3 S 0 VA tClfMAK BO per cent, more THE .WATCHMAN Is the "Organ of th Farmers' Alliance in 6th and 7th Congres sional Districts. - Advertisers, make i note, of this. 0 .tion than any a n in Tn T paper published uiiiid i - Salisbury, ana is Wore tuo r Wising medium. it.XXIlV-THIRD SERIES. SALISBURY. N C, THUlfSD AY JA.N UARY 5, 1893. NO 9 PI'A- WatcliHian ,.-t"lV"1'1-''- '.'J,l4- What i Si Castoria is Ur. Samuel Pitchers prescription for Infants Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It Is a harmless sulfetituto for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing- Syrups, and Castor Oil It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years use, hf Millions of Mothers. Castcria U the Children's Panacea -kho Mothers Friend. Castoria. ' "CtuiUtttsi i3 so well adapted to tfhfldrcc that I eecommead Iths superior to Any prescription ksotrrj to me." II. A. Archzb, M. D., ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. V. Castoria. J .... Cad tori a cures CoEc, Constipation,. t Sour Stomacbt Ertarrhcoa; Eructation, Kins Vorma, rives aUiep, c-id promotes dl gestion, Without injurious modication. " The use of , Castoria ' U bo universal and ft meriU so well known tli&t it se-nts a wori . pi mipererpfffttion to endorsp it. Fow are the IntelUcmt f amffies who do not keep Castoria within rt-tj reach." . Cmuoa Habttk, D. R, "Sew York Citr. Thx Csxtavk. Coxtastt, 77 Mtnuux H-rawr, New Tosx Crrr "For several veaTs-Miave rocorrLmcndoc your ' Castoria,' and fhall always continuo tc do bo a3 it has invariably-produced bcncflola results." Edwin F. Pardee, H. D., 125th Street and Tth Ate., New York Ctty S i DmlM frhoV which represent the &.T.7foV price, a.ked, thcu.aada WtU !S&iVr wn finnSTITUTE. M It--- Advice to Womeh If you would protect yourself from Painful, Profuse, Scanty, Suppressed or Irregutar Men struation you must use w BRADFIELD'S FEMALE REGULATOR W. L- DOUCLA1 S3 SHOE .CENffflsiSH. TKTBEST SHOE N THE WCBLO FOB THE KOHtT. A ieilWwKI Koe, At not rfp, fine alf. Smlei TftwSbth Inside, Oeilble, morewm rortiUllA and durablo than njj ioSat tn rrice. Equal custom made BhoeacosUns 4 mortTllsh.eay and durable Bhoea ever sold kt Us prion, ihej equal fino Imported shoe coating C9 loVolii-e Shoe, worn toy f armor and all 90i otner wbo want good heavy calf, three oled, extension edge shoe, easy to walk in. and will aWlcSSrTflSSiS and 0.00 Work. S sCalBcmea'a Shoes wiU gtye more wear tor tbo k.T. mhrp m&ke. Thev are made for scr-' vtea. The Increasing sales show that workingmon. ft. .Wis A.i 0e Yntba 81. W School HnVs' ... i,v thM bora everv- irbtrj The most serviceable shoes sold at the price. sm a fit nn HaniidFn'ed. S'i.aO, UOieS gi.00 and SI. 75 Shot fof m m.ani thA rmt Uoneola or fine C alx. as Mind. They are very BtrlUh, comf ortaH lo ana o ura hi. TheiAOOshooeqnalscustommadeshoeaoosting frotnS4.00toge.00t Ladies who wlaU to economize la - w 1. nrauriM n&ma and In a once tamped on the bottom of each shoe ; look for It i .n hn Ttownrwnf deaiersattemptlnirtosno- , . . . r.t. r r . C . fr f t,. Kur h subatltutlonsaro Rsnt aid subject to prosecution by law for ob taining money under false pretences. WtlZ POlfOLi.S, llrockton. Mass. Sold by C A RT E KS VI ll E,-Apr i 1 26, 1SS3. TRia will certify that two members of my Immediate family, after having suffered for rears from jvieir-ai l rrca:tiiariiy, valuer trp.ttd without, i&t b- rh vsicians. were at length c. lpletelvcin-edby cue bottlo of ISratUieUPs l-'eniRlo Iiei5tilator. Its eXZect is truly wonderful. J. W. SriciJiQE. Book to " WOMAN " mailed which contains valuable lnfonnatiou oa au ieniaie mac-aca. BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO.. ATLANTA, CA. . TOIt SALE BY JLZI. JiRVOOISTS. They all Testier I I t B l trW ail a i i. f 1 IB Il M W ii i n w if j mi m a i. t To the EfScacy of the World-Renowne4 r Gil 9 Specific. msWngton Life Ins. Go. OF NEW YORK- Jj5l.: CONDENSED STATEMENT. JANUABY 1ST, 1892. 111,450,638 78 Tho old-time simple ! remedy from the Georgia ewamps and fields has I gone forth to tho antipodes; ' astonishing the skeptical and confounding the theories of ' those who depend solely on tho Dhyslclan's skllL There Is no blood ' taint which it does not Immediately eradicate. Poisons outwardly absorbed or tho result of vile diseases from within all yield to this potent but simple remedy. It 13 - an tracqualed tonlc.-bullds up the old and feeble, cures all diseases arising from impure blood or weakened vitality. Bend for a treatise. Examine tho proof. Books on " Blood and Skin Diseases " xoaUed froa Jrvggiata Bell It. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Drawer 3. Atlanta, Ga. O Q O O O Tha saaaEegt Pill In tho Orra r qp9 nr? ES -n Hifs ci n mil wmoi THEDZACC1TS PE0P03AL5 - "Will. Wil'ir cried Dolly, running in Vreut lutste dowu tlie lane one bright spring morning. "Whoa! UikxI morning, "ssd Will. pulling up the Deacon s old horse Steaily at the gate. "Much obliged to you, I m sure, for coming down here to ?ee met as he waited. , "Don t tease. Will: I had a reason for coming," of cour?. la Deacon Braekett at home to-tlay?" ! V Yes, and likely tube for awhile. He cut hijrfoot yesterday, chopping up in the. birch Tasture." . "Is it a had cut, Will?" - "No That is, only a fleh wound, but it-will confine him to the hous for jl week or two; I suppose. : A re you coming over' to see him?' "No, of course not; but AuntSerena wanted me to ask." "Oh, then she's coming !" unwitting ly iiitting on the truth. "What can she Imj coming to see the deacon for?" "WVU, replied. Dolly, "I suppose she wouldn't wan't anything said about it, b it we heard the deacon wanted to sell the ten-acre field, andAunt Serena will pay as much for it as any one els can afford to. It joins her lot, you kuow, and she always said it ought to belong to the farm." "So tint's it," said Will; "didn't know, seeing it's leap year, but she might have some idea- " "Nonsense! I wish she had though. She said Only this morning, jokingly, she'd a good mind to propose -to the first single man she met, for hired help's worse' than no help, and it will take all the crops she can raise to pay for r.iisiiig them. 1 "That's about ihe case at home," ex claimed Will. "Mary Jane's mother' taken sick and sent for her this morn ing; I've ju-t carried her to the depot, and the deacon's lame ai.d that leave mi with no housekeeper. "Dor-o-thy !'' called her Aunt Sere na fr m the door. "The clo'es are bi- lin' ah' the busier has come." "And I'm coming ! Good-hy, Will!1 "Go"d-by, Molly; I guess Miss Dame can buy the field." D i.v ran into the house, and while her ;uiilsLani:ed the srolden balls ol I CJ butter die deft.y riii-ed, wrung and ining the Miowy clothes on the line. "Auut Serena," Asked Dolly at din ner, just as her aunt poured out th--second drop of le i, having noticed thi w;ts her most communicative time, "Deacon lirockett is a nice man, isii'i he?" -Law sakes. child, th re ain't a bet ter nowhere tout. Sain is a ealkil.itoi : where vou find one man h equal you'll rind ninetA-iiiiie wit ones.'' "So I thought," observed htfr niece. "I wonder why he never married? "I can't tell ye that' I'm sure. Per haps the deacon's a litt le too particular. Taint every woman could suit him, brought upas he was." "No, I don't know) of but one, ai d that's vou. Aunt. Serena." - "Don't be foolish, Dorothy," said Miss Oame, shaiplv. And D'mIv, enough to overwhelm hint with con fusion. Meanwhile Mus Serenn, hav ing finished her dinner, "better set off at once over ana set. nis price So from hi window ihe deacon; who was nearvously vwatdiing the The Dndenml the Ulatl Do?. fall to, but the instinct of the officer , , CuJtnre of ibc Arih l.ckT" Vnn at.nnt ..1 inrl.ro a Ut hv ; staid his hand. He rolled his black Uoxv mr.v f7,... "... . " . v 1,K .1, 1 1 . ' "v" . " . " "V J"uow ! tl, r. . .i: rf ' 1J"JtlO CAVe liltOr vuvMjsuv Dc v u,ecoVert" saKi Major Tom Speedwell , rvaiiw. , . , ',U1U, aniclioLtei to stock, as ,:.,t".tb,nk,.ni at the Laclede. "Itany man despise "Horace, where did this chicken P.'y JS8-844 Winter and 'Got him outer yerbaversack?" lest, as she informed Dolly, "to the deacon tew long a 'time to think it any manW!io uses perfumery; wears a flc n dude I do. I am prejudiced against silk bat, n stand-collar, or carries a cane. When 1 find a man doing all those i ridiculous things at one and at the road with a sking heirtsoon perceived sume time it is all 1 can do to refrain door and called out, "Fall in Miss Serena sUadily f aimroaching. Indeed had it not been for his lameness, I am not siire'but he wood have taken ignominously to 'flight; As it was he felt be fliust "face the sitaation. " "Now do ye dew, deacTou?" was Miss Serena's salutation, 113 she cordiall shook his gingerly outstretched hand. v "Good afternoon, Ms Damey won't ye, hev a dieer?!V t . Th anlc ye. said she; u 1 1tanstop Cn setlong, though I ain't in no. great of a hurry, either, hut, seein' ss I come on bizness, I might as well come tew the pint!" The deacon winced, and Miss Serena, mistaking the expression of a spasm of pain, exclaimed: "Your foot's powerful bad; ain't it, deacon?" Considerably so," the deacon admitt ed. "What air yon usin' on it?" in quired Miss Serena. "I've been wettin' it in this lini ment William got at the village." "'Pothecary stuff," said sdie, sniffing at it contemptuously; "her ye got anj arniky flowers in the house." The deaeon thought likely thar might be some some somewhar and having procured them, Miss Serena "reck'ned she'd better lay off her bon nit and shawl and srt'em steepin'." "How long afore you expect Mary Jane back?" asked she. "I can't tell." aaid the deacon, "fur from personal violence. 1 vearn to hit him, just on general principles. Add to these offenses against the canon of horse sense a button-hole bouquet, a curled mustache and a lisp, and niv fingers fairly tingle fbr a grip of his neck, my toes for a coup de grace. Yet I saw just that kind of a biped perform nn act of heroism that made me think better of mankind. VI was walking dowri Madison street Chicago, last Summer, when there was suddenly raised that most appalling of all cries of terror, Mad dog!' An old lady and a little girl were crossing the street, down the center of which ;a bz mastiff was 'nluniring. with blood Jri. food? 1 nave raised and fed Ucm ' aua would notuowturu tit tint The cotaiit looked at the chicken. .?v 0 Dgeora alone, .1 . . 1 m, 1 , r" tn itta tbem-i. never Lavtv then at ttie heavens. Then he-laid hog cbvieia-Horsu na i.- J: .:..,:. .. 'down his knife and fork, sprang to ihe cribs. j 1 J IV Again I ucBoke ni be planted eiiber iiw : yrii. Itteyare vervhar.iv . .v.. ... . . . I .... ........... J "Who put that .chicken ito my i ;; k u "'Jui iUui,- havers.tck?" he demanded.- 1 ""V"' A smile passed down the line, but fcHiK gwwth, coniUieuctuiC rowi there was no response. The demand lu1 jiurch vvbeu tLe ritiuti'is favci-1 was repeated in somewhat milder 'aWf -iiKy rc piantetl me eame Viy accents- for the fragrance of roast : XZZ T u mecuiUVuiiuu chicken was m the air. rmally the servant sioke. Lantaui. he sjud. we all had a hand ' tbeiu t - the puiulu. Alter ihe ummer,s growth is finished UJ the Jail, 1 iuru iuy Lus in uud let Help tiieuivesHcie Ihev will shot eyes and roaming mouth, pursued .""'"B hl,,K' n(Jw in it. We thought ft .bit of poultry -ilte im ouJy a iittle'curn, and iure I might le good for ou for a change, and your haversack was handy." Captain J called up a serious face, but the chicken had a tempting small. The lines of his countenance relaxed. "It was a wronir thing: to do" he by a coup !e of officers. He made straight for the old lady, caught her dress and dragged her down. He theu sprang at her throat, but before he reached it a youngster tricked out in the toggery 1 abhor had him by the neck. "The btast ra the dude held him came up and put a bullet through his head. He theu picked up his silk tile, brushed it with his elbow, and said, with an idiotic lisp: 'Every dog in the thtv thould be killed; every body that keepth a dog in the thity thould be hanged His philosophy was sound as his nerve. I went liome and wrote her mother's took down with sciatick I wjth a piece of chalk across the head rooinatiz and thar's no kuowin' when I board of mv bed: kA man may dress wuuer my brood 0vs and latl pigs also u -uuie corn, aud luetic eptiiit close up my feuce, aud there are tubr euougu left iu iuq grouud U, produce, next year'a crop. U ibeio are luiu pla ces they cau be "replanted aud they need no lurthcr cultivation as they outgrow; the weeds the becoud year. 1 keep iwu that the bird is cooked and it smells ruVrJr Lr L " , . Iuur Uoe ttud like a gcdfOnc-it would be wicked r!- not to eat it. ia also very hue lor letdiug cows- it la And eat it he did. At the next roll rich aud succulent aud iucreubqs the'dow call he animadverted again upon the of milJt' spring calves winter nicely ou offense of plundering noncoubatants, JUel"tua- cutu eat' them with as much and wound up his homily by say.ng: rUjSillfcm v; ged like a demon, but "f sha11 haversack in the same aud tne large tubers nil the grouud trum iui fast until an officer l)lace knight. Right face; brick rank row iu row. lu good soil they will jiw Assorted Selections. march! - a mucu as one ihousaud oushels uer acifc. 1 dig aud pit quite uu utuouut lor tuy wiulerfeediut'. uuu ulieu ibmuuii lis fr.ri'ii 1.. 1...,., 1 w - , Fifty-seven per cent of- voting them:Yfeed7h" 0 population of Minnesota is foreign 1 iuiuk ii uur laruiera wu Id once try born. plau .of lecdiuii, tiiev would never. In Saxony about 70 per cent of , the au,u B hack "t the old method oicorui work- nim pn earn ess thn S150 oer 'uiuta, rarmer. vear. . t m m . There is room for tost live more dad "w w uniuamau lulls a Clnckca, exclaim here I'll she can get away. "WVU, you air unforlinit,' ed Mis Serenn, "seein's I'm tirly up a b-t for ye." So little thinking the words she had spoken in jest to her niece that morn ing had reached the deacou's ear, he set to work and soon restored the house hold to its wonted orders. "Thar, now," said she, shaking up the pdlows on the lounge; "seems ti me you'd be more comfortable here dea- ;on. , . 1 r 1 M jilebue so. s; like a cad aud look like a fool, and still have sand aud senso to give away.1 " "Poet's Corner" of Westminster Locomotives, nearly every railroad 1 Haunted "There are on locotnotiues that are known as Jonahs, Henry E. Archer, who has spent twen ty years in the service of the Illinois Central and i at present sojourning at the Southern. "Locomotive engineers re not, perhaps, more superstitious than other Deonle. but I have known aid he, hobbling a long more than one to throw up his position had blistered in the abbey. "Soup, Soap and Salvation " is the concise motto in the room of the Balti more Free Sunday Breakfast associa tiou. Street cars in Bombay are as a rule of American manufacture, and the pro moters of the s? reet car lines are Ameri cans. Ivan Kamitzdied at Schenectady, N. Y., of blood poisening, caused by wearing colored hose on a foot which ro. d Auets, - ' Reserved for policies, N. Y. Standard 4 per cent., amf all liabilities, -New InauTitnce, 1891, -ouUUndiug Insurance, -paid Policy-holders in 18Q1, pul Poliry-holders siuccor- j;nii:Oion, - . - Income, 101 - - 11,032,520 25 11.769,691 50.586,622 - 1,447,000-45 20.615.554 95 2,684,435 74 Assets Invested as Follows: Loans secured br mortsraires on Ileal Estate, first liens, - $9,541,192 144.00C 10,300 tuesof tSo large Tntfs Pills which Q - rtare eon bo t j lndthc2n tor tho Vise of cfuldxenfej aad nerseaawlAweakgtCTnaca.1. For Sick Headaolio they r inTalci)Id as tney cause ino mimilate. coarun ino doqt off mtn rally vrlttiont natwea 1. .Im nTnfl'a Pillfl O arc sold by oil dr j?lts- DweimaU.Q Price, 20e. OOctS Hi Park Place, H. Y. GOO0 New York Citv bonds, Brooklyn waeer bonds, Uicbmond, (Va.) bonds, Loans to Policy-holders on Co.'s Policies, - - -Collateral loans, - - Real Estate, cost yalue, - -Caih in bank and trust Co.'s, Iaterest accrued, uriMiiiuuis de ferred and inransit, etc., is NorfolkAUianceExchaDge ..'-11 and 13 Commerce St., Norfolk, Vn., .416 $11,459,638 78 Ter agencies nd other particulars, address. II. D. BLAKE, I Special District A gt., ' - U.ileigh,X.C. 278,739 34 3,500 501,818 25 247,708 j Owned and controlled by Allianceraen .067 77 ' for handling produce. COTTON A SPECIALTY. 'Don't sell before writing for par ticulars to 1 w ' ' J J. ROGERS, Mgr. P. O. Box 212. sitislied that her aum would siy n ih mg Ftirti e on the subject, in ii .tai ie-i a sagacious Mlence. In the uieaiitmu will h;Kl hurried home, where he foun-i the Deacon lying on the lounge, groaning dismally with the pain in his ri rhl foot and the t?enerd condition f -O o It -if-. "DMyouge; the liniment, Wi lum? ' (juerietl be, anxiously. "Yes sir; here it is. Shall I bathe vour foot now ?" "jSo. You may lev sen the the barda.L-ea bit, though, ef y'er a mind tew. How on aj-tu are we goai lew et along I i; tM a r v Jane comes bavk is m-jre'n I know." "Will, anMVi.r ied W il', after an in spection o! the larder, "there's plenty of cold ham and tluee lo.tVes of bread and I can boiLegs and masr potatoes, so we shai'u't starve for wi.ile I guess.'1 "Me-ljbe we could get brother John's wul'ipr awniie. "Can't," said Will promptly; isn't at home." "Then it's no use, going for groaned the de.'Con.' "Not a mite," replied Will. "By the way, when I came by the Dames i 'I I 1 . 1 ..... . . t . . i 1 . . mn t n tee, uonv came uowu in mc kci,v coming :o the lounge, lying 011 which he men- rally decided it had rested him just t( W-e Mi Serena work. Then the dea- on remembered tlmt she Awas callet the best housekeeper for miles around ani that premium at the county fair. L'o be sure, 11. inui. be lmrd for her ti .00k aftei" everythiug indoors and out "There ain't many women,"' thought he deacon, "could 'a done as well a. die has." "Now, deacon," said Miss Dame, having, a- she expressed it. "atraih euecl the house out a bit," "you want to mix equal parts of alkylnd witli ; lie arniky master good for your foo; I'll warren t. Well, I declare, slit went on. "in all the time I've been here 1 han't done my arrant yet. rather than take out an engine that was It is said that Mrs. Adair of 1 tula rtmnW us nnluckv. Some years auo delphia, whose first husband left her at an engine on an Illinois ro- d blew up, immense fortune, spnd ssiu.uuu a I let! I iMitLuii' the firemuii's head off with iegnwnt of boiler iron. The engine was rebuilt and made as good as new, but no engineer could be found to run it more than one trip. It was soon whispered about that it was haunted; hat the headless apparition had an un pleasant habit of appearing on the ender with pick and shovel and insist- r. it ,ng on tiring up. une nigiu an en gineer and his fireuiMi deserted the ocomotive while out on a run, and the conductor attempted to bring the train Hp was not afraid of CliOstSl not year in entertainment. Ten pairs of shoes and three suits of clothes were worn out by J. Edwin Stone ou his walk from San Frnn .isco to New York. The trip was made in 12S days, the distance travleed !eing 3,324 miles. A cat gave birth to a kitten with eight legs at Logan, V.T.,theother Jay One side of the kitten is "Covered with black and white stripes, while the other is spotted nearly every color of the rainbow. The first double-deck twin screw been thitiKing, deacon, seein you. land i'ined mine, ef you wanted "1. do," interrupted the deacon; "what this place meeds is a mistress, and ef vou, re a mind tew cum " is jvo make.- "Wh it. ' 'exclaimed Miss Serena. "As Mrs. Deacon Braekett," he con tinued. As this was the first offor Miss Serena ever had she b-.1 a ed creditably, for she promptly answered: "I It cum, deacon, So Miss Serena left ti e house where tad livt'd so many years to pass, the rem lining ones at Dea on Brackett's s t he df acini's wife. But the Dame homestead was not long un fl ted, for the next year Will and Dolly were named and moved there. Bui neither of them ever knew whether Aunt berena proposed to tne deacon a proposed to Aunt Serena, Majazinc. 1 11 in " o I . , . . . tt 1 1 r 1 i he' But he side-tracked at the hrst ferry-boat in use in the united otaie.- I've opportunity and waited until day-ligl.t is the Cincinnati, which runs over the I 1 . 1 I II . I I 1) -LI : . ... . 1 .-1 t wm Tnr i.l..ro pnmn Ptinir f, IR-TUn. I1H to U I reuilSY 1 vani i irtiin Mi icim iiuui uci- LTCiWI V - I mf . - . ne that the ghost was no joke; thai sey City to New York, blie -very time the furnace door was thrown feet long 40 feet Wlde and .npii thH headless apparition entered I iwelve miles an hour, he cab, bearing a shadowy scoop o: coal. For a mouth the engine lay in the shops. Then an engineer, wlw was compelled to either take it out or lose his position, mounted it. Before he had run a dozen miies it went throutrh a culbert, wrecked the traie and k 1 ed nine people. It was ueer rebuilt. SIT hvr," Scmples Overcome The San Jose Mercury prints a story of a certain Capitain J ,who was a brave officer aud a good disciplinarian, but nervous and eccentric. He had a mania for roll calls. One day he sa Waverly I pieces of soft bread littered about thr company. streets ana suouieu wuu ms customary inpulsiveness, "Fall in. flomnaiiv Bl" The men fell in. am: Th ; Hate Track, .1 .11 nrjs -illfd. Thi'ii the captain On a certain day recently the daily referred to the fragments of bread. fh th sm- I "nnn'r. let me see any more of thi r . .. I 1 1 a 1 the STATESVILLE MARBLE WORKS Is the Place to Get Monuments Tombstones, be A large sto k of VERMONT MARBLE to arrive in a few days We guarantee tpifaction in every respect -and positively will not be undersold. Granite Monuments Of all kii a specialty C. B. WEBB & CO., ti.xy : ' . Pbopiiietqp. Maatlaa the.Vaioaata vbayou wrlteo - P and said her Aunt Serena was over here this afiei noon. "Com in here this afternoon?" echo ed the deacon. "It's about that fencm," I s pose "No said Will "I guess not 1 think I that is," Then desperately, "it's leap vear, you know. . 'Aud whatef it 'tis? queried deacon obtusely. "Nothing only well, I heard Mis Dame said she'd a good mind to take advantage of it's leiu leap year. Yo., seethe's plagued abcut getting help and her farm does need a man to over look if' '"'William, said the deacon, blushing like a school girl, yuu don t never mean tt A. Inn n luncemeut that a horse had trotted a mile in two minutes and four seconds. Every reader was supposed to take 4 real internet iu this fact, which was, for the matter of that, no donbt a wonderful achievement. On the very same day many newspa pers had auotiier story of the race track to tel : On a trottnm course near Bo ton a young trotting mare was driven in a race. She had trotted the first and second iieats under all the excitement which pirited horses feel at such a time, strain- nir every muscie uuu never to uo uei master's bidding. A third time she was brought out A gait . ..." . -1 , waste make a mighty good pudding. Right face; breakraiiks; march 1" The story was current, but probably reus ii ot true, that Company B was m i i i l An account ot electricity as a me saver comes from Scotland, where a man, while bathing, was siezed with a cramp and sank, being two minutes below water. When rescued, he was thought to lie dead, but after two . ap plications of the electric current ani mation was restored. The current war passed between the nape of the neck and ttie heart. Tha longest horse railroad in the world ru:is from Buenos Ayres to San Martin, in the Argentine it-.-puuuc, u distance being about fifty miles, an tiie schedule time of trip thirteen hours Trains leave Buen s Ayres every hour in the day and twiceduring the night. Every morning Hnd evening express trains earn ing only baggage. For the Bojs. The great men come out of cabins is a rule. Columbus was a weaver. Haley was a soap-maker, Homer was a begger, and Franklin, whose name will live whil- li h ning blazes on a One might imagine that the Cluua muu who gorges iniuselt with broiled, ruts aud bird s nest soup would eat any , kind of meat prepared"" iu any manner, but such is nut tne case. John China man has his religious notions about such things as well as oiiier people. Many of the almond eyed inhaoiUuts. of Chicago are not very goud Buduinsta, Since cuming to the cay they liave bt- come apustiiie. But Wutch the ortho-. doz Chinaman wheu ne goes to the, market ter his buuday chicken. He. will not take u dead oue beeaUee ths prohubiatiea lhat'the fellow who kill ed it was not a believer in Gautama and may have cnopped us head oil with a hatchet. His chicken must ' nave its he.td on and be "very much' alive. John will go to the coop aud stire the feathered pnsoneis u witli a btick if he tinds one that tat ivies and hut ters ahout in a lively , uiunuer lie will uuy it. He has no cu lor a duaipish, siCKly appeunng towi. " . ilaviu made a selection he tales the chicken home alive, gets out a duty tulle linage, kueeht- oetuie it, makes some queer mouoiis wnh his handsK iu urn hies a few words, takes ficm a -hell or drawer a knife with a doub le edged blade ubieii is extremely sharp and wnh much ceremony whucks oil" the head ot the lowl. Tii.s done h, returns to the image, and kneeling a giu apoioize lor waving committed ucu a wicKed deed and proceeds to pre- pare the cuickea for diuiie.-. Chicago l'rtOune. bpare the Old Orchard. Some fruit growers cut dowa Trues when the' ceabe to near, and it is not a -viae pruciaee. W hile lucre is ine there is hope. Do not cut a li uu tree down uuleaslt is sloue deid, tor 11 takes loo ioug lt grow new ones, lluudicds of. old orchards are de.ilroed every vt-ar. which with some irouolc could he im proved aud brought into bearing, it ?eeins iiKe uao iuruiilude lo let orchard iiee-s go on 3 cur alter 3 ear, bearing plen tifully perhaps, uuiil tney have -exhausted lue soil, and tneu because they cease to yietd huii lo be cut down by ihe uwu :r, who bus never tuiipiicu 10 the hoi I iu .iuy way that which lue trees have lakeu i'rom it. It the old trees have been badly neg lected, trim them well. Cut out uil urusby, crowded limbs, and thiu Iho trees toward Ihe center, laiut the wood that it uiay i.ot decuy . Let the bark be cleaned, uu 1 the old rou-u hurlace muy oe cleaned od. At the right time let the tvhoie uround be well iiai'towed, nut once called into liue that the captain I through Harden and L i Hue. counties might ask which man it was that owed Kentucky. We called that the land him ten cents. of ticks aud lizards, llie soil is very cloud, came from the printers desk. Fifteen years ago I rode horseback, without mutilating the roots, and ferahzo heavily. Ihe soil Biiouid be kept iooau The ltee lioni Weeds, uud iu ood lime ... ... On another occasion the same poor, so poor that it will not raise eye had command of the guard peas unless yon take them without tin dar- " returned Will, not ing to meet the deacon s eye. "Weil, that beat's all!" - But Will was already out of hearing. h ivintr i:ohe to the woodshed, where he was alternately splitting wood and i-buckl'm" with laighterat the "good joke" be imagined he had on the dea eon. For he knew well the man s na ture. Bashful to the last degree 111 tht compa iy of the opposite sex, the mre idia that Miss boreua might De com iu ' with matrimonial iuleutious was onntn n had command or tne guara neas unless yon t,ase mem wuubui tne beim? I linf. with headauarters in the village of eves n a . . I . . . . . , 1 . -l t Falls church. At the post were a Hiding along tnts aay-i came upon a sergeant and half a dozi;n privates, spot of rank weedi wh. re the sod had Strict orders were issued iutefering been made rich by the decay of an old with nrivate property, Soldieis ar- Calin that once stood there. iiuman, however; plump chickens were Out of that cabin year ago came a near, and the result may be imagined, i lean, lank, white-he ided boy. If ever Early the next morning one of the a bov come from abject poverty that "loyal' inhabitans psesented hiiuselt 1 one did. When only seven years of J. ..i 11:' 1 1 u if. i n j 11 vance. riisiagene woum waiK 10 noagenvuie fattest chickens had disappeared J with a basket o eggs to sell. Ihe inrim' the 11 irht. and feathers had hovs laughed at him. 1 liey said hi . . - . . t J I W ' . eeu found just outside the picket poijt. clotlus were like Josepli s becituse of japt ain J was indignant, and oi so many colors. But he was in curs the roll was cjilled. The men dust rmus, honest ai;d soler. After a were lectured on the sin of - chicken I while he went down the Ohio and stealing, and a search of haversacks j Mississippi rivers 011 a Hat-boat. Ihen ordered. Ihe search was made, I he returned, and crossing over into uud the trees wilt bear again. Unieucliud wood ashes make an excellent ierlhizet. Let the soil be made as rich as poeoible. It can hard.y be overdone. mil brifan to trot another heat. - n 1 " . ,he bent all her energies to exceed the headquarters with a grievance peed of the other horses. She was bounding along the track, her eyes aflame, her nostrils panting, her ward in obedience to the drivers urging word and whip, when she suddeuly dropped to the ground deal. She had burst a blood vessel in ner dumb effort to do wh it was desired of bur. Like inanv another horse on -ihe j race course. s;ie had been driven to death. But all comment which the people about the place had to make about the matter was that the mare was worth $20,000, and it was a great pity that h-T owner should lose such Y.tiu&ble a lima!. Novelties in YYate!ics. One of the most ingenious and inex pensive novelties i f-tiic day. Says a coa temporary, is a met 1 watch, kev ie.s', and showuig upon i s fr.-c - through mall apertures, the d.tV . .'i..te Kiorh and stale of -t he uiooii. Tue watch re quires on! yto lie wound in the usual wav, aud when the horrr of twelve o,c lock m id .ught arrives, with a. slight click the day and dte change in a magical though auton atic manner. the little golden moon a i so passes un aided sdowtv through the quarters un til tne mail 111 the moon appears w th full visagH. after which he gradually . . e i.i. j: 1 It.. .1: I. -it...-. ...l.MA jut not a reamer was utscovere 1. inuiau.i ue mn-j-ui i.t- nunc, ,- 7,,,.. .:, nf h;a x'w Captain J gave a sich of relief, then on to Illinois, where he practiced ' , - ,F . ,ta and the complainant had nothing to llaw, then on to the pre-Vential chair, do but withdra'tf! and in hi3 name with 1 1 t of .Liberty. At dinner that day the c ipt tin found I thank God we live in and where a a pluma, juicy chicken, finely roaste t, b.jy can go from a tow-path, a tin-yard waiting his attentio n He looked at ii I or a rail-cut to the pre-ilency of a . n le i at i s tromat ard was about to 1 republic G. W. BJh- is oiuv v.sioie, snowing unat tne . oro is ab ut to vanish from the face of the watch until such a time as zdiall be nee? ce.sary to appear, as a new moon. phitdrm Cry for Pitchers TtoriaJ-