JL V V lUlillldLllo j FOURTH SERIES SALISBURY, N C;, THURSDAY JUNE 29. 1893. NO 19. 21$ r7 js jr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants 1 , i, finrrn. 1 1 contains no;wier ik-nuin, iiioipuiuo nor S3?A Xarcotic substance. 1 Is a harmless suostituto Lve"0Tie, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil, , T;ciisant. Its guarantee is tlurty years' use by "rnioiis f Mothers. Castoria is the Children's Panacea l!tbe 3lot3icr's Friend. - Castoria. Castoria. I'. a'toi-tort toctiUdrcn thit 'iv r;. r to any j irc;.tTi j 'tiun Lfaorwi---- ... rlt . ,.i c,. csr,rl St., Brooklyn, N. Y AABcysn, 31. I).-, ..w o' ' rcrt' rir ' U so universal and "." well known tlmt it se.-nia a work '"Ration t . muIwju it. F-r are t! '.-u-ovlio do not kw? Castoria tht:7I'''a"1'-" Cisiwi-Sirvs, I). ; New York City. Ciior!a euro? Colic, Constipation, Eotfr Stosiach, Iiurrh-jiia Erue-ation, Kills Vonas, si.-cs elcep, aad promotes df f:-siion, V,";t!iout injurious rceokCatiotl. "For sPTpral years I hare recorimnd(Mi your ' Caiitoriiv,' and shall always continuo tc do so as it has luvaf iab'.y produced beneficia results." . -,Ed-5tt:i F. Pasd-h, M. D., liith Street and TtU Xew York City The Columbian Exposition. ThjvCkvtacr CoiiPAjrr, 77 Utrs.iAT Steuet, New Yoas Crn ML. 'Ml L.5K1M J0B2 0 1RE5AU AND S0D:PI5EA! -irUitwiC: fni iafltiirti..D IV.T t'je c-..r-5 ol IT IS A DUTY yon owe yourself and fam fly to rc tie hcHt slue for your money. V0!ioinizo n Tear foonvenr by purchalnf W. Li. l?e!is Wso-, whirli leprenent the brt value foi prices asked, us thousands VUI eS"ri'IBLE KO SUBSTITUTE. -S3 il ttpj ';m r ,a tro T:' Brra E5. U Ce L AS S3 BMOE cs:iftmMf- SHOE I?J THE WOULD FCSTHEMCNtT. "C, ' v i 5r cuhes J0 v iiH.ii -l -1 THE "E EST a, :aj.a-w. s:uoftta buide. tsxiMOmore com Tortahle.f tvllsh and durable than nay other rhoeovor 6fl'Jt ti c, rriee. Equala custom iiiude shoes costiuj lroai CI to CJ1 lland-scweil-f.necalf shoes. The ip'" most tstvliali, easy cud durabl! pti'ios pver ld r.t tht price, they eu.ual fine iui ported soes costias fiv'i.tni. M 50 I'oHro Shoe, worn byfriTrncrs and all irI9 titrtrs w ho vaut a jjimhI heavy calf, thn-o Folcd. etf r.';!oTi e'lfT" shoe, vaay to w&ik iat and will ki-rn tiio fe t dry ;t:'d ! !inu. City 30 Fine Lt U, and 32.00 Work- Lt iim ij tinea'-bio.'3 will give more wear for tho money than uuy oilier make. They nrepiade for ser- iee. Tlio J-.icrensiug bales show that woritingmea fiav"eroiHio tni'iir.r. l-2n.,rit tna, entiis' M.75 chool K3Ui'"3 SiiOfcs ar v.'drn ly the boya every ts heris. Thsriosi. s-rvieeablushofssold atttieprleea. Il38Si r.ud S1.7. Shoes for 7. V Si ' l.uujsvilit'. m.i.' wilifs: yir'i s-t-n ita, a nil h.u 1 s; tin- Ill isnes ore made -jf tho "oof t Doncfla or lino Calf, as desired. They a-e very FtyJ'.sh, comfortable and dura luo. ThP JK.(X)sho5 euuaiaciiKtcm madeshoescosttns f roni ri.dO to S6.i(. Ladies who w ish toecouomize iu their loot wetj are sI'.idlDff t his out. ' CJantion. W. L. Douins' name end the price 19 Btnmjied oa the bottoni of each shoo; look for it vhtn you buy. Bawtxeof dca'ersattetnptinRtosub f.titnte othtr .jial:ts for them. Stieh Bul.stitutiocsaro t rnuduleut and rutiject to pro?eontlon by law for ob taiuir.y iiKirey ui:vler false pretences. V . 1.. liOL GL.XS, iirockton, Klaas. Sold by BROWN A Household Remsdy el- J T A rimi.y-t jwTifwgV i i for? ALL lf for nine jrs. I wi'id to H. Jfrl .votri'-jt'dirreri'iil (iu'inr?. Hit tound l!lltr'e,l iJni.inli: i;ii i l H:iim. !t laudj isdweii.- J ruii wt.ll U,ovn bcix- . SAVA.ViiAH, U A.,. April 2G, 1SSD. "32 tlseil t h i n,. I.,, I t !u ,,r 1 1 1 re blood a n tU general weakness. Viii deiivetl ofeat beiielits from 'iae, having gained II I'touuds in iaJiKir Weeks, I ta(fcc urvat pleas rttuuuuendiii it to utiibrtuuutes ' Yours .tru.lv, JOHX MORRIS. -OSce of J. N.J I cK I rby , b ru gj;i s t. f OrUnda, Fia., Apri) 20, Lippman D!os.,Savtiiiiah, Ua.. ri sold tln ee boitlts of 1 1; -s5 size yesterday, and one bottle ze to-day: I'f cured my wife of rheuma before last. It ca:i:eb"ek on last winter, and a balf botile, V 'relieved her ;t"5Liii.:jiii sIim li;i 'inptoia since. bottle of 1. P. P, to a friend of ua or hisS turkevs. a .small one .and his wife -gave it a teaspoon- ' was in the evening, and the lit- j wru'ed over like he was tlead; morning-was in holleriiiir and VbuTa-respeetfullv. t J. N. MeKLROY. .j Savannah, Lia., 17, lS'Jl. liro., Savannah,(;a.: irS I have sull'ered fnnn rheu 4 r .lung time, and'didnot thid fUl1 I found P. P. P.,whieh com me. Yours trulv. ELIZA F. JONES H Orange St., Savannah. ' DISEASES' Mmz B!ocd Balm i . . V-uiUJ RHEUM SCROFULA, DLCERS, SALT ECZEMA, every V form of maiignant SKIN ERUPTION, be- f sides being efficacious in toning up the A hsn imoaired from any cause. Its ? almost supernatural healing properties justify us in guaranteeing a cure, if directions are followed. nriiT rnrr n x.ustr ated OCni rnLC "BoL f V.drfc I BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta. Ga. ( Q BUOYAHGY OF BODY Q cen never bo realized when tho bow- elatlonot act cs uataro intends thcyv should. Instead, there is headache, V weight In the sloruaeU after eating:. G acidity cud belching up of, wind, lo-w ppirits, ios of energy, unsociability' WANTED. fjl coaditlon, bat - fQ . Jf Eiay Liwr Fills (vrill relievo it. ajitl p-iro health acdQ liappmcsa. Tlicy aro worth. trial. G.0 O O O G G "enable. IVrsou in Every Town tuke the Exclusive Agency , : 4' the Columbian Efpo- HT1!5 ORGAM OFTHE FAIR. rtnnity to.3lakc Money f, r tln W-ivi v..- dieni, . - , "Httug8 in a Tjimetiinc- cents in stamps, for Sum- and full nartienr,,., - CAMFBSIL, PRES., ST., CHICAGO, ILL nseissts WASHINGTON LEITEB. ' court-martialed or exonerated. He From oupresrular correspondent. Can OD,y deprived of his rank ID thp If tiierereanv peisons who telieve arm b a court-marital. . the silly stories now Roin the round Mrs. Clevelatid and Bnby Rttttl hare of the Oepoblican prss, charging that Q? OaWea on Bussurd Bay, President Cleveland and the other "th's birthplace, while the President Democratic leader.- bate abandoned nil remains here, notwithstanding" the idea of making any radical cIirurcs in daneiltg song the nineties of the the tariff' t the coming session of thermometer, op to his eyes in work so Congress, they wonld Letter begin to important that he cannot leave ife ; He prepare tliemselves for a great dlsap- hopes to get thing m such shape, that pointment. There has been no change he can join the family in about, ten in. the programme mapped out by the d;,JS0'" two week3 d remain with Democratic leaders before Mr. Cleve- long enough to assist in weicum- landrwas inaugurated, except that g the exacted guest. caused by the financial strMiency throughout the cpuntry, which has given tinancial ref um the first place on the programme, but has by no Staff Correspondence of the Observer. means displaced tariff reform. Ever Chicago, June 14. The Columbian since President Cleveland's election he Exposition is a great fair the great has been discussing these two reforms est perhaps, ever produced in the with every man he met who might be world. But although this is so, as supposed to have practical and valuably compared with the centennial exposi- opinions upon either, and he has lost tion in Philadelphia, it doe not ple.-se no opportunity to obtain suggestions and enter ain as that did. As I recol- rom those whose practical experience lct the l'hiindelphia exposition it had or special studies have made them tar- more of a foreign air about it. There iff experts. A perfect tariff bill has one was startled, interested and am us- never been prepared and probably nev- ed ar almost every turn with something er will be, but unless present indica- very new and very foreign. Perhaps tions are all wrong the tariff bill to b that exposition so far educated us that prepared this winter will be nearer foreigu things do not .seem as foreign ejection, from the standpoint of the as they did theu. Chinese bric-a-brac, Chicago platform, than any of its pred- oriental mg- and cloths and Japanese ecessors, and that it will be a radical wares have all become very-day mat change from the McKinley law is a ters, perhaps in consequence of the certain as Unit Congress will mpet centennial, and perhaps foreign things Tariff reform and financial reform ar- can no longer have the same freshnes:- to be the first born children of th to us that they had at the Philadelphia rittv-tmrd Uongress, tiie nrst ioi more than thirty years to be Demo- cratic in both branches while a Dem ocrat was President. i -how. The chief feature of the fair is its 1 . T uupendous magnitude. In coram? to it when one arrives in Chicago the grounds: . ANDWICTIES. Sliced ham, 10; sliced tongue, 10; sliced corn beef, 10; sliced cheese, 15; slicedjturkey, 20; sliced chicken 20; sardiues, 25. CUTS AND OOLI) MEATS. : Boiled sugar cured ham, 35; boiled corned beef (fancy brisket), 35; boiled sal tpetered beef tongue, 35; roast rib of beef, 40; roast young turkey, 50; roast spring chicken, one-half, 50- with Vienna bread and dairy butter. SALADS. Chicken salad, 40; potato salad, 25. CRACKERS AND CHEESE. Roquefort cheese, 20; De Brie cheese, 20; American cheese, 10; Swiss cheese, 15; Boston common trackers, 10; Ojsters, 10; Soda crackers, 10; Bent's crackers, 10. Highest of all in Leavening Poorer. Latest U. S. Gov't Report .o- ICC? LX HTVNoSXIivV Ir 11 Y AESOULteU F2JRE Pi-psident Cleveland has not and will trip is not yet finished. - It is about not attempt to say what the details ol J even miles from the railroad station; the bill for the repeal of the Shermat. ho the fair ground and to one not at- cilvur l..w oh:i hp. He is satined Cdstomeu to unicago tiu.- is a more ova i " v.- tl.at the law is a very bad one and alsc troublesome- part of the trip than all that Congress will promptly repeal it tie other ,--di.tance put together, li at the extra session. He is also satis as initended tilat exposition passeii- ill? .tf in 1m;iVi ii 1 ZiY& sltouiJ be delivered iu the expo ro the wisdom of Congress as to bow sition grounds and ample sratiou la ihissiv.n be done and what, ot her cilities were provided by the exposition fin; ncial legislation shall be adopted h company, but the roads won't run OAlerto undo the bad effect ot the their trams in because -the exposition Sherman law'. In conversation with authorities want 10 cents per head on v?. ..: ni.; .1- i.is: li.di.v e !tii nasenger. V hile the exp osition fl 1 I IC II VI I III- V i jwi.v. a that the partial polling of the mem- m inagement and -railroad authoritie heix of the House and Senate h) are squabbling over this dime passen e....A n, i-..li:1lkl b:,Kis irers are being landed at. the to estimate what the vote on the que tbm n'F rpntvalitio this law would be. " r owing to the large number of Sena tors and Representatives who have not declared how thev will vote. Kv,r since Secretary Carlisle took the fair ground without haggige (leav- char-eofthe Treasury department he bggage checked in the station) u..,. i f,;Qfiu.,rL.inr irk nut. n stnti Arriving in the grounds then go out to the wholesale smuggling of Chi- of one of 1 he gates to hunt rooms nese and opium by way of Paget sound. This may be done before going mto Reports from two trusted men sent to the grounds. 1 ben arrange to Have invpsticafe sotm coiiviuctd him that a baggage taken from depot to hotel or number of the Government officials egular get to railroad stations in Chicago and il costs from 50 cen's to $3.00 to the grounds. 1 should advise any one coming to ir, i t r:i l 1 1 f. from t. I.p l:iilri):ul st:it.iiin ill Cures all FemalcjComplaint3 and Monthly irrepralarity, Leucorrhcca or Whites, Pain in Back or Sides, strengthens the feebla, build4 up the wholo system. It has cured thousand! and will euro you. Druggists liave it. Seaj ptamp for bock. DU. J. P. 1)20 C0CLZ 3t C0 LOBUTjlla, J(j, whoe duty it was to prevent such smuggling were in league with the smugglers. He removed a number of these men and appointed their succes sors, but did not make either 4he re movals or the appointment. public un til this week, be ause of his desire to secure the necessary evidence to crimi u illy "prosecute the crooked ex-otHeials. Large fortunes are said to. have been made by the smugglers in the last ten years, but Mr. Carlisle intends to see that no more are made while he re mains in office. Not a few Republicans, among them son.s Congressmen, have openly com mended Judge Lochren for bis vigor ous efforts towards carrying out Presi dent Cleveland's idea of making the pension roll a roll of honor, and the j number is bound to increase as the good effect of the new methods becomes j more apparent. The most audacious Republican Congressman wiM hardly dare to go oil record as criticizing the present administration for dropping men from the pension rolls, whose names, have no right, either in law or equity, to be there, and it is ouly that kind who are being dropped. As was expected, Col. Ainsworttv the contractor, the superintendent, rnd the engineer have been pronounc ed guilty of criminal negligence by the coroner's jury for having failed to take necessary precautions to prevent the accident which killed 23 men and wounded a number of others in Ford's old Th pat re. They all gave bail to await the action of the grand jury. An armv court of inquiry will, as soon a the grand jury acts, begin taking evidence unoii which it will decide whether Col. A ins worth shall bf boarding house. The hotel charges and room rent i t are quite in a tangle, l can see no way to arrange satisfactory lodging at satisfactory prices except to hunt for tiiein, examine the accoram-xlations offered and make a contract as to price. Iu this way excellent accommodations al reason able prices can be got. But RELISHES. , Sliced cucumbers, 15; Queen olives, 15; sliced tomatoes, 15; Cross & Black well's Chow Chow, Gherkins, white onions. i PASTRY, ROLLS, ETC Rhubarb pie, 10; squash pie, 10; ap ple pie, 10; apricot pie, 10; custard pie, 10; bowl custard, 15; currant rolls. 10; split roils, 10; assorted rolls, 10; coffee cakes, 10;" doughnuts, 10; fruit cake, 10; plain cake, 10; dry toast, 15; Collins ice cream, 10. ICED DRINKS. Iced coffee per glass, 10; iced tea per glas, 10; iced milk, per glass, 10; iced Bensdorp's cocoa per glass, 10; Pabst Standard Milwaukee Beer per bottle, 15; Pabst Milwaukee Beer per glass, 5; Gulden Ri:s-ett Champagne Cider, 25; Lemonade, 15. HOT DRINKS. Coffee per cup, 10; tea per cup, 10; Bensdorp's cocoa pcr cup, 10; hot lemonade, 20. There niv other restaurants where the prices are higher. Lemonade is 10 cents per glass and of this price the exposition company gets 0 cents, the privilege to sell lem onade being a monopoly also. The midway piaisance is a sort of territory set apart for side-shows, freaks, eccentricities and vulgaiities. In it are Turkish, Egyptian, negro and other, side-shows, making abou buch a conglomeration as is on th Uowery iu New York, and most of it is just about as lespectable as the Bowery is. North Carolina is represented by fivi exhibits, as follows: Mines and mining, Forestry, Fish and Fisheries, Horticulture, Agriculture. These exhibits are very creditable indeed and are attracting much atten tion. In the department of forestry the exhibit of medicinal herbs by VVal lace liros., of Slatesville, is easily ad mitted to be the best at the World's Fair and there is no doubt it will win the first medal. The exhibit of native woods is first-class and should also win the grou ndg, 4?J?e aJ s u rronnding i can be seen The thing that became most nota ble at the Philadelphia fair was the big Corlis engine. "At the Paris expo sition it was the Eiffel tower. In Chicago it will probably be the electric light. On Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays the grounds are illuminated in the evening until 11 o'clock and the display is beyond conception. The exhibit in the electrical building is somewhat disappointing. The ex hibition of electrical development and the electrical display is made in the ex ecution of the contract to light the buildings ;.nd grounds by the West inghouse Electric Company. The ly names used' have ten thousand lights capacity each and there are in use, about one hundre.l thousand lights and in illumination nights the buildings about the Fountain Plaza are outlined .with incandescent lamps so that for miles away in the prarie the dome of he administration building can be perfectly seen as a skeleton building of ights against the sky. D. A. T. a prize. In the department or mines s nc mining North Carolina has aUo an at without precaution the liability to be tractive and tine exhibit. The collec overcharged and even swindled is very 1 tion of rare stones is especially fine considerable. j and this exhibit is handsomely setup To compare the two expositions and in it the State's mineral resource again, one of the charms of the Phila- are handsomely and well displayed delphia exposition was the prevalent ( Tiie State is creditably represented in d.irn f vpi vIumIv that evervbodv else I the other departments taentioned should have a good time. Tins Chi- above and all in all the work uuder .u.r.. uirnikvir.mii is handic.aDued bv a taken has been successfully anl well VU v-B-V-'"v - " I I if i c - Charlotte Obxerrev: The die is cast. Kope LI las is collector. R. B Glenn district attorney. This solu tion, says Col. V . H. llhams, gives general satisfaction, and the appoint men t of Mr. Llias will redound to the good of the party and puVic. Mr Elias has received numerous congrat ulations. The ability of the new collector is c 'needed by Senator v ance and others Kope Ehas goes home to-night to ar range his boiid, which is $200,000 in -imouut and which will be here this week. He says he has not fixedltny of the minor positions under his office uud may not do so for several weeks. Respecting the kstorm-vexed" China Grove postmaster, Representative Hen derson says the application ot rrank R. Graham, who was appointed to-day was filed 10 das ago, as recommended bv himself. With difficulty hesecured action, he says, because the incum bent's term was not out. The delay was not chargeable to him. The Concord postoffice papers have been in the President s hands one week The delay is not due, Mr. Henderson savs. to him. lie is doing all lie can for Sherrill. He further says the department con fesse? to reluctance to taking actionon fourth-class postmasters, even when there are explicit charges, before the end of four years. It is as much as the department can do for some time to att on ca es where the four years have expired. The remaining offices in the seventh district are Hickory (presidential), where the encumbent's term expirer May next; Albemarle (fourth-class), where it expires October, , "1)4, and Mai den, Catawba where it has just expired. Thomasville to be filled soon. Mr. A. C. Miller is here in the inter est of his brother, Mr. W. II. Miller, a candidate for the Shelby postmaster ship. The candidates for the eastern dis trict attorneyship are Cant. W. T. Caho, Pamlico, Electors Smith, of the first, and Shaw, of the third district, Sol. C. Weill, of Wilmington. Senator Vance went home Saturday night; Senator Ransom to-night. The latter will return to-morrow. i. The JSIaa'the Printer Lover There is a man the printer lores and te is wondrous wise; when'er he writes the printer man he dotteth nil his iV. And when he's dotted all of them witlr carefulness and ease, he punctuates each paragraph and crosses all his t s. upon one side alone Jie writes, and never rolls hu leaves, and from the man of ink astnile and marks 'insert" receives. And .when a question he doth ask- taught wisely he hath been he doth the goodly stamp for; postage uck pui. in. ue gives tne place from which he writes the nddresiT thm printer ueeds and plainly writes his lonored name, so he that runneth reads ltj writes', revises reads, corrects and rewrites all again, and keeps one cop? : safe and sends one to the prit ter nun. And thus by taking little paiusr at tri fling care and cost, assures himself his minuscript will not be burued or hwt. So let all those who long to write take pattern by this man, with jet black ink and paper white do just the best thej can, and then the printer man shall U'ow and bless as his f riend nil through life's journey as they go until that journey ends. Terrible Panic is Church. ; . .' St, Petersburg, June 21. While the a icient church of Romano.' at v - Borisog'.ebsk, on the Volga, was crowt-- ed with pilgrims from all nart f - w7 Yaroslav, who had come to take part in the annual church procession, a panic was caused by false alarm of fire which had been raised by thieves in f order to facilitate their operations. When the firemen arrived, in answer to the tolling of an iilarm by the sexton of the church, tLey found the door locked. Breaking it in they witnessed a fear ful sight. In the mad rush for the exit' hundreds had leen knocked do An and stamped upon, while others had been sutfocated by the pressure of the great throng of teiror-stricken people. 1 the bodies of 129 women and tra men were taken from the church. Nor was this the total number; of victims, -as several other persons had been kill ed and twenty fatally injuicd by leap-" , ing from windows thirty feet from the ground. 7- ; doue. Mr. P. M. Wilson is here in charge of these exhibits f jr the State. Mr. hoard of greedy money-makers. The privilege of taking photographs on the grouuds has been let to two people as a monopoly and good pictures of ex- T. K. Bruner has been in Chicago and hibits are hard to get, high-priced, and has only returned to rsorth Uiroliua in most cases not good at all. Quite a to attend to some official business. number of other privileges have been ' Mrs, Bruner was helping to look after sold and the little monopolies thus ere- things in his absence. ted are working on the lines of a.l Bes'mes Mr. Bruner and Mr. U llson, monopolies in taxing the people or the state is represented by the foilow- circumscribing their pleasures or com- ing assistants: Messrs. G. F. Green, 0 1 , . 1 li 11 u.;mi., 'IMto or J. A. urlil aim ci. n. uiiiuij. Mostof the large hotels in Chicago all form a sort ot omciai ortn v,aro nrnn-r have rai-ed their prices from 25 lina colony. They to 30 per cent, per day. They explain that wages and provisions have ad vanced, but say nothing of the in creased patronage. This apparent scramble of everything in Chicago to make money out of the fair is the f.tnro the show. Even the railroads of the country very little concessions have rented house and by keeping house they live better and cheaper than they other wise could. The admission fee of 50 cents is not all it will cast to see the fair. In nid wav piaisance it costs about 50 cents niclosures of any of to go into the . . j : 11... have made the loreigo colonies aim ecu m me 1 ,vnnit inn nr oner there are places it l, AJ'vu.. j - 1 'ru.tunr intPl,,! a. the lair costs an extra ice iu f k.. f:,;r enough. The ample, an elevator trip to the top of , rtF f.ir shows nricts some of the buildings wheie there are 1 Uc iOUOWlii uii4 ... 1 at small restaurants oyer the eutire walks made from which fine iews of The Charlotte Observer of the 11th inst. says: Evangelist rife arrived home irom Clifton Forge, Va., last night. His meeting there was a grand success. The large building where the services were held was crowded morning and evening, and the after-meetings were full of interest. Mr. r ife goos next to Chatham and Wytheville, Va., which will wind up his engagements for this 11 -ii j 1: j season, tie win spenu some umeuui- ing the summer at N mgara-on-the-Lake attending the Bible Conference which meets there. 1 his Conference Mr. Fife attended last summer, and found it. a delightful gathering, as well as of great benefit -in his work. Wilmington, N. 0 June' 17. A stubborn lire in the brick warehouse, owned by the Calder estate on Water street, occupied the attention of thn hremen from two to five this--ffiorn ing. The building was stored nit Ir cotton and molasses. The loss is estimated- from eighteen to twenty thousand dollars, well covered by insuraritv. During the earjy "progress of th ,ni a part of the front wall jf ell, kiuin,; Joseph H. Willard, aged about 25, one of the active and popnhirrinembers of the Wilmington Hook and Ladder Company, No. 1. Henry Hidenbattle, a member of the Howard Company, was serionsJy hurt. - Thomas A. Edison, the inventor. says that no person can be brought in close connection wilh the mvstertes of nature or make a study of chemis try or of law of growth without being convinced that behind it all there is a supreme intelligence. He says that he hopes to be able some time to demon strate the existence of such intelligent e through the operation of there my terious laws yvith the certainty of a demonstration in mathemstics. Berun, June 17, A portion 01 Schniedemuehl, a manufacturing town of Prussia, is sinking in consequence of tne boring of an artesian well. The inhabitants of the district, which covers s-everal squares, are in danger and wiil be compelled to leave their homes. Government engineers have gone to the scene to try to prevent the ruin of the town. Lieut. Rogers is here en-route for St. Petersburg to joiu the American ernbassy in that city, ' The faculty and the students of the University at the cloje of the last term' presented Dr. Battle with a gold hatch et, in the blade of which was set a time compass. The little gift yery unique and was conferred on the IW tor as the champion Path Finder" in the woods surrounding Chajxd Hill. These paths have made . the loly . scenery in the vicinity more accessible o both students a&d titkenv and in this work the .Doctor hps proedai public benefactor Unld($i J&tsrxtr. A Wioston .dispatch annoances thai Capt. It. B-.Glenn, the new. district aU torney, will appoint Mr. H. L. Cra,w for.d, of that iawn, but wltois a .nature Salisburiao, jis his ju-ivate secre tary. The private secretary gei x. salary of $1,200 ayax. -U i

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