VOL. XXHV- THIRD SERIES. SALISBURY, JN U.f THUKSDAY APRIL 6, 1893, NO IB" WASHINGTON LETTEE. From our regular correspondent. President Cleveland, if one Mrs. barah Warper, a short time ago! Public Opinio. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Litest U.S. GoVt&cpoft 3 Mi iriA went to spend the night at Mr. J. C. In one of his messages to ingress may judge from his needs no "mascot1 remarkable career, ... ... , 1 1. icaiueui jacKsnn recommended a Mm to bring him Mgood been to a prayer .meetiag. In the careful inspection in each State into luck," but an old Jackso.nian democrat Andrew Jackson Long, of Cedar mgntsnewas nearo screaming and it circamstauces and claims of every per- was foand that she had become insane. I son drawing a pension, 'The honest Hill, Tennessee-doubt ess with the Sbe has been taken to the Ealeuzh veteran.! said ha. "hi nntMntnfW .a f ZL a nACCi I-iIa for a "res-1 1 ? - ' , "T .7..r. What is - . Castoria- is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It contains ncitlicr Opium, Morphine nor other Karcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guaranteo is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria is the Children's Panacea, the Mother's Friend. " Castoria. i Cactorlaisso ureU adapted to chadrcnth&t 1 r.x:om:aead it aa superior to any prescripUoa koown to ma" Jl. A. Aacnsa, JL D., HI So. OsTord Brooklyn, Ki, Y. "The use of Castoria. ' U so universal and Its merits eo well kaown tlict it seems a woi k of suixTerogatioo to idorse it. Frr are the int?'.:ijTOt families who do not keep Ccstoria witLin cast reach." s, Cahix 5Ubttj, D. D., New York City. Castoria; Castoria core Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, Kiik Worm, TT0 oep, -ad promote dl Cession. Without injurious mcdicaEioa. "For EOTpral year I have recommended your 'Castoria,' and shall always continue U. do ao as it has inrariably jcoduced beneficda results." !4 mr ' Eowirt F. rwzx, M. D., - 130th Street and 7 Ui Xva., New York City Thjc Ciktauh Compakt, 77 JIcxnaT Bntot, Nrw You Cm 3 STATESYIL LE MARBLE WORKS IS TIIK PLACE TO GET MONUMENTS, TOMBSTONES, ETC. A'lanrc stock of .Vermont Marblp to arrive ii V J. si . m fow davs. Ave guarantee satisfaction 11 , a through Representative Washington presented him wirh a "mascot in the orm of a silver hnlf dollar, minted in he Tear of I he President's birth 18- 37 which Mr. Cleveland accepted in he sama spirit with which it was giv en, and in due course of time he will formally acknowledge the gift in an autograph letter to Mr. Long, which will probably be more highly prized than the best' office ut the President's disposal. that becretary Uresham intends to ethe actual head f his department was proven by his promptness in de manding the resignation of Dr. F. 0. St. Clair, who has beenv Chief of the Consular Bureau under the last three administrations, for having withlield certain information concerning a U. S. consul from the Secretary. There are a number ot old bureau chiefs in 4he other departments who deserve to be made to walk the plank for the same reason. These men have been in office so long that they have arrogated to tnemselves authority which belongs only to the head of the department, J . a ' a tat .a I and their dismissal would be tor the good of the service in more respects than one. In fact, there are few men who can remain in a responsible gov ernment office for a long term of years without forgetting that they are ser vants, instead of masters. New men and nevv methods are wanted in every branch of the government service, as must soon become apparent to ever' member of the cabinet who examines into the details of his department, and the indications are that that is now done than ever itronicir says Air. Alios, woo- ..v, ut.u -uv. 'ilkes, haa an ewe 10 years old Pu&lc treasury relieved to an amount tie mothtr of 32 sheep hav- 1 haYe "a300 believe far greater .. i i 1 tl 1 1 mi si 1 ' i r mi nr I Unf Muimanf mill ka 1oa(iw1 manv "gooa hick onnger, nas, ; in unromae says Jir. inos. Woo-1 unuauu ui dytof VV that is the mothtr of 32 sheep in ? rodULed twins everv Tear of i1(tr than has heretofore been suspected." f At that time Old Hickory" had done I considerable soldiering himselfand no There is an old gentleman in Grffin, one e!r- accused him of betraying or Ga says the Atlanta Journal, who f Te "Jnis ? comrades on or A V isUngnishcd Soldier. r " ; T71iat MJXtw York Head. lien. it. Kirby bmith was a native of i c. stedmaji ta Apru St. Micivoia. Florida, and was born lCta May, still believes that Confederate money impo8t0rs was a robbery, aaL that it 182 He was graduatedat West Point will someday be redeemed, aatitliat ittiirjnredke arose of thow-jtistlr enti- in 11 will be worth dollar for dollar. He I tied to government aid.- now has over a million dollars in old Lommeir.ial Gazette. Confederate bills niled un in a room. and will even now sell what worldlv The Law Against Profaaity. I845i served in thMeHicKwat Cincbmattil with distinction, was krAVttid twici for gallantry, was Assistant Professor at West Point in 1840-52, became captain in the Second cavalry in 1855, in uf r i: l . i wynu goods he has to dispose of for the . " , . 1 ""7 "T r served on the frontier, and was wound 7. , i . .... i J edin the reign of Geortre II for the bud1 . . pieageoi a nation mat is aeaa anai . r .... ' a May 13, lBOV, in an engagement that wa r J ally, brought into force. Under it the la way. I VVifbech magistrates liave just convict- Gladstoe,N.JM is eight miles from Ld a man named Abraham Pye, of Somerville. It is a hamlet of about Walpole, who was charged with 200 persons, fully nine-tenths being publicly using four profane oaths, for Democrats, and yet there is not one which he had rendered himself liable to among who wants to be postmaster a penalty of 4 shillings, being one shil- under President Cleveland. The office I ling for each oath. The defendant ad- pa vs a little over $ 300 a year. The mi present postmaster is a Republican, ap- th pointed under President Harrison, and provisions of the act, which imposes a he is so well liked that no one wants peualtv of one shilliiicr ner oath wheu with Comanche Indians near old Fort Atchison, Tex. In 1861 ke was thank ed by the Texas Legislature for his serv ices against the Indians. He was pro moted Major in January, 1801, but re signed on April 6th, on the secession of Florida, and was appointed Lieutenant Colonel in the corps of cavalry of the i.ted his guilt, nd at the request of Confederate array. He became Briga e chairman the clerk explained the i,cr QeT J ""i. J8?' every respect and positively, will not be beinmortthoroughiT undersold. Granite Monuments ot all - Removing a u. s. consul by cable is . . , - I veryeldoni resorted to by the Depart i . . . . -v rf-V I W T" . I . hllius il bpuuiuuj. W. C. WEBB & CO., Props. m Esa tsa- Ma ma -p. X pa ittg iLUftt-a. ALL &Ym AMD fA j:fi'rirj !'. with fml I..JtloB for eun- ftf til TEi ani 'r of P-l-ntrr, ,wii1nrv n.tid TtrVirr IT IS K DrrVyoB owyoiraelf an fam ily to a-et the beat valao lor Tur money. V? JU. loulaabhoe, which rewnt the beat Tain e Tor rtca ataked, aa thaanda TittE NO SUBSTITUTE. -Z3 1" '"J aVf.UlUa. r ll.TtliLA. - - - CMJtllaVt UJMI me, GuJoiir SiiKigc, Kh.rnntuou MaUruif bid fi wrnnn Kniai ii 6 ii o Diuujj ruioui a. 1 i 11 IT, kiv v.ana w Is y curW l'j ij , T.tWr; etc., etc r. r. r. . a ta-:ui nn-, rd an T-ei?nt r!S".-, il. r-r i., ) !. jiil .. . i. -',i IKS! apt illlkaJtUf bit LBe fti LaWu wktfM viVvm an HtsnMl tad whdlai kra4 la la QQ.OUO ti... vtMs of P. P. f., Prickly Aib, ttkt koot ad Ptaia. . r CURES Malaria UPP1UL1T EL03-, Jroprtetfln, . Jrnggjst3, IJprman's Block, 8A7iSaiE, GAa Win. Prtr-. I.nttsvIUt'. Mo., wrtiea: I af . pn.lrted with scUiiloa. mid Hail It st t,he use ot my :ina nlirt on le$r for nine years. I went to H. "ttrjiriRs ami :tktiiripfl dlflVivnt tioriors lJ"t. fouud no cure until I tried Lfotanlo Ulood lialm. It made . mc sound aud well. I am well known tiere- W- L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE CZMT.IEH, REST SHOE IM THE WORLD FOB THE SSOSST. ralf. sold at th rrioe. Equals custom made shoescotUns r-M a4 i". a nsd i nawl-Bewel, flaecalf ahoaa. Tha mort8tvUh,canjr ana uuraoia noeover wji at the price. They equal flae imported thoeacosUng f rom (8 to $12. . . 5(1 Tollce Shoe, worn farmer and all 9di others who yvaut a good heavy calf, three coled, extension edgn shoe, easy to walk In, ana will keep the feet dry and warm. . bo 30 Fine Calf, 9i.a5 and 82.OOW.rh. 0a laginea'o&bots will rive more wear for tba r.Kney than any other make. They ore made for ser vice. The increasing sales ahow that workingmea fiave found this out. - a i. i.eo and Veatha S1.T5 School BSOVS dhoes are worn by the boys every w heref The saoat serviceable shoes sold at the prtcea, i fn.nn iiniHd-Bewed.is4.-50, Jin I f ' sii .n.l tt.S Shoes fof Miesea are m ado of the best Dongpla or nne Calf, as desired They are very stylish, comfortablo and dura i nhsfr4(ViaivBannul6PuiaUiruniadc8hoesooatins: from 9iM to .(;. Ladles who wish to ecouomiie la V. a' ,Mn oA lil1sW tlia rtflt Casrien.-W.L. Douglas' name and the price Is atamped on the bottom of each shoe; look for It when yon buy. Bewaseof dealers atteroptinato sub-atit-uta nJt.r mS.1cM for them. Such substitutions are fraudulent and subject to prosecution by law tor ob- A I 1 - Mnii na nlaiA taATIVa W. L.T Urockton, DIaaa. Sold by M. S. B'ROWAI. meat of State, but it was done in one case this week by Secretary Uresliam, ami the man removed gut just wlmt be deserved. Tire reasons t'.r Secretary Graham's action an, in sliort, ns fol lows : In the ea ly part of the Pivsi- dentmi campaign William It. Sorsby, of Mississippi, -vr'as ucting as Cingrei.- mnn (,;ite iir' nnviite tcretarv, and ....... O . . i" , ilvantae of Ins portion he iibstiitcted certain pnp'-rs conUimiig important farts relaLing to the demo cratic plans for the campaign from the private desk of Mr. Catching and gave them to Mr. Thomas H. Carter, chair man of the republic in National coiu- oiiitee: in IWeiiilMr-lat &nrby was ippoiulrd U. b. Uoiisul Uererai ai Uiuyaquill, bequador, aposiuon wnicn pays $i,0UU a year, presumably as a re- .vaid for ins treacnery ia nepieenu- tive Ca chings and the democratic par- tv. soon as these fret- were Jjronght to the attention of President Cleveland ut.d Secretary uresliam oors- y was dismissed by cable, and Sir. George E. Dillard,ot Mississippi, uoui- itiated to the vacancy. So far from the nomination of Lfr. Joseph S. Senner, of New Ytirk, to be Commissioner ot immigration at new York, which went to the Semite this week, having been secured by the steamship mriueiice, as republicans are alleging, it was made m direci opposi tion to that liihuence. lhe contesc for the position has beenquite spirited, there having been a number of camli- II srron$?!v backed. In order to ascertain the senUmtiits of the steam ship men toAiinls each of the appli cants Secretary Carlisle had a trusty personal friend- call on them tor me purposa of discu-siu the fitness of the several candidates, and as soon as his report was made the name of every man the steamship men had expressed themselves as being favorably inclined towards was stricken from the list of possibilities. . Secretary noKe ouiun is givor bureau chiefs of the Interior Depart ment some new idea, about the service they owe the Government. Instead ot their leaving the department daily at 4 o'clock, as the ordinary clerks do. and him thrown out. At Bridgeville, Del., last week, S. P. Short, an undertaker, was thrown from his hearse and killed while on the way to the cemetery with a corpse. The coffin was thrown from the hearse to the ground. The Democrrt records the fact that a grave wai opened im the Clinton cemetery a few days ago and a body buried dunng the war removed. It uttered by a laborer, 2 shillings when the offender is above a laborer and un der the degree of a gentleman, and 5 shillings when spoken by any one above the degree of a gentleman. It was so explained that the conse- Geutrul October 11, 1861, Lieutenant General October 9, 1862, and General Febuary 19, 1864. At the battle of Bull Run, July 21, 1861, he wasMTere- ly wounded in the beginning of the engagement. In 1862 he was placed It is a matter of pride and patriotism anJ of education for younr readers to iirrtalrof 4ftia-f wLal1 Vacant by a metropolis when thejK fiat , New York. That the meaning t impres sive is shown by the impulse 'which , brings everyone, old or young, to see the town. For every Araerieaa right ly reels tnat he bas a share in it as he feels that he has a share iu the na- . tional capital, Washington; be knows that his own State has contributed te i ts wealth and talent and local traits and that here he has a right to feel at home. He comes to a city which , as we learn from one authority, has h wealth "greater than that of the entire State of Pennsylvania," and five times greater than Illinois with its world fu- moui city of Chicago. He learnt that in a space not much greater than the -Lendon metropolitan districts there are over 3,000,000 of his fellow beings. Make the suburban circle larger and 1,000,000 more will be included; so that New York with its suburbs it in command of the Department of East Tennessee, Kentucky, North J now the second among the civic cen- Dirariu anrl Wnctarn Nnrtti Parnlinn tfM of F.uruha. and A mrifO. Ill VI iL -L il L. I ""-R'" " w-.w i ""I ' 4uenc u.c.Wu..w...i.wu He lead the advance of Gen. Braxton iting this metropolis moreover, with are uttereu oj jierauu uu u.. F.cu..- B armj:Q the Kentucky cam- its unique mixture of nationalities, he sesoriuuiepuoMCsw. Aoeoeuc. . , , . . , , Mt,V nal fnr. sees the neonles ani custonis of theen- c..i a. j.t..j.. i A 10 I ; uueu tue ucicuuau. .m...uK , Gen. William Nelson, at tire civilized world. If a 1 a 1 A I 1. I I snuiings cosh, ana lnumaiea na. R. , n , Kv Allffns, 3fl icao. rn Thoughts of this kind m-obabl rare i o m . l. j : , i r hpv nitpniiPd tn sunnrps tn use 01 1 . . . . .. 1 A t-? n rn n i vr was found that the piliow in the ens- "7 . . 7 7 .J February, 1803, he was assigned to the noi wna. cnieiry mi uie minas oi ew r " " l.rtmmanrf nf th TranM issiaxinni l)-IIOri VOUllt? Visitors. lnCT ana 1 VVIUIMMMW va wV av s ivw J' aa -w 0 aj a ket was in perfect conditioa but the .remains of the corpse were face down ward. Section Master Jones, of the Mocks ville Branch It lilroad, whe swallowel a silver dollar last week, has gotten hi money back, says the Winston Sentinrl. It was removed by Dr. Bahn son, Salem, having lodged about 12 inches down Jones' throat. " Wilmington nmsicipal election oc curred last thursday. Dight Demo crats atid two Itepublicans were elecUd aldermen. The aldermen elect the mayor and the new board met Friday and elected one of their number, S. H. Fishblate, to that office. they possibly could. Ltopd's Weekly. A Japanese Show Uoim.to the World's Fair. News and Observer. Esau Rankin, colored, of Cleveland county, raised a check from 18.85 to 18.85 and cot it cashed but the error was discovered and an officer raised royalty .rt Tf cimui rt fl m aI nA nAiinll- I tT? Mile. jail, where he is now meditating until court, wheu he will probably be trans ferred to the penitentiary farms and put t' raiding corn and potatoes. partment, including Texas, Louisiana, know very well the sights they chiefly Arkansas and Indian territory, and wrac lo ine marvew auo ordered to organize a government, ana a"racttons ot ine great town-tne which he did. His force were the last orooaiyn .urrage, ..e niotny ouvue, Cheyenne, Wyo., March 31. -The to surrender. n 1864 he opposed and "inuj inurcn, .ne xuicnangea, vue World's Fair for the Dutch island of defeated Gen.i Nathaniel P. Banksn great aewspaper omces, WK.per tn.u- Java and for Sumatra passedTth rough his Red Rivercampaign. Gen. Smith Pr". I I lu..B'a r ' 4 sL. aaa .aai. a Ha aa n a M a a hereto-day. There were two special was president of the Atlantic and Pa- fcUB uiu-cu,.,., u.Muu- trains of fourteen carseach. The out- cine Telegraph company in 1866-'68, meuts,Taiid places of historic interest. fit started from home Feb. 14, and left and chancellor of the University of w "'PPog " I . ... I J Al.a 4 Wa aa. I MaV AAat M aa, 4V a, . aajra A pj W WaTs San Francisco last Sunday. Nashville iu;i870-'75, and has been " . :T ; There are in the party 125 persons, prof esse r of mathematics in the Uni-lHec" ur.,.u....Wp- 4 I 1 iliatpiAt. m .a anI lhaia framianU including thirty-six women. They versity of the South, Sewanee, Tenn., C3 I . I aaaaa. T. . a I a. ft. a-a. ik. K I A I 11 I It If ft H J fr had some r. re birds, but all died; and since 1875. Such are the chief points a .... an orangoutang, the 'star of the zoo, in his distinguished military career as wu,nca xiew , - is sick. Dogs are in nearly every car. are gleaned from a cyclopedia. He on.hle dames and amsels. The notable natives are a noble from was a most faithful and meritorious "nen 1 was "r1" the interior of Java, one woman who soldier, and like Lee and Joe Johnston "wum was ue piaco . wu c was at Paris, and four dancing girls aud Stonewall Jackson and Pender " gir " "" inav uoe uot seem uic w8 who have all their lives appeared before I and Pettigrew, he was a belisver in the Son or God and died in the Chris tian faith. SAVANiiAH, UA., April 2G, 18S9. Having used three l)otties of P. P. P. . liir liMfiMra l.lihiiil iiiil imnii-ai vil llf;t " and haviui; derived great benefits from the same, having gained 11 pounds in weight in lour weeks, I take ur?at pleas- u re in rccouiuieuding it to unfortunates like Yours truly, JOHN MUlililS. Ofiice of J. N. McElroj' ',Druggist. O'rlaiida, Fla., April 20, 1891. j Mei-srs. Linpinan Bios., Savannah, Ga.. Dear frsrs 1 sold three bottles of P. P. , 1., Tiuge size yesterday, and oue bottle imatl ize to-day. ' . "- The P. P. P. cured my wife of rheuma tism w inter before last. It came hack on her the past winter, aud a half bottle. $1.00 ze, relieved her again, and she has ' iut had a symptom since.' I kiI.1 -i hiill nf P. P. P fnii fiipiid nf mine, -one of his turkeys, a Kin all oue 1fviL wii.L- i f tr vi IT. u tPncnoAiv rill tK.t- i ikn atvAnior ila lit . tie fellow turuel over like he was dead, I' but neituioininsr was up hollering and : well. - Yours resnecfcfuUv. J. N. McELROY. Savannah. Ga.. 17. 1891 Messrs. Lippm:m Bros., 8uvannah,Ga.: i)ear Sii-s I have suffered from rheu matism for a long time, and did not find a.eure until I foiuid P. P. P.,which com- . f -eieiy cured uie. Yours trulv. ELIZA F. JONES ; JO Orange t.4 Savanuab. 4i?0MG0oy There are artisans f rom ev All of the passengers are in good health. Of the expedition, young Kerhoven said: "It is peculiar that you Americans know so little of us. There are 25, 000,000 people iu Java, aud 40,000,- A committee of the v aldensian 000 at the cjroup of the islands. Our Church, of northern Italy, who have government is a Holland's protecto- b en inspecting lands in Burke county rate, with a little power for some of with reference to locating their peo- (ne natives. We will set up in Jack pie there, have decided to locate in son park a large village. We have 1, Burke andhave purchased 10,000 200 tons of freight. This includes acres of land on which to settle the bamboo for our dwellings and the the Cvdony. They are a very desirable afer Hnd main building. Our work class of emigrants and a number of men will be busy iu shops and we will communities in the western part of sei curios and advertise our coffee, the State were making efforts -to se- tobacco, and manufactures. Hundreds cure tkem. of our people will come over during ur rn,..i0, 91.1. the year, visit the fair, and tour the ""'U"""5 ww. i,, t:v.. . , - J:.. n . i j . romitiv. YVe very iuucii ucouc . 1 1 tit a in frn in it ltpntrp iimv viiiict i w" j ... -J y Mr. David Nelson, a highly respected . - - - ago; out uow mere . are scores- oi- places of amusement for young and old, and delights and wonders far more confusing and endless than those which Christian and Faithful found in Vanitv Fair. But father ' than to ai- The Lenoir Toic says on Wenesday night of last week F. Bartow Brittaiu . T Tl . ll! t .1. - l .tn and J unus sou i - .c guch 8. h j 8haU trJ to on- Sheriff Joseph Bnttam, of Burke, got J q into a difficulty in trout oi me ior- - -t character jor KO(Kj or id, oi citizen of Jonathan's Creek, was go- as they have been in the haoit of do- ing to his barnyard to fed his stock, .... . I ,t hl L.rf f -v iunl it 1 tl 1 1 II inr tuev are eouiprii-u iu iciu.w.i -t.ifh o'clock, the' additional hour beius: Idevottd to a conference with the S?c- vftary on the current busyness betore their several bureaux. I here is some deking among thchiefs, but as most. of them are republicans it i- done very tablish close commercial relatiens with the United States." . - ai . mer's house. Julius received a wound over the right eye, fracturing his skull, frots the efiects of which he died on Fridday. The witnesses flatly contra dict each other about the difficulty one set claiming that Bartow struck Julius with a stone, the othrs saying that be shot him. Burke Superior Conrt was in session and Bartow was arrested and carried before the judge on a writ of habeas corpus. The trouble between the brothers was on account of a division of their father's estate. what it means now, and what is is U be and to mean in the future, s . Cures all Female Complaints and Monthly irregularity, JLeucorrhoea or "Whites, Pain in Back or Sides, strengthens the feeblej builds up the whole system. It has cured thousands and will euro too. Drujjasts have it. Send stamp fcr book. ' BB. J. P. DEOaGOOLZ A Cp-. LoalsTiUa, Kj. oooooooooo gTho amallest Pill la the World !q Why do yon suffer Ofirom Dynpensla and Slcfc;-ndacrio, f reuderlns lro mlaerable wheat that W remedy Is avt yoar hand T g TTUTT'B Tiny Iter fills Owni apcedny remove all this trouble, r enable too to eat and Uisst your food, s& . prevent hoadacbo and Impart aa G enjoyment of lUe to Trhlch you have "" been a atranser. Dose small. Price. W 3 cents. Olllcs, SS Ik Plaec, H. Y. oo oo ooooo I ... a a ll quietly, Secret.ry Smith has already yy and j earned the sobriquet of "the steam en- . ,1 - I .X: U a -a -1 I - ? " tnne among tne employe oi. ui uc- n;irtment. a a a It U not often that a new omcial is tl .1 i. . lCfa i i nj AV wn wen nLrea w uvuuic mo uuco Congressman Stump, of Maryland, who is to be Superintendent of luiun rr;iLion. a ooitlon to which he was , t i . wfc- nominatefl. ne was cuau- I'lllvf - - - . man ef the House Committee on lmmi- jratioii durins the last Congress and i the author of the new immigration law which, bv the wav, would nevei have gotten "through the House if it had not been for his untiring efforts in its behalf. After the Senate disposes of the car sea of the appointed Senators, now un der discussion, it will take up the reso lution providing for an investigation of the charge of embezzlement against Senator Koacb. he came in cont.ict with a projecting splinter which ran through one of his eyeballs and pierced the soft tissues around the brain. He soon started to Waynesville but was unable to get " a v T""V further than Cicero rlowell s. uvs. were sent for and the out. Ha i. so far re covered that yesterday he was able to return to his home. "EaHand snd France," remarks the bilious New York Adrertiser, "are so pleased by the restoration of the South ern Democracy to power that they have raised their representatives in Washington to the rank of ambassa dors." From which we take it they have more respect for this Government now than they had before the "South ern Democracy" got control of it. Marv E. Bartlett, of Cheyenne, Wyoming, thefirt woman to re ceive votes in a State ballot for United SUies Senator, Anothser Town "Wiped Out." Wilmington. Del., March 31. The chief of the tire department of this city this morning received word that the town of Galena, of 5Lbout 800 inhabi tant, near Chestertown, Md., was on fire and requesting assistance. Later a dispatch was received, saying that the mm 1 town was wiped out. ine loss can not at present be ascertained. About twenty houses were loiauy destroved and several persons severely burned while fighting the fire but no lives were lost. As no railroad nor telegraph offices are in the town, it is impossible to get further details. The burned houses, which were frame, were neat and substantial, and were built close together. The town contained several shops, operated by V . A Highland, manufacturer of agricuitu ral implements, and had a large school house. The Urgest retail store tn Kent county is located at Galena, and is owned by Thomas Horsey, Rnm- women will stick to the men wvMiw hey love harder than a porus plaster, A man in St. Fetersburg, who was sentenced to death for murder, but had his sentence, commuted to ten years ia Siberia, was recently married with his prison garb on him and his chains clanking as he went to the altar. His bride started with him next day to Si beria. The Treasury Department will have an exhibit at Chicago of 640 samples of paper money issued by the IJnited States government ; and also speci- .a ll. . n.on nf o d eolonial naner monev. tne oldest beiag of tl e date of 1733. We have the olde?t North Caronna paper monev we ever saw waned in 173, and the ink has not faded a particle. The Lumberton Bbesonian says that at Fate's, Itoberson couuiy sonic one threw a chunk of woodagiUit the house of Locklier. Fred Loclclier,a son of Levi, got out of bed, setturei a gun and walked out uion the stejis of he house. As soon as lie dvs so, some one standing jiwt outside fired upon him killing him instantly. From some threats James Oxeudiae bad made the previous day, suspicion pointed to hua . . - i and h was arrested ana is lit jau. The President has done thi hand some thiug for Mr. Bayurd after JL He has been made the-first ambassador to Great Britain ever commissioned by the United States. The Messenger say au incendiary firedestnyed the still house, aud ail its contents, of Henry HighUwer, near Wadesboro, Ust Sunday night. There were in the tilhouse at the time of the fire about 200 gaUonV ot whUkey, the tax on which had not been paid,i tle atiU. a lot of corn, te&rr etc. Six negnes are sentenced to be hanired in Chester. S. C. on the 12th of May. They were found guilty of mnnWim another necrov It will be a Idnndv dav in Chester. Such a sac rificeof life is arpallins. Neves and Observer. The O'reeusboro Patriot learns .that'- white p" in . the fcbape of youn girl withawiuies made tLeir ;.ppr ance in the neighborhood ot '.iirv cleGilfordoity. Thep-:s4 w -ted was a rery cwpectabl 4. wl' w Uken to ta-k far tvome unconipL mentary language ou i;er p-rt. ;Th. visitofs did not, -Wwei , r. 1 their iuteutbn3.

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