X; W A "'1 A 1 bas 50 pei4 cent, mors circulation than any other paper published in Salisbury, and is therefore the beet td vorti3'inu medium . ' THE . T7AXGHIf All Is the Organ of the Farmers' Allianco i 6 th and 7th Consres sional Dlstrioas. Advertisers, make a note of this. v! 1 -t votxxinrrTifiBD series: SALISBURY, N C, THURSDAY JAN U AiiY 1 2 1893. JfO 10 iMroliiii: "ESSE a'-aC.'i' i i ti-'V ! r c-i' I"-' J A1 What k Castoria la Ir. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Childfea. It contains ncitct Opium, Korpliino nor other rcolic substance. It Is a harmless substitafo for Parcsoric, Drops, Soothix Ojnips, and Castor Oil. " if is Pleasant, Its guarantco 'i thirty years' 'use by IMiliions of Llothcrs. Castoria la the Cliildren's Panacea the "luilicr's 'Trie: I .Castoria. - - J'Caotorla is so veil adapte J to cliildrcn t;r.t " i recomniend it ta superior to tip? preccrivJu.L iiown to me." - II. A. Aacnx, : I. l ' " jn Lp. Oxford St., Brtiokiy I. V. Castoria. " n,e'usoof 'Caftoria- is ea cclTersr.1 and Ra meriUfco vcU-racram.tbAt it mczzs irrk" of aupererogatktirto enuofiMl." F.-. er.i tliw lutcnisrnt fauiE" s who do not keep Car.toria iriitjeMy-rpach.'" Carlos IIabtt!, D. D., New York Citx. Casir!a 'ciyw? Cob"?, CbaShpatlon, oT:r to-r.aea, EiarhTa, Eruciti.jn, - j ft'iiurv, 'i- AVif liout i-jjurious taeUksiioa. Tor uoverr.I yfirs I have retfosimeudrtd your ' Castcria,' and fball sIwAys eonU:ur3 tc Cm to as it Laa ia-ariaWy- ixtxiacod bvacci results." - . Tuttn F. PiRnrs, IC. D., - llrnJ Street and Tili i-re., idr-sr Yd: CXty -Tks Cstacr Coic?ixr, 77 Ku?jiat Eteest,- Nett Yoex Crrr " v Ta a DUTY yon ovro ymjelf anl fain flV t6 rK the bet jaluo for your money. VJAtiamize Jn Tone rottlwenrby pnrclmsin l fc.bc, which rej.rce.il th tt TalnV for pricao aked cs thaBtai ..arxfalElfO SUBSTITUTE.. i t,:: DOUGLAS -S3 SHOE cnftojsa. TK BEST SHOE WIHEWURLBFCITHS a3!!3T.. A tewiiewwfil ahf. that vHH I'd rfp.fir.o ?alf. wain! -9, em.Hith luslrts, flcxlbla. in"re c.m-3rtM.tyl,.'-Hn(irtr'')tt'sri noy other choe rrcv eold : tbe rrlc. iua' cubi jiu. lUAdeBUoesccsHcg ijvaaol T9.ni-mcr., finoca!?rte?S. Thj 13 tn.,tivlU i . asv tiivt d'lrniji s Fhi'es ever ia at the Tirlce. 1 ac efjual line iiiiToi:ted aioea cuiUug a C ta ti f t v I o o e e V C o H c o o 'R1END 5f J 2 To Young . .Si i Mt f"?3.-3 R?-vh F?v LcccH3 Pin, Endorsed bv ths Lrsdln?; rhvsicians. s Book 0 SO I'ollce- , -k'ot n r f arment ar1 I to wais 12, Sill Ul NpUrtrtnrTMi i rar n. , . O O 30 KlnrtHif,S:.'i5nll QZ.Q'J VT.-lr'c-ncBirn:'loorfiliglveinoi-c-tvefrf ri.: laony than any oiior make. ftrom.iil fc rf. r- Tloc Th lnprli)f Mies show tUai work u: sue a ATOtoanl Uimcut. . . . DifO 00 na ont)Ns' f 1.75 Pchenl DUVb dhoe iiro -worn by tha fcnvs vrjr iertir Tbe most Tv!e"able shoes scUi et inaTirl'-rg. , Jllieariua(J8or the ixf.tiKMig jlaor Cue (.''., hm 4tJt. TbeynreTery Btylisli.'roinfortabl nd t'.urv , TbeaS.00BhooeqHi9cnrtoni Diafleshopscosticc;. 'sfroin to tfl-OOi Ijidies whowish toccoucmiao ia tbelr footwear are fJadinff this out. Caatloa. W. h. vugl' nam j and tbe prirrs 4 tamped oo tha bottom of ech elio; look for it ytbmjoubuj. Bewareof dealersatt.emptln5tosul tltut other makes for them. Such -uhstUtitionsfira - fraudulent and ubjeet to iroecuUoa by law tor ob talnlns'noDsT under lalae pretences. UOLClilH, liraclaonrMais. Eoldb7 M. S.BROW, -oyv .Stood? t ,A m mi;mant breaking cut on rcy leg i - o . r n beio-7 tl:2 Lnee, ana wascureu u'a J. rrlth to and a halt - Ksi ou-Mrr.ri modicines had filled .-a wp3t,v rood. WILL C LEATYf TH33 I -rrastronbled from chlldhol with an a? irrrvvatr1 caso-cf Tetter, and three pottles ol vul ou vC Mar.nviue, I. . . . . Out booi on Blood and Skin U'"'" free. jjWii"T Si-tcii-iC Ca., AtUnta, Oa. WaiMMtoii Life Ies. Go. 2 OF MEW YORK. CTT CONDENSED STATEMENT. : ' ,'' ,-' JANl'AUY I.ST, 1S92. ,J A.ieta, - . - iM3n,i;:ts i o mm & f.-M" rvri ii'iMc r - 1 , Standard 4 per cent., ami . ! all liabilities, -lTw Insurance, 1891, -OiiUtatvdin In? uran e, paid Oolicy-lioKlers in 18'.'1, paid Polii-y'oldcrs Viacoor i '--ganization, Income, 1801 ... - 11.032,520 25 ii.iv.i.G'.n b'i.'tf,y.-2-2 1,44 7,000 45 2.t,y4,4.J,5 74 O G O O OlO.O O O Tio sgr-tllr Pa in theWcrHl , Qcfrccrurtia; healiU Js ciiscoverad o fOffi -o rri n 'nssi . t.V.J-.i.M U kSB rhe Crrdit Side of tfttf Farm Led- Too-. many fanners nre inclined to grunible.OYer the lnck of cash receipts. from the farm, but they nerer dre;mi of giving the farm credit for th sup plies irsea fronvit by the fannlv, and why not? If they fill a salariea-r posi tion in a store or office they would soou discoYer that the cost of . living was a greater bug-bear thau the lack of cash now is. I am', acquainted with a farm valued with stoefcand inipliments at $5,000. . It it an upland farm with fifty acres of pond plough laud and the remaining forty acres in fairly good pasture "land. 1 he buildings are plain but comtno dious, and iu good repair. Tbe family supported on this farm average about eight and the furnishing of th wants of the family is made of the first -itn-portaueir and what they do not need is sold, lhe cost for htbor runs from 230 to $350 a year. A small herd of Jersey cows are kept and two or three Poland China sows that are bred for two litters a year; two brood nlars and a driving horse make up the live stock. As the' heifer calves are raised, there is usually a cow or two to sell each year, a horse or colt and from. ten to twentj pigs. About half tbe farm is kept in grtin and clover, and from five to twenty acres are sown in wheat each fallyjtnd five to seveu in oats each spring, to f ur nisli food for growing stock. Tlir-e acres are devoted to garden and truck patch, and 15 acres to coi n and potatoes. There is it permanent pasture of blue rass containing twenty-five acres near, the bum und hog house divided into ma.ll lots 'for th i purpose of keeping the Yariou kinds separate. It is the policy of the owner of this farm to buy no food but a few tons of bran and a few hundred of oil meal each year, but to keep stock enough to consume what is grown. The cash income from the farm is from various sources., the sales includ ing each year's live stock, from one to tluve huudred bushels of wheat, po ta me, sweet potatoes clover seed, hay, butter, fruit and usually a surplus from the garden a:.d poultry yard. From an inspection of the book I find that the siles from this farm have in someyeai of drought and short wheat been only viet wren four and five hundred doiUrs. 4nd iu the more pr.Wperous years the iiave amounted to nearly one thousand iollars. I w;iS mot" interested in lhe .red its given the farm for what it fur- uiiUied the family, lhe items which fie given were as follows : "Kent of h-ais.- and outbuilding-?-, at ?1G a mouth, -00. he--p family horse it l a week for theyear, 52. Livad- ii'ill-, ?JO. aU.ea, mcuiuiug nam-. lard and b-ef for tha Winter, b00 Poultrv andeetrs, $5 . Fruits, on au average, ou. vegsiaotes, luciuuinji :iot;ttoes of both kind., 5:00. total 1507; and a- the iterest at 0 p r ceui on the S5,000 investedjwould bef?300. it will be seen that these amounted o a little over ; ten per cent." prom many vears experience keep ing accounts w.th niv farm, I do not oelieve that a single item in the above statement is charged at too hi- h a rate, and tire owner ol the farm should sell it and rent as good a-house and keep a norje and cow, and live in as god style and as comfortable as he now does, he would likely pay out twice as much as . s the interest he would get for ins monev. and the chances iire he would not find as safe an investment Select b if tings. ; Over 17.000 stvlas t)f silk coods are known to dealers. - - - - - - - - - - . The German Emperor has a walkinc stick made of rhinociros skin. ; Brown ".County, Iriiiana, is without a railroad and has a lojr court house Whittling contcifji lave been inaujg n rated at cliurch festivals in Sedaiia. Elphinstone died of a broken heart over the results of the battle of Kiod den. -.- '" : -' 'W ' - Queeu Elisiibeth jfcd Mary Stuart . it i.i . e. . ... . ... buy all our wood ware from other sections. And then we have men i complaining that there is- not money in the couutrv. Of course there is none. We seft cur cotton and tobacro A Live Mastodou. Science knowsof the mastodon only as "-hi eitinct fossil proboscidean pachyderm, cloxelyallied to the elephant and seivd all the money we get for it however, but that these wstipposetMo away to buy what we ought . to i,t,t," 1- uL maiioiacture at home. If we continue this system we never will have anv money. While, during the past de ade, great pronr. s ha ' be-n md in manufacturing in the riouth, these manufacturing enterprises havV been mostly confined to cotton and iron aud thousands of smaller industries have been neglected. Nor ha manu- le-extinct" creatures may be as plenti tui in tbe .Viand of the midnight 1 sun' as mule-footed hogs peeni to be in Arkansas, Missouri and IndianTerritory of account given below was clipped from the Janeau (Alaska) Free Press: The Strickeen Indians positively assert that within the last five yetrs thev have frequentlv seen aninals. which, from the descriptions given, alwavs hatldled tfaeir meat with their ct -W .h,:com general, but-on the inust ha mastodons Lastsming, while fingeVs. fJbeenconhnedtocerta Indians tracks. a salt localities. W onr'Vit to linvp fue.tnries rpi . . i 1 -n i I ...... . . . j ne surprise pie m oia Hiiigianu con- at all points to work up the vast sisted of a dozen live frogs, that leaped amount of raw material which U going ovr the table when the cover was re- to waste. Esneciallv in this true of moved. I wood vorkinr- estahJisbinpnlst. Our 0 . ast resources of timber should be ntil zed. Le our people v ake up to are 27$ inches in length aud 7 incbe. Lu,e impoauce of this matter -nd no proportions of this new, species of game in widrh. longer be hewers of wood and drawers mui fL k.,.t0r ,. trA I,- tV vv w a y a ikti a a uaau sr w'a to swift and immediate flight." He describes the creatures as being as large as a post-trader's store. with great, shiniug, yellowish white- Gladstone, a'fawn wbbit was sold in T7 1 . J ji A.n.. t . Cingiana, recently lor $i3U. its ears are n in width. came across aseries of larre I each the size ofthe bottom of barrel, sunk deep in the mass. He followed the curious trail for gome I t . m a miles, hualiy coming out in tull view of his game. As a class these Indians are the bravest of hunters, but the Among the students of the Univers ity of Michigan are Messrs Toothacher Greenstalk and Champagne, and Miss Annie ltooney. The United States collectors o in ternal revenue at Ogden, Utah and Lincoln, Neb., are both from Farming- ton, Me.T and each is named INorton.y ATitusville, Penn. man, whose wife recently presented him with triplets, a sou and t wo daughters, promptly nam ed them G rover, Frances and Ruth. The United States revenue steamer Bar Bear is engaged in a novel occu pation intruding reindeer intoAlaska. A station h:is been started at Port Clarence witin77 deer. ' On a farm near Bridgeport, Conn., George Bevans, while clearing away a heap of stones, found twenty-seven gaiter snakes curled up in a compact mass for their longwinter.nup. Official returns show that Allen and Lilly, Democratic and Republican can didati'S respectively for Congress -at Large from Penn Ivaria, each receiv ed 13,54S votes in' Montgomery coun-u. of water for less favored Warren ton liecord. sections. The Longest Day. joke than anything else, grubstaked a small find rewarded his labors, and cujudity then causedlhe saloon keeper lo insist on the paymejit ol the waceir in full To curtail the narrate earned out his wager of a year's service scrupulously .. and. located two. more wines from: which" - the winner though now wealthy, is still drawing dividends. Unon tho fulfil I m.ni uZ. obhgation; he sent for his wife, and is new. employed by one of the street car compan.es of Denver at- about fifty dollars a month,- and will probably never get above that fignre'-Sf Louis. u lobe Democrat. It. : ...t... l "ltu aiuuuiu, ..W.r.i i tusks, and a mouth htrge enough to nr i itu nit iravr n i vr l m t ii a ru-i r rri u i v . v v'r ' V , J i t 1 r .J swallow a mn at a si at part of the world we are talking Ptl..a, 6. , tU about, as will be se.u bv reading the uuJoubledlJ of the Same following list wh.cb tells the length those wb)se bones and tuske lie all over of the longest day m several places. th-t of tfce COUQt Tbe low unfortunate are the children in that other hunters have told of seeing BomeaT riniand, where Christmas fi . ,,...0 w t,.ic , T, ., . , . , .. these monsters browsiug on the herba day s are less than three- hours m length. ftl prob ibil- At btockholm Sweden, it is eigh- ity to the story. Over on Forty Mile A t nit'lA.rircn t Mo Initrradt ( i i v i I . ... . . . . three and one-half months. I; e e iuug uiujecbs lruiu ouc ut iiic aauu dunes on that creek, and single teeth Smiles to have around the it uiazz-L Texas tiiflinus. Proprietor: 'Di? you let the lady how your A good tl4og house is At London, England, aud Bremen, 'Prussia, the longest day has sixteen and one-half hours. At Hamburg, iu Germany, and Daiit zig, in Prussia, the longest day has seventeen hours. At WardburyNorway, the longest day lasts from May 2i to July 2 without interruption. At St. Petersburg, Russia, and To bolk, Siberia, the longest day is nine teen hours, and the shortest is five hours. At Bornea. Finland, June 21 brings a day nearly 25 hours long, and Christ mas less than three hours in length. At Neur York the longest d.y is aboct fifteen hours, and at Montreal, Canada it is sixteen hours. know it was no trouble to wares! New Clerk: Yes, sir. I told her that, selling tl:emwas where the rub comes in. Life. Miggles : Simpson is very -regular in his attendance at church now. Wig-le-: Yes the children in .the flat are so noisy he can't get a.wiak of sleep at home. Chicafjo Inter Ocean., Dumsquizzle : Young Timber- wheel has a suit of clothes for ererv duy in tiio week t Skinigu r see -him wear nut one. I- Y,.v t Ii H, crif have been found that . were so large thiit they would be a good load for one man to carry. 1 believe the mule footed hog still exists; also that live mastodons play tag with the (aurora horealis every night over on i Forty Mile creek in Alaska. St. Louis Republic. A. Know Dog There is a dog we are acquainted with, Lion by name, who gives daily proofs that he kuows what is said to han. A lady called the other day. During her call Lion came in, lay down ori the parlor carpet aud shut his -eyes. The conversation went on, and the visitor said: "What a handsome dog you huvel" Lion opened one eye. "Yes," said his mistress, uhe is a very good dog and takes good care of the children. let: I ucY D urn so 1 1. z- An IloucsL Customer. A man who had an infirmity as an ajiite for fih was anxious to keep up his character for honesty. While making a bill with his merchant and when the hitter's back was turned, the honest buyer slipped a cod-hsn uu- -der Ins coat. But thegarment was too ,-h rt. "Now, said the customer, anxious Jean come lo her, his mistress went on. to imnrore all ounorttiuities to call at- Lion's tail thumped up and down i i . . - Are You a Candidate f -; Senator Vance, of -North Carolina un questionably the. story-teller of the Sen two, has a broad stripe of Calvinism, down his back, thouch he ia nnt a ejunmtiMi. fcant of the church. It is told of him that- riding along -in puncombe county one day he overtook a venerable darkey,, wilh w Horn be thought he would have oi little ufun." , . , ; . . . .s "Uncle," said the Governor, "are youi going to church?' x . -. "Ino, tsah, ; not edzactty -I'm. gwiae back from churdulL. You're a Baptist. I recon now.ain't you?" "No, sab, I ain't no Baptist, do' most of the brederen and eisterabout here has been under de water." ' - ' "Methodist, then?" , ; , MNosah, I ain't no Mefodis. nudder." "Cambelite? - ' y No, sab, I can't errogate to my aeflV de Camelite way of thinking a "Well, what are you, then?," , rejoined the Governor, remembering the narrow range of choice in religions among North Carolina uegroes. - . ; "Wellde fac' is, sab, myqld marster was a herruld of de cross iu de. Presbyte rian church, and I was fotcb up iu dat faith." T- - .. "What! You' dou't mea it ! Why, thatJs my church." m . The negro making no comment on this . auuouncemest Governor Vance went himagain. '::-ttfa"s'' -. , "And do y oia bajfeve in all of ihc Pres byterian creed rn - , . "Yes.sahdat i does." , ny . ' "Do you believe in the doctrine of t re- destination? - - 'I dunno da'tTX recognue de naiae sab?" a : ? . . . "-j . Why. do you believe that if a maa is elected to be saved h will.be saved, and that uhe is elected to be lost he will be lost?" , - ,.: Oh, yes, boss, I believe dat. It's oos- pel talk, dat is."' ' : Well, nowi- take-my-eatMgj Do yoii believe that I'm elected to be saved ? The old man struggled for a moment. with bis desire to - be respectful and tOr. lite, and tben shook, his head dubiously., "Come' now, answer my question,"' presses! the Governor. "What-do you, say r :.. . .. - . - ... t i .i ii i i i m on, a ken r uu niiab ib iia iuwac L.10U openeu me oiner eye, aiittwarw Zfth. Tsfi been i: in hv, Wlk-)5l i ! i j i i i. ...... i i . . . -i . r. nis tan to aim iro aiong me carpel. I nigh on sixty years, aod I nebber yi& Vhen the baby goes out be always ihyard of any man -iMsing 'lected 'thouc trn.-s with her." his mistress no harm he was a candidate."- iV. Y. Trtbuns: z:e Life. U i editor to could pay tention to hi virtues. "Mr. Merchant, I have traded with you a great deal Brooklyn land have paid you honestly, haven't I?" "Oh, yes, answered the' merchant. see it you "wen, sain tne customer, "i believe I called the little bill to-dav. Debt- tliat honstv is the be policy or: oiiie, now, tins is a utile too " mats so, repnea tne mercnam much. You press me alwut that little and the customer turned lo go "Hold bill just as though I were a poor man. IJorfon Iranscriut. Little Boy : Were you in the war? General Whisker : Indeed I was. and 1 had many narrow escapes. One ball grazed aiv arm. Little Boy : 'Could you una a wider treer trooa ewa. "And so you have thrown 1 oiu over. Mariorie?" "Yes." "But I thought t II" . I. L . . ' J on, irieuu: tne mercnant criea. "Speaking of honesty, I have a bit of advice. When you come to trade agin, you had better wear a longer coat or steal a shorter fish!' violeutly on the carpet, "And he is so gentle to them all and such a playmate ana companion, that we would not take a thousands dollars for him." Lion's tail now went up and down, to fro, und around aud around, with great glee. "But," said his mistress, "Lion has one fault." Ventilate The Stables. ... Nothing in the ordinary' : surroundings of a horse can be so injurious as the ab sence of good veHtfiatiom-Atty number of horses are kept in Diaces wuere no ventilation exists, and in many places where ventilators were' put Tn ly r .vaU meaning hand one finds" l-'ucaa stujfed up with straw and bay..." Now when it is remembered that a horse ! breatiies much stronger tnan a man, TwaT. the exhala tions from the skin aud elsewhere are so Totalquiet of Lion's tail, together J much greater than from any hntnan be for his money even at six per interest. Home and Farm. cent you loved him dearly." i do, hut he E'iforee the Laws. It is with regret, that are notice the increased number of shooting scrajies in all directions, you cannot pick up a v it Assets In vest el as Follows:. Loans secured bv mort'ges on Real Kitate, first liens, , -. 9,541,192 92 . i Kew York' Qity -bonds, - - - ' 271,832 u0 Brooklyn wi-eer boflds, 144.00C s Richmond, (Va.) bosvia, - 1:: j0 Loans to Polkvholders.on Oo.'s ! Policies, V- - .- 27S,73D34 - Collateral loans, ' - - - 3,00 . x Real istate. cost vaijie - - ; 5o 1 ,81 8 25 Cash ia bank and rust Co."s. - 7 .247,708 . ' Interest accrued, nremium de- frel and iQ'traasu, etc., - 41 C.Oo t ' . i . :t $11,450,338 78 ! Ir -geneiti and other particulars, addrcs ' H. 1). BJiAKH, ; Speui'af Distgct Agt. J : : -: . - -. .ltaleigU4-'N. -C. ; i v (7) In liver r.Vct!ons elcli lieadacbe, 1 ys- Q pepsi. ilainl.itc, Iiesrtbura, biiioiw a- 't - - : J 11 troubles o,to Tj3TircLi, tXrir curative VJ cCctanron:rrv.loa. Tcyaroacor r recti vo as tvell a a gcjit-e cathartic, a K$ Very cuiall a:.'l ca-.y to tntr. Prlc?-Vi? 8 Sc. Otllce, i-) s 41 Park I'lace, K. Y. QOQ OO GOOQO "Advice" to a lioy. In one of the large railroad offices in ItJlS llllllIU -IS i tUMIl'Hiauici l manwbo. is sit the hcadof a large de riftrtment. VV hen lie entered the ser vice ot the company, hve yeiirs ago, he tin For the Lawyers.. .4 good story is told of Judge e well-known NorfolkAlliancelxcliange 11 and 13 Coniraerce St., Norfolk, "Va., T Owned and controlled by Allirajceraen for baiidliirg produce. COTTON A GPI.CIAX.Tir. Don't sell before writing for par ticulars to J J. .ROGERS, Mgr. P.O. Box 212. - STATESVILLE MARBLE WORKS Is tie Plae3 to Get ICciiEments, TomTbstones, ;&c; c. A large stock of VERMONT MARBLE to arrive in a Tew days , We guarantee Vtltfactionjn every respect find positively will not be. underspld,;; r Grranite iMoiuuneiits -' " " '::' ' ''-,.; ' 'r.' ;-;i: ; , : : . . ' -"s. Oi" :illV'"'' q specialty . , ; C, E. WEBB & CO., ly - PropaiETOR. Me ttlia t-e'iVbrtm-ri wti'jn yowrltea u a American lunst aiy. r ,?-rtnnf "be first daT of his eviuence snoweu mat nis ourgia employment bv the company, a man sisted in cutting a hoi-through a tent who had been at work in the same " ci.w Fisuo sleeping, . .... I 1.1 A- 1 . 1 I I ., ..ra annrnndird him a i ,t . aim i lien ptoiecinig nis nana ami advice. "Young fellow. I want to put tm-ougn ue noe ana a few words iu your ear that will help rious article . ii was ciaimeu oy ni counsel tnat as he never aetually entered into the tent with his whole body, he had not committed the offense. Judge Kent told the jury that if thev were not satisfied the whole man was " - - . . . a I .... 1 . . A. , . I a - I . . . 111 was fiven the poorest paid work in the man was inmcieu 101 ouig.aiy.ann un his 1 eviuence snoweu mat, nis ourgiarv con- abstracting va- m . ; .. you. mis company is a !oune.- orporation, that regards employer as . nianv machines. It maks no lifference how hard ydu work, or how a II I'l.l well, you want to ao just as nine i rw 5iblp and rptain vour iob. That's mv advice. This - is a slave pen, and involved in the crime they might bring the man wholworks overtime or does m a verdict of guilty against so much " . . . l r i - : i j iiiv.min' i v fine work- wa.tes his I or mm us was JiiToireu. arenmh Don't voti dof it." The The jury after a brief conu t lion young man thought over the "advice," foujid the right arm, right shoulder, and after a quite little struggle with a e " 01 tl,e prisoner guiuy 01 nimself be decided to do the best and uuchsbui ouigiaiy. b. mst hL-nw bow. whether Ko rf- luepiage senteneea tne right aim ceived anv more nav from the comnauT right shoulder and head, to imprison . . . 1 1 1 1 .1 . . ; . a. c 1 I r not. At the end of u year the com- meni wuu uaru taoor 111 uie oiaie pris has rheumatism in his arms continallj, P?.r without having a homicide -tare and can't us; them at all. Bull alt you in the t..ce. Express. JSow if the peojile left their pistols 1 ' ' ' lii 1i1 .1i 1 it at notne, as tne uw says iney snouiu, they could not possibly use them -when a few heated words happened to be Kent, suoken on the streets i r elsewhere. 1 A We thought.. the dav for carryintr a pis tol in ones, hip-pocket had passed away but it seems that notwithstanding the fact that our laws make it an offense, punishable bv fine or imprisonment, arm yet every other young man you meet at mgbt, has one 01 these instruments of death concealed about his person. While people are making so much fuss about new laws, please let us have, at least, a few of lhoe now on the statue books enforced. Wilson Advance. with appearance 01 great concern on his face. "tie will come in here with dirty feet told him time and again that he mustn't do it." Lion rose with an air of shame, and slunk out of the room, with his tail down. Boston liecord. Cleanliness as a Luxury. r M;inv rich persons, wno give aims but never time nor personal investigat ing, it ouly stands to reason that ill-ven- tilaled stables cannot possibly be preser vative of the horse's -health any more than afoul smelling room would he of a human being's health. ) If a stable owner wants to know the atmosphere that his horses breathe, let him' be the first man in his stable of a morning, when, unless his power ef scent rs alFbttt goue, he will often have occasion qjbe jborrifiedi at the air bis animals have to breathe, t'.ree ventilation may, at tlmesyhave'a te'riden- cy to cause colts lo feUurer but that, isoot half as bat as to uiwtermme tlie horse'si health bv makihir him bn-afh- foul air. tioii to the subject, say, "At least poor Good light--m lketvw'd' faiu.io people can keep themselves and -their tne staow. . v egetatiy . ue ta. a.uuii. . . . . . houses clean. They do not know -Unit darkened room; ''it.' want tbe &tiu' ray3 . n l.nL .... t .rit'ilW.f. i fki t vc-i i &. fi.roct clean liness demands money and time I grow HtraijslA m to obiaiu their share of light, and their lower hranchesoie oil because the lint rtoes not penetrate them. Is ii reasonable to supposed l.ut animal uie can ne otprtveu ino. vaiai Picked up lit Random, Spain has 5,000.000 illiterate people. ithout soap it is impossible t wash towels or -beets or even fac and ha ids in this grim d'y, au ui water is a luxuiy 11 you nave to save every scrap of coal or wood. 1 have seen families, naturally inclined to clean lines, go very dirty indeed for want of hot water, soap and ambition. Ambition is expensive, tot), and costs as much as many tangible items to keep t e . - . T up. 1 can imagine perieci apatny as 10 smudge aad grime if I did not own izing influences of light" w'itu impunity. Kentucky Stock h arm. .IT cpaiu lias i;,uw.uw uincidwc ucuuic. i . i t i . u i- 1 I j 1- miin 1 j la towel. Chicago rost. Britisrh India has 10,417 licenstd I opium on for two years, remarking that the rest of the man s body he might do with it as he pleased pany raised his wages and advanced bira to a more responsible position. In ibree years he t was getting a third more salary he .was than when he begun, and iif five years i he was the 1 " . : t i 11 1 1 1 1 11 neaa. cieTKHn; tne department; ana tne nitn who-bud condescended to give Just think of it. The "whole State tjie-greenhornadvice '4 was "working of North Corolina covered all over with L..'j..Vi.;.'inir: "::i.'-s c n..il,- - n .!. iiier:iiin!- i.'ic ; same: , ugurer niai i uinoer. or. an kiuus pine. oK'. shops. No Vassar College graduate was ever I divorced after marriage, it is claimed. A St. Louis paper offers a prize of $1 a day for errors discovered in itsad-verti-ing columns. A music box which was accidentally touched off in St. Louis the other night as t j frightened away the burglars. WeOujjIit toManufaclnreOnr .Mate rial. Tepesented his salary eleven '; years r be- hickory, gum, cvpress and all fore. This is iiot a story of . a goody- other yarieties, and yet we send our )5yIitrte't6y;;who:died.earlyj-but: of money North to buy our furniture, a' live;youagmanfwho exists in flesh axe belvesj tubs and pails, brooms and MuVTblood today, and is ready to give indeed everything in the way of worxl ,iidvice"v to - otber young men ,311st we us. Is the aiy sense of , business (egin;ng' to work their; way,, intOjbn- judgment in thi's? "We not only si riess.:sGAnd hermit is Wba-soevethy f send off tobuy our clothing, hats, hand findetlvo doo jt-i with jlt thy j shoes, etc.? but let millions of feet of migh'."' lpuths Companion. valuable limber rot in our forests, aud The Danes lead the world as butter makers. Danish butter has taken the iirst prize at most of the world's lairs, including the Philadelphia centennial. There has been considerable talk in the North Carolina newspapers and u picture or two printed about our-cau-didates for President Cleveland's Cabi net; but so far as the Citizen cau see neitl e- the picture printing has created J wagered his services for a year He Paid Hi -lie t. "Speaking of strange bets on an election," said Colonel Joe Ilueker, -of Colorado, "the one that takes the ribbon over any I have ever seen mentioned was bet, lost and paid by an enthusiastic Greenbacker many y. as ago. Oue of th.se enthusiasts at that time, whose view of the political situation was certain that a man reform organ, was certaiu that a man by the name of Brown would be elccUd goteruer of Missouri, aud bet every th ng he had except tbe clothing on his backe and a young wife. Either his affection for his wie or his knowledge of law prevented his making a wager of her, so us a last bet he against a rifil-. North Carolina is never men-l $10 ). tioued in all the "cabinet gossip" prin- -Of course he lost, and borrowing a ted. We must either shout louder und few dollars from a fr.enJ he sent his all toethe--, or else climb down. There wife back to her folks iu Missouri is no part e iImt renson why we should while he presented himself to tbe saloon mak a spectacle of ourselves, and no I keeper iu Denver with whom, he had one find it out Asheville Citizen. I made the Let. The latter, mere ;as!a Few Ileal ly Great. "I am willing -to almi that there any number of fools In the world, but I much doubt whether this earth ever saw or will ever seea really great man." mvi i N. W. Cunningham at the Laclede. I am not much of a hero worshipper. " Per haps that is because I have been intimate ly acquainted with so mauy of the god. of our modern pantheon and know that, while some portions - of theta were of the finest Parisian marble, still other portions; were made of very comtoou c1av,XkjieW one ma " w1jobv44m - world delighted to honor,, to vwhose birthplaca nilgriinages are made, at whose, tomb pll Christen dom stands with uncovered beidVho never in the course of long Ufy did one generous deed, who wa?lthe er?Mfi tion of brutaisclfishnes the iarr.'at cri of egotism, iihe" aputbeotSs f ibwi5i r. Yet the world says he, ra? a grrt -.an. I would rather be a dead dog' rotting by the road' side than' to rest ioubNtnaV hie sareopbacus befientb aU hjs bunfcr.: "My opinion is that where-a xanr?-e he faJUas ta'i below:k.inJothrr. .Aitx aoder aud NpoJeon, . Ca3s;tr and iarl borough, DemWlbenes aud C cero, Chat ham and Waipote, Bacou and By ron--what colossal --treogth, united to what ..:.;r,.l V-. liir jrrii!i-s. half my .half " half "demon! Perhaps AVaslMugtou wsu theiuost pet:feet:model of preat man mmJern times has known, but while he did not psrvAA the faults of the first consul neither dide possess hia genius." Ut. Lout Globe-Democrat: t