THE WATCHH II is the Organ of th Farmers' Alliance' iji 6 th and 7th Consreie- sional Districts. ; Advertisers, make a . cr npr cent, more culatioo tlw any other tW puWid Jierclore the best ad- r li p C3 11 Ull;. II. W: I i,Brtt8tost?cunm-. note of this. . J - - ' J; ; -- - VOL XXI1V- THIRD SERIES. SALISBURY, N C, THURSDAY JANUARY 27 1893. NO 12 fcAuiUtaahaa '. . '-'.What is - Castoria is Xrf Samuel Pitcber prescription fof Infanta and Children. It contains neither Opiam, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a lirmlesa substitute lor Parcorlc Props, Soothing Syrupsand Castor Oil , It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. Castoria; - . Castoria, -Castoria km frrfl adapted toduWrea that Catorla cures Colic, Constipation, i recommend it aa superior toany prescription Sour Stomach, Uuurucca, jsruc-auon. known to me." II. A. Aacuzit, ai. v., - 111 So. Oxford St., Brooiaj-n, i. tuuu. Y ttnouv injurious meajcauoa. "The use of 'Castoria Ma sotoilversal and Ita merits so well known that it aoeiiu a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the Intelligent families who' do not keep Castoria within easy reach." Cabiz Uabttic, D. D., ' New York City. The Good fllatiV liogpoiise. Last Sunday morningj Deacon Smith " In serrice slept HWiUie, And Deacon Jone sat cbing liira. " With grira'mali.ioiis m le, Which broadened whn the preacher cried, ily friends the Lorjd do b call." . And Deacon Smith but half awake, Said, '-One small pair that's all." . . : - v Ex, ----n? -. . . t.nvnl rwrh:in vnii thOMCTlif. tinr. nf thorn niirsii ....... j.. ...... , -- - r-- - MI A tJVIUU Wltl I'CISOIllll i ti ii i t . - v. . r:. ex- ABccdi.te of t-orcufco Dow. . A farmer came to; Lorenzo Dow one iiiDrnintr is he was foreoarinj' to Dreach before a large 'country audience and foundation, the 'stepping Mones to said. ,T'' . i Tof aoreral years I havd recommended your ' Castoria,' and shall always continue tc do as It Las Invariably produced beneficia results." - ' , Enwnf F. TAanEE, II. . 125th Street and 7th Av., New York City Th Ckntacb Cokpaht, 77 Mctuut Street, New York Cut - in i iiittt tiii aw VAinraelf and fa: IIt titt the hM for your mocy. yL..mica la Toar ftwerbr parchmla w:i7. Doarlaa Saoea, which repreaeat the Vio for prices asked, mm thoaaaada .p3rx3tSKS KO SUBSTITUTE. 1 w f Advice to "Womeh - If you would protect yourself from Painful, Profuse, Scanty, Suppressed or Irregular Men struation you" must use to four The first sfeisp obedience obedience in the little things as welhis the great er ones -oliediencc, to those wlio hare htithoritj over you whoever that ruay be. Obedience to"lhet youth '.ii what i he prim iry is t the scholar, the fu- ttue knowledgpfir&tf willies, and integ- "Mr. Dow. I am tbld vou can tell a nty. iKH yn sinner by.hw hok.,liind can tU a thief, , The next round in the -ladder of life by his couiiteuauceii Now, sir, I; have .l":; '- .Fr Gd ahi: keep his e;maiatid- lKid h excellent nxstolen ffroHtfue, menM." iThen when the evil days hiid I S'lialPbe forever -gralef ul--if you eoiue and triaU. aud ileiuptatlou and will point out to nib the ruhCal. who the feelings" with. wifictryoa-varep- tiiokit, us in all probability he .willbe pressed because of heavy trials. Each at your meeting to-day, judging from victory will help to gaiu some other! the crowd that is coming." Have au aim in life. Set uj a stan- Lorenzo was not the man to deny diint Jina try to rech it :y ail possible the nosession of anv wondtrful facultv means, provulmji they are' legitimate. that the pe. p'e chose to ascribe him, so Have perse vera nee. lie told llie tarmer ue would get nis iununnivw uiaii) iuiu wmcu jiu axe. Lorenzo mounted the pulpit, have be;uu until ou have given it at took out of his pocket a stone as big least a fair trial, mid prove whether or hU KsK hiid it bv Hip. Hibl. an 1 ho you are capable of materini: that i-nninienoHd th HxnrctisHS of thedav. I which YOU have undertaken. " - - . , - His sermon was on the subject of and!, will have become so wovennto- pendilure hvour irilt your nature that vou will find it an im- . The heroic To limit our Mssibility t break' loose" from them, penditure to a certain uhr, aiid give and you '-will look'-; regretfully back, away all the rest of our income. This wishing that you had taketrmore heed ' was John. Wesley s way. (n viiii u'.ia I "V L" ' i v : . ex ile Had a Limit. The dude w& visiting the penitenti ary accompanied by uti official and a newspaper man, and the party wtre talking to one of the prisoners. "H ive a cigarette?' said the dude as they were about to' depart, offering him the package. uMuch obliged," resnondetl the pris oner, shaking liin he;td. "I've stoln hosses and robbed clii ken roosts and broke into houses and killed a man or two and had'fouror, five wives . and made counterfeit mbney,Tut I never anioked cigarettes, and heaven- helpin -me I never will. So long," and the cell do.r went to with a bang ai pro nounced as the one the dirde wore in his hair. Detroit Free Pre.f. Farming is a business mid the man who would make a real success of it nowadays must be a good business manager. Besides buingaud selling There is another important feature atid the employment of labor, there ar- all the sins mentioned in the decalogue, too often disregarded. Look not upon the plant ng cuDivutmgaml Harvesting and he went on to give proofs from his- the wmecup,for in its sparkling depths of crops the, feeding and care 1 he ruin, oerhans death. 'Lt the face of live stock, the use machinery, and a denceiu nunishinir tnuuusresors in of father of mother, of some loved one, hundred other important things that this life. con,e between your eyes and the rising require iiueiugeuce, skiu ana executive t..j :n .. i. fi..:n Nin " amiity oi a niu oraer. mere in ii i iikf will iriu . Aitiii i r. in mil i ""ki k. - I a rnrA f nn ndt. irn tn ibnt when I thousand cauuoii conceal ilscii, uuu l ui awui i -v c " " ' .. . I i r ii i i. l ti l. tl,; mnrnirtir mv iip;ir I vou come to mature years vou will ue w w'"u"J ... " u,,l,vc wa aMvo m - ,m i j m - Colorailo River and promhes to become one of the most important agricultural products in Arizona. " There u an old married, couple in Porter 'County, Indiana, who, -it is started, have not f joken to each other for twenty-five years, although they live in th- same house and eat from the 5am table. A singular and fortnnateW nnnsnal cireunist;inc was reported by a farmer in 17G0. A wheat field of seventeen I ur-s near Kingston, N. Y was found to have no rain in the ear, and was substcpieullv cut down for straw. 'the tallest soldier of the Untish Army, a trupper in the First Regiment f prusian bards, msi x feet eight and a halfineh heii;h. When he printed hi.n elf for his uniforn as pecial h t mi- oieut ivd to be prcured to take tots ueasun. ' , All bmk keepers are well aware that difficult to draw straight lines on he padres of h ru lexers, on account f the convex form which the page issume when the books is opened. To meet this difficulty a Frenchman has ieviseJ anVxible rule which reaaiy conforms to a covered surface. a. ST BRADFIELD'S FEMALE REGULATOR respected because of your integrity. lnir)rove now the uolden moments, hun those things that in the meddling with them will make you less a man. lie honest, true, kind-hearted anil though you may never win fame and the plaudits of the world, you may have what is better, an unsulled name. DOUCLAS 17. L. S3 SHOE CSNTLEmEN, THE BEST SHOE IH THE WORLD FOR THE MONET. A remain sewed aho. that irill not Hp, fine emit, reunion, smooth Jnsldo, flexible, more com fortable, u Una and durable than any other shoe erer told t the r rice. Equals custom made shoes costlns Ci tl naJ-wed, flneealf shoea The 2 most ctvlish, easy and durable shoes ever Bold . t the price. They equal une Imported shoes costing from S8 to . ,, CO 30 l'ollce Shoe, worn by farmers and an OOm others who. want a good hoary ealf, three luted, extension edge shoe, easy to walk la, and will kern the feet dry sod Trnnn. . . SOFiaeCalf, and 7.00 Work- Oaaa Immen's Shoes wlU give more wear for the moner than any otper maie. i ney are umuc mt vice. The IncreashiK sales snow I liv found this out. Cartkkstill,e, April 586, 1888. This will certify that two members of my Immediate family, after having suffered for years from Menwfr-al Irretcularlty, being treated without bcjfit by physicians. lator. IU , S thai a . Book to-" WOMAX ""mailed FREE, which contain aluable Information on all female diseases. BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO.. ATLANTA. GA. TOR 9 ALE BY .iX. USUOaiSTS. to give you, tins morning, mv hearers, an example of a terrible ven geance; to follow the breaking of the eighth commandment. Two nights ago a f el lew stole John Smith's axe; and I have been, commissioned, by an authority which no one will question, to knock down, drag out, sacrifice, de stroy and utterly annihilate the misera ble wretch, and send him. body soul (World of life.) and breeches, to the pitchy realms of au awful eternity! Poor sinner, you turn pale before the rock has crushed you," continued Lorenzo, grasping the stone, and raising it as if to throw. "Don't -dodge, rascal; you Can't es cape me." lie-paused a moment, and pointing his long crooked finger - at poor lelluw in the audience who appear ed to be in an ague fit, with his hair standing on end like quills of a fretful are a ittle details of the business to the farm do its best. Taking everything in far consideration, the wonder is that toere are not more failures on-the farm than there are. No business in the city would long stand under the ens) ijoing management or the average form. Form ami r tresule Furcot Fires and Mosquitoes ka. (a Alas- no strans on his back and moves along the - . i . porcupine, cried, 4Jolin bmith, there I triail, of course without extinguishing the man who stole )our axe! his tire. In 1 that worklngnxenv 2.oo and Ventha 81.75 Scliaol Iiupi are worn bv the boys every- The moat serviceable shoes sold at the prices. Ilanti-eowea. very-prices. Boys' n-oVi k-hera? The moat s i i llnml-flcwed. IR fl I Rl'i' t.m Khoea for Misses are made of the best Dongola or fine Calf, as desired. They are very stylish, comfortable and dura ble. The $3.00shoieiualscuRtom made shoes costing Ladles who wish to economise la their tootwesr are finding this out. t'astlea.-W.L. Boughs' name and the price Is tamped on the bottom of each shoe ; look for it when yon bay. Beware of dealers attempting to sub stttnte other makes for them. Such substitutions are fraudulent and subject to prosecution by law for ob Ulnlng money under false pretences. , , . W. iZ lOL GL. S, Bracktoa, Mass. Sold by m. S. BROWJV. Blotches JIRB EVIDENCE That the blood It wrong, and that nature is endeav oring to throw off the impurities. Nothing is so beneficial in assisting nature as Swift's Specific (S. S. Sp It is a simple vegetable compound. 1 1 , harmless to the most delicate child, yet it forces the poison to the surfactant eliminates it from tJie blood. The eyes of l he whole congregation were fixed on the consciente-suiitteii fellow who looked as if he wished tin mountains would tumble upon him. "You will return Mr. Smith his axe and steal no more if I forgive you, won't you?" akel L r.-uzo." "iM don't darn me!" exclaimed the culprit, with a look and tone that showed the s"rnceritv of his declaration. John Smith got his axe. X North Caroliuia-i That Will Spell at ('kicago. Farm And Garden notis. The successful dairyman keeps cows except those of go h! age. A new variety ot beeket pers is Miles and miles of blackened stumps I needed more than variety of bees. Activity devoted to the useful honey bee is a good definition of happiness. The truly scientific beekeeper is modest. He is aware how little is positively known The nearer a m in gels to his lees the less rea-on there is for his itfraid of them. At no time should fowls b fed more than they w.U eat up clean in a few minutes. He who tries to solve a'l the problems of beekeeping will find it takes a little longer than a lifetime. Eu.-il age fed wi h a grain rati n mkes the kind of butter for which th- mark the ravages of finest fires, lhe Indian, when resting on his journey Hiid suffering from uioqaitoes, sets tire to th twigse and leavt-s around hun, creating a smoke which keeps the est at a distance.- and when refreshed he being I contracted a severe case of blood poison that unfitted me for business for four years. A few bottles of Swift's Specific (S. S. S.) cured me. i.e. Jones, t-ityftiarsnai, V. Fulton, Arkansas. Treatise on Wood and Skin Diseases mailed free. Swirr Srscmc Oo,AtLiata, Ga. s announcing his pproac. to 1 1 lends at a distance, he ets tire to a half dead spruce ,r tamarack live, aim the column of thick, blaik smoke is the signal, to be acknowledged iu the s.iuu manner by those who see it, so as t Jirect the traveler to tneir camping grounds. In the summer everything i." crisp and dry, and the timber is satura ted with turpentine. The trees left to g.nolder are fanned into blaze by th slightest breeze; tbe il imes creep along the resiuous trees and spread till whole forests are destroyed. These fne t tires and the mosquito account for the sc.trcityof game. Over the vast untruvelled regiou that we visited there was a remarkable scarcity of wild animals. We saw only a lesv round sciuirrels and some grouse a nd O A w Laughing n a Medicine. Persons suffering from rhenmiilism are mtturully anxious to try every proposed remedy. Johu Jiayinouil, of northern iowa, had tried wiTuout reher nearly ev- '.. . -j i mr i ry ulle;etl. cure su;gesieu ny irieuua rlieu he read this in a meuical journal : 4Tnere is more benefit iu a good laugh than io tho hot water remedies, the faith . a . a cures, tlie cieetnc ana uu muer new treatments in the world, ami it costs notn iug. If ou know, of nothing el-e to laugh at, laugh at your iuighhor." Tnis was a new idea to poor Mr. Ray mond. But what should he lauh at ? In the house was nothing amusing. How ever, the medical journal said, 'Luugh at vour ueisrhbor.,' lie went out on the front porch, and silliug in a chair, watched the people on the streets. For a time he saw nothing tunny. Then a big Geruiau walked by muttering aloud to himself. "Ha. ha, ha!" went Mr. Raymond. 'The big German atopoed and looked. "Vote dot!" "Ha, ha, ha!" Vot vor ai haw, haw, haw, mit me?" "ila. ha, ha! Over the fence leaped the big German, his lists upliptetl. "Oh! ened Raymond, "I I meant no Harm. I was laughing for my health ' ' Und dea you leetlo Rick Yankees laugh mit uig Dutchmen! Dot isha'l right Dot ish vou good shoke ou me, Ya, ya ya liuuMr. Raymond, who really had not meant to bo rude iu tha least, gave up the laugh cure, believing that the 'shoke' was on himself rather than on the good German. YoulWe Companion. one'8 WnXxirchard. Th tlon ready toj uses should cosist of a short section of a Iwhj containing two buds, the lower end made in the form of a JrfSvTJ? 6 brancb Kraft ed is then cut off with a saw; and split with a chis el, to receive the lower er wedjje shaped u xa ihB rion 101,6 edof the cion should be set even with the bark of the cleft in the stock, or branch on which it is inserted. li the severed branch is an inch or more in diameter then two of the ciom may'beset iu each' cleft and on op ' posite sides, and then all the exposed wood covered with grafting wax. The main point is to have the cions fit neatly , and smoothly in the cleft or split bratch This is usuad way nl cleit grafting, but on smaller branches or stocks tbe splice graft is preferable, the principles beings involved, and at least one side of the ciou must fit closely to one side ui the brunch, or stock. If you. have grafting t. do it would be advisable to procure some one - of the hundreds of bookrpublished. in which the different' modes of graftiu ' are Tully described, with illustrations'! jth such a work to aid you there woultl be hitle danger" of failure iu grafting ap ple or fruit trees. New York Hun. K A dispatch from Pittsburg, )?a. says j vn&inger, a young tanner livne at Oreenshurg, near here ii better off by $10,000 than be was c week aro Three. months ago Crisinger visited Pittsburg and while walkiu? down Fith was accosted by an okl man, who iutru duced himself as Day id Dallison, of Wheeling, W. Va. He told Ciisinger he bad lost his pocket book containing a sum of money and a railroad ticket to Wheeling, and wound up by asking Cris inger to help hhn out of the predicamentr Vuh some mental reservaiiou about. I.e iog swindled, he got a supper for Dalli sou.aud then bought a Wuveliug ticket and saw the obi fellow safely lo his train. DalliMm said he would return the money and took Crisinger's address. That par ticular amount of money never came, but. last Monday iu the mail taken to the farm from this city was a letter from a VY heeling attorney telling Crisiuger liiui. old Mr. Daliisou was dead, and that hi will was found with a codicitbequealb mg ten thousand dollars to the young' man, iu recognition of his kindness IXTu stranger iu a strange city. The Sun. lhe Governor of Tennessee. iniblic are willing; lo'niv for 1 m mf Washington Life Ins. Co. OF NEW YORK- CONDENSED STATEMENT. JANUARY 1ST, 1892. Assets, - 111,459,638 Reserved for policies, N. Y.. .-Standard 4 per cent., ana all liabilities, - -New Insurance, 1891, -out-uinling Insurance,- -pail Po'.u--liolders in 1 83 paid. j'olicy-holders since or ganization, ' Income, 1891 - lasets Invested as Follows! . Loans secured by mortgages on Real Estatk first liens, - $9,541,12 02 11,032,520 2b 11.7G9.Gtl 50.586,622 lj447,000 Ab - 20,035,554 95 2,684,435 74 New York itv bonds, Brooklyn waeer bonds, -l!khrabuil, (Vra.) bonds, -Loan 3-to Policy-holders on Co.'s Policies, - - -Collateral loans, Reil Estate, cost va'ue, -Cash in bank and trust Co.'s, Iuterest accrued, premiums de - lerred and ia transit, etc., 211,832 5: 144.00C 10,300 GOQGOQOOOO Xlio gmalleat Pill fax tlio Worldly Why do yon Buffer from Dypil3 and Slok-nadachs Q remedy Is at your nanar . rVJVtTYIWWb r JL ID JL JL Mr. Allen, of Franklin county, the champion speller who astonished the audie ice and vanquished the entire line of contestants at the recent "Kill ing bee" in Kaleigh, was in the city Hsterdav. There will be at Chicago iliirinir the VVor Id s Columbian lixosi- I the larger tiou an inter-national sjielling match. I to the hilltops, where exposed to a con ;md Mr. Allen will be there to cham- tsant bre. z-, they are free from the t r prowess of North Carolina,! rnent of insects. E. J. Utate in ten- human probability will bring 1 tury. he Old orth btate the lan tsrmii$aii. i ion the and in al back to t rels of the great contest. 0 Pli oTimr Liver gm will speMnir wmoT all this trouble, enablayoa to eat and dl great your food, W prevent beadaeho and Impart enjoyment of lUTo to wnlcn yo t" J .Mnmr. lima imslL - -ki- -v go cents. jnioe, o i-ara "lT O O QGO QOO OV Price, . - $11,459,638 78 For agencies and other particulars, address. It. P. BLAKC, Special District Agt., Raleigh, N. C. If h enters the lists in this great battle of orthoeraphers it is safe to wager that he will come off conqueror. He is nothing less than a progidy as a S e ler and has been ever since he saw id down a class of over forty the first dav he we it to school when a inert Sad on tbe word of fustian. He ha. been in many a heated spelling contest since and has copied with many dis tinguished scions ot lei. o raphy but has never been whipped. Mr. Allen says he has a mental pho tograph of every word he has ever seen or henrd spelled and these mental im pressions never become blurred or un certain, and if the committee in charge of the Chicago contest dees not get out of VVebster's Unabridged he has no fear of being tripped. He has never missed i t i i n 1 l n' , I ore. tie aoes UOU iairt ui vua. nc iuu Owned and Wrolled by Alhancemen jre word out you want spelled and Mr. Al len will erind out the letters that spell I it and tell you the number of the page m the oarirain, il i i o oc luunu iu lhe stnil made trom cream oy the use of bbick pein is a fraud. It will not keep. It will Ull your In.tter trade It is the opinion of a oid many lairymen that ensilage is good for milk and buftci us the best jasturage. As raised on the average farm, ii will cost little, if anv more to rair turkeys per pound, than pigs, while th "turke s whether so d alive or dressed, will bring several . cents more Tim i,j;.e..v t h:ii a per pouna. animals retreat in summer An experience of ovr-r twenty years in fat e;in g siiei'p rro:e-iSjr lioberts that it pays to have a regular system, to be followed as nearly as pos sible, in both feeding and in irketiug sheep. Corn fodder is one of the most digest ible of plants used for cattle food. In careful pxperiuieuts seventy-two per cent, of the drv. organic matter lias 1 a' J Midnight From the last days of May to th eudofjulj, in the northern part ot; this laud, the sun shines day ana nighty, upon the tuouuiaius, lords, rivers, lak iorests, valleys, towns, villages, hanj, iets,, and tarws; and thustswedata and Norway may be called the laud, of ihe midnight sun. During this period ot coutiuuous daylight thestars ate never seen, the moon appears pale; and sheds uo light upon the earth; summ r is short, giving just tmie enough tor the wild flowers to grow, to bloom, and. to fade away, and barely time for the husbandman to collect his harvest which, however, is tonielimes nipped by a summer frost. A few weeks the midnight sun bas Judge Turney, governor of Tennessee' though he has been ou the supreme bench r.f vears. is a farmer. He lun a mauifit'cnt old typical southern I passed, the hours of sun shin sho.rteu ... .1 . I k. aa A home in Franklin county known fapidlv, and bylbe middle Ot Au,;0t Wolfs Crai;. He is sixty-bve years oia, G feet 4 inches tall, has broad shoulder in.! weighs UG0 pounds. He wears a full short gray beard. With the exception of i slight rheumatic alRction he is hale anlheartv." His rheumatism hascausea him to abandon deer and fox huntiug, oi which he has been a great lover. At Wolf's Crag he has his pack of dogs and the horses which have carrieu mm on many a fox hunt. For years he'has been noted as the best deer shot in the state. Men who have been with him ou the hunt say he can bringdown a deer running at tun gpeea 100 yards distant. He is one of the peo ole. All over the state he is known as 'Old i'ete Turney." n was iiwcuumj It Wouldn't Work. Something impressed bin with the belief that a Republican family lived m the house, and with a cunning I U(Jen digested, as against sixty per cent smile he shuttled up to the kitchen ana i Qf timothy. knocked. The fe'd o' the turkeys . . Ml fll .1 . .. liooI morning, snerepnea jneasaui i gradually now, the air becomes chilly aud the nigh is colder, although during the day tho sun is warm. The grass turns yellow, the leaves change their color, wither and fall; the swallows aud other mi grating birds liy towards the south; twilight comes once more: the st irs one bv o.ue, make their appearance, shining brightly ul Ue pule blue sk) ; the mooti shows itself - again as the quern of the night and lights and cheers the long. and dark days of the oeaudinavian wititer. The time comes at last when the sun disappears entirely from sight; th under his leadership which first seceded I i,eaveus appear in a blaz-i of light and from tho Union. Before the state o- i j stHfg aD(j tne moon pale .. .. L .:i pl . i..' il , 13 ) v ro t .to k ' ., Iv. "what will vu have?' ".L idy," he said meekly, "my name is Harrison Benjamin Harrison and I called to see ef you couldeii't give me a bite of I re kfast." "Harrison? Harrison?4- repea'ed tlv ladv inquiringly. "les. urn; ben Harrison they cans me fer short, au 'tan't sitch a bad name after all .is it, mum?'' "Oh, no," she answered brightlv; 1 1 . i Ill lllOSf sidling e and good. intendrd iht is an sliould be especial I for market. In impoitrnt item. ... s Tennessee had seceded he hart organized the lirst Tennessee regiment and gone to the front. Though many li'nes offered promotion, he declined to leave his reg iment and went through the war as col onel of the First Tennessee. At the bat tle of Seven Tines h- w as shot through the face. New York World. before the aurora borealts. Phallus "Land of the MidnighrSun." 278,7. 3,500 501,818 247,708 416,067 77 for handling produce. COTTON A SPECIALTY. Don t sell before writing for par . l-.tV. .ui nrno Pill. Imr. f hp fttVIIPr lb ii uu w .... , - - - " J unu sue out, ticulars to J. J. E0GERS, Mgr. P. O. Box 212. STATESVILLE ARBLE WORKS Is the Place to Get Monuments, Tomtstones, &c the covers bf "Webster's blue Back." The faculty amounts to a phenomenal, it not au occult power with him. It is uo wise the result of hard applica tion. Jf he goes to Chicago he will bring back the trophies of the victor. Mr Allen is a descendant of Revo lutionary parents and had twelve first cousins killed in the Revolutionary war. of it will have to get began to call. the dog. "Ugh," tie growled as he dodged through the gate, "I might a' knowed by that eheerful look of hrn she wuz a Democrat," and he sat doWn in an alley to think up a better gag with wh'ch to work ths uuware. Dtt oil Fret Press' Seven Ways to Give. rn The careless way. lo give some thing to every cause without inquiring into its merits. The impulsive wav to give frjm mi- Curious Facts Oyer 17( 0 different kinds of soup are known. There are orange trees in Malta over 200 years old. Millions of butterflies are eaten every year by the Australiu aborigines. Several thousands of hair pins, iu many styles, have been recovered from Pern Dei i. The tallest man in the kj. a. u. k William P. Boyne of Green County Pennsylvania. His height is seven feet. Greek d indie?, like Alcibiades, al lowed their hair to fall on their shoul ders and at night rolled the curls round a stick. A fruit grower, Windsor, Conn., has a barrel of Russet apples of the crop of 1891, whieh have been kept in cold storage. N ileu'i theSpmish theologin, died Mutiny at the Penitentiary Farms. A few days ago a plan to break out from tha penitentiary buildiugs at the convict farms near hero t was discovered. There were four or five loaders and they n wiLh them about htiy convicts, liiey had perfected a plot by which they would at the proper time at a given signal rush upoa and overpower the g lards, and seize their guns. They were thei to take possession of all the arms and ammuni tion and murdering all who resisted them, turn the doors open and liberate every convict on the farm and arm him. They wvre then to set fire to all the buildings an I go their several ways neiore assis tance ould D3 obta'ueJ or bjfore they could lm captured. One of the oiivicts who had been let into the plot disclosed the whole thing ,.n,l it was fru trated. The leaders are n iw in irons. Tho prime mover in this attempt at murder aud arson was tne man who abducted a girl in Chatham county, took her to South Carolina and was arrested there and brought back, convicted and sentenced to the peniten tiary for tifieen years. Roanoke News. A four story brick building collapsed in Puiladelphia Monday and three men wre buried in the ruins. Mr. Cleveland and family have g!no to L dee wood N. J. and will renia:ii there until a few days before his inaug uration. In a collision of two trains ffcar Do ver, Ky. last Thursday the engineer, rlreui n and six passengers of one tram wer killed. Garzt, the Mexico revolutionist has A large stock: of VERMONT MARBLE to arrive in a few days - . - ' action i i every respectjandjpositivelylwill not be uhdersold. Grranite Monuments . Of all knd a specialty " ' , C. B. WEBB & CO-, We guarantee lie a 31 an. "My Proprietob. What the world ned to-day is men noble in every sense of the word. These men do not appear upon th world's stage suddenly, but come up by and by through their own exertions, to the highest pinnacle of nobility. Young lads, ao you realize that be tween twelve and sixteen years of age is vour character for lite? The older vou grow the more discretion you will have, and in a few of the minor points there may be a change, but in the main its ! vou van ue tne same. y .... ..a .1 those Habits wim-n you inoug ,,Um n m..r.h and as often as love and of grief bicause h was accused by the 1 t ?i -i i. . I ti i U XT,... t .Lih'..1 si n:i4:i p iu St. durim? the W pity ana setisiuiiiiy prompt.. i .p- o. u u6 l ""anTi- stocks, ine lazy way. xo maive a s'-'M . . ... r in a warm cellai m. . y . r.,- K..., f ,.i,-1 (,t P,,i i 'plnbia s nolice force is al1"" , . ... oner io earn moiicy. iui ucucuicu ju i v ...... - r --- -- , k r.,4;.,.,Q orrt I ,..,, wort b .XI ;i(.(MM). Whose lDCOIllJ is lects uy laiis, icvmii'i i ........ , . .... J . . , o 1.1 I i i Si k fi M ...... i-ltr nulul rF Ins The sell denying way. oare nie uuoui ?iu,vw tcmy, -- cost of luxuries aud apply them to $20 a week salary, purposes of religion and charity. This The fleeces of ten goats and the may lead to aceticism and self-compla- work of several men for half a ear are etnee. required to make a genuine Cashm. re ThA systematic way. To lav aside shawl a yara ana a nan wiue. as au offering to God a definite portion A Kansas fanner who ofr., iruin one-tenth one-third or trouble in shipping egs y J a I This is adaDtethto all. wheth- succeeded in u-'trm' a er poor or rich; and gifts be largely in- delivered iu good order by marking creased if it were generally practiced, box "dynamite." TIip pfiual wav. . To mve to Wodand Wild hemp is growiu- iu y ht so ' the needy just as much as we spend on luxuriance along the valley of hud much at last. consignment the How To Grult Apple Trees. Nurserymen usually graft apple trees inter uinitns, using smau , performing the operation r, and men placing me graltea plants til oanu uuu. Di""fs tliey -ari set out in uunserj iuo. rafling large trees in the orchard it of ten becomes desirable to rhange the va riety ot fruit. In such eases the graftiny is always done in the spring. jut as thi bu Is on the trees begin lo swell. . Tin wood used for oions is always umi me urecediug season sesuoiis growth, or 1 . . ..... vu,ir iilil Hllil Wil li IS usually caiicti jv ...t - a'in appeared ou thw Rio Grande IU Tex a and is organ-zing revolutionary torcta Miss Ethel Carr of Crawford Station nearrMilan Tennessevst Friday night shot and killed an unkuowu niau wlie tried to assault her. Forty- nine soldier- were burned to - .ib in a runniii train in Russia Moh- I'he leaders are 1 .....--rpi,- flmnr did not iton till it uij. a 1 ' o 7 was consumed. A gas well was struck in the heart of the city of Fort Wane, lti; on Mondav last, and it has been throwing out a "sh-wt of fli mi forty feet higa. The Leaksvilie Gaa tte says Wenb Cox, a white m iu, went to sleep with a bi.x of matches in hi pocket and in some way they ignited and burned bun so severely that he died from the tffects several days afterward. Tliinrs Worth Kaowinff. A -hoe that is uncomlortable from pinching may b fixed Uy f';t' wet with hot waur, acroHS the pla-e .vnere it pinches, changing it as l grow cooler, for a number of limes. i bM wj cause lhe leather to fhape itself to the foot. m -i:..i. iat her. take a half io nous" ik"v". ...... .. . - . , ..... it may be taken Trom ine ir es unn s m i . iice ofauus ara hc lall J w.mer and preserve.1 in a rool eel P-""" blac!t "d .il unu v ' - .. . j .. I... Liiriu.! in mi.iHt SUlid or IllOrS, Or till ms, hrt l(ffrrol until soring" and the ci i-ut and set lhe me day -11 tttftihtr. men le il el renin great stante will allow, or when cvu are pro leiij'ioor vr irui t'.iejctirel of some near it stand until mled and fettled When a mJ - " oolites for i se, black s iocs. kThis is also good for U -

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