' What-is ;v is Dt. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor It v is a harmless substitute Cssten tirl Children, i nr Narcotic substance. rarcgoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, anil Castor OiL pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by t.vm of 3Hotiicrs, Castoria is the Children's Paboacca, (1,e lotlier's irrieno. Castoria. r toHa'0 woa adapted tocWMrctttlti w-a i U .superior to any prescriiJtioa j:i So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. u .,.-f ''CistoriV I so universal and Castoria. Castoria cures Colie, Constipation, Kour StoauM-h, Diarrhoea, Eructation, Killj Worm, sleep, cd promotes di gestion. " v . Without in jurious ibedication. ion .to ci;ilorse it. Fw are tlio -j ''-J v , V T "For several 'years I haro recommendw! your ' Castoria, and fiiall always continuo tc do so as it haii Inrariably produced beaeaci result." " . ' Edxtki F. Parree, jl. D., 125th Street and Ttli '-v--., liow York CUy New York City. The Ckjttacu Compart, 77 Murray Ktrkkt, New You Cttt Winston's Vol ateers. i ' For the Dedication oflhe Dolt Monument, Gollfoid . Baitle Grouul, July JtU, lsvx This 13 the ground where patriot bled! Wide scattered here are Guilford's dead! , Peace! couie with slow and reverend tread, j And voice all subdued; . . Break tot their longj deep, love-engendered Where silence reigns" above this field Once wild the thundering wiuadrons wbeet- ed; - .-. - J . Earth jarred, and armies' swerved and reel : ed; - - Tbe thrillinjr bujrle-blow Once eHfyin vain lor; heroes laid forever . " - low! "''' Ther who then, as Gibraltar's ruck,1 ' Withstood the direst battle-? hock, '" ' 'Art! dared in death's bare face to mock, were not inured to arms--- .; -Till then, had never knowu vvnrV awful leaden storms. But they were men torn to be free, Even though' through death's dark gates should be ' ' The path that led to liberty! Rather that sunless way Than slavery's galling, strong-forged chaiu with life for aye! Yon granite marks where that stern band. When veterans fled, tock their last stand" 'Hid thouuer-dint. while levin-brand Fell full upou their breast Rnshrin" the dust by all the brave revered aud blessed! Pi jk :m mm I 3 it?0WG0(3M Fen'ialo Compluinta and JJiontn y Molarity, Lcuwrra-uor Bi"kor Sides, strengthens tbe feeble, bmlda in the v. bo!e svstem.- It bus cured tliousanda ' nd wiU cum you. Druhis buvc it. benti fiUtliP ft lHk. ; ' - ?'i;3!G00tS ACO Lonlsvllle, Xr. tj- r tzt v Lf';"r -MP 5 , rf,T. ev.'.: a;-" m ' r.' V Counterfeiters at Work. Two white men, John Honeyetitt ami TliaJ Kenntdv, nave been operat ing h counterfeit money shop in Utah neihttorluHHl of Union county. They are rather hold in their work ami use all kinds of material, from pewter spoons ti still worms. They stole ad v hist le of a steam engine last week and run it into doll.irs.' Officers are. on the lookout for them. The moulds they ite 1iave been used hy three en- eratious. of connteifeiler?, Ihe fiit phu-e t Key weje used heinir in Mont yomery coun I y. - Murdered His Wife. F ml Tison. a neio living near Bam- l.niir S. C . had a vow with his wife ! lal. week during which he strk her over tike head with a whip handle, kiUinp: her almost, instaetly. H'dra el her to "a creek and pinned ' her lxdv to fch J Itottom hy driving a stake th&.uii her eloti.'inj?. It wns-found by a seiirchin party, of which the hu. haud v.'iis the leader. All investiga tion was held hy the coroner and Tison broke down and confessed. He 'came near being lynchexLby a mob of ne- r . ' , Me seems I -hear that vollev's roar, - -1 Ami see But noy I see noiuor! Lo! through the clouds of puioke thej' pour, Drogoons and Hessian slaves! Aud Winston's level tlauie rolls back their cir cling glaves! But that fierce onset is not stayed! They front those legions undismayed: They meet, they mix. blade rings on blade . Till but the dead aud he lletuainVbrave Tullialerro co.uM die but never ilee! . , . 'T Was then thatshank so red with guilt, Holding with savage hate its hilt, Struck last and its own crimson spilt, Figuring the iron grasp Thenceforth relaxing till the tyrant's latest gasp! Dead is that soul that docs not l'.amo At sight of Guilfuid's deat.hl"ss n.ime And her three children heirs of tV.uiu! Hy Al.Miiance'3 child Graven on that fair memorial to -their deet up-piied! What though for them no more shall break The long reveille, and they wake To trumpet's call nor caimon's iuake While with soft pace and slow cross th world the solemn centuries stealing go! roes. 4 J. W. Yiitos.TullaVioma. Tenn.. wnte?- j ,,;It does uw gnnl to itiiUKe ttotanic llo" l'ahn. It cured me of an abscess on 4ip liinj:6 and ustluna lhi troubled me two year and th.it other" remedies failed to Iti'licfit." ; " ' WANTE A Reliable I'ersou in EveryTown Tto take the Exclusive Agency ? . of the 'World's Columbian Expo sition Illustrated, authentic; grsah of the faih. Great Opportunity t-:.lakc 3Icey for the Next Year. One Chance in a Limetime. Enelose 15 cents in stamps for Sam ple copy nwl tU 'particulars. 'J.B.GAMF3EU9 15a kQXBl ST., CHiCAOrj, ILL Yellow Fever in New York Harbor. New York, Jvly 13. The steam shipJxrdanv;orm is detained at quaran tine on account of yellow fever. The Ardangoim jarrived Satin day from Cienfueos. Captain Willian Kettig died during the passage, uf yellw j fever. ..-That disease is raging ui a u'lmber of ports near Cienfuegos aud a r!oe watch is beiur kept on all ves sels sailing from there. The Anduu jorni will beheld in quarantine a few days louder. She brought no passen ovrs and all her crew are still on board. Utti"' took sick JfiK 2 id. and died at 4:30 a. m. July 1Kb. Hvirdwell. Kv.. Julv 8 - In the pres ence of sevem I thousand people Miller, the double murderer uuu rapisr, wa haimed here at 3:40 yestenl.y after - They live who die the world to bless Though never their sod a footstep press As they sink in torgcltulncss tiut on the world's dark verge, Miilivicm'a oc.eaii-moau their oulv funer dirge. They die who H'vf for self, although Till time is o'er life's paths they know,' And never above their bosoms flow Lethe's unlearning stream Ln as thd Wain circles the North's unfailing beam! And they still live! When that proud stone - Is by the battering years o'erthrown, And mingltd with their dust is blown Hound earth's uupeopied shore, l - . . WASHINGTON L "2 1 TEH. . , From our rejalar corresiiottfent. Facts are stpbborn things, and now that the Democrats hare an opportuni ty to examine ; the pension roll the are turning .up-every dy to p ove that the claim made by Democrats for years, that millions of dollars were be ingpaid out illegally for pensions;' was' correct. Cases are numerous1 where men tire araMrinir a mom u lor trv tal disability and lire in addition fol- owing ordinary avocations and draw ing the fame salaries as uninjured men. Two cases i.f this sort turned up thi week right here iu Wwshitig- on, on'e man a musician. -regularly em- doved and the other a government lerk, and ihere are many more hre These two men vere re-examined and heir pensious reduced to $17 and 23 a month respectively, and so apparent was the justice of the reduction that neither of them availed themselves of the right to appeal from the decision of-the board of examiners. A,. little incident occurred this week at the Pem-ion Office which shows that polities do not enter into the pies ent conduct of that oftfee. A Demo cratic Congressman called to protest against the reduction of the pension of a prominent Democratic worker in his district, aud said that the man had in fluence enough to throw his district, which is close, to the Republicans. The -papers iu the case were produced and it was conclusively shown that the 'man' was drawing a larger pension than he was entitled to, and the Con gressman had to acknowledge it, al though he still asked that this particu lar pension be noc reduced, lie was informed, as other Democratic- Con ijresMueu have been who called upon similar errands, that the policy of thi administration was to administer the law as it exists without regard to the politics of the pensioners. Secretary Morton thinks the wo;k j of the -Weather Bureau should be con-! Gned to the purposes for which it wns established and that the employment of h'gh-salarie I scientific ex per s to experiment ;dons lines which nobody really knows anything about is all wrong, and -in cons-q::ence of tho e thoughts he has notitied Several pro fessors who have been engaged upon work that was of no immediate piaHi- - . v - cal use either to tbe I'uTeu or o the public that their services- will be dis- ,rll peused with. The Secn-tary intends that the. eat ire talent ot tbe bureau shall be devoted to impr'sving daily forecasts of the weather, which he be lieves to be the work which is the most beneficial to the public. "How the fur would fly," remarked a man who knows considerable about the inside working of some of the other so-called scientific bureaux of the government. if a man like Morton was put in money throughout the country. Un der his wise leadership -we wi'l be ahh to frame a measure which will be sat isfactory to a.l the interests - of out laud." T7AY3 OF DRIVING A HEN. TheKaa Nobly Comes to the Frox-t ' and .Knows aOl About it. t Datbury Newa. When a woman has a hen to drive into the coop she take held of htrJ hoops .with-; both hands and sbakis them quietly toward the delinquent and says, "Shew, there!'1 The hen takes one look at the obj.ct, and then stalks majestically into the coop in perfect disgust of the sex. A mau Uoeau't do that vvy. lie goes" out oi doors and says, uIt is singular nobodj in this house can drive a lien but my self." And, picking up a stick ot wood, hurls it at the offending biped, and obse.rycs, "Get iu there, you thief." The hen immediately loses her reason .ind dashes to the opposite end of the yard. The man straightway dashes after her. She comes back again with her head down, tier wings out aud fol lowed by an assortment of stove wood, fruit cans and coal clinkers, with much pulling and a very uiad man in the rear. Then she skims up on the stoop, and under the b rn, and over a feuce or two, and around the house, aud back again to the stoop, all the while talking as only an excited hen can talk, and all the while f ollowed by things convi nier.t tor hanuhu". and lv a man whose eoat is on the saw buck, anc whose-perspiration and profanity ap pear to have no limit. 13y this tim the other hens have come out to takes hand m the debate aud help dodge the missiles and the man says every hen on the place shall be sold in the morn ing, and puts on his things and goes down the street, and the woman dons her hoops, and has every one of those hens housed and contented in two min- iit -s, and the only sound lu ard on thi premises is the hammering by the eldest, I.ov as he mends the broken pickets. Highest of all in Livening Power.-Latest U. S. Gov't fetpbft n n o WW m mm mam ABSOiSJfEiaf PURE '13 noon Wiser counsel prevailed," and . Mr. IlayjU father of the murdered girl relented, saying that he would be satis fied at his death by. the rope, iustead bf fire. . . As soon as the negro was strung up l . 1 II I J Greensboro. N. C:. J ulv U. The worst h s body was rululea witn DUiieis ana fire Greensboro hasever h-ul broke out ! atterwnrds set tire to. .- i . t i They then shall live, aud ou aud on torever i c1)irrre Qf tdie Geological and tlie woik r,.ar . Survev ofTicps. He knows enough I " ' " J ..l..f nnf In ullmv himself to be bamboozled by the fake scientists Postmaster General BUsell decided whose sole object in life is to hold on I toabaudon the thsee siz.s of post.al to the soft snaps they now hare. Con- carus now in use auu to Biiuium'"- i oeiiHtoi uiuw, . n.-. si.e for both single aud reply curds. Uressional ejfvrier.ce makes his opin- tock in tne cations which' have been sent to the talk about the extra session being a s.uu ; Htt.o,cUck this 'morning, located on I 1 11! . 11 . F 1 oouui ii,i m street, in the large store or Sample S. -Brown. The fire started be tween the tin roof and t lie ceiling of third floor. " ' It was stubborn to fight, but the fire department, under the cool head of Chief BenSow, subdu-d it. At onetime it looked like the whole block '-(the. finest in the city )vvould go. The - ln.: l i I. l, -w'lrt rir i.. s.'03ji iu nie siocu ib iiuiu cio,uuu 10 S 20,0QP, covered by insurance; the ba lding $1,000 also covered by insur ance. iThe top story ouly was bun ed. but much damage from water. The . Kxids on the floor were uvstlv removed James Butler, a Lyon county Kan., warmer, has had pipers prepared for a peculiar suit. S uue weeks since tioudbnrst -caused tu? destruction of Sutlers wheat, crop. A. B. Mont- , hOuiery, a rainmaker, claimed to have . . - .1 A I" 1 It I .1 viiuseu tne cloudburst, riutler propo- . "es to make Jjontginery s raiij com- llttiw, M l . - fl . i'u" pay tne damage, the same nii caused a val;out on the-. S inb f e line, and a wreck followed, in which wieugmeer was killed. The wife o lhe dead engineer will Jilso bring sui against Montgomery for 610,000 dam ' ages, ' Miller denied his guilt io the last. H. Q. Evans, of Ottumwa, la., .was ippointed Wednesday chief of division in the office of the second Auditor ot he Treasury. Mr. Evans is a son-in- law of the Gen. 3TB. Weaver, of lowa who was the Populrst candidate for President in, the las-t campaign. He has always bien a Democrat, though it is said he. voted for his father-in-law last fall. Congressman Hayes was his principal backer for the-office he., got Wednesday. - - l- .. u: i.i. rr. uf u tiP;ikin? of it he prOSpeCll'C UlUliriJl iui tiiiv vuyiiiiw I oIXOl v vile, J o furnishing the . postal service with "Congress will probably be in contin- cards during the next four years cull u0ll3 session until August do, JbiH, it fr cards of the uniform siz-s of three not longer." Kepresenlative v half by five and oue-halt 0f Vest Virginia, tne gentleman who is thought to stand the best cnance or. k-: ebrman of the Ways and Col. John M. Wilson, U. S. AM who coram;tte of the House, should re-appointment of President Cleve- -firJ- . Iint .t it again, also A Much Hixed Prayer The Kev. Dr. Marshall s prayer a the Jefjei-son Day is ceremonies, in Raleigh was published in many papers iu this State. The Goldsboro Argus, by a blunder of foreman, gives the fol lowing as part of this prayer: liOh Lord, our Heavenly Father, the high and mighty Ruler of the universe, who doth from Thy throne behold all dwellers upon earth, Thou hast been our refuge from one generation to an other. Before the mountains were brought forth, or even the earth and world were made. Thou art God from everlasting. The price of prime Irish potatoes is 'looking up' on the Northern markets. They were quoted yesterday at $4.10 per barrel, and world without end." This is almost as badly mixed as the old minister's description of Noah's wife, whom he confounded with the ark. In reading he skipped a page, aud r.?ad "she was three hundred cu bits long, fifty cubits wide, thirty cu bits deep, "and pitched inside and out." Or su"-"ests the Charlotte Obxerirr, as that of the sermon of the darkey wi... .,',!- '-An' while Paul was nreach- fcriefs of General Nature. The attendance at the World's Fail u increasing almost daily. The Alumnae of St.. Mary's School are moving to establish a scholarship The State Fireman's Association will meet in Wilmington on July 20th. There is a mail carrier who leave Henderson daily on a bicycle and makes a forty mile trip every day! The Florida Agricultural College has conferred the degree of LL. D. on Hoke Smith, Secretary of the Interior. Mr. Freeman Cotnan, a high y es teemed citizen of Davidson County, died very suddenly, Monday of I; st week; aged 72 years. H. J. Allen, of Wake county, was caught iu some belting at M. L. W oed lip's mill, one dsy last week, and had his leg broken and b dy badly bruised Attacks on Chinese in Oregon art' oecomihg more frequent. One- wa. found iu Portland Wednesday morn iug horribly mutilated. Lee Crawford, of Macon county, has leen appointed clerk of the Supreme Court of Macou c-uuty by Judge Geo A. Shuford. The Battery Park Hotel Register, a hree-column four-page paper, devoted o chat about persons at the l-ig hotel, has made its appearance for the summer. Mr. R. It. Day, member of class of 94 of Wake Forest College died in Scotland Neck Thursday morning. He was a ministerial student. Detroit, July 13. Dr. Henry T. Meyer aiid-wife were arrested here last nioiit. They are wanted in several large cities for poisoning people that they might get insurance on the vic tims' lives. - Edgecombe County Alliance ndopt- 1 resolutions urging Congressman Woodard, to vote for free and unlimit ed coinage of silver, aud not to vote for tbe defeat of the Sherman law until the free coinage bill is offered. One of our,Rpublic in contempora ries ' remarksthat "Carlisle h vry slow." Slow but sure. The level headed pilot always goes slow when he Is Hearing the shoals, or gets among the rocks. TheAsheville Citizen has receive TERRIBLE JXPLOSlONr Too High Pressure. la these days of keen cocapetitioa In every line, when the business msa b compelled to bend his intellect and every tacrgT to the. success of his business; tbt elermv book keeper, professional tnaa ami laborer, to drive themselves at a tertifitf rata, there can be bat one result an explosion, which, if not resulting in iinnrriali daatV, kvr them with tfcaUersd braina and bodies. 1 her are running at too khjk pressure. The strain is too great. Sosnethtng must and does give war. This is equally true ot . women. Though their sphert is mors limited, they have their daily burdew, frel3. and worries, and the results are tbe same as with their stronger eopaaootv This condition is growing worse every day. The rapidity of its increase is awfol to contemplate. . Our homes, horpiuls, and inline asylums are fall of these unJorturttea, and are being crowded still farther. There is but one solution of the metier. Recog nize the importance of tbe situation at once, -ami take the necessary meaaures to over eome it. If you have failing saeeoory, hot flashes, disiiness, nervous or sick headache, biliousness, irritability, melaaeholy, sleep- lessnes, fainting, nervous dyspepsia, epi lepsy, etc know that any one of them is but. a svmptom of the calamity that may befall Toil, and even though you have used so called remedies and treated with reputable nhvsirians with little or no benefit, rive Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine a trial. It is the only remedy that may be depended upon for nervous disorders. " Two years I I. Miles; estoratiT Nervine with marked benefit. ea lsierludure m, ou, who bad been sick wUfc eatarrst of the bidder five years ia tbe bajMta o ewr bajl , y hy icUti.totry it togetaer wlalW Kerrj an.1 Liver Pills. HswMmwonaeTFbscehfed that he i ittendinf to bnsioaai stain. My wife alKO ned Nervine with SMSt eaeellent wnlt. All of u topether have no OMd bm thsn tix Nittles of Nervine. Several of mu (Heeds bare it- uted it. and sre FaUy tmproved."-l.oius Gihl.8, Bnrher AClbbs PlowCo . awtosu Ohio. Dr. Miles' Restorative Hervine t" 'old by TI rtnicelton a positive rwrsru. or tt br Dr. Mile Medicsl Co.. ElthaK, InJ.. a teeeit of priee. $1 p-r bottle, iil hotllei. f. expeeprT''l It is ixUklvely free ftoai opUles or danfirous druzs. Free book at drutsisU, bl aaaU. The Morganton Herald syi the persons vho recently invdetl tlie properly of the Waldene in "Dnrl e4 made a disturbance and coniniiited acts of outrageous vandalism, haveC been arrested and are uow in jaiL- in Slorgauton. - More than one-third of the 62,06fi immigrants who landed at this pott last month were It li n and Jewish, sis the New York .Sum. The iuflow of these races this year surpasses tiiat. of every other year. It is evident tin t buh the Italians and the Jews ar'- pleased with this country, and thai, those of them who have been here fe- some time give encouragement to oth ers to come. For a short time the Jews of "Russia fi.und toii trouble uj getting passage from this country, es pecially frtm Hamburg, hut, when e cl ud id from German ports, they go t'o lielgin, Dutchr British, or Frerici: ports, wh .re plenty of steamships' are m i nr hoi r uori u -s :i imii i aw narv i s i w i . i , from a Henderson county man a half ' " V Z Z' i 1' , . . all of which had,rt,,nmu4 J " J , eu in' de maiden fell out' uv de winder; and de fragments dey gathered up wuz twelve basketsful, an' whose wife shall J she be iu de judgment? and one inches. GO O O O 11 - - A Gcls,shotild boa vtiided; it weaken their power of motion. A arontla aperient Q -Cect Is only reqoired. Tiitn Tiny". Liver PUls ore prepared with special . views to the permanent euro of J - C0STTVEKESS and HEADACHE. - " They are mtld and remain in the sys- C texn ntil they act on the liver, cause w a natural flow of bUo and their tonie properties Impart power to the bow-Q els to remove nnluUthy accamala- tions. GotMl appetite and digestion result from the use of theeo little pilla. w) Prlee, 25c Onice, 33 Park Plaec, N. Y. .. o ooo o o o o bv re-appointment Hand has now charge of the White House and the adjaceut grounds, has made a report on the nece.-sity or. somechaiigrs in the arranjgenients of the domtstic life of the Chief Execu tive. He thinks the' President should ,not lie ct)mpelld to have his office aud private fesideuce under the same roof, and urges" Congress to-take steps to erect a suitable office building at an early day. . Afhovverof atnillion half inch toads is reported about Grand Falls. ; Me. The roads are covered with ' the m. 1 1 is thought they y4re swept tip from the river by a waterspout thatoccured a few davs ago. .. Oscar Neebe, the Chicago anarchist who was recently released from fce peniteijtiaryV ' quietly mairied Wednesday afternoon to Miss Eliza dozen guinea egg" one or more letters of the English al phabet perfectly outlined onthe shell. One of the eggs had four letters: K, h, W and X. L-.st week Dr. J. Allison Hodges, a North Carolinian, was elected to a choir in the Medical College r f Vir ginia, and since then Dr. J. W. Long, of Ratidlenian, has been chosen to a similar position in the same institu tion. The hon-Tovers in some of the hop- Annthsr Cvclonf. . if: 1 I A lor. '....:.w. ,..iif ioe in V York get Still ater, 3lllMl., OU1J It' a .u-;j.U,,m-;um1Hiw ... . . . 1 ..V Q.IO lb 1(2 i-vlll r 111!! ,1 nf sinv miii who Kills a rihe CVClOUC StiUCiv ueie cii t.i.v uii)jMu '" ; afternoon. The clouds were high un- skunk, which renders useful service by 1 ii fbv r-sM died the Atwood saw mill, ! going around the vines aud catching n . . , 1 . i i-i . it... tliint thA extra session win iuu in. j , to swoop down aud and eating a gruu a men iias me th regular session and that the latter j , ' c;liryincr hug roots of the vines, in return for whic.U will be an unusually long one. , . . t , pepsi. l wo em-; service the nop men cuiuv.ue v;i thinks the tariff will be taken f f j low ii - up just a- noi.n - onson Means .committee is announce.! r . 1 "I J -r- IAlf I T I'll t Speaker Crisp, ana W "i,cu injured. mber of loys, nsning on tne 1 jM.fl8n,, the rafting sheds, Sam Sim- j skunk and protect him us the vays una i, nn(1 William Anez, were lnstant- annonncen ov ... , awovt,i others are severely V.IA mi u i;..mIv afrer the House Will le IUIIllTuii"i; goes through the formality of re electing Mr. CriP Speaker. Manv misstatements have been mae concernUig the alleged antago nism between the administration and the silver Democrats in Congress. Rep resentative Wheeler, of Alabama, is und has been for years a silver Demo crat, and this is the way he expressed his antagonism: "I l.e unbounded confidence in 'resident Cleveland, Secretary Carlisle and the Democratic partv. - Mr, Cleveland struck the key- - i.n.n. of :ice.entance when note in nis mc. - JIU" ' - i I i 1 I 1 Hepp, of Chicago. The Uncle is tne Le minded legislation owner of a flourishing saloon, I adequate money for our business " ' ri.l also legislation which would rdrcn Cry for Pitcher's Castoria 1 insure the proper distribution of this; A nu slip below the mill, were thrown info the water and escaped with slight in juries! The funnel shaped cloud also struck the residence portion of the city butas far as can be learned did no damage other than overturning a num ber of barns. The Goldstar! Meudliqht says: We learn, that in a difficulty at Scufileton, Greene countySaturday night, Wm. Dial, white, was shot three times by a , a,.U l;.ll t.ikin effect in his head. At last accounts he was para lvzed and dying. His own pistol was taken away from him and u-ed by the u l.n did the work. Ta much urV-. ' whiskey was the causes- Morgan, and Edes, two white men week. The trustee of -the State AHianee of ,ackson county, engaged in a quar- business fund has made the first pul. re wS,en Morgan st;ibbed Estes. lie statement of the status of that yoking one of his ribs and severing fund, it is brief but interesting. The . lungs Eu.4 ,iv( 5n a sv.ort while. The trustee says that bto.WU was Run- . of NVest Virgin- Whole camps of filirr d ortwiinstantiy kill, and T. W. road bein M failuf sub-agents to give bond. McDaniel fatally injured, by being n. flv.t SI 220 was lost to the Execu- struck by-a train oil the Kanawha and tive Committee, Coal River Railroad. Dispatches from Alexandria, Egyp' . of recmt date, say thai according to the stories told by tli Egyptian medi cal delegate to Mecca, who am vi. i here from that pbee lat week, th: scenes where the ravages from ipjjoler.i haye trke i place are horribU beyond comprehension. .Pilgrims have died by the thousand insteadof by byndreu-, .-, i a i i i. j wi-.. as the oinciai accounts uaveaiaivu. o fast did the disease claijM theunftrtun- ate that thev could not be buried and hundreds of bodies were left to dee m- pose in the sun. Tiie Uelegate istatti tiuti instead of there being 5,()00 deaths, th fiiimbf j amounted to fifteen or twenty iJiou. and. The pfpkJ would fall while ai prayer, writhing inigojiy and expire in an hour or less, . Bodies w er :iouijd ly iug everywhere in the teet nir i country. Ttay uereathened up by It, grave diggers without any istLttBipi identititatron, and cartedjiway id hnjiv. trenches, int which ilsey wrelawowc and hastily covered uji. Even with such treainvAut die gravt diggers could not kep pace with death So many victims were und lying around tlwe i-itv every uxMaiug th.i thev could uot tie buried, aid piles of corpses were 2ilov'd t re.mai:u fr days untouched. The sceSes u ': ' ;d-v i,i ;.ItMMi:t were barnbe iK-j-uni 4uiiippt:oo. 'It:: Alouna na strewn with I heir white clothed bode- no attempt bting made to reii them. 1

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