prrespondeDce Watchman. , Spring Twa tt the old Farm. It is spring-time on the o!4 farm fvnero me irriier nas penj. hip thirty yearTojE hjslife ; and the flowers ;e blooming and nodding with freshr j iad and melanchblj iweetnesi on the circular beds, in dear, dead mother's fatorite garden in front of "the old J arm house, where ear children wee born ami reared tli tl left the p. rental horn where the writer regular ly penced. many a communis tion in poetry or Jrose for the Watcqha tor fully tveirty-fiTe of those thirty year ; pnd where the aroma of past memcres is far hewer and morn delightful ban teh the scent $f the blessed flowers that were planted and tended and doted upon by the blessed partner X)f hii jy and sorrows, who has been re lnored to a land of ererUstjqg pnufc- For thirhr-od l vernal seisms have these same familiar flowf been turn ing their sweet faces up to mine in family recognition fery time .1 have passed in or out tb door. U'it now . . ..i tha eyes of a ;ir.t beauty wiio u;i gone from the fireside renin to looji out from their faiy cups ; and even sparkling dew-drop on their tender leaves, seems a counterpart of raiment ju heaven. I hear her wljiaper in the 4'jutU-wifdtlut funs tljeiif tit eyeulide. I can almost see her loot-prints in the walk that surround them yea, 1 can see everywhere, ii every shrub ad I fruit tree aud blade of grass the traces ofouel loved sb well that her very foot-prints in, the sand, were they visi ble flow, would be nr. ore sacred to me thau any other spot on this wideearth. JJudep the bautiful shade of these forest trees that cover the landscape in all direction, how many a time I have pat down with her and opened the ?"newspapers frsh from tbe post-oflice read for her the news of the whole WqM week after week, month after inontb ni Jear utlT year read from their columns for' her sermon af-j Magnificent Gold Nnffgets, Da 'r !I al, - - , Ric'iani Earner, Jr., M, J3 manager of the Gold Hill mines, was in the city this morning with J 5 ounces of nug get gold from his pigrV mine in Cabarrus county, This P-aae" proper ty is the bonauzt of the State at pit ent.' One of the nuggets weigh near ly 4 ounces and is of a rough character. haying some quartz attached showing it Has corns fronj near the surface. I'lie min w in cloe proximity to the famous Reed mine, where the S pound nugget was found. A this is h new ly -discorered propeity we look for some large nuggets at th WojT Fair, where they will be on exhibit. riEWERAL NEWS NOTES. The Mav crop report of State PeJ Agricultural and I Mechanical college rtment of Agriculture says wheat is beep tendered the . pro essorship of liatin in te Missouri iiiitiiry acade Pepple Who Take Offense Easily. In this world there are a certain class of individuals who roam about with a chip' on their shoulders, daring others to kuocj? it off just for the lux nry of indulging in a first class quarrel. To the gentle mannered, sweet dispo- -sitioned ones this seems a very ques tiona-bte sort ef enjoyment, yet to mime a wordy war or a full fledged fend con stitutes the c)iief excitement of their partment of Agriculture say 0.3,oaU&.arjeDgT rice S'J, cotton C2, corn ml. tobacco 89. The cnditi n of elovtr and grasses 92, of fr iits The increase in the acreage of cotton is 10 per cent., and and 17 per cent of improved cattle hare been introduced Mr. Andrew Bro.ulfoot h s 1.000, tea plants growing on hi farm near Fayetteville, They were transplanted from the State $?pei iment farm, are thriving. The Ctvonerative Hank, of North Carolina, with an authorized capital of 3500,000, legan business at Fay etteville last Friday, John P, Coffin is presdent and ex-Auditor Suuderlin vice president, A Weldon correspondent of the Richmond Dispatch tells this one ; Warren county has the smartest bog. During the forest fires last week the hog saw the flames approaching her bed of straw, in which were her young brood, hue rooted out a hole near the bed, depositing the pigs in it, and then lay down over them, The fire passed over, ringing the hair of the President A. Q-Holiday of the Skatn j Governor C.irr has written Hoe. t GeOr?e DilTM. fit IVllmlnnn . was attorney general in the Confeder ate cabinet, inciting him to deliver a hrief address May 301 wl tie the Di.?is Vrn:iin lie in state at Ui!irh. my. It is believed he will accept it. iniey Sill Testier To the Efficacy of the W o rld-Re nowne4 Swift's SpscSfic. I I in ILLS i in fit Tho old-tlma atoipls ! remedy from the Georgia swamps aad fields has gone forth to the auUpodec &stouUMng the ikepUcal and confounding the theories of ' those who depend solely on the , physician's skill. There la no blood ' taint which it does not immediately eradicate Poisons utw&rdly absorbed or the result of vile diseases from within all yield to this potent bnt simple remedy. It is an u a equaled Sonic, bollds up tho old and feeble, cores all diseases arising from impure blood or weakened TitaUty. pend tor a treatise. Examine the proof. Books on Blood and Skin Diseases " mailed fre Druggists Sell It. 3WIFT SPECIFIC CO., Drawer 3. AUanta. Ca. lives. These jreople always have a quarrel old porker, but the little squealers on -hand, if it i4itH family affair, were safe. then outsiders must suffer. They are quick to take offense, both in public uid private, aud have no scruples about xpreasiug themselves on paper when ihey haven't a chance to do so verbal ly. It is this penchant for writing letters that helps to keep them contin ually in hot water, as the black and while characters are decided evidence or History anu me pnwosonnv 01 euu- At the Stale Uuiversity commence inent in June Judge Thomas C. Fuller will deliver an address on the life and character of Hon. Joseph J. Davis, and Hon, H. T, Bennett au address on the life and character of Walter L. Steele. There will be a celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the gradua fi.m nf tli rl;is nf lft4.;l. at urllic.ll :. .l ii u: .Tw pvr.. -ugcr Jod KoUertp. Dick, off that class, will snpL' nF thp mfninrins of Til) vear: , , 1 . ii I r j i.uw. 11 i-tictc ncic any ncwac ill iijint r. ill l l . .1 : ' J I 11. w rrrI ilIp i hsir. :i new eliiiir l. xr j .a. a . u , . i . i son 01 conauci, tneie wouiu d some "U1S? mule- cutimj wil, b( establishea over, it ninkes you doubly unhannv to ' bealwarson the ouls with some one. A,ie ree fress says many rarmers Von mav metend not to care, but vou iu LeI,oir louiity have plowed up their do iust the same, and though pride cotton and replanted, the long drouth anurtemner keen your spirits up for a followed by the cold rain, having had " i . - er sermon, asiliey regulnrjy sppeared, j time in your secret heart yu wish you a disastrous euect. bfTalnjage and .bpurgenn and other had not been quite so ready to quarrel. The secretary of the recently or great divines whose eloquence the New 1 ork Commercial Adrerttser. gauized State Liquor Dealers' Assccia newspapers brought it were to our don gays one of the objects of the yery dor, j g Clarkson. in his address at Lou- organization is to elevate the business Uut th carol of no one of the beau- ;SYi;ie to the UepUblican politicians out fiful bii'4! that tjitted n tne shrub bery aroqpd us could be sweeter than the voice, whose echo 1 still hear, ty nf the people of the United States jybich so Often told nie to bd a good H're Republicans on the real Republi man, and to be faithful und true to my can iastlPg; This is ii trasrinsr. 4qty-the voice, now hijshed forever, Did Ihe Republican party, then, fight pnat consianwy, prayen w,in ana lor the campaigns of 1890 and 1892 on the our cnuareu tne Toice inai never unreal Kemib ican issues? That is British ship Countes Erelvn a fi-w of a job who are gathered there this di48 ugo WM struck in a ,og hy Ue.. weeK, oraveiy uec.ares mat "a major.- lllas steams,,io Citv vl. Jluuiburir and ft mt n All sunk with twenty-five persons. lost but Captain a nil mate. The Campania's lust voyage from Sandy Hook eastward to Queenstown, broke alt previous records by tno ana a half hours time 5 da v.. 17 hour - sanctioned a mean act and always the Wical inference from Mr. Clark- praised a worthy deed. - son's assertion, for on- the issues that and 42 ,"in,,tes The soil pf the old farm, just awak- the party presented the majority The summer session of the Univev emng from a long winters pap, is D? the peop'e, reiorded them- sity Law School will begin on July yawning and stretching itself f.r selves hs not Republicans. But if the first. Judge James E. Shepherd wi another season a productiveness, And McKinley act, the Force hill, the be present, and the school will be con- while reipect for the memory of its Sherman law, the Billion Dollar Con- ducted an heretofore Ix Hon. John former mistress is voiced by even the gress, Reeds oppression of the Con Manning and! JudgeShepheri trot and flowers. J know full wein eressional minoritv. bounties to favor- that the highest respept for the dpa4 i ed classes, the squandering of the A A'": We understand , shown by the faithful labor of the Treasury surplus, Clarkson's decapita-r1""' "1C " 1UIK neram " n ar- prosity are not real Republican issues, Present 8,1 ver ,aw and the reP of A Historic Flag. what iu th name of reason are tWv ? len Per ce,,t- bank tax. VVe are will Richmond. Va.. Mav 18 The Con-IThe ReDubhcan uartv made them. ,nK mese measures shall Ko to- federate bazaar recently held at the aloried in them, challensed the na- ket,leri and that they be embraced in armory lor tl:p joint benefit of the tion's judgment on them and was s:ime s,ct hat the country needs Corfederate soldiers and sailors' raonu- overwhelmingly defeated on them in more currency is apparent, and that meut and Jeff Davis museum, realized the election. Neic York World. -j the continued pure bene of silver is $2S,418. To-day at a iftass meeting f tWBMIBBBBStSnaSSBMPCKgaSBSaMMnMMBO "JPIfl Advice to If you would protect yourself from Painful, Profuse, Scanty, Suppressed or Irregular Men . struation ypu must use BRADFIELD'S FEMALE REGULATOR , Cartkiwtillk, April 9G, 1889, Thia will certify Lha.t two meaibers of my ImmeQiate family, softer hariuir suffered for years from ittairfal IrresularitT, being treated wlthuat fc..jfltby physicians, were at length cc lpleteiy cured by one bottle of Hradlield's) Female Keiculator. Its effect Is truly wonderful. J. W. Stkakqk. Book to " WOMAN " mailed FREE, which contains aluabls Informatior on all feinals diseases. BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO.. ATLANTA. GA. FOS MALE HY ALL DRUGGISTS. BitaJl & DM B. R. Co. F. W. Huidekoper and Reuben Foster, lleceivers. condi:nsi:i schedulk. IX EFFECT NOVEMBER SI. ISOi. The Carolina WAtcSati- III 11 IWf ,111111 11 fe! Ill I1II1IL 13 - - - .V.- - ' . .' Renews its allegiance to ID, mocracy -the Cause r of the People, SOUTHBOUND No.9. OAlt Y. SOLD UNDER C!IAR A NTTT7 CCTUAL COai LE23 THAI! PER OA SOLE AGENTS. What is Life Assurance? An easy means of secur ing your wife and family against want in the event of your death. A creditable means of se curing a better financial standing in the business world. The most safe and profit able means of investing your savings for use in after years. All Life Insurance is good. The Equitable Life is the best. I.v Richmond Lv BurKcviile ia Keysvllle Ar Octnvilte at Qreensboro . Lv GolasOoro Ar Kalen.'li Lv i:aieiu Lv DurUsiH a r Greensuoro Lv W'insioD-Salein Lv ijieensooro AjSjUsuutv Ar Statwvilie Ar AKlivllie ... Ar Hot sprlnir.. . i.v Salisbury Ar rhiirioue A r Spartanburg Ar (JreavlUe Ar At'atUti Lv t,'U.irtilie Ar Commbta Ar AuguKtii 14 4" r . it 61 pji . 3 3". rT. 7 23 All 9 80 AH t M5iij t;45rn . 3orjl 11 10 rx 4 U tM 5 tt rn 7 45ru i- fA U lo i r6 am 3 u; am 9 'III All Ti an l AM IU 0(1 AM IS 50 AM 40 A 3d UK A r. 35 AM e w ah 15 AM 7 ISAM 1AM t 30 AM 11 04 AM 11 o.i rx ' 4 ti I'M j 5 '.7 PM 1 11 14 AM j 4' FM j 3 rt J 4 42 PM 1 1)0 I'M NORTHBOUND DAILY. Xo 10. No. U ft tt AM S 1 AM a 17 am 9 " AM 11 S7 AM 11 2 PM 4 55 PM 9 35 AM I 20 I'M 4 15 PM No. 3S. Lv .. i.v Columbia . Ar charlotte . Lv Atlanta Ar CUarioite . . ii on pin. . o 50 m.. 6 oo am.. Lv ... Ar Salisbury ... I.v HotSorlngs I.v Ashevilie .. I.v sinter Hie . Ar Salisbury .. Salisbury ... tiivensboro 12 3o pin .... 3 50i'UI 7 3' pu 9 20 piu Su i am 12 4" pm 6 40 a.ii 7 o pm s 05 pm 6 .5 am 7 4'i pm 8 17 um 9 15 pm k 5 pin 9 ii pm li r.9 pm... t 45 pm... 7 47 pm . . . 8 37 pm... Ar .Wlnsiou-aalom Lv Oreoiisi or .... Ar Dnrhnm Ar Ha eili I.v K:i!rl;li Ar Gold.sboro Lv lirwusboro .... Ar n.nivllle Ar Kt-Tsvine Ar r.tukvllH Ar HicUmoud R S7 am 9 58 pm 9 29 ;iu 10 l't itn U 2 ) pm 1J It jvn "lt soam tToo am... lo 20 am II ss pm 12 1 1 pm 35 am 1 19 pin i o am 1 zs pm S 4R am.. 3 05 pm 12 05 pm.. And asks every friend of good gov ernment, progress and enterprise for support. Its subscription price will be : v-l.uu per year payable in advance io oj over Ten .Soc a 4i tt snl& wyz wa in" t. WE1 M1 Miiio io 2t am U pm 1 4't pin 12 til pm l l itm 12 "i am 8 i'i pm 4 o." win 4 "l ;iin s 15 pni rl am 8 51 n,,i 5 : 0 pin 7 oo am 7 oo am menace manv iwrsnim ti,.. The averHge criminal when convic-Ueal of the tax will ,;f .Ik .,a tea on cireumstantial evidence pro-a ...... i . xi i , .. r"""" currency us re appropriate speech presented o the T '"r . needed, while the repeal of the silver r I , th ladies who participated in the bazaar Mjjyor Elljn, in j brief but i I'll r 3 i laaieyotiie ijonieneraie museum ai handsome fiafi from lijforth Carolina.! j. . r, . " -r, rj i o of the testimony was fajse and pr e i i: - ii. ui suuubui umii uvii iu ins urea- I :.... i -l i- . , ' continued parity ot all our paper cur- anfM at wir.ilMtM will uaorf tit oaw.1 . . -: r law will remove aujr doubt us to the rency with gld. For full particulars, uddress W. J. RODDEY, Manager, carolTnas. Rock Hill, S.C. What'stheMatter withit? tTJm. t W , 7 .1 T;r it J jadice4. In HarrU' case we have the PHP"tiary convicts escaped of Greensboro and through Miss Mary aviA,. 0t i.s- from the work hon at. n,.rl.UM vu r . . t Ulltl. vi.uv uio " UICII Al llll 1 . ... iiiiui, l lf: Morenean, fine or ine pupus, wa pre- . ., . , . Qinhe a,.r.. Tho i- KnTAd c I4iiilfnrd I4rnrs rl 1 1 r 1 1 1 a 1 I . i ... tbje early parfc of tlif war. Mrs. Mor tonWortlam SJoane, of Baltimore, the poison and took it bv his direc- store nou8e outfonr miles from the fcion ; that it was prescribed by him. cotton nulls, this side of Braspeld, and He indeed charged tht she wan d- mH(e ineir escape about 8 o'clock last in whose possession the nag has been ,. . , . ,. , . LiVKt A i nr tb. arr.nrl.r .t ilm!1.W dwted to phme, but the caref 1 A plank was taken up near since the surrender at Appomattox, 4onatedit to tho North Caroljna la dies, whQ jii turn. presented it to the maseum. It was turned ovr to tip relief commiktee, X l.illv cxcp t Similar. BtTWN WcST POINT AND RICHMOND. L avr West Point 7.00 A. M. Oailr. an(H 50 A. M. tlaib rxt-ept Stintav und Vonda; arrive i.lcti iini(id'..o" 4A M Reltiinlnir Ir.ivc Hlcb ! inond :. if and 4.45 I'. M . dal y exifi pt Sunday; ar rive Wetst Point asd ti.ixi P. M. BET RICHMOND AND RALEIGH VIA KEYSVILLE. Lare Wt.-hmon.l 12 4'i I M.rt-H: l:ivrKry. ! vlli' 3 4" I". w; arilvf oxford 6.oo r. M .; itMi.ler- son G '.5 1. M , Hiiritam .'.'! r. .m., u.whh t "i a. .i selina-1 A. M. Koturltlnp 1p v- M-lmas 3o P M ,t .i l-,'li 4.4i P. M.. daily. Put har e.ou p. m Upnd' i-son 7.a 1. M.. Oxf'-rd 8.30 j'. .M.; anive Kcyftvl'ie 11 r P. M., itiflimond J.oo A. M. Mixed i rain leaves Oxford tbilly pxo-nt Sundt j'S V arrlvifi Durdair. 11.55 A. M. I.-vp Dii lulu 7.4. .. M. d.i lly i xoi pt; arrhPd OxtOid n.2'i A. M . A l liltoul trains lpave Oxford dally fxcppt Sun day 7 oo . M. and 11.45 A. M. arrive Henderson n.j A. M. and 12.40 P. M. Kettirnlnj.' lenve Il erson in ?o A M. and S.?5 P. M. datiy except hun d iv; arrive Oxf ird A. .M and 3. i'i I. M. Xis 9 iml as connect nt ' ihmond from and to w". si Point and Baltimore d.-Uly pxcept Sunday. SLEEPING-CAR SERVICE. On Trains 9 and 30, Pullman P.ulTet Sleeper oe twecn Atlanta and New York; between Danville "'onVand', Pullman Buffet Sleeper between hieUmond and Danville, uniting at D.invllle with Waslii'mioa and souihwetti rn V oatlbuled Limited for iLiiit-i, carrying Pullman Siei-pe' from New Yorit) New Orie.ns an J New York o Augusta, and Dining Car New Yor to oistguniery Trains U n 1 12 Pull-n in liuCTiJLlepppru between New York. a.-lilngton, nnd Hot Si.rtnsTB via Sal isbiirvand and Pul mr.i. Sleepers be- ..." ivi1incri,in and Atlanta: and between OreeDSbor.i and Portsmouth, Va., via Atlanta & j KIkIkv: 4.8.D.THOMPSON W. A. Tl'UR. teneral P.iRsenger Agent. ' S. II. HAKDWU K, Ast. Gen'l Pass. Agent, la. i,a- ... . SOI, 11 A A r. tien'l Man-ger, irauin nianajjri . aBhlnton, D. C. Vashlnton, D. C. In the hands of an old "experienced! A I i - - - . ? jrrmDer, is preparea zo execute all ; kinds of Job Printing, and at prices that will compare favorably with any N T. aj Orders Solicited, Ps, SEND FQn CATflLOGUE. UWN TENNIS, BAS BALL, J?i CftpJ. W. E. 4r4rey, Charlotte Nevr. "I cxaraiqatjon of every witneig on this I e fire-place and thej all went out. line showed that there was absolutely something should be done about the no trustworthy evidence to sustain nianagement of prisoners atthe work this charge. It is hard to understand house this charge, It is hard to understand The Concord Standard says that on how juslje could hare been satisfied b May 5th Mr. T. A. Rogers, of Cabar- anr tiimr miy man uy narris execu m a aLL i . , ' i'"'f"- -wuT toil.- menmona oiaie. . . nnai4 nf . f , hare worried themselres no )jttle poni- 2 7 . , ' ' ' ' accmen- ccraing the telegranhjp report in all ti A Frenchman living in this city has cut hlsot & the end ,f the morning papers' to the effect thi.t been an enthusiastic poujtrjni.m, but tne s'10- Without remoTing it, he President Cleveland had re-anpoin tell this season finds him disgusted with j Went "" not the shoe was Mr. Stuart W, Craiuer a.sayer qf the the bus,esi- Meeting a friend the Wintin thjs citf The Neps at otherJay, he said: "You know dat set about tp find out the truth ron- ScJh in pullet wat I buy soine day eernipg the matter and Ogives it offici- !' week P -she's a rooster; she crow ally Uw afteruoonthat thje reriort is Hke eTer:f ting dis raorning- I cut his not true but that Capt. W. E. Ardrey head off and have her for my supper lias Wurpd the plum, the President nfxt unaa7 morning. bpnpghpUJ this afterqoqn having made the up- 6$ pointment This wil in a measure Charlotte News: The national exec qujet tl?e oyerflQvipg tfdp of political utive committee of the prohibition censure that has been heaped upon the partylhpU a meeting nt the Sherman president by tpoae whp were in the Hons?, in Chicago, Satqr4af The light of passing erents forced to believe party intends to begin work for the that the report this morning was trueJ ext presidential campaign at once, and this meeting was called for the If you think there is anything the mattfi with vour watch, let us take a look at it. Don't let it go on ticking itself-to destruction. A tew particles of dust will, in a few weeks, do more damage than the ordinary wear and tear of a year's time keeping. Our guarantee is for Twelve Months. Have you seen the beautiful line of SILVERWARE? RIFLES, BOTSTMdelRLS'fei.. nftr. Hrhlr. Hull CaarK$t3 Bfl I liU HiTH hMil.U( Si BO.OQ IliKiL iiKtiLK (.C. U .. in hi : 50 ll'HU llmiaa-rlwL. If ,v, lh., Ll.t it; N. T 3 OJ E.C. M EACH AM ARMS CO.. ST.LCUIS.tl3. fill l XITTII? liovln? bought the VJTI M 1 L I Kowan County (Jran Ite Mlllaione Quarries, Tools, a c, or K. K. 1'lillH: estate. I will coniinuH 10 m;inufaciure mlllstoniS; mlll-snindles and orrnble n.llla for Rrindlnjr corn and wheat. torretloudencesrll ItR't. Artdres', 35 1 J. T. WYATT, Fiilih. I.owau CO. N. C. Mentloc the Watchman. Caveats, and Traf!c-ilark. ohtained. and all ? - exit bnxiucM conducted for Mocrtc Ftca. Oui Orncr Opositc U. S. PTcT0r'i!t aud w can nocnre patent iu lu tin; ttsu tao remote from Washington. ttedd model, drawing or photo., with dfucr'p tlmu We advi, if atcMabJe or uoL free f charga. Our ce r.ot du till patent I nvornd. A Pamphlct, " IfoV to OhtainTTutent,"itV r.ames of actual cli-ni In your fcuio, county, or tewn, sent free. Address, O. A-SKGW & CO. Opr. PaTrNT orrtcc. WasHmaTOM. D. C Phildrvi Cry for fitchews Htcrii 66 n 4 mm ma&m 99 JLNJ O Steam, Air and Vacuum Pumps, Yertica and Hori zontal of every Variety and Capacity. remoTea am ne Know that twn tna were cut off. One dropped off into the pan while one remained in the fock when pulled off. A doctor was called in, the toea were put back and nr all T FT" right. Ihe bupr-me Court of the United States ha. affirmed its preyious rulini? in the imported hat in It is estimated that the gorernnient win nate to refund about $10,000,000. A correiipudent pf the Wilmington purpose of devising and perfecting a Star says caterpillars and grasshop- plan of state work, which will, when pens ai$ numerous jn JJuphn and completed, be submittel to the state gampspu cotiuties Jpentral committees for tlipir approrul, we are now offering, and the complete selections of clocks, watches and jew elry. We are prepared to satisfy the desires of the most fastidious, in anything in our line, and a call will convince you that we are Tn Bby waa rick, ira pave her Castoria. When she waa a Child, ahe cried for Castoria. "nwn aho became Misa, ahe clung to Castoria, Wben aha had Children, ahe garethem Castoria, KWllIll We pay the highest cah price for gold, and will buyin any quaptities, Yery Respectfully, REISHER & GORMAN. mm 'Vi i fit Regular Horizontal Piston. Q w "H O The most simple, durable md ef fective Pump in the market for Mines, Quarries, Refineries. Breweries, Fac tories, Artesian Wells, Fire Duty and General Manufacturing purposes. OSirend for Catalogue. Foot of East 23d Street New York' O P5 Mi!! mm The A. S. CAMERON STEAM PUMP WOEKS,