'.lUV.jrAY 11. 1893. l-ToT MMed&evi'licywa y. , ; ; t ; I ill" V ri.i"" .- - j - i ,.,. Ji"ehltrged. t . i . ... IkAXlnv. ' is v e' ,; i ill lQctS. per q-uHVt. Silks iit (lis Salt- f .,.r, j0m.s- at only ?1". lor fur jay . .O i 4 -,t .- f I r 1 ' Lit- ' J" '1-1, I 1 sale's races, touiua- I'aiu-e fair grounds a ae fee is only 5 The Daty ITVrafa of the Sth in3t., says ; While returning home last uigbt about II o'clock W. 0. Ketclde. son of Esq., S. CVtvetchte, saw'-eoraethitnr in, the road which proved to he a "tick of corn. Sup posing that the corn was; stolen young Ketchie went to the house of his brother, M. S. Ketchie near by, and the two went twtck to watch for (lie thief. Just before day this morning a negro rode up on a runic und dismounted near the corn. Taking it up he was in the act of ptit tuig n uii the mule, where were two oth er s-acks, afterwards found to contain 'cotton need, jvhtu the young men lep. ped up and arrested him. The prisoner was carried "to the residence of Esq. .Ketchie aud just as he was being taken ,.-- "v Alliance .Pair Association. Correspondence Watchman. . ' " Kr. Editor-In a late issue of your pa-. g1IUFtLK THROUGH THE WORLD SEUS :r, the President of the Alliance Pair j stiiin ivn imrpv? HOD AND SHABBY? The personal attire oft procelaicis the man. However much seme ptfopto? mar sneer, 'tis, nert-rtbiflef s, a stubborn fact that ueatneG3 of cress contributes gieatly to. the estimate of a per Association made the announcement t hat there-wouhhbe a picnic at the Alliance Fair Grounds, ou Ascension day, May 11th, lil. . ,r . V':V-. gramme, the gate fees will be for gentle- j nn an,j Ahis much ..to an alreadf favorable inca 10c. for, ladWSti., children under 1 PI"n ofln.ro.. ' f , 12 vferstW Tlre will he scrah races. I - uDt Jge- nian by .the coat that he fw- rtrfvp .n1i,.r-flt.d Hotting rars. ! nears 53 weiteaough as lar as it goes ..-w - - . - - j . rj . baHe ball t-ontest, a tournament, uiLctb er amuseaients. .; N ood enough for anj man, whatever his sta loi.. Xou iiUheve this v hen you look them .over. -hen you look them SPECIALTIES. nvo'c ' I Coat' vest ftn louS pants, sizes iova Scits, i 13 to 18 jers, Krar cheriot, all j wool, ?4 to 7.50. 51.50,, SI.75.- 42.2.V- S-2.R0. a nn EOYS' TWO-PIECE SUITS, .1- to the World's v are as. follows : f:k are .f 32.35. those t'f i'lMju'sig visiting at ' - -'n iitteFKi.tnt't; at our Court yes- V' Sl ! . - -W ft. j j-''atJvi.le. ana ji. b. v-4 CiajH-!, near China Grove .tjf I--: .Sunday morning..' A at"."--- . . , . v : -.-nvd !,i itieiwanx-e ana servi i i. liath churche. A iiuai- . ,, fruta Salisbury Wero- prcs-- iitidactd the Truth . Jic f-ni i one diiu;; ..nfid r H:"af. he iijcitii iiiii tlir: v.. 'Henderson - has eirain wVi:bii)vOii toiook alter qLtein--i't-'lLt. r is n. Js. e suppose he I..uii2 yat.l appowi tui(ut. for L-y trc'iOfcfV uf the Prciibytei-ian Theo- ricainxry, lii-acn bidney, 3 ft ';, T.iurvity ixst., nd li-cv. J- Thos. R. Kngiinh, of S. Ju the lu-st issue-'of your pajier the an nouncement 13 made that the Association is in debt, and great anxiety evinced to iiav a large attendance on the day ap pointed. Ascension .day commemorates an important event, and if ohscryed at all -hould be religiously observed. It is not in the house he made a Lrtak for liberty. Waimed that, there is a divine specihe eommana ior tne ouservance ci-Asccn-siou diy, such a3 there is in relation to the-Sabbatb; vet there can be no impro priety for people to assemble on that day for religious worship. Such Rn observ ance of the day would be much more salutary in its-infiuence than to spend-ttie 4r J. ;.L V, v-,iv u- l aiioufbo years, .i .,; i. near lixbU. Creek. iren, in this coiinty, iast Thurmtay !, r -'ru'ee.aei wa a irood riii- niibii'y esttft'iared and resee; ed t; nl:o )iiu'W him . :!.!:. lAt-rr i lr: itrt. Col. F. E. Shober U'.i).l. J;io. A. Ramsay, hav. been ap-: lii.-'! as iL'fw iiu's tn'eiubers of the Jw!- :a Jivi-lv-eirt of Jouor, to t-xcouj- i;;f1H ueu J'- ii.'ci.nji: s n.-iu:iiu.-s e vpiii through our Stei ou the &)lh. Scv.J.-U'ujiphv, at lost Sunday morn- ij's unices :u:i!oniici;d tfiat liis new aid)'; the Fh:.-:t I'i-eshytei-liiii.of this i will le 'i'-dkatedJ-ju V.U: '-ha Sab- .ih' in Jiiii'-, the .8h, arid that .i.o into (fff'lXw. Dr. W, -W. .Vtnurii, a ;. f.-s.- r tie 1'iiioa Theologic.il . Sijiinary. V'.r.iuj.i. to prt-ac-h the dvdioatoiy mm.- - li. M.-S. Ketchie G red at the "negro with a gun and thinks he Was struck, as he cried out and staggered ngai:ist a grape vine. lie recovered, however, and made li is escape. The mule was brought here tiiis morning and turned over to Shertlf Monroe. . '" . Goitrthe Salisbury Furniture Compa nj' and gef your FurnituVei Rowau Superior eourt.--May term convened last Monday morning at 10 o'clock. Judge Winston, presiding, with our energetic - Solicitor, li. F. Long. ai his post of duty. There were no caes of more than minor importance, aucLtbe business of the court, was rapidly dis posed of. It being a busy season of the year none: but thof e who were compelled ho be present Wfcie in attendance. Tiie !'i!oi!r are'the cn?3 disHied up to luit fvtfiiiig, A ortlty ' note: .S.tin Ilobson, a. und b., guiJtv " r.on t'sj' on. euiua -gfinir-.Morcaa iloliii.tr). Jim blue und Geu.Jiwiuk. 'lurccnv, guilty 2 years caeli oa chain gatigj bottdou ' Jaues, c. c w.. guitty 4 month: ou chain gang: iii!) Glass uud liobl. lioyden. '.urcqny,' g'.iiity 18 months each on chain gang: flitch. Oliambers, larceny 3 yvvre on tliai'i guntr: W. E. Norris, forgfry, guilty f .war on ehsin g-ngj Adam CTayweii a. nnd b., 3 months, ud 8tiu LIc:ulfron, Iji-wut, 18 mouthi on tte county chain gang The Isuit of IStttc Ts.Nciil Carter and others for stealing tobacco from Messrs. II. Thpmjon, and Holmes and ifi!k-r is on, the r-iiUoi' svhich v, i"!i be givt'n in .) M- iniT r. ii !c . issue. Xirc Ifne of Oak Tab'es, only Si. at Salisbury Furniture Co's Store. day i.j s,ports ttnd amusements of very doubtful propriety. life lnriueneeof the contmplated pic nicat the Fair Grounds, us set forth by the President of the AsBOciation, .will be demoralizing in its nature, and no gool can result frum it. Much better would it be, therefore, for farmers to keep their wives and children at home and quietly to follow , their daily avocations, than, by their pi eseuce and money to encour age such a demoralizing observance of Ascension -o.ay, , J SAM'!. RofflROCK. Gold IHU, N. C, May -th 1RJ. Guaday BesecraticiL WUminfrton Me3!e:)pt;r. So the managers at Chicago will disre gard the U. S. Congress entirely and will open the big show on Sundays. Every, puluit in the laiid should denounce tin- Lmeustiredly - this desecratiou of the Lord s Day. Chicago kept begging and imploring the Congress for help and got it, and now toe Sabbath breakers snap their hagers and declare to the world we will rou the thing to suit our own deprav ed tastes and we will open wide the gates that the Day of Rest may be turned into day of fuu, frolic and dissipation. The Yet it does not say, that you shall go untidy and; shabby when there ts no necessity for it. W t- eny soberly, candidly, ftr.d eniiJiRticnUy, from a etrictly bu'syie? 'standpoint that -. , . IT PAYS 1T0 GO WELL DRESSED Admitting that yonr-purse is light where's the M'A N' w ho cannot afford to pay $7.50 ; For neat-fitting, nics-appcaring poit of new clothes the make and material of .which is strong and stanch? Ve have many hundreds of such in stot.k'"o'pea to yoaw inspection daily. $10 1s t'ae price -w.e have put upon a score ot lots of iten's suits of clothes, from the gay and gid dy stripe to the staid and sober black. You should see theur. Strictly all-wool Cassimeres, Cheviots,, Shetland, .Melton?:, Tweed: and Worsteds' of honnreomh,' diagonal, and basket weaves. We, Lulieve that such values were never before jiit upou the inarket. We would re.itiirk, incidentally, that $10 is oci: price for a b'latcr NaryBlu3 Suit. tri.t Jy all wool and fast color. $12,50, $i;i:50, $15 v - $4.60. MN:S PAXTALOOXS IX EXDLKS3 VARI ETY, Tic tafS.OO. e : se. Jour good? for lower prices than anv cstarjhiLnient; in th i-itv iment in th' eitv. We guarantee prices to be the lowest in Ui country, ... , e cheerfully 'exchange ar- article bought oi us with which the customer is from aav cause diss-vtisfied. One PiticE. Plaiij Figures.- '- No Credit. " Public Confidence Insures Public Patronage Wo keep everything we ud vertigo vaiid . ve represent jffutiraiiteei evrvthinu as - -c -KEEP IN I-H And visit pttr store regularly, it will. pay ypu wlietitar you buy r not, AS WE SHOW SOMETHING NEW 'rJ VERT And ca this fair and square basis we ask you to come and see the largest and ben m sortnient of SPRING CLOTHING T :ver brought to this city. It's a stock w hich comprises everything you can askfor or tbink Of in the way of icale attire. Hundreds of etylish-cut raiments in n.-w- rich, and handsome atripes, checks, and mixU UCs. .Ct a man lOOkS i't them but tin.lj !.. are pr rt-proFcnting guits of clothes fine religious people of this country ought lo that by a majority of 5(AJ tbey Lav vol OufcltvcT you. ng tow usnian, C!lr.toii . ii.-vo. liv"has brer, filling a clerk- .ipior the t: J posttf'f' :o fin- several mtt'v ; Vya,uwilou -Cuti' iatl i "Gut Advertisers. '-Messr?. Webb, Troutman & Co., h-vc anev,- ad. of their Iaruic Works. Read it. ' "It will make yoii feel good" to go see tire nargainsriie Kuger.s Clothing Co., are adverrising in another eoimnn.--' "One priee"; plain figures, and uo cred. it," is the-motto of'T. R.- Wytt. Go see him at his . 1-iargain Temple. E,.AV.'Rurt-fc Co., nip holding on to their big run on their elcgr.it t SanipJc Slio-. Their ad. tclislhe way they are ioingif. looresville .Nen's Xotes. '" "in !.-;rro4'i.tr crre:sion-2r.t.; Our fanners are done planting, and have liogun tn work ever i beir .oi :i i he !!-.- t lime. .Wh-.iat U looking well u'.id a ood cioj) w ilh be mnde. ' J'he town election cam1 oT iaTt Jlon- enough, hiindsome cuougis, styli.'h enough, and Rocherster Tiniff. It is a. Kentucky woman's idea that the coat of arms of her State ought to bo. changed. In place of the two men's figures with clasped hands and underneath them the legend, "ninted we stand; divided we fall," she thinks there shouid be the figures of a man and woman rith clasped bauds, the game motto beneath. The people -of Colbert county, Ala., want jiooci j oaus and. vaut 'em so baa WEEK. WEEK. oh. have grace enough to resist ail tempta tion to evil and to, give the wickedness'of Chicago the go? by. Let it severely alone. It looks like tempting Jehovah. If a few cases of cholera should locate at Chicago it woui-d soon disperse the crowd und lea ve the great city tox its own dist-olut-ucssand s.n. Theie are a few millions of people in the 1'niied Slates who believe in a Seventh Day of rest the keeping hoiy the Sabbath of the- Lord. Theft feelings and convictions of duty are ignored and eonieu:nod by the heathen who manage the great show. N" matt wiil uull'er who decs not participate in the iuifjuitv. Stav awav from the Citv Of S.n " . " - Since'iWriting this we have seen it men l oned tiiat as yet the grounds only will be optiMMl on tUiiuay. fhe probaoility is, we take it, that the bhow will soon be open also." Vanee on SiiyeT. st. Lout- Kcp'.:b:ic. . . femur a'.:ce, of North Carvdina, a inci.iber of tl.e Senate Fin::!;': :nuiiL .te, i-. a pioneUiiccd liieut! ef .-diver. He iai-a toi.uy Hint he couhl never be inditc- i ti to e;;su u vote iiostiie lo tiivci-, no mat ter wn.u argument cr influences wtit yi ought to Deal uit.-n li:n. 'ihc Senator ii a little inclined to anger when he :alks uf Hie pr.p:).-ili(ji to .repeal tin Si.ci man law wiluoUL giving tuc i.ilvei men anj thing in its place, lie is eniphat- ed in tuvor ot issuing bonds for tho iui- piovemeut of their highways. An operation or injections of carbolic acid are extremely -daugei uu 4. Try Ja- paue5e l i.e Cure. 1 o. ov Ed win Cuthercli. lveiy guarauteoo For. Saie Chkap ! 1 will sell private ly, and at bargain prices, two v2) fine nincii c us, an excellent buggy ami farm bor-c : and also, a good buggy i:iui sot of harneas. A. L. Jjh;om. Salisbury, X. C, May 8, yj-i. I. S. BROWN Co. .R.Jiilian&Sons Oa atcount pf their growing popularity have had toextecd their rac-JUt les tor vheir rapkUv Incrcw Uvg bututess. They have opened, a Splendid aioek Gen eral Merck anclise la tne nrvr stor room under the Cfntrcl Hotel w hi'ie tu.r low prioes defy nil coiapeiiuon ' They aif also coannulug Buytneasttt t'hetr old htand wlih prlcea iowr man vr. Call atd be convinced of ttiin. iw iirmg . our Chickens kukrs u.d butter to us at ice Stew Hotel. ' lo Se1, 0s Before .Bajiiii iiave vou watc h e s, clocks, or jewelry to lc reair- This Day, May 6th. 1S03, by mutual consent, the nartner.-hip iiereioioie existing between the jmbiihers of this paper i.-t di.-el veti. The Senior Editor, now ioie proprietor ; iii continue lo publish the W A TV H MAS is the J.!en;ocr.ti-; organ of the county, ai.d the reliring Junior, who believer , here is more pi out in farming than h' journalism, hopes thnt his fiiend,s v.u: continue their patronage t- t.'u ;r eh; ci'iiuiy paper. J. W. M rK X :n-:. & C. it . fiur n i;. 'Be sure ( yon are XTi right, then nun in hi - ji:J2Vf;2I-Ciafi6J: i Z " c-d, or do go to t h e VF b rmmm SWIM r Cuiciniiuti Slide Back: Suspender?, adjustable to all coii"ditio&. A new lot lace curtain', new and handsome designs. Wy alt's Lauder, allsoiid and every pair warranted-t $1.1.0 the sauie olt &ho.' kt the same old price sometimes old things are the best Trunks tor those who stay at homo aad those who travel. Matches 100 U the box, 12 boxes lO cts. - - Soap, Laundry and T-oilet. ... Writing Paper, EnTelopes, Tablets, and Blank Books. Sixty ceiits on the Dollar for Tin vrar, Crockery ware, and Lamp.- ; See oar Knives Forks, sud Spoons for the table. Lamp Chimneys 5'ds. three size"?, the same others aek lOcts for. . A feir poices of Floor Matting !elt, a walk oyer in price as well as s.tuii. Buttericks Patterns. Lr.uips, Lamp Barueri anj Wicks, Shoo brushes and Blacking. DO NOT FORiT YOl1 )ld Reliable M. HORAH. Wheihe i are wrap. to. Look or to Buy FOBJL B. TOURS Dafrcss Cur, not he Cured local applications as i I v ivac;; the iiscil rin;rc on !y One on tiny cmir.o; of ti:." eiiv. W;r andilw-'t is !v con.-i iti:tt reu ' - - n j.l-v ;uid vati a nPVr Sn. 7,, ; .c ;n tne oeitet mat toe Senate win i.e cr, tK-aines is cu-ed by an ii.thtun-d eon.ii yt.j stand an examitHtioH unoerLj Yotewerv H,Jir-d, and r:uvovWc- VmC 'ay.. lie is lucliued, too, to j ;ju;i o!- T iu. );Uicnus licit:, -..f th- K'au ovLU-ervice ri-U;f, for. a p.i:ion. in !cis and the oh! board of eouinii.-sior.ei 't-z'-i "'. f.lbe people svtio, while ,.;,j;iU Xub. Whets th-:sU;!.e is inlhtmed cjverninent unul service. He is a t'lhry uin;T nvati. emiiientlv canab'e i'i n will he pleased io know IjC is (refill io obtain iu a j 1 ace. Vk bargains, in nl kinds of Furaitut e lbs Salisbury J-'uniiture Co's Store. Cx'm L. h ikius.of Xew l)ndon,a!id Win. !!!, of . Concord trho. was till, re- 't!y, also & resident of New Loudon . ar.ly county , vcre anested last Mon- t churL'edv. ith beiasr the murderers Ir itis Tally, who was brutally killed lis room for the siiniiosed nurnose of - 'aH.hr j,;s. m,.llt.v Hhe mouth of wnl)cr last. .Elkinsand Kussell were J iu j:ul at Albemarle- to await ';l;.wliieh was had there yesterday. T1. . 1 - . 1 were re eiccteo vtnouc opposition. Everything is lively nbout t.ur little city now. Work on the factory iuis be gun and will bo pushed -n vigorously oi: until completed. Mi'. Suss;inio'i 'wiio ha,? the contract to mah'e im brick i, noving ri-ht on with the work. He is turning out ti fine quality at the rate'ol 2,500 per day, -p.nd as soon as t hty are ma'e the erection oi' the wail wjii commence.- Contractor S!oo; has the con tract to do the wood work for the facto ty, and also to build the houses for flie !:'iuiut. in niu to say unit ere o ig wo wili hear the buzz of the snin- Hlles.'and ihaL cjie time will soon come wnen Mooresville will he a manufactur ing town. Sumo little interest is being manifested in regard to th?. stone woik. At present there are two applicants for the job. Capt. Johnston? of this nlnee. i u.tz. lonsr a riisident of t .;t;,, t ......1,1. r . . ' r iMiuui aui n:i.uie IU say W 11 0 bury, lit lately a resident of the J v, ill get it. Mr. D. K. jMc.Xeely ha beenlappointed postmaster at this-place, and has now taken elmrge of the office. Mr. Temple tou vI.o ba-s liehi the office under the Harrison administration has given gen eral satisfaction, and he sleps ot;tcar ryiug with hiui tho best w ihcB ofuiT. Mr. J. A. llov. les iras retired from4he editorial jlebcdr of the lieqitttr. winch will be eoitiutied under the management xf the Mooresville Pj-inting company. The Watchman continues to irrcw bright and newsy. Let the good people of llowan support it liberally. C. It. A. -3 oi i'hiladc-lpliia, PennM died of paralysis of the heart at S o'clock last Ihursday. --His remains, accompanied -rtiss sorrowing ; wife und step sou',. Dr. M-Roj J. Sleroney, arrived in this city ;8t Sunday. Mr. Fultz wtm buried in l2fmil.y plot in Salisbury cemetery at 0oc.ock Suuday evening. The funeral fv;?e iareely 'atU-ndetl bv friendR -3!1 acquaintance of the deceased. nd w contacted bv Dr. I.ith rh m h- cb.arch. -- B? steads the. Cheapest in town for priye. at the Salisbury Furniture 'i Store. ''f Vic. VUiie McKenric. of whom raention 1,,Mir.r: liit.f;'cffi,, i.u... vJtiBdj igiticr friend. nd ?e,W-u Mou V uxruinj'c tr.:a to Ra'tiirh to attend the liiimttig to ue n 'eiuis u. ouver. vet ate ,vi!liug to adopt a oou: se winch wouhi :tn thcr degrade that metal. 'J llese people taik ol tneir friendshi j) to .-ilver.'" suid the Senator, ".,nd sa that I ney wi Uit'LUy i. i. v inii.g in the wurik l-o oriag ab jut Samctadsm, out that ihe .lo not think i nut just- now i: the time foi work in t.lint direction. The situation ill liitir opinion dehiaucis, if not an entiie siirrenut r, at least i. compromii-e wnich wou:d amount to about the sanse ihiug.; They waat to be known as friends of sil ver, while they are really willing to act in enmity towards it. They remind me of the liishmau who was sent down in liie bucket lo the bottom Of a well, lie found noxious gases down there and call ed out lo those above to haul him tip. They pulled hici up. a Jittie way and .-toppecL liecalieu out to lmrry tneir work at the whidiu.-ri. -They ln.-ini.ed bi:n a few leet further ti.id stopcd again. Tiie Irishman got mad and yelled out to them that if tney did not pull him up right away he would cut the rope." I!!) vou nave a rumoi.r.g .ouau or rieni ing, i.ud ivhen it is n lii ei t in i'l 'if Jim Bi 9 ismess le;ifiie: the iv ... t t. -.m.u Uilies-s O.-eJ. tiie Mi- i tune restored lo its n.orm.-il coiiuilion, iienring will be destroyed' forever; nine .-uses out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an in 'lamed con dition of the. mucous sui faces. We will give One Hundred Dollars fnr any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannoL be cured Dv Hairs Catarrh ("urc. Send for circular.-: free. F. J. UIIENKV & CO., Toledo, O. tSohi by Druggists, T'.c. Harris, Lilly, 6)pi of Ketl Flag. ATT, Proprietor. Fisher and Bennet, Assistants. J !! '. Ji i It will "make you feelgood all over.' To sco the grand barr.it being offered by the gers t Clot I'lins; Company Relics Islade to Order. 5 f i't. Suvt kibiiii A kiiicisttiou tO '"winttioa before tie Sute lcd:cl "r- J. Burt, weraber-of the ntcrnrhiur fcer, of -E. W. Burt i C;.. v. tut ui- to ;-ttwUl It Monday,. t which pUce thev ' 0Tlni - v . ..... I'-iiaoranca nousf ot tht.r extensive! r Sit.bUH;DeSg, Mr. E. W. Burt went up also Bin brother for a few dys. F. J. Eurt ;HteicanrKer of their States. i!lehou?e while r'.ll L - f v'-e . railing . noon on? oij friend. V. J "-:r it ew.davs .ago. we cw in !,-, Vt.1 .... ' ' - atlS Of hftriiesfl. his na n . iiaaiO in charge of their husine sittccsatothem. i-liC.p own hnncl-'.vi-i 1. . r Cr.ef niehed and dftrabilitr ranii'H ! ' 1. In fict, such harness a, the old nr iu vuor -io mot o? ii)ntgoinery Count Ilevrs Troy. There were hue rains here the 2nd and 3rd instant. T The mercury was down to 4S on the 4th of iiay. The mad cow beloifing to Baiter Jor dan died last-Friday, being sick just four and a. half "days, ud thirtv-five "day from the liweshe was bitten "bv the' mad dog. - The big mad dog Ruit was tried on the 3rd instant. Ezekeal Kpps indicted James C. Hicks for neglecting or refusing tojcilladogon his premises and under his control, after knowing orhol'ievin" the og was bitten. Col." Alien Jordan appeared for the prosecution, and J. U j Blair for Vne defendant, and utter the examination of a number of witnesses ou hath sides, and able speeches by the xoun sel, aud a d je consideration of the evi dence, the defendant was acquitted. K. L. McXee is con fined to His bed with the mumpsXThe whooping cough s also prevailijiig in town. r , John C. Kury has-been appointed de puty marshal of this district iu place of F. L. MeKee, removed. " Jr.s. (J. s?Wed. st)i of ,TfiR.Th f.i i.-.a An individual '.w ho opened' a sma tuvern near the iieid of Waterloo ;.( (Veuctjfjy questionod as to whethor he did or did not possess me re)ic.j. of the tcittle, and he invariably and honestly answered in the negative. But he was very jxor, and one day whiie" lamenting to a neigbor not otily his poverty but the annoyance to winch travellers subjected him, his friend cut him short with : "We'd make one help the other m&ke some relies.'" "What can I do ?" inquired the poor man; "Tell them that Napoleon or Welling ton entered your shop during the battle aud sat down in that chair.'' Not long after an Et.g'isu tourist eu-i tered "the ta Vera, and, inquiring for re!--ics, w&s-Loid the chair story. Thd chair wns bought at an incredible price., The nest comer was informed that Wellington had taken a drink, ;aud the Wellington tumbler was accordiugly soid. The third arrival gazed with breath less wonder at the hail on which Bona parte had hung his hat. The fourth purchased the door posts between which he had entered, und the fifth became the happy purchaser of the floor oa which he bad. trodden. At the last advices the fortunate tav eru keeper had not a roof to cover his hetuL and was sitting on a bag of gold in tho corner ot a deep pit formed v "selling the eath ou w hich the houtc had stood. Then Iviby was slok, v,-r r;avo her Castorla. Wlic-n Aie- was a CS'ilJ, bhi! ori'-d for Cotorii. .K: n she tTouno 5IL-s, cions to CaKt'-ria. When tho haul Children, sho gave them Castoria. i W V . Pit 12 5 3s 8 J 11 fW 7J 1 -oort'.ree r.cht-' it i- , i )t of deputy collector of this district, kv-t t n i ; diy, having been endorsed by the most proin- .. '"'"'' 'Mi he dmii? will i.re-1 incnt men, in the district i-.ious or wild horse f'rota running, or UV?wkiy 0,!1'J hv Xagnet--,UlU,at-ll'-: -Edwin" Cu ji I S. A. Iv. 31 ft 11' S ft-' Imo vtnrhoil f s U cenAboro, for medical treatment. The prosj)ecis Tor a good wh&at crop is splendid, as far asjieard from.-' -AY. ' Wilmington Sf,jr A -Wilmingtor- tel!'n;.h tiperaior was ta 1 k i ii jj ovei the vires with an unknown operator in Biclinioucl. Fiiii-'iv, tie former said: "Vou are no giTilieman.'" tuick as lightning ilu-iuaond. replied, "I know I in a Iuut. The Wiinrinston n eAAnc sue: s ei iti i . Id Great Variety at T. F. I01SE STOB FINE DKESS OOODS, CAi'- PETS, MATTINGS Etc., As low cur. be tought any -where SOME SPECIAL BARfiAIHs!" ' Agent for the Standard Sewing M aenme, The beit on, the market. Took diploma at Hali'bnrT Fair Inst CHILD BIRTH '; MADE EASY! - Mothkks' FatiMD " is t scient f . ally prepared Liniment, every ;ngr dient of rscogr.izei valj: ia constant usa by the meJ.icil pro-f.-siion. These ingredient? are com bined ir. a manner hitherto unknown YOUR AIM IS TO OBTAIN Good Value for Money. 1;. WHKU.Kit 4 CO.; kimw it'i.t rnaiM-ni ' I proncrity enn orihj ronie hy iifir.g lor the( h.-; iiiteres!-! of their' p.': irons. YOU WF. H i BUY GROCERIES i! SELL GKQDERIE3 We lru;.r.e fan iprodu; t.. cf all kind?, un.i wi!!. I. e t.h'itsf.l to have our- friendf" iii the (oruitryj :: i to see -is hct'ore r(!!il., .1!Kt A'1 iTu.';-- r.ntri- they won't rere.t! i t- ! COME QUICK AND SEE TliEM, " T4IEY ARE GOING FAST, YOC WANT A NICE ST RAM' HAT IN TEJE LATEST STYLE, . ... You Can Get It From The Rogers - Clothing - Company. Prices Irom Ko. to ?.00 Etieh, Every- Other Kind Of Hat You ur( ihlk Of. i'ig Stork of Clothing "ALL STYLES, ALL SIZES, ALL PRICES. Nice children's suits from Si 00 to fr'J.oG. Boy s suit from. $0.50 to $ 17.30. MenV suits from $SoOto ?27..5K Wc sell goods for cash and a?ll them cheaper than any other lirm-jn Uwit-. Your'w io count on, ROGERS' CLOTHINB CO.,1' 8AU8EU3Y, H. C; FiRE CLOTHIERS. AND OUR AIM IS TO SUPPLY Tha Best Value for 51c r.ey. in 11 . Jl ?mo mnfis&xs a 77x 1 ii MOTHERS'lUUP FRIEND u sin ess Ton want roorl. rure sroods at low pnef. don't ou ? Then go ic JULIUS EARNHARDT'S, wht-re are kept PUKE PKl-lcli 0 rif)U!i ES, such Fh.ur. god country list in?, Pof .-nrs ( so-'d nv.A Cfttinc). iyahu-'. uvA everything ele you want. Also, a new lia oi GOOD SHOES, Thi.-h l nm (ifferin'jr Very Olvsap. A full lir.e of DRY (JOJ;S and XOflO.NS alwuivs kept m stock. a :t'. now ;v.so selling the t?lT 'Attention, Fanner ! VII i VM- oel.v." iiuvin operabu" was thstiiderst ruck wh n he dt-coveid tlnit be-w:vs not talkinj ' tu Snlxcrihe for the Watchman -c-nlv '(,;K' f the boys,1" ami tiie eonrers.ttfcor. one dollrvfrP yea 'cav.e to an abrupt tcriiMuation. WILL DO all that is claimed i.-r it AND MORE. It Shortens Labor, Lessens Pain, Diminishts Darker to Lite of Mother -and Chili. Book to " Mothers " mailed FREE, containing- valuable information and voluntary-ttstimoniab. Satbrexprss reiptofree $1 90 prr bcte SBACFIELO RE8U-ATCR CO., Atlanta. 6a. SOLD B ST Ll DRUOOTSTS. C. E. Webb. J. S. Troutman. T. J. Kaba. R, S Wheeler & Co.j XlJABl.W fiSOCEKS, j WEBB, TROUTM AN & CO PitOMtlhTOi'J- Children Cry fcr Pitchers Castor! - SALISBURY, 'N. O. . Ma:Js SiiiEET, 2 dorrs below XviutU's. i Salisbury Marble yorksr f LAIIGK VARIETY, OF It A RULE try HAND TO SELECT 'FItOM. - SATi'ACTJON GfATvA.NTEED. . -