V 1. J Carolina Watchmari. SUBSCRIPTION" RATES. , f One year 'in advance. ... .1'.'. -$ I OQ 'Six xndnths. ... :;l . ...V .50 iThre montha -V.. -. ..... - -. -V ;2 "Bnterod as second-class mail at Ballstrary, N; C. THURSDAY, JULY !,, 1893. r Where Is The Cash? Theanraiiigiy wise men of Nejr , York are discus-Mii; the q tstin t where all the raueh neeii-iU money k 'Pkow huvi' ltiJcl tin hUiue on the trusk companies, then on thrtavin bank, Vvlieti itseenis tint they are just as ig norant as to where it is sis the rest of ps, who iloii't profess to know. Jlolston, president of wtt op the trust companies, in defense of his side of he question, corne's very m arly telling the .truth in' part as we Kee4t. He says: of 'course, am better abb to tell where the Hnilev is than others; 'hutlides the fraying hanks, 1 think the only bbimahle people are private individuate: I think that people are .Imhliiig back their money from invest Went tfnd klso from "banks; because of 'a general and vague alarm. Savings 'enrniruzs. and cash from nil sources is 'beinsr Hoarded and 'hidden; Much IS in safety vaults, but f much in smal amounts isecreted in place le he 'cure, but equally unaUyinable to bor Vowers:" ' . - - But; the able editor of the Netcs-Obieriei'-ChronicU, is far nearer right , than these woujd be wiseacre. His . 'opinioe of what the trouble is, we thtuk4s' about correci. Capt. Ashe comments on the situation thusly: . uIn accounting for the panic the first jump these wiseacres ' in.fde was Into the bramble bush of "distrust." 'Thev met to;e"tnei Ifke: the celebrated Lonclon. tailors uml resolved. r They VesoIveU that what was the matter was 'distrust of the currency." Those peo ple have lotrflo team yet about hnan rv- Thev are vouuir at the Allows. They have no experience. Unhappily fnr ud wa have had txnerience. Ve have luid somewhat to do with bad piirrencv;. We Have seen people with w - - J - - ft 'currtney in h ii.d which they ' feared was going to get worse, and they were always in a fever to get rid of it. ' '"Th:tresoluters, ot Gotham have "simnlv made lausrliiiijistocks of "them selves in showing how ignorant they ... i r - mi are of the Diiucioles ot nuance. ine truth H t hey hav e sworn in thir heart jthat the. silver act shall be repealed and in their efforts- to accomplish their purpose they expose themselves. Cur rency lias become scarce not because ol any distrust of it, but because of an apprehension on the part of the hol ders that if thy let it. go they might not get it back wheti needed. It is be lug boarded by the holders;" the Str ings banks doubtless hoard it; the State banks hoard it; the national hanks hourd it, private pople hoard it. It is hoaidedas the typical mier hoards gold." In fact more so, lor it cannot be bought with government bonds or any thing else. -- HJertaihly the remedy is to Temovt Jtbe caue. The da use :is, as We havf said, a fear lest the owners can't gee it back if they' once let it go. The rem edy is to rebut thut pi sumption, to Ibave facilities to Supply currency when heeded. Had the ISew York banks Taken out thirty millions of new circu lation as soon as the demand for cur: ency manifested itself, the movement would hatre'lieen at once checked, and ihere would have teen' no panic ' The foolish wine. men of Gotham have got the country into its present fix. They are not the men for us to take counsel with.'? ' L ' " t i Later reports say that tlie guilt of C. J. Miller, the negro murderer and rapist of the llay sisters, is .established beyond all question. jYnbther. report jays that another negro has been ar- rested at Milan, Lenn., who was an ac complice of" Miller, and the one who really committed the murder. If he proves to be the man another lynch ing is in prospect. The negroes ot Bard well, Ky., have risen up in indig nation over the hanging and burning of Miller. The mayor of Bard well telegraphed the mayor of Padu'cah, Monday evening, reqiiesting the lrikn of 100 Winchester' Hifles and 240 founds of ammunition. Beriou-s trou pie is expected. ' V heat has - touched the lowest price on record for forty vears, and Quantities are nw being bought for . Lurbpe. This is hard on the Yest. The South also has some new wheat to . sell, for we have raised more breadstuff -this year than usual. But our chief crop being cotton, which has been sold and paid for, the bouth is not so much affected by the present low prices as the West, and wy are much better off, VVhen the. inouey scare is ovfr., the S vuth will go ahead on an n n parallel I - ed Career of prosperity, withotthaving h,ad .anv serioiis se Jack. 2eijrs Ob server. .. " . . s i y i - A Mijouri editor says he m a subscriber who gets drunk every little while; and i?jsT8 on paying a jeur subscription. He "nw has his paper. paid in ailrancV.tip.to.102G. Ve wish the -editor of tiiat paper wortldjindut what itaw of whtskevthe ;ehoiw dnnks and l . send us a few- gallons. We will pay i im a good price for it, and if It proves to le what he says, vrt take a barrel. Montgomery Evening News: v, , A Wild Scene in a Country ChVci- 2f ew York Trlbuo. - - The little Baptist church at Jericho. I Li. I . was tne scue ouiwii"aicu Sudday last which the memUrs will ions; remember. In the course oi ine nioruinsr services, JJharles Seaman, en-1 tri-tnc churcii in an inupjucaieu i-uin d tion, and began to sing and dance m me most rollicking manner. 1 JM sex- ron, Mr. Streeter, left his pew, intend ing to nut the offender out. : Seaman at once landed his fist between t he sexton's eyes-, pending hini to the fioor. Seaman then jujnped.on his victim and danced about the centre aisle. A inomeut later heeiitereil the pul pit aud gave awild yell. Then seizing Pastor Thorjis Ky the throat, he jam med his head against the wall, and be gan to give him a s-jund drubbiit. The parson screamed for help and begKl for mercy. Deacon Titus went to the parson's rescue and grappled with Sea man. Seaman, however, dealt the deacon a blow in the face that turned the old man heels over head in the pul pit. Seaman then threw th Bible, desk and cfiairs at the congregation. The wildest excitement prevailed. It was with creat difiicnltv that the man was overpowered and ejected from the building. A warrant was sworn out for his arrest. He is about twenty-five years old, and the son ol wealthy par ents. " - A FEARFUL, FATAL TOSNADO. Sweeps Over the State of Iowa. Sioux City, la., July 7.A telegram from Fonda states that five entire fam ilies were blown away at Alta in a cy clone but afuli listoMatalities cannot be had. D. T. Miller is known to have been killed. A Mrs. Gordon was kill ed instantly b? the wreck of her house aud nothing was found of a family of seven. No trace can be found of Ed ward SarKeaiit and family of five. TIipv are supposed to be dead, Sam Hersham, wife and children are miss ing. Mrs. Hersham wus in contine ment when the storm broke. All were blown away and it is thought they are dead. ' Trains arriving from the East on the Illinois Central came into Sioux Cit) last night with all the glass in the cars broken. Trainmen say they rai. through a severe hall storm but en countered no great winds. At Quinby, a little town east of Cherokee, many houses are reporter wrecked and at leiist two persons are known to have leen killed. They ar Mrs. Allen Warburlou and Mrs. Moli iieaiix. When the news can be had from the country, it is expected thai the loss of life will be found very great, its tlie region through which the cyclone passed is thickly populated. THE DEAD YXD WOUNDED. - Pomeroy, la., July 7. The result ol the cyclone is 53 dead, 75 fatally . in jured aud 150 with broken limbs, cuts unor bruises tnore or less severe. ihe tovyn of Pomeroy is one complete wreck. There is scarcely a house left tending. About fifteen acres of debris cousti- tute now what was yesterday a thriv. ing village. Splinters are all that re main, fecarceiy a tree remains. Piles of broken timbers aud occasional pieces of furniture are all that can be tound of what was once one of the larire-t buildings in the place. Two hundred and fifty houses were in all destroyed aud the money loss on these and then contents isplacedat 200.000. THE STOEMS DKAELT WORK. Pomeroy, Iowa, July 8. Reports from the line followed by the cyclone indicate tnuL it started about one mile west of Cherokee and followed closely the line of the Illinois Central j.Uil road, cutting a swath from one-fourth to one-half a mile wide, and completely demolishing evtry thing iu its path for a distance of sixty miles, leaviug de:ith and destruction everywhere. At Pomeroy 208 1 esidences were swept completely off the face of the earth, and not aboaid is left. Haidly a residence remaius untouched aud the business portion of Pomeroy is so bad ly wrecked that it can be said with truth 'that Pomeroy is no more. The carcasses of horses, cattle and hogs are brting. cleared up from the rubbish to day aud burned. It seems that as many tatalilies resulted to those going i ito cellars as those who fctaVed above gr mnd. AK the churches in the city, seven in number, are demolished, and lib services will be held to-morrow. All is sadness and gloom. In some grim jest the wind had set ,tne one nearse in the - town to end with tongue driven full length in the ground; V agons were used and twentv ot tne killed were interred yesterday. i ue damage is estimated at 800,000 Will try a Living Burial! Toledo. ().. July 0 Seymour, the mind-reader, i to attempt the startl ing test of being buried alive for three months at Chicago after the manner of EasETudians, who say they can sus pend animation for an v period by swal lowing ineir rongues and controlling the heart an mind. '"My coffin has gone on ahead " said f" kit iur. oeymour. "it was made in byra cuse, and is a fac-simile of the one in which Geueral Grant's remains now lie. "I will he buried six feet deep in the coffin. Signals wilLbe arranged so that if things dout go right I can communi cate with the soldiers on the outside who will guard the grave. , ! will not come back to earth until September 24. I am positive thut 1 can do it, and the scientific men who are assisting me to conduct the expef- men are oeginning yy uiuk so too. FOURTEEN FIREMEN KILLED. : A Bcrning building at Chicago. Chicago, liL, July 10. Fire was dis covered in the tower of the big cold storage- warehouse, near the Sixty fourth street entrance of the World's Fair, at l:50p. ni. While a large num Ijer of the firemen were on the dome of the building the flames burst out below them and they were forced' to jump to the roof ljelow, a distance of abo.t 100 feet. A few minutes later the tower fell upon the roof, crushing it in and carrying into the burning building a large nmnlier of firemen, dead and alive. Among those carried down by the tower were some who had conw irpon the roof to help their com panions who had fallen or jumped from the dome. This all happened in the fight ol twenty or thirty thousand visitors to the fair. The excitemeut among them was indescribable. No accurate estimate of the loss ol life or money is as yet possible. Wildly exaggerated stories as to the extent, of the losses have gone abroad, rue Marshal Mui ray reports fourteen fire men killed, that two or three painters at work in the tower could not possibly have escaped and that several Colum bian Guards, who joi tied in tlie effort to extinguish the tire at its first npjear ance, lost their lives. The financial loss will probably exceed $500,000. ihe coia srorae warelior.se was destroyed. Its dimensions were 130x "Zo0 feet. Ithiida massive tower ris ing to an altitude of 200 feet. Th place was outfitted with a complete apparatus for the manufacture t ice, cold storage, etc., and was on the grounds s an exhibit. An artificial ice rink iu the top story had just been completed aud the place was usually thronged with sight-seerv. A Novel Burglar Trap. Granada, Miss., Coricspondente iulladrlpbla Times. A widow by the name of Susannah Dickion, heard noises in the kitchen that madLher suspicious that then was some one feloniously iuclined oi; the premises; So she bethought her self of a large wardiode, (dd-fashiouet. iu make, and shut herself therein, locking the door after her. She could hear the men as the rummaged the house, and their voice in dispute in regard to the value of thi object or that. At last they had col looted everything they consiuerec worthy carrying off, when, one of t!u logues spied the wardrobe, and, start ed toward it, followed closely by the others. Mrs. Dickson, alarmed, gave ; spring forward ainst the door to es- cape, ner weignt causing ine ma s:v old piece of furniture to fall tonvarci on its frout, crushing beneath it twt f the three advancing men, The oni in the rear sprang back in time t(- savehimself with the exception of th ;re.it te on tke left foot. The hour f that was broken, however, and in jured in such a manner as to maki the wound a very painful and serious; one. But this was nojhing as to what his ompaniens had sustained. One lav al though he were dead. He had been struck on the head by a piece of tin fretwork crowning the wardrobe, while tiie other was piuiitd bmeath ii firmly and held so by Mrs. DicksonV weight. In about half an hour tht rest of the house-hold returned home and found the two men, one si ill un conscious and the other pleading foi his liberty. A Father Saves his Little Laughter, hut Is Himself Killed. A ad accident occurred at Roval ton, Ohio, by which a father, through his devotion to his-child, lost his lite James Kirkland, a meat dealer, 45 vears oid recently completed a Tei- dence and moved into it with his wife nnd 3-year-old daughter, Barbara, onlv a few days ago. His old house, a story and a hall brick structure, on the same premises, he decided to remove. The founda tion had been undermined and Kirk land saw his little girl standing where she would be caught by the falling ruins. He sprang toward her, throwing her upon the ground, leaned over her aud received the full force of the falling bricks upon his head and back. The little girl escaped without serious inju ry, but the father was instantly killed. Wo Evidence Against Him. Cairo, 111 , July 10. It is now pretty generally conceded, that C. J. Miller, of Springfield, III., tbe mulatto that was hanged, shot and cremated, at Bard well Ky., Friday afternoon, was executed upon the flimsiest circumstancial evi dence, or probably no evidence at all, for there was not one tangible thing that connected him with the assault and murder of the Itay sisters last Wednes day mornin g Information from a trustworthy source at Wickcliffe is that telegrams had been received there conGrmiu: Miller's sfn fo ments as to where he was ifulv 4th nH 5th. Miller's story was that he vita nt Bismark, Mo., the morning of July 5th and no one has brought forward evi dence to the contrary. A careful inqui ry, has failed to disclose a single person who will say positively that he saw Mil ler at Bard well or even iu Carlisle coun ty, that day. Chattanooga, Tenn., July 7. David Civender,a wealthy farmer, who Tues day evening in the suburbs of Chatta nooga, murdered R. H. Reed, was ar rested yesterday in a, vacant room wnerene was hiding. He acknowl - "w " crimp, ana tne coroner s jury ;u",,u ' uoty implicating James Irwm as an accessory. A dramuhV scene ensued when the i?rav hlrA fatiier of the Victim confronts iUa. slayer of his son. A telephone mes- sage says that Irwm was iil.nl a.,A 1 killed yesterday by Reed's brother near meir nome in north Georgia. ' Manning News. :; A movement is ou foot to repaint Sa lem church this summer. ; ! Mr. T. C Tarker. of Greensboro, ar- rived last Friday, and oueuetl whMd here Monday, July 10th. . , ltev. l'rof. fehirey and dauirhter. Miss Alma, paid the vicinity a fliug visit last Saturday, prof. Shi rev is traveliuir in the interests of North Carolina Col- fege, ind,we.hope his ettbru may not be Locke Township suudav school ron yeutiou will be held4t Salem some lime iu August.' SU.em htu aii avemge at tendance of about 5 or more scholars, and we believe this is the banner sun day school iu the township, A oeet was raised 111 our garden which weighed 48 oz., aud measured 20 iache iu circumference; also another 13 inches long and 12 inches 1:1 curcumference. Picnics are now in order : J. A. Burk heud will have one In his grove the 27th of this mouth. Briiur vour ratio us if vou want any thing to eat. Crops are t uttering very much from the drought, borne farmers are through laying by, and others will qu;t until it raiu. L. V. m ms LIGHTKING'S DEADLY WORK Two Children Killed Instantly. ' Special to the observer. VVinslon, July 10. Luther and John Viptnan, agiil respectively 17 and 10 years, were struck oy lightning and killrd live uiihs w. ft of Viusiou Satuiday evening. their sister, 0 years of age, was also knocked down aud adiy tunm-d. The b.iys were wo; king 111 a mea.low witn their father. ot-einjr a storia conm- ui, the faiiier told his children, two 3 m. and a d.mgh 1. i 1 . 1 . . 1 to '' uiaxer a larue tree near me eo.; o the uie.idow until the rain was over. They went, bu: j isi as the oldest sou leaned up against me tree a keen flush ot lightning came dow n the tree, billing tlie t wo boys 41 p siuuuing ihe sister. I'l.e 3'oungest son w-.m ul'iiui three feet 1'imui thetiee whi'e the sister siood jbout tix teer. :,way. The faiher vas horrilied ivheu he went iut to the trteand found the three children lying ou 1 or? -luuuu. lie thought at hrst that they were all killed. The daugh ter aoo 11 regaitiid consciousness aud is now thought to he out of danger. List 01 Jurors. At the meeting of county commis .ioi.ers, Monday, July 3rd, the follow ing jurors were drawn for ihe August term of Rowan Superior Court: J. C Buiiu, Coiumbus A. Sioop, 11 Frank Rudacil, II. B. Ko,x, A. W. Kluttz, J .1 Miller, W rTAIhright, OS Le .z ir. Je-se 1". Ly rly, J no W. Jen kins, B F Goodman, (i Luttier Lyerly, Jas D. L.wieiice, Jno V Tiexltr, Juo ll Carson, ilibi.s .. Ketchie, Win A CampUdl, lu v Glhs Turner, Jas il 13oSfM;ll, JlllillS A JL:tVI. Halo., (j Henry Brown. Cl ri-tian Bnngle, 1J Calvin Cauble. George F "Cori: lisou, JUilllS C lil.i.iio.fl". V liiiaui C-.lUde. James F Liu ah, A. M. Clover. Wo; hi Cioweii, If A li.i.m, C. L. iJiHAii, J. Frank l'..: ks. J is H Jenkins, John J Wiiheliu, A. V. Lent., Janus V Isellhour. Haul on tue l'ursoti. Just after the i:lM:e of 1'eirwil.e, in (),lolei, li'AY I Dr. S..V;tg- , , ti one of his .-troiig Uuu.n ni..n, wa- IJ'jOllitlllellts to b:i)t:Ze S.nne ciiiH"ci.. li.e. e w a a llg. cowd, ai;d a si un'i v Souihem uiaiioij nrougnt iiei iour i.h:.(.i-n io t ie . I . t r. 'Name tuis child' aid tlie Union preachei". 1 -ying his In ml on the boy'. Ue..d. "Sim . n IJoiivar ii.ick uer." was the lvply, w hich caused a smile t.M'Oiiii over tin-conivg.ii ion iu toe braVi- preacher went on with his duty. Name thiscuild, takinir the next in order. Pierre Gustave Tout ant Beau regard," was tlie answer, and the smile 4icw ijitu a snigger, while Dr. S.ivage :'. me red in the face. lie baptized the young nanipsake of the greai engineer ft idler, and went on with the ceremony. "Name this one'lie gasped, teaching for li.e third. "A. bel t Sidney Johnston,' came the answer. The smile became audible, and Hie preacher apo plectic. Heaving' a sigh of relief, h 00k the fourth child, a little girl, whose gender he fondly supposed would preclude a continuation of heroic reproduction, aud said; "Name thi child." -'"Mary Stonewall Jackson Lee came thel response that set the con gregation in a roar, while the Union parson thought he had held in his arms the whole Southern Confederacy. Warjournal. Raleigh, N. C, July 7. A short while sine Rey. Dr. Tupper. President ot bhaw University in this city, sustained an injury to a tot which produced blood poison. Dr. Tupper went North for treatment ano had to undergo ti c amputation of a f-ot iu hope- tt arrest the disease. Saice then he has not improved, and there is is a rumor prevailing here this morning that it will be necessary to cut off his leg. It is feared by his friends that his physical condition can not stand the strain. Dr. Tupper has for many years done much service in the liue of colored education, and his loss would le a sad one to the institu tion with which he is connected. Cincinnati, 0., July 10. About 5:15 yesterday afternoon a Chesapeake and Ohio excursion, with ovr GOO peo ple aboard, ran iuto an open switch at Newport, Ky., and collided with freight train loaded with stone and coal. Albert L ing, of Covington, Ky.. wns killed, and several ot hers seriously injured. It is thought some vandal deliberately opened the switch. The ! Chesapeake aud Ohio are 1 . 1 inak'tDg thorough investigation. Plmnioa KioL-!,ona mnaa ri-i tan and sunburn removed bv Johnson's fiental SoaP- Medicinal. Sld hy Ed- wm uuu utnereii, fcaiisbury, jn. u I SHdrcn Cry for Pitcher's' CastonV Wednesday morning a section hand named John Roberts wa.s thrown from a gondola arid killed. The train was on t he Airline track near Morrow V mill shifting back and forth while the hands were nn loading gravel and bal 1 1st. Roberts was standing hear the rear-when the t-ar .wis suddenly jerked forwanl hy the engine. Roberts fell oat backwards over the end board. His head, with the whole force of his body,behiud it, struck squarely 5on aJ crosstie. ur. bloan was called and found that the man's neck 'was brokeu close np to the skull. There was also' a large cut and probably a fractnre on top of the head. Roberts had si family at Sowell and his body was sent home i m mediately Shelby' Kerieir. Richmond, Ind., July 10, A Pan handle train struck a buggy contain ing Mrs. John Ganz and her children, Jun and Mary, at Rich's Crossing, last evening. All three were killed and bull v mutilated. It is stated that there are about 500 abandoned farms 111 the State of Rhode Island. , Call for tlie Horse Brand of Johnson's1 Magnetic Oil. It has no equal for the diseases of horses and cattle- Sold by Kdwin and Cuthercll, Salisbury, N. C. Liberal way of Advertising. Make as many small English words a possi ble froiu U'ttiTS i-uataiued in C E L- K U Y P I Lr L S, without using a letter in any one word more times lliau it ad lcnrd i "Celery 1'ilU." To the person enl ing laagest list will be given a beautiful matched iur of Cream bite l'oniis. Cold Mounted Harness and iliaveton; a trip to the World's Fail and return tor ?eeoud largest list received; a l'lieumatic Bicycle for fourth; tine Gold Witteh for fifth; pair Diamond Kar-rinps for sixth; 1'arlor Organ fur seventh; elegant rj fur eighth; Pluck Silk Dresa Pattern fur ninth; Muic Box, Drum aud belli for tenth largest list, also 1 00 other valuable prizes for (list 100 persons sending a list of not Uss than GO words iund from leliers contained iu '-Celery Pills." Uudpe's liCeIery Pills" ae what you require if troubled with nervousness, in somni.i, loss of appetite, weakness, dyspepsia stomach trouble, headache, indigestion, etc. .Send thirteen 2-eent tramps with list of word and try for one of our liaudsome prizes and receive KUEK a sample package, with full par ticulars and lisl of those iu your state wW have won prizes to introduce ihis great nerve aud stomach remedy, all delivered in U. S free. Enclose thirteen U. S. -c. stamps with list of words promptly to KUDliE CKLI.KllY PILh CO.. Montreal, Que., and you are sure ot a first class prize for your troubit. SUCCESSFUL FRUIT CULTURE. Not Possible With Cheap Trees. None but first clas Southern giown trees should le planted. Procure them from a nursery that burns all pooi tock and sends out nothing but good tribes carefully packed in damp moss so that they will reach you in perfect condition. . Tl. Ll. .11 1 ir our iigenr 11ns nor. caueu on write to us tor prices before you VOi ieviiere. lurnif' ine irunin samples of trtiit will be sent fie tt .iu v arldress 011 receipt of ten rents to i.!V postage, rtgenis wanted every where cat ilotine fr. Address. Uiierokee Nurery (Jo., Way Cross, (ia. Catarrh Caunot be Cured. with Local Applications, as they can not r-nch the seat of the disease. Ca tarrh is a blood and constituthuYal dis 1 1 1 ease, ana ill Older io cure 11 vou must lake interiM' remedies. Hail's Ctarrl v'u're is tiiken internally, and acls i.h rectly on the Mood and mucous sur faces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not (luack medicine. It was prescribed b me of (he ljet physicians in thi country for tears, and is a regular pre scription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the best bloodpurifiiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combina tion of the two ingredients is what produces such wonderful lesults in unng catarrh, bend for testimonials fn e. F. J. Cheney & Co., Props.. Toledo, 0. Sold by druggists, price 75c. Esecutoi's Notice. Having qualified as Executors upon the estate of George Lyerly, deceased, all persons having claims against daid es tate are hereby notified to present them to us ur payment on or before the 8th day ot July 181)4, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. AH persons indebted to said estate are hereby requested to make prompt aud immediate sett lenient. G. L. Lyerly, ) , . H. A. Lyerly, Exe"trs. Lke b. Overman, Atty. juiy Mil, iu. Land For Sale ! One-hundred and twentv acres of cood farming land containing good meadow and orchard lying within two (2) mile of New London, Stanly county. 1'rice $500; terms $200 cash, balance in three years. Address, J. W. Cannon, m. 25 2m. Concord, X. C. DR. B0BT. L. RAMSAY (Surypon Dentist,) Salisbury N. C. 6-Oflice hours 9 . tn. to .r p. m. YOUR CASE IS NOT HOPELESS AIDS NATURE IN NATURE'S OWN WAY. IT COSTS YOU NOTHING TO INVESTIGATE. A 40-figr J'amfUIei MAILED FK'EE msh fplicatit. . ATLANTIC ELECTROPOISE CO. 1 40 5 New York Ave.. Washington. D. C. Prices LOW 1859 J. RHODES SHOWN, President. WM. C. CO All?, Secretary. Assets 81,111,333.87, Insures all Ends of Projerty iX Lowest Adequate Ratd all LUootS FkumPTLY ADJUl i-epr General Insurance gency of J. Allen Brown, W tr Vain ;m1 Fisher Strot. I'i, sti THE SUMMER SHOE BRIGADE is horej Women's and pleasi! huch ;i Viirictv loo I and ("iiiidreirs. Co'i! ensv ! lit to wear. AH fee', .-iiid all pocket books ulike e; s Iv sniti-rl. We are ;ilso receiving a few 1;.!! xli es for those that want luavy weights. Come to see us, for we are in li.c sjioe business bigyer thau Ever. Very Truly, . W. 4!L'i'r A C( ). 1845. 1 WOO Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Company, NEWA22.1T.J. AMZI DODI), I'i:esiii:xt. Assets (market valm- - - ? is. !":!:. '27. or, iSCBl'LL'B (Mass. ISt.iinLml, -I pen t ) $.:,. i:.!7:i2.oo J. H.-HQRAH'S WAR RATED SILVERWARE -WILL LAST. WT TIM IT WE GUARANTEE SPOONS 6 AX FORK'S with Sterling Silver BACKS TO TOR 2 5 YEARS. The pieces of Sterling ver lulalU ut the poiuta I rest prevent any wearwliatovcr. FIVE TIMES as xuucli Silver as in Stand ard l'late. FAR BETTER than light Ro id Silver nl uut oiic-liall Uie coal. Each article la stamped E. STERLING-INLAID tE. Accept no substitute. Mao Okly by The Holmes & EowAaos &lveh Co I i c Sid By The OipEe- liable Jew ders, J. & II. H OR AH. Main St., Salisbury, N. G. Needing & tonic, or children who wtot bnild ink up, should take BROWN'S lllOS BITTERS. It Is pleasant ; cures Malaria, Indigestion, Biliousness, Liver Complaint and Neuralgia. If you ' feel weak and all worn out take BROrTN S IRON BITTERS, i",rt) YOUR L r i silver y ms . I -v 4"vp h ' coco y q OOOO U "01- nor obacco. 1G BETTER MADE -03V. Call and cxaniineAnalvsi Kespectfolly, TtD AND SATISFACTORILY SETTLED, tented In Stir. 4GUAE I ) I AN" ASSURANCE OF LONDON-. Sti)sc;1ht1 cjtr.ital :.isli cupii, 1...' !.. i.Ttr; ...V.Y.. Tt7 , l!W Mir. ,h ni- :-,KIMf .4hj!;,co. ..-..t;.M .N I ; A UMAX' nis I lie Isrrat l;uil 1:0 ciii'it.'il of :i n v t'oiupaiiy iu Ik itisiiiess. I ih 'i d,.ii a fil e The "(H'AitniAX'S"- fecnrJ U prMnipi :.-i. i qniial)!:-sottlcmiMit offliij i' ii!i-i!i pa.e.J. JIj s .ail ner Uij mini .11 .lol-ain in llSj.fs hi nee organ ii'.n in - ' . . J. in. PATTOW, 1 Ge ne it-1 Insurance Agsnt, Insist Hitler oi Pia. Imer.'.: end Extomal, C'J-f-r- I.iMATlSM, JUVZAi Oi... Xjiji Ditck. 8 1 iin.l!rumfc . j jrfum: ii.fri, a. ' I .till., 1TJ ' iv ' y . SWl4lilU -, .-..-tl Jl.lUU, COUC , r-; r7i rrtAXH'.- i, . uy. Cbulen ' ,;.-, V V 'J I'u-i, itmi lJijilUdrin, SirtTSii 'itlL '. . v ULAU-VCll', 1.3 if l-y ymtia WiC Uf.Tf niiSl-.fi E-r....f.ir., :.7vr Cbuien Hoi Ve Tir.PC p0Sl-.fi E r,..v. .. .-,nT- for t'loiyn-il. ptjwt ri'ci nnj Vn:.f'. .t; n;;..i.tMnlf0: ' .r i la ericoe. Iirg( 1 wuu jc., Sue. su.M, -JO'SSOWS OJHNTAU SOAP. SlBdicaled and Toilet. The Orwit Skin Curtnl raot Hecii tifier. Ladie will fin.l it tmmt tfoiicste auil highly perfumed Tuilrt 8op m I'iio n,ai l:6!. It is abcoiuto'y pure Hi ktt Iki slvin o?t and vivety nnd rotore tho hX com pTexicn; i lu-ary fur tliu Bath hr Infnuth It aliij s it:hine( cieari?3 thorcalp nnJ piastM Lac i'rovvtii of lidir. trlcoXc lor 6Wj by -- EDWIN CUTERELL, lis Yoe Hoi 3?L"J:A.SA.IST!!i . y l .(....,: ,,. 1 1, i...,.i ......... w.f !n tKi StHto. Ciif i i' viiii cnii iret air the oll ut'W, liaiive anil foreign viiiietiw fniiis. ilardv Onwunental Flowerml Shrubs, Kvrtrri'ti"is and" Kvetjinrtt Shrubs, Shade a ml Ornamental trert, lioM S all kinds and colors. The linest olkction in-the South, tb finest varieties gathered as thev areljo all pai ls ol" the ulobe. Our lo'w pnci lirst-cTass fick enable tveryboiiy beautify their homes, andMITake h510 t he inQt pleasant place on earth. I0" 1 delay orderiiiir your nursery .slock ft fall delivery. Your order elicited' H. R. Varner. J. VAN, LINDLEY. Prop'r. POMONA HILL NUESEBIES, POMONA, N. YOU - ' CAN MAKE MONJt BY OLTAIXI5TG BUUSCRIBWtSTOE The Scuttern States. . - .1 .iiiif It is a beautifully lllustrateu -"" majraziufi devoted to. the PoulJi. I full of intere t for every resident of i South and ouht to be iu ev;ry boutner housthold. .mi- Svsrybody Can Accra it us it costs only $1.50 per yer or 15ceW. Svr a :n41e copy. . . We Want n Apent in Every fotbf Cit Town. Write for suaip'eP ies'and particulars to the JI A X V FA CT t'lt KR' KECOBP I'V ' Baltimore. Md. 17. ri i." ij T n w i. if "m r . .., nnimiiTi tularin