki nrli Latin Ttnr.s.iyiiiii.k-i (e. Seiut Os:t acue. YOUR CASE IS NOT HOPELESS ii.ivtnx bou,'lit Hit Hoy,- m C'ouaty GraL- .V il.. st one '.. hi ;, Yoiils, . . of'K. h. 1 liililps ;-.: ai., 1 v ill c'o'iuiiUe .o in.iauf k-iuic niiilsiones. i!;iU-.s:-mtjIf .-.ltd xraid:- .i.ll.s r-r grtiiJlny corn and whoat. .iTt?iondiuco Mi.i lie.T. .u;di ess, 3C 1 v J. 1. A'V TT. Faitb, i.'mvaiico. N. C. - Mertlop the Watchman ... . . . ' ,x-a cue -vv atciimax will be sent ta. nev..o?crik'rs at $1.J0 fur Loth - pers. Snhscriho mnv. Addres- Raleigh N. C JOHii A.IRAMSAY, I Atteails to Railroad Construction, Surveys, ) and Majipinp of Keal Kstate, Estimates oi I Wii' r i'iiw,T, rin us-fi.r the Krettion of Mills, j ! i ' ,iri -i. k : -. 1 atti'n.'.s to tlic Hircli;i-;e 01 all kinds ol Macatticry-, lJui'miig Materials, &c. Salisbury Statesvllle rewion " Hickory.. '" iorganton x Mariot " T " Itounfl Knob.. Ar. Asheviuc .... " Hot Springs.....";"" " Paint Rock ' , Morrlstown... Ar. Kntxvllle..,. SLEEPIXfl.fr at? s't-Rvif-P Washington k vlaAsnevic? Salisbury ana JJns. 9 anil 1ft Pi,'i ci . - and Haloid, : """u weeper between Ashevllle W.A.TURK, Cep. Pass. Afft., Washington. D. c. S. H.IIARDVVICR. A. Gen. Push. Act . r o - Atlanta, U E. BKi KLEY. upert;uen1enr Richmond, v. W. n. GRKEN, Gen. Manager, wasmnffton.D C. 0 0- Thc following brands manufactured expressly and exclusively for the Alii lance: AIDS NATURE IN STATURE'S OWN WAY. IT COSTS YOU NOTHING TO INVESTIGATE. A Pamfihlrt MAILED FREE upon application. ATLANTIC ELECTROPOISE CO. 1405 New York Ave., Washington, D. C. fe!2 tf When Baby was tfck, re paro her t nsioria. h'.-n she was a Child, she cried for Casioria Vlien she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. SVbpn she had (.luldren, she ga-3 tt'em Castoris The People's Party Tart Reform Buggy, IJUILT BY' THE BMEESOU & FISHER CO, - Cincinnati, CMo. New sfv'le Leather Top, Side liar, extra sA punted and trimmed. For sale ly W. SMITHDBAL Salisbury, N. C. AIM lie E. & F. warren ted BujVs are braiulfd ikH. & F. Co." on the wmT JB: SOL HAAS. Traf. Mgr., Washington. DAC J01TES SEMIHARY FOR j-.- YOUNG : LADIES. nnJ'!?,1"1?0 rcr Tor boarding cut ,1 .!o m ada,iges for $75? For Itev". C. A HAMPTON Etindpal. ' , AH Htali.ig Springs; N. C. L and T-H&rl" obtained, and eU PuC t business conductud fcr Mooeratc Fee. retB from Washington. timf w1'-' .dravVfnS or photo., with descrfp 'L - A,ta',,e' j',Htemoblo or not. free of cnarge. Our fee not. duo till patent Is seen red. nZ?X,PHl-KTt' "Uow to Obtn Pn tents," with ;c.-a.snow &co Opw. Patent Orricc. Washinqtom. o. C. 1 N. C. Alliance Official Acid Phosphate. N. 0. Alliance Guano. Progressive Farmer. Steam, Air and Vacuum Pumps, Vertical and Horizon tal of every variety and capacity. VERTICAL PlSTOfl. VERTICAL PLUN3 0 o- Regular Ecrizontal Piston. Yours? Truly, DURHAM FERTILIZER CO. OfficVDurham, N, C. F actories, Durham, N. C, and Ridimond, V. J. OJBERNHAEDT, Special Agt, Salisbury, N. 0. jV:'3i''j--- 6 f- ?" iV. U ' Tlio most simple, durable and effective mp in the market lor Mines, Quarrier Refineries, Breweries,' Factories, Artesian wells, Fire duty and general manufacturing purposes. UggrSend for Catalogue. uii.

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