Carolina Watchman. J. W. IfcSENZIS, Slit?? and Pr 'r STJESCRJPTIQ RATES. One year in advance-.----.---.. $1.00 Six months. . -. . . .50 hree pontes ..-.IV-V.. .. . ;j23 Katflrod as secoad-cl&u mall at Salisbury, N. C. THpjDAY," JUNE, 15, 1893. Jit Jtiasme to be a fact jthat Wall Street, New York, thp great stumb ling block to ouf Tenantry's jfijoances. An auUiQity on this subject says, We Jpeliere truly, that "tyusines? .w.ould be piore healthy and move along more smoothly if the gamblers on Wall Pteet ,wqre wipe4 out of existence." i thajt .deceit jpen no lopger trade on tyii street, which is now con Jt rolled )j a gangf fghoulsund bucca neer as'unprmcijpd a? are the option peculators who monopolize and man ipulate the produce markets. is in deed ij$ie for the honest invester and producer to rake common cause with he farmers against these two class s pt avaricious gamblers, who ''tort not neither do they spin non-prod ucei s who fatten and become ricu on the Ijonest labor and capital of their bet ters, to bptji of vybjeh they are stran ge" 4. Colorado -man, named Packer, has been (conyicted ojf man-eating. Packer anJ seven companions left (51 1 LakejUty fi 1872 on a prospect ing tour through Colorado. Two of he party ppn in nnother direction,' Rearing Packer and the five unfortu nates together. The partv soon ran out of victuals and Packer slew his yjnpanjions while pepy one night, and feasted on the remains until he could get out of the country. The jury brought in ve verdicts, on which yjudge Qeary senienced Packer to state prison eight years on each count, or forty years in all. The rjal of iiss Lizzie Borden, for the murder of her father and step mother, some months ago, at ie.w Bedford, Mass., is now on, and has J?een in progress or the past two weeks. The telegrams report increas ed interest as the trial progresses. New points in the evidence againt her make n.w very uncertain as to what jthe yerdiet ot ttye jury jkyjH be. The rial seenig to progress very slowly a'ud t may be a .couple of weeks yet before phe erdipt js reached. Quite exciting scenes are Teported from yVashington during the, coro per's investigation of the Ford s Thea tre disaster. Monday a mob threaten ed to lynch Col Ainiworth, chief of he Record and Pension division, whom they .accuse of being responsi ble for the presence of the clerks in he old bnjldpg when it collapsed. Jy the cool, prompt interference of ph oncers t lie ejecited crwd was kept jit bay untij the coroner adjourned the juquest for the day. They are try nig jtpnd qup where the responsibility yeasts for the apparent shameful neglir gence that caused tjie Joss of so many fire?; 1' Wilson Court. WilsonN. C., June 10, 1893. The trial of Drake, the negro rapist, was concluded yesterday, and although ie was ably defended by HessrsC. B. Aycock and Yarboro, who endeavored o prove mistaken identity, the jury f$?r a shqrt discussion of the facjts, re turned a yerdict of Jguilty, and this morning Drake was sentenced to , be hanged July 21st, 1893. This wjll hs the first hanging that has occurred in Wilson county ii tliiify years. The whjteman Amerson, who kill ed Frank Howard a few months ago, was required to give a bond of $2,500 for his'appearance at the next term of Vilson. Superior Court, and three bondsmen justified at once, and he was released. ,'. According bear-say evidence, the finding of the Court will probably be iuUale homicide, as ,he was on two Occasions assaulted, by Howard. The defendant kwill dead self-defence. . S. Counsel for defendant Drake have filed an appeal to the Supreme Uour on copceptious. yVjiraington - . The Concord Standard says the chain gang system of road-working in Cabarrus, starred ' as an experiment, has resulted in greatly improving the roads flf tlje pQunty, an4 is a success. The fishing is represented as very fine at Morehead City now. Theew- bern Journal says that one day last week Mr. aijd Mrs. J. C. Watkins, of JLiret nsboro, caught J03 bpanish mack erel t Jjere n Jwp, pours. 7- mi - . ' Willie C. Drake, Jr;, aged 31, and son of Mai. W. C. Drake, superintend aentpipuoiic instruction or warren :ognty,was drowned Sunday n lioa loke river while lathing witty a num jer of othfer young nen, ' Winstojj Is sending out circulars asking farmers not to bring their to bacco to that market, as they are pot jn a condition to buy; ,.lMh!l.l,,BIrj Washington, ' JqTie20 The reporM Virrtalrltur nff nf ft dnrel between Col. Pa aul R Resins and Ar. Harry lartin, pords o!(i theatre, the three story build snafer Vance's stepson, jubli4ied 711", ing in Wa,-hiugtou Cityi' in which Liu- niAum'nn n'jrur id rtanniindFtf H.S 8.! '1 . . J l I a.A Trillin'' Senator a morning paper. nnvifc rrnpl fti'd tin 7"T, V i ico,n panionHIehoarJi became "a ware before 0 o'jcloclc of the coutiiyance tp cic.ula,te the pory, where it was possible, and did what I culd to discredit it in iny correMMi dence. It is believed hat it was the worklof one person, ajtjiongh others, willinglv or uiiwillinglv. aided. Bateigb,June 10. Col. W. H. S. Bargwyn, mentioned a.s the second to Gol. Paul B. Means in the p.oposed duel with IJaryuMartui, arrive! here to-day from Washington. He declar ed that he never heard a word.of any difficulty between the alleged princi nals and says he will not he Col. Mean secJiiU ana Knows Doming whatever of. the affair. tiie details of the fake story. c . . a: This is the imngipative story above referred to as it was sent out from Washington:" "Washington,. June 9. Senators Vance and Ransom, of. North Carolina, stonned a duel which was to have be en louirht leteen Alexandria and Mt. Ver r.on this morning between' the former s slepsoVi (HarryMartin), whose escapa des at the White House and elsewhere have given him notoriety, and Col. Paul Mean?, counsel for the Rich mond and D.mville at Concord, N. C. Disputing with Senator Vance about the Concord iostomce on a railway car in North Carolina recently, in the presence of Mrs. Vance andHarry Martin, Means used insulting and pro fane language. Believing this to be a gross offense to his mother, young Martin ''challenged. Means accepted, and seconds weie appointed, who ar ranged for Xhe duel to be fought at daybreak this morning. Means arrived at Alexandria in a special car yesterday. Vance and Ran som getting wind of it, notified the sheriff -of Alexandria county, who turned back Martin and his second? as they came over to Long Bridge at 1 o'clock this morning. Correspondent Charlotte Observer. Rutherford ton, June 12. Col. A. G. Logan, who was hurl last week by a falling sash, died this 'morning at. 10 o'clock. Deceased was about 80 years old and was a man held in high esteem by all who knew him. He had lived in this county all his life, and had filled several positions of honor and trust with credit. He will be buried at Brittain church to-morrow. Granville Miller, a colored man liv ing about two miles west of town, came in town this morning, listed his taxes, went home and died immsdiately. He had. been in perfect healt h " A little girl ot Dr. E. B. Harris had a narrow escape from being killed Saturday. She was riding with her "grandfather, Dr. S. W, Harris, who got out of the buggy for something. The horse started to run and dragged the doctor some distance, but got loose and ran at full speed, throwing the little girl out and bruising herslightly. He then ran into the gate, completely demolishing the gate and the buggy. The doctor was also slightly hurt. An odd case is on trial at Hillsboro. Captain Ramsay sues a man named Cheek for writing a letter saying that Ramsay had killed two Federal officers, this being intended to injure Ram say's chance for office. Ramsay sues Cheek for $10,000 damages. San Francisco is the banner city for saloons, declared the New Orleans Picayune. It hasJone bugIi institution to. every 93 persons. Albany, N. Y., comes next with one to every 110 per sons, and JNew Urleans one to every 121 persons. Judge Arnold has decided in Penn sylvan ia that a married woman who gave a note in payment of her bus band's debts -is responsible therefor. The amount of precious metals that goes into the gold and silversmith's arts enormous. Europe consumes up ward of $24,000,000 wort h of gold and silver annually for plate, jewelry and ornaments. Last week we received a notice from a postmaster of a vilage in an adjoin- g county that one or our "subsenb s" refused to take his paper out of the office for the reason that "be don't want it any more." It took the old sinner a long'time to get tired of it, tor since lb b we have received noth ing from him but promise. Won't St. Peter have pleasure slamminsr the gatas of Heaven in that fellow's face? Salem Sunbeam. Sine Sine, N. Y.. June 12 John Osmond, who some time aero murdered nts wite and her alleged paramour, was electrocuted this morning. There was no sensation; everything passed off quietly. Osmond was killed in the-midst of a prayer. ' Stung to Death, A Lynchburg, a-, special says: Sunday morning (Jeorge Hogan, living atLyuch's station, while waiting for his wife to get ready to go to church, noticed that one of his beehives was swarming, and went into the yard for the purpose of catching the swarm and hiving it. The bees were full of light andas soon as Hogan walked neara largtj n amber attacked him and he wasstnng jh many places about the head, eyes and nose, lis was carried into the house and a phvsician sum moned, but before the doctor came he expired in great agouy. IJogan was thirty-three yers of age and had been in the employ of the H. D. Railroad for a-n umber of years. 'At the time of his death he was conductor n material train a A Terrible Disaster, About 10 o'clock last Friday rocroin?, was assassinated, collapsed, killin nty-lhreeaud wounding .more tnan fifty clerks, employed by the reeorti 'branch of the War Department. The wreck is due directly to diggiuj; a cellar uuder the building for the purpose of putting in an erectric plant, although l he structure was in a dilapidated con dition, and has' been considered uusafe Tlifl third lloor fell t- tirst, carrying with it the second and first floors and ' tuning iu the debris many of t he .00 clerks employed there. Fortunately only the forward half of the floors gave way, the outer edges and one end of the floors remaining intact. The walla did not fall. All the hospi tals in the city were utilized iu caring for the injured, and scores of physicians voluuteered their for relieving the sutTeriug. Iair-breadth escapes narrated by the sui vivers were numerous and thrilling. The third floor gave way without warn ing, causing the other floors to fall, and giving the unfortunate victims no cuauce of escape. There were Carolinians no Norlh among the- killed although a number were employed iu the LuiMing. Mr. C. It. Owen and Thomas Jones, .son of Dr. I. W. Jones, both of th)s county, were in the building at the time. Mr. Owen es caped uninjured. Mr. Jones was hurt, but not seriously. ""The Government is strongly censured for its cricaiual negligence in attending to repairing the building or securing another, the building being condemned r !. J :.i 1U laSo as unsaie ior ueposiung even pension records, eto. Two other Gov ernment buildings, the printing oflice and the Winder building annex of the War Department, each containing more people than were caged in Ford's theatre death trap, are iu an equally dangerous condition, and. should bo abandoned at once. The Government will doubtless have some heavy damages to pay in this matter, which it should justly pay. Ocr Advertisers. Rogers Clothing Co. are making a Big Special Offer this week, in order to close out some of their stock. See their new ad. The Pomona Hill Nurseries wish you to make your Home Pleasant, by beautifying it with their ornamental flowers, shrubs, fruits, etc. E. W. Burt & Co. are still iu the Lead on Sample Shoes. Try them. Plain Figu'-estell the tale that Wyatt's Bargain Temple is the place to go to get General Merchandise cheap. See ad. Eo'Yorf Heed a Teacher? The Teachers' Bureau ot the North Carolina Teachers' Assembly desires- in formation irooi school boards, school officials, principals and others concern ing vacancies in schools to be filled this year. We can supply highly recom mended and efficient N. C. teachers for all grades of work from the college to country school. The only charge made to members of the Teachers' Assembly who desire us to obtaiu positions for them is 25 cents to cover cost of postage. No charge is made to employers. If you need a teacher write to us. Edward E. Bkitton, Cnairmau Teachers' Bureau,, N. C. P. S. The North Carolina Teachers' Assembly meets at Morehead City, N. C, June 20 to July 4, 18i)3. During that time address ail commuuicatious there. A Fatal Fire in New York. New York June 13 A six-story building filled with "sweater shops," Nos. 10 and 12 Montgomery street, caught fire at 3-30 o'clock this morn ing, and in the mad rush to the street of 250 souls working there at the time, three were killed and several were injured. At the near-by hospitals twelve peo ple were treated for injuries received at th fire. It is said that two of the in jured will die. It was reported at 11 o'clock that two more bodies had been found. The blaze started on the first floor and in a f-.;Y minutes the flames shot up as far as the third and fourth floors. Then a panic follou-ed. Two hundred and fifty people rushed to the fire escapes in front of the building and fought like demons. All were tiht ing for good places on the fire escapes. Suddenly the flames burst like a rock et from the second and third floors and leaped out nearly across the street. liiere was no longer any fighting on tUe lire escapes, reon e nonrwl through the manholes like wax ; thev fell on each others' heads as they came down. A ladder from the first fire escape had not yet been lowered and people began to jump from the balcony to the pavement. The first whs a large woman. She fell on the iron railing and rolled over dead. A man jumped farther into the street. His head struck the pavement, his skull was crushed and he never moved, A second man followed, struck on his head, but did not die immediately. A young girl was the fourth to leap out. She fell on her side. Several jumped into po lice olfieers trms and were not hurt. The Citizen says 140 stone cutters are now at work on Vanderbilt's palace near Asheviile. A correspondent furnishes us with this: Mr Alec Crook was at his spring h few days ago and saw a large bull frog swallow a livechicken. Mr Crook killed the frog and the chicken hop ed oat alive. From the Monroe En quirer. r- , FOR DYSPEPSIA, laoigcstlon. and Stomach disorder?. tcVo BKOWA-S IRON BTER&f" AH dealers kcc? it, SI per tttle. Genuine has trade-raws 5 croasea red lines oa ap " A North Carolinian Honored. A telegram received here yesterday -cs the sudden .death of Leigh B, Page, pyening froij Milwaukee, announced 1 Richmond, one oLthe most promi that Mr. Marsden BeJIamy, the well :eni bivvy ers in Virginia. known lawyer of this ciiv was yestpr? day morning unanimously electjed Su preme Dictator of the Ktiights of Honor of the United SUite and Cana da. Mr. Bellamy is the first native Southerner eyer elected to this distin guished position in this order and it is, therefore, quite an honor to him and a compliment to. the South. The salary which attaches tc the omce is $8.y00 per milium, ana Dy common consent the Supreme Dictator is given two terms. Mr. Bellamy's headquarters will le in VViluiington.rWiliuington Mrsisencer. Cholera ia Turkey. Rpports from several cities of Asiat ic Tin key say that the cholera has appeared in many districts, and is spreading rapidly. ' Along the lower Tigris and the shat-el-Arab River people are dying by thousands. Whole villages have been deserted by those fleeing from the Jpest. i The panic has become so crrent that few families wait to bury their dead or even to muse their !ii:k. bnl flee t.i the next towns to escape the infection. The fugitive- from stricken towns ure spreading the epidemic with appal ling rapidity. Letters from Bassora City say that 70.000 persons have fled from Bassora province alone. Depos it Press. A few days ago a Mr. Corn married Miss Wheat, in one of the fashionable churches. The choir sang "What shall the harvest be," when a kid in t he gallery yelled out 'nubbins." and was put out of the house. Ark. Ga zette. Newborn Journal: The Beaufort Herald telU of n black turtle weigh ing between 1.800 and 2.000 pounds that was recently caught near Cape Lockout. It took 15 men to pull it out of the water, and 8 to turn it over on its back after landing. Old fisher men tell that turfles larger than this Lave been caught. vH this shore. This species of turtle is not fit to eat. This one was fried to get the oil, which is very valuable. Mr. S. Willkowsky has just return ed from a business trip to Randolph county and according to his accounts the poor house, there is something of a museum : (1.) lie was told by .relia ble citizens that it has as an inmate a creature, which to all appearances is half dog ami half man. He (or it ) goes on ;ill fours and has the face of a dog but the body of a man. (2.) Not long u;:o u citizen of the county was ordered by the commissioners to the poor house. The officer's fee for the delivery of an inmate at that institu tion is This genius look himself there and then made out a bill against the county for $2 in his own favor: "County of R-tndolph, doe John Smith for delivering self to the poor house, S2." Charlotte Ohserver. A cablegram from Paris, dated June 9th,sas: "James Gordon lien net, pro prietor of tht New York Herald, was dangerously injured Wednesday. Mr. Bennett, fell from a coach on which he was riding, and wjis so severely hurt that medical attention at once was re quired. Mr. Hennett's condition is de clared dangerou." The name of the new German Am bassador to Hohington is Sauerma- Je'dsch. If Sauernia Jeldsch hailed from Georgia wouldn't the New York Sun revel and have a sweet time ? lJink bolts might then be retired to obsc u rit 3'. Five deat lis from a disease of a cho'e raic ni'tur, occurred yesterday htCelte, in the Departmemt of Herault, France, a place with considerable coastwise and foreign, in which the choleraic disease had already been reported. A Dresden, Tenn. dispatch says: Ira Pumas, a vouncr colored man. was lynched Wednesday niht at Gleason, a railwav station nine miles east of Dres den, for assaulting the daughter of a farmer living two miles from this vil lage. He made a full confession. A Columbia. III., dispatch says': Six masked men held up the New Orleans express on the Mobile & Ohio Railroad at r orest. Lawn, eight miles north of here, at 9 o'clock last, night, and robbed the Express car of $10,000 in cash and valuables worth a large amount. The robbery did not occupy over twenty minutes. A large posse is now-in pursuit of the bandits. This is a new South, but it has not forgotten, nor does it propose to for get, the heroes of the old South. For that reason, appropriate honors were yielded to the memory of Jefferson Davis and Alexander H. Stephens. The lack of the slightest trace of bloofl stain upon the person of Lizzie Borden, after the murder of her par ents, has been puzzling the lawvers," but the rrosecution will contend be fore the iurv that she stripped entire lV'naked before committing each mnr- der. and after washing off what lit tie blood might have bespattered her and throwing the water out of her window, again enrobed in the same .111 tn it cioiues she wore oeiore tne crime was committed. The latest news in regard fo cholera raging in Mecca is that , sixty deaths from the disease occurred in that city on the 8th inst. Children Cry for Pitcher's CastcrisJ run wmife I 1 4 telegram from Ch iea??o aniinnn. A special from Greenville, g. C. says two white men, in Pickens coun ty, who had been in the habit of vjsit-, nil colored women, were waylaid bv Whjte Cap?' who were white women in, and were terribly flogged. Among the live curiosities at the Shetland pony, so are made from a World's Pair is u small that its shoes $20 gold-piece. Postmaster-peneral Bissell must have struck a pretty foul nest in ihe Iansas City pastotSce, where sixteen employes, including three heads of de partments, were beheaded at one swoop, and others suspended. Some of the plerks ha I hypothecated their sala ries two or more rimes, and a regular ring had been formed to swindle mon ey lenders. As was anticipated, the Republican State -Convention which met in Colum bus, Ohio. Thursday, renominated Gov ernor McKinley for Governor. v " All Druggists recommend Japanese Liver Pellets for constipation mid sick headache. Small, mihl, easy to take. 50 pills 25 ceuts. Sold by Edwin Cuther ell, Salisbury, N. C. A serious fire broke out last week in the Fuente Coal Mines, four miles from Eagle Pass, Texas, which are situated in Mexico just across the line. Sixty men were at work ner the air shaft at the time, and when the fire was extinguished it was found that 20 of them had perished, the rest having been able to escape through the main shaft before their means of escape was cut off. The Big Falls Cotton Mills, of Big Falls, N. C, J. H. Harden & Co., the fashion breeding stud stock farm. J. H. Harden, proprietor; Leroy King & Co.. J. D. Kernodle, f Graham, N. C and Junius H. Harden, of Big Falls, N. C, have each filed deeds of assignment with J. L. Scott, Jr., and Jacob A. Long as trustees. The Big Falls Cot ton Mills makes no preferences and Junius Hr Harden, who was at the head of the other business houses, makes no preferences in his individual assignment, not even reserving the exemptions allowed by law. E. Nulty of St. Paul, Minn., writes: "Was confined to bed for 3 weeks, doc tors could do me no good; Japanese Pile Cure eutirelv cured me." Sold by FA wiu Cutherell, Salisbury, N. C. Here is another loud call for a coun ty convict system. Eli RichanUon, who was convicted of n misdemeanor last week in court, was hired out to a farmer. Mr. Gus Voss, to work out his fine. Eli went lnune with him but the work did not suit him and he left, coming back to the jail last night where he said he had rather remain than work. There is no law to keep him on Voss' farm. There is nothing to do but feed him and the county foots the bill ! Greensboro lieenrd. S"nator Vance is now at his home. Gombroon, iu lluncombe county, su perintending his farm work, and 's said to be in xery good health. He will remain there with his family un til the extra session of Congress meets. All Druggists recommend Johnson's Oriental Soap for j11 skin and scalp dis eases. Try it. Sold by Edwin Cuther cll, Salisbury, N. C Statk of Ohio, City of Toledo, "1 ss. Leers Colxty. j Frank J. Chkney makes o;ith that he is the senior partner of the linn of F.J. Ca k.nky & Co.. doii) hustness in the City of Toledo. Couiitv ar.d State aforesaid, 'ami that said nimi will !.-:y the sum of ONK ilUNbllKl) DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarkh that can not he cured by the use of Hall's Cataurh Uriu:. FRANK J. CIIKXEV. Sworn to hefore- me and suhscrihed in my presence, this Ctii day of December, A. 1). 1S8G. l ' ( SEAL. A. W. CJLKASO.V. Notary Public. Hall's ('atarrh Cure is takon internally and acts uirectly on the hlocu ami mucous sur'aces of the svstoni. tieinl for testimonial?, free. f. j. chi:xp:v k. co., Tok-io, o. BfiSolJ by Drujrgist?. 75c. Land For Salo ! One-hundred acres of good farm ins land containing good meadow and or chard lying within two (2) miles of Lon don, Stanly county. Price $500; terms $200 cash, balance in three years. Address, J. V. Cannon, m.25 2m. Coucord, N. C DR. K0BT. L. RAItlSAY Surgeon Dentist,) Salisbury N. C. j"-Office hours 9 a. ra. to 5 . ra. Dring Goods In Great Variety at T. F. YOUN&'S STORE. FINE DRESS GOODS, CAR PETS, MATTINGS Etc., As low as can be bought any where SOME SPECIAL BAEGAIS. Agent for the - Standard Sewing Machine, The best on the market. Took diploma Salisbury Fair last tail. fSHdren Cry for Pitcher's Castor WewS T0NEWAL.' fiMlli For NOTHING Prices LOW fnll M. 1859 JJELH0DES BROW, President, WM. C. COAilT, Secretary. IpWillllliliferf Assets 81,111,333.87; Insures all Kinds of Property at Lowest -AdequateBates. ALL LOSSES PROMPTLY ADJUSTECAND SATISFACTORILY SETTLED, Represented in General Insurance Agency of J7 Allen Brown. W. Cor. Main and Fisher Street?, Vp Stairs. GUARDIAN 99 ASSURANCE COHPAHY OF LONDON. KSTAIJLIMIKD IS; Subscribed capiul Casli capitdl ... tiross assets... U:Dlltiles Net surplus surplus as regards J'ollcj -homers...: .. The "GUARDIAN" has the paid up capital of any coiiipuuy flO.OOO.O'MI ltrgt.t ia the world doin; a hie business. The HiUAKDIAX'S" recoul for prompt nnd equitabieelilcmeul cf claims is unsurpassed. ll;s paid ovi-r lve:ily . : 1 1 : i 1 1 i . " uiiuion dollars m losses since tiou ia 1821. J. M. PUTOU, General Insurance Agent, MACriSTSC Oil-! Instant Killjrcf Pai.i. JntornaS &rd Eto?riR:!. Cures KJlEtTJi ATISM, SUttAl GIA, Jiue ISn:( Kr.T si'a-';. i'ruis'is, iCHAMIT iiisim tly. Chotora Mor- 6"J'-WM1'ir'rooj.lipUi:-ria, Sor Throat, 2swtniiAi)ACiii;, u if t7suwric THw MfnF PP.&n Esppcally prepare for the most Powerful and I'oriotrati-!,: .ir.imoiitJ.jr Mm or Beaut ta existeuco. Iartra ti si - j ."c, bUo iSc JOHWSOJVS ORIENTAL SOAP. Modicntod and Toil&t. The O rr-ni f. it n C u ro and Fcoe Boautiftor. Ladles vi'tl fnd is e ruop; delicate and highly perVinneJ Toilet Soap czi the market. Itia obftoiutoiy pure. Mnfcrn tao skin soft and velvotj1"'! nwtoreg tb lt corn cloxiont i luiary for tJath Cor Stfrknta It aluTH ltchlnjrt tloanses ttioonip l prouiJKni EDWIH CUTEESOSl tS.VLISHL'UY, N. C, 1S15. . 1S02. TEE Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Company, AMZf DODD, rKi:nKXT. Asskts (market value) SCBl'LCS ( .Muss. Staiit!;;nl, 4 'V r u ' EXAMINE ttejerfecteft POLICY. Clear, Brief, Just, Liberal. Al-TEIl SECOND YEAR No Restriction on Residence or Occupation, Ko Forfeiture in Case of Lapse, INCONTESTABLE. CASH LOANS MADE UP TO ONE HALF OF THE RESERVE ON ASSIGNABLE POLICIES. Annual Dividends, Xo Stockholder All li-ofjts go to J'olinholrf'rt. BEST CONTRACT EVER Oi l EliEU. J. M. Patton, Agent. SALISIilKY, TC. Be sure you are right, then go ahead" is a good motto low th out, and if you need a good clock or w a t c h be sure to tro to t h e Old Reliable J. & II. IIORAII. J ihK you 5 v aU: 1) e s, -jrjir. clocks, or mfFm ieiv.-lrv to .mmUmm I rewair. h, sure to. 65W g'J to lhet B ETTER M A DP - - X AS 1 Respectfully, O. J" 1893 IN THE .LEAD ! Is just v.-lijre our Sample Shoes are, in qualify, low jiriies and sales to )rov it. Tirjse whahave tried them know r his' to hf lrtKj. Yon who have not 'ive;i them a 'ri d iuive only to do so !i; oid.-r to I'h n v intd (f the ahovt st;itMii' nt, as well. as tlie testiiuom' of our customers. Yery tin I v. ii. w. iiuiiT & co. i'.' " PLEASAST1!! I it : -ouize t lie largest "nursery in the ."-'lati'j u iu re j'oti can j:et all the old sTixl ku, ii;.tiv' ami iiureign varieties of !Viu;s. Jl.iidy -Ornamental Flowering ."Jln-'ul s U crrreens and-- KverL'iceu :nd Ornamental trten. K'-( .S;i!l kil (I.s ;uul Colors. "i '.jo iitii'st cullcction in the PoUi, tho i'.iu si v.; i ii . t it's j:atherel a.s tfiey are from ill ji::n--(f the L;io'.;e. Our low )iic(, 'i.-.-i-r!:i-s .-tof'i enable everybody to iie.ititii'y their homes, and make home th'iiiO-t pleasant pl iee on earth. Don't (leiay ordei'i.'ir your nursery stock for lall (h livery. ' Your orders solicited." - H. B. Varner, Agent. J. VAN, LI2JDLF.Y. PropV. POMONA BILL 'NURSERIES, POMONA, N. O. 7 YOU CAN MAKE MONEY i!Y CliTAINIXfi SULSClUBFItB TOi4 The Southern States. It i3 a beautifully illustrated noatkly magazine devoted to the South. It full of iuteret for every resident of Xh South and ouht to be iu every Southern hotisthold. Everybody .Can Afcrd it - as it costs only i.50 per year or 15 cents fur a single" copy. We Want an Agent in Every Southern City and Town. Write for bain pie t,0P" ies'and particulars to the Manufactlkekh' KECORD-Tru. -Co., lialtiraore. Md. i7iUA,-t---'-" ....... ,i u If you feel weak and all wornut take BROWN'S IRON BITTERS For Malaria Livor Trou- blo',orIndiGii ticrvuoo T) T SRS ' " Jill. :" itrlr.lm Urmn Tlnmn ri f H ? ri 1 1 1 1 1 H J iULil UUiilU El!

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