(-.1 - I t li it-' :; -: i? VI LIE r -i r f r t j i i "ii? l'i - ii h I; I ."'- ... ..- . .." - - - y f"SiMMiMiii i'aiV' wli'r - '-'-"' i Vmn' Vm"" ""m ' 'rVii"i' '" J " '" Carolina Watchman jf. Ii. ItAHSEY Editor and Prep. V SUBSCRIPTION HATES. One year In advance St months 5 ' r - x . TliflMS .STRICTLY OA SIT. $l.uO Thtf Watchman w orra" df the tAUi coin tHe 5tU aud 7Ui Ctoiisrciotta. tiUtricU. - " , i-f he Watchman has 50 per nt more tirculatiou tbau any .paper puunsi.eu m BalUbary.; ; 'ittrl rtwrtsnd-clasBinall al SaHblurj . N. C. TllUESDAY JAN. 5 A TSieru excnan3 ortjo. - to-iav th'an ert r !e- IA1 ",' " ' " " v V, Pr h.staiiLe it will buv'iieariy two bushels and a half of wheat; 'Uneasy lies the he d of fhe men mb want office." They are 'Wing ouiteiTlittle avjilanche of uneasnies.s -liow, for thrir powers st-pni to be keep frig their own counsel. TnE?E is no denying' i, the -Leiislat 4re is in ses-ion .this week. If yod vant hi eni rich, be 1hidv or aur- Ihiujf, send the legislature word. Is really for business . " "v The averaire nrice of wheat in - Da- 1- trtri? Injt and tulioiifiw ' Stnt S is 50 to 60 cents. -In California 70 cent The difference is owing- to the higa height charges of the "iiig Four" rail tb'ad 66'mbirie. : The ariners Alli.uice doesn't care A fig which-political party engrafts its -inlands into law. It Tas organized to tftdure needed reforms, not to build hp political ph plies, nor to put certain men in office. Sas-the Southern Mer t'ofy TMose who believe the JFariners Al ilance has been swallowed up Ly the Jeoples party, or any other political partyi need information upoa the pres ent condition of the order and the out look from an Alliance standpoint. Says the Sou th ern- Merc u ry . Ids. Orange Judd, editor of the , Or Ahge Jiidd Farmer, one of the olde4 and most popular agricultural papers- in the country, died at Evanston, 111'., sl few days agd. Tie was widely known throughout the country. : ... oucariuot hope to -convince- your brother in the Alliance, who dJixers with 6u 'politically,- unless you are also open to conviction. You hotlL must lay aside your pr -judices before either can learn anvtlnn'r or be . mutu "ally helpful to each other.- - ,- The pension business now runs up io one hundTcd and eighty-eight mil lion dollar annually. Th-recent ses Hon of Congress, witli its hieuibeis Elected pledged to pension r?fbmi, have Just started the ball by increasing the Mexican pensions from 8 to $12 jer tnbnth. -"Such reform as that is what the low is all -about. Look out i'tr Quails in the future. V hat a Commentary upon the cul- Ibre and enlightenment of ,tlte best v.t taoYerntneUt Under the sun that it has bebottte so corrupt and rotten that fcVerjr state, county and neighborhood Is seeking to invent a plan which will Insure honest elections! How re- iiiarkable it is, too, that the most p5p- lTT" ! - J il 1 . ;,iar invention lor mac purpose , comes ; rf MTorli England's penal colonyA us v, lralia'anil that tljere hi ust he a dem- v .- 'i-i:. ..." . tinsirarron ot tne necessary luvetiiive capacity by a felon to curb the crimes upon the ballot ! J5li tight .-for spoils is" getting WW M a. a . . - warm. 14 Ve wautju" is the battle cry bf thosfe who Mipported the Ticket in ir; 8Tf?5ew1' won't get out. till freimist" is the answering shout of those who have been enjoying such piaces ror me past lour yeavs. '.-.'to provide places for all Uie faithful is a ' bio're HiEBcult problem to solve than either the tariff 01 the currency ques tion and will give the President-elect ; fercater annoyance.' If the distribu tioh 6f patronage could be divorced from the Presidential office and lodnvd .??iiiomewhere else .the; Chief -agist rate l" .JthV nation would enjo sounder . , fcleep. . . . ti a asnyiue, ienn.. uispatcli sa;s Ini. 11. Clay King and daughter' are in that city 44otkinptw;rrd securirg he absolute pardon of Col. Kiriy, who received a life term for the murder of foavid Poston in Slemphis." Certain y. Pardon uCol." King hy olf means. If there is such a thing as justice in Tennesee or any where else in this coun try Cokn King should have stretched fceft'p like bnv common triminal. - But because he wa?a 4tcoloner' his sentence fyas 'oommuied to lifemprisohmcnt 1 14 folks want him absolutely p honed, potintnes m Europe "e m,.c u, f .vU; iimnos- ml of road to the ICQ square- mil ?7.! na n wonder wU j T I- - ,. c iin Judge UynckWtVL:WK"' - ,- .r, Nv York HcraUl: ITic'lley, Chas,ia 5B; imleiiiUt!nt -companies nm. . i , - -j. - " -. , it ,f ih'e ritaiiW;wcii euo.!glr tfstituajIlueri private linos. . o.xieeit v t.. h- .vi? hi ro m ai d laiie uai-;iroads have iH-en abandoned during in in the dnmi--i6m of .the: e; York hotel!- when?' he h-i'Mrs.Dee--: "ite Dr. IVa i. k Denis said th a hu i aher w.is not Mi2n:g fronva strofet' f paraly.-Khut wa&biuply cxtuuMcu Lv his hard work: , , . . - IRE IKC0KS Tl Theadtati-Mi alfi't the icorie tax :....n.,ca" is teriii taken up UHlt'iow-3 . " . ...... !- " it 'v . .f l.Vi - VriintrV." It" 1 in all- pJUi? ' . - PVlf.rjU- Vjlveii- b.V tl,e mos? .- , :. tlimi'btul toie iheslto 'ioiild reaclwli'r down in the sei r i u h tlie man of smiul income as wen as tile III. M PI l t!ge iiuLUi., - - , I'tWruhienfe' wilb'see'in i to ap- tach ;i sort of penalty tosucc ss.' 1 Ire;! .frtrchv-fheiiuin-vvii.i an in- " p -r ror vluwild he taxed I C'.jme 01 om,'W uc.i - , i havi'ivii the man with - vu. mcome :Tnd hot Mippcrt Ait ,iiie go-ipiu.ev y i janeiiny per cent. otti rVe New"'or:ri Urili 14 L' service, and nearly; 8$ per .;...v, iVlwo!iitlv" f-irV however, U I frVigl't"sirviee;:!-: This si jf '2,300 be taxed nyt all. ..The equv making the totid numler of cars .1,215,-tbl2wa--wi.liUr;fae:ia down and touch the small lncomes.l Every mau'ovight to te willing to add J his.trHle-to t be vast aggregate necessa ry to run this government.-. HOITEY SHARKS. The ioilawing from tne. Ijioue- l D;Mnocr.it ;.irnh one or uie eviueuco of prosperity iii the il'j urfeliirrjg city of 3f Louis: ' ." - :' - CouUl the record of the rerorde( of ileeds1 .6ffice--p:ik, instead of - beiiig a sUent teiejit tele of wfiten uocu inputs 1 what a startling tale of human misery would l;e unfolded, and what narra(ives of mail's avarice- and- indifference would be told. It is there tl ak. mi.-ery and misfortune sUiuils out as it does nowhere ebe. It i? t here that W executioner and,!it might be s.iid, . the iiend in human form, hidden from pubiie gxO, fiouiTfches-in all his glory. Louis li .'s its proptH'tibnate pai t'oi" Klt-ssc fellows men who preyupo:i "the dsstituilon of iVlluy-nien as the .iiav.l dLes upba the 'weaker uH-m'ief-J c'f t!:e f.jithered h ibe, and aim. st as indiffer ent'' The usurer is iio' a'1 rrran -'ot seiltiuienT, iin'd is as uhilioved by -tale-of w'oe fs heis to 't lift' 'forms ; of -law. Money and interest i all he' lives, and earos fbr-it is his, aim r of existence; things else are as nothing to him.' ' "According to t he r.ftords of: the recorder-of deeds', office, t he number oi chattel niortagaes tiled average about 12,('00 p( r year. Some of ' t het e g - over fioui ; year- to v yyiMC, .aadrit .1 slateti that there are ii6w" filed"'- iS,00U chattel mortgages on personal property. Of the lS,00pv14TJQ0.;ii jm houst- hold effects, such as furniture, carpets cooking utensils. . Of the '100.' 10, 000 are held by v.ell-knowii" ' noiiey sharks." who draw on" an" average ll percent ry.jr month from their victim-, 'although the law is Very emp'.iai ic and explicit on the subject of money.' i'There have been numeroits . q;: in the courts'where it w.is established that the lender had collected from the borrower in interest alone more than 100 per cent in excess ot the money borrowedi In fact, a' ta'e'' was tried before Judge Dillon" not ;fbng'' ;smc,' where it appeaitid'that'a: welf "linowir "siiarr-- lTndnUde:2a,000 viii one tramaclio.u3 iiv. .-Conneutioii-: , v: h t he Wtird iroctlUuie)... yompaayT . kvhi.h: tailed aljjthtvejqragijaivt --VV ineu suing to rec iver ?i.ouu auaiiion- al.T Nearly allftlies.u.uioi tjierfe made by pe)ple-wfu)ip..auty-julj "nee essity force to taks such uiethoils.:.to- prevent starvation. Y hen they are Hncelft tnefiStldVof -ftig H'fifiy are unable to extrivJfite'sthenisolves, and rJiftaih tKeVtfv riMnly -a&shViS" extorted fi'om Iheiir .-TheddUe hariwa)l"in, takes p'issesiouiiid t.urns tUeir .effect over to a second-hand 'dealer. ItAItiVAY FiiCTS. ' The recent report of the interstate C uninerce Committee give important information regarding, the r; service of tire United States. On tlie 30 of June, 1S91, therb were 1CS,402 iniles of -single track road fh the Un. ted .States Adding ihe double track, the total nure7tg . was 210,14? This makes xver iive-a'nn half iniles of single track for every liundml square miles of teiT!tory,afd twenty- nine and a quarter iniics toi every tei thousand jnhabitanfst ; New Jer.-ev .has the greatest number of miles to itV extent of terri'ory, nearly. 28 miles to the 100 Vsqf:tre miI;S of territory Massachusetts folloyv.s with 20 miles, PeufoylVani.-r wiili hearty 23. Con nccticut with nearly' 21, Ohio 'with 20 Very fev 1. . I. W mm ,-1 rtA -v t U MVV The nnmbfr.of rail corporation theTJnited.Statesat the date above i oo( . 4ivfn - T!ts :.l8i, of which ooU -a - . v :i . i year, and 92 roads, embiadng. mile aef 10,11 G.2o have, disappeared b .edii'sididhtioii. "llis shows how rapid I 'the. tnmsportatioii' lines' are ' consul idat- jitg...liprly - tyo companies CJiitrp nearly iutlf oi. the entire tnileagft' of ti7 counfrj.: Eight fail way com pan ies have eacl a sross revenue., ot ( more man tnret lu-iil'icn dollar; and these control near ly 70: j,er cent, of t he total m i le;fge o tjie country, receive 2 per cent, of the railway ; seVyice, and je passenger cent, of; th iows an alarm '"J-jiiigccrncentninon ft railway control iaud points to an ultimate monopoly in :wijijirli.iniuv,.a .wi, wu tions contmaev ;. ,: - . - ThHncre ise in Uie number of loco- motives during tire -vear was l,9v9, hlakinf 'tV'ifsil niirti!i(r in 29 - 1;13J. 4 he increase in cars was 4o,944, The number of men employed on railroads of the United States dur- H,g the year, wf?s- 7b4,23i, an increase oYer the previous year of 34,9S4. The number of m?n employed r er 100 mi'es of r.Jad was 480. The number of rail- way employes m proportion to in ha hi- nuns is on me increase. The iotal capitalization of the rs 1- ways crtne unued btates is 59,29,- 475,015, or 60,942 per mile. A sig- uiricant f..ct is that the changes in c- itai oulstandmg shows that income I v 1 1 at oontisnave maue toe rnormaus iu-creaefrom-70,U33,8l8" to -?32i,2SS,- 090. This yhows that the capital in- vested in raihoail is rap'ullv partaking uf. the nature of a 'double investment a-raiirokiV invest merit and a-bonded in vestment, on each of which the traffic must viid-an iiicmri; which must nat urally he drawn from the productive industries. .The gross earnings of the ' r-dlroad lor the year in'! dW loiisi dciat ion weie $ 1,000,77 1,305, or SO'.SDl 'per. mile ol iijjt.v . 'JL'h.e-j- i?je racing , expenses were 731,8S7'S03, ori,53S p-r niih of ime, leaving the nit earn'iiis frcm op- erirtron' 373,R-2" or:- $L203,C4S per mile of line. I The-c'iismilliesduring-the 'ear ending June SO, T8S1,-are greater than during any previo.us. years covered by a report of the ci hmnssibn. The numler killed during -the -Year';- was 7,(,20. and the uumljer injured was 33,881. Of these oa&u allies - the greater numb.-r were employes. of the roads, thy passengeig killed being culyvS93, injured 2,972. s r . ' A I7ev Book. : Li tr-VathfrvTiuic stops for no storm, ep idemic, bounty or famine. He's a queer old kuss that goes on with his 13 slej per, day s until that de-creasing distance appears behind in day, weeks. noi. ths evi-.ry one wiili a history, tie doesn't sit down and think what.i job he h ts before him, or how much 1 e uas done; He doesn't gneve over the constant duties that demand ' his at tention. In thi, he's a pattern for u. A-s we'all ndmitr 1892 is gone! One trrife-niore'-we have celebrated the birth of Jesus Christ, who started his earth- iy career in a cow suioie,-. ana c.l in in lollies farMnfe-rior to many " that are n"ow seen hi hovel--. Some of us have K'fAttinglvi Cf-!ebrat"d this returning rnjiiYersiory'of a glorious event that oosened the 'hackles tliat bound the lnialifjvaally in terrible chains and hiade it p7)Ssibh; for the realization of .Uflitial--laoUierhood; some have -not,' ste'trnud not i heyliKv'e not yet leant of Ilim who-died that we and theVCuiight- live. c4 ' ? the book is closed the bic book is a-aWfiy ttritK the; records of goodness and records of meanness, of honor and or crime, of all that we men ai d wo men have done to rust. The records rm rust, lint - the influences exist to gladden us or to sadden u. or perhaps it win ihi a uiixauie use s;ue meat a trea.k of one and a layer of the other, We ean't stem here to discuss wheth er the world is better. The good are better, and probably not; the bad are worse and probably not. If the law makers have the.fear of God and legis uue against real wrongs and crimes then we are - worse as a State. But judge us by the code and laws of ten years ogo, we are belttr. Tl.eie has ix-en lots of arrests and convict ions for stealingold barn roosters, and lots of i ought not to have been done. -but Ut 1892 go, for she's (L"ap Year) - gone a glimmering. 1693 is litre, and let us make him (not a Leap lear) put up a record that will put to t .i j t -. ... . sname tnat ot n;s sister that has jus J ICQ. t he fellow that resolves, resolves foolishly. - Itesolut ions don't stand temptations and the fire of difficulties but manly manhood does. Do and lon't resoive. Th.' fa llow that resol ves to quit drinking whiskey or chew ing tobacco m y h ive to go to Keely o get his resolution to sticft: Lire life without" resolutions, igiou to be worth aovthing and cana , . v.. J . )le of anchoring you on the othef sid. f the river needs to be lived and no professed or claimed. Live it; Eighteen hundred and ninetv-thret sthe new book it has 305 page.-, tfay we all use it, as doe3 a bright au ood child does his .new book -read h. study it, and roaki its truth and it -.food 'part '-of ourselves.-Cowctrt Stan dard. When Bab tras slcfi, ire gsV tier OstorU. Vhen the was a Child, tfia dfted o'r Caatofia Then she became Kiss, she ching to C&soria. (Then aha hod Children, she gaa tLem Cistoris CHILD BIRTH MADE EASY! " Mothers' Friend " is a scientific ally prepared Liniirteht, every ingre dient of reedgnized value and in constant use by. the medical pro fessionl These ingredients are com bined in a manner hitherto unknown ".MOTHERS' FRIEND 99 WILL DO all" thath claimed for if AND MORE. It Shortens Labor, Lessens Pain, Diminishes Danger t" Life of Mother and Child. Book to " Mothers " mailed FREE, con taining valuable information and voluntary testimonials. Sentbvexpresson receipt of price fl.60 perhottio BRADFIELD RECULATC3 CO., AtlanU. 6a. BOLD BT ALLi EnCQCrXST8L WE LOAN MONEY To bnv, build and improve your home nt an avcrasre interest rate of biiiY ene and a half ncr cent. Allow 12 vears tinn in which to repay lon.ns by small monthly installments Pay in vestors"bipr n turns with absolute seenr- itv. For full particulars and terms apply to C. PLYLER. Salisbury 'Rowan Uo. N. C FOR SALE A Iffr? 4e?5rabie farm ? At Is otrerrc d for sale on easy terms, in Western Rowan, seven miles east of Mnoresville. For -"particulars pply to or address In dell co. h. A Lowrance.? Mooresville,, N. C. D3tfas&s Oannct ba Cured hy local , a-) )lic itious, as thev cannot rea h tlie tliseased norti n of the eai, Tli e is onlv one wav to cure deafness. an that is bv conslitulional remedies t)(5 uess is caused hy an inflamed eondi lion of the mucous lining of the Eiista- chianTuhe. When this tube sets iafl.iui- vd you have a iimbling suuiut or imper fect hearinir. ami wJien it is entirely clos ed deafness is the result and unless the Ltili iinai ion can he taken out ami Ihi? tube restored to iis normal ctindirion. iiearin will Us, deslroved forever; nin eases out of tvn "are caused1 by catarrh, which is notlsiuir but an inflamed condi tion oflbc imfcofjs surfaces. We will rive one imndrtd uollars ior any case of deafness', caused by catanh tliat caunol te cured by llal"s Calairh ro. Hi i-it f r circulars (' ee. F. .). CHEN Y &(.0:, Toledo, O. Sold by Druggist , 7I els, it! H 5 !? a a The il re it St Mcls LiYETi KiM a:i Blood GURE.i The" Best and surest treatment on eu-lh or $1.00. Sold, only bv Dr. J. B.lLfiXlDER; 15 S. College St. Charlotte, N.C W.E.SMW&C0. Ianufacturers of SADDLERY, Harness and Collars. And Doalers in LEATHER AND SADDLERY HARDWARE IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. CHARLOTTE, - - N. C Mention tne Watchman. wmr;s.tucker&go. RALUIQH, IT. C. BLAZER SUITS And Other TraYeling Requities. For Ladies who will leave homa this Summer, we have provided many goods aud wares suitatde for traveling or Ute at Seaside or Mountains BLAZER SUITS SKIRTS AND BLA ZEli, SHIRT WAISTS, DRIVING AND RIDING GLOVES, Waterproof Overgarments, Walk ing Shoes, Trunks, Bags, Canvas Telescopes, Grips, Etc. dUT-OF-TOWN ORDERS receive the most careful attention. CASH with the order of $5.00 or mor", we will deliver goods free (except Furniture and Crockery) to tne earest express office or railroad station. W.H.&H. S. Tacte & Co., Ralefgh, N . C. Mefitlaa tlie Watc&man when joa -wrrlto. .. HijhcstSfaU In Leihig fewer Latest U. S. Gov't ' 1859 Adininistrators Notice. Having qualified as administrator upon th . estate of GeuoliH ihller, dec a, all pcroits nav-j ing claims Hgaiust said estate arc hereby noti- ( lied to present them ior payment on or before' the 20th day of July, 181)3, or this notice will be pica iu tar or ttitir recovery, aii persons .i. 1.....4 . ...... i i ...j i, iuiu.ediate j nj. rucut. J. W. J'OW I. A Adminbtr (far. THE GREY SCHOOL, , For Boys and Girls. The next se?sio u of this school w iil be-nn Aupust 2;-Jl, 1S92. and close May 20th, lt:?, making it possible l(r younpr men to attead the rfi hool the whole term and et l.on:t- ia time to aid in working the crops. The work is thor ough, th' rates reasonable and the discij-lint-milJ but tirm. For iurtlier information, write for catalogue to H. A. GREY, rrincipal. Iluutcrsville X. C. DON'T HEAD Till?. But go to "Eddins Book Store opposite the Central Hotel and ytu wiii tind a full line of Books,Books witliout number. Writing paper and Envelope. Blank Books, tnith common andfai:cy. Xmas Books ior your children. Novelties t f all kinds, Gold Pens, Ticket Knives Photograph Albums, Pictures, the ltot btyle of frames. Just f-ueh tl.inps as ycu will want to give vour wife, daughter and sweetheart for Xmas present. We carry a . full line of Violin and Banjo Strings, Musical Instruments, toilets, Secondhand School Books, &e. Say you saw this ad. in the Watch MAii whpn you call at Ed;iinV Book Slore. Savanuaii, Ga. rii 26. "0. Jlavinj; used three b !ti s of P. P. P. j for inipiue blood and f;t iu -ral v. eal; sn -s. ! and havini: del iv d. p re :t !t-:.el; ts from tne same, havinjc pain ! 11 jx-v.i:-...; ;n weight in four weeks, I take ureut pleas ure in recoiarucr.dii: il to rnloriunales liko Voar- truly. JtiH:;:-io:;Kis. Onice of J.N. Mi-Elrov.Druppist, OrlrtU-da, I-'ia , April L, 1 -91 Messrs. Lippi.ian Bros., Sa van (.ia.: Dear Sirs I sold thr-e bottles of P. P. P., larpc size yesterday, iii;d one bottle small size to-day. The P. P. P. cured my v. ife of rheuiva listn Urintcr beftrr) last. It cau.c bck on her the past winter, aial a haif bolile. $1.00 si?e, relieved her aaiir,aud she has not had a symptom since. I sold k bottle of P. P. P, to a friend Of mine, one of his turkeys, a small one took sick,and his wife pave it a lispoon ful, that was in the eveninp, and the lit tle fellow turned over like he was dead, but next morning was up hollering and well. You rs r es ec t f u 1 1 v . J. N. McELoOY. Savannah, Ga., 17, lSl'l. Messrs. Lippman Bros., SiVaiii-jah,Ga.: Dear Sirs I hnve suncred from rheti- niatism fr a lonp time, and did not find a cure until I found P. P. P., which com-( pletely cured me. Yours truly, , ELIZA F. JONES. , 16 Orange St., Savannah, Ga, Notice. Ilavinc oualiGed as executor of the ate Dav.d ito.-ei!Kui. I will sell at public iiffinn rn 1 hf Trfnico if lhu wawl 1 ceased, the 17lh day of December 192. freash, the following: properly, to wit four ho'M? v.on. 1 .me lioisvaijuii. I buijgv. 1 car 1 escrow nlate. 1 foot a Jr. at.d otlier t(u l.-,2 :mr?::u5, one itli a book cas-c l larjre c ne curbo ird with 'via--i sbatt-. r chaijs and iun.r huuselmUl furniture. Alo 1. lartrc wash not, 1 sa-Jcilc. 1 buildit:tr with horse power cunibiiiod. Also .'-ome c!rn and iJy a a ctlicr articles too Uiiiou? to mctitieri All persons laiving claiias njiir.st paid es tate must present tlu-in iuh authenticate I n or before thV 17th day cf lit ct-niber 1 '.?., nd all persons nmbted to paid estate will please make prumttt jmymert. 'i his ov. 17th lfct-2. TtlCO A. P IiOtiKMAS Ex of Darid P.oseman, Dec. gPHQ FCR GATAiCeUE. LAWN TEN W 18, BASE. BALL, m RIFLES, SO la. DC SLOP l'NEUB ATIC Safriy: LUt SIIO...B 00.00 L.C. lakkHiuMrtn. ltn.. lb.l LUt MJQ.nt) IDEAL BOieLB SU5. It cm.. tO la Rt 6.BO H BACH AX Huwrlm, It r., 8 lb.. LbttSOi S.t 33 OO E.C. MEACHAM ARMS CO.. ST.lCCiS.El. iVC keiors' lills BOTANIC BLOOD BALM . THE GREAT REMEDY - FOR ALL BLOOD AND SKI DISEASES - IIu been thorcracri ly tttod by cm trei.t phyrtotana and the peopia tor 13 year, and nerer falla to core quickly and permanently SCROFULA, ULCERS, ECZEMA, RHEUMATISM, PIMPLES, ERUPTIONS, and at! manner of EATTNO. SPREADrXG and KUXXINQ SOHKS. Invanablr cure the most loathsome blood diaeaaea if directiona are fol lowed. Price f 1 per UUie, 6 bottles lor JTur sale by druKKista. SEHT FREE wm&rai ?TtJTS 1 BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta, Ct. THE 1892 Georgia Home Insurance Co., COLUMBUS, GA. '. J. EHODES EEOWNE, WM; C. C0AET, Fresidest. Secretary. Total Assets, over $1,000.000. A Home Comparsy, seeking Home Pationaje. lncr.rtf sll classes of KUks at lowf tt . adequate rates. Losses adjusted and paid promptly. J. ALLEN BROWN.AGT NOTICE. ! Notice is hprebv p-iven that T will . . ri!rt AUtc ... ' . , , rp TJ .. COUil acis a nai my w i ic, jim i. xi.ui. mav make, or iissume any liability SJ!? m.,v jnCMr. - A. L. IjALL. Opfnlipr 1 IO - . . . . Cures all Fcmsio Complaints and Monthly irrepvdaritv, Lticorrhcca or Whites, Painia Eack or Sides, strengthens the fee'ola, builda up thfe whole system. It has cured thousands and will cure von. Druggists have it. Scad Etimp f'-r hooic. U. J. P. DliOif GCOLS CO., LaalsTtlia, Ey. BTownWMdliigton 8t Co Setail Hardware. Wc hayc iust received alarpe lot of o!ie- potind butter moulds, price 25.1s, a a larpe lot of oval and louud Bread or t).upu i m . : au eeit niiite-t wiar i.viiv CI-jmis C-Ji'-dir aad Du.-ici Ciiurns; un t-e.-uited. The b' t &sorl :n-ut c.f T.hl ato P.eki t Kni I li a S: ate-. t.-, Taldc and 1 ea peons ii Br ss.Ttud Porcelaia li ed presefviu Lot:!!:, at ' ai -u h low pricc-xt hat no luir.il v ti.i be it to ait ihem. A very h rp- asorimeut :r Tinwar IV-ts, Sliiili-s, Ovtus aud'Clhcr houe keepei' ivrku-is We. have tUe b?t C pres. Tub- that are a the w.::r et. Vhv should yon lh:ow awj-.y ni"io-y on :in old pt.inted tu when lui.iIliiim.uM nnic vil! pel : g.;od onp.s Ci'.l aud S ee us wheu you want any thing ia our line. BROWN, WEDDINGTON & CO., 29 East Trade Street. Charlotte, N. C. iSjiOMGOojt V.nn M&pczg 5rjsg Is one of tlie issues of the campaign. We aro in the thickest of i SHOES. I I ' Silver Dollars .vill go further in'our store for FALL 8IIOE I tliai) anywhere in the country. Ha.t.fl. ' TllTlkft J rr.v 10..n Wo otolnrcJl oil 'J ""1' " u"u,OLU " Before You Buy Your era! Merchandise 1 liav full c a 1 Which I am ofTcrin'r for sale. There is c", secret about il l i i advertise. Call and see my Stock. I pay the highest prodace. I am selling BANNER FERTILIZER eh for cash or on time. .Respectful - : JULIUS EARiHARDT That watclr, clock or piece" of jeWeIr -which you have laid-away as uSej can-be repaired and made as good ; ' new bjr ' "'-- . iVI .: Ihvin- gradnatetbtt t he-best ichooi. for watchmakers in America, We ,j0 not hesitste to offer alandsbme Gold Watch Free' to. the person who can brifrg 6s wa' r clock -which we ar6 unable to repair Those eyes which have been givjnfJ you trouble, or causing jou paiu 0r headache, can-be properly fit glasses whicli will enable you"" to perfectly, and' at a price way below i.e trav4ingquacfe or peddler. Our line of JEW ELM Y and SlL. VER WARE is I he most complete. jQ Salisbury. Watches were never TE0 cheap WV are' showing a moyfbear,. liful iiue. You will alwavs find n Look for the blackest lro'iit in tuB' Step in, and we'll treat you white. . ' cA t ways youns to please, Lead i5l J e w I e r i IS IT NOT BETTER To have your printing done neatly, and in an attractive manner, even if you have io pay 7 nor e for it f Well, w&do not charge any more for our ivorJc, but guar antee the finest work done in Salisbury, and as fine work' in our line, as can be done any where. Our motto is : - Neat, Prompt, Accurate. Call on us, look at our-sum ides, hear our prices, and be convinced that what we. say is true. Very truly, AVatclimau Job Office, E. B. SPRINGS & CO., Ko. 14 N. College St., CHARLOTTE, - - -. '-. i;. rj. To Alii an can in anda'l other Tar inert: r T We de-ire to s y that wo ar now prepared .ior ti e Spriu; t.ridc owj FERTILIZERS. W v ut Agents for thv ChyrlotieOir and Fertilizer (V., aud can gWe Icir -prn-t"s ;is well as sell the best oodsiold in the State. Our Fertilizers htve given .the' lMt lat isoicrbui to all and wc mean to keep fhcr fully np t the dUnd.-tnl.' We tc f!af Vou- luiiuss iviirr ttie Sul-Atii.oH;(i in this sr-i tion. nnd wubi be -glad to or.tinri it. Reuuniber thut ihe S. C. Eiprriiuf tt station gave us the higher ginie ou Arifl Phosphate for. hijt ytar tlmt is.afi lf ia 'hat State. Also rimcmber'tliA't the N.C. Expeiime'd Station gives us the ia'pbtt. grade oirAminoniated Fcrti-lizer8 fold in this State last year.. -. Write for prieer . the fight with a first-clasp stock of Vc ako carry a handsome Jii.eof H 11 fl TTm o d nnm, - ,.oo coanuioift. iihc of 3 market price for country. - awn Gen

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