It. Joiina Watchman. Country. rr .APRIL 27, 1SJJ3. irteWA sly vi -her na posiuou wuu IV. .-Jury Furniture con.pauy. found ia small quantities here ..her Juo. C.imn l hi line vi r tronr Was Shoes re- 5urt & Co's this week. Henderson returned hingtou huit Monday , will be seen from our M&i ' r. there '-has sroue Burt 108 Lmbelontfnjr. ,'are still being sold at than wholesale cost at to Mr. R. A Rhoaf, f fine, timber was blown -.aniuv ... i1u- ' ,,.jm n Frank in h the-winu siv.-, .ip, latF ri.lay. ; in the city on a .b " . xt .- n i). and J' lvn. ..Wibcrato theeotton nciu.j it Lliiua urovc - toe igy fUMhiy and orgauize.-Gm- convention oLine rvun fit "" -, a...-l Lutheran oru, " ; LiPfin Luther cnaiei, neat v, l" Mav'2. 1893. . L? oil iucuj.i j t,c' . ... 1 r ii.;. ;ru3S f iAst week and ol Monunv 'J," r1(oreti to. bare done considerable ' .- U.-..S. We notice -that in any tifrrieiareuroiiHiiB v .Fu'jcr, ot Charlotte, lias fernred the for ' modcrn'uinK the Meruncy opera Biuii oil- l- as erroneously jmb- Vin list week s paper. uAtofi was killed in the Harm Chapel 3bo(bood last Saturday and other dogs are npdtd and at huge It will he safest to every-suspected animal. tl)-,ff broke. into St. Mary s enure n 1 ' . I . . t. - I . A ., . tur.i m .(.-t ana siote uic umiu- f nearer and some prayer books and umtDtl. 1 ramus, uww. . "cold victual" for sutU things.. 15 fatVfatcr Works Company are lay- t pilte froiii the Lee street main 111 tSali-'hary to Hon. Jno. S. Hender residtfucc, - we have bt;eu in Mn. H. M. Joaex, for the last few days, t . . . t fcbeeu quite sici Iroui seiaiic rucuiua- ud U not able to. leave her room. has' a. host of friends who sympathise iiheriulierHulfeiiug. A lady of soiui' practical experience 111 t inilliiiery 4)ii-iiiess can uljiain a jo- hi, iih a Ji vne in a respect ah lr Liiy iu Troy.N. C, by apprymg to i btuior editor of the atch n AN. th . jjisiuatiou of Capt. Cou'jeiiour' for iiwuruivalvrtit to un electioa. The cap u ii tjood busine-ss man, li.irswn much ! orld,nd is, though little pa.-t inildle life, itid-time gentleiiau.- liu'u ill make au ex- itut mar or. TLlfa; oumber of Fetter t outhern Maga- If the womeu ol Xorth Carolina ever become voters there are two iuisaoi;ei ih&l irill go aaloons aad dogs. Auctiox tet 1050 a. m., to-morrow, (friday ) ut jIobqan s tliina bture. Married, in this county, April 23rdt 1S93, by Rev. Sam'l liothrock, D. D,, Mr. John L. llokhouser and ilisa Laura C. Miller. The address of the National League for the Protectiou of American Institutions after May lit will be "The Metropolitan," Madison Sq., New Vork, N. Y. The objects of this league are "to secure constitutional and legislative safeguards for the protection of the common school system and other American institutions, and to promote public instruction iu harmony with such institutions, and to prevent all sec tarian' or denominational appropriations of nnhlir fimrls " r - . J A rather lengthy communication from-S E Sloan, Belmont, Texas, is to hand. Mr. Sloan has been iu the Lone 8 tar State some months aad likes "it. He says there is room there for energetic, enterprising men, but adrises'drones to ttay at home. We have too much need iu North Carolina for intelligent aud industrious men to spare any, Mr. Sloan, aud if we could control them, Texas should get no more of our hardy, gritty stock. Dossey Battle saysr When Keelcy wanted to establish an Insti tute 111 London he got the editor of the London Times, who had no confidence in the treatment. to pick out six of the worst drunkards he could them were cured, aud now the editor of the J'imes is a strong advocate of ihe treatment. 1 11 1 L .. . 1 . 1 " . I T - 1 . v e nave n uetttr scueme man uie iveeicj or any other cure, however sure: Stop the manu facture of drunkards. Get rid of the cause of the dtseaseand the disease will disappear. Move the bar-rooms out and you will have no occasion to move a Keeley institute in. The whole thing is just too absurd and foolhardy municipal corporations manufacturing drunk ards by the thousand at an appalling expense aad millionaire corporations following them up to cure one in a huudred of their victims. Think about it. Mr. Jason Litaker, of China Grove township, gives us the points in a remarkable-find of snakes. He says he felled a large oak tree and commenced to saw it upfrom the butt. In the third cut, about six feet up the tree, his saw cut into some animal, as he thought from the blood marks. Laying the saw aside, he got a maul and wedge and split the log. Imagine his surprise to find the whole inside of the log, which at that place was hollow, squirming with half-torpid snakes. They w ere of a dark brown color and about two feet long. lie promptly killed them all, and a careful count showed that he had 214 reptiles on his pile. This is no snake "story." Mr. Litaker is a member of Harris Chapel church and a gentle man of unimpeachable voracity. - Oar Advertisers. The bustling, enterprising firm, M. S. Brown & Co., have filled a gallon fruit jar with peas aud sealed it up and now have it on their counter, amf they will give every person who purchases a dol lar's worth of goods from them an oppor- tuuity to guess how many peas the jar couiaius ; $l,oue guess ; $2, two guesses, and so ou, and the person guessing nearest the number of peas in the jar will receive from the firm a free round trip ticket to the World's Fair at Chicagot the guessing to close at 7 o'clock p. m ou the 31st, of July. The Watchman job office priuted a large number of dodgers recently for this Arm advertis ing this liberal offer, and we learn that the guessing is beginning to be quite lively. You get the full worth of your money in buying their goods and for every dollar thus paid them you get a chance to go to the great' fair free. They kep a superb stock of goods in their line. Head their advertisement m another column. ' , You want groceries that are pure aud fresh, and it is with pleasure that we can commend to tne readers oi-tne Watchman the firm of K. S. Wheeler &-Co., whose advertisement will be seen iu another column. .They have just opened tip one of the most complete stocks of goods in their line to be found n this section of the State, and their SHUFFLE THROUGH THE WOULD SUP- SHOD AXDHABBT? ' The personal attire oft proclaims the man. Howerer much some people may, sneer, 'tis, nevertheless, a stubborn fact that neatness of dress contributes greatly to the estimate of a man and adds much to an already favorable opinion of him. "Don't judge a man by the coat that he wears" is well enough as lar as it goes. Yet it does cot say that you shall go untidy and shabby when there is no necessity for it. We say soberly, candidly, aud emphatically, from a strictly business standpoint that IT PAYS TO GO WELL DJIESSED. Admitting that your purse is light where's the MAN who cannot afford to pay $7.50 For a neat-fitting, nice-appearing suit of new clothes the make and material of which Is strong and stanch? We have many hundreds of such in stock open to your inspection daily. $10 sum ofniouey if he failed to cure them. All ofrPrice3 must give them a large patronage "The Graded School will liave to le closed if we don't get the' revenue from the -saloons"' is n nth'er excuse sometimes giv-ni why the IruukTiid manufactories should b per lietuafed. This .excuse, like all the others advanced ly the liquor men, U dittjsy and narrow. Is thert' any ain in blurring Ihe father's- mind that the cliiM's niuv 1 brightened? Is" a fam ily u:ade wealthier when children rob their parents? What stdvantage fol lows when falhers nvo degraded- ihat cntiareu njay t;e made respect. me r .e(r"etter .1 Shober, Louisville, Ky.) is un-j Wherti i the ood of blasting the rich iu poftry. Among the enntribu- 1 iuy be' mentioned Cora Chase Walsh, j ,Kfiii Crockett, Mrs. W. Ward White, Louis Sped, and others. Dr. J. G. Ramsay, father of our genial pdtlever post master," arrived in town uetdty on a visit to' his son. He is, 4 hu been for years," one' of the most rominent Hepublieaus ip. North Caro- na. f-istaace of 25-or 30 f Mrs. J. S. Wright, character, health, fortune, and souls of meii that children may oe started in Jife with such educational equipment as the age demands? Is it necessary for one generation to go through this devil's mill for another, which iu turn must go the same way ? If there were the shadow of justice iu the Us on this noint, all license a Lightning stnick a large oak in the I money, fines, &c, instead of going to dllolmeagin lot Tuesday evening and the public scLool, would be distributed I'r-cu ie oar completely ou tne miuic, tj fiutferju2 families of the sa- ot ft .vestige of bark remaining for a 1 -i " u -i j i:.. ' . icu.uiub I loons Tictiui-s: it should provide food toot 1 - lVV. I- ,. , III. f il II lor tne nungry, doming ror tne naKea, an old native resi-J,.j .oJ yttontmn tnr ih ;..L- Mfr?Jlt fifth "I "1 1 I wowumj, uuu w 110 iiaa uetrn i t, i n .1 Ai f . 1 1.. . - - I If 1 nr 1 fn o tHot r Iia hwinrr rfr tHa a - net uauuvci. mis. hi. i , ,, .. , , , . Pendleton.Ia Woodstock. Ala." fur th drunkard manutactones would destroy rastfouryearaarrived in the city last the schools. We lelieve that more Mondty night, and is the guest ofM. A. children would be educated without the fflith, Esq. , j saloons xhan with them., uut it it were I otherwise if the closing or the sa- ..oeroccur to you ttiAt your ftdver- llinna nailullf Hi r-hwinrrnf fhp aohnnle ! mm v taw v w ' -' I. w w m . au.maex or your enterprise ana tyr Dr. Payne, of -Concord, we had rather our children I grew up in igna ranee than in learning acquired at the expense of souls. 111 Concord they manage to live and thrive without the drunkard tnanufao lorus; thev even manage to run the schools without them. Head what last week's Times says: The Salisbury Truth, referring to the-f act that the graded school i in cord have been closed, savs it is because we have no barrooms here. The Truth does not stick to it name in this in stance, sure. Our schools had plenty of monev to run them rn mnnthpvrv , j I V ..... mj J-r. Harry McCov. aecnt for tiiA An. I vear.r but last vear a considerable n:irr. - . ' c t 1 w ' - J .. P'achiaa Gold Mining Cnrani i,o fif this fund was exoender? in jiddinr to ,,r 11 , imo I . - - r - - r n me contract fr t.h hn!;, e the -school uui dino-s. ins h:is!;p "fR eugine and two boilers from the the suspension of the school for only Appalachian mine in MoutgomerT-coun- two mnths.- Allowing, however, for the railroad denot at New lndn argument s sake, the reason given by l r . r : lii rrr-.- .t . . n . - Ai "aessss Geo. Mowerv and t John I ruitt was me cause or tue snspen- cnaver. of iv. tu i sion ot our school, our neonie vvuuLU wwn Tuesday for ,MnntWm "n 1 " llA T lllsu o-nwu Uh their teams to carrv out CLOSED FOR TWELVE MONTHS tfthe'cc IN EVERY YEAR THAN TO rn.toC":' '' "AVE OPEN UARR00MS HERE , "n'l's.u uuuiii ia diilisuurv. AP IV It . - I HJ .11. oursd dominated "For W . .. tir n . ,4"i vr w . u. uougnenour. FOR COMMISSIONERS. " meinoQs I Here a room even in "Jiptce for the display of ingenuity, ener- 7. ad life. Think about it. We c h xncre ad. Wiwments as often asdesired without extra arKe. If you feel interested you can eet the aefit of our suetrcstious. accordinz to the renort of Mr. J. A 'Wrick, who has charge of the weather au ofthis city, last Tuesday . night "Mtaed-ldest of .the mouth. Monday wn.wgat-6 o'clock the thermometer stered 34, but by 2 p. nCit had run -Fiow. inis is unusually cold for lc latter part of April iu this section. lea: 5r night the following ticket was Suppose Secretary Carlisle were' tim- orous enough to bo bluffed into issuing bonds just now, how long would it !e be fore the gold so obtained would bo Xortb w a i.uw.ptu out ny tne same gang. and nn- -orth Ward D. M. Miller. John W. other vacum created to h T.R.l ni ..vuanre ui more oonds to tue horse leech family? The foregoing paragraph is from the Louisville Courier Journal of Saturday. It is a satisfaction to read in the New York World of Sunday that Mr. Car'isle said Saturday that he doesn't intend to issue any bonds or borrow any inuuey. either. uavts. uth Ward-John I. Shaver, E. K East W.. -.1 'm i Thm " "gbenour; P. H 't Ward-S. F. Lord, W. II. 6y fca'n. er- Iiead their ad. Wyatt's Bargain Temple sounds the key-uote on how to save money, in his new ad, this week. E. W. Burt & Co., are making a big . T Th f . . V - a 1 run on bnoes. neau wnat mey say mis veek. Last Friday night, by special invita tion, we had the pleasure of attending the first annual sMree, gien by the pu pils of Mrs. and Prof. W. H. Neave, at their new academic building, corner of Bank and Church streets. Ou entering the hallway we were greeted with the oders of sweet and beautiful potted flow ers ; but this scene we were not permitted Ioug to enjoy, for courteous ushers quick ly seated us iu the soiree room which is a veritable music hall, 18x40 feet, with walls wainscoted and twelve feet from floor to ceiliug, the floor bare, pol ished aud waxed, conditions agreeable with acoustics und promotive of some resonance. The audience, all comforta bly seated, comprised about eighty very excellent, attentive aud appreciative peo ple. At 8:30 o'clock Masters N. Taylor, F. Ga-skill with violin's, L. Gaakill with cornet and W. II. Neave A ith flute en tered Irom a rear end of the room and Misses M. Wiley, S. Haunah, C. MuCan iess, and-E. VandoiTord for pianos, VM. Gaskill for crgau and M. Claik for bella phonc, entered from a rear side room and at once began tiie overture to ''Zauipa." Its performance by these young, artistic:.! players was both as touishiug and delightful to us ; for we have listened to line professional or chestras iu some of our larger cities, and must coufess that we could not discern any points in their work uvor that of these young home folks. The other large orchestral numbers Overtures, "Masauiclls" and "Musical buoyancy" were equally aud more spiritedly rea- dcrcd, bringing other pianists forward, viz : Misses M. Griffin, M. lledrick, M. Heilig, and 11. Matiuey on organ. A smaller orchestral piece "The Village Baud" brought other pianists out: Misses B. Keudlemnn, E. Watson, and M. Overman, with il. Ulart on organ. The other orcheltral number carried peculiar points of interest, aa be- iug the first effort before an audience of these little pianists : Misses M. Ramsey, McCubbins, M. Hall and Master C Young, with Master J. Hendersou among the violinists, aud they performed finely with that ease and grace that is .-o full of fruitful promise. The piano soloists, Misses M. Overman, M. Wiley, and R Mauney were most graceful in deport ment, aud very enjoyable iu rendition The verv hiiih. artistic solos, viz : "De Beriot's fifth concert, on violin by Mas ter N. Taylor, "Farmers Sweet home with variations by Master F. Gaskill and "Zerline Folka Brilliaute," on cor net by Master L. Gaskill, were per formed with such apparent ease, accurate technique and fine musical expression as to make adult professional artists look to tho preservation of their trophy laurels. Miss Mammie Gaskill was the super-excellent musicianal and artisli cal accompanist to the three solos. Miss Maggie Overman did extremely creditable work ia a duo for iute and piano ''Guell Popp's Spanish Bolera" with Prof. Neave. The audience was as quiet as a "Quaker meeting" except at the finish of each rendition, when hearty sound from feet stamping and hand clapping filled the room ; and very prop erly so, for carefully prepared, fine mu sical work deserves warm appreciation. All good and fine things are shown that they may be admired ; and it is a species of injustice not to warmly applaud worthy work, whatever it is, that is eminently well-tkme. Local Optien in Arkansas. The peopje of Arkansas do a good deal of voting on the liquor question and with good results, as will be seen from a perusal of the following from the Izard County Register: In evry county the people vote at each biennial election for or against li cence, and e.veu when the counties vote for license, a majority of the male and female adults' in any neighborhood may vote it away from within three miles of any church or school house by pe tition to the county authorities. Under this process of evolution and with the aid of female votes or peti tions, we have gradually driven license out of some 35 of the 75 counties, and j&way from more than 3,000 churches aud school nouses. fs the price we have put upon a score of lots of men's suits of clothes, from the gay and gid dy stripe to the staid and sober black. You fdiould see them. Strictly all-wool Cassimeres, Cheviots, Shetlands, Meltons, Tweeds, and Worsteds of honeycomb, diagonal, and basket weaves. e believe that such values were never before put upon the market. We would remark, incidentally, 1'aat $10 - is our price, for a Slater Navy Blue Suit, strict ly all wool and fast color. $12,50, $13.50, $15 are prices representing suits of clothe3 fine enough, handsome enough, stylish enough, and gooi enough for any man, whatever bis sta tion. oU'i believe this hn n k. over. BoTs'SciTa. believe this when you look them SPECIALTIES. Coat, vest, and long pants, sizes 13 to 18 years, gray cheviot, all wool, 54 to $7.50. BOYS' TWO-PIECE SUITS, U.r0, $ l at wen been reduced to $4.50. MEN S PANTALOONS IN ENDLESS YARI- nil, ioe to $8.oo Thftai! U!51 ?? J2.50, $3, $3.50. are TIT-. li - if c sen our goods for lower prices than any eitublisllrnnn in ill. .... J .ii i.uu viljr. TV o guarantee prices to be the lowest in the vvuuirjr, We cheerfully exchange any article bought of us with which the customer is from an v cause uissatisned. And on this fair and square basis we ask you to come aad see the largest and best as sortment of SPRING CLOTHING ever brought to this city. It's a stock which comprises everything you can ask for or think of in the way of male attire. Hundreds of stylish-cut garments in new. rich, and handsome stripes, checks, and mixt uies. Not a man looks at them but finds w hat pleases. M. S. BROWN & Co. Rheumatism, neuralgia, headache and p tins ofeerykind instantly relieved by Johnson's Magnetic Oil. Sold by LJwm Cuthrell. Non-interference in foreign affairs has always been one of tne cardinal princi ples of this Republic. By "the strict ob servance of that principle, the country- has for years kept at peace with all mankind, and has grown wealthy and strong. Ihe Kepublican revolutionists who are now yelling so lustily for the annexation of Hawaii, should, if they lave any spark of what little patriotism they ever pretended to have, pause and consider this fact. Richmond Times, Dem. I?aac Ilutchings, a prominent farmer and merchant of Forbusb, Yadkin coun ty, committed suicide last lhursday niht, by hanging himself with a rope. fne body was found hanging by mem bers of the family the next morning. Financial trouble is supposed to have been the cause of the said atlair. A female cooking club in Washington got along very well until they got to in viting gentlemen friends to the dinners they gave and cooked themselves. That settled it ; the men married the fair cooks and broke the club up. JThen Baby waa elek, we gave her Castorla. When she was a Child, she cried for Castorla. Then she became Miss, she clung to Castorla. When tho had Children, she gavetham Castorla. Fits, dizziness, hystoria, and all nervous troubles cured by Magnetic Nervine. Sold and guaranteed by Edwin Cuthrell. Capt. Herbert, once a ragged Confed erate oflicer. must have realized last Saturday what it i to be Secretary of the United States Navy. We wish we had been at Hampton Roads to have seen the sight. It must have been grand to patriotic citueus. Constipation and sick-headache positively cured by Japanese Liver Pellets; oO pills 2o cts. Sold at Edwiu Cuthrcll s. Your B IMB8S3 L Mr. J. C. Jonos, of Fulton, Ark., Gay9 of .IJJKHTI UAt A. A. ' T &p.4isii .-wui, tea years ago J. con- traotod a severo case of blood poison. Leading physicians prescribed medicine after medicine, which I took without any relief. I also tried mercu rial aad potash, remedies, with unsuc- oesaf ul results, but which brought on an attack of morcurirl rheumatism that made my lif o ono of agony. After euf 'ering four years I gnvo up all remedies and commenced using 8. 8. S. After taking several bottles, I was entirely cured and ablo to resume work. 1 Is tho greatest medicine for iiM blood poisoning to-day oa the market," TreatiM on Flood and St In Diseases mailed free. Swirr Specitio Co., Atlanta, Ga. YOUR AIM IS TO OBTAIH Good Value for Money. It. S. 'W1IEKM2II k CO. know that permanent prosperity can only come by caring for the best interests of their patrons. YOU WE HOST BUY GROCERIES SELL GROCERIES We handle farm products of all kinds, and wilh be pleased to have ourj friends in the countryj call to see ua beforej selling, and we guar-j antce they won't regret; it. t OUR AIM IS TO SUPPLY The xJest Value for Money. D.R.Julian&Sons On accoiiot of their crrowlne popularity have had to extend their facilities for their rapidly Increas ing business. They have opened a Splendid Stock or General Merchandise n the new stor room under the Central Hotel, where tlielr low nrlces defy all competition. Thev are also conunulntr Business at their old stand witn prices lower man ever, can ana De convinced of this, tarring our Chickens, Eggs, and Butter to us at the ew Hotel. Cone to Sbi Ds Before Bnyiii OIIE PRICE PLAIN FIGURES r SPOT CASH ii.. - 1m "Emulation hath a thousand sons That one by one pursue. If you give wavor edge aside from the direct footpath. t;l- i. .. . i . i . ! - L-iKc to an entered tide, tney an rusn by and leave you hindmost. - . - - The above is so, and it is best that it is. If we sell Coats' Cotton at 4cts a gallon Oil Can at 15cts. ( which others charge 25 cts. for). Aladdin's Security Oil at Hcts. (which others charge 20 cts. for), and so on "ad libitum.n it fol- lows as the night the day that we will sell the bulk of the trade, or our pernors will hare to meet our prices. com- ffe are M tie Poop Ib hoping at the same time to get a little smidgeu ourselves. If you don't belierd this , We don't ask you to take our word for it, but to come and BE YOUR OWK See Wyatt's Leader, the shoe, warranted, for $1.10. See the large line of fine trunks all sizes and prices. Webster's Unabaidged Dictionary only 93 cts. Men's and boys1 Malaga hals 10 cts. New goods comug eyery day; don't fail to come and see them. Remember you are welcome whether you buy or not. lours for M. B., . fjl D . Wf ATT. Sign of the Red Flag. Rote HewSp Goods ring In Great Variety at T. F. YODIS'S STORE. , FINE DRESS GOODS, CAR PETS, MATTINGS Etc., As low as can be bought any where SOME SPECIAL BARGAINS, Agent for the Standard Seving Machine, The best on the market. Took diploma at Salisbury Fair last fall. Our Business R. S. Wheeler & Co. i LEADING C3ROCERS, ' SALISBURY, N. 0. Maxx Street, 2 doors below KlutlA Eyery Man A Capitalist. You can become a capitalist at once by laying by a small part of your yearly income and invest ing it in a Tontine policy of the Equitable Life For $20 you can instantly se cure a capital of $r,ooo (or for $200 a capital of $ 10,000), thus acquiring an estate which you may leave to your heirs, or re tain as ii fund for your own support in old age, if your life be prolonged. Such a step will prompt you to save, will strengthen your credit, will increase your conv fidence, will preserve you irom care and will give you lasting satisfaction. The Plan Is Slmole. 1 The Security Absolute. It is the perfect development ' of the me poncy. 1 u-uay is , Good thing when you see it ? THEN GO TO THE llothing Company, Whero you will find a Large and Well Selected stock of . Men's and Boys' Clothing, Hats, Caps, 'Fuksisiiixu. Goods, Umbrellas, Trunks, Valises, etc., etc. A Nice Child's Suit for $1. A 20.00 Suit for $12.50 ! A Regular $2 pair of Pants for $ir JTThese are a lot of BARGAINS they will , be told a BARGAINS. tillA look will convince you. Your'n to count on, SALISBURY, N. C. G CO., FINE CLOTHIERS. Ha 1 m EARNEST You want gcorl, pure goods at low prices, don't yon ? Then go to JULIUS EARNHARDT'S, where are kept PUKE FKESII GItOCEiUES, such as Flour, gH rormtry Haras, Potatoes m (seed and eating). Cabbage, and everything e.r y.) want. Also, a new line of GOOD SHOBS, which I am offering Verv Lrhrapr A full.line of DRY GOODS and NOTIONS always kept in stuC-k, BAttention, Farmers! I am now also selling the AMBER FERTILIZER cheap for ca-h, or on time. Call to see me before buying elsewhere. C. B. Webb. J. S. Troutman. A IJI! T. J. Babe. Salisbury arbe Works ! -" WEBB, TRODTMAH & CO., Prdprielors. Are now receiving their stork of monuinents. hea the right time to get facts and ets, &c. Would b ' pleasoJ to have the citizens : -i figures. Address surrounding country call and examine our stov . W. J. RODDfcY, manager, j , For the Carol! nas. ROCK HILL, 5. C. j.- 1 ,ii V- ury and j Yard oa Fiabi.r St., near Slaodp;pe. ery rept ct VEBBTKOUOiAS CO. i ? i