-J , r1 I ma . v1 k': HI ;1 4 (7 ij -I J FOURTH SERILS SAX-XSBORY, N C.f THURSDAY JUNE & 1893. NO 16.- Carolina.. W atch 7 G f" BETTER THAN GOLD. "Dr. Saniucl Pitcher's prescription for Infants ond Children. It contains ucltlier Optusi, Jlcrpliiao ar other Narcotic substance. It is a iicumiicss Buitotuwo for Paregoric, Crops, Soothing Syr:;ps, and Castor Oil. it is jeasant. Its gzieraatco i llnriy years' use by iriilicns of -.3Ioicrs. Cast or la is i lie Chileii's Panacea tlic Mother's Frieiitt. Better than grancbr.r, better than golcr Than rank and titks a 'thousandfold, Is h iealtliy tody and a taiml a1 case, And simple pleasures that always pli-ase. 1tfer than gold is a conscience clear. Tliough toiling fur bread in an liumble sphere: Hetter than gold is the sweet repose Of the sous of toil when their lstbors close. littler tlmn gold is a thinking mind, Tbat in the realm of buck? can find A treasure surpassing Australian ore And live with ihe groat and good of yore. "Better than gold is r peaceful home Where all the fireside characters come. The shrine of love, the heaven of life. Hallowed by mother, or sister, or wife. However humble the home may be, Or tried with sorrow by heaven's decree, The blessings that never were bought or sold, And center there, are better than gold. Castoria. Cactoria. fWia-o'.w?:i adapts tocV.alroTjtir r If- 1-1'-. ' " " ::i h". ' iz.ori fit., -'-j n Theicof .'Gtor!a' is fo OTiWrsal and U, xntr Wdl knoTi thi-t it a wo: f surjufvrfatioa ta eiukrso it. 1. -'W ar t.iO taUiliffient faralliea vrho do not kot-p Catena lAin-wui rewi." CXUUM ItiXTTK, D. P.; KewYorhaty. ,-, .-:r t It "For EOTorc.1 yars I hnrc rvomrr-ndac your CaRtona nr.d sl:Cl a'-vavs rontnuo tc tia go as it Law iavai iauly ro-iaceil bcasilioiafc resrolts." ETn:r F. arrr, 'I. P., lffili Stroc-t aad Tti. .r 2,'ow Tort City Ki& r-r."d " W p p !3 Gil El" CURES ALL 5 KIM BLOOD D6B5ES kid p,M.Tl a with p-ent J':kfji'l-;i '.r t';? Ci:"-" (i 1 f IT ""S A Ii:'"V you Dv-r j'oiiTppif asl faw fly io ii't t'.in lf-st value iu V'-l" incnty. K!-ojj:'!;"';--v if y;;r f ..it 'ven - r. i;Wrc-:a.inir faea. t no; prices E.cli;vi, i tkusaaaj If ill tf"tM.V. -.7.orr- Srra..., L-yi-'' li'.i; Iwvcm .l;wk. ot-; : $ TM, 6 l i.'.Ur SvrrUingt, R'i.v X'-rcde Vf.ir ttt h.-re t-li-e r.l! t K 3f 11 v ci Q i Q- i '.-5 i' A U;j ...! i si ai (':-si: vvee luii ' t : V ':'0. -j 1 1- d ciuoes costing J" 'v :;io?ttv!isl,easy t.i.4 "lurulstM slif.s aver soli f . u -.-.i.'e. '1'hcy equal j2j iiUiivrtCvi Eiioes cciiiua f ' v, r. H to R12. ri-o. ,j.-l'i"if!-S5:r-e, rr'i-n hr f araers ec-1 all -17. ;..: .-s vj..- v.. lit f. (-'.'!V li:-.ivx caJf. '.ir.; e- i ,i. -. I.--:! .- ,--, o.wj to vi'viii ia, aad vUl nswihan susv .'.. -r j.:skc. Thi-.r ar j:?Ah for sh.t- i ie.. "Jcj lucre f: .g Eulc3h-W tliat worfciatfnictt . trriftn'n'' tni?(.,if. ' - iB;T,. ,vv! J ana Vonf'jft 61.T.'5 Scliosl t'-i '" .I.oCjt &vo v;- ra L; t'u: b:J"S t;-i -. Klit-re fhc ii-b. ! ! j'-al.;. .'-r-t-r.ola :if Usrl-x j. fi ' linn:' ?vcU yi.'fO, - ,"tiiseo r.rev.vlc ttiv Lent : teuvjU c r fine Calf, aa nTirer1. .iKt? arevi-rv t--tyl:.-h, fHi;.ir; p-We find dura- f r rir i.'O to ".. ' u.vn;i .vik. v wecouoniizd i i. -1 tc-.tvvtari'-P :' J-jl::f thu.out. - '-lKf iOK. V.. I.-. j.'J.;iUs' 11'iT! 3 .mtl Tr'CO 19 etyin-.K.l on thoJo'.ti- of-t'uc,h iv O':c for i6 wh'-i V".-. hr.T. ujvof i!t.uK r'!-.tto v.f i":to Fti'ute rtr-r u&X or '. hera. c Ku'.wtitutlr.nsny lran'iuTtant ft-;;-' t- ;.'ur.:c;:; .o l iaw lur ol W. 1,. JUO;ai.fc!i, ii-fcc!itua, ills :'.rir'.Ti;c-'FY. f(, U... ..-.t .. , ...... ".i -,-w:U live i-r.r j w.;ar f:r i-O- WASHINGTON LEITES. From our regular correspondent. Secretary Carlisle h;is made it a rule to sen everybody tbat called on him at bis office until this week, when after much deliberation he came to the con clusion that his pjorjiiscuous cull--rs weie taking up so much of the time that should be deroted to weightier matters that it was his duty to follow the President's example and deny him self to general callers, -and an r.n- ouncenient to that "rffect was made. It i easy euoub to see Secretary Carlisle if vour business is of a public nature, but otherwise you cannot. Theoretically it seems hard on 60 me of his callers, but practically there was no other course left for him to take. In the prcpent state of the country the ofticiai.dut.ies of the" Secretary of the Treasury "are of the highest impor tance, more depending directly upon him than upon any other member of the cabinet, and John Griffin Carlisle lias never shirked or neglected hisdu tr, although he iias often found it, as he probably does in this case, more or less painful to perform. Democrats were surprised when President Cleveland left VVahin-toii for a few, da vs of rest and recreation a! I!oj4 i-b:n-l, -Va.. without appoint inr a new Public Printer, as the term j tent, will have the manliness : to. print ' his latest order, directing the examin ing bnnrd of the Treasury department to increase the minimum for testing the fitness of applicants tfor appoint ment as chiefs of division from 75 to 80 per cent? Secretary Grebam ha-i received no j ofiicial communication 'from the Chi nese government giving even the slightest intimation of the intention of J that government to adopt.nieHsures to J "wards Anieric.ins residing in China be cause of the Geary exclusion law, not withstanding numerous more or less sensational statements to the contrary. The opportunity was too good for the sensation mongers to lose; hence the rumors. As was generally expected, the Pres byterian Gener-il Assembly found Dr. IJriggs guilty of heresy. Dr. Brills Saspaaied Washington, June 2. When tbe Presbyterian General Assembly con vened as a court at 9;30 o'clock there was a notable decrease in the attend ance, both on the fl or and in the galleries, last night's vote of 383 (against 110) to sustain the appeal, out of a total vote cast of 4fJ'J (to utiin 208; to sustain, in part, So) having been the climax of the meeting of the Assembly. The members o!i the prosecuting committee were in their accustomed ; places but Prof. Brigg partv was rep resented by Prof. Francis Drown alone. The moderator first, announced the com mi tier, the appointment of which was authorized last night, to formulate an expression of the sense of the As sembly as to the vote taken upon the appeal from the judgment of New York Presbytery. The co-jmittue was given leae to retire f )r consultation and the Assem bly, as a court ridpurrted to be recon vened" at tin- call of the modeiator. Th Assembly tiui: rosnun-d the consider .tiou or leg-sl.itive bu.iness. final judgment of the Presbytery of New York is erroneous and should W and is hereby reversed; and this-'Geh-" eral Assembly, sitting as a judiciary in the said caue, coming now to enU-r juugtuent on the s;;id amended charges, finds the appellee, Charles A. Brigg. has uttered, taught and propagated views, doctrines and teachings, as set forth iii the said charges, on trary to the. essential doctrine of llolv Scrip ture and the standards of the said Presbyterian Church ia the United States of America and in violation of the ordination vow of the said appellee, which said erroneous views and doc trines sti ike at the vitals of religion and have been industriously spread. "Wherefore this General Assembly of. the Presbyterian Church of the United States of America, sitting as a jutiieatoiy in thi case on appeal, doe hereby suspend Charles A. Briggs, the s iid appelee, from the oflice of minis ter in the Uresbyterian Church in the United S'.ates of America until such time as he shall give satisfactory evi dence of repentance to the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in America of the violation by him of the said ordination vow as herein and heretofore found." Who Fired tho Earn? . Detroit Free 1'rcss. A barn had been burned in the su burbs, and a tramp bad been arrested tor having set fire to it. After- most or the testimony was in, the prisoner was permitted to make his stateftieiit "'Your Honor," he said, "if anybody set this barn afire it was the prosecu ting attorney Tise-prosecuting' attorney was on his jr(t in mi instant, and the tramp heid up his hand yppealiugly- "Let me j-oni:,"' he said, and the Court let him yo on. "Didn't ynii," ho said, addressing the prosecutor "ihroTv a tramp -nit. of your ei-oi;d Rtorv window yesterday even- in-?" Highest of all in Leaveningr Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report of Mr. Palmer, the incumbent, expired j 0iajriU!111 iiak.-r, of the j ad alary com mit t.e reported npoti the coiup.-nut s3 za1 by . Win I'tff. I.nfsvm-r. M ... v :ii"-: I" s af rHit?l wttli i'M. ;n:'! lui.-: ! :, tlw ).-. oi .m . ;a iiiit ino lei for Pi.ii' y.;n 1 - . ! w m in on-inc ati'l ' u ri-.l icf-e't i t inr. j-tit r..'Hi-l MCUrp-ilrilil t lii.-d Dti: inu; V,',: i I i'. lia. !i- Si"at:t tuc'souiufniiii v,r-li. 1 :ua veil Ui.wa bore-. 'i r w x - (J " Z ... "X w 1 i h A r SavaniiaiiCa., April irJ,.18S0. Having used three bottles of P. P. P. fwimpure blood aiiUf geneiitl weakness. "Mid having tlevived great benefits from tile Same, having gained 1 1 unds hi '..freight in four weeks, I take ttrtt pleas- re jn .recouiiueiiding it lo" unfortunates like' Yours truiv, , v JOtlXXuOKRIS. V -.. Ofliee of J. N. iIeE!ioy,I)t uggit. f trl.tiid:, Fia., April '20, iiSil. )' lUcrs. lanpiuaii rros.avaui ah, (ia.. Dear Ssrs- 1 sold three totttes tf' i'. P. P.. Isn Mze vevtcrdav. and one tMlio iulj size to-lav. .The PjP. P. cured my wife of riremua- T . Uw wnier betore last. It caa.e l aciv on tir the jMist winter, mid a half boitic, tbOOsijc?, relieved her agaiiijtuid she i;as" t kad a sy tnptoui smkmj. I J4 a bottle of P. P. P to a frieud of it,na nis mite gave 11 a teaspoon t, xta in the evening, and UieTit lllow tnnjfd over lik? he v. as dead, t cext morning wns up holfcring and "tb. . - Yours respectfully. - J. NMcIILI-OY. . ' ' Savannnii,-(ia., 1,1-SiM. ra. Lippman Bros., S.'.vaniiah,(.Ia.: D'-ar Sirs I have snu'ered from rheu matism for a long time, ami did i,il find C;ire until I found l'P. P. .which eoin pletely cured inc;. Yours irulv, " ELIZA. F.J ON US 18 Orange St., SuVau-nuU. WANTED A lleliabie Person in Every Town to tke-.the Kxclusiye Agency VI the World's Columbian Expo-- sition lHustpatedr CrcU Opinrtnnity 1 Jlaka Xoaey fjr the Nest Year. Ono "Chanca in si Liiricf i sssc. 'Inclose 15 cents in stamps for Samp . y oil full pjaV:ieuU"irr. J.B.C'AMPSELLj.PRES- TKS OP-?-: AT RrTTEDY FCti- At!. Cf-cy A!.!J EK?S O'SSASES - Ti,,.; ,r..w h..r.nr.--.lvt.csV'.l I f f j ...:it l'i.-i i-f.i - K f-rpori'L. jlccS', eczi..-.3!. ? RHSHXMtSf;. VY;VS3, ERUPTIONS, A t., 3 Vy 'T- e OEI'T 'riH iZZmxt. $ several weeks ago. Whether right or wrong the failure of any cue of the score of applicants for this ofine t 'get the appointment is taken by many io mean that none of them wiii get it, but that. it. will eventually g" to some o an who lias neverjnane or probably even thought of making an applica tion for it. It has been rmno'ed for several wet-k tbat ireidciic Cleveland !ihs been m .king qn'tet inquiiies of some of his callers about various men who li::d been r-uggested to him for the place. Commissioner of Pensions Lochren has decided, after mature consideration, j that; to carry out his policy successful- j y in the Pension bureau he must, have j new chiefs in every division in the of fice, and the present chiefs, some of virKrv.vi nrp notm-iouslv inefficient, will all have to go. Some of them who have made fairly good records will be allowed to remain as clerks. Some of these chiefs, although they are Repub licans, havy influential Democrats try ing to save their ofiicial heads, but. Judge Locbren says he .intend' to put the office upon whet lie considers a strictly business basis and that no amount ot influence will change Lis Synod f IVlllts 1 v.ona, by t h" com- O Q CP 3"b& do -jron stiS'ey rcatlcrlns lit--! mlratlv vrtueax tbm ronsciy i3 as j-oir -liana y fiiii IJw m Pis Gfrtii ppotMTS.T i-r-tntrrc ell tti'.j trfubl;, c -ivihlc yea to :jt. at. tl Cr-ost yar leod. jirivci'.i I;c;;' :k 1; 2ca i iurnrt i:n pf"oyt"ir.nt c i: o t-o "x'-iafU you bavoTi bonstrr.i.cc.-. Uc-k tocll. -i'rlca, w O Q O O.OQQOQ 1 Cures all Female CJompUints and Monthly irreTilarity', Lcucferrlioiaor'Wliites, Fain in Back or Sides, strengthens tie feeble, bilda up tba whole system. It La3 cured thousandi tnd will euro you. Druggists have it. Sead 153 AU-n ST., GillC.C3, ILL- Y.&S&iCUrtrtii?.-. puTjiose. That "inexperienced young man,1" -I Comptroller of Currency Eckels, is very r I vigorously administering the business connected with bis office He says he intends to put a stop to national banks being used to bolster up outside wild cat financial sen tines that would have no standing or credit whatever were it not for their supposed connection with national banks. Nobody knows bet ter than Mr. Eckels that it is a big contract thnt he has undertaken, but. if he succeeds he will certainly be a pop ular man with the solid business-inter ests or the country, which are natural ly opposed to the dunfmy muskroom financial concerns that always do so much to demoralize legitimate busi ness. Mr. Eckels emphasized bis posi tion on this question by telling Mr.E. A. Mears, the president of two M. Da kota banks that failed this week, who called on him to say thaL he expected both banks would resume , business, that the banks would not be permitted to resume, and further that no ruiion A bank with which he (Mears) wa connected would be allowed to begin business hereafter. llow many of the Republican papers ag ilriftt tin; which was no: sustain d 1 mitice. The leport w; s auop-t u. At 12:5 ) o'clock the vien. rai As sembly took a recess till 2 o0 p. m... previously adopting the report of' the crir.mitt(!e on bills and over'ure-, r afiirmmg thedeliyerauce (d'.t'.ie As.-em-hly of 1S'J2 on the insjur.tuou ot the Holy Sc;i'tuivs. The committee appointed to tlx un on Dr. liriggs1 sentence have agreed upon their minute, and will r -port at the opening of she afternoon sc-ston. It is understood that Dr. Ibiggs has refused to make any compromise ami that the committee will recommend that he be suspended. At the afternoon sessim of the Presbytnau Assembly, Uouei no. i Craig convened the Assembly, as a court to near i.ue m-jjwiu vl -v... nrittee appointed to prepare the ex planatory minute in the Brigg casi?. Uev. Mr. Hoyt, cliairmau of the committees before making the report, called upon Dr. Biker, ciiairnrm of the sub-committee, sent to interview Prof. Briggs in the spirit of concilia tion, to report the result of tint inter view." Dr. Baker said the committee had honed that Prof. Briggsvould say somethuig which might relieve the tension of the" present distressing con dition but this had not been realized. Prof. Briggs stated his irrevocable de termination to abide by the declara tions made in his address before the Assembly in his defense and to con tinue to teach the doctrines there avowed..- 'ihe prosecuting attorney said he , j hat can.;. lit a tramp in his house about evening before and had low. safitiie prisoner. "That i was me. 1 went, out on a shut roof that, almost broke mv nect, and went o o cliici. the iiivd h.:n thr ug'.i a window. 1 ll.tiik-- . on down whery t lit on the hired gir that she inadii a and scared her so break f..r the back yard, where sne started a stray dog so that be started oit wuh'a in' uci'ii :i noiiceman s u .setting him. "The policcm m made a svije at him wiih a club, and hit a horse stand ing bv the curb-stone, and he rah siwav. In the street h wl for th.' st.eet, rnnniug policeman's legs and up- teivd a crowi f woman and :the:i scue l a horse hitched to a milk-wagcn, and he lroke for home and there scared a cow, awd she ran over ;. cat in the stable yard watching a rat-hole, and the cat went into the barn where the lantern was hanging, and the hmtern was turned over on to a pile of hay and set it afire, and the man who ought to have bean there was down town trying to catch the h )ie tint scared the crowd that scared his horse that ran away and set Progress cf the South. The week ending June 2d presents a creditable showing in the formation of new industrial concerns. In the cotton seed business activity has been especially marked, as five new com panies are announced that intend building oil mills. A new cotton-mill company is announced and other in dustries are well represented. The principal items of the week are the following, taken from the Baltimore Manufacturers' Record : The Bayou Lumber Co., of Camden, Ark. with capital stock of $5,000. A C0,000 electric light plant at St. Augustine, Fhu, The Standard Fruit Co., of Fort Valley, G.i., with a capital stock of 84bO-,0. The New York Mining Co., with coal mines ia Maryland, entirely re organized to push developments. The--J no. U. Darkness & Sous Build ing, and Mining Co., with a capital stock of 'o,KK). The Beeville (Texas) Oil MiJImg Co., with a capital stock of 25,000 to ; erect cottonseed oil mill. The Brown wood (Texas) , Cotton Cuinpr. ss (Jo., to erect plant';,; capital stock oG000. The Goliad (Texas) Oil Mill Co., tc erect mill ; capital stock $20,000. The Bryon City Lumber Co., ot Houston, Texas, with a capital stock of 2o,(HK). The Planters' Gin Co., of Sin An tonio, Ttxas, with a capital stock ol $30,000. The Valasco (Texas) Oil Co., to erect, mill ; capital stock if 2 0,(KK. Th" Perfect, Copy Holder Co., ol Alexandria, Va., to manufacture; capi-taTstock$:U-0,00O. The Mouiidsville (Y. Va.) il and Gas Co. The Meridian (Miss) Machine Shops, with a capital stock of 20,000. The IliUshoro (Texas) Water, Light and Power Co., with a capital .-lock ol 50,000. The AT Marx Picture Frame Co., of New Orleans, La , with a capital stock of 10,000. A v30,000 company to build cotton oil mill at Crockett, Texas:. A 100 ton cottoused oil mill at Meridian, Miss. The Croctaw Ice Co., of Denison, Texas, with a capital stock of 50,000. Tiie Niiler Bros. Fish & Oyster Co., of Sanaiifonio, Texas; capital stock $50,000. The Dublin (Texas) Cotton Bind ing and Mfg. Cj., with a capital stock of 650,000. The Kenton (Tenn.) Creamery Co., capital stock 5,01)0. half-pint. The liquors sold at three dollars will cost half that tnncb at Ihe distilleries, hihI will be the best obtain able at that price. ' -The Governor said that since he baS " been investigating the subject he had -discovered two things first, that'very little honest liquor is sold in thi State, most of it being compounded li quor: and second, that the dealers i this State have been using vessels front two to eight ounces below the require ments. He said that hehad also dis covered that nine-tenths of the liquor sold in this State is from sixty to nine ty per cent, proof, when it ought to be 100 proof. It has been watered, M well as doctored, colored and ugared. "The whikey that will be sold-' by the dispensary,'1 said he, "wilLdie from twenty to thirty per cent, strongwr than that now sold, and there will be an absolutely honest measure, rikI an absolutely pure article. I have col--lected'abotit-iweiity-frve samples of li quors from different parts of the. State, - and when a chemical ar.alyis has bt-en made of these we will sbow the people what kind of stuff they have been Linking' He stated that he was convinced : hat nine-tenths of the whisky sold in this State is not ovjer two orthree months old, and has not bad time to get mellow and lose its injurious prop erties. When asked what Jie thought about ther opposition -to Jhe establish ment of dispensaries in the various counties, he said: "The duly sun will evaporate aJI that, and be fore January the' will be established in every one of the counties' The Governor calculates that therf. will be nearly a million gallons of "li quors sold by the dispensaries, mid the net profit will be not less than half a million of dollars for the first year. the barn on fire. And that's how it happened concluded the tramp, with a long breat h of ivhef. A new cotton mill Laurens, S. C. The Columbia Smokeless company ow at der ! Will ci ich have b en criticising Secretary CarlisD for lemoving Republican chiefs ofl division and-inserting that their D '-mocvattc -Wwssors were iucompe- At the request of Dr. baker, lro fessor Brig gave him the following autograph letter: Washington, D. C, .June 1, luJo. Uevrtxeorge D. B.r, chairman, etc., Mv ''Dear Sir: -In accordance with your" n quest 1 iuu-by state that your com.nitt.--e called u.:n me and asked it I bad anything to say to them res pecting ril" disposition of the case. -',A tb it 1 adhered to all thereupon said tliar. l auoci n is-tioas taken before the General As semblv and had nothing further to 'vMhatthe appellee reserves ail '. " ." i i the (Jeiieral Assembly rigtllS anu The Court was paralyzed. "And ! Co., of Alexandria, Va.; capital stock $1,000,000. The Carbon Coal and Coke Co., of Mound.ville, V. Va. The North Carolina Ltnd and Im provement Co., of Rocky Mount, N. C., with a capital stock of $10,000. where were you all this time t was the next inquiry. "Me ?" h. aked innocently. "Oh ! was in the gentleman's kitchen eat ing the hired girl's supper while she was out trying to find the policeman the dog upset 'so' hecould see what had dropped on the hired girl.'' The case isn't settled yt. Ths Tomb of J elf arson Tavis. Richmond, Va.. dune 1. Crowds of ,eople visited Hollywood today to view th grave of defierson D..vis. Mrs. Davis and family ueut out to . i 'i .a ,i L- lit. the casket. At 3 ;n;!ii . ...n the exclusive ir"""""-: SIH'UIO nil"- " for any fuither action (Signed) Whereupon -i i...,.. I 1 . :. IJiiUiHS. (.5igue ; ,...tr- L'r. l ovci s.i..i i n- l... .j.etion which Mr. Hoyt the mitfee tock tin would now report, proceedings in the ca,,, pn-ce.s . V-This iudiciaiy finds iuat the said ai'ter rtcinn; O Cll.C tomb .was o-guu. k Lee work of bricking up the During the day a I II 1 ,i Mr Tinvi number oi peopie cauuu u and her daughter. All the flond designs in the Davis spctir.n have ben turned oer to the trustees of the Valentine ilji-seum, who will have them embalmed, after which they will, be transferred to the Confederate Museum of Antiquitie-. The late Sir James Anderson, of London, ws w el i known throughout bVorhmd because cf bis association with the enterprise ot Uyiug the first Atl o.tic cable. It was -fr this that he W s knighted. - - Tha Dispensary System. A, Columbia dispatch says: Govern or Tillman, had -some interesting t!rrnTs to sav .Jxut the manner in r " w hich ihe South Carolina liquor dis pensary system will -be conducted, lie has ordered badges - for special detec tives, who will make arrests, seiz whiskies and see that the law n prop erly enforced, as well as keep atl eye on the county di-petisers und the social Ciubs. The di'Ieient beeisT.sed in the . Race Prejudice; North and South. Jullau Ualyh, in Uarpta.- Weekly. it is a cupous fact or. it seems m until the reasons are studied that ojne must go North to find the sharpest and most unrrasoning prejudice against Hie blacks. In a journey I have just finished, through a majority of the Southern States, I did not see a single instance of brutality toward the blacks by the white; but in Indiana, not long ago, I found a whole county -where the eople boasted that no ne gro was ever permitted to stay over night. There was not a colored Tami ly or individual in tlndcouLty, which was the seat of the White Cap terror ism of a few years ago. And it wa.niu Asbury Park, New Jersey, wiihi lift;,' miles of New York (where the a 4. negro rjots once took place), that thej people protested against the pre-enc. .. of colored persons on the "Bon Uw.d! or sea-side promenade -of the village ()f course, there is a great difference between the colored people of the Black Heir. -and those in the N--.rtU Down South they are and always have been the laborer. Up Nortbthey are sometimes lawyers teachers, trades men, and persons of means. It was in North Dakota "that the wife of an edi tor boasted to me that she bad an X tel'ant colored kitchen-giil. "But' said ie, "if I called bfr a servant, he would be very angry. We ha--lo urt dresi lier 'Miss Reynolds' in order lo keepber with us." named. Ail the beer must stand on its own m rits, and the market, and will be so d at the uniform price of fifteen cents per bottle, -We will encourage in every way possible," said the Governor, "nd hope the Legislature will allow us to put it on draught, where it can be obtained cheap, and in a pafatable shape." The cheapest whiskey will be retail ed to the customer at three dollars per gallon, down to twenty cents for a The liiJjt'6nian s:ijs that .. night oi the 18th uit., -oun; rn i-ere iiivd two .-hots into a window ot the residence of K. K. Proctor, Jr.. oi T .. 1 tn 1... K.ilfc K.jrulf7 1111X1 ... dispensary will be numbered, instead of l little cbiid which we in the led asleep. Mr. Proctor has beo prosecuting illicit liquor dealers and this is supposed to be the cause of the cowardlvi,attaek. About a r. ;v ago 1 his house was fired into it. ,kt w n ner. There is much muinati j: i,.. Lumberton on account of the outrage. . Ella Wheeler Wib-ox ' dress which has no ( ao u, .. - eyes', strings or any -utiu-r l iHenings. rcn Cry for Pitcher's Castorq? 5

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