i - P-w;,tdiv Mocf of piece of Jl k . J which you baie Wd ft iestdi ng f c(jrtsialfeit S. (SoVf't Report. v-JIt .j ;-;' :. ilcti.'. 0!i' financia! ciiu nerepaired a:nq, cjiide as :'s?i!fcju is t pjbr'e&ive enoutfr now, and ou'djust niply double or treble The fataproK,J g6d tiew by . r J: REISNER know the wants andnecds oft!... ' a 4mal hi . nnmirw . ur. 5cratflefttlanter. and stake our lire .Uvu i .. ''i' .1- -i--; H in .I'orbi'va: good ?hse .than ill tnuovOtt'' our- afcilitV 6 M 1- i -A U SI ,X ru for i3 tells wh!h to m-when in the Hi' Opp'--ed VU' h u www tow, coittvat umjetc Writ for Jt;aad eWsfef prtees of w Grassy CIOTcry or other Having gradnled fct the best s South, tiool, - -1- vt or watclunaJcers in America fiaed roar ortkm lwet lfyrtoiaai 13' W.WOOD&SONS eii Free 11 ut iT.-jt. "11 ibttccurt knows' lter-. re r. r . :-M-.'- rt t ! . J- : " 1 r.u t i rl til. I- '. 4 1 ;, 4 ! in r 5 ; i. r ' 4 - ' 1 , t .. : 'i - .11 t- - - -J . ' t iA:i - tl irf all at ifftf now iou.k4U u.cue uee; I the-li known actress du-d to-day . ti ' I:. J ... . ... u.. it ilVl. . IT I.I. i ..,1 I . .11 !...' . r . j rejorUd. Suiali Kiue pteri-hiug. A Baltimore doctor says siarcn! food causes bmdes, yet incie El,lJin-Ww.-Ii itr Andrew Coutfn '. Tamer io Ue a great tffeaf of sick in it; - - - Wh wfere not mktakeu berf we aid : .."irtbtf. whttt to get rich or happyap iilV-to the lefirLttfre." it is a aowu r-- . ; w tensluture sure. Sti(ntor Morgan, of Alabama, denies the report that he wuuts a cabtuek a portion. He is the leading student ot miauces in the beuate the dtatft wukiiitf bill what will 'break the comets b..ci it it becomes - i. . i i . a ia U win irrruK e?eryoouy expect ftuose fu the baiikiug business. joney is merely a commodity unedjiite'i The land is if fair rt ite' of cul- 10 make tt change. niaiir what tn material aist so there Is plenty i it. properly distributed aud owktul Of ttto gyverutfieht; file vfeaiher is -td to be kke coldest mce ioa. Kte writer cu t reuiciu - ...r, Ml. :r, but t.iKc wuL tiie oid ptide sa tor urautea. nere nas ocen uiucii and auiiuaLi. , , T ic mw liiTijf oi i;t ih.yoiuiugaaj-. " sav . r?t ste.-rs. njouiiuif is a o.a.-; . ? v.) uen rule. i einai s r'tii.". ;kiav ik .-oiue Lring on the CrjveniQi-'s jdration. i r i i l y uen co:u n.sroiu comuiue to run up tne pr.ee or eo.it as the mercury funs down, there ought to be Some way of warming tben up, even before the reacn tne reion wnere ine nres are kept up witbout coal. . f he Balthnore Sun's Almanac for 1893, puWis'ued nt fur sale, but for presentation to the Sun's flulcrilrs. is fiikd with useful information in ref erence to the Pre'3i -eniiul election and other flutter; intelligently condensed for read? referent - - . i:.- . i. zj.r. vorueuuii dub, who jeaK through the New Y .rk Pre, rises tfil"ingniow.- Wocold. r weather ha I teraark that "Protection is not dead by " . . Any raetius. xeiu.ij" iiwi um -nine rill show whether we Will 1iave pro tection or not and what kind it will be. itiit -1 -a Senator Washburo, of Minnesota, is not eofifistent. Ifo has an Anfi-Op-iin bilt before the Senate fthd jfet a. aertl thai the Republican party will come to the front and sweep the coun try in ISM. If n't this the wildest kind of speculation in futures? There is very valuable mule wan dering around somewhere in: the moun tsijs near the town of Pueblo Neuva, Mexico. When it dropped out'of the! .rairtobaerTed and stayed off it hud $$,000 veegit iilsr bars strapped on 'itkbttV Ad7rt wih all this wealth to tic it li itrtppexl mole,' and en joy ft bdal H fnuch as tome men do who we tTnippe4 to Hieir feinionn BenatorPektigrew, of South Dakota, hsa a yotiDg hopeful with bifh in Washington. Peratuhuiatirljr down tbont tht White House he noticed the kl...J ' It.' J. ..,. j,in"" mo uwir KivinK warn :ni? xtai tiers wasscariwt fever within. A jbrijtht Mtruck;him ati& li prweevde at oifce to make a similar pfacird whreh fa fasheued to the door tTthii fatb Xetfdeflee.- yQr a few ffaya iher were remarkable few call- .at the, nttiorinl rttnch which the old folks conld not exactly understand,, pntil th leaflet fever placard was ? : t aniooTerea. it i nira to keep a real Conth JUakotl gehiSUs dowrJ ua. - UphdtM leitllture passed Hres -mtioo Xavoftflg the rjpeal of the ten per cen t. tax on Stat? banks; Wh y or how the gen tleraei there expect ood jto eomgfrom tuch action is, wore than we can tell. But it amounts to only a jutkwrtaeaUa- congrecs to re- I te ouiy resnedy for preseut aud futun- DEATU OF a NOTED ACTSEsS. Lonilon Jauuitry lfr Mrs. France- Annie Ketube (Mr.. Pierce Buller) f line, llff conditi m was not regnrdec t xerioux and her dt-frtrr w;.s uneipecL iihedied aLtije residence of Iw.n Wentworth LeigU No. 8r Glouc ste jtuce. i ne remain win uc luierreu ;ii Kendall Green Cemetary, where tiu Kxly of Mrs. Kemble's father- is bur- ned. HOW H TBIS. One day st week,'Mr. John Boyd of Spartanburg, S.UaWeut to the old home lead of Ja;e Dr. Coin bun Mil!, at roplitr rntf in Cabarrus louut ,4na surfeyeu ou acres 01 lanu oeionk- Il t r t . t i ,nR lu u,c reii4M; n,,u UJ l,ru.wr riiH tinfirf sLiuiml flit Kanit hv fnl-i t o- j uf M- M,lls. lo inr-old servant An bony and wife during their nafural Jtivatiou aud iion theisaine is a cotn- If ortable house and other tecessan buildings. Diirnrg the life of Dr iJliu, Alimony was nw trusted Ker- vatit, and his wife was the uttid o: I Mrs. Mills. This is au act of kiudm- s , ...... 1 . ... t nroui missctess 10 Slave that will put to 1 (blush some of tire? bloodv h rt howleis i l the XSortn. Charlotte fiiews. I sifA-TtVATlOX i I OT?T. tlifllf.fi. sV Keport received frtnn Guthrie noint I. . . . . l rr irru it v.iTTuri 11 r 111 lliu wudfuri. in v ii lerruory, wnue up in tne iur okee Strip there 'are reported Indi n roubles on accout of shortage of r. x ions. Fort Keuo has not vet been ailed jm'ii tbt tr i ps ut aij i;fi!ci- 4nnouncemfrfit ,-s.iys thil the Iinli ii ucks of the blanket tribes uredancir g whiiethe Worift'fi ;.re ftnrting. I.i o e jlace ten Indians in one" u-ejM-f hud but tea joundii of hieat for over a week, heavy soggy bread, a;:d no coffee r uiyiother sumulant. . There ttre main sick in the tiMe who are.dyin rapid ly while the settltrf who mine ih on th Arapahoe lauds are suff -ring for lack f clothing and food. They have lost ll their stock bf old or sfarvatioi j nd tne for their own safety is fgl-wny. It is oold all over the Terr i-1 -mm torv and a regular blizzard Im ha I .1 -l c.l ' I i cv.t-mi uaj wuu I I "... : j I "peneuceu in many years.-n:x TATBJJEW8. Eggs are 40 cents a dozen in Greens wro. Pork is in demand ut Mt. Airy, anc ggs are 20 cts a dozn. The Peubow house in Gteensboro is to be r m hleleJ and liiade a model pal ace. Rev. R. L. Patten, who ran frtf Con gress ft little, has forsaken politics, and is now the new pastor of the Baptist church at Morganton. The governor has offered a reward of S200 for the arrest of the unknown murderer of Ned Parker in Franklin county. Thescrime whs committed it. Decern beff Spencer Droa. general merehanb at Washington. have assigned to theBtau- fortrounty bank. Their assests an $20,000; liabilities, $30,(XX) It is on. of the best known firms in the part of the State, eastern HE WE0TE "DIXIE." mi . i ' . a ne Atlanta Journal says perhaps the Southerner has not lived who has not had his puises quickened and the depths of his patriotism stirred up b the inspiring straius of "Dixie.' Yet There are few, do.ibtlessi who know when where or by whom lhtf South land's stirringsong was Written. . For these it may be interesting to recall that Dan Bmmettj the first ne gro minstrel this country ever produc ed! was the composer of Dixie. He was the leader uf the first companv ever put on the stage for the delinea tion of thep icturesque life of the southern negroj and is the author of several other popnlar airs, anions them being ik01d Dan tucker.' .It is interesting alsoi and pathetienl- ly suggestive too, to know that Em- mett is still alive andj if not in absolute varit, yrt in porerty. Kate Field, in .ier Wahtngtonftells of having met ."iiiu not long ago. In hi l aid be arried a great sti.ff ; bis coat was tie ; ilwut hU waist wiiii it piece vt rwpt tnd n iii aim vfan a market basket, :IeJiokrd lik- a wreck. Munev un bern raised (ft a tuonu n5ut lo the author of "Hune Sweet Home." Fund are now being colject d for the nun who wrote "Kathleen Manoureeii." Who i-i there h nior: le.erves the help and sympathy of the i-ieople of the' south than ld Dan Eni Miett, who wrote Dixie." Uses For the Bi.krf rile Liar. The Balvi-r-ville li r has a reat fu ure before him if he will let it 1e gent ly uhispend aiouud that he isojen to n euga ineni .s. circulation voucher or in big daily. Fhiladelpbia mT in-. . "If North Carolini is up to snuff she! cipun: i, C iuu.au.rc KeH,us wuo -tartel the ftory about that AWlul riot .:n ; . l it B fkeraville. and include him omon ner exhil its at the Worlds Fair. Tbe great American liar should have a cor ner of the' big s'.iow all fo himself.: N. Y. Frcs-t. A Good Dill. We like the bill iu the House look- ictoa refotffl iu elevti'iis hv rohit. 1 in ; the appoiutim-nt of ignorant tin ' . . - eweriHi persons io act as )uugeS I etec iou,. We are surpried t hat the House 'oted it down. Can it be that the rioiisebeHcve-th.it such people can ,rojerly discharge the functions of sucli an ofiice? Tl;e electitms tech a lesson different from that. It is of the utmost importance that elections be. fair aud jist aud honfst in Jorth Car 'lina. A pure and fair ballot lies at the foundation of a rrpunlicaii Govern menta GoVerumtfit ef (he people. Debauch the ballot ilh frauds and b d b irring qualih'td voiers f.O u exer .isiug tne iint of M.ffrage and you i m a fatal blow at tree institutions Democrats can not afford to work at "orruptiou or eondone wrong doing. Wilmington Messtfigen .ii 1 . . . a i mi.. The Ysulkih Frozen. On Saturdav the Hkbaia sfal tl.ut he Yadkin ner wa.frozen solid at a oint about midway between Sowers' uid Hannah's terries, and that E. H. Miller and two others had walked across t on the iee. We have additional facts concerning this freeze today. Yt-sterday quite a crtfwd of people Mmc or-J or htiy m number, went town to the river at the "Foint and lovvn to the river at the "Point .11 i .... i.i tin 1,1 cium-u ftver on me ice. ' iv nen Ml tli iiHnt the middle of the stream J. M. hole through the Peck cut a tce with an axe and measured it wit ha rule, finding it l2 inches in thickness Near the B inks i he ice was consider ably thicker, measuring fully a foot. In the party were weral oid citizens of the community who went downt- e tlir ic. One of thee, Mr. li. S. Krider, said that w crossed the Yalkin mi tne ice at the smie point about six y years 'go, but that it. was hardly a hick then as on vesterdav. After Tossing the liver, about fifteen mem lers of the party started up stream for Hannah s ferry, nbut a rnrle away, md made the entire trip on the ice. i Salisbury Herald t People who own pine forests . ir: North Carolina may ie interested to earn that there has been an experi aient nii.de that may make them of nore value than before. Suppose thev produce rtibber instead of so much unentine and ra-in ? Would it not make them more valuable? The At lanta Constitution publishes the fol lowing! "The discovery made by Dr. H. A. nidinsome months ago, that isoprene, .vhich can be pr pared from turpentine, under certain conditions changes iuto what appears to be genuine rubber, has leen followed up by experiments, the result of which points loan early utili zation of the new process. It is now announced that Bouchardat has pn duced the same change by heat4 and the product is a material resembling pure Para rubber in every way, and amenable to vulcarir ition." : ; e Miss Goopah Look a-yer, Lige has yo been nrncticiii ? Lige Yes iudeed4 honev4 I took two boxes o' Mrs. Window's shootin si ru VJLtppincotCs Magazine Greexsbobo, N. C, Jan. 7.-Miss Lena McDonald was kill d by a train on the Cape Fear & Yadkin Valiev itailroad, at GreensWo yeterdav af ternoon. Her bodj was fearfullv tnapgled. fohe was a student of the treensboro formal 8choxl.-CAarof Ondrw Cry for Pitcher1! rtcrK Hldfth Cry for fitcher'i Cutor ' . v. : ' ' ... . . rRIEND,? j To Young Mothers j Uekoo CJsIld Blrib Ecsy. Lessens Pain, findonwd by the Leading Phystdani. DRADFIKLO REGULATOR CO. ATLANTA, OA. OLD BY AL.I DRUOOISTt. 4 jbu4'lU,l& improTe jour 'boras at an i ' iiirrcMrr.ewoBiy one an-l a Bl fm AUow'l2 years time in which to repay 1ckh by amall monthly inttilluienU. ; ,BV 0,i',l.urn8 w,.th -te secnr- v , ilj. . iwj tun rarucuiurs auu lermi unnhr in I w ' - I r j ... C. PLVLER. SaH?bury, Rowan Uo. N. C. FOU SALE. A very desirable farm is offered for 8ale on easy terms, m v estern Rowan. refen miles east of Mooresville. Foi particulars apply to Or address Q I rede 11 co. S. A Lowrance. Mooresville, N. C. Deafness Cannot Hil Cured by locaU applications, as ' thev cannot rfab the liths) tiortb n of the em 11 ce is only cue way to cure deafDey?. aneiinai is Dy constitutional remedie Ue tie 18 caused by au inflamed Condi lion of the mucous liniug of the Eusta ch s nTube. I When this tube irets infhun d you have a rumbling Hound or imper fect h- arin'. and when it is entirely eios eu ueaioess is tneresnit, and unless tlv inflaiuation van be taken out and thi tube restored to its normal ivnuliiir... hearing will Ihj destroyed forever; nine caties out of ten are caused bv catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed ce ndi- nun ox tne mucous Mir faces. we win give one hundred dollars for any case of deafness, caused by catarrl lhat canuot be cured by lial"s Catarrl Cure. Send tor circulars frte. . v . , . . . . 1 r. J. lllfciNl &CO., Toledo, O. I Sold by Druggists, 75 cts, ROOT-TEA-NA!! TbeUresit - .Sliiii.UiBr, i Kitoej and Bleed CURE. . ine uest and surest treatment on earth for $1.00. Sold only bv Dr. J. B. AL iii.ViH DER; 15 S. College St Charlotte, N. C. W.E.SHAW&C0 Manufacturers of SADDLERY, Harness and Collars. And Dealers in LE ATTTFP IVn CM nnr rnv MlitH AND SADDLERS IIAKDWARE IN ALL ITS BtlANCHfeS. OHAKLOTTE, - N. C lleauon tn Wat6hman. n mrriT7nTk n I si ,h I 1 1 1 R K K XI I 1 1 rUi 1 UUiiiillU UUt I RALEIGH, N. 0, BLAZER SUITS ' And Other toeling Reqnities. 7 9 ' a ror uaaies wno wilt leavi. i.nm Summer, we have provided many goods and wares suitable for traveling or use womo ur iuouniain. BLAZER SUrTS-SKIRTS AND BLA ZER, SHIRT WAISTS, DRIVING AND RIDING GLOVES, Waterproof Overgarments, Walk ing Shoes, Trunks, Bags, Canvas Telescopes, Grips, Etc. OI)T OP - TOWN ORDERS receive the most careful attention. CASH with the order, of $5.00 or more, we will deliver goods free (except Furniture and Crockery) to the earest express office or railroad station .ft EM SL Into 4 ft, Raleigh, N . C. JA-T v mm .-.1 I Tf : iV5rt.!5V rt'-ii- J .'If'! . Administrator's Noti6d, ! Harin.rflU ilifi mrnr-f state of Genolia Miller, dr6Mf all person hkU ng claims ngair.st said estate art beret notfi i o.'. j ; ' , . iye.on or Deiort he 20th da.r of July, isy:., or thU notice wil! e pled iu bar of their re.overv. All nefton udebted to tnid estate an requested to milks tiunjiaiate ia,)ii.tLt. J. W. I OwLAi, - Adnrioiatr a tor. THE GREY SCHOOL, For Boys -and Girls. The next s ssio a of this school will bcirift August 23d, 1HJ2, nnd cloFe May 20th. lK3i snaking it possible for ronfig taen to attend the School the whole term aud cret home in time lo id in working the crops. The Work it tfiof- iwigh, the rates reasonable and the discifJinft nua oui nrui. for luftltef Itiforftfatlon, Write 'or catalogue to ' II. A. ORET, Principal; Huntersville X. C: DON'T READ TUB. But eo to Eddins Book Ktnr) AntuUit the Central llottl and votr will fiMt & lull line of Books,Books without u umbel. Writing paper nnd Envelopes. Blank Books, both ccrttmoD and fancy. Xmas Books lor. your children. Novelties f nil kinds, Gold Pens, docket Knives Photograph AlbQms, Pietares. the latest style of frames. Just Ftieh tbincs & you will want to give your wife, dauchter and swcei heart- for Xtnas ureent. We earry a full line of Violiu and Banjo -inuf oi usu al instruments, toilets, Secondhand fcn bool Books, &c. ay you s-aw tins ad.- in. (he VTCH- mau When ou call at iEddin'u book tore. FAvanuah, Ua. April 26, 1889. . llavinii used three bottle f P. P I for impure 'blood and general' 'weakness, and having derived great benefit from the same, having piined 11 pounds in weiirht in fi.nr nL-u 1 i.i. ....... ..1 j ...... IT ((t ic?!i cuv i j i ens' re iu rccommeudiuc it to unfortunates like Yours t ml v4 JOHN MORRIS. Office of J.N. McElroy.Druggist. I OrUuda, Fla., April 20, 1891. J Messrs. Lippman Bros., Savannah, Oa.. Dear Sirs 1 sold three hottl f P P P., large size yesterday, and oue bottle sui fo lav. ' The P. P. P. cared .my wife of rheuma tism wiuu-r before last. It came back oh her the past winte r, and a half bottle $1.00 size, relieved her again, and she has uoi naa a symptom since. I sold a bottle of Pi P. P, to a friend of mine, one of his turkeys, a Small nn Vook sick,and-his wife cave it a teaxnnon. fuV?.lU wus 111 lhe evening, and the lit- ic iciiuw muip over uae ne wae oead, but next morning was Up hollering and well. Yours respectfully. j. if. Mcelroy. Savannah. Oa.. 17.1X91 Messrs. Lippman Bros., Suva tin ah, Ga.: Dear 8irs I have suffered from rheu matism for a lone time, and did not find i a cure until I found P. P. P.,whtch com-, pletely cured me. Yours truly, ! 16 Orange St., Savannah. Ga, oTiei?. Having qualified as executor of thl late David ltoseman. I will sell at public . fi auction, on the premises of the said de-' ased, the 17th day of. December 1892, , for cash, the following property, to wit fr horse wagon, lone horsUaRo.,; I buggy, 1 cart, 1 mrrew-plate, 1 foot aU and otocr . toap,i bureaus, otic with a book case 1 Urge corner cupboard with U.eI ahutter ch'aijs and otber household furniture. Aim l. large wash pot, 1 saddle, 1 building with tiorse power combined. Also some vorn and h ly an other articles too tedious to mention. All persons having claims airainst said es- 6Kte must present thera duly authenticated on or before lhe 1 7th da' of Deiuber 18? 3 and all persons ndebted to wid esUte will nle.. mase prompi payment. Tbjg Kot. 17tf 1892. THFO A. P RoBKkMN Ex of David Roseman, Dec JLAWM TCNNIt, BASK BALX, ff RIFLES, ' F1SH1I8 s TACKLE hS ' tt W. MCAbpAM AKKIS COii IT.tCSll Savo (Poyic3 Docloro' B0TJU1IC ln ..... 'atatli BLUUU BaUl THE GREAT REMEDY. run Lt duuwu aSD SKIN DISEaiEI tw 4 ran, and mw faa to ear gnfckly and y fi imail ly SCBbFULA. ULCERS, CCZCaMt RHEUMATISM. PIMPLES, MUrllCUl, aad an maaiMr of EATTSO, tPttXAVTSa aaS RUJTN1WJ SOKES. I nrarUU-T cirSthi lowed. JPtoig per Uxtle. uSST Vm 8ENT FREE vex&SSteh otwuu ml wo4 atiaata. Ba. Georgia Home Insurance Co, , COLUMBUS, GA. r EHODES BROWNE, , WM.C.C0AET. Pbesident. Secketary. ctal Assets; over - S 1 ,0 0 0000. Home Company, seeking Home Patronage. v Ititret all thtttt cf Euks at lowett '. adequate rates.- Losses adjusted x and paid promptly, i - ' J. ALLEN BROWN.AGT. , - . N0T1CE- a' otice is hbv gWeib 'Ihnt I will not l)e fesponstble for an.V debts or tfontrafcts that ftij wife, Mafy T. jrlall. i niay make, . or assume anv y tv miiJmn a f i iTl 8",n "7 in?Jr- A- L llALL. vCtOber 01, JbuS. 'AtJOMGO )ure all Femalo Complaints and Monthly irregularity, Leucerrhoea or Wh i tes Pain in Back or Sides, strengthens tho feeble, builda the whole eyttezn. It has cured thousand aad will cure you. Druggists have it. Send tamp for book. BJL J. P. BROSGOOTiZ M CO LoatsriUa, Ky. . Brown, Weddington & Co, Retail Hardware. We haye tust received a hirjre lot of one pound nutter mould-, price 25-ts. als. a large lot of oval find round Breafl r Dough Thrjs. The relehruted f wiiif D.iry Vhhnm4 Cylinder acid Dush.'1 Churnsf all can be,siiiredv Z1!1 8t ss' rtm t ' of TaUe an7l Potfctt Kulv'ts, Table ftnd f. a jKx.hs jb tne S:ate. Brass, and Porcelain lined preserving KeUbs, nnd at soeh low prices that lo family need be without them. ?eJ..larKe oH'ihnt or Tinware, Pots, Skillets, Ovens and other house keepers' articles. We have tke best Cvfr( ss Tubs that are bi the mafkft. Why sh061d Von throw away money on nt dd painted tub when a small amount more will net a good one. " . " yu nu see ns wnen you want an thing in our hpe. J BAO WW , . WfiDDIXCf TON r CO., 39 East Trade St reet, Charlotte, N.C. Is ono of the issues of the campaign. Wo are in tho thickest of the fight with a first-class stock of SHOES. M Silver Dollars arill zo further han anywhere in the rnnntrv . XT 2. rrt , HatS. TrUHk4 X 1 UJLLlib VerV-.cheap. We uiiflnrsnll nil Cril, iDeiore You era Merchandise. I have a full iii.o of Drv Goads, Shoes canned Goods. Which I am offering secret about it (cr I advertise. Call and see my Stock. Pav u,e Highest market price for country prouuec. - . I am sellingJBANNER FERTILIZER cheap for cash or on time. Respectfully, JULUS EARWHARDT 1 Pe' SOalnd Inni.Xl,, sALISBDR V , . .. . w, uu can oTirtg ns a Wat, i i.-..ul,ulCH we are unibfe torIa;r Tlujse eyes which have b(n lv;fl you trouble; r causing JOu pain' 8 headache, tail 1L 't..i Pr , 'vuvriiy nt. w niiicu win enable .you to w rjectly, it a frit wa. below iT.. traveling quack or peddler. Z Our' line of JEWELRY ha c. VEHWAHE far the most op'ie V l.sbury. Wiitches werft - Bter H , ,i,al- XV re howiarg rtiost oua" ;t Jl Hue. Y oil will ! Ltf,L- f,.r t.i...i.: r;.' .u.uu 'h .r.. WIC xroni in tua6 tei. in, nw,wh u.ei.. W white. Al ntopgase, ' J ? : BEISNEB &;G02MA!Tf ' ' ' Leading JewelrsQ IS IT NOT BETTER To have lmi.rnrint;-, i. neatly, and in an attractive manner, even if you have to pay more for it ? ? Well, we do not charge -anv nwrv for our work, but guar antee the flu est work done ih Salisbury, and as fine work in our line, m can be dcrie 'l any iciere. Our motto is Neat, Prompt, Accurate. Call on us, took at our sam pies, hear our prices, and U convinced that ivlwt we say is true. Very truly, Watchman; Jri) Office, E, B. SPRINGS & CO. Ho. 14K. College. ,, ' CHAKIiOTTf - t N. C. To Alliu it cemen and all other Lutrmers: We desire ttt .gay;.tfcifl We are now prepared for the Bpring trade on FERTILIZERS. W e are Age for.the Charlotte Oil and -fertilizer 'On.,- and can gire low prices as well a3 sell the best L'oodssolL in the State. i Our Fertilizers hive given the bwtir slaction to 11 i d we mean to ketp th-. u.lv t p to the standard. We aVein. larue bnsjrje Hitb tlie.&nl4niarr.iiB this s tion, and would beglad torftfiffani :t. Rt member that the 8. C.EpenHHB Mat nm gave us tiic JibeiVgra.ie an Acid Phosphate for Jat year that was tM if -'hat State. ,A1so rcmcmlu.r iof i,-'v v Jxpennrent Station gives us tBe hichctt f grade on Ammoniattd FerUlizrrs lold iai tins oiqic msi year. Write for prices. . SILiW in nnr r- patt w" 11 x "uu U na,iasomo ,ine flTtH ' TTTvTkwU aiKI U ITipr ellaS Tvl.BROWAI, Jllv Your rn. Groceries. J tor sale. There is no EI Etc., i i t ' i' i I i I 4 I 4 S3Qijgj

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