yOL. I FOURTH SERIES. SALISBURY. N C, THURSDAY JUNE 1, 1893. NO 15. ZZ3 What is jCastoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infimts und Children. It coutainsaicithcr Opium, Morpnine nox "'""other Narcotic substance.; It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor OIL It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years use by Millions of Mothers. -Castoria is the Children's Panacea the Mother's. Friend. - 1 Castoria. Tnetnr!a is to well adapted to children that a. ,." II. A. Ancnsa, ai. n., 1 So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Castoria. Sal osa of ' Castoria ' 1 Fa universal ami t no well known that it .vus a work t:rf patir-h to endorse it. Fiw are the teffltit families vrho do not keep Cantoris easy roach. Cajua Maxttk, D. D., Kew York City. irUfiin Castoria cures Colic, Constipation, Sour Etomrxli, Piarc-iioca, Eructation, llllla VTcnns, rives sloop, cid promotes dl gention. Without injurious medication. GOV. CARR ON THE WEALTH OF THE OLD NORTH STATE. , ' For several years I have rreomrncindsH; your ' Castoria.,' ai:d CaeZl fj-.rr.ys coctinua tc do so ns it Luis invariably produced benefici result!." Eaimi F. Vxr.sn, JL D., 125th Street and 7Ui Ave, ITcw York CRy Tnx CnrrAUK Coxirr, 77 Kgxhay trtst, Kkt York Crrf o p i Ea..- CURES ALL SKIM AND BLOOD DISEASES Uml 4N P. P. 4. oj a iplendwi oombto ouor., with (ml ilifartlon for tb rant of all . c3 s tvl.il A E&Iet&v?! MB iiViVv Jl'Ufl t'-'J 1 IT IS A DITTY you ctvo ym inralf ond fam- ilr to eet tho best valuer lor ycur money, oioi,:izo In year footwear by parchailiig W. L itteii Khoen, which represent th beet aiHB for piiceo &.kear as thou.anda ""OrJLE NO P.ITBSTITUTB.a - " :i iSMVc-eiSRES, reft teitesi THE B3T SHOS IH THE Fan THS KCRET. A ceuuine sewe.i thee. tnr tft'i wot tip, fino CBl, seamless, nmcoth inside, fioxlblo, mora cn t ortabk?, e trl'sn and Auranlt than Rny other shoe ever oldcttbo'rrice. Euiia custom madeehoasccalns trorx $i tc ' - a end Hendewed.ilnecftlf sbo?a. Th nioctjitvllsh,easy and durable shoes ever 6old at the. price, "hey c;uLl lino tuijiorocd siocs ccbtlns t rem $5s to $12. . . . - g 50 1'ol'fO Bhop, worn fcy farmers nad all 41 0 a others who wsr,t a rkhI hcary czlC, turea aoled, extension ciic? s!io?, easy to woiiL la, &nd vriU rwfafet f, F. r .Pn-kij Ju2j, fck. Km MM.HWI. I led, extei cn the fe CO SO Fine Calf, QZ.'ZS end fS'J.CO W orft iDcmrc'R Siioes wlU give more weiir for tho money than any other make. They are made for ser vice. The Increasing sales shoT that vrorJUngmca have found this out. -Dnu 5.00 n Yontlis' i?t.75 Scboel E3uyUi ihocs are wo:n ly the boys every ivhereT The most serviceable shoes sold at the price. B niorS e.0 Ilaori-scTve-J. SVi.&e, RaCiie29 f-i.OO and gi.?5 Shoes fo Misses era madoot the best Dongola cr fins Calf, a dealred. They O'o very etyllsh, comfortable and dura ble. The 93.00 shoe euhls custom made shoes ecstinj f n3 C4.00 to 86.iJ(i. Xatf ies who wisU to eccaomUe la their loot wear are Dnding this out. . CskiIhh W. TorcTna' n.imo Mid rho twlcs la rtumped on tho boUom of ench ehoe; look for it when you bey. Itevi-areof dealers attempt !nz to sub stitute otier uake forthera. Such substitutions are t raudulentand subject to prosecution by law Jor ob taining money under t'alue pretence. W. U. liOL Glits, lirocktou riass. Bold by t? O ?J ia ILD.I W H i , Llpjimsala Block, E AViL'HlH. GL 111. Pri.'. l.nt.ti-tlln v.i vmtL' i !if. f"wiwthsi1atK'n. iiml had I si, hp iim of njv 5 iklene lw (ur nine yca. I went lo H. f nnpsnt,al;otrld different ciot'tors but, round rarentn i xiUl Botanic Blood It made laatBdmrif. -I am well known here ' SlvASiiAH, Ga., April 20, 1839. ""iMuA-d Ibite boulcs of r. V. V jor impure blood and geueiul weakness. u uaving derive! "great beueiils from Jume, having gained 11 pounds in fwgniin jour weeks. 1 take tirsat pieas- ria rocoiumeudiuir it ta unfortunates fit Voiiivi trnlv J U UN MORRIS. 0E5Je,of J.N. McElroy,Drugist. i fHlnfl.. Vl-i iivi!iL0 1S)1 1 &5rs. LfiimnHii Urns.. SiivKniih. (ia.. War Sirs-i-l thrw lmttlu ..f 1 1 .lfi;e size'vi'.strt?:LV. ;inl mm" bottle Uize to-day. . . . ' f. P. 1. cured mv wife of rheuma- J' Winter befme hb;t. It cati:e buck on tWtllai-.t 1 l..."if I.....J,- P'liie relieved. her again, and fclie bus ni a lyraptom since. MhJ4 bottle of P. 1 P. to a friend of fHohia turkeys, a small one 7 rnd hi mife Rave it a teaspoon- L , M in th evening, and the lit Felt aw .i im i . j .t . j 8xt morning was up hollering and lours respectfully. J. N.'McELllOY. Savannah. Ga.. 17 1SS)K Lippman Bros., 8avaonah,Ga.: i r3' Sirs. 1 havR -KiiflVred from' rhpn- 1SB1 for a Inmr tim. jiml lil not, fir.l Ptf until I found 1. P. P.,which com- 'Jf. cured me. Yours truly. KLIZ At F.JONES 16 Orange St., Savannah. FOn ALL North Carolina, one of the origi nal thirteen States that formed the American Union, is situated on the Atlantic seaboard between 33 cleg. 50 ruin, and 30 deg. 33 niin. l north lati tude,;! ntl between 75 deg. 27 rain, and 74 deg. 20 miu. west longitude. It stretches 500 miles east and west, across the entire breadth of the At lantic slope of the Appalachians in a longr narrow, rudelj triangular belt, its western extremity, less than twen ty miles wide, resting ou tbe highest plateau aud summits of that continen tal system of mountains, while its eastern end spreads out to a breadth of 200 hundred miles in r low, level, and gently undulating plain n the Atlantic coast, with a curving shore lineof more than 300 miles. Its area is 52,2S6 square mile, of which 3020 areVcoverep by water ; and of the land area more than one-half is still forest covered. The State may bt easily divided in to four distinctive reioni : Tht wei- tern, or mountain region, extending from the Tennessee line on the west to the Blue Itidge ; the Piedmont, ex tending fiom the foothills of the Blue llidge eastward to about the Piedmont Air Line railroad ; the midland region, ling between the Piedmont on the west and the Seaboard Air Line rail road on the east, and the eastern region extending from the latter line eastward to the Atlantis. The western section is a rugged mountainous plateau ; it forms a nar row, irregular, much indented trough, lying between thechainsof the;Smoky mountains and the Blue Ridge the former being the western boundary of the State. The length of this plateau ironr northeast to southwest is more than 200 miles, its breadth 15 to 50 miles, and its area nearly 0,000 square miles. The Smoky chain has a gen eral erevation of from 5.000 to C.000 feet, rising in many suurmis to 0,500 feet said upwards. The Bine Ridge, which constitutes the eastern boundary of the plateau, is a very sinuou.saiul angular and struggling mountain chain, with a general elevation of from 3.C00Ito 1,000 and upwards, a few of its higher summits, aboutjmidway in the State, reaching nearly G,000,feet. These two bounding chains are con nected by.many north smd south cross-f-haiiiK of Ptltl al elevation with them selves or greater, and sepurad by. deep valleys. On on of these cross chaifilCcalled the Black Mountains, is Mitchell's Peak, the highest point east of the Mississippi, its altitude be ing 0,711 feet (100 feet "above Mount Washington in New Hampshire.) The Piedmont plateau has along its western margin an altitude of from 1,200 to 1,500 feet 0 2 md9 E&PU S r i ? SCROFULA, ULCERS, SALT 1 1 wUl UJ RHEUtl. ECZEMA, even iorm of mulionant SKIN ERUPTION, be sides b.lng efficacious In tonir.g up the A system and restoring the constitution, when Impaired from any cause. Its almost supernatural healing properties justify us in guaranteeing a cure. If directions are followed. CEUT rncc nxusraATED Otn I rrlCC "Bnk .r WBUra." BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta. Qa. $ QOOO.OOO oo o ii L' n d n f 9 n at. an n EOEni o NTED. Reliable Person inr Every Town take the Exclusiye Agency of the World's Columbian Expo sition Illu;!rafiH.,, tii.. J,nNTIC0RQ0FTH FAIR. ESTABLISHED ISiO. tit . . - .. ' . .. " "r-portunitj to JlaksMcacv fr the Next Year. V,-' uwt,llU( veins in stamps lor Samp y an l fall particulars. 3'B. CAM?3ELL. 153 Mm fVCKIC&GC.lll. mis I invii is' j, To tcreoasti pat kstt purElne th Vew- V lahtUdtarMa(HweakiuiCliHr power of metiM. A fftlo aperient Q efTc is only required. Tntva TlaT XJver PUls are prepared vcltU special views to th3 pcrciaacat cure of J O- COSTrVEMESS and HEADACHE. They are laild and remain la tho sya- fj tem nittil they act on to live?, cause a natural flow of bile and tiioir tpnia 3 properties impsrtpowcr to tho 'bow els to remove unhealthy nccumnlcv- result from the use of these Ilttlo pills. IUce, S3o. Ofiice, Silur!i: Place, K. V. O O O OOO OQO above sea-level, and is"iuouiitainoui,j,wilh high! and precipiious spurs projected eastward and southward from the Blue. Kidge. A few of these extend in irregular straggling ranges across.the'breadth of the Piedmont Section, which is CO or 75 miles wide, and carries an elevation of 1,000 feet to near its eastern mar gin. 1 The middle region of .the State is a country of hills and valleys and rolling uplands, its prominent topographical features beiug-a succession of broad undulations with eastward or south ward trends, constituting the water shed between a number of large river, which take their rise in the Piedmont or on the flanks of the Blue Ridge and reach the Atlantic through a sy ttm of wide valleys 300 to 500 feet be low the intervening divides. The aresrof this region is about U,0UU square miles ; its altitudes, descending gradually from 1,000 feet on the west to about 200, on the east, averages about 850 feet. . Eastward, to the sea, lie a region 100 to 120 miles wide and 20,000 square miles in area. The surface is generally quite level, but inplacej un dnlati,ng and billy t wards the western border, especially near tint largest rivers. Towards the coast it is di versified by numerous and extensive sounds, bays, rivers, lakes, marshes, swamps, aud inland from Hatteras and the eastern hore being less than 20 'feet' above the sea-level. The sea is separated frjm this low-lying territo ry by a long narrow chain of sand banks or duties, ranging from 10 to 100 feet -and upwards in height and m. iinascurcamouaanua e . 1 , v. and will cure tou. Drup-sista have it' Bead separated la nai t a score oi juacca uj Ciamp icr dook. JUL J. P. DKO2G0CLE & C0W Loclsrllle, Sj. Cures all Female Complaints and Monthly irregularity, Leuoerrhcea orWbitos, Pain in Back or Sides, streagthens the feeble, builds up the whole system. It has cured thousands inlets which connect tHe sofjds vyrth the ocean. v THE CLIMATE. . The diversity of climate wich ex ists in North Carolina is a natural ac companiment of the diversity of physi cal features just described, and is well illustrated by the variations in forest and flora mentioned below. Dividing the State into three general climatic regions, we have the following average temperatures for the year i. Eastern region, 00.7 degrees; central region, 59.5 degrees; western region, 55.0 de grees. The general average tempera ture entire State is 59.0 4 degrees; while the yearly average for the whole Northern Hemisphere is 59.5 degrees, thus showing that while we have di versity of climate, we have also a gen eral average annual temperature and one free from extremes. In only a few localities of the State does the thermometer ever fall below zer even in cold winters, and it rarely rises tven in the central-counties, which are the warmest, above 100 degrses in min summur. The climate of Eastern North Carolina is often Kaid to re semble that of Southern Frauce and Italy, while that of Western North Carolina resembles that of Northern France and Belgium. The average annual rainfall (in cluding rain, snow, and sleet) is 53.29 inches; while that for the three gener al regions is as follows : For the eastern region, 55.23 inches; central counties, 19.01 niches, and for the western region, 53.32 inches. This precipitation is divided nearly uniform ly through the different seasons, with a slightly greater amount during the summer, and less in the autumn. Notwithstanding this large amount ot rainfall, the humidity tables show that the climate i. as dry as that of France aud other countries having a similar rainfall. This dryness of oi.r atmosphere, es peciallv in the midland and western- counties, is found to be decidedly fa vorable Jo the prevention and recovery from consumption and similar disord ers which develop in more rigorous climates. And as this fact becomes more widely known, the number of consumptives froni other States who visit these dry places in North Caro lina is yearly increasing, aud the pro portion of these who recover entirely or are greatly improved is phenomenal lvlarcre. In a few of these areas con- sumption is unkuown, except among persons who visit them to be cured by the pure dry air. The death rate for North Carolina is appreciably less than the average for the United States ; and the climate of the whole State is fa vorable to health, except in limited malarial tracts in the lowlands along some of the eatern rivers, and the reports as to the prevalence of this malady are greatly exaggerated. Where it is met with, it appears to be due more to the use of impure surface drinking water than to any peculiari ty of the atmosphere of the region. In a number of cases which hnve come under ray personal observation mala ria has disappeared from plantations where it had long been common, as soon as cistern water was used for drinking purposes TR A NSPORTATIOX. Visiting health resorts in various portions of State aloug the sea coast, in the midland counties and among the mountains; pleasure seeking on the seashore and in our wonderfully beautiful mountain region ; and our growing commerce, uave gneu use to increasing demands for means oi transportation. To meet this we now have more than .0,000 miles or rail road and 1,000 of waterways open'to steamboat navigationincluding rivers, bays, sounds, and cauals, forming ex cellent lines of communications wun the various ports along the coast from Wilmington to Norfolk in Virginia Our facilities for foreign commerce at Wilmington have been receutly great Iv improved. Large vessels drawing 20 feet of water reach her wharves without lifKculty have aided in stim ulating her growth as a cotton market. AGRICULTURE. Dnrinc the first century of North Carolina's cxisteace as a State her peo ple were mainly engaged in agricultu ral pursuits and it has been only dur ing the past few decades that; such other important elements of national prosperity and greatness as manu factures and commerce have begun to receive a considerable share of atten tion. This state of things has in large measure characterized the early de Felopment of all countries, but has b?en mor more especially true of this and neighboring States because the character of the labor. and conditions of climate and soil have ben more favorable to agricultural development. But our people are now recognizing the fact that their future prosperity depends upon the building up of di- I versified industries, and they are turn ing more attention to manufacturing, mining and commerce. A brief state ment of existing conditions will serve to show that this tendency has a basis of fact and that its future is secured. A diversity of agricultural products may be mentioned as the first import ant element in the present and future prosperity of the State. A country which dejHmds for food largely upon one product, such as potatoes or rice, may suffer from famine when this crop fails, and another which depends for its money supply upon some staple like cotton may be impoverished by the fall in price or partial failure of the crop. But ,'any region where ex ists the possibility oE agricultural di versity, the failure in one crop is ac companied by the success of another. And it h claimed for North Carolina that her farmers can cultivate success fully a greater variety of crops than are grown inany other' American State. Tins vaiietyjof products is due to aa existing great diversity in soil and clim;ite. The eastern margin of the State, but little above sea level, is pushed out into the ocean' and comei in contact with the warm brezes; anl along the southeastern border, whers the influence of the gulf stream is marked, sugarcan?, rice, the palmetto, the live-oak and ether semi-tropical plants attain a vigorous growth. Fur ther inland along t he lines of the At lantic Coast Line railroad and North Carolina railroad, under the modifying influences cf the sea, has grownup a profitable and extensive trucking homines, sunnlviu&r vecriitables tor " v ii ' ' j early Northeastern markets. In pass ing from the East with its lowlands near the coast, westward to the moun tains, whichjie 300 to 100 miles dis tunt and rise to a height of 0,711 feet above the ocean, we find the same va riations in temperature, soil, and pro ducts as if this are.t extended from Eastern Carolina northward across Pennsylvania and New York, ths forest trees and other vegetation of the mountain counties resembling that of the latter States. Intermedi ate between the coast region and the mountains lie in the Piedmont counties, which with their mild cli mate and their fertile loam soil, are becoming the important region of the State' both in agriculture and manu factures. THE COTTON PROP. Cotton is grown in a majorit y of the counties of the State, and in thosa best .adapted to its cultivation the eastern, and midland regions it con tinues to be planted so extensively as in a large measure to exclude other crops. During the pust few year the price has been so low (8 and 9 cents a ! Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. Tr H O tr- : from one to one and one-half bales per acre, there are some of the best stock farms to be found in the State, and in these regions yields per acre of 20 to 30 bushels of wheat. 10 to 75 bushels of oats, 50 to 100 bushels of corn, 200 to 100 of Irish and sweet potatoes, two to three tons of hayr 10 to 100 bushels of peanuts, are not ujicommen.'and much larger yields are reporteihfrora individual acres. Iu the lowlands of the Eastern re gion, where the soils are too wet for this diversity of crops, com, grasses and rice are the profitable substitutes, the latter crop being largely grown in the southeastern section. In the mountain counties, corn, wheat, oats, rye, the grasses, buckwheet, potatoes, and tobacco, all grow luxuriantly and complete for ascendency as profitable crops. A single acre in Buncombe county is said to hava produced the large yield of 1,200 bushels of pota to, x In these counties stock raising is also an extensive and profitable spindles. The- profits arising from many of these mills range from 10 to 25 per cent, on the capital invested. There are 13 woolen mills, operating about 100 looms and over 100Q- spin dtes. There are of tobacco ; factories located at Winston, Durham, Reid ville, Henderson, Raleigh and else where, 110 plug factories, 9 smoking tobacco factories, 3 cigarette7 factories and many cigar factories, the aggre gate business of which amounts to several million dollars per annum. There are 57 carriage and buggy fac tories, located in 3d counties; 32 wag on factories, 25 furniture factories, 0 hub, spoke and handle factories 21 . sash, door and blind factories, 8 paper mills, 8 knitting mills, 12 canning, es tablishments, including vegetables, fruits and oysters, 11 cotton-seed oil mills, 10 fertilizer factories, aud a con siderable number of miscellaneous es tablishments. Probably the greatest progress-has been made in the growth of cotton factories, cotton-seed oil mills and tobacco factories; these have con- I U if : fl... A.,IIna n oraucu oi laruimii. xuc tunuic . tobacco, long common in the western tinued to yield the largest profits. FISHERIES. and upper counties, has of late extend fd rapidly into Che esistern counties. This has long b:en the most skilled and the most profitable class f farm ing practised in the State the most pains-taking farmers, under favorable conditions, often selling their crops of bright yellow tobacco at prices which yield from $200 to $G00 per acre. A careful estimate shows the annual to bacco crop of the State to approximate 75,000,000 pound i, with a. valuation of ,000,000, tc $8,000,000. TRUCKING. As an important eleJiiot in thh growing diversity of agricultural prod ucts, I may mention also that the areas devoted to trucking, vineyards and orchards have increased greatly during the past few years. Ten years ago trucking on a commercial scale in North Carolina was almost unknown; but the"industry has developed so rap idly in the eastern counties, along the several lines of railroad, that during the past year the area devoted to this industry amounted to many thousand acres, and the financial returns reach ed several millions of dollars. During the same period the areas planted in grapes and other fruits on a commercial scale have been considera bly extended. In the eastern sandy soil the Scuppernong grape flourishes, and vineyards, like the Tokay in Cum berland county and Medoc in Nash county, have won a favorable and wide reputation for their wines. In the other midland and western coaties, pound) that even in case of the most igrapes like the Concord, Ives, Catawba, careful farming the margin oi prom, flourish, and many vmeyarus uavo was reduced to a minimum; but the j already reached large propoitions and effect of this reduction has been in a I are shipping both wine and' grapes to measure counterbalanced by the in-' the markets of the country. Peach . . M ill.- t profits arising from tiie .orchards on a commercial scale are creasing w . A . i manufacture of oil and meal trom ti.e cotton seed. And yet it must be ad mitted that the agricultural depression in the cotton belt is quite marked and general. One important cause of this depression is clearly recognized -over production of cotten and underpro duction of such farm supplies as con stitute food f'jr man and beast. Thoe e a sii-p fldontinor a different policy of raising these necessary sup plies as far as possible at home, and then, cultivate cottou as a money crop, are finding less cause for complaint of hard times, and are pointing to one of the ways by which thrift and prosperi ty may again be made to characterize farming i n the Southern States. To those who enter upou the sub ject with this latter plan as a guid, cottonfarming offers many induce ments, for, in addition to the profits arising frm the sale of the lint and cotton seed oil, meal and hulls (or the use of the tw latter for feeding stock and as a fertilizer), the farms of the cotton belt will ali produce various other crops corn, wheat, oats, clover, trasses, tobacco, potatoes, peanuts, &c. So that in Edgecombe, Wke, Mecklenburg, and Foiyth counties, where the yield of cotton is oiten being established in the central coun ties and in the "thermal belts" oflhe mountain region; and on the mountain slopes of the western counties apple orchards are growing in number and area and the fruit has already become widely and favorably known. MANUFACTURES. But it is in manufacturing enter prises that North Carolina has shown the greatest development during the past few years. The numerous streams which, as they pass across the totate. descend from the mountains and hills to the lowlands, furnish water-powers here and there, which in the aggregate are estimated to be equal to 3,500,000 horse power. The abundant supply of wood furnishes a cheap fuel to supple ment the oal; labor is cheap jand satis factory, and the climate mild enough to allow uninterrupted work. Under these favorable conditions manufactur ing establishments haye been spring ing ap rapidly during the pastfew years, and are certain to increase in number, magnitude and variety in the near futwv, There are in the State at the pres ent time 100 cotton mills, located in 33 different counties operating about 12,- 000 looms aud more than 000,000 In portions of the extreme eastern counties, where the conditions are less favorable for agriculture and manufac tures, the fishery interests supplement these industries and contribute materi ally to the wealth of the region. Prom inent among these fisheries may be mentioned the shad and herring fish eries at Avoca and Eden ton in the Albemarle sound, which are among the largest and best equipped -fishing establishments in the country; the Beaufort and Morehead fisheries, where a variety of fish in large quan tities are caught, and the Cape Fear : i. u , r TT"- - nail 1 J vo, Airwuv tu t w , w v m. ma, and New rivers, which ? yield largw quantities of mullets. There are also many intervening points where, fish eries of lesser importance exiit. Many of the shad and other fish are shipped to large markets packed in ice; others are salted for hiter shipments. . The oyster interest in North Caroli na has come into prominence during the past few years. Careful surveys of be sounds of the eastern region de monstrated the fact that there exist in hese waters already large natural beds of oysters and other large areas well adapted to oyster culture. It is hoped that in the future the development of this industry may result in jreat bene fits to the people of that region and to the State at large. MINERALS. . In consequencef the wide distribu tion of the older rocks there is a nota ble abundance and variety of minerals. More than 180 species have been dis covered, some of great rarity. Nearly a score of different species of gemj have been found, including the dia mond, ruby, sapphire, emerald, beryl. azulite, amethyst, garnet, agate and mi i - . 7 . . .. zircon, i nere occur aiso uany miner als having special applications in the useful arts, viz: mica, corundum, as bestos, bary te, chromic iron, garnet. zircon, kaolin, black oxide of mangan ese, talc, pyrophyllite, &c. Mica if found in large veini or dykes in the gneisses of the midland and western counties, but the most extensive and valuable mines are found in thejiioun tnin recrion. where workable reins-are numerous and extensive and yield sheets of mica of unusual sizeanlj ex cellence. Corundum w about, as wide ly distributed as mica, and occurs in the same series of rocks as well as jn some of the slate belts. It occurs gen erally in veins which traverse' the belt of chrysolite or serpentine rock which extends from VVatauga county into Georgia, between the Blue"Ridg and bmoky mountains, m this region are also numerous beds of white and vari ously colored marbVa. Building stones of every tariety are found in nearly ;ll the sectioni, and whetstone, .rni!i'tnn and grindstone grits, as well as putter', clay and fireclay j and in the jieaboai o ection are immense beds of peat an.; marl Iron, copper and x gold or- Continue J on 4th pag.

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