-. . u w V V VLVu lly ti It il H il vL Jirti 11 Q TT 11 0 ... t ' ' LioL jErOUIlTH SERIES. SALISBURY, N C.,-THURSDAY JUNE 15, 1893. NO 17. i 1 ,-"xNV'VTr-sr?rv ft Xsi i AS d .41 m fvm j: Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infanta Trhi Jiren. It contains neither Opiani, 3Iorpaie nor Voj-itoijc suw5iii"vv " ' ,-oric, Drops, Soclliing- Syrups, ana La&or uu. " . 1., ,.o-..,.-n f "hi rfv vars' uSO 1V I , (- Votlicrs. Castorla i the Children's Panacea Million Friend. - other for'rarcp It is Mill: .Castoria. The Tragic Truce Flag. "Do you recollect a flag of . truce that came in to Carters Church in October; 1803f when th Sixth Corps was lying around ther? " "Yes, und 1 recollect there was a full ration of speculation about it ; but I never heard what it meant." The first speaker was Lieutenant House, uf the Third Pennsylvania "( -avsilrv. and he was interrogating the Pickering, the old man's sob, with, By this time James Piekerine and s-mie fifteen other Union men, met in his companions had come up and re- the schoolhouse. At the same time ( ceived Miss Ellen, who was overiovedi rii ! l Mi l!. m J I uoieman. witn nveot ms guenuas ana at heresc.ipe. accompanied by Lieutenant Vanbora, made their decent upon the Pickering home-stead to carry off the yonng lady. They were all mounted, and Vanboin wus disguised so that he could not be recognized until such time, as he was to appear as Miss Pickering's deliverer, "i'tie party rode up to the house, and writer one day last winter on board a j the old man with his- accustomed po- rnilwav tra n. tor So. cdtiOcLiMrcn thr'c! - Cantor! a euros fA.IlcTC' inst'r.atiori, v.'..rnw, a s----:, c-id-promotes dl r to any j r(v.xnyi.:u.:i vftr:ir.:i, -31. I ., ., Brooklyn,'!. V. i-; tj) univorwil .anil :) t:-.:.t it a r,: :u i I). V., ic-w York tHty. 'Tor ivveral yor.rr? 1 ha your" C'isto: hi,1 1 t'-'-il do so as it ii.is invuriui.'i . rosuIU.11 125th Street and - rg rccommT.ded .. co:;!:.".!: J tc oJuowl Ijcr.eacia -r, T.I. r., li.-w York Gty Tux Cextacb Coiipa-Tt, 77 SIuuoat Ktezst, Yopjc Crrr i - : - - : ' - h oil e'slff URE5 ALL.5K1N AMD - u ' rT3 rx 1 tt T A rsTITVvoa crrnvaurstlflnad fain- fly to sret dm host value tor yodr ltioncy. r-oiioFiira tn yaurftoiwrnvby ;iircliii6lne "c&tIle ko SUBSTITUTE. -23 aKwilk pt a:.f-tlA Or the uri of nil -m f P' -i .-. -.'r 'i - T t T"- . '-' - v- 6 fr'i i'i , , - -. - j I' H i 1.:IA, A..!ir - X ai ili.Tl.-ij -ilci- W1 r Tilt ZrtO'C : lr:fVC:?i-ii Tt- fet-f?r. A trrr.uine epw?j ti'0? n' cf r:,irae t&'J. eei-;r.h-a, nnoota ia..i-".o,- jlexihle. rnor com fort able s-tyli A and flural!t?j!U any other sh- ever po-a tit i!:e rnce. Kuaiicur.ttJiiudetlioes costing - "tnia ?-5 nnndfwenns calf sho. The ir."st i-ivll :h.-p.sy anil dtiraUk1 c:i'P3 ever Mid ut the -.rice, 'l'liey tual uuo Unpolled aiioes cost lag i.- toi.:0. " - , -,-!; r-'ior, T7-T.Z. oy farmers find nil -?&u f .p.-h w'uxw.-.jit a i:'ii"tl heavy ctiif, three sol. -i. c.v '.i "Mon c-in t aiy. to vvaiic in, uid wiU. . ! oi'i i), ft-'t irv v;:rti. i(ji ,'Sv f s r. ..-! (:' .-".5 end 5.00 VTork c tgru i ::'."?u'k : nts iv ii tt v. ;ioro w ear for Iho rioiiev 'i.-iTi 8iiv ot!:er inr'vt... . Tho; nro r.ia;l forser v.'oe. 1ho ltn'rcasmr txltn show tlxas vorkiuguca bnvefouiiil tiii: . -t- --.r.!.,5 &!-a Vontlm SI. 7; Rcbocl. t ..' y . .i . aro v.om by toe roy3 sv-rj-t ;i?re. Tacmoai sci-s;W snot3sol;l r t tn? prU'f s. M i.-sr-B r.,-'j icad "Well," continued Krouse," ''I can tell you what it all meant. There w;;s a trsigedy at the bottom of that flag of truce. I was one of the 4li cers sent out to meet it and from one of the Con federates while they- were wyitintr for an answer from General Sedgwick, at Warrenton, I heard all about it." W ill you please unfold." 'Weil, you t-ee, that Fall of 1SC3, as well as at various other times there was a little guerilla and bushwacking business going on back iu Fauquier county, and the life of a Uni5.i man there was by no means a happy one. The leader of-oue of these guerilla gangs was Jim Coleman, a former Bal timore plug ugly who had cheated the gallows t'.to or three time, ai.d when the War broke out was hiding about Warrenton, Virginin, and the bright ideaenteredlns head to go into the robbery, and murder business in the name of the " Southern Conttderacy You can amagiua the ftyle ot a man he was when Ltell you tliat Moseby rtin him out of his cam i.) aud O'Nelt and iiarry Giimour bitterly repudiated him. Although the Confederacy osieusibly refused to recognize him, as authorities however complacently shut their eyes to the outrages he com mitted so long as ttiey were against Union people. "Out near Urban na lived a Quaker t'os inHi- iioine.i PiCiierilis',-w no haJ two i(l IMWl " " ' cluhireit, a t-Mii abuut twtiryrlvu. uuA d.iughler two ears younger. lieing nou combatant and tn atn g with like kindness, all who came u uie.r house, friend or it):, they were protected by the Uaioh aiuiy when they h;.ppeneti 10 be ill power. "Eiien Pickering was know n as the beaut v of all that country side, and liteness to all customers asked them to iilitrbt and refresh themselves. "Oid man, where's your sou ?' roughly demanded Colemaii. 'James rode out this afternoon, but I know not whither he took his way." "Well, if he's not-here, where's your daughter She'll answer just as well." "Slle's within ; but I would like to know now she can be interested in anv business with thee." '"It's none ot your business how she's interested. We want to see her, tud that's enough. You just walk her out here." "That I shall certainly not do," said the old man in great astonishment, for it Was the tirst time in all the trouble that any but respectful language had been used towards hmi. "You two," said Coleman to a couple of his men, "go in and hustle the gal out here ; we've got' no time to fool "Well, you've got the gnl, I s'pose we can go," said Coleman. "No ; don't be in a hurry, I want to know who you are and also w ho your particularly silent- and billious com panion is." "I'm an officer in the Confederate service,"' sir,"' said Vanhoru, and I want to be respected accordingly." ' fsyon were treated according to the company and business you seem to l3 in you ought to have your neck roke." In the meantime James Pickering ind his friei ds had been holding a lasty consultation. "You are a Uuion officer, "I pre- same, lie said; auuressing lieutenant ;v rouse. "Yes sir." "Well, that man indicating Cole man is one of the worst bushwhack iug guerillas in the country, and I be- ieve his companion, is one of his gang. "I tell you I ain't, "shouted Van horn. "Fin an officer and a gentle SfJ-j. Oil awl 01.7.?. 'SUci' iot jt i no nose i.xmoi-1 -r uu u during a hort t'av ot the TweliV Vnrtb (".urn ina retnim-nt in ti e ueign- borhood, one of. its otneers, a Lieuten ant Vanboni, fell in love with her ai:d b-sooght her to-run away with him, ivnreseiting that he was wealthy, and f.nninvilwl a leave of absence during. VUich he would take her to Kichnioud, marr'v her and send her" to his North Carolina" home.' It is believed the girl was disposed to favor his suit, but utterly refused the elopement. "Affairs were fn this shape when we came up thrm-h the valley and so-ift-n-nod n rmi ud Warrenton. The JO Jl IliM Twelfth North Carolina was one of the regiments left, by Lee to keep an eye out that no flank movement wus made, and it was laying out in the pine barrens and among the hills about half way between Warrenton and Urban na. "By some means Lieut. Yauborn and Jim Coleman were brought to gether, and finding out the character of his new acquaintance the lieutenant conceived th idea of carrying off Mi.s Pickering by force. "Coleman was ready to undertake the business if he was well paid for it, but not unless Lieutenant Yauborn be one of the party, so as to shield him if he got into any trouble with th Confederate aulhoriti-s. This the roung man agreed to, and all their plans were arranged . . . - j "Now in h grove of tnicK pine somewhat off from any regularly traveled road, and about three miles from old Pickering's place, stood an old school house that had, been desert- fed for a more convenient situation and which had fallen into decay. "In this schoolhouse, upon a certain occasion, the Union men, of whom a few were scattered through this re 'ion. used to meet, and so far the new use of the building had never been suspected. "On the afternoon of the J5th of October, Col. Glendenih, of the Eighth Illinois Union Cavalry, under orders, sent out a little party of a lieutenant jand twelve n.e.i to scout in the direc ' tioa of Urbanna, without being ob- ' served if possible, and to find out all i rj;i oi'i. z i.t l'i,.kly AL i'oit ilol C.'i,fcl. 1 n.'V vcr r f-xytim, T.ni orr a -.o bcuuui '.::. Itto fS3jKi3h 9 ootinls ctirton r.n'J.'?f,ivx-s costing irotQ ?;:.' to f'iM:. I.iidk-'j vjiv v Ia to 'economize ia tiHir'.'-o vewrr.ro f':uiu. t about. C.i5io. Vv'. 1.. i) wna p.nd the price la rf'rr.veo on the boecm o' fach Fhoo; look for IS n tH n vfui'l:-?'. r-eworeof iieaiTf attompTiii to sub ftitutooUt.Ti.i9k ' l. -r tiio:;i. Sn?h u.bit i tin Ions or frauluh:i:ti.nl v-ai ' 1 1 iro"Lt ntiou by lav for oh tair.fnu irionay !:' r tcl s rt -tcna-i. V 1j. lOLHJL.tS, i-i'iickta:i Maes. Ecdty Oi mmi Vv ' "- v.'V'V'Va'I'x 5?.lilTaa-rf2vi, ' VT: Ti3, CA. 'T.ho-viiir. v.... wrlu-s: 1 wis at- '"i"lSi'l;.!i.-. .Hid ti i.l 1 1 tin- u.-e Of ti one !; fur nimvoars. i went to li. m .iidtr..,j ,!if!'..c,i"(it'f;or'-.. . .fit fo;ii. l "'Winvru-t! ;;ni tn!,- Ki' o i i;-i:. u luMix. wisdwol!. I .".;si wcii Kv'.i'v.'ii lur ?AvAXiiAU, CtA., April 2G, 1SS0 K'liKl three botLlcM.f P. V. P. pure hUiott iuid neue.ial weaUiiess. javm UernxiJ -rreat henelU.s' hlm "nhavib puaed 11 pounds in 'tta fuur 'weeks, I take lirvat pieas aretfiiiaeiidiirj' it to '"unlbrUiuat'es Vourstrulv, JOHNMOIIKIS. OffitWj.X. MeE!rov:'l)rmr-ist. ) Ori.untu, F la., April :.0,'tM)L rtrs. Lijipmun Bros., Suvjiii: ah, Ga.. irH-s-l soUl three Ix-tlJi-s of 1. 1 -"osue yesierdav, and . one bottte to-day. . i :f- P. p. cured my vifejof rheunia "ter before last.' It e;i;:-i e t.aek on Past vi uter. and -a kill" laiitle, Wt reReved her as;ain;aud she has !tj-mpuui since. (a botile of l P. P, to a friend of '6 of his turkevs, a . sjimlt one hii vifi i!ivi it. m l!':i!Kinn- u',siti the evpuinrr. and the Ht- 0wtaroHl over like he was dead. 'oorniup; wus up hollering and lours respectt uitv. J. X.-'McKIJIOY. Sivnii'inh (In 17 1.S':)1 , ) - - i - yppman Bros., Savan'nah,r.a.: j,r$--I have sutlered frmn rheu- ") a U)iijr time, and did not find 5aiU Land P. P. P.,whieh eoai- "'Ured me. Yoiti-s truly, ELIZA F. JUNES . 16 Orange rSl., tsa van uali. . 0 en. tr 9 r.a s in ? !i SCROFULA, ULCERS, SALT w li. EilEUM. ECZEMA, every torm ot -na'ignant ERUPTION, be- $ sides belne eifxacious In toning up the system end restyring 'e constitution, when impaired from sy .causa, its almost supernatural healing properties justify us in guaranteeing a cure, if direction are fallowed. Otl3 1 rittt "Bwk .f Von4wi." i BLOOD BALy CO., Atlanta. Ga. Q O O O0G0GOOO' "O DUOYAKCY GF OODY e minever lx rerJ ' -i :I Trtcn f ho bo- clsonot act an rsr.ttiro iatcr.tl3 Uiey r choroid. I"-itcat, tU. ra is tiaatlacaa, J Y7cr-!it la tho fitJKaeir-e-fter oatrng, fS ce'eiity M l bs-Tc-:-lnS nP ot,irted, lovr (T VTrt.rit, 19 i- C cr.rK.V, cneoclaWltty B,2d tc robot'iSvJca of c a. An go'.uiggj 1 o Tmf Ifm Pis will TClicro I nitjrtvo 5jKltT r-udyj Lanpino&i. Ilic;,' s-r o wcr p trial. G0.OOOOO0OO WASTED 1 airfis all Feiiiaie Complaints and Monthly i T .nuu.1.,1,9 .VTV.1tnc "PntniTl irrC'TUiarity, AJCUtwlluwavi nu.v.i....u . . - , Back or Bi'dos, strongthoas the feeble, builda pl0y COuld with regard to where tne, ep the whole system. It las cured thousapJia.- , .if the eremv were Ia T2.-if,tahaviL:iijnd a-ivauced pickets ot the ei.eury placed. The same" aiieruoou umw away. At this the old man sprang up, and forgetting his nonconibative principles, iiiiocked one or tne ruiiiaiis down as he came up the steps of the poarch, and piekiug up the chair on which he had been sitting made a dah at the other fellow, who fled. At the same moment Coleman drew a revolver and fired. The ball struck the old man in the right arm, making a painful but not dangerous woun l. The report of the pistol and noise of the scuille, how ever.'vouht Ellen Pickering to the door, where '.:e w7;ts .seized, and despite her struggle ami the sceams of herself and her mothf r she i-as lifted on the hoi'se in front of Lieuteuent Van born. "iNow,1' shouted Coleman, "you men scatter r.s quick as you can ; we two can !;ke cue of the gall.'' "We don't scatter, Cap. until we've gone through this old i'e How's place. If we don't, wheie's our pay to come - T r O it of all this fi;s. ' "Well, do as you please, so long a you don't get caught," an i with the Lieutenant he rod; rapidly away in the direction of the pine, barren, which they shortly entered. Tne Uuion men in the old school house, were iu grave consultation, when suddenly a wild female scream rang out on the still night air. "Mercy,"" said James Pickering, "I believe that is my sister Ellen's voice," ..,.,1 tiw.v nil MirauL' to their feet and out of tluvhouse. At the same time Lieutenant Kiouse aM,l lo little o.irtv were coming through the woods and heard the scream. "Go-h !" exclaimed the lieu tenant, "there's a woman fdepped on a sm.ke, or something worse ; trot up ,. . " O" . James Pickering and his party rushed out just in time tD see Coleman and Vanboni riding by, carrying Ins sister. In astonished anger he yelled : "Put that lady down," as he had no pistol, picked up a club and ran to ward the robbers. "Oh ! James save hip, "Ellen cried. wi,;i roifman. drawin-r his revolver v i i 1 1 v. veiled : "Keep ofE, you young shad-belly, or I'll put daylight thr-mgh you. Push on. Lieutenant, or we 11 have trouble nu -Vies pursed fools, as he termed Highest of all in Leavening Power.. Latest U. S. Gov't Report ABSOIHTEKa' PURE This drew a laugh not only from Lieutenant Krouso and his "men, but from several of the Union meu standing by, which so incensed the Southerner that he drew his revolver and fired in to the crowd, killius one of them named Watkins, ttead. This infuriated ihe Union men, audi they begun to shout. L-t's string em up. Hang the murderer," and they began hunting for a rope, when Miss Ellen cried, "Oh '. we must hurry nack, for they have shot father, and they were rob bing the house when these twu car ried me Away. 1 In a moment Coleman and Van horn were snatched off their horses and put under guard, while the whole party ranailv made their way through the pines towards Pickering's house. Soon iueycame to the edge of the woods, where a tall column of smoke rising iu the evening air met their gaze. "Hielieve" Miid James "that they have tired our place.'' A few minutes' more rapid march" iug brought them to the top of a hill where they had a view of the tarn house, which was indeed in flames. "Come on," cried James, and the whole party came dowu the hill at a run, the cavalrymen keeping a bright lookout for the prisoners. In the farmyard was a snd sight, where the grev haired old mother sat with the head of her wounded husband in her lap, looking :pon their burning home. Few words were said. After saving such of the property as they could, the Union men still held the prisoners. They had ropes with then, and there was un pitying justice in their looks. "Come,v said-James Pickering, beck oniii'' the two men toward him. .ivu ciuvpim' Save usl" they both cried, turning to Lieutenant Krouso Where is Your Bey? - We do not leave home - at night ! when it is possible to remain there. but when we have occasion to be up street at late hours we have never fniled to observe so m.v boys from eight to sixteen years of age going to and fro in crowds, and using language that would shock the modest v of anv decent man. Some parents say it is impossible to keep their boys in doors it night. We think it is getting to be a serious matter when a parent can't govern boys from eight, to sixteen years old. We have had some of them to tell us their boys would slip off with out their knowledge. One offense of that kind would be all a boy, who lias the ri"ht kind of a parent, would A New Church. Among those who bv a strict con struction would be heretics are Can non Farrar, Lyman, Abbott, Herbert Xewton. David Swing, and Dr. Brigg0. Memphis Appeal-Avnhince.. It is mentioned that Dr. Uriggs i thinking of a brand new church, if he starts it these and other broad con 3 ructionists of the Christian Scripture can unite. The first thing they ought. to do is to determine-'-what parts of the Bible they wilj, accept as inspired! and without flaw or rrorv That is,, if they think there is any such part. If all the "learned divines" in the North who are trying their hands at the "higher criticism and are diligent ly engaged in digging under the foun- wish to commit. Leather-strap?, cow- dations of theHhristian Verities should hides or shingles could soon care a j join the new church of the DouJS'e'S boy thus inclined if properly applied, j and Diggers it will start with a formi It has been said that, children, when j dable-arrav of talents and learning young step on our toes but when old- j however misdirected and unsanctified. er step on our hearts. A great deal of j hi this connection we note that a very the latter stepping could be avoided if : handsome journal has been started Tn the subject were taken in hand in time. When a young tree is planted, ho a ever crooked it maybe, it can he straightened by proper care, but let it grow sfor a few years and then try to staighten it and you will fail. The boy resembles the tree iu this particu lar. Most boys need frequent chas tising to keep them in the path of the upright. Let every parent,.. who has boys, try to instill into them a high sense of honor. This can be done, but it re quire both time and patience to ac complish the work. The world is get ting loo busy to find time for boy cnl culture. There are parents, we mean fathers,, who seldom ever see their children awake. They go from their business late at night, and leave for the same early in the morning. The children grow to manhood without any special training by the fathers. Moth ers cannot do all the worlo All business men could do just as much business as they now do and spend a third of their time with their families if they would unite upon a plan. The profits of business men are consumed by the expense connected with night work. Save your boys while you can an will save unity heart aches. Durham Record. -.e. Since the State of South Carolina has gone into the liquor business, the Railroad Commission is squeezing4he railroads for reduced rates on the. .-tuff. As we understand it a good deal of the stock for the State bars is shipped in "I have no disoosition to interfere, even if I wa.s.sure I had any authority. . bottjes 0f convenient size to be handled If you gi;t hung now it will only be jqUOr in bottles the rate is always because the operation has been too hnirj,er than in casks because it is more long neglected." "But lm an officer and a gentle man," yelled Vauhons. "They can't hang me." "L tlo'nt see why, even if you are telling the truth upon either claim, ...i.:..! i..!,. iMil-elv to believe" and Wl liable Person in Every Town --ake the Exclusiye Agency uf the ' F'd's Columbian Expo Won Illustrated," Wia OIlOillfl-Q? Tc F31R EsTABUrVUKU 1S3H. "Plrt-ui tto -Hike Hloucy Jr ! the xt Yeari Chance in n I4ne!i$ncV eKWs. ur stamps fr Saiiip Y an.l full p:;-ti-ut;ii-s h CAKJP3ELL PRES.- M)A'VI 5T "Utn'ftftn mi Stamp for lok. . 1 i (Vi , ' - V V"' El m 15 5s jt.y . : 1 1 .. the Union men who were now idpmi coming up. Both put spurs to their horses and had left the Union m-?n fifty yards be hind, when right in front they heard a stern "Halt!" . Looking up they found themselves envied bv twelve very unco.mproans- ;.,r if,kini? carbines. "Sergeant, get down and assist that young lady to f " au Lieutenant Krause. TStlw, who the devel areou, and u4n, vn doinc wth this young , , i. u.a ovlentlv against Her lauy ou " ' j wiur , . , ..i'. ,ne of vourd d business, be n Coleman" but a slap from the flat .T. n tenant's sabre made hmi Ul IUC lJiVs-. -l 11 Ilk. Ik ilT " i, uw Mr. Ptouiulueck, you Xjvun. 1 ... ..i;rv vour manner, or else i i atyuish you in ba' a wmk. troublesome to handle and more lia- to breakage The Commission has serml notice on the raiirads that thev must come down iu their rate. and haul bottles, benzine and other truck of stimulating properties at the . . . i i . same ratesTit which they liaul it in Krouse turned away in disgust; "come, barrels, at which the railroads are do- rr i l.:. .- . :i. :.. men this is none ot our anair, .um some pretty vigorous Kicuing, as n n and the calvary rode away, f ue ,iat,iral they should, u is some and looking back as they got to the what remark-lile that the Railroad nf the hill thev saw two motion- Commission did t take any interest m them and r.itrx: until the State we hon es .auuu's " v cucii miwi ....v if the late peaceiul, wnt. into the liauor biiMiiess. SUlUAini, tli.-v.- - . j j. iaDDV home. minqton Star -i -i Thp nest dav the Pickering lanuiy i i i "n-'tlii'n our lines and Two postoflices in Burke county, North as admitted within otil lines ... ,l,.,ni.,i r,.seeiivelv "Jo" . ..1 ,i,Mi.r M-iliUMii.., a.v ......v- , j went North to see an asyim,, M .4Worl.v friends there, deeming their lives no nnr safe on their own property. V1J. . . i Ai . tiuee? we asuea. "anu me u h -Tluitwas sent in to cet from Lieu tenant Krouse the parucu.a., ... . i A 1 .uharo fhl bodV OI aftair anu io leaiu New York to advocate Mohammedan ism in these free United States, hither to suspected of having some Christian leanings. Perhaps some of the hetero dox kickers nny rind a pleasant refuge iu the folds of bdam. 'Whft knows, Wilminifton Mease nqe. Carlisle Gives It Out Straight. Secretary Carlisle was asked Satur day by a removed official why he ad been dismissed. The Secretary's an swer, characteristically short and to the point, was "I removed yon. solely for political reasons. 1 w..n. d your place for a Democrat." Our dispatches of Tuesday tafpd that when some of the chiefs orjlivin ion, whose resignations had been ask ed for by Secretary Carlisle, cefuipU.n- ed, Monday, of the shortness of tin notice, the Secretary repbed: "You n ceived notice on the 8th of last No vemlr." How indefinitely better that th:m keeping them in place or beating about for subterfuges for their dismissal! When the people decreed last fall tin t the Republican party should go out of power, the decree included not only Republican policies but tle men who I in after life u jJiave Wen executing them. It is-no: worth while to look beyond ner tli side of the 8th of Nevember for rea sons for removing Republican office holders. That these should go was a p -xt of the calculation of the people at th.at time. They decreed it and they will! take the responsibility for all li. -niisSi'ls. . Tlit re arc occasions iu life when an excuse, ;qart from tht rea.1 reason Jo; ac t i n tnire n, is justifiable, but in ti e matter in question "brutal candor-' is ;ll that tin' case ealls hw. I remov ed vou, sir, .solely for political reason. WiU w I wanted you.' place lor a ueijiocrai. This reason tiwwghCltiarUMe- (Jt- "The Head ol the Constr." It U settled, so far iis talk ffitrthnt if there is a vacancy upon the $yynm -court bench in t he next tiiree jearfirii eight months, Sscretary ot State Gres ham will be named for the piac. II I has a judicial mind. It has been trail ed by years of experience with court Mr. ClevelamLadmires. him. He has an utter appreciation of Gresham'a plain personality and direct routes of thought. Charlotte Xeics. "A Chun se "trentkman" very seldom appears on the streets with his wife; and under no circum-taiices could he be in duced to ride iu t he same carriage with her. .Trloi Hare, of Elkhart, Ind., claims to possess air $$ hiil issued ly the United the oldost specimen of . it i :,.t,4- a urtiitrlit I vii flovi'i'imient ill Mr. Hare Lieutenant V annorn u, - - u the (ult but I believe neither boay c" UnUcdSlales money extant found, and the general impression was that the fire lent its aid to put tnem gtar(ed ;l U)OVt,menl jor the rescue cf the nnr of disDute." 6VttHrf Army Gazette, audes and chappies about town who 1 Ulllllv IU" mu.., , corder, and witmn a year lroiu lo oa ne tur. exnects to have ;j,XMJ society men sin a J. J. Adams, ex-treasaier of the Wuot of tolal ahstinence, but of V rlrition of American Mechanics, leuiptraitce. and u.oderatmn. liis idea tedCiauou Scran ton Pa is to do away with the American system has been arrested at bcranl in , l , fieatilltr ;vllich he pis theeurse ot -.i.rl with emljezzling all the tunds , f.oUUll v has made thousands in his po'esiou amounting to $u,OOU. ' upon th-juslmds of d; uakaids. Paper stockings are a new German invention. A Berlin shoe trade jour nal says that the stockings are-made of a specially prepared impregnated paper stock, which, it is claimed, I188 an extraordinary effect on perspiring feet. The moisture is absorbecPby the paper js rapidly n8 it is formed, aid the feet remain dry and warm, while the constant temperature insintaTntd in the shoes is said to be a great pre ventative of colds. Col. W. II. S. Burgwyn, of Hender son, has been appointed bt'nk exami ner for the district embracing North Carolina, Virginia and West Virginia,

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