J7 : ' v Carolina Watchman. J. HcSSflZIE, Zditor and-Prop'r. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. I One year In advance. .. - 1.00 Six months -, .50 Throe mouths .25 Entered as Meoad-claaa mall ak Salisbury, N. C. THURSDAY, MAY 11, 1893. To The People. Not astrancer to the people of RoW- an, and the old patrons of theWATCib man. we assume entire control and nianagemenof this paper' with confi dence irftheir willingness to give it at least a liberal share of their patronage .We have put the price ofthe .Watcji man down to $1.00 per annum so as tq enable every farmer and laboring nun in the county -ajidsectioir to take and read it. . r- - No pains or xjej).He will- he 5pareri to make it the Leajjiso Dmocrtk Wkksxy of; the county, and in it col r.mnji wilL'herejifter-Ue found ;H of th very fatest county, bute, and foreign news that untiring v3.nl- ciin obtain and in other respect, it will be thr pride of its eliter to nmke it oai of th -best and. most progressive weeklies in the State. Air organ film pure, unadulterated priucinlesof Demoercj. the Watcu Jt an will be found battling for the righU of the poople against the prevailing, latter-day encroachment of eeniraHz ed despotitw. Jtwil! be our life effori to restore the Waichju to whtt itf once ws in the eon$denc of the good people of this conntj and eclion, and trusting in our ability to iatiefy it. former friend and patron in this res pect we humbly ak a .favorable consid eration of it merits. J. W.McKEXZfR. -v Bridge ths Yadkin. Salisbury might to become an im i )ortan tirade center for large section of country embraciB tbo counties oil Montgomery uper -Randolph. Darid sonrahd Dayie, ajrge part of which i? now diverteti toother point on account of the Yadkin River flowing between. forming neh a barrier against $he tra ffic that would otherwise naturally seek . a market here, that f-oni necessity goes some where else. Is there no remedy for this ? Could not a good substantial bridge be built across this- stream somewhere abou Stokes, Ferry, and another up some where above the R. & D. R.iilroad bridge, at a cot that would justify thf investment by the town andcounty ? If this were done the fanner beyond who desire to come to this market with their product could do so under all condition, and if the proper induce mentf were offered a vast airrount of traffic would-l;ome fo Salisbury that bow must go elsewhere, und the com mercitl adraiitagef thus gained would it seems to us, bo sufficient to amply balance, or reimburse, the outlay. A better purpose, for expending an .appropriati&q for public enterprise could not be found, sd this would surely be a paying inrestWiit iu the long run. - Vbald not a reasonable toll, not leTiedrfeowerer, until onq or two years after the building" of the. bridges, soon Teimburj'e the town and county for the . C0st t)f thejr building ? Free passage for a year or so wguld start tha trafiic frotrl those' sectious that would not likely be diverted afterwards by a rea sonable toll. This is a question of no little importance to pur town and sec tion, and-these thoughts on the subject are thrown but as suggestions vliich we hope wilt cuue our people to think seriously of the mattei and to agitate , it until the mtVch aceded fridges are built, - . . Is It a Preeedeat? A dif patch from Washington, May Cth, ayl; , . "Reprntthqrady and ex-Pwker Boa, of North Carolina., called on Pot matr Genaral liisell this morainf n! alrd for Ihe removal of the postmaster at-?yelfeville,' N..C, a colored man, who was appointed about a tear ao' They represented that the post mast et was viv,distatteful to the people'of the , lii ud had three colored female ( relativta in oflice tqunllv distasteful : Postmaster Geuera! Bissell said unless there were charges of incompetenc' : agittnst the postmas,ter, iollowing the peu eralrule that he had adonted. tlA r,. Wold not be removed, but allowed uH herve out the remainder of his teim about three years. The matter has beer .brcught to the attention of -President j Cleveland. There are a number of color -ed RepuMicau ikistm.ater in the South and gouthttt n Democrats are fearful thai thiswise, if decided against them, will Im regarded as a precedent for future action.,T If this be in accordance with the civ s rvke rules, then, as a Southc-n Democrat, we earnestly desire that'Con gress repeal the entire system of th - so-caiied "civil service laws. Tim i : white mao-'s gnvernmentj and jusi; ?url v.'tv.n !r r-.-ytijaur, and i t1:e.e colored who were givei. Uieir places Lv a p.urtisan- Repuhlicai. - PrwWerrt m JiruA op.Lsiiion to th. wishes of iH the decent white peoph of FayeUeville," ate permitted to remain in such respbnsibre-positions, it ww nd can onlv lead to dff-ction anf mistrust. This rniserabl? jrniciou aw ia on tin statute books mid as ui honest man Cleveland will doubtless1 execute the law, and therefore tin- Democratic Congress will bare, to be held responsible if it is not' pjtfedily re pealed. Wipe.it ouU :It ought never to have-been euHcted. ! - Note From tie Lutheran Synod. Saturday's Charlotte Netrs says: Dr. W. S. Bowman returned from Ct.ina Gr6vclast uightwhe.ro he has been all of the week attending a meeting of the Evangelical Lutheran fynoi oi iyni Carolina. The bndv wan ub'y presided nver hv Rev. Prof. Geo. H. Cox. of Mt. Pleasant. . TheSvnod ordained as ministers. Rev n. T. Ikrne of Cabarrus and Rev. Prof. W. H. Sntts. formerly 'of .Butfalo, New York, but now of this State. Prof. Suits has heretofore been government superintendent of education among the .-. . 1; : XT 1 '... .. .1:.,.. .,A UlieroKee j.iwinu w -jjiu uuiumin onu ha? done noble work. The Lutherans will commence very oon the erection of a handsome church edifice iu Winston. At present they !iave no house of worship h that city. Their meetings are held in a hall. lk-thofthe Lutheran College.-, at Mt. Pleasant were reported to the Synod as being iu a flourishing condition. The .Synod ndjourned to-day at noon. Dr. Bowman gay that the teynoct was 'most royalty -entertained by the people of China Grove and that they were exceed ingly hospitable. Th Coith's Uusical Talent. Laura A. Branham, in the Atlanta Journal say that our dear southland is ich, notnly with song birds of the for est b, but with human souj bhd, whose beautiful and phenomenal voices only need study and cultivation" to perfect hem, and there are many who have not the gift of ong. but who could win fame '.n giving expression to their mutical na- turejnpon eome cuosan musical lnstu- ment. Lst not the south lag behind in mu-ic. Let her wealthy ela.s spend their money to encourage It. Even as our business prospects become brighter and bur politi cal power becomes surer, let her musical devotees be more a.ssiduou in labor, more ambitious in striving, and never give up until this section has become the peer of ny in the musical world. Even as in fair Italy, where southern tskiesarebrieb ter (but not brighter than our own,) let her singers bear off the palm for sweet tong, jind musie.nl genius blossom and find a warm place in our hearts, even as the flowers bloom to cheer and uplift human kind. A Successful Farmer. The most successful farmer in North Carolina is said to be Mr. T. J. King, n bnchelor of thirty, residing at Louisbnrg. He is called a book farmer, because he uses his brains and scientific knowledge in his business. In 1SS0 he produced 1,330 pounds linnt, three bales, on one Mire, the largest yield ever known in the tate. At one of our Piedmont exposi tions his exhibit covered 1,000 square feet of space, and included sixty varieties of cum, thirty-four of cotton, forty-three specimens of hay and grasses, ten" of to bacco, ninety-six specimens of garden crops, twenty-two kjnds of wine, 150 jars of preserves, jellies, etc., with many yarietie-s of wheat, oats, peas, and pota toes. He was the youngest exhibitor at the exposition, and won the first prize on several ot nis exmnits. - The New York Sun of a few days ago has an Interesting article upon the agri cultural depression in Great Britain. The tlgtires are given and the decline of agriculture in England appears from them to have borne a close relation, through recent years, injthe degree of its progress, to that in the United State--. The whole world seems to be down with the same complaintfarmers' profits de creasing und the value of farming hinds depreciating. The complaint is confined to no country nor to any particular sec tion of anv. The farmer on the fertile plains of Kansas howls as loud as his brother on the red hilli of North Caro lina. The more rapidly, the world in creases its population; the more mouths there are to be fed; the more manufact ures multiply Tuid the more customers the farmer finds for his products, the lower the prices sink and the poorer he eret. here is the wise man, asks the Chariot Obgerver, who will rise up ami tell us a 1 what is the matter V A Ilace With a Cyclone. ' Charlotte Nfws. The Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta Main that rolled into the Richmond and Danville station at 7:30 lust night had a race with a cyclone near Blackstock, S. C., yesterday afternoon. For awhile it looked as if the cyclone would catch the train, but the engineer at ths throttle threw his engine wide open, and in this way avoided coming in contact with the fury of the wind; -The track of the ind storm va ouly about one mile wida, and iu this radius trees, house telegraph poles, and almost everything that wa movable were taken up and Uftea fiom their accustomed places A house near Blackstock wa struck by the atoim and blown partly across the track of iheC. C. and A. Fortunately no one happened fo live in the house at the time. The farms over winch the cyclone passed - aro almst ruined Lightning, rain and hril accompanied the witd, and it was a sight that will not soon be forgotten, by those who hud the raisfortuue to witness it In th Electric Chaij. ' Sing fing, N. Y., May 8. Carlyle W. Hai ns, the wife murderer, whose case has excited so much interest throughout the coui tr was killed in the electric chair at 12:43 o'clock to-day. Heroie between 6 and 7 o'clock this Dioruiug, and was cool ami collected The chaplain conversed with him from J to 10 i clock. Half an hour later he was shaved-and had his- hair clipped .The. witnesses assembled at 11.07 and the tlag dropped at 12:43. Mrs.-II arris, moth er of the doomed mau.saw the fiag drop from l.er window near by. P One shock killed. After Harris was Strapped to the chair, and before the fatal ourre:.: was turned on, he protested ; to hore present . that he died an innocent man. The. Arkansas- and O'lio livers havf. ' n. T.? rt.l1 Mr. John Stanhope, said to be a vealthy farmer of Iud.Haa," is a patriot vho has adopted a , wise plan to coro ntinoWe this centennial year o AnieiicaY discovery. He is reported s having sent his check to the post unster at Richmond, Ind., or $3,S000 worth of the Columbian stninps which he intends to use fur papering the walls ,f his parlor. " - ... Gen. W. S. Kosecrans, Register of the Treasury, last Saturday, sent his resignation to Secretary "Carlisle to take effect May SUt. Hi resignation was accepted iu a letter from Carlisle wko expressed regret at the General .- illness which is the direct cause of the resignation. 2-Jews Kctes. Another b'nr Australian bank failed last week. There are 1.819 North Carolina Con federate soldiers buried iu Hollywood cemetery, Richmond, Ya. The Mississippi river is two m'des vt-iilo. nt. Alton. II .. with prospects ol rr:u-hin? the disastrous stage of last year. There is an insurrection in Cuba Vigorous measures have been adopted by the Spanish miuistry to suppress the rebel. The Second National bank of Colum- bin. C. has failed. JNo statement or the bank's affairs has yet been made public. The State board of education has adopted. for the ensuing three years the same public scJiool text oooks now in use. ' . Governor Northen, of Georgia, has np- nointed W. 8. Yeates. of Hertford coun ty, this State, to be geologist of the Stale of Georgia. The Davis hotel at Kittrell was des t roved bv fire early Saturday mo ruing Loss over 30,000; insuniuce 10,000. The guests escaped iu their night clothes. Lieut. Perry, will start in July upon his second perilous expedition in the frigid zone. He has made $15..'00 b lecturing and he is willing to risk it all Repeated earthquake shocks were felrthroughout eastern Sicily last Satur day. The inhabitants are panic-stricken and have deserted many of the village Mount .Etna shows signs of eruption. Astornge warehouse was destroye and Stevenson 5c layloi's grocery was damaged by a fire at Wilmington last Ihursday. Loss 10,000 ; well covered by insurance. Mr. Edison says that whatever has been mathematically proved to be impossible he has always found it easiest to invent. There will be a potofnee at the World's fair grounds, conducted as at any other first -elans povtolTice. All matter intended for this oHV-e should be addressed to "'World's Fair Station, Chicago, III. The Greensboro Record learns that S, Kirkpatrick, Culbertsori and Summers, of that place, were shot by imion.hiucr last Friday, not far from Hickory. Kirk patrick and Culbc-rtson; it is said, were hoth shot in ll;e leg. while Summers was shot in the face and fears are entertained for his recovery. Jouesboro Journ..l: Mr. W. A frey told us last night tlmt h God- aiiu Rev J h lhompson were out in flu latter's gHrden lust Sunday evening and counted 15 rats eating cabbnge plants, lHan and pea vines, etc. The Lewiston reservoir broke at o'clock Wednesday ol last week. It is re ported that from fifteen to twenty' per sons are drowned. Seventeen thousand acres of water were released into the Mia mi Yalley and gieat loss of life is feared in the valley below. Testimouy showed that the R. C. liquor dispensary law was regularly and legally passed and the attorney for the liquor men receded from his position that the bill was tampered with after passage, and will fiht it on constitu tional ground. It now 3eems certain that the law will go in effect July 1. A special from Chicago Monday says that ten people were killed in anaccideut on the Cincinnati, Cleveland, Chicago & St, Louis Railroad that morning. The accident occurred a few miles from Cle veland. The Concord Standard says that Mrs. Whittington, of Forest. Hill, Cor.eordj took au over dose of laudanum Fridav nk- ht. She said she was tired of living and wanted to put an end to her life. A physician and friends worked with and saved her. Since 1572 there have been 10.J auroras of the first magnitude seen as far south as the Mediterranean in Europe or Vir cinia in America. In this list Mr. M. A. Yeeder, of Lyons, N. Y., finds striking proof of the long asserted aud very cu rious faot that auroras are most numer ous near,the equinoxes whilo few occur near the solstices. The Durham Fun s;ys : Governor Carr has been officially -invited to at tend. the .commencement at Trinity, nnd has signified his intention to do m, pro viding the date doe not interfere with the performance of his official duties. The day will be a gala day (June S) and bring thousands of people to Durham. Charlotte New: Congressman S. B. Alexander will go to Washington next Wednesday night, for the express pur pose of hurrying up matters in regard to the postofliees of this district. His find move will be made for a change of offi cers at the following places ; Vineland, Castle Hayne, Sonthport, Maxton. Laur inburg. and Lumberton. The postmat- ers lor ine nrst iniee olhees are negroes. Anthony Rogers, colored, will be hanged in Richmond county nent month for pofsoning his wife He went-to a htore ana oougut a well-known preoa ration of arsenic, asking if it would kill people. He was told that it would and was warned to be careful- in its us He went homeland gave his wife Khoda a heavy dose of it. Her death soon re sulted. Trof. II . M. Warn-states that there are probably more than 3i0 species of oaks tviueocuil. of vbieh the majority Mong U North America, Europe, VhnA Japan, and other- pans of As'a Theie are none in Africa south- of" the Mediterranean region, ccr in South America or Austrlia Some remarkabV species are found in ihe Himalayas, and ;oauy in Ma'ayan archipelago " ' A colored woman in Or.au ge count rave birth to an illegima!e child in the wood and then stamped it to death. When found it. had the prink bf her foot on its breast; the woman is in jail - The Wilesboro Ciirouicte tells thus o! v very singular case in Y-Vilkes : ; Mis Lottie Shumate, of Slulberry, is peculiar ly afiiicted. She has spells of bleeding The blood oozes out through the pores of heskiuaud stains her clothes ail overhei lodr. Her tongue, which has been swolen for some time, has begun to bleed. ' She s ; gradually bleeding 4o .death and,- cau lot last very long. Considerable dismay was not long ago caused near a swamp in South Ausirilia v the discovery n the wet land of a new weeil, which spread rapidly and was re fused by horses and 'cattle. This proved, jowever, to be thelaveimer plant, which yields a very valuable oil and perfumed water, and tiy cultivation the dreaded weed is Iikelv to add mucu to the wealth of the settlers. Wcldon New: R. J. Mavo. a Well known colored merchant, and postmas ter at Hayes, in this county was before Justice B. Gary yesterday charged with breaking into the house of Hard llines colored, and taking his money. I he saw mill ot JUessrs, J. A House & Bro., near Gaston, was entire ly destroy-! by lire last tnda'y. Thev lost a large lot of lumber and other property -iu connection ; with I he mill. The buildings were tet on tire by sparks Irom lorett hrrs. Liberty, Ind., Mav G. A terrible sturm ol ram, bail, aud wind nassed over this place yesterday afternoon, do ing much damage to liuit and crops. During the storm Miss Kda Mitchell, daughter of Albert Mitchell, one of the most promifteHt men in ' the city, was struck aud killed by lightning. Charle McGee aud wife were driving in an open buggy when a bolt of lightning struck l hem, killing both. Lightning also struck the residence of Emil.l Leonard and his wife was stunned, aud it is feared she cannot recover Wednesday of last week, Mr. II. Le Roy, while overseeing ihe road-working hands on a j;iiblio road, about eight miics north of Wadesboro, Anson county, got into a dispute with a negro named Antho ny Harris, when the latter struck Mr. LeRoy just above the car with a hoe, which feiied hiin to the ground, anil causing his death which occurred thai- night at 10 o'clock. The negro was ar rested and is now in Wadesboro jail to await an action formurder. Magnetic Nervine quickly restores losl manhood and youthful vigor. Sold by Edwin Cutht-rell. Ch irl-jttc .V -? : One thousand troops ami forty car loads of baggage pas-eil through last week. It was an exchange of soldiers between Fort Mellenry. Maryland, and Fort McPherson at At lanta. The ltichmond & Danville took I he contract for the transportation and filied it promptly and without accident. In the contest's for medals in the literary societies at Davidson College the following were sueeeflul. In the Ei'imenenean Society ihe debater's medal was awarded io Mr. John Doug las, ol LlacKstocKs, S. C, the declamer's medal to Mr. F. 11 Wnnllaw. of Abbe ville, S. C. in I he PiuUuitluoiiic Society the debaters melal to Mr. V. X. Foi syih, of Greensboro, N. C. John liar- get t is a boiler m.-iker, who had bien emph)td at the Mecklenburg Iron H oi ks in Ibis eii v for t-i y for siitiii! time past. He h;;d a w ile and ilnee ehiidrr-n. Laic Con- Iv hesicnied to have bniiies iu euro, lor every v eek or so lie wotnd go over there :-nd remain two or three .da . r.ast Tuesday he went to Concord and returned no moie to tiic bosom of h.i family. J: transpired t'nai C.i oc casion, Hitygc't .as married in.Con-' '0!d. Ho assejd through Charlo'tt that night with ' lie" Nv. 2, and went on to. lilaeks!iu:g, S. C.with her. His Con cord victim is a daughter of Mr.- J. 11. Kerziah aud by deceplion Hargelt se cured ihe services of Rev. Dr. C. hi. Payne, of the First Presbyi erian ciiurcb. as olliciating minister. It was not until yesterday that Hargett's Charlotie u ib learned of his base conduct. She at once made complaint and officers an after him. He will be brought acre .and indicted for bi'.'iuDV. s Give the People Facts in Detail. NirUi Ciirolii.tin. The Caucasian andpapers of like char aeter stale ihat. the general a'ssemnly of Jttio increased the aioropriatioiis 81SW1. "We. call upon these papers for a bill o pMtiieulars. Dothe mean to stale lh;:t , here is -an increase of the above amount or is it a total increase for the next two years'' . We demand of the 1rjciiiv.. that il itemisro every item of increase and give theoniuion of its editor as to the. proprie ty of eacii. There is no oilier fair way to 'make comparisons. We also demand of the Caucasian that it give a statement of every appropria tion made necessary by the progressive legislation of the session of of w hich the editor of the Cixtcai(tn Wan a mem ber. V as if pos.-ible- to curry out t he lib eral policies of lS'Jl without increased appropriations for the Deal aud Dumb Scbooi at Morganton, the normal college Cor women ami the oilier educational charitable ir.'Slitritions 'J We arc not criticizing the liberal poli cy inaugurated iu 161)1. We endorsed it tben.ve endorse il now. Put that poli cy necessitated increased appropriations in 18:)3. We endorse them. We believe in progress. Iu lht'l there was doubtless some extravagance that outfit not to have ceen permitted. The same is doubtless true of i8'v;3. It is true of all things with which men have to deul. iet the Giucasian name over the item1; of the increased appropriations, every one of them, and state its specific objec tions to each. Then the people can judge fairly of the contention that puper sec-ks to make. Alo let the Cawsirm incidentally tell its readers whether taxation v. a-, reduced or increased. We do not recollect' hav 111 g seen any statement in that paper telling its readers that the legislature of FSiio decreased taxation. A Fiend Lynched St. Paul. May G. A Duiiuh special to 1 the Dispatch sa: Yesieulav an nr.-1 known man enticed tw o gil ls, aged 5 and G years respectively, into the w oods of a mountain range and criminally assaulted them. Several hundred miners .-nent iast night and this forenoon .ea robing for hirn, arid at neon found him hiding in a Sit loon. He was immediately taken out and atrung up to the limb -fa t ree. I After he had been .-impended ten niinuus the body was e niHoet.-ly riddkd with bullets. Tnere Was (iu aucmpt ai con- eesxJincat bv the Ivneners and one or o fiict-rs of l he true are sani to nave br-n among the avengers. One of the little girls may die. f hildf vi Cry for Piteher's pstorbu A Special iFrom the Sation's Capitol. Washington, D. -C, Mar 9. -As renuestet the fuHowiug h seut yon from tie Nation Capital -which is astir frona early rooming: un til iAXK at niglit. There i iulle. if any means. by wbich a stranger may liLt'agmsli repidtntJ :i..u iiiors wuo aaily tlirojg tat stree s 1 . e cash au-jlmrry of ttrt-vt cars are i-et-u ou mi nost every side, luthis voiinortiou h might he elated that there U aot a. single car in th .ity pror, optratej by electricity. Bv far di -largest number- being 'run by cable, the .t-imuinicr Ly horses. A trip down Pennsyl vania Avenue oa one of these cable curs ner-r jmit n intereitiog view of. the White Uouse,; tne iu.ine ot the Nations t'hieftain. The Treasury 'building U. a-large edifice covering about a block, and is five ttorics high with :argc imposing colunina almo-st encireliug it. Oontiuuing "down a gentle declivity you ritU or one ir.iie with huge piles in the shape of business hauses, theatres, and hotels until tlu eapitol building is reachen. Th!s i decide'dly one of the most luaguiltcent giruciurts in .the world. Notwitliftandii Congress has adjourned, a stream of people jnmr in and out i-t the build ing. The rotunda is a delightful place. Around the walls are beautiful paintings and many pieces of scnlpters showing various his toric scenes, la the left w ing of t'.re building where the House tit workmen are repairing the room getting it in l?tter condition for the next session. Here a little observation show . that the room needs new furniture, especially iu-the way of chairs. The Speaker's desk.- gives nu?t evidence of storm v times. It is lit erally worn to a trazle from the contir.uou rap of the gavel. Tl.e covering, and tullt half an iii-.h in places of the top has been worn away in th'u manner. 15 at, speaking of politics tire people here know little or nothing of what is g''i'g 'h politically. Th-v even know ss than tii Sali.'.buriau, Thi-v do not apparently make much effort to keep up with the. news in fact they could not if they tried tn. Like people in other towns they let tilings w:ir on us they will making few inquiries. Your correspondent arrived" in the city nt a most import tine tune. h:ii h.s liusineys hem of an "'aspiring sort looking lor c.ace. 0 rover has put a stop to his numcr'ou.-: caller by issuing a mandate deeiariag that lie will not receive any more oflice liuntir.!. He gvve as an excuse that there are other matters ot interest to this grent country -which call hit attention and which are of far more import ance than the distribution of the offices, lb futlurjidds that ihe persistent ''s-.-eker" will only delay his appointment, if it is given him nt nil, by presenting his clams so frequently, so strongly and so boldly. His new rule is riot taking received very graciously by many who are here on '"important business. -It is. hoivei er, working splendidly. The ordrr wss issued vt-sterday anil to-day its effects were notiocably sicn. The crowd is s:tid to be lessening considerably. T!ie Washington monument is well worth seeing. 1 1 is f00 -feel higii and has a doine .0 feci high'-r. A ride up inside this wonder ful structure is highly interesting. As the eierator reach the top the -occupants are greatl iilicved. A lovely view , of Washing ton may be seen iron its top. The examination for the Railway Mail Ser vice look place here to-day. There were be tween s'-veuty-fi ve and a hundred applicant.-'. Thev reoresented North Carolina. Virginia, M .. I .. ,,.1 '.'..-' ir,.i:i!,i .mil tin. Tli-rrier nt ! 1 . I . 1 I , I'll. Tlltllltt', t.t. . . i - . . - . , ... . Columbia. The examination was held iu the pension biiihiin instead of the City Hail. There was. some mis'inderstandin regarding the tiiaee an'1 it was fullv ten o'clock befor;.- 1) we in, and before t!:e w ork be; lion. John eiid'.'j"(n. arrived in (be city to-day. 1!" vUited the rimm-i a lei is ; i: I' re-led i:i t, ' ' s lie wa- a--- !i!ii-ii:ied by Senatv-r vx.' m '.nat ioii j.riK-eco a F as Tmck Faims. t)ne afternoon while t ho Press Con vention was at New Piernc the c!ti,;!-ri.- provided c.arri:"fies k! took the tailor- around to see tiie tu iaou- Si.nni. vera.1 of iIlc fi-c truck funn:-i wen -lif '. ;-,;nl we v ( r." L.r. In ob.-cr ve I h;vi the fields looked f:eh and in .r!-..vilK'("i!iri!io!). '1 IlO !ilf i.MW. ' ii t'O he: e oe Stpjied was thtt Ol li.CKin i aid Wiiielt. This plautM on . as m, eo.ised i uxvne's .-ay inni now ine vioa.u i..., take a hundred thousand for it. it o.on-j tsists of H0 acres, i f which OOl) acres ;ire j in truck :iml 100 aro tn .urn.-..-! ur..l I p:isi u re. i c.iwi On ihe latter l'.O luud of c:it-j and lift V covsi'dd stu avei - 1 aure id 100 unllons ot iuuk, wuien is snui at lb cents "a gallon to a single miik dealer. T'ne returns; from mill; lust am sou w ere ?4,o2t Cabbage forms a large item iu the it tick business on this farm, seventy-five acres hcin set in cabbage, i he heads were just rineninK and lite cutting wa-5 just bc-jiinning w hen w e ' is ited tiie field. There were ti0;),lH:0 phint. ited the held. There were nuo,o',:o piani. each set out or transplanted by hand.i Tiu-ra were acres iu Irish potatoes, j w hich produce an aerage ui 00 nutie:s 1 an acre, allhouh suineti:nes the ield; runs up to ie( bushels. Thirty acres ro snap beans i.-i utiotiu-.r item, and there are reeu peas, iicp-aragus ccc,, ad lili tum. T'uis farm year before last, sold over 000 worth of stuLS". while the cost of production was not fpiitc ?40,00t). The clean profit was GOu in one year. Hut that va a.i exceptionally iiiu- year; ood seasons-and god prices. This year the outlook is also very line. These gentlemen make, their own fer tilizers, using LoO Ions, which cot tifCin about $;0 a ton. They put a ton to an aete. Dilfenrnt grade of fertiliizers are us-ed for the different .crops, the highest grade being appliedfo the cabbage. We saw other truck pl-antations, among them the. fine ono belonging to Mr. Rhem. At that of Messrs. Meadows and Crocket Tve found the hands in the field nicking neas. which was a very interest ino siebt. F.arlv in' the dav there had i been tiO'J hands picking in one field! but at that Lour the number had largely di minished. Yet the in. Id seemed alive with workers. A hand c a', pick four baskets a day, and 25 cents a basket is paid. On tiii.s farm there are ten acre? of berries and IS acres of asparagus. The latter is of enormous sir.e. The- lar gest is the Palmetto; much of it is over 1 an inch in diameter. The pea seed ftre( Meadow's Extra Early and are grown in Canada. The Democrats have guined another Dr. William Everett, to succeed H. C, Lodge; of Force bill fame, who is now Senatoe. lodge carried the district last November by. a plurality of 2,011. The Democratic Snte xd" Missouri has an antitrust law which prohibits any corporation from becoming a member of a trust. Proceedings hav:: beti insti ll ted to annul the charters of alvrut a hundred corporations which Lave fai'-ed to heed to the law. Pbrae horses have pretty good memo ries. A Pennsylvania, man' hud one of, Itiiis kind with rhich he vas on th? host-: of terms until lie whipped hi:n t.v.'j ! wet-Ks ago. h.ver sa-er- tnen i;.;- horse was not a bit soeiulde, but bohavetl hirn- stif "uetil the other dny when iie ctiugiil thf; unsuspecting wh:r"pf:r in f iu;J st.'d.L?. jmnned on him, p-iv.-d hi;n bit hi! pieces of flesh from his hi;o and -wo-sid j have killed him if he had not been re:-f a ! ed by one of thy drivers. Children Cry fof Pitcher's Caster! mm iff For ottmi 9 NOTHING BETTER MADE Trices LOAV. Call and examine Analvsis. w - ... . Kespectfully, M. C. QUINN. 1859 J, KK0DES BJ10WU, President.; WM. C. C0AET, Secretary. Assets $1,111,333.87, Insures all Kinds of Property at Lowest" Adequate Rate ;. ALL LOSSES PROMPTLY ADJUSTED AND SATISFACTORILY $t1 LEO. Reprcveniod iu General Iiii3irance Agency of J. Allen Brown, W. (Jor. Mnin und Fis-her S?tr.. T'n Stajrs. NATIONAL lire Insnranrt Co. OF HAHTFORD, COM. Statement,' January 2, 1803 t il stock', ali 'ifih 1 tMr. iiu0.iV; F-.:ials rv?rve.d to nn et ail ilanllliioM : iteiuu! a me rcswrve. le'al standard f 1 .10-."::C.l I l,'r:--iti' ft ioscs and . o'l-er claims 9S.W!.'!ri - 1.CC3.5C1.33 . T.-'M.Tl '.K'-t.iSl (it Net Mntplus overeapUal ami : ll aoti tiwt Total assets. Jahnary 3, Xvx ... J. M, JP&'tTON, Resident & Sui Cu.-ar, iii;CMATISV.. bECHil OtA, ;.t.rn Jj.n;!i. Sirifn, nrnlcsr.. f .'v:.4;.r4rCl'..S..,.lK-. inti"att.. Cti'-lm Ifoi -JJ.a i-. i,ri-uri.L'ii-tiu.ria,h.oriTfiroiit, " ."'1 i.rilll, is it by uui'i-v. if J i 70 r i.in.cjp nnifj vwiaijj i-iapr-rt-d tor . i. miiJi. L'urtfivJt sio-X, touLin i'trn-'j:, il'rii.st po'turfuf ud I,Tifet.Tt'?n5l.iijn,i:t fnr Muu jr jj-iki in txj;6XiC. i. '.n,f- il si "if, tJc. riis iku ' JOHKSOH'S C5??JiTAL SOAP, M-alcatud 2'5 i'ciiot. 'i"h-",Crett Skirt Cura azd ?;cv tiouut!ir. Vr.Ueva wiU fiud it o mo 5-v.liocto iaal highi)f r--"' 'unssi Toiiot iip on .nu i.!-.it. It is abdc-ulaiy por. M;.k6 tha k n avtt sr-.i va'.vmj anil router Iho !ok'. cOrrt" r-itiiion; i- r iiiioy ror &ath fr Infwn-fs.-tt air.ra V.cMnij, cj6r.ria tivoK-slp an I vroaiOVS iht jixuTUli ot hair. ynooSt;. Fertalc-t EDWIN CUTKRELL. l-Vlo, I . sr ys j TrP H T rS 17 NT UT? TT lJl U 1 UHL ULlNLi 11 Life Insurance Company, NSWASE, IT, J. AMT DODP, Pru:ioKxy. j A.Hsrrs ('market, value t - - -f is.ii.ci. .00. .''.iai i:iiii.tK : Ma.;i. ian.eird, -1 j.c. ct . Clear, Brief, Just, Liberal. AKTTU bi;roSD YKAR No Restriction on Resuience or Occupation. Ko f orfeiture in Case of Lapse, INCONTESTABLE. CASH LOANS MADE YV TO ONE HALF OF THE RESERVE ON - .VSS1GNABLE POLICIl. Annual Dividends, j ,Y .Vr iArii ,H lof.l$ gc to VcUfyhctarrr. l.FT CONTRACT CVKK OFKAKD. J. M. Patton, Agent. SALISBURY, C. j j i - 7?a lite .... !e'y aUi ELQQO BALK - fcs sls, sicca t.m iris psseases - I:r. -i :"3-C. it t,ntU by p.-i-.:.t yKy-u-zi r'.: '.te ! Tie ir r imi. .!- i .- f rAa lo V l?.t:..5T:'Sa. K.--rlS.' A ox.-! ii' 5trr iy 1 .-.-. !..-?! .- i. r..""f: f-T 9 -ll if H:f-T"..T. V ' V -er t-.i -". t - i --! -3 - w 1 f , i i filfiit-'r , i'.ii-.'.3, iv. ir mmm CO. I 18&6 "Hold on to a Good Tiinff ! Tli9y..5tand Hard Usage! Try one p;iir ot our Saruplo yctu will f.intinue to vz't alone. -After ! Shoe.- -inl ihnv ihvu ill ties urius a -.1 Fit. iul L.t V ust- ;ut iensl, trie t arc per cent eh caper. i huii regular '.imiv. , In 1 11 ox' Uifii!, coiiii'iud our.toek -ru :it be .'ipt'oaclicil. A new let to arrive ihisTwccl;. E. W.BUJRT & GO. .. . 1 Pomona Hill Nurseries! H I-; li O Nt." M 1 LLJON F K I :T T R K ftS , V IN V., CONSISTING Ot? Apide?, 1'ea.M, Cliei rie.i, .IftptllJ l' Tfi.tllull 1, Quince", Ii rapes, l'.hi-.-kberrie.s iUilLrrt irs, ClilTUlii, As:tr tn, i Filii'it., Jap.ii! Vi:iTi!ir.i.-tfi i'lic. l 11(11, Tfflii h b-:t!i nt 2 vi. ;v,. sdi'i in uuit e.y rov,"b. A I iiiond s , !'ce-n!, sc.. i "etches. -I'lUUiS, price-lS, .Nrt luriue-j, ."trwl,err;' IiewliTrin, i'Kinttcrrief !.'i.- vum, bii.-;!iah Walui:' . Sha-ie Trees, '' eireen hh.1 o mvntal .stiiub-i. HvriTef in aiul !-!;! flow t-cing rdir.'.b, Ki;scii. i rniti fnmi the enrJiefit to th Litest, pt:i-.-r-e 1 if it is from a art? tt tho (ilobr. 1 Irilers sniicrteil V' our rtjjent-i. J. VAN LINDLAY, PomcnaH. C YOU CAN MAKE MONEY fiT 03TAIMI5O SUBoCKIUBKS FOR, ' The Southern States H is a beautifully illuttrted mfjr.tbij nagszine deVoted to la ISBthj 4 :t full of interact for 17. raifiRt V south anl ouht lo b in jtj Socpiw-4 houfthoTrl.- SvarTbody Can-Afford it as it cosUj only $1.50 per ysar or 1? cont for a single coy. We Want an Aent in F.very A:therk Ci'ty and Town. Write -for .sample ccp--ie and particulars to the ;;s' Hfxour; 1'CL". Ultaore. Md. tADlEil .. ; - S liT u tcnic, or cliit(ira-wha Vtai bcJv " ' " ids up, bouli Uta BHOU'X-H IKOJf aiTTewi. n if. pifciwwil; iwn Maln&, liiiP;' " ftumv vs iko. KinEii.. KM -iL-al-r liH-f it, SI j-.-r U-ttle. Oei 'i'-f "1;8 T'i-i.. vi-i oSU red Um-s tu w,:"1- EH OWN' S IRON 5II?'S cures Dyspeo3iaji digestion & DeUiliy h'i ' ' a -- - " -- ' . . i -. to a AUA,tv&. r-.'i v.;-'-fc