"ST -Horth Carolina's Tribute to'JefE Davis. I . The report jltljeKa!eigh demon stration ipade .by th.e agent of tjie Southern Aociated Press, yh.o pame from New Orleans with the fnneraj train, describes t)je floral pffexjngs .with reat particularity;, and awarded tbem the palm, saying that "Jthe floratdecQr Rations exceeded in beauty anythiug yet seen." Ilia opening is .as follows : Italeigl? was reached t a" little after noon. ,tqre r were ...closed,. ... 2Ian j biases wyF& 4j?P$h monrnirig, and bells began to toll as soon , as the train topped. r gallyenty thousand peo? pie were oat. tMilftaryi and?Teteran organizations were formed in two lines, and between them stood the' funeral car shaped like a teftiple, draped in black, with the-base ai'rd" capitals of ts supporting columns in white." The account of the Baltimore Sun ppns this way: . '.'Raleigh's tribute to the memory of Jefferson Davis to il ly is pionounced by visitors "frm .other Stales to have been one , of he mrwt rittin an,d hearty paid-at any point during the- journey of his rr? niaius from New 'Orleans: AH busi nes? was suspended. Ruildiiigs were (decorated wih Confederate colors and ags an4 a) I clause of people and .both races thronged the streets and during .the entire cereuieny paid mosjt re spectful iittertion. - - All accounts agree tha tli,e deuion stration at Rtleigh was u most appro priate one, and excel Jed in oiub re spects all others n the route. Discovtriej of Importance. . -Saw Yor Tlmen. Au interesting discovery has beeo ude by tw ypun chemists of Lon don which will doubtless hare a very important bearing on the mahufacture ,of cotton. Cotton waste is transform ed by a new process into nitrate of cellulose, and cotton fabrics can be aorered with a solution which will add materially to the weight, strength and value of th? material. Thin, light weight fabrics can be filled up with ' this preparation, which cpxts little more than sijsing and fullers earth. The cellulose thus prepared also apr olicable to many different purposes. Thr cost js very little more than the raw material, beug cheap and php pro cess of manufacture in-expensive. Anojther invention of moment 13 ,oue which enables waste paper I. p. b,e -converted jnto keg?, harrels, and ves sels of tevery description. Jn making kegs and barrels ingeni.pns machinery is employed, which enables the manu facturer to,tprn them out with solid heads, if .desired, fher.e will be a large .demand for the product in (the shape .of kegs and barrels for powder, as no .dampness can be contracted, since they are water and damp proof. ' The Sputnern Presbyterian Church on "Women Preachers and Dancing. -rom the Proceedings or tbe General' Asbetobly, In Session at Macoa, Ua. ' " I "The session must absolutely enr force the injunction pf Scripture for bidding women to speak in the church es, (1 Cor., 14-34) or in any way fail ing to observe that relative subordina tion to nien that is taught in 1 Cor., 11 13, and other pbices." The feport from the bill? an4 over tures pominittee was interesting. It js on the request pf the Presbytery of Columbia for deliverance as to whether it ies within the ppwer pf the Church session to ex-communicate a member for daupin. The committee recomj mends tht tlje pensnresj whiph may be inflicted by a Chprch session, are admonition, suspgnsjon nd exrcpnimu nicatiou. I Tlje last is the extreme pen alty of tjelaw, and ordinarily to be . inflicted pnly ; after -iniller censures liaveHjeen eniployed and failed, and not .unless the offender has been proven guilty of gross crime or heresy and is incorrigible and. contumacious. Noth ing is to be considered ds7 an offonse which cannot be proved such from the pcriptures a;iuterpreted in our stan dards. These standards interpret the Scripture us condemning lascivious dancing an.d when, in the judgment of the session, an accused perso j is pro ed guilty of participating in fcuch dan pes, and whp'n all 'other meanshave failea' reclaim the offender,1 it is clearly within the power of thesession to ex-cpmmunieiite the offeuing mem per. - - was" heldrt rf u'ueraj jol r.ob.n Holfr ' ton, aged 21. wjio died of consunpfion fit 0 p,iu.on Tuesday. This niakes tlje fourthy(yinof npitt laidjo rest in the , pemetery fhere whose eatb, was pror duced bTcqtisqmption, superinduced bj pigarettes, all the deaths occurring ; within the past four jeir. Thb ages, ;f .pf the young meu fange from 21 to 2i years. ' - Dr.ljriggs i weaTvj5ing. f Ifis Ijold pes and confidence are gonp.- Nqv he declares he believes all qf Qod's bjese4 book. He ouglt to, have said that arlier. Wilmington Star. r A; The FaU cf the Graduate, l heolan, tbe old woman and the children Vad rayefed te'n miles in mox cart Jtpee'tbe yungr9au grarln ate.' ft had cofiHhe man all the cash in sight to giye hj boy the cl;ance; And now he was going w e mm nis iiuguisb himself. He arrived and found his son in the hall, talking with three professors. Te young man glared at him in go'.d eyeglasses ami vellow shoes. "I believe you jre my father ?" he said with condescension "but really you am uite disguiswl in that old hickory-rstripe4 hi;t Pull it off as soon as you can. l'U lend you on of my white ones. And mother, I must see your milliner. You look a fright in that ban net. And that little C3lton-head chap my jbrpther I be lieve ? why don't you dye his hair ? He's iir bad taste you know ? And, father, send the ox cart home by your footman. Pll hire a carriage, you know. i)hf J've gotlots to loaru you. Just wait till i get home !" WhiJ.e the graduate was going, pn in this style, the dumbfounded old , man s)owly divesting himself of his home made coat, und asslowry rolling up the sleeves of his hickory -striped ishirt Then he fell upon'tb graduate's neck, and the latter f.ell upon the floor, be fore th astonished Professors, "bit on his head, old woman fshouted the old man, "and band me that buggy truee, Jimmy. W'y the darned onery critter's done forgot his raisin'! That's ' it, Maria hold him down, while I frajl the life outen kirn !u And ten miuutes later the graduate, minus the gold eyeglasses and the yel low shoes, was being Jru'ed home in the ox cart, and his mother was won dering if a flaxseed poultice wouldn't help head. The Farmer's Boy. UT agree with Charles Dudley War ner that a farm without a boy would quickly come to grief," said Peter J. Millsdou. "Just stop and consider for aTmoment what a boy on a. farm is required to do. It is . understood, in the first place, that he is to do all the errauds rto go to the postofiice, and to carry all sorts of messMges. If he had as many legs as the centipede, it is, my private opinion that every one of them would be thoroughly tired out by nitfht. He is the one who spreads the grass when the, men cit it; lie stows it in the barn; he picks up the potatoes when they are dug; he is the one who totes all the wood and water, and tires his back out splitting kind ling. No matter where he is, in. the house or out, there is always work for him to do. Before he goes to school in winter he shovels paths, and in summer turns the grindstone. Yet the farmer boy has a happy life, in spite of all, and he is the stuff great men are made of. If it were not for the fresh, young biood of the country, 1 am afraid the city would run to seed.'? Selected. Twenty-eight years ago the 4-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Chauncey who live four miles from Washington, Beaufort county, disap peared,' and they cou'd find no trace of him. Recently a youngr man of hat name in Georgia entered into cor respondence with Mr. and Mrs. Chaun cey and as indications pointed to him as their lpug-lost son he was acked to visit them. He did so last week and Mrs. Chauncey identified him as her son by a birth-mark. The young man remembered nothing of his parents or how he was taken from them. His first recollections are of his life in Georgia. As he grew up he became possessed with the desire to find -out who his parents were, and his hearing of the Washington Chauncev's through a book agent led to his writ ing them. It is supposed he was sto len from his parents and set iown among stranger in Georgia. Th largest man now liring weighs 007 pounds He is tit' feet fire inches tall and still climbing starwrd. His pame i John Hanson Crai, has a wife and three children and lire in Danyille, Indiana, He is 37 years old. He weighed 77 pounds at 11 months old. 1 MA youqg woman at Henderson ad dressed a nqte to a beau and put it ia the poitoffice. a It . never reached the been bnt was sent to Washington. It was directed envnie " instead of to usual Henderson. The postmaster seryed her right. This is North Caro lina and not France, A little learning is a dangerous thing." Wilmington Messenge. Yandalh, Mof, May 20. A terrific cy clone struck Laddeniat a small town ten miles west if here last evening at C o'clocjc, killing Jaek Wills, of Far ber, Mo., seriously injuring six others, also completely, destroying five large business louses and five dwellings. Be sides thifj pany lersqns were badly brujsed. It is Well to Remember, , Thnlf slander, like mini, ttnes-auui-"""" iii'"-'"oii"' nr 111 - 'HI ,1 1 1. 11 n ' That to wait and be patient sothcs many a pang. That he who gathers rpses romt jipt fear thorns. Tbat alj are not princes that rule jfith the emperor, That correction is good when aomm istered in season. . J That it t;lkes a great deal of grace to able to bear jtraise. That there is 110 limit to the &ge at which a man toay' make a fool of him self. That yon will never hve a friend if you must haye One without failing. That to have wh it we want is rich es but to be able to do without is power. That the roses of pleasure seldom last long enough to adorn the brow of those who pluck them. That a man who cannot mind his own business is not to be trusted with the business of others. Washington, Junel. D.H. Morgan, of Connecticut, the New United States Treasurer, took the oath of office this morning, and entered upon ti e discbarge of his duties, relieving F. II. Nebeker, of Indiana. The committee appointed to cri.unt the 'money in the Treasury assumed charge at 12 mid night, and began to count. It will take six weeks to count it. 0ving to the extra work necessitated in trans ferring the office of United States Treasurer from Mr.Netwker to Mr. Morgan, the figures necessary to pre pare the monthly statement could not. he complied today. Th debt. Ut -ment will bft issued tomorrow June 5th. XeirsOu$CiTer: It. will be agreeable to those who have been waittng.to know that at the request of President Cleve land, Secretary Carlisle has asked for theresignation of many of the collectors of Internal ' Revenue th'ovighout li e countrv- The axe is about to begin if work. June will be leafy June to many good Democrats. Hope, Ark, June 1. -.Howard county was swept by a terrible storm," of wind and rain 30 tern ay afternoon, resulting in the loss of life and great destruction of property. County A?--sesor Stewart, and two children are reported killed in the.coilape of the r home, many bridges and trestles along the different railroads -are wrecked, and several hundred feet of the Arkansas and Louisiana Railnn.d washed av;n . 1 - hJMCw Among the amendments to tiie coi -stitution of the Sr-ite. of Calfornia which are to be submitted to a vole oi the people at the next election is one restricting the suffrage to persons who can read and write, vyit h the exception of citizens who are over sixty ye.irs ol age. Tins amendment is n'u to have been framed in response to a popular demand and to be certain ot raiih'cat on. W. G. Johnston hxs been appointed postmaster at Farmington, Davie coun ty, D. V. D.i vis at Fork church, Davie; 0. A. Cozart, at Chesnut Uidge, Yad kin; and Martha E. White at Snow Creek, I rede! 1. "I am here, gentlemen,'' explained the pickpocket to his, fellow-prisoners, "as the result of a moment of - ab straction." "And I," said the ineendiarv, "be cause of an unfortunate habit of mak ing light of things." "And I," chimed in the forger, "c n account of a simple desire to make a name for nisself." "And I,'added the burglar, "through nothing but taking an advantage of an opening. But here the warden sepa r.ited them. Wbaa. Baby was sick, we paro her CastorU. Wbea the h a Child, she cried for Castoria. "Klien she became Mias, sbo clang to Castoria. WheaJhe had Children, she gave them C&storja. YOUR CA5E IS NOT HOPELESS AIDS NATURE IN NATURE'S OWN WAY. IT COSTS YOU NOTHING TO INVESTIGATE. yiT Pamphlet ATA ILED FREE uJon application. ATLANTIC ELECTROPOISE CO. 1405 New Yorkftve.. Washington, D. C. IV TO TTJt It A CK Acitrs. Or you are aU worn out, really good for noth ing. It Is penpral debilitv. Try xnoirirs mo HITTERS. It wffl cure you. cleanse your liver, and give , " " a good appetite. . I - J. T ' .tT V. l. fn eminent puysicum ui ew lor Kies ilir"vv way our who, i;tns. gssssssss S s s s s s Sufi's . SscciVic S A Tested Remedy Fcr A!t Eood mi Skio s s s A ; b 1 Blood Poison, Inherited Scro fula and Sitin Caster. As a tonic toe delicate Women and Children it has no equal. 8 S Being pcrelyvepetabl:, is harm wJ less it3 ejects. SA twarisf- on Plil m1 PVtn Ms- tv;FT srECiricca., Drawer 3, Atlanta, G. GL 5 O . Sl S W W tSftS W -nf : SOLD ONHER CtTAWArTrTP tCTUAL COSX LLS3 11LL11 PEJi OA ou -: a(jv:nts. Every Man A Capitalist. You can become a capitalist at once by laying by ct small part of your yearly income and invest ing it in a Tontine policy of the Equitable Life For 20 you can instantly se cure a capital cf $1 .000 (cr for $200 a capital of io.ooo), thus acquiring an estate which you may leave to your heirs, or re tain as a fund for your own Mipport in old age, if your life be prolonged. Such a step v.-ill prompt you to save, will strengthen your credit, will increase your con fidence, w ill preserve you from care and will give you lasting satisfaction. The Pian is SirrsD.e. The Security Absolute. It is the perfect development of the 1 i fe policy. To-day is the right time to- get facts and figures. Address W. J. RODDEY, Manager, For the Caroiinas. ROCK MILL, S. C. What'stMatter lifliit? If vou think tliure is anvthiur the matter. with your watch, let us take a look at it. Don't let it go on ticking itself to destruction. A tew particles of dust will, in a few w?eks, do more damage than the ordinary wear and tear of a year's time keeping. Our guarantee is for Twelve Months. Have you seen the beautiful line of A we are now offering, and the complete selections of clocks, watches ami jew eJr3'. We are prepared to satisfy the desires of the most fastidious, in anything in our 1 ue. ar.d a call will convince you that we are yyc. . K . - -, -3 aLYBRWARE ? We pay the highest cash price for gold, and will buy in any quantities, Very Respectfully, KEISNEI1 & GORMAN. Cry fcr Pitcher's Castcria. The largest p-"s of c-ppr. ever taken out of the Michigan upper peninsula was brought to the surface from the Quiiuy mine It weighed about, nine tons. Advice to Womex !f you would protect yourself from Painful, Profuse, Scanty, Suppressed or Irregular Men struation you must use BRADFIELD'S FEMALE REGULATOR Cahtgrsvillk, April!, Tlii3 will ceratr that two mo cabers of my JminediKte family, after havin:? sullered for Years irom iourl I rreirularSty, teiiig treated withctit bCt b. phyaicwiis, T.-erti at length cc. lpletely ci.irel by one botUo of IJrndiif hi' Female 5-s:ulor. Us ellsct ia traly wonderfuL J. NV. .Strange. Eoo.c to " WOM IN " m:tIW FHKr., which contains valuable lulonuatlor on all female diseases. BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO.. ATLANTA,; G A. VOIt $ ALE BY lZUCOISTS- MM & Danville R. R. Co. F. WrHaiclekoper and Reuben Foster, lie cei vers. CONDKNSKP SCHKDULK. SOUTHBOUND So. v. I.v iticiitnonrt ... !.v J(:ii'ivt ViKe .. i.v Lvo ivHU' ... .-ir r u ic-iiij.to LV 'J')lil?4 JO! 0 Ar K ti''.i.-i! ;:iin! 'i .1 I'M 3 J ". 1 .) 5.S i'.M -41 AM S i") I'M j J '! AW 2 ri 1 tT IE rM 12 50 AM , i! 4U Ail I 3 Ail I r- :? Ail 6 54 AM 4 .It' 1' it 11 10 VA !5 AM T 1 j All 9 U AM 3 DO AM 50 All 11 04 A K Vi rv I.v i:aio gu I.v burU.ua -at oreeasooro Lv Winsion-Malem.. Lt orcousoviy Ar stiisuury .V.fa'.e.;viUJ AT As. I it llii Ar iloi S;,nn.s- i.v ;b!j.j at 1 u.ii ;.-(. A r Sji.n l .; i'.'j Kg'. -Artir c!: .n.e M' .M'.IUi I- jj- i. li i: K.L f Ar i'j.'.iiuu:a At' AU.4U-4.1 4 4-J 5 fi. ''M 7 45: PM ; ; 4 V-ii 6 yj am 5 11 AM A f. tu I r 'A rx - . J; 11 lUf 11 lUPi! IS 4'l P 1 : 6 AM ! 3 .'fi Pi! 3 IN AM 4 -IV KJ ; '.in a m 1 31 00 ;'M Tl 3 1 PM (J 111 AM .J l I AM S IT AM t ' AM 1 I aT AM li 2 i'M 4 i5 I'M . i jo AM I it. :-M 4 io Vm DAILY. No. 10. o. i:. NORTH30UND I.v A'uusi t . I.V Citi'lini'!:'. Ar i u trioiit" i AM.! n Ar Cii ''.'? NO. ',; n ' t ill lit -in l'tn i.r,"j in a r,d ! in 6 i) .till 1 Nl j ii) piu ;'.iii 12 r i iii : f am T 4." ii'i 1'. in II am 9 1j -1 ; -1 i 7777. i -i'J pm 'i v pin T A't ini 8 oi ;;u s ;T iiiii-? -i ; ui - P" 10 l' ,i;n 1 1 i) i:n lo i " ivTam tl o; a:n lo '.io am 1 1 H" y 11 j ill J aui 1 i. put 6 1 " inn I.v (. h ir.n'j.e Ar Salisbury .. .. I.v Hoi s.n-ings i.v iS'ievil t- i.v Si. i i. s' (lie Ai- ?it:l.-bi:iy S.iM-l'iiry . i .'fiiu, -ni .... Ar ViuMin-:iU-lil lA (.f' ll:r Ar .n.rli.im. Ar ti '! i.v i i 1 2 illl t 4.1 ..:il.. i. i'lii i' pm . i ,r t;:!M.-,"o' I.V ' . : '(:! -Uo! 'i Ar n ill.' Ar K'.-viiV Ar r.H' k- Ar i;i.'ln:i':'.J lr -In nin I ! : ( i:l in 4" l"ii m pm 1 I am li 1 am 2 I". , i i 4 4 1 1,1 :s i-m 4 ")i r.i.i :-. "i : "i Z : H i !ii 7 on am T 0" : 'ii ; n ,iiv I'xr."' t s-i'rlay. BTWZCN Wr3T POlfiT A!D I.r.iv W:t ! 'oi ; s :..- .r. M. 'laiiy. ivnsl A. "M. ,1 .Hi mi S.l!i-i.iv aliU V.on.l : ;i!rivc l.icli- ! u.. U i a M lM'A M. K- tr.'. l.ii.'-,- Ii-avi UKMi- -.i'1'i ! i '. V. -litr.v fx-i-l-t Mll.ih.y: ar t 1 1 ! W v: t !')ili' M : -1 I'- M. OCT R I C H TiT O M r AND RALEJCH VIA I X. Z YaVlLL E. I.'.ivo W.v -n.l V'ii.V M.'l i!-: lt'.ive KfW ! . i . j . i ' :ivt;v-.. iif.r 1 ti.o . I'M.: u".:.h-i-' .v..!, 1'. '! . 'ji.r-.:t::s T.v.. I'. V., I.MIH'l ;.. . 1 ,-'ii:t i '." . M. INI iV'llinr l- .- -lli.:' i ! 4. i i'. M. I. n!..! i:r!l,.'H 1. M ; I!-:i.l" rvo 1 I' M - r:' M i Kf.-vi.it' ! : "i 1". M.. 'i In;. Dial A . V. i r. - i - f'M'i' i ilnily i-y.i-': m-.-a-. M :. I ri : t;ri.!l!. 11.1) 'V. l.-- il .!'.;. t." pt Suti'l ) ; ai'i i A . . ." ).: i i-.:'.'y -r.f .' t - . . i . ; : ..t.n.. . ... I . M. f. 1.1 n.l' . ' "in.. ...... ...... . M. n I ! 4 1'. M. li'-niriiiu-,' h'.ni' u1- - 'Ts:i i!. i : a ri A. M. aii-1 ..'.. i M.Ui.i'V .-xo'-'i-t .-u'.i- ()f , I il -o A. .V. Jiml :i l"t J'. . 1.1 .......1 f. .... e.t-..l t . ..S ' -111 I - f' -1: itt'i't in i i'".i:n"iu i. "it . t.. . V'. si' I'l.liit ;!:(! !N-t m illy t-Xi't'pt Ulltlaj. on n ,i.'i-'' -in I , l'ui'.:ii ia l'.ufT-t Sli-fp. r r- twc.Mi Auanl-.i ant Nf.v Voil;; bft.vccii l .i.'.illf an 1 i:uii . , on : ami rnll:i.iii nuff.'t Sltvpi r l-t.w-oti I ii'Ml i .ii'1 l:.'vi!l!. UlllUIV ;'1 . IllVUJt' VVII'l ;vu,i, ....i a': 1 -..Hiiv. ,-m.t.i V-'.-i i'-.uii-i !.i!i:i't i! f ' .. ,-irniui: Hiliiii'n s, ,,.! ii.'in S'-.v y,,:-'; f, s,-u- ; us. ,ui I N.-v.' VH'a m Auiisla, I .. I ! ti ' ii :ilf ' ' I ' N "' ' ' n' I'i .,tiv.!',-"!l1?'l ''. !;!: ! I al i.' i'H';i:a i'i IVilfl . Si. 'ifr!,"'twt'pil .-v vk. Wa-hif.'i-'ii. siivl not s;n!ivs '.!a S il- JVIilJ Jt l A-.' VI 10. i'lld 111 lilill. .-.ft .r: ft - vv .m .i'i." M.: x; ii;'. ."V.vrvii i -'. -vi ;,i l'U l.lal. i-i i -- t;'r l a;i l' I'uri.Muou! Ii, Va.. vi Al.iini.i A f "i::Ki'tv; j. s. i;. T.:ovroN SU .rival rati'-nt, Slli'O i::l I'laT l.t u,. i v r laclnnijii'.l. Va, ..." . , ''!'nmii Tionrri.p A.-i-r.t- Wa'sulnsrion !.'. " ti nii.ivi'i.'f -i iipn'i I'nss. A'fpnt. i i'nti' On. ' . ... -i . . ,.r..r Tr:tfli. Maiiat'er. V.-ii.siiii.vuia.'l). C. WabMiiKion. 1). C. Steam, Air and sontal of i. - ,'iw tit ...: t ii.-.-4i.5 il i'f i I (55 - m S. CAMERON STEAM 111 TO 'ftFPfiT n is 11, H d h v. S a is hit 13T it. 5- ml j ill ite its allegiance news of th And asks every eminent, progress and enterprise - for support. Its subscription mice will bo To Single Subscribers $1.00 To " of over T$n .'85 l-J jaa.T?. In the ban 01 STL bOl i..- . - - n kinds cf u o Drinnl J i'Tj w3 p ? iD : ' i f U U h iJ u Orders Sol' cited. i n?!i.;r a , : ; v.. 'J. 1 ( ; i i j j i j i. . i : .r;1 i ejj' .... LI 2:n --.t, .., " I- U. ''I v;. il.M n VTf S..f.-t.-l I . Stc . . :;-tt. r ';t-i. i -' t; . '! : ', i I' KAl, -'M.Lt: i.'j . ii . S-l ' .: ... U 1 ln.m -rtf. ll -i ... ! E.G. 1mACHA?v! AKS Grll A "N 1 K. I.'owair -iu.irv (;.,..- ! lit- M 1 1 1 st one O u.irrl f s .'i'oois. A c J. estate, I vl!l-ntlr.u' to inunufact nrc i..l!!-.to!n ni h...l.. liiiiii, s i mlM-Kiilndlos nii.t nrliin"' ii ht - and wheat. i:ojTe.sjiocdencesll Ue.i :riii'ii -," ;o' u ".(liil.'i.-. .1. WV l"l "Aim -u :;. ". Mectior the Wj;el;uinii Vacuum-Pumps,. ev.ery Variety and Capacity. Eeular Horizontal Piston. ! I- l4 - . ! R'5vVjFiB','S' j O i - ' - . i Tlio most siimIo, duralne :uu .i Tlio most simple, !ura!ne A. foctive Pump in the market for M Qnr.riies, Kelinories. I5rowLri!., J' " -torios, Artfsian Wells, Fin .1 '"1 y ;)!.! General Manufacturing purjuiM-s. ri?renl ior (' itnloL'Mc Foot of East 2:5.1 Sirwt X-w V.-rlv. fi Atclimi I. 21 H f 9 " K S 1 it S s 5 mi Si U : it f Ba a ; B J i'iOllllii! to De.: friend of good gov per year payable in adrance. e K' 4( T -Zt -;V r -. II - -r o all ;in A i Of" with any f. ' ri '. i I. gin?)' f i' .; fOj ::-5 i r , d. -1" ' :: ..'a ! ' " -r i ! J : t :hji t Ftr. C i t i .U. S. F attn'T Office "fr. t in loti uuc tiua Uu6 I. .Iri'ti";' ' r i ":rto., ij-jth fl-'sP" i' ;.-:-.;j:-;tor "'. ! -' . I '.' tia" l'-l !.attu:? -f-r':.i;J. . . . at. al -.'!! I A HMP7t;tT, TW-t- i-.i; -i c' ,.' i', iitaia i'ato,r U"J r-t ia yo-r cure, tuuu'y - CtA.SKOW'&CO; Opp. Patent Office. WAHiNaTOH. D. C. N fHdr Cry for Pitcher"? r-wa: T7 i- : '-v 7 n c i - Yertical and Hori- C. i't-r--i 8-v :'i 1; I o Eh PUMP WQBKS, e People, ti. , 'JV ;,:JL5i-,:.n I