J : ' ' ' . . Carolina' Watchman. iWrs and Proprietors. ' ' sunicui ptiok rates. On year in advance.-,,.....;,,, $1.00 0 :25 KttUwl 3ecoi(lr,cj8? mall ai Salisbury, N.jC. TJ1 UU8DA V, MAUCil SO, 1893. ?JIE fJ&ESEDEHT SBOWIHG HIS HAND, Ttkere Ji. lieen more or less fr-ar jirnon good DUhjioc rat that Cleve land,' poticjr, in thedistrilrtitiou of the federal jatroii;'gc, would not be in ac cordance with his party's riews upon bu ueitvoQ.. The selection of Judge . Orainaiu for tLe first position iu hi Cabiuei received a great deal of criti fiMtM, the pvtj with hut a few eice Hons that GresltajBi was what if kown as a mugwump, or a tariff re form Republican.. But it seems that jClefelaad knew the politics of Gres iiain better than hU party did,, as re cent developments at Washington jroye. Twice since his installation jnto oct, being interTiewed, the Sec retary of Stat6 has emphatically de clared thatflie is mow, and has been for jnore than year past, a thorough, un" cowpmipiring Democrat. Besides this our Washington correspondent in urmK us that tke executive depart ments especially are being put into democratic hands rapidly; all the Re publican chiefs of bureaux and heads fit diuiojis ar being succeeded by democrats just as fast as th selections fizn be made But better still, we have it that last J veek president Cleveland "jumped on" the head of the nepotic serpent which lias for so long shamlessly predominat ed At Washington in the bestowal of official patroaags. Iu truth nepot- . ism bx in jecemt years reared ft shiny head in evsry department f ; the Gotv eru meat ua til it is a common occur- , a nee for those in authority to select .some soft, lucrative position for one or pibra member el tlieir family, eren if they had to give it to female members thereof. Groer says this thing must Je stopped so far as his authority reachv, for the next four years at least, ill in first move ia this direction was Aiade a couple of weeks ago, when he. ifor,nied a distinguished Senator, who fcad appointed a son i clerk of a com mittee of which be was chairman; that iin consequence of this act the said Sen gator's influence with the President was wery much weakened and that.. his re- coraniendation8 could thereafter have butJittlc weight. And "to , another Congressman, who in pressing the .claims of a favorite constituent, think ing to make his friend's chances sure, jwtid: uAnd he is a reUtire of yours, .Mr. President." The reply came quick- ij: "Tkat settles it. No relative f uiine shall be appointed to office by itue. And this Teply was followed by .the President's giving his plain'com ,prehet)sive views upon the evils of nepotism. -If these can, be enforced ihe party will be strengthened and the .country benefited. So far he does Kell., aud we eipect his policy on other questions wiH in the main be wise and - tend to strengthen his administration in ths estimation of alj good people who desire to see , the government ad ministered in the,iterest of all. tflDIOff'g E AID CONFESSED. S. Otko Wilson, the Gideonite was brought to trial Monday in Raleigh xn tke ckarge of belonging to and jroaiohig a secret political organiza tion, lis antertd a plea of nolo con- endere, which is equivalent to a sub .mission. j3o the existence of the cr uder is confessed at, hist. "After the plsa hd been made Solicitor Pou said: The orgaaiEation knowa as "Gideon's Jiand" threatened, )n some decree at jeaitt, to tt-atamel a free expression of the political WW i or tbo people. Its very ex tuce was, a violation of the law. It jsvah tyrannical ia its methods. It de manded bjHi obedience to superiors, pind, while few men who would join aucb an order are possessed of the small est drpree of courage necessary to carry into t fleet the penalties it imposed, yet proposed to inflict severe punishment Aipon those who dared disobey superiors, it ptopofted to put an end to political jfretHlo. Jts meiUnKs were in the night time and yi secluded places., It dared not reveal jts existence to the world, its members were worn to deny even .the existence o the order. Its organi sation wasuothjug less than a conspiracy whose preseivce fn our midst the State would not tolerate. Some well meaning icitizena, H ia true, wane di9ceived and iecaiue members. Every wdrd that I .have aid the State w abnnduutty able Xo .usl4n ly oiiruijeacbable evidence. If fever word that the Solicitor said i tru Jthen Wilson got off with a Vfjr, wy light fientence-rjudgment suspended" ,on payment of costs, which wnountedio about ?100. It will be well if t.bis vjjry light sentence is not niscon.striw'd by jGideonites aud others in the future, It has teen discover! that S?,000, OOQ has been paid out by t he Pension Bureau. umW ruiiuV uf l$7il lVIi . 9 ..-i ft? ;i"$ai. A fatal cass of hydrophobia is re ported from Mt. Olive, N. C, John Best, a negro, found a strange dog un der his bouse fighting hU dogs, and in parting tlieni the jnad dg bit him on the hand and writ. Thi ecurred the last-week in January, Tbe uegro died on the 25th int., a horrible death, it being necessary to cliaiiHiim down. It is said that in death bis features showed the extreme agony of his convulsions. Better promptly kill all suspected dogs and take do risks. A strange dog is a subject of reasonable suspicion, as a brute afiMcted with rabies is almost sure to wander away from home. Kill faim One human life is worth more than all the dogs in the world. , Our-Washington correspondent says that Secretary Morton's order dismiss ing all of. the superfluous employ of the department of Agriculture was fol lowed byan order from Secretary Car lisle to the division chiefs of the Treas ury department, ordering tha immedi ate dismissal of every employe not ab solutely essential to keep up the work of the department. The Democratic administration was voted into power to reduce the extravagant expendi tures .of the Government, and every member of it is fully determined that tlie wishes of the voters shall be carri ed out to Ike letter. Senator Harris, of Tennessee, has been elected president pro tempore f the Seuate, but as Vice President Ste venson gives evidence of his intention to stick more closely to his duties than his predecessors have usually done, he will not be called on to preside over the Senate verv often. So he will en joy the honor, which is fully deserved, without having to do much extra work. There is no truth in the report that Senator Harris and the President - had quarreled, J. A. Harrel, -proprietor of the fa mous Job Printing House of Weldon, this Statey is an applicant for Public Printer of the United States. If there is a man that can be said to be perfect ly qualified and capable from both practice and experience in such a de partment, of the South, or elsewhere, then we must think that man is Mr. Harrell. We learn that his prospects for obtaining the appointment are good We hope this is true, and that our State may thus be honored by at least having one of ker sons placed at the head of oue of the importaut de- kmrtments at Washington. v General E. Kirby Smith, tke. last of the commanders of the Confederacy who attained the rank of full general, died - Tuesday evening atSewaee, Ten n., where he held a professorship in the University: of the South, He was born in Florida in 1824, and grad uated at West Point at the age of 21. Three banks in Nashville, Tenn., haye closed their doors in the last few days The Commercialational Bank, The Mechanics' Saving Bank, acd Tke Bank of Commerce. The city is said to be panic-stricken, and other banks are expected to collapse. Green Renfrse, of Phcenix, Ala.," went home uader the influsnce of li quor, secared a pistol, and sent a bil let through his head, dying instantly. His aged mother died a few minutes later from the shock. Later information says that Sheriff T. J: Allison, of Iredell, has been nom inated by the President to be Marshal of this (the western) district of North Carol ina. The office is worth $6,000 a year. On last Sunday two negroes had a row orcragameof cards,neai Asheville, in which Jim Mills fatally shot Will Ritchie. Both were drunk at the time. " The Charlotte Observer reports r'raad dogs in Mecklenburg in the 'Squire Hilton neighborhood last Sunday. In an altercation between three white men and three negroes at Reids ville ou the 20th, one negro was shot. Mr. Moody, aftsr closing his meet ings in Wilmington, went to his home ia Northfield, Mass. Kerr, of the Citizen; gets the post- office at Asheville. Senator Vance, chairman of the com mittee on priviliges and elections, prepared a majority report of the com mittee in the cases of the Senators ap pointed by the Governors of the States of Montana, Washington, and Wyoming and presented his report Monday. It is nok long, but presents reasons why the majority of the committee do not be lieve the certificates of these Governors are sufficient authority upon which to seat the fcenators in question. It contains many references to past decisions of the Senate in cases where the question lis raised nas Deen passea upon in an inci dental way. Mr. Hoar, who prepared nieminoruy report iavonng the seaum? loftheSeuators, has completed his work aiso. The Facta in the Cast. The new treasurer of the United States will assume the guardianship of ejnpty coffers. In appearance they are full to overflowing. Who", in walkiug around the great box of silver coin in the sub basement of the treasury building, which contains 93,000,000 big round dollars, would imagine that Uncle Sam was well nigh a bankrupt? It is a mass of precious metal 100 feet long, 60 feet wide and 14 feet high the stuff done up in bags of il.000 each and enclosed iu wooden box es to keep the damp from getting at their contents. Closeby is a vault with a door like that of a safe, in which are Rtored 66,000,000 more of silver dolias. and 526,000,000 in shining yellow goia. How is it possible that the owner of all this wealth can be poor? Alas! this glit tering wealth is not the property of the aoverument. Nearly every every penny of it is mortgaged. It simply represents the cash basis for paper promises to pay which Uncle Sam bis issued in the shape of notes and certificates. If the holders of These documents 'should all present them at once and demand their coin the treasury would be left bare. The irou box latt'ee work containing the $93,000, 000 in silver would be emptied, and brooms would be called into requisition to sweep stray gold pieces out of the.cor- ners of the gold vault to satisty an patient, creditors. The agents in charge ot the subtreasuries in' various cities would be compelled to turn their official pockets inside out, and even the mfuts would be occupied in transforming every available gold and silver briek iuto. pieces of legal tender moneye short aftr paying its debts, the goyernment would have al most nothing left- Uucle Sain hasrlteen Irving beyond his income, and the new treasurer will -find himself iu the posi tion of an attorney who takes charge of the affairs of a spend-thrift at a low ebb Charlotte News. The Eeform Club. Some Democratic newspapers are con tinually sneering at the Reform Club. That club was in hearty accord with the Democracy in its recent campaign, and undoubtedly did good work in the cause. It is composed of men who are acting with the Democratic party from principle, and not because they want to make anything out of it. The latest offense of the Reform club in the ayes of certain newspapers who seem to cheerish a peculiar anti pathy to the institution, lies in the fact that the club has appointed a spe cial committee to confornuilate and express its views as to the proper re form of the tariff. . This is. characterized as "impudent,"' and in reply to the charge the New York World, which can not be called ail organ of the Reform club, snys : The committee is composed of men who have studied the tariff for mauy years. One of them has been secretary of the treasury. Another is a distin guished lawyer of large practice in customs cases. Two' others are well known writers on economic subjects. If any opinions except those of protec ted manufacturers may be serviceable, surely those of the members of this committee are entitled to consideration. No Protectionist thought it impu dent when the Wool-growers asssoci;) tion. the Wool-consumers association. the Home Market club, the American Protective league and a small army of bounty-fed manufacturers wnt to Washington and absolutely dictated to the .aicrunley conmntlee the lates of duty that should be adopted for in creasing taxation for their prolit. But when a. number of men, thoroughly equipped for the service, ufir thur suggestions for lighteuing the bur dens of the people, they are denounced as impudent. They have not, after the fashion of the Protectionist, order ed Congress to accept their views. They have not sent their report us an official document to the President or Secretary of the Treasury. They have simply, for the benefit of the consum ers made their contribution to the current- discussion. Atlanta Journal. Nominations by the President. Washington, March 27. The Presidcn to day sent to the Senate the following nomina tions: Felix A. Reeve, of Tennessee; to be Solicitor of the Treasury; Attorneys of the United States, Joseph fc. James, of Georgia, for the Northern District of Georgia; William T. Gary, of Georgia, for the Southern District oT Georgia; Marshals of the United States, Frank Lcverett, of Georgia, for the Southern District of Georgia; James Blackhurn, of Kentucky for the District of Kentucky; Thomns J. Allison, of North Carolina, for the Western District of North Carolina; Samuel T. Fisher, of Massa chusetts, Assistant Commissioner of Patents, Robert E. Wilson,.of Mississippi, Register of the Land Office at' Jackson,. Miss.; Samuel E. Mor ris, of Indiana, Consul General of the United States at Paris; C. W. Chancello, of Maryland onsul at Havre; Allen 1$. Morse, of Michigan' Conul at Glasgow; Geo. F: Parker, of New York, Consul at Birmingham. Postmnc.va James E;. Brown, of Newman, Ga t Wm. MH tmnoar, oi Augusta, Ua.;,John P; Kerr, of Asheville, N. C, Henry I. Tuggle, of Martiut ville, Va.; Charles C. DenLt, of Salem, Va. Volcanic Eruption. ' City of Mexico, March 27. The volcano of San Martin is now in a state of eruption, after having been, extinct for more than a century. The volcano is situated in the midst of a pol pulous agricultural district, whose inhabitants have fled to a place of safety. The eruption occured at night, and the scene was one of magnificent grandeur. The flames rose straight up from the crater, to a height of one thousand feet, ana the lava poured down ihe sides of the mountain in streams, doing great damage.. Even that carping critic of the administra tion, the New York Sun, has not been able to find any fault with President Cleveland's ap pointments up to date. It admit that they "seem to be almost uniformly good," and that "where an appointment has not been immedi ately recognized by the people as excellent, that has generally happened because little was known concerning the person chosen by the President, rather than because anything was known against him". : A News reporter, who i enough . of an agriculturist to know sassafras root from indi go blossoms, took a 20 mile drive through Mecklenburg yesterday afternoon. It was eav enough to see that erery- available piee o"f land along the roads is being piepared for cot ton. More cotton will be planted in Mecklen burg this spring than ever before known Charlotte Xeu'8. FroeS the Charlotte AW we lpariv - tl.t Col. Nelson Slough, for many years sheriff of vJui.us luunij, uiea m Anderson, S. C., last Saturday morn in e. at the are nf 7r v,' Ui-moved from Concord tp Anderson "about sev en years ago. ; . A line Display Kal. cor. tarlotte Observer,- r . ' Raleigh, ; 'March 26 To-day th first ' car loaded with this State's exhibits left for the World's Fair. Five other cars will follow, the last leaving by April 7tb j It must be borne in mind that thee con- j tain compact exhibits, including small! but beautifully trepared specimens ofi woods aud building stones. There will be a tarjse exhibit of North Carolina tret at the private, expense of Mr. George Vauderbilt. The fish au4game exhibits'were packed to-day. 11 ere are the fowl: Canada rrnnse.' snow'?oose. brant. rnnvH.hnfl- duck, redhead, mallard, black duek,greeu I wiugea teal, nyoriu DiacK ana mallard (very rare), blue winged leal, baldpate, blackhead, dipper, ruddy duck, paddy, old squawsprigtail, wood duck, hooded morganser,yedbreasled morganser, sheld rake, golden eye, south-southerly, great blue heron, little blue heron, green her on, white heron, hit'ern, yellow shanks, greater yellow shanks, English snipe, jacksuipe, grayback snipe, red breasted snipe, willet, turnstone, cormoraut, black tern,' kingfisher, plover, and curlew. Of ani u Is there are black bear, wild cat, -polecat, 'mink, otter, beaver, aud muskrat. There is a fine specimen of the seal. . . Of theiisb. tliere are sturgeon (9 feet), tarpoh or kingshad (150 pound. rock (46 pblindb'), red drum (35 pouuds), aro, HpanUh inaCkerel,. bonito, crevalle, pora pono, thread.nsh, albieove, black drum, gray Jtrout, speckled trout, porg-ie,sheeps-had, sea bream, pinlish, dogfish, croaker, fcppt, blackgill, blacktish, red throat, leather earWd per di, yellow perch, flotin-der-beariig; shd, dolphin, whiting,wall ey,ed pike, fresh water gar, green gar (the boues of this fish are also green), grindle, carp, gray snapper, sailor's chdee, black; bas.s, blue linh, king fish, w'orui fish, juunpins:- muriet. cabro. men- Wen, white pereh, rabbit n.sh, red horse, trunk nsa,.and toad hsu. Mr. T. K. Brunei showed me magnifi cent specimens of gold nuggets, both pla cer lind from the rocks. Stanly and Montgomery counties send oine fine specimens collected bv Mr. K. M. Eames. The eollection of gold ores is particularly fine. .North Carolina clearly has great possibilities as a gold producing State. Thousands of Acres of Land Re3tored to the Public Domain. - Washington, March 24. Secretary Hoke Smith to-day rendered his first laud decision. It was tire case of the Southern Pacific Ilaihoad Company, and involved the question of the right of that company to land within its grauted lim its and the limits of the grant to the At lantic and Pacific Railroad Company, the Company basing its claims on the ground that the latter company never complied with the requiremtntsof its grant in the matter Ofiocating its road and forfeited its grants iu 18b(i. The Secretary holds, however, that the Southern Pacific Company had acquired no title to the lands in question under its graut. This decision operates to open these lands, aggregating many thousands of acres, in Southern California, to set tlement and etitry. The commissioner of the general land office is accordingly directed to lake such steps as mav be necessary to restore them lo the public domain. Leazar at Eis Post. The Raleigh correspondent of the Char- tone uoserver says that ".Mr. Augustus Leazar, who left this evening for the peu ilentiary farms the Roanohke, on a tour inspection, was interviewed by your correspondent who ln:l not before'had the pleasure of seeing him since his ap pointment as superintendent of the State's prison. Mr. Leazar s.ivs the peu itentiary btisiuess "is an elephant," by which he means that his new position is one which entails a great deal of hard work and responsibility. He has been engaged for a week iu "taking stock" at the penitentiary, and in looking into the entire financial situation. He ha.-, he states, no reason to discredit the state ments made by the recent administration regarding the finances, but on the con trary, so far as he Inis gone, finds them to be verified. Ho expects to devote a couple of weeks-to his examinations of the farms on the Roanoke, and wi'l then visit the farms at Castle Hnviie. Of the latter he savs he has II Yfjrv frwwl fwrtfii! n t As to the employment of "onviets he eai he could not yet speak. There will per naps ne some railroad work for. them t do. As to the contract labor, larked o some weeks apo, ou which it was hope that many convicts would be emnlovei : : l . i. . . . . . . 1 niMue uie great prison, lie said nothin: had as yet developed, but every error would be made along that line as well a o i hers. Tlic Tobacco Trust. The American Tobacco . Comnanv should be run out of the State aid it will be or it will run evervhorlv else out of the tobacco market.- ZrtM7 burq Exchange In its comments on the above the Charlotte Observer says "That's what's the matter, and that's what makes the tobacco trust so infinitely viler, a so much greater public enemy, than any other. The plaid trust dosen't reduce the price f cotton; the whiskey trust dosen't afreet the price of corn; the su gar trust doesn't depress tke price of rawsugs.r;;the book trust doesn't scale down the: price of white paper, nor printers- wiages; but the tobacco trust puts its own ruinous price upon leaf tobacco and pillages the maker of the raw material as the very first step in its operation. Other trusts skin the corir aumer; this one reaches back and robs the producer. If it were content with the laying- its hand upon those who smoke its vile manufactures, all would be well, even though it taxed them a dollar a -dozen upon its offensive pro ducts; but this is no part of the trouble. The trouble is just what the Exchange points out; if it isn't throttled it will run everybody else out of the tobacco busidets. The trial of S.Otho Wilson will come up next Tuesday in Wake Superior Court. It is understood, says the News and. Ghaprvf thnt. Messrs. W J. Ppelft. J.L. C. Harris and W?lter Montgomery win appear tor the delcndant. solicitor Pou will not be assisted in the prosecu tion so far as arranged uu to date. Wil- son is now nt Iihertv nn bond. The trial 1 win be one ot great interest, and will. .... J . . ...i doubtless attract large crowds. Anarchy ia Eocse, I - . " .. IWIIIVCIIUIU Se rove tbat vey inadequate idea of thedynamitecampaigii f the Italian Anarchists has ben communicate! ly telegraph to the outside world. Although not a day has passed without the finding of bombs by the police, all the authori ties declare that the attempts of the dy namiters have practically ceased, aud that all, except a few of the most ven turesome Anarchists, haveleft the city. Much of this deception is practiced mere ly to allay the growing uneasiness of the foreign sovereigns expected to be present at the silver wedding of King Humbert ami vueen iuargaret next month. . For instance, tremendous efforts are being made to suppress the news that a bomb was found Wednesday evenin' near the house of Herr Yon Bulow. the German ambassador to the Vatican. An infernal machine was received by the Austrian Secretary of Legatiou on Thursday, but he discreetly referred it to the inspector of Ooliee. whn has bpn detailed to open such packages sent toi tue buue uepartments. Thursday evening a cement bomb bound with heavy wire was found against the wall of Admiral Brir's houe in the palazzo Odescalchi. The atten tion of the policeman was attracted by thelmrniug of the fuse. He extinguished the light and carried the bomb to the po lice officials,. where examination showed enough explosivea placed in it to wreck the whole house. The rectoTof the University della So phienza received yesterday morning a box marked "books.". The exceptional heaviness of the box excited his suspi. eion,aud he. gave it to the police with the request that they open it. Upon re moving the bottom of the box the police found several small tubes of explosives which would have been set off by a spring and hammer had they lifted the cover. Ou a slip of paper within was written, "Best wishes to the Papal bigots from the International Association of An archists." Similar infernal machines have been re ceived at the Ministry of the Interior packed with a leather strip on which was Juinted in red ink, "Blood, fire, and rev olution to help the great cause of hu mauity." ' Many odcials have received warning that they will be killed before May 1st. The city is in great excitement over the assault made this evening on King Humbert. The king was returning from the villa Broghese, where he had been spending a portion of the day, wheu a person, having the general appearance of an Italian working man. threw a stone at the King, the missile almost striking him. There was a considerable number of people in the streets at the time, it being about 5 o'clock in the evening, aud several persons rushed upon the assailant and seized him. He was taken in hand by the police and conveyed to prison. Otherwise he would in all probability have been killed by the angry multitude. An immense crowd assembled aud cheer ed the Kiug with frautic enthusiasm, and all the way to the palace the scene was like a triumphaut progress. King Hum bert gracefully acknowledged the ova tion, and was evidently deeply moved by the evidence of loyalty on the part of his subjects. Moody's Tribute to Mrs. Wesloy. Mr. D. L. Moody, the world known evangelist, in one of his sermons deliv ered in this city, paid" a beautiful and handsome tribute to-the work of Mrs. Wesley, the mother of John and Charles Wesley, founders of the Methodist elureh. He said she was one of the brightest stars of the eighteenth century. She knew not what she was doing when she was training her sous. They did not know what a great work they were doing, but said he, "To-morro a- 110,000 Methodist preachers will preach the gos pel to 25,000,000 of the human family, and there is not a protestant denomina tion that has not ministers who were con verted in Methodist revivals; C. H.Spur jjeon was. Wilmington Ue.-senyer. Bill Arp on Xorth Carolina. "This is a wonderful State and a thrifty, industrious people. More great men have been born or educated within her borders than any of the Southern States. In the long ago my father taught me that Na thaniel Macon was the greatest ofall our statesmen, even though he did weather board his hou.-e on the inside, and had the laps-down, so that he could pour hot water in the cracks and kill the bedbugs. From bis day down to Zeb Vance the tale has not lacked for notable men, and it s safe" to s;iy that no oue man ever lived iu a State who was so universally esteemed and loved as Vance is by his people. Will we never wake up and get out of the old ruts and learn a lesson from North Carolina?" The Freedom of the Press. Pittsburg Dispatch: We are pained to observe thut-the editor of our esteemed Japanese cotemporary, the. Nichi Nichi Shiunbun, has been sent to jail for libeling the Japanese House ot Representatives. Iu this country if every editor who speaks his mind about the House ot Representa tives were sent to jail, these institutions could justly be regarded as editorial -boarding houses. Mrs. Anna Potter, who wauts to be mayor of Kansas City, is making things hum. She is an independent sort of a woman aud is running independent. Some people make light of her candi dacy, but they can't make her light, for she weighs 200 pounds. A little white boy named Johnson was found hanging by the neck at a school house at Love's Creek, near Siler City, Chatham county. His body was outside and a window sash held his neck. He bad tried to get ina window, and. the sash slipped an.d caught him. "Meat at fifteen cents a pound and cot ton at seven," remarks the Montgomery, Ala., Advertiser , "is not a pleasant out look." No it isn't. But the planter who is foolish enough to raise seven cent cot ton and buy with it fifteen cent meat, in stead of raising it himself, need not ex pect a pleasant outlook, aud, to be hon est, isn't entitled to it. Wilmington Star, The faculty of Roanoke College have been informed that by the will of the lale Franklin Byerly, of Philadelphia, who was a friend of the institution for some years the college will receive a bequest of $2,000. Maj. Mann Page, president of tbe Vir ginia Farmers' Alliance, says that the order should be non-political, and that under no circumstances will ho be the Third party candidate for Governor. The Statesville creamery has been run ning ou full time almost ever since it was established and has more orders than it can fill, says the Charlotte' Observer, n. in t III 'Hi i li'" 'I --"T'i -"'l -y -T-iT-ITT T mm -i. ii. ' . . Foi NOTHING BETTER MADE ! PncesLO Call and examine Analysis Eespec tfully , M.-C.iQUINN. Presidential Post-offices. FolIoTinjr are the Presidential post offices in North Carolina, with the pay of" each, all being of the third class except Asheville, Charlotte, Durham, New Berne, Ualeih, and Wiustou, which are of the second class : Asheville Chapel Ilill Concord Edenton Favetterille J2,G00 Burlinpton 1,100 Charlotte 1,500. Durham 1,200 Elizabeth City ?l,3C0 -2,600 2,300 l,50O 1,800 1,000 1,500 1 ,300 1,100 1,200 1,000 1,000 1,300 1,S00 1,700 1.500 1.G00 1.S00 lloldsboro Greensborough 2,300 Greenville Henderson 1,000 Hickory High Point Lexington Morganton New Berne Raleigh Uockiugham 1,500 Kinston 1,100 Monroe 1,100 Mount Airy 2,000 Uilord 2,00 Reidsville 1,000 Rocky Mount 1,500 Salisbury 1,200 Statesvifle . 1,000 Washington 2.S00 Wilson 2,500 Hitlem Shelby Tarbofough Wilminstou Wiustou An ana-Baptist fanatic has ben ar rested at St. Petersburg Kussia, tor having murdered a girf of 14 years. He had been preaching before a room full of people in a private house con cerning his power to raise the dead. At the end of his sermon he strangled the girl with the consent of her par ent in order that he might demon strate his pretended ability to bring her back to life. After his prayers and ex hortations had continued for two hours the parents of the girl became con vinced that he wa an im poster and complained ty the authorities who locked him up. In Cumberland county, Ky., wetk le forelast, three robbers entered the Jome of Thomas Bryant, who does not believe iu banks, aud after gagging the family proceeded to compel Bryant to tell where his money was bidden. They fired pis tols close U his head, choked bim, burnt him with hot atones and finally stuck his feet iu the fire, holding them there until burned to a crisp. This conquered Bry ant, who told where the money was. The robbers got $1,S00 and then escaped on three of Bryaut's - horsesr- Bryant will die. . A Distillery up a Tree. There have been many novel locations for illicit distilleries, but it remains for Lawrence Coins, of Manly, Moore coun ty, to break the record. Deputy Collec tor Hall captured Coins and his outfit in the middle of Tuckahoe inillpoud. Co ins had built among (be trees, in quite an ingenious way, a house, elevated sev eral feet above the water. In this shan ty on stilts was bis still, which had a ca pacity of GO gallons ami was well arrang ed. A boat was the means of access to t his place, and in a boat Deputy Hail approached the place. He found nis man at work and bagged him. Coins has iiad the place several j t ars. State (Jiiroincie. A rc1ho1 boy 17 years of age, at Shei byville, Ky., on account of hi uiiiequil ed love for a gin school-mate', iuid his Head on the track before an approaching train aud was decapitated. The man w hose blood is poisoned with the bi-chloride of laziness, which is ex pr?sed by the word "can't," will never succeed at any thing. Salisbury Truth. A Thomasville colored woman is J3G years old, has lcen man led lb years, aud has given birth to 18 children. .A. CLIRJD- At the solicitation of a number of friends, 1 announce myself a candidate for the office of Mayor of Salisbury, subject totheactiou of the Democratic convention. If elected I will devote my time to the duties of the office. W. C. COUGHKXOUIt. SAIiESImEN. Energetic men wanted. Free prepaid outfit. One of our agents hns earned over $20,000 in five years. P.O.Box 1371. New York. 1854. 1892. THE Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Company, 17SWAES, IT. J. AMZI DODD, President. Assets (market value) - - $48,930,278.05. SCttPLts (Mass. Standard, 4 per ct) $3,545,71(2.00 EXAMINE tarrPerfected POLICY. Clear, Brief, Just, Liberal. AFTER SECOND YEAR No Restriction oa Residence or Occupation, K o Forfeiture in Case of Lapse, INCONTESTABLE. CASH LOANS MADE UP TO ONE HALF OF THE KESEUVK ON ASSIGNABLE POLICIES. Annual Dividends, Xo Stockholder All l'rofdt go to Policyholder. BEST CONTRACT EVER OFFERED. J. ML Patton, Agent. SALISBURY, C. N.R. WINDSORS. SON Corner Lee and Kerr Streets. Tnts Is the place to get your Fresh and Pure Family Groceries. Cauued Goous, confections. tc. We keep Table and Crockery ware, and tramps; also, Fine Tobaccos. Cigars, cigarettes, and s'uuIT. and everi tning usuall-Kept in a nrsf-class pro eery house. We buy all kinds or country prtaucr, We albo take BOAKOEKS at reabonuble rates. NeiSpri In Great Variety; at FINE DKESS GOODS, CAR PETSr MATTINGS Etc., As low as can be bought any w here. SOME SPECIAL BARGAINS. Agent for the Standard Sewing Machine, The best onThe market. Took diploma at Salisbury Fair last fall. FRIEND" ! To Young Mothers M:ss CM mi Easy! I Shortens Labor, 2 Lessens Pain, Endorsed by the Leading Physicians. 2 Booh to lother trailed TUBE. 9 DRADFIELD REGULATOR CO. ATLANTA, GA. SOLD EY ALL, DRUOOISTS. Dg Goods n SII lUUMIr ft I ta 5 X'VK.r An Idea in Shoes I Samples 1 y thf Tl otifand at B. W. BURT (fcCO'S. I. Knocked into a Hocked Hat an onr BIG LINE of SPRING DRY GOODS and NOTIONS, just received. " E. W. HU1CT & CO. FSCRATCHED TEH FOHTHi A troublesome akin disease bird cured caused me to scratch for ten months, and has been by a few days' use of lASSaJ M. H. Woljt, Upper Marlboro, Md SWlFT'feESIFlO I wm cured several years ago of whit Bwelllns In mv lee by usine and have had no TmDtomi of to turn of the dLv ease. Many prominent physicians aiwnaea and all failed, but S. S. S. did the work. -." . "i wii n , . Paul W. Kibkpatkick, Johnioa City, Tenn. Treatie on Blood arid Skin Dis-I Vfj mu- mailed free. PVk. tI Atlanta, Ga. VThi Baby wa eick, we gae her Caorta. When efae was a Child, she cried for Cast on. " Wbes hiio Mcamo Xiss. h clunr i Ctona Whin she had Children, she garc iaem Casui "Be sure you are right, then go ahead" is a pood motto fol Have you watc 1' c t rlocks. or jewel ry l be refiair- e;i, or '! low t h i out," and i ti buy n nice re ent, then be surf to go to tho you need a good clock ' ,v , r. . "V J-.. - Zf:, or w a t v h be sure to go to the i WjJ JA WS' ji.iM Old Reliable J, Si, II, IIOKAU, r4" i i I 1-

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