Carolina Watchman. WATSONrLoCAt axu OiTV-EP1TQK. r THURSDAY June 21, 1893.- vou IS offered on the the Jfot, hotter, hottest ! -Is it hot enough for chestnut of the day. err evil COI'U 13 pmrket this week. Miss Celeste Bovd, of Barium Springs, . .'.!...-lf!i2 Af.irv WiltSOU. S yjiio lion, Kerr Craige spent several days at, - bouiethe past week, J A. Neety. came home to attend the aedicfitiou services, 11. A. Batiks, of the Charlotte O&aerwr, 41,ent Sunday here. . ; The iarmers of the county pronounce the wheat crop very fine. Klitor J. 1. 31Civenz ip. 01 me ruum e i Videlte, spent Sunday with his lamer, j. V. McKeiwie. - ' . ' John Bell Sloan, of Asheville, who'hns visiting his father at Mill Bridge, va here Saturday. -Mr. Robert L. Smith, an aged and res- neeted citizen of boeKe townsmp, uieu June 14, 18U3, aged about 71) years. Rev. C. M. Payne, of Concord, and J. 1. Kamsay, of II ickoryrattended and as sisted iu tbe dedicatory services of the eW IVebby terian church last Sunday. If you receive a Sample copy 'of the u'iTfHMiN' pleae cuusider it a request . ...h-rribe. and send along yoursub- tiou. Oulyfl.OOajear Mr K. A. Simpson, of this city, died ut his home on Fisher street, last Sunday ...niiii' Mr. Simpson had beeu in bad ,U . , health for souie lime, anu nisvucuiu ...,uv.,.r-rf(l. The reiUiuHs were in- JUJ u unt'v - . 'ft terred at Zeb, 1'. 0., this county. The corner stone ol tne new jicl.u diftKpiscopar church on Chestnut Hill will bo laid tbi afternoon at 6: 30 o'clock. Dr. Buniple, assisted by Rev. J. J. Benii, lm been invited to olliciate at the servi- P ttvounc'mnn of this Illinois lor me irnht four months, returned homo last Fri.hiy. Mr. File reports ta very wet I. Tit- ntul sivs the croiie are , KjlliU in iaekwnrd on that account Mr. Charle Mills, of Stalesville, spent 'ftiuduv'in the city. He contributed mum hijrhlv appreciated set vke iu assist - tl.i. ' nKnir ii t.hfx .rendition of the ttiff v -" b,ttutifiil music of the dedication servi V shrill ho. "lad to welcome mm t. Salisbury again, hast Sunday morning and night Rev 1 V I'wttLril.' i.f limit v Lolleae preuchedjin theM. 1 eluirili at Con crd, and Monday's M.tal&rd says his urinous were hlglily entertaining and instructive." 'A. writer has put man's status in rela tixii to spiritual belief strongly, thin: "Faitlunakes the Bible its pocket-book; while unbelief makes the povket-Uookr its Bible. The one rests its future pros jitcts on JLhe promises of God, the other ou '(he size of the pocket-book." We acknowledge with pleasure the re ceipt of au invitation to the Otulford Buttle Ground Celebration to be held on July 4, 1833. This rill be an enjoyable occasion, and our people should encour age it by a large attendance- We give elsewhere a clipping from the Greenboro 'Daily Hn'ord," which gives the chief at factions of the day. In a trip to Statesville by rail last Friday we noticed that tbe farmers were very busy harvesting their wheat,' and that the oats has developed into pretty nearly an average crop. The corn and cotton is verv small for tbe time of tbe ' season. The prospects so jfar are that the farmers-will 'produce at least a suffi cient supp'.y for the country's needs. ux ir lend, Jir. J. M. tiverton, an en terprising merchant of Mt Giload, Mont gomery county, was in the city last Tues day, and as he is a constant reader of the Watchman' it'wr.s no trouble forhim to know where to go to make liis purchases. ogers Clothing Co,, who patronize the advertising; columns of this paper 8 ld him a pretty uice bill of goods. ' Rev.' J)r.C. M. Payne, .of Concord, de livered his interesting, impressive, and instructive lecture on personal purity to food crowd of men at the Y. M. C. A. 1 Hall lat Sunday afternoon. The Dr.ppoke plainly and person ly on this neglect ed subject, and having been a physician, he is able to show the dreadful effects of "personal impurity, in a forcible manner. We trust much good will result from the lecture. The-Standard reports that two Mor mon preacners spent Friday ni"ht of last week at the house of Mr. Sandy Cress. In No, 5 township, Cabarrus eoun- ty, and tba.t it was learned that they ' were there for the purpose of proselyt ing. Tncy will, very mobablv. snon rind that Cabarrus wilt prove too hot a place for them and their kiud of reli j5ion. . Jiiiier, general secretary of ihe . M. C. A, of Salisbury, has receive ed a call to assist in evangelistic work, 4 nd will probably accept. Ha asked leave of absence for a month, and Mr, """" v.o.t has been chosen flurmg his absence O for a roltl wave llev. X. It, Btickley, of Eaocbville, was in the eity yesterday. Editor J, D. Bivins, of the gtanly K'trg, gave us apleasant call yesterday. Members of the Lutheran Sunday School are haying their picnic at Salem Church to-day. Two dogs supposed to Lave- beep mad were killed iu east Salisbury last Satur day. We are glad to note that the old offi cers, Robinson, Bruneraud Battle, were again chosen commissioner, secretary and chemist of the State Board of Agri culturist its meeting last Friday. Miss Lizzie Borden, of New Bedford, Mass., wbo Las been on trial for the past two weeks, charged with murdering her ather and step-mother about a yearago, was, on last Monday, declared not guilty of the charge. Hon. Xope Elias. collector of internal revenue for this district, came in on the south bound train Tuesday morning. He went up the Western road, and said that he would stop over in Asheville to pre- jare his bond and make arrangements for taking charge of his office on 30th of June. Hon. S. J. Pemberton, of Albemarle, returned home from Milwaukee, Wis., last Tuesday morning, wheie he had beenattending the meeting of the Su preme Lodge of Kuights of Honor. Mr. Pemberton visited the World's Fair while away, and was well pleased with the exposition. Mr. F. E.Graham has been appointed postmaster at China Grove vice u.-A. J. Sfichler removed. The Democratic ax i now doing it legitimate work in North Carolina, but hardly fast euougti to please some of the more anxious ones. - Mr. John T. Bennett, son of Capt. D. X. Bennett, of Norwood, and Miss Ka tie, daughter of Hou. R. T. Bennett, of Wndesboro. were united iu marriage at the biide's home on the 14th inst., at noon, Rev. C. C. Quia performing the ceremony Col. A. B-. Andrews, general Superin tendent, and Capt. W. A. Turk, general passenger Agent, of the R. & D. Rail road, passed through the eity on Col. Andrews' private car last Tuesday moru- ing on their way to Asheville. The many frieuds of Rev. J. M. Lyerly , who has been preaching in Catawba County for the past two yeurs, will be glad to learn that he coutem plates re moving back to hU native county Row an in a tew days to serve the churches he left some two years ago The finest plums the Jferald everaaw were shown us this morning by Mr. J X. Kuucbe. They are Japanese plums and were grown ou a tree in Mr. Rouche's yard in Brooklyn. The tree was puictiasetl six years ago irom a ennsylvania nursery mid while it has b ji ne before, no fruit has matured. The ilums arepof immense size, being as large as ordinary apples, are of a beautiful briniit'color, as .fragrant as a pomegrau- ate, aiiu have a most delicious Qavor. Mr. Kiiuche has been offered five cent iipiece for the plums but says he has none for sale. Daily JJerald. Our Advertisers. I D. R Julian & Sons, at their old stand, on Fisher street, are offering bargains forj the next thirty days. Read what they say in another column.. Tbe old reliable jewellers, J. & H. Ho rah, make a socially in advertising their superb stock of Sterling silver ware. We direct your attention to their new ad. in this paper, Mr. Scott Smoot, administrator, offers some valuable laud for sale iu Scotch Irish township. "We are determined to be known ns money savers to the people," .says T. B. Wyatt ; and his prices on Mason's fruit jars and "Feather-bone Corsets," iveu ibis week, is good proof of his assertion. Go see E. W. Burt & Co., and be con vinced of tbe extraordinary bargaius they are now ottering in their advertise ment n another column. S. Lindy, Ch arlolte N. C, wants local ageuts. Neave Music School Soiree. It was our pleasure to be present by special invitation at the closing of the Spring session of the Neave Music School, Friday night. A lover of music, we presume, can only appreciate the wonderful development of this God given talent, which it is the apparent pleasure and delight of the worthy priii cipals of the Neave Music School to evolve from the minds and talents of mere children by their methods of teaching. On this night the audience was large and atteutive; and that all was genial and appreciative was fully apparent, for en joyment depends upon the frame of mind n which it is sought. Those who really seek it will find it. But those who enter upon the experiment sourly and capti ously will onlv find misery and discom fort. The heathfulnessof amusement is born of the power of joy. And this also was obvious in the performances of the pupils. No fine musical work uor in deed any other good work is inspired by despondency, In Cheerfulness lie the roots of charm and achievement, The five orchestral pieces were per formed with that vimy spirit and accu racy which leads to sight-reading, espe cially needful to pianists to make them available as ready and effective accompa nists. The youngest pianists, in tbe "Waco Waltz" charmed and astonished alt. The next yonugest set did propor tionally well iu the more advanced music of the opening and closing numbers. In the quartett for pianists only "The awakeuiug of the Lion," aud in the two grand aud difficult orchestral numbers, viz: the "Overtures to Don Juan" and "Wm Tell," the more expett performers on piano aud readers of music took part, and in such manner as to equally aston ish the minds aud please the feelings of the audience. Five orchestral iustru inents and an organ were in the two lat ter; while six were in the first and second "orchestrals." "The awaking of the Lion," (Poland) lWm Tell" over- Forcing the season with Reduction! WE CAX'T CHANGE THE WEATHER, BUT WE CAN' CHANGE THE PRICES ! That is what vreare doing, and done with a Tcngeuce! " . rngeuce Xerer could choice goo! be liought July clearing sale its during thu mouth. at a Commencing to-day, our great season for FORCING SALES begins, with a double bead of steam. It is sale?, not profit, that we are after now ! Come in aiiy day this mouth prepared tor surprises. May must make up for April aud it will. OUR, REDUCTION'S AttE SIMPLY IRRESIS TIBLE! They wil' make you buy in ppite of your elt. The oulv condition that we iiujoje is that you BUY'N'UW. The proverbial oldest inhabitant has been knocked out of ?ight. First by the unequalled weather and now by our auaqualled prices. One lot of MEN'S & BOY'S suits ai $7.50, worth 100. ; On lot $10.00 worth $12.00 and 15.00. One lot $12.50. worth 15.00 to $18.00. One lot $15.00, worth 20. to 22.50. We hare about One-hundred suits; One, Two, and Three of a kind all nice oods broken sizes that we want to clean out. If they fit you, you will get a bargain, have also a LOT OF PIHTS at 75c. 81.00. $1.50, $2.00, $n.00. S-1.00, $5.00, that can't be ..beat. They are cheap and we are ?ure you will buy a when you see them. We SSlptfs (atpiii 'Scinpie. : If the above is a misnomer, convince us and we will haul it down from masthead. But it is Bargain Temple. 01 course It is too extremely difficult to buy all eoods cheaper than other Lmerchants; their money is as good as ours, and lots of them have all the money they jieed, while the article is powerful scarce with me. T3ut ami very pair Te are showing a beautiful line of Straw Hats, NEGLIGEE SHIRTS. WHITE SHIRTS AND UNDERWEAR; and we can fit you, and give you satisfaction. Try us. , I. S. 'BROWN & d with one small uniform profit and determined to deserve not only a clear title to the BARGAIN part, but also to be known of all men as "MONEY SAVERS TO THE PEOPLE." '- T- " i T t 1 1 II l S.p wh:it we :rp savin t von in bruit J:irs vou know wnaioir.ers asK yon. our rice $1.10 and 85 per doz. It don't matter whether voo but from nie or not. is far s savins your money is concerned you will iNUl I At some other man more than you would me (unless through ignorance) and I have forced him to sell you at my price do you see? Look at our ."0 c;t. corset price 30cts. you will he astonished. See our 5 ct. Calico and Inverness Cloth reduced to 4 cts. Wvatt's Leiider all solid and warranted $1.10 STILL THEY COME A slight yet very perceptible earth quake shock was felt Tuesday niht by several of our cjtizeus.j It oecured at about 11:X0 o'clock, ami tne seismic wave seemed to have been from the South. From vesterdav's Charlotte Ob newer we learu that shocks were felt at Jacksonville, -Fla Augusta aud Savan nab, Ga., Greenville and Blacksburg, S C, and at Cliailotte. At Jacksonville and Greenville the shocks were reported most severe; at these places several buildings were reported shaken down, and great excitement prevailed along the line of the wave. take steps looking to that end. A build ing committee, consisting of S. H. Wiley, T. F. Klattz, I. H. Foust, W. L. Kluttz, John Allen Brown, D. A. Atwell and E. B. Neave, was appointed with - authority from the congregation to select plans and becln the work. The committee was organized by the election of E. B. Neave, chairman, Johu Allen Brown, secretary, and W. L. Kluttz, treasurer. A sub committee consisting of E. B. Neave, T. F. Kluttz, and W. L. Kluttz, was select ed to take charge of the details of the work From a number of plans submit ted to the committee the one made by Charles W. Bolton, of Philadelphia, wi s selected, and on the first day of June, 1891, the work on the new church was begun, under the supervision of W. U. Martin as foreman, under whose skilful oversight and direction the work was rorripd forward without serious inter- ruption or delay to its completion in December, 1892. The cost of the cburcu, amouuting to $23,091,91, has been fully paid, or is provided for, and being now free from any debtor incumbrance, the building Committee desire to make this tinal report, and deliver the keys to tbe session, ttmi t may uc uwitavcu i Almighty God. "The Salisbury church has long been au importaut tact or in Jsorth Carolina I'resby term u ism. Its past oe,iuug to me uistoryol the church. Way-back in ibe last ceuturv Fresbyteriau services were hwid in Snlisburv. ltev. Samuel Jlctot- kle. I). IX, pleaching- there occasional ty from 1777 to 1810: ltev. John iJioun, D. I)., taught and preached there in lhUi-4; liev. tjamuel L. Graham. ! D., some times pleached there after 180lJ, and llev. Parsons O. Hays sometimes neiore iou. . It 1821. Kev. John O. Freeman organ ized the church and preached there li om Jesse Ivan Kin 1827 to 1830. u..- 't'hiiimis Ksrv. Senator X- B. ance s father in-law, from 1831 to ISoO. P. J. Sparrow, 1. D., was pastor 1834 to 183G; ltev. Stephen 1S3G to 1845; ltev Mooresville News Notes. Frequent showers of rain have fallen inrougnout tins section tor the past week, and farmers are behind with tneir work. Harvest is iu full blast this week and the crop isalargeoue the largest that has been harvested for years. It seems that the farmers have beguu to see that it is better to raise their own sup- pi ies man cotton at the present nnces. The boys have about all returned from college. Messrs. Espy Bradley and Jav Lentz, who have beeu attending school ax tne university ior tne past session. returned home last week. Frank Cor u el i us, from Fairview college, and Cail McPherson, lrom Davidson College, have returned home. We welcome them back. Our clever postmaster has a smile on since he has launched his boat out on the bright sea of matrimonial bliss, with Miss Nellie Johnston as "chief-mate." From present indications, we think we. shal have some more marriages to report later. Mrs. A. A. IcNeelv has rented the lit. it ? i weu-Kiiown reswu springs lio ei, a few miles below town, for the coming season. This a favorite summer resort for visitors. Mr. Sanders, of Monbo, has been elect ed superintendent of the Mooresville cot ton factory; work is progressing finely. rbere is some sickness In our commun ity among the older people, but as yet none has proven fatal. C. It. ncy-shoes all kinds and prices. You can cet the celebrated FEATHEKBONIv CORSET yiipxit no one else. Wear one Four Weekend if not entirely;.; satisfactory, bring it lnek and Your MONEY will bo Refunded. mm HARK HichmonH, Va., June 10 Charl-s ltev. from r'aontis from Archibald Baker from 1846 to 1S5G, and Kev. J. Rumple, D. D., has been tiie houored aud beloved pas- secretary Mr UiH anHretiation, but it is verv likely tUt he will in a short while. Tl," Avocation regrets to Mr. Miller, lamimiiy rved 'it for more Dr. W. W. Moore, of Union Theologi cal Seminary, Hampden Sidney,' Va. preached one of the finest sermons that has ever been delivered in Salisbury, on last Sunday eveuing;, taking as his text Christ's answer to Nicodemus, fouud in Johu 3, 8. Dr. Moore is one of the fin est speakers we have ever been privileg ed to hear. He is a ripe scholar, a gradu ate of Davidson College, and reflects great credit upon his Alma Mater. He is one of the leading young diviues of the Southern Presbyterin Church, and a star in the galaxy of the noble institu tion with which he is conuected. It was with regret and sorrow that we rend in the last weeks' Vidette.lhe an nouncement of the death of our old and highly esteemed friend C. W. Wooley, Sr., which occurred suddenly in Iroy, his place of residence, Monday the 12th iustant. We can only learu that in the early morning Mr. Wooley was on the streets in apparently cood health, and that shortly afterwards ho fell and ex pired the cause of his death is supposed to haVe been heart disease. Mr. Wooley was a native of Montgomery, was about 70 years of age, and for many years was one among the most prominent and use ful citizens of his county, once having filled the office of clerk of the Superior Court. He was a man of more than -nr. dinary intelligence, a good writer, and 1 in I8SS aided the writer materially in collecting together aud publishing in the Vidette the mout complete historical sketch of Montgomery county ever yet published. The deceased was a meinier of the M. E. Church South. He married about eight months ago an estimable wife whom he leaves.-with ffve children by a former wife besides a host of, re lations and friends, to niouru his death. It wjll astonish you how quick John V? Magnetic Oil will- kih all paius. jviwiu cumereii, Salisbury r The "Don Juan" aud tures are descriptive musical composi tious, therefore the verbal reading of the Hiner meaning of tiiese tone pictures the two former by Miss Jeanie Kluttz, aud the latter oy Miss Lilv May Bruton greatly enhanced the audience's enjoy meut ot these three renditions; tor the reading of both young ladies was extreme y graceful in ucpornient, eloquent in delivery, articulation and enunciation. Tmm iiimui lioliw lv Mixe"u I nil U M ii 1 1 tic v jiiid I. v.iit. v.r mi- that year tin ia-o. ive was stated suuuiy irom itiaiui. flute ami violin, with Mis- M Overman, on piano, iu the one entitled "Ku.-siau Serenade," and Miss M. Grifiin ou piano in "llolbe Sarafan" were much relished. Miss Liilliau Jroust accompa nied Master John Henderson's violin, i i far' miuiMti nu nnii cv mmiinpr c .. - j j . i. i tor ti'iim lxuu to tne nie&eiii. iiiuc manner-, as uiu nie accompanists oi incj""- . , .,.-ftla other solos, viz: Miss Miriam Wilev to iue cnureuau ainn ...... : ----- i . ,r i iJinim Vi.La.1 n,.d XT I Eflii 1 USl il YS UI iiilVIUSVII v..0, J ... ' I ii ii .. muinhuF at llif fnn 'rn t . : ' . .i.:ii . i " .. i. ii i. . 1 1 t i ui i i .11:1111 uci a. in- v. - n iuaiuie vja.Mii 10 r 1 it 1 1 iv iru&Kiu a vionii 1 , - - , .i.. 1 t . ..:j.. r....i.:iu . .. . ,.i crul ion. tllOUlTU uever a wuimmm-iiiu, stiioB liiiu Ai.oiiniiis viuntviii a cui uci mjiu. n 11 .1 . ,1 .utit Thonorf..nnf thoea v,.nir nr. QUeatUlU Hie COIl.rgtS rnwun uivuw chestral instrument soloists were so per- which enables it to maintain it pi tsentl ... . Iu:.-U ..oiiin on ui I ti(!i 1 a fcl. ect and brilliant m performance, aud so " " . nttt ..i.j !..:: .u' : ... Th fo llowiuir luuu have gone out f i om uiaiiisoiuu 111 spirit iutti niooiiiiitrienuc 101 - - . 1, 1.1 . ., .. 1 V.. ....1 iia mem lifihni to become liuinole ao mem iuii justice auu iaen oi time auu i T. , , i wr i f(.i. space forbid us saying more. preachers of the holy V ord of God. Kev v -1 i. . Wi 1 mm H. Davis, of Keutuckx ; lvev. TiAftrtotAi in r.nA i,.i.n Wri rht l):ivi. oue of the ablest ... . . . nrp,irhHs in the Soutlitrn Church ami x he dedicatory services of the r irst . iUlttrv to Cniua. ileV. 1J. G Presbyterian church were held on last J ClilForcl, president of a female college in Sunday morning. A large crowd, uum W. Watkins, a well-known merchant v;s killed this morning by the bui st illy: ol an enierv wheel at the Starkes Dixie Plow V orks. Yon will be pleased with the mild and lasting efh-cts ol tho Japanese Liver Pel lets Try them. Sold by Edwiu Cuther ell, Salisbury, N. C. INUT1CE. Does not this prove the corset mofe than any other argument vou cau think of? hi? 1 . . 1 .1 .... - . - wunge us oy trying oue at tne riss ot tne manufacturers, if -all o styles and Examine thoe cuts, and then come and look at the corsets shapes, flexible comfortable and durable. New goods coming all the time, a nice lot of jjlasswany such as tankard Pitch- ards Pitchers. Engraved Tumblers, LJerry Dishes, Saucers, &c. Dou't forget to call on us when you come to town you will l welcome I "ours for Jl. B. Mutual Benefit.) .T. Si en of Red njr. I WYATT, Salo of Xjand. Hv virtue of the power contained in a mort ga'r (U-i-il fxriMiUMt by l5urton Colbert, l li. C. Chesher, (now ieceased j, ihiU-il April 4th, 18!'l. au duly registi red in the oltice of Regis ter of ilecds of Uowau c unity in liook S, ;ige 1TA. and dcbuilt having been made in the pay ment of tin- debt secured by said mortae deed, the undersigned, as administrator ol the s;iid B. C Che-hcr, deceased, will ell forcn?h to the highest bidder at the court house door ia Salisbury. Uowan County, at 'l in., on Sat urday the hud day of July, lr!:i, the tract of lnnd describe 1 and conveyed in said mortape deed, situated in scotch Irish township, liowdn County, and adjoining the lands ot Catharine Corzinc. Johii lry, John File and others, containing -S acres more or less. This the 2oth day of June, ls'.ci. Scott Smoot. Administrator of I!. C. Chesher, deceased. ilG (SPECIAL m PECIAL 1 FERt FERJ We are always in the lead on- "ErB"HB"Brri 1 i. beriiig perhaps a thoutand, aud com pletely tilling both apartments of the larce buildimr. was nresent to witness the imposing ceremonies. All the minis ters of the city with their congregations, were invited to participate in the servi ces, and mauy visitors from the neigh boring towns were preseut. ine servi ces began with ' a prelude, "Holy, holy, etc.", by the choir and organ. The sing ing of the doxology by the choir and con eresatiou came next, and was followed by prayer of invocation by Hev. W. V. Moore, D. D. After singing of Psalm 48 read by Rev. C. M. Payne, D. D., and Union, S. C; Kev. J. Alston .jtamsa, ui Hickory; Rev. J. .N. Howard &ummeien, of Turboro; Rev. Kiah P. Julian, deceas ed, who preached during his life time in Lvncbburg, Atlanta ana eisewneie. . . e . 1 ..1 1.?. ....... , ca lf the reeoru oi me ciiurcu pa-u fulness is any criterion, it has a glorious lutuie before it." SALISBURY PKOOUCE MARKET REPORT. Corrected ureekhj by D. It. Julian tt-Sons bush. per sa each ck 1 Butter, Beeswax. Bacon, (country) Lnrd. reading of Scriptures 1 King, 8,22-30,9, (jorn 1-9, by Rev. C. B. King, and of Psalm 24, Meal by Dr. Leith, the congregation was led Irish potatoes, in prayer by ltev. J Alston Ramsay, of j Onions, Hickory, X. C. Then came the singing Oats, of hymn 568 and collection, after which V heat, the dedicatory sermon was preached by Hour, Rev. W. V. Moore, D. D., LL- D. The Poultry, hens. iPTf. wns ehnsen from Ex. 25. 8. We I SorinS chickell? r 1 1 11 nnl An 1,! tn inctw'a an wa u-Slt nnt I KtCS. IHF HOC ftttemnt to nuote anv of the sermon. Snftirair. in suiv tlnit. it. v:is An p-rftpllfnt FOREIGN MARKET REPORTS f..n .ri,,.iin.. 1: rrn nimm .t Co.. Uonkfri and JSroktiM, J. . sciujou, iuii ui lusu uiiiuu, auu tu- i - ' " -rf i -11 ' ti ut .... ThAsu tl.rnres renreseui. an acratc lui cu uv nil. uui o to mu toby u i o . . . . i., i t i ni 'i i . in i 1 1 1 1 1 1 " in iv . .m. namo nn tn Tnsdav of each week : raons in a conversational style. After T.ivornuil tuition firm at a decline Ida sormnn pu in o tltA rpnnrt nf tlm till 1 1 rl I nr 't t A. tkSmiiitu W i th auntatioos for in,. mmmittM tbA rntinn nf th- futures small. Wheat dull and easier 12 Ho 20 DO to 20 124 to U 00 to 52 00 to GO 70 to 80 00 to 60 00 to 35 00 to 70 .75 to 2.75 15 to 30 12.V to 17 12l WAITED! A good salesman in each town in North Carolina and South Carolina, to take the local agency for Cathriens, Distance Bolt. Address lor particu lars, S. LlXDY. Charlotte, N. C. SALKS.MKV Kucrgeiic men wanted, j, repaid outfit. One of our incuts hits ( over ia live years. 1'. V. lio.v New York. Executors Notice. Free arued i::ti, Having qualified as executors of tbe estate of Levi A. Deal, deceased, all per sons owing said estate are hereby noti fied to come and settle. And all persons 111 ti 1H1 Having ciaims .-iiiiiii, ii n , , ,i nndersiirned. duly nil -- - , ,. ...,: f..K ,1.... autbenlicateu, on or neiore mc on of June, 1S94, or this notice will be plead in bar of their' recovery. Sakah J. Deal, ) v Executors. Edward L. Fleming, ) June 9, 1893. BUT WE 11 to DO BETTER STILL. Our increased sales prove indisputably that peo pie are finding out where to go ior the JV JsJF THE X.O WEST PRICE. And our gains in sal(.slitve loon math; in spito. of .the dull times and a falling ofl' in tnu'c generally. MOR Aj : "I5est goods for least money" ogefs Clothing Go's. lotto. For a few davs we will sell a line of SO.oO suits at ?-t.40 ant1 n line of $7.50 at $0.50 in order to close them out. HAKGAINS ! Our line of Clothing, -Hats, Shirt, Trunks, Valises, &'c. &c, is nn.siirpassed. . Don't fail to see ua before you buy. We will save- you mon j. - " Your9 ii to count on, GIBS SLUTWEi'G CO. SALISBURY, N. C Fine uiOTHlEHo. son Sold churchy keys by the session, the delivery of the keys to the deacons, and the re ception jf the completed work by tbe congregation. Dr. Kumple then dedi cated the building to God in au earnest, fervent prayer, hytofl 5G9 wag sung, and the benediction waa pronounced. The report of the building commttee, which will be of some interest, is as fol lows: ' Our concrecation having felt the need of a more commodious and comfortable church, and having a desire-to honor God in the erection of a suitable plaee of worship, a congregational meeting - was held 0B tbe J7th xj( February, jsyi, u n fairly active at 6.17 to 6.70 per cwt. ew York. A"SUSi' Cotton 7.77 ; July Baco New Chicago. Grain market, steadier feel ing than for several days ; wheat c 40. t !Sc ! Dork 20.20 ; ribs U.42; lard 10.07. eduction - in - jfilltntrg ! cTot tfvc next 30 baip, Will ell her large and attractive stock of Millinery at fatly reduced prices. Excellent Bargain's at from her lare rtock of Iufant'.s Caps. Itemember tbee goods must be sold in the next 30 Oavs. (BanDBnRBIIBBBHaMI When Baby wm tfck, we rT8 ker Castorta. When the wm ft Cbfld, ba ciio4 f r Castori. TTheD she Ucvoe WJaa. chin to Castoria. MTbm b bad CliCJrea, Jv gm&em Caatona, D.R.Julian&Sons call notlca tn the fa :t tUat th?y have removed the stock Horn tuelr store room under tue Central il'itel to their olrt hoi eon Fisher M reet . We have MORE GOODS thau we can mike rckUU lor aud lu order to reduce our stock win offer SPECIAL BARGAINS (or the next THITY DAYS IN DRY GOODS. Call and be conTlnced ibatr we can save jou money by buying from us, D. R.JULIAN & SON. Vou want ood, pure goods at low prices, don't you?- Then gr U JULIUS EARNHARDT'S, where are kept PURE FRESH GROCERIES, such ag Flour, poci eoan try Hams, otat'es (se"d and eatin), Cabbaet and everything el.e you want. Also, a new line of GOOD SHOES, which I am ofJerinery Cheap. A full line of DRY GOODS and NOTION'S always kept in stock. tAttention, Farmers! I am now also selling the BANNER FERTILIZER cheap for cash, or on time. Call to see me before buying elsewhere. C. B. Webb. J. S. Troutman. T. J.TBabe. WEBB, TROUTMAN & CO. rKOl'ItlETORS " - " Salisbury Marble Works. LUfiE VARIETY OF MARUhE ON IIANP TO SELECT FROM. J SATISFACTION (ilTAUANTEEU. . - '

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