i i 1 1 - - -ll. - - il I Tl - JT.l Carolina. Watchman. ' 3? M?SSKZI5, 'Blfor and frrfT, v...-, t SUBSCRIPTION RATES. One year in advance. 1 00 Sir inpnthi......... ...'....... .50 1 bree months ... '.25 JUtarul as se-coad-class mall at Salisbury, X. C. THURSDAY, MAY 1$, W33. Tne '.'Object Leisoas." The Peryocracy, ii jeera ta as, has fcad enough of erirjerjce, to aaj noth- fog of the cyntry's . experience - from te effect ,9f an extravagant fAini$- tration of Uir gorernrnent, that the jbad laws on te cations statute books jpould repeated as one of the first measures to relter? the., people. Jae jard .to Preside nl ClevejaiidY views tou ihis line the New York World xaitn to ilpe "Object LeMon" en forced by the recent iurritfl and uaul stringency as follows : '.'The Republican journal profess to e yery npoch shocked at the report that President Cleveland finds a hope ,Cf:i1 difficulties .Vhich beset thje Jreas- ury and disturb the ,6guiry pn the "objectlessdp" (en forced by te recent JPyrries ajn, stringency. et why, not ? Krperjence h a $r choluujtrr, but frequently an inevitable and very necessary ne. president XI rant stated axiouatical Jy a plain tnjth when be declared that Vthe best way to secure the repeal of an : jpbpoxioai law.is rigidly to enforce it.' It is equally true that the best; way to feputft needed reforms if i the -Goven meut is to make perfectly plain to tl e people the evil results of existing con ditions. .The country has bajl for the put months an object-lesson in tf e JPong and the d;iuger of national ex- rayaaace. A squandered surplus anfl an eryoty 'Treasury enforced this won some time lef ore the end of the JJarrison Administration that encour aged and approved the wa.ste. '.'Another object-lesson is read in t9perat"oqs of thelrrjiau Silver aw. No amount of argument would have convinced the supporters of this measure that it would depreciate the W'jce of silver and fail to afford any re lief to people who clamor for "mere money" without offering a satisfactory equivalent. 'yh.e bjfct Jeson as to the .com bined folly and robbery of the Mc JCinley tariff waf so ,dea Ja$t year that the people voted for its repeal. "Presideut Cleveland has good rea son', uf opiti tti.it the unpleasant events and experiences of the present year will tend to secure remedial le is ')atJonyiCongreiS., . ; . , , M i During the past two weeks several of the most prominent bank of En gland have failed with heavy lubili- lyas Mqnday he Ralefgh ffaxpi:h pand its franchise, fyooks, etc., was olrl at auction, to .satisfy a mortgage, ind only brought which, accord ing L$ the X?$ aud Observer, whs remarkably low price, as the outfitr ,was comparatively new. ' It is stated that Gen. Clarksdn has ppme to tjje conclusion that the young men of this country ibave became tired pt dead is-ies and have therefore gone jnto ' the democratic party. The young men who believe in a future tate and personal responsibility for their actions in this world could not nopac for the in. 1 - Maj. yy. QutLrie, of Durli m f informed the Commissioner of .Agriculture, at rlaleigb, that a valua ble coal disc voeiy has been made on the line p , ike Glendon and Gulf railroad, twelve miles from Egypt, in iCbatam connty. He reports two earns, one four and a half 4 and the .other just befow it, four feet thick. T),e Supreme Court of the United States pit Monday last affirmed the Constitutionality of tle Chinese exclu sion net of 06nj5s, known ns the i'Geary ap' Jhder this act the Chi naman who has failed to register a a bona d-resident of this country, ' become subject to deportation, ucd it i therefore feared that a good deal of trouble is likely to be had with them. Tiey have shon little disposition to register and as the amount of $e ifn propriation, S00,000, is thought to be insiifHcinnt i to carry out the provi sions of the act in arresting and trans porting them jwck to China, the gov ernment wiy find itself unable to ex cute the la.w as the act provides. - r At Warren, Mass., ' last Thursday, Warren G. Butterworth committed sui cide hv shootins Iiirtatlf in the mouth. His daughter; Emma, who was trying Xo prerenr ner laiuer irom taking his Iifer receiveu tne bullet 111 he? braiu after it had passed through his head, She lived About an hour. Mr. Glndstone offered the place nf ntwt lnrP ihi r.f -Eiiirbi.nd. Jlinde VCht hv iUulU Lord Ten n vson to art Critic Jidin UuiHu.f .' ' , 1 A I Weldon special to the Wj lining ton Messenger av--thti State farms near mere wire uaiuHgw f.tff ij he recent freshet. Mai. John. VV. Grabam ;s an arpli cant for the attorneyship of the wes tern district ,v. , Thf Cane Fear and Yadkin valley Rail road depot at Walnut Cpvfi wjth coti- .tenw were destroyed by iirea&c iuon day. t7 . r TheNew York Preai. EeD3a5'.S what this country auts U one honrjuf John Sherman, 'h his country nas nau;s"oui Uiirty years ot Jo.hu Sheman, and thai is partly what is tbe matter ,wfth it. Wilmington Star; Sirs. Mary Ellen V - C VT l..'.m A..tn.url iia k i,4 Lease. ,UI JVKUNI9, 1U, cuicnu, wiib "-'J of prophecj', and dispost s of .Chicago hy predicting that 1 he .water of tlie iake will crawrup and 8Ui)mej-g;e ine wicaeq town in 1893. In that case Chicago will ta well whs h fed for once. In the mean time she wilt continue to enjoy her dirt and her wickedness, regaraiess 01 me liquid prophecies of Mary Jiilien. ' The champion juvenile thief lives up in lirooklyji, JN. 1 . lie isa iweive-year-old who slipped the coat off bis dead father and pawned ;t for a ftijv uickttlt- Secretary Carlisle on the 15th, award ed the silver life-saving medal of honor 10 Benj. Hewlett, of Wilmington, N. C, for rArfi-nitifr two viil from drowning Oil 1 he 7th of August. 1S92, on Wrightsville Sound, N. C. Hewlett displayed exeep lional courage, takiug both girls at the .tame time from the channel where the water was twelve feet deep. . London. Mat 10. the central part o'f the Episcopal Palace at tbe Bishop's court, near Douglas, Isle of Mann, the seat of the Anglican tJisnp ot oooor and Man. was destroyed bv fire. , The. Bishop's Court was a handsome struct- ure. inuth Tfsoited toby visitors to the inland. The conflagration uroue out ;o suddenly ancLspread so swiftly that l1K !rvHiits narrowly efcajed with their lives. Nw York World: The report that China will retaliate if the Geary Ex clusion act i t arried out bv our Gov- ernmept, as under the decision of the Supreme Court it must be, is not sur prising. Lhinamen are no more un popular here than Americans or miv P rtAfa m A lift Plllll. TViiX i al A tials are a tmtient race, but the prover bial last straw may prove too much for them. If exclusion is a right and proper policy towards Chinese in thi :ountry, how can we complain if it hould be adopted towards Americans in China ? The people ore getting fired of Butler' nousense. It he knows of any Demo crats who used fraud at the polls, let him name them, have them arrested and produce witnesses to prove thecharges. i here is a law to punish all people guil ty of suppressing the suffrages of their felloWmen. Have the guilty (?) parties brought to the bar of justice or stop your ranting. Sanford Express. ... The members of the State Press Asso ciation appear -to have abandoned the idea, of lrcitinir frtn nassa'A In fMiirmr.. D 0 1 " " during theair, and if they get there will nave to go as luuiviuuais. Faith and adherence in Democratic nrlncip'es have been growing upon the people steadily with the progress of cviluation nil over the world and es pecially io-the United States, - and w-e feel'conndent that'the number ot citizens whohave an . intelligent conviction of the merits of Democracy Is larger- now, even in the Jouth, thau ever before. Mecklenburg Times. A Washington special to the Charlotte Observer says : "No formal written resig nation has been tendered by District At torney Price. -He has merely signified to the Attorney General his intention to resign. His resignation, I understand, is to take effect the first of June." Our esteemed contemporary, the News and Observer thiuksfas we do, that tb Civil Service Commission is very much of a hutrbug. They have made a rnle that appppintinents made from their lists must be reported to them within three days, arid not long ago a man named Pulaski, havjng passed his examination, was certified by them as eligible and was duly appointed to a place in Washing ton postotfice. But the postmaster failed touotify their royal highnesses within three days, an.d so when Jthey found it out, they required Pulaski to be drop ped. .Pulaski 'has how sued the Com mission, and will without doubt be rein stated by the court, tbe three great Mog uls to the contrary notwithstanding. The whole system is a humbug I Congressman Grady hopes to soon have a chance made in the postmaster ship at Fayetteville, N. C, and tne mdicatiom are he will have the" negro Republican removed. Mr. Bissell "bluffed him ." as some of the Noith Carolinians put it, because there were na charges preferred .against the in cumbent; and he also complained- that the congressman had not submitted the name 'of a Democrat to be appointed. The charge are to be preferred r ght off, and Mr. Grady has his man picktd out, but he says he will hold back the name unliLhe is certain the Republicans is to be removed. Charlotte Setcs. In some respects North Carolina may not be the equal of some of these Western and Southwestern States, bnt take itall she is the equal of any of them aud the superior of many. ' They may have larger cities, 11 umerons railways, fertile and cheap lands, and wide racges for pasturage of catte and sheep but they have blizzards; cyclones, .floods, droughts and various other visitations that wh kn'ow jttle ot in North Caro lina, where if they come at all it is only at rare intervals and in mild form coni pared y'b the Western and South western article. Wilmington Stnr. The State executive committee of the Kolb faction of the Democratic party in Alabama met at Birmingham last week and submitted a proposition to the regu lr Democrats for a reunion thrnnrrh joint primary to be held next April, on- iy Himu uicu ty io fMiunu iy paniCl- THE QEEAT FAST MAIL. To "Sip Fast Trairs by tns E- and 1 ' D." 'K e'wJ Hailroads. Jk cw Trains. ; i . Fast Time. ; Fastest time seems to be the motto of the day in rauroad circles 01 tne xew aouth, aud ihe Kichmoud & Danville, it appears, lias reached the cliiax. Since January, 1891, thatcompauy has been operating three (3) through passen ger trains between K'ew York, Atlanta, and New Orleans, one pf these being fhe justly ceieurated "Washington tnd .aouth wesiei-tt Vestibuled'5 making the run from New York to Atlauta, Ga., a dislauce-'by jts line 12 mifes; in 23 hours, or au average of about forty miles per hour.' The great New York' and Chicago limited" of I ho Pennsylvania railroad makes the ryn roui New YorF to Chi cago, a distance by ilS rails of 876 mijes, n 24 hour; thus you see "the greatest southern sysieui' (the B. & D.) is givjng the-JJew South'' a service that is equal to thai, of the standard railroad f 'America (the Pennsylvuuia railroad). Bui with tae spring changes comes tne second wouder the establishment of Hie It. & JLl. s great, lasi man, coiyposeu of new aud elegant postal curs, complete postoffices on w heels, new ami luxurious coaches and magnificent Pullraau palace vesiibuled sleepers. The south bound train (No. 35) leaves Washiuglon every morning at li.iu o'clock, wim new York, Phdadelphia, Baltimore aud Washington papers of same date, and, distributes them through Virginia, North and South Carolina the same day oi issue, uuitinir them 1111,0 Atlanta at 6 o'clock a. auu aisinouiin 1 1 . i ; Alabama mcdiiim 1 m. tbe morning aner issue ; il,vur v1 ,r,,,,j' ?;"'ifi senu- " them XhrougU.Georgia, mem vs oeing iormeu in me &outi the aud JMississippi through the JNorluerp Assemniy nas long beeu btck f th ucvMii r:1iim:LiU rndiut iuir oiling back nts' Southern neijrhbor and from Atlanta by noon of the day arteMaK'". will proWbly t aiise a drsrup- publication, which is by many. hours the w . . . Quickest and most complete service ever I given . .4. . - .. . the United states mail to ana from tbe bouth. These last mail trains make the run from. Washington to Atlanta, southbouud, n eighteen hours and fifty mluutes, : mucu use me s.nci rcoicu rreaoyien vhile the corresponding northbound ; ans, but even the progressive Northern rin, No. 36, leave.- Atlama at 7.30 p. m..'i branch of the Church is harUty prepared irrives in Washington 2.55 p. m. follow- i to go as fur as Dr. Brigx has goue. ucr dav. makinir ;loe connection for- The future accouniubility of man is Raltimore, Phildelohiii. New York "and " Boston, arriving in ltaltimore 4.17 p.m., ' bly is to pronounce upon. These viial Philadelphia 6.40 p. m.., New York 9.10 questions wiij render it second in impor n m ni t t. r!:iv and lto.Htnii 7.80 a. in. tance only to the great Wetiuinsiei Time to Washiugtou nineteen hours aud twentv-five minutes and to New York twenty-five hours. ) The fast time, splendid equipment and m.i.iflpjnt. Rprvicft of the U. & D. is "J ..- - greatly appreciated by the traveling public, ns 1 manilested daily by their very large ana constantly increasing wl.-)ii utti " .... The managemen 01 the company w ntrusted to men of intelligence and high character broad and liberal in their l ", vnas. n 171 outers ast t en views, strictly business in their methods , ruarv we r,e "cqintted toilay in the crimi and rules of conduct, just and reasonable 'h1 corurt b-V the jury rendering a ver toward all patronn, showing no favAirjt- d,ct ,f n,ot f l,,ltl'- Jude Vartef fv-re-Um, making no promises to be broken,!1 buked the jury, saying "Well I cuaranteeing nothing ihey cannot accora-. plish. Such a system, with such a man- agement, is justly the pride of the people itservesand the section through which passes. The Republic. Raleigh Sentiment to be Preserved. The Ball imore Sun of Saturday savs : A immhiM- uf mitivtt TCurlli ('nriilinnuw resident in Baltimore have formed an association to purcnase and preserve the and on l.'oauoke Island. North Carolina, whor Sir Wallnr RlWli in v.ar 1&S4, planted the first English colony in j JSew orld The tract includes about j ud fiftv acres on the north- two hundred an east corner of the island; and on it stands the rums of the original fort built bv Raleigh. The whole can now lo bought for $1,500, aud the committee propose to orgauize a company, which will issue 800 shares of stock at $25 per share. ; This will leave a small annual income ; witn wnicn to preserve ana protect the 1 property. I he committee include Prof. ; Edward Graham Daves, Frnncis White, I City Solicitor Bryan, Pi uf. A. Marshall , lv.lliott, Jjartlet o. Johnson and thomas J. Boy kin. ' i Quarantine and Disinfection. Dr. Rich'd" Lewis, ;Secretary of the State Record of ealth, in a recent pub lic circular utters the followingAvarning: "We are seriously threat eueu durintr the coming summer with an invasion of the most dreaded of all the contnenons and infections diseases. Cholera "Most people know the value to health of cleanliness of person, premises, food an tine or isolation of those sick of infec tious diseases, and more especially the necessity for the disinfection of the pa tient and his effects after his recovery. As nothing is so convincing as facts, I will give some of the results obtained in the State of Michigan, where sanitary regulations are carried out, certainly as well as, if not better thau, anywhere else in the country : The, number of deaths from scarlet fever in that State before the Board of Health undertook its restric tion was 4.85 for every 10,000 inhabitants after 2.45 of "malf-pox before,. 85 per 10,1000 after, .10. One of the dia grams to be exhibited by that Board at the Columbian Exposition "indicates the lives saved: from scarlet fever, 7,265; from small-pox, 1,921, and from typhoid fever, .1,671." The administration of health laws even in Michigan is still very, very far from perfect, and yet see the great saving of.life brought about by their partial. application. Vbat has been done there can be done here and ought to be done, every one must admit," Trinity College Commencement Dur ham June 7,-8. This year's commencement of Trinity College, Durham, will occur June 7, 8. and include the following .. important lciuue me ionowiug ,. important is: 1. Baccalaureate sermon by r.tt. N. Sledd, Richmond, Va.,at i.. Wednesday, 7th, in the Main features Rev. Dr 11 a. m ....V VUIV VHUIVUt Mm xj 1 1 era rv Societies, by Hon. A. M. W'addell, of Wif miugtou, N. C, at 4 p. m., Wednesday 7th, in Stoke's Hall. 3. Annual Ad" dress before ihe Alumni Association, by Walter P. Andrews, of Atlanta, Ga., at 8 p. m. in Stoke's Hall, Wednesday. 4 Graduating Exercises at 11 a. in., Thurs day, 8th, in the Globe Warehouse. Re duced rates have been applied for over all railroads iu the State. Plrpt Il oi hniivt fMmwtH . i gtate Horticultural Society. Greensboro Record. A meetiug of the executive committee of the North Carolina State Horticultur al Society was held in the rooms of the Chamber of Commerce to-day. ThePresideut was empowered to se lect time and place for holding the State Horticultural Fair: A committee of three, hereafter to e selected by the President, Is to visit the United States Agricultural Department in the interest of the fruif raiders f the State and render a report to the aunual meeting. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorfr An Important Ecclesiastical Council. Chnrlotie observer. The General Assembly of the Presby terian Church iii the United JStat'es, gen erally ppoketi of as theNoVvherW.General AsseiuJilyj whiclns soon to meet In Wash ington Ciiy, y ill be one of the most im portant Church councils which'lias ever assembled in this couiitry, or, indeed we may say, iu any pouutry. It is 10 decide for the reslyierjaj Church of AuiVriea the authority of the Scriptures, "1 he au thorship of the Holy J3ibie. ' i. A ....... . . . . r i ...... . . .... 1. 1 i uc uiaiici win yiuic ujj me appeal to the Assembly of the prosecutors ol Pr. IJriggs, who was acquitied of here-' sy by the 2f ew York Presbytery. Que pi tne charges against l)r. Briggs is tliat he rejtc s the ipug-i ,e.ieyeti-;n authorship ol the book's of I he Bible, and holds that hatacied book is a collection of Jewish writings uf unknown and Uudi-scuVeraUle-auiliuihip. Dr. Brjggs thinks that ihel authors Were probably unknown scribes,! who edited the records of thdr race, laisely attrihyting tho authorship to prominent lenders of the Jews, in order tp impose upon Ibe'crtduliiy 'of the ncO" pie; - r . -;r The exciting question is : What view will the General Assembly take of this question r Uaiupanoid to sanction the theory that tne revelation of the Eternal ileum to maiiKina vas starte'l upon its human existence through trickery and fraud?' Tlie decision .of the Assembly will liave V widespread results. If Dr. Bri's is upheld it will forever" cut uif any hope 6f the union of the Northern and Southern General Assemblies, whi-ch split at the iK-ginning of the war, but in i; f 1 w ...ii.. .. a . ii won in lucjiuacia uiiuerii Assemuiy. But it is not probable ll.at Ur. Bn-ys 1 I ,1 MM... -V' ...I T . win ue uuui;u. ine xurinerii rres hyterianshave uot much of that conserv atism which is found amoug the 8011th- fern adherents ol lias faith, who are very another important quesiion this Asseiu- hody that adopted the Confossiou of Faith, the question of the revision of which Confession will probably be rele- to lIe rear on account of the great- er interest centered iu the case of Dr. T " -origs. A Jury Kebuked. 'Ashevilie, N. C, May 13. Special. , T - T 111 11 r- t 1 H I'otiL tiiI hdin I I tt'.I I tt f.iiKitn ' " " u, who murdcretl Unue.l st.ites Depu- ,u"ar V- . K'VSS u,,s ffir0riB J.l,s' U;e' not,uf - el i1')"1' ,y ow ""V "e,e cr:',t!( C III e it is a V-1 c "; personal disgrace to jury, r "I did not submit the question of slf defense, but thought you could in no way consider it a case- of killing in self defense. It "was certainly a case of uinr "or "J u,e egive, it not in the 'T ' -- u-m inVr,,u-,ll-v 1,1 Ub yerou-.; iei ine jury ne uisciiargeu .' prisoners as well." The loid.- are holding an indignation meeting in the con-t .house denounce-th jury's vt r.lict, to-night to The State Motto. Pro'. Ale zander la Wilmington Messenger. You like to go to the bottom of things. So I call your attention to the fact thai Cicero's "Esse ouam videri"' is it ell a quotation from Plato, who (in the Gov- pas 527) says : "Above all, a man must take good care not to seem to be good but to be goml, as well in public a private liie." in At last the wasted energy of Niagara Falls is to be utilized. The tunnel con structed at a cost of nearly five million dollars has just been completed, and it is proposed to transmit elect l ie power, generated by water passing through the tunnel, lo,A'lbany, N. Y., and interme diate citks, aud possibly to New York city. Mr. Can Sehiirz called upou Mr. Car lisle a few days ago and had, consider inglhe circumstances, quile a protract, ed interview; with the Secretary. His object was to preach Mugwuinpisnv and civil service reform. No soone; says, the Post, h:d the .distinguished visitor taken hi.s departure than Mr. Carlisle demanued the resignation of live heads of divisions in his department. Carlisle is a trump and a Democratic trump that counts. The Democratic parly cannot afford to acquiesce in the position taken by Postmaster Genera) Bissell iu 'the 'mat ter .of the postofflce at Fiiyetteville. There is no use of mincing words about it. The Democrats have a right to demand the appointment of a Demo crat. It' there is any difference in the principles ,pf the Democratic party and the principles-ot the lif publican partv (and there certainly is) and it the Democratic , principles are right and the Republican principles are wronff, then those'ho fought for the right should have a hearing in preference to those who3fought for. the wrong, and it is a strange tiling to us that those who. have' been placed in power should refuse for a moment to heed the wishes of those who placed tb-m there. Ex. A correspoudent writing to the News and Observer from Henderson, N. C, says; Dr. F. S. Harris, President of the North Carolina Dental Association, is in receipt of a letter from his mother, who is spending some time at Mnxton, in which she recalls some curious history of that section. The letter is dated May 9th, and lam kindly permitted to use the following extract: "We went last Friday and -spent -the day with Mrs. Margaret Hiues Mclntiie, and had a pleasant day. Thev live in a large old- fashioned hou.e that was built sevcutv of eighty years ago. It has beeu in their family sixty years. Two old ladies live in the house. . They tell me that a rich family named Stewart lived there before they bought it. Mrs. Stewart died and Was buried. That night the negroes dug her up to get the rings off her fingers, and she waked up and came to life. She went to the house and knocked at the door; her husband kuew her voice, and asked if she was in the flesh1 or in the spirit. She said in the flesh, and he let her in. She recovered entirely, and liv ed niany years. Had a son after that who was a Presbyterian minister. I had heard the tale before, but never thought I should be in the house w here it actually happened." t Pon't he talked into having an pern- ,on -as it may cost you yonr life. Japa nese Pile Cure is guaranteed to rure you by gdwin Cutjberell, .Salisbury, C. This Day, . ; May6tfc, 189Q, by rautiia) consent, the; partnership heretofore existing between the puldisher of this paper is dlsolved.l The .Senior Editor, now ole nmnritor will continue to liublLsh the W S the Democratic organ of the county, and the, retiring Junior, who believe there is more nrofit ill fnrmti'fr Ihttn in journalism hopes that his frienffs will luumiuu ineir patronage to their old conuty paper. J. W. McKenzie, & C. I. Bkijnkk. Eeafnew Ctnuot he Cured by local applications as thev cannol 1. . 1. J; . , .. - . rratu me uistawu porijop ,ot .tne ar. Therp is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitution remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condi tion of the mucous lining of the Eusta- cuian i uoe. v nen lh3 tube inflamed you have a rumbling sound or impeffect hearing, aud wdien it is entirely closed, Deafness is the result , and unless the in flammation can be taken out and this lube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing hut an inflamed con dition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured bv Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars; free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. S-Sold by Druggists, 75c. It is conceded that Crisp w ill have a walk-over for the speakership of the next House. DS. R0BT. L. EAM8AY Surgeon Dentist!) Salisbury N. C. t&H)ftice hours 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. SH3IIIS H0HI S.HM0HS ssnfuoTq.BG3ipuiao'xcl SSS5iia5.'l.l3.M.W.XLLISY.M.a Atlanta, Ga. Oi'ice lAy', VbiMUalLS. IFTOUlt BA CK A CH Rff, Of yon are all worn out, really good for noth ing. It Is general debility. Try TtHO WITS IRON Mil TTtCJtS. It wQl cure yon. cleanse your liver, and giva a good apoetite. If you feel weak and all worn out take BROWN' S IRON BITTERS Many Persons are broken down from overwork or household cares, lirowii's Iron Bitters Rebuilds the ystem. aids digestion, removes excess of bile, aud cures malaria. Get ihe genuine. Then Daby was sick, wo pave her Cartorla. When she was a Child, sho cried for Castoria. Xhen slie became 3Ilss, she cluns to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. In Great Variclv at T. F. TDDH&'S STOBE. FINE DRESS GOODS, CAR PETS, MATTINGS Etc., As low as enn be bought anr where SOME. SPECIAL BARGAINS. Agent for the Standard Sewing Machine, The Lest on the market. Took diploma at Salisbury Fair last full. YOUR CA5E IS NOT HOPELESS AIDS NATURE IN NATURE'S OWN WAY. IT COSTS YOU N0THIN6 TO INVESTIGATE. A var PamfihUt MAILED FREE upon atflicmtio. ATLANTIC ELECTROPOISC CO. 1405 Mw Yrk Ave., Washington, D. C. Cares all Female Complaints and Monthly irregularity, Leueerrhcea or Whites, Pain ia Back or Sides, strengthens the feeble, builds up the whole Bystem. It has cured thousands and will cure you Druggist have it. Send atamp 'for boo V ' SB. J. T. DBOHGOOLE A CON LosIsTlIla, Xj. WiHdnn Cry for Pitcher's rtorla y m k ? fJ Is, y ctt:d ...i fl.M wiuv. Rit J B ii MfV fc h Oiitpain. l;.k of par- WIT u u rf I a Aft n 13 ft 8T0NEWAXL For I St- T NOTHING Prices LOW, Cnll M. 1859 j. H0DE3 TlOW, ?res:deiit, WM, C. C0AET, Secretary. " Assets 81,111,333.87, Insures all Kindsfof Propsrty at Lowest Adequate Rates. ALL LOSSES PROttPJLY ADJUSTED., AND SATISFACTORILY SETTLED, Represented ia General Insurance Agency of J; Allen Er own. i 1 NATIONAL Jfirc n$rijncc Co. OF - HARTFORD, COM. Statement, Jacnary 2, 1803, Cap'tal stock, all c:ish tl.wniwp.o Funds rfsrvpfl to meet ail lla!)Uliir: Urlnstirance reserve. legal standard $M0J,f36.11 Uasfttled losses and other claims 25s.6-ri.-'2- l..-,.3Sl ?Z Net surplus over capital apt! all ilabll, Ues 47.c9i.;j Total assets, Jahuary !, 1893 J. M. PMTQvl Resident Afjnt, A Now nl Crrn;ito Ti-entme:if, couisiipj of SUPPOSITOKIK-3, CapstOen of Oiutnieht tud two lioxowof OUitment. A aover-f nllini? Curu tor Piles of every nature hnj degTeo. It m ik(v an oierr.tion with the kuife or lDjectiojsci csrlxjlio v.cid, which re painful and neldom a praianeut euro, r.n! fifn'n remlting In donth, nnneceseary. Vhy rtijr3 this terrible dioese? Vjr suftrr:r.s. O boxa tr our niv onss. Vou ouy pay for bennfits recclrM. tl a box. 6 for $5. Sent by icall. Ouarantce: issued by our agents. rOMTSSTIPsM ru'0(?- P!!f Prevwfnd, bUHO lit r lUlJ byJsnanescU.rrPciia the frreat UVKIt and STOMACH RKGULATOH and BLOOD PUKJFIEft. niii'.l, taild raul piaaut to take, epoclally adnptod for chi.drcn's u3o. M Doeoa 25 contK. QUA KANTEE3 Issued only ty EDWIN CUTHRBLL. 1S4,'. ISi 2. Mutual Benefit Life Insuranco Company, NSWABE, IT. J. AMZI DODI), PnEsiDEXT. A sjet8 (market value) - - $4.Si:0,27a.05. Surplus (Mass. Standard, 4 jercfJ$3,."4j,7i:JX0 EXAMINE tlifiPerfeoiei POLICY. Clear, Brief, Just, Liberal. AFTER SECOND YEAR No Restriction on Residence or Occupation, Ko Forfeiture in Case of Lapse, INCONTESTABLE. CASH LOAN'S MADE-UP TO ONE HALF OF THE RESERVE OX ASSIGNABLE POLICIES. Annual Dividends; Xo Stockholder! All Profits go to Poliryholdert. BEST CONTRACT EVER OFFERED. J. M. Patton, Agent. SALISBURY, X. C. Faying Beators' ) BOTftSIC l-f"'?; r.s nnvt nt THE GHilAT REMEDY - FOR ALL DLCCS iff) SKIN DISEASES Hjtsbefi th'.r7vx ijtfci by env ineut phr!''!' ' i d tiie pW for to jsxi, r..xl :c-r f :i to ear qwcily rd ;uj.jii'Jj ' . niTTOl CTO'lTllNO iU(i ROTUKO OKES. -iawriiW; eurf tlie ' lowed. Prise 11 per bulUo, 9 bo -atf vr re II)M mim .-,1 . Cl. r mas fifflSNO-'f BETTER MADE and oxamihcvjAiialvsU Respectfully, QUINN "1890 i riiiu r isuer rirpris, U f tnir. THE BEST FOOT FORWAIiD. R ii itlur a Hiitiied in a p.nir of our FirreSau! jsle Six e. We liave received imotlir b lot of S:trj)Is this week, anil tbe prettiest line we've ever shown, ixm us ji call and we wiH'ce-taiiviy do jou mjd. E, Vt BURT & CP'S. Pomona Hill iKurseries. OVEU ONE MILLION FitUlT TBEE3, VINES S.C., CONSISTING OF A pi. lei, -Pears, Cherries, Ja an I'ersirurnons, Quiiices, (Jra;es, I5l:n.klerrif3. M uiln rries, Currants. Asparagus, iMlbtits' l'enchfs, l'Junis, Apricots. NeiUrineii, Fi-8, Strawberries, Dewberritr, . ltaspberries, Oooseberries, Pie PUat, Er.glih Walnuts, Jaimn Mammoth Chest- 'Shade Trees, nut, which bears at Evergreen ami om 2 years old ia nur- mental shrubs, sery.rows, - Evergreens an4 hrdj Ahnontls, flowering urub, I'ccans, ic., ki. Roses. Fruits from th? earliest to the Utesi,, gatbr cl as it is from all parts of the (jlobe. - Orders solicited by our agent. J. VAN LINDLAY, PoironaN. C YOU CAN MAKE MONEY The Southern States. It Ls a beautifully i!lulrted monthrj tmazine deiroted to lki-Skh. 1 1 full of inteft for ererj rvi4ai f 8outlj and ought to l in evwjr 8nl'a lious liold. . . - Everybody Can Afford it - as it costs onlv S1.50 ner year or 15 cent ' fjr a single copy. We Want an Agent in Every Southern City and Town. Write for uunpl cop ies and particulars to the Manufacturers' Record Pub. Co., Baltimore. Md. CaveaU, and Trie-Mark obtained, and I J rw nt buine.-eorwlccted for Mootn.Tt 2id wecw KPcnre n. la tef Um Kcnd model, driwlcg or P Vfrw Hon. We advi.e. If j.atcn.ab to-""".S ctarge. Our fee not dua nil paten : l "lrZH rjtmea of artnal clU-nti to your Stau, eoau j. Iowa, sent free. Addree, C.A.SNOW&CO. Opp. PTCHT Orncc. wahitoi. 0. JVT " i 1 I 1 1 i r