VOL. I l! SERIES. I i SALISBURY; N C. THURSDAY AUGUST 3. 1893, NO. 24. - What' is fa WASHINGTON LElTER From ur regular corresj&SBdent. SucreUry .Call isle is the only mera bertri1ie cabinet ait present in Wah ington, and be hat been "confined to i.U lw,...o fi.r SMVrnt davs Ihin week bv this week sent iiivitatioiis to the gov ernors of all the Stales and their staffs to j participate.- President Cleveland has promised to introduce thep inci pal speaker at the celebration who will !e Mr. William Wirt Henry of Vir- . .... J - I . A. . ar- . ft . . lJ.n rl, ,! mt ism. bui next week IVeaident br,,,a a ueweiiuen i. w-im Cleveland, and the other members of j tbfrcabiiietwill.be here, as they 'bve.; Castoria Is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, lrops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years use by Millions of .Mothers. Castoria is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. Castoria. 'Catitorialaso well adapted to children that I rjiniind it as superior to any prescription iuown to . n. A. AECBia, M, D.u 111 o. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. "Tbo usp of"' Castoria' is ro universal and it; nuri:sM well known thr.t it rams a.wori -cf uivr-ni;aLionlocu(!rse it. F:w ere the icl-!!i ;-nt f:i:i.-i'.it-. who do not keep -Castoria ' it bin cos ruaih." - CAl-.LOS 3IAKTY.V, I). P., - '- New York City. ; Castoria. Castoria cura Colie Constipation, Sour Stomneh, . Diarrhoea, Eruc-atioa, Eilla Worms, e sleep, c-;il promote dl - petition, ' V.'ithout injurious medication. Tor wwreJ years I have recommends your ' Cajitoria,' and shall always contiuu-j If. do so us it has invariably produced bcooncia results."' ' , Edwin F. Planes, M. D, lth Street and 7th New York CJty Thji Cental s Coxpamt, 77 Mtpuur Ste.xt, Nrr York CrrT i ia 1 C.. .u v.uiuiiii (joirfDlttinta and Monthly :-;Ur;tr Tiir.arrhoeaor Whites, Painin Uncle or Sides, etrcagthens the feeble, builda up the whol? system. It bas cured thousands tnd willcureyou. Druggists Eave it. Send tamp for book. r ML 1. Y. IEOM000M! A CO.. Lenlirilla, Ky. Dr. Lafferty Alarm. Rev. Dr. John J. Lafferty in an edi torial in J he itichmond Chrhtimn Ad cocate concerning the future of the negro a?id white man, savs: , "since the war the ayerage Southern white man hs not been able to give his hons gotid'un education a North eru 'pliilanUiiojiistsi'jirovide tbenegro. A urclS-known G;oririan is about to . . r T marrj a mulatto. Wlio uill s:iy that t ie olive colored odoroou Aiid q tad .oonf, the lright inula! toes, the heir oi-es of wealthy men of mixed blood, will 4i.t he sought iu the iiext century iv impecunious, thoughtless aud idh v mug men of the w hit. nee? "Cousidcr the-futureof the friend Uss leen notified that the President wishes tfi submit the "first "draft of his menage to Congress to them and have a full and free discusswii of its contents be fore it is fiually completed. Attempts are numerous-at Irying to gues the nature of the. President t coming message, but it, is nonsense for any one outside of the cabinet and a few close personal friend of Mr. Cle veland and they won't talk about it to pretend-to know. Tire mere fact that he will seud another message to Congress at the opeuing of the regu lar session, even should the extra ses sion, remain iu session until then, and the general belief is ' that it will, makes it presumable fiat his message to the extra session will be confined to what it was called to legislate upon finance. And if this presumption be correct it will not indicate any change ot opinion as to the necessity tor tar iff and other reforms auvocated by the Democratic party daring the last cam paign. Merely that circumstances have m de it necessary to take up fi nance firt. Soeakinr of reform, 'Commissioner Some Timely Instructions to Commis . - sioners. - District Attorney Glenn has already approved about 000 warrants for cases to come up at the next term of f the Federal Courts in the Dktiiet. Many of the warrants have been standing for some time the delay leing occasioned by the transfer of the office. Capt. Glenn has iss ed a circular to the United States commissioners of the western North Carolina district, iu SIX INCHES OP TWINE. it Stopped an Obstinate Nose-Bleed a Physician Could Not Stop. Pretty soon after the morning train on-the Consolidated road pulled out of New London station the other day, westward bound, the conductor bolted i through Ui drawing room car door and asked: "Is there a physician in this ear?" j All vthe passengers g-z?d at a tall man who laid down his paper, spoke to the -ctmductorvand; went out with hitii a minute later. Twenty minutes after when the conductor came in view, every passenger aslied him the same question, and in reply'he said: "Oh, its a man in the smoker. lie's got nose bleed nasal hemorrhage, the doctor Highest of all in LeaveninPower.LatestU. "ST Gov't Report. 'LIPS THAT TOUCH LIQUOR. Young men pay attention to what I rfiall say, I care not for rihe, or plaiireso ouliginen at the wine cup, however brave, Are slowly but surelv. beconunir a? slaves. Then take it for granted, however so kind. A young man with liquor, can never be which he says: 4kl am now ready to piss npou all ac- 1 ever since we left East Greenwich, and counts, and approve or reject all war- I it hasn't stopped yet. rants that you may forward to ine. It I - "What is the doctor doing for it? is my earnest desire to suppress all violations of the Federal laws, aud to see that the guilty are punished; still I do not wish the United Stales District and circuit Courts to be considered courts of oppression, and therefore ask you to comply with the following re o'tests: Dvfuot i.sue any warrants unless upon the ufiilavits of deputy collectors and agents, upou informa tion of personal knowledge, or upon the personal knowledge of private in dividuals. 1 will order no warraut to issue unless you shall certify that in your opinion the case should be prose cuted. Dn't issue warrants iu frivo- ous cases, or where malice and not inquired a man. mine. calls it. His nose ha3 been bleeding Th-PMj-..M,, . . . . o 1 l neres death in tuo wine eun re nni.-nn 13 thfr . To rob you of happiness, aft that is fair: Or drag froiuXlie bosoui, where beauty khould shine; A uimii of good sense will not mix up with wine, Then take it for irrxn.e.l n,l klle llMS just put IU a tampon, and J The lips that touch liquor.ean never touch inii. we've all pooled ill OUr handkerchiefs So you thatare thinking of niarrving me, for the poor fellow. He's getting an- Ab;n ,rom tl,e wiuc tro"m al! siQ bc fully white and weak." Be loving, affectionate, gentle and true, In one of the rear chairs of the car Jit j!;uud t,,ure,s ,l.ope for you- tor it you love Jesus I m sure you love uie sat a young woman who had Hushed And if ! should marry you, wocoulJ wgree, mid nahnl at ranid intervals M Llie con-t 'V.,n?.' t, Reutie and kind, j . . Ul ductor talked, and when she finally beckoned to him he quickly moved to her side. Jut lips that touch liiiuor, can never touch mine Lochren is going right ahead in the programme mapped out for the refor- ! .- , , , ... , 1 merit is the cause of t lie prosecution. Hhmrhna the howl that is bei. 1Z raised i r ., 1 , " e by a few Congressmen whose consti tuents have been suspended It has already been discovered that, in addi tion to the larg number of- peuMons "ranted under the last administration without proper exatn1uaii'n of the p plicanl and papers, there were thou sands granted illegally, knowingly" nd wilfuily. Only those granted under In small cases, unless for gojd reasons, never bind over more than two wit nesses for the government, aud do not bind over at all unless you are satisfied that the Caie is such a one as would warrant a jury in finding a verdict of guilty. In all respects sate all the c jsU that you can, and let our ol-ject always be -imply to suppress tiime. I will gladly give you all the informa J- FOn ALL t $BLOQD"" SKINS 5" . DISEASES ! Botanic Eiood Balm li. SCROFULA. ULCERS, SALT It VU I w3 RHEUM. ECZEMA, eve C..n he com maud money for board and aim lit while a student at any other tate chool with a small annex of tool.- and a shop?- Ua hasn't money itotig'i to buy even a railro.td ticket to si.cli a college. " Ihe grandchildren of warlike mn . I I . ...t... ....rl. f lid a it if iits nru: liinie?. wuu mmis " svery lotmof mdiqnant SKIN EhUPTlON. sides being efficacious in toning up the A lysicm ana irsiuriim it m"" 'i hen Impaired frcm any cause. Its almost supernatural healing properties justify us in guaranteeing a curct if -directions are fallowed. ' SENT FREE -bSSS; BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta. Ja, IA v i A i;.-!t;i )'( VisoiKi!! Kverv l'iwn - la take-the Exclusiye Agency . of the - World's Columbian Expo sition Illustrated, AUTHENTIC ORSAN OF THE FAIR ts-rr.vi;i.iMiED isj. Great Opportunity to Ttlakc Money far the Next Year. One Chance in a Linietiine. E idose 15 cents in stamps lor Saiti ple eopj' and full pai litMilars. J.B. IMP? BL, PErSt; , 159 DIM , c:ilJviJ , ILL - 1 fatherless bo- of the white race iu im i,five Tel ""f ' tion I can and hope you uill aid me in !,h Smith! Can he nav S500 to attend i him no oiue.a ca ..P -w - i Iia StevffnsIiislitu'e in New York? my efforts to justly aud economically dispose of the busiueS that accumu lates in the western di-drift." Southern hi my a synonym ess courage, are a long time. I he supeiw.uis up to date number nearly f 0,000, and if the name average be kept up iu the eu- . . .x i i tire oiO,WU pensions graiueu uuuei Distress in Kansas ... i 1 that law the total number or sipeu- j A d corrcs.,olldrtllt of the New ... . a ll t"t I sinus will be souielniug . iue York7.V,w, writing from Topeka, The examination is very thorough and distressiug -counts of the condi ysteinatic and only those etises show- tjon jf Wegten Kansas. He has visit- cicanj ou.un ..irKU...v . eJ ejevon counties and totind every one of them a picture of gloom. In two of tluse counties it has not rained for ten months. Many of the people have left their homes in despair. In a town which a year ago had several hundred inhabitants there are uov only three i unarms :i rut.tlr herder, his wife aud , ..i i- ' - - "The 'statesmetr among us robbed tnena of ine mnn who ua, Vw u., d , the. x-soldier of Lee to tducate black right by hjs ability on many occasions In someparU wf t'his ullfortunate re competitors of his children. Then to be classed as a Democratic leader, farmere ,,aye wt)rkeJ jen yeira Northern millionai.es hi hatred of the j "never announces through the news-; ahd oly athere(1 one crop Most of 1 " I. ' . e..i . .-,.l:i.n,I mfanhunc " . .. .. paroh-d citizens have endowed colleges papers ins iutur pui...v.. ; the people in this and region were v ' : -.-.Jl i. ititu ii t h i r r - . . .... lured thereby land boomers aud spec- Why Picnics Are So Called. Everybody knows what a picnic is, 1 think I know something to stop but most forlks would find it hard to the nose-bleed. I never knew it to :iy how ft got that name, and yet it is fail," she timidly asserted, 4but maybe simple enough when you come to I ought not to suggest it if the gentle- learn it. When a picnic was being man is in the doctor's care." arranged for, the custom originally "1 tie doctor is about getting dis- was th it thoue who intended to be couraed, and the packing in the man's present should supply the; eatabUw and nose don't seem to stanch the Sow at drinktbles. A list of those necessities all. If you know anything I guess I having be?n drawn up, it was passed evtrybody would thank you to tell it." round, and each person picked out the A few moments later the conductor article of food or drink that he or she took the young woman into the smok-jwas willing to furnish, and the- iniut er at the physicians request. The of the article was nicked, or. ticked oil medical man said: "Pardon me, but if the list. The open-aii entertainment you have any knowledge of a remedy thus become known as "pick and to lop nasal hemorrhage both thi- nick." The custom is said to have patient and I would.be intensely grate- dated from 1802, so that thr picnic is fnl to you "Have you a piece of twine o;di-J century nary wrapping twine?" said the girl. Off from a bundle quickly came a piece. The jrirl toofe-it, asked the loan of a HE COMMITTED SUICIDE! The Cause and Its Lesson. - . i Why did he commit suicide?- Out ft the same reason that thousands of others are ' on the verge of the same t'm, or in imme diate danger of insanity, paralysis idiocy, or some other equally unfortunate- result of any nervous allection. lie knew, lie wm afiiicted with a nervous disorder, but was careless, apparently indifferent to the out come ; or he may have lessened lib chances for recovery by treating with physicians who had liule or no knowledge of suck af fections or by deluging himself with worth less so-called remedies. II U case was a saJ one, but no worse than thatof any other nervous sufTerer, who has nervous or sick headache, biliousness, dizziness, irritability, melancholy, failing memory, hot flashes, fainting, sleeplessness nervous dypeptia, sexual debility, epilepsy, etc The same or similar consequences are likelv to result to any one -who has any of tWe advance symptoms of an awful end. Do not hesitate in getting rid of them by intelligent treat ment. Dr. Franklin Miles, the celebrated specialist, has studied nervous diseases over 20 years, and has discovered the only rb liab! ie remedy for them. Thousands ef vol- untary testimonials prove the virtues of Dr. Miles Restorative Nervine. A-louio Marker, of Clinton, S. Y. writes : " I wan so afiiicted with extraino ncrvoiwneM that I waa on the verge oMmanity. My hand trem bled so that I could scarcely feed myoeu. I nid twelve botUes of. Dr, Milea Restorative Nervlu. aud was cured. U li with ideasare I reconiincnd this wonderful remedy far nervouslrouble." "I had been a great suflVror from chronle. , headacho untn I befran. itbout four inoutha ago, to use Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine and Pills, since which time I have not had a headache. 6everal of mv friends are using Dr: MlleV Rem edies, and rind them, at I did, to be mora than you 'claim for them." Mrs. Mary Klater, Los Angeles, Cal. W. Il.'Capwell, editor Tribune, riyxnonth. Pa , writes : My wife waa cured of aick beads-bor many yearn' standing by the use of Dr. Miles" Restorative Nervine. She has recommended it to her friends, and they all praise it hltrhly .' Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine 4old y all drueiflsta on a panitive guarantee, or sent direct by the Dr. Miles Medical Vo., jakbart, Ind.. oil receipt of price, $1 per bottle, six liottles for S, express prcpid. It is positively free from oplntes or dangerous drupr. Ir. Miles' PUK 5l d wes, 25 cents. Free book at drugiau, or by mail. A Modern Republican Candidate. whoily aii institution of the nineteenth The New York Tioies report that Senator Chandler, of New Hampshire, has a presidential bee in-his hat,- has not commanded credence anywhere. of dwunt- f the liizht of the pensioner to receive driffm.r toward the the amount he has been getting are ,l..- La in the eenturv dawnin- ' suspended, and few, if an v, of those ,.n to S1SM wiA conditions lh.it who get restored to the roll upon a re- would stir the corpses in the jackets of examination will get as large a pen-M-ay. No man has en the harvest tion as they have been receiving From the sowing after Appomattox. "Senator G ,rm an, remarked a How to Select a Postmaster. The citizens of La Grange, this Stale, knife, and, cutting a piece of the twine have struck upon a novel plan to set- Whatever he may be, as one of the pa- about 0 inches in length, tied it very tie who shall be postmaster there, vv e jn uis action very pertinently re- I a . i . a a i l.it'. . . - tWrhtiv around lh little finser of the reter our imnds at AlOemarie lo ine lliarks. Mr. Chandler -4is not a fool." -...-., t 1 i left hand of the man with the nose new plan. bleed. Then she asked the couductor The aspirants have tried the virtue to escort her back to her car. of petitions and their friends influence, hpn 1 but there seems to bell hitch so ne- of tools and machines to equip the ex- and tliat tact is so wen Know , uc slaves to surpass and subjugate the sons very seldom takes the troubl- to con of the Confederate in the struggle for tradict the newspaper stones winch ,he best pay and position in the skilful.; appear from time to time purporting ' J a...l I ... ft- ifilij tn tin to vive hi aewui wimi ucj i-chuo w the doctor came through the car Joor where. However, to relieve -Congress- f hig fc ? and went straight for the place where tuau woouam or ine responsioiuty aim the voting woman sat. She was busi- settle the matter the shortest way they ly engaged in reading a magazine, but have agreed that when the old Con looked up as he .poke to her. federate veterans meet there on the4th n.r Inf Au??nst next, to h-ve a sliootinij l our remeuy is wcu jjciiciij o successful," he said, and asked permis- match, and the man or wo.m, .: i ..of .Ulr nonr lipr. "drives the cross" is to have th "It is strange," he continued, "how Mr. Woodard and Capt. Gfainger, iin,pc Jr. -a nlivsirian's ife he chairman or ine crnuiy exeuuu 1 - I .. -ill : i ,.u l l a I nntt.ee. Will Ots lUVlueu to ain-im u ficiciicw irricaa , We -confess that we, donot see the force of this criticism. Why should not Senator Chandler apire to the 'residential -nomination an re who many finds ll his acquire nd in case this or that happens in the ulators who gave glowing accounts of its fertility. The deluded settlers ars getting away as fast as tiny can, but most of th m have nothing left and are well niuh in despair. It is truly a pitiful &tory. trades." In sl.it e that the toUtlt.tnot .mblic eductio,. in lh.t h luta tio. like thu o Vir.MU; HehnsseeuHAvlmecoaeh- the ,t. .ll Jwj. U. ck as ' r" . . ". ,i. ,1 mtthe aPProTl ot a majority . of man open auooi iui ttuwiu'""" , r , n . , . ..i:i t. 1... k. good Democrats, and to .ay also that duct uf a mun ana . woman in Willi lUlfc OU. UULlt" UlC l(UU v. . il-ive's childr-n vrere seated. He has ! uny advance announcements of them When a woman gets a new seen the son "of a Vce distinguished ' appear may always be set uit sha invmcdiately prances down Some Difference ; There is a vast difference in the con- new ! town, aud for hours will walk con- . a A nl . a . caipcuiif 111 uf a negro magnate, and he asks: "Is j One of the most encouraging signs tentedly along a crowded thorough U i.shock a A shame enough to arouse to those who expect financial relief ; far?f reC,ivilIg fresh impulse8 of joy s . v from the legislation of the extra sfs- erery tune a0ther woman scans her il.e church . j g-on is t,w fuct thj wllie most 0f the Wkl.d.()lH, Uut H mau isl g0 different! keep the core for the boys. Knew Where to Look for Dead Men- Press and Printer. A printer recently walked intoaeer- oo o o o o ooo q B130YAKCY OF BODY fttTJ v.7..-tUero Is UcadhWtS 1 ZtSSZ?0 1 What the Local-Paper Does. Democratic Senators and Represent-' He won't put . his new clothe, for -eirtrna. u tu,i . l .;t.T,t,v i . A....,;uio min. i vm iam u ps of their own as to me ii.fin,,,,u nt i if tsdxrk: Umi he All eXCtlfe-Uli' -S. " oru-iiwio . " ..... -w - hj5 itio huh ister as the following to say of the .legislation neeaea, a mxjoruy ui mow d()Wn town 8(l cauuousiy as 10 i O OOOdiUo.i, but . W o TUTU'S o Tmy Lir rats" : happiness. They are wortU triau ooo ooo o o JAPANESE CURB A Kw aad Complete Treatment, consisting" of CTfOSITOElES. CaDsnles of Ointment and two Ointment. A never-f alun? Cure for Flies t vry natore and oeirree. It makes an operation ui me ctule or Injections 01 carbouo acio, iwi re painful and seldom a permanent cure, and ofen wttlun? in death, tmnoceesaryr Why onduro ns terrible Oiseaee? W guarantee, O to oura a case. Yo5 only w'' Jaefitg receivea. u a box, 6 for f5 by man. awnnie tr2. Ouarfintws issued by-oar apejita. CONST IP ATION yj.iknnVtjMai tmt M'.TH and STOMACH KiXiULATOK and MOODPUKIiTlEli.- Smatt, inild aud pleasaat to S, wpeciaUj auaated lor children S 066. WUOiea .Stt-Ws. - . GUAaUNTTE3 larood only sj - EDWIN CUTHRELL, Salisbury, N. C before the common sense of some non- professional person. Why I might have known, ii I had only stopped to think, that your remedy couldn't fail." "Just as soon as you began tying that striiicr around the little finger I knew it-would stop the bleeding, aud know who desired anything iu the w;.y ;f ..,,1,1 not. have done otherwise. Of of advertisement and noticed a drum- ..rP von know the scientific reason mer stood by the counter with hissam for it the fact of the arteries passing pie valise ready to open. "Anything through the little finger, aud all about you want to say in the paper this week?, SJlid the printer to the business man be . -i.ut t,-r m. hind the counter. wXo" said the bus. o, snesaiu; x ....j j it ess man, 'l don't believe in advertis- graua-mosuer ioiu ; jn,r.M The drummer waited until lie dl told me. I am a teacher, and quite , f to the &oor then slowly often in the first warm days of spring, taking up his sample valise remarked: the little children in my department in -Well that lets me out. I do not care 1 always get toseii on nine i nuy ....... - X'& llOeS UUh IICHE'C ill au !,. r ' , , -.I ! . .... T 1 prefer to de il witn live men. t nni i want to strike up a trade with a dead Even the Xetrs and Courier bears testimony to his ability and we believe it has never been questioned by any one who knows him. So far as his principles are concern ed, they are those of his party. The ! KViHibiie.nii oarl v does not represent is to have the office. . unvi,h;,,,r th;U Chandler does not rep- resont in a distinguished dpgree. He stands for a liilrtariff. He is one of the champions of the force bitl idea. He believes in a reckless pension sys- 'tem aud a. centralized government. His services to the parly have been great. He was one of the most effi cient agents of the steal which gave the Republicans the Uresi lency in 1870. Whenever there has been any slick or dirty, work to do f r his ...party, he has invariably volunteered his ser vices and proved his eminent fitness for the job. - - What is tlif matter with Dill Chan Her as a Republican, candidate for President ?r ockI newspaper which will bear care-1 express themselves as willing tD hear ful perusal: "Y6ur local paper tells the arguments oi tuose wu t.u . t i u Aniintv'ntliar iiluxa nndtobeooen to convic- you when vo go locuuicu, i i ; i f nnd to send vour children to , tion it the other ieuovt s uiguiuciiu uc !., l 1 i 1 1 . 1..-., l.n I . tzkl 1 r 11 tniS lU;tlll ouaicu J advo- H. B. Ilandoli h, Ga., writes: ' I was ; under tli e n o of nine different doctor?, hut not one did me the good th.it Bjtanic plood Baia has done me " - J tention to public enterpiLses, cat es the best law and order in the town. It records the marriage of your daughter, the death of your ?cn, th itinera of jour wife, free of charge. Itsets foith the advantages- of your town, inviteslmmigration and is the first to welcome new comers. 'Yet in spite of all these benefits, some people say the home paper is not half so good as some other juiper that has no inter est in their business or success. The home paper is too often neglected by those who are benefited by it. K,nl nr -..nvwhcre vou want to go. : the best. If this It tells vou who is dead, who-is sick, 1 a majority of the Democrats in both who is married, and many other things House ana oeuaie inu u.uiuu.,j ui vou would like to know. It calls at-; reaching some atisractory .oasis oi J - n 1 '11 t" 1 t UnunJ compromise wiii'.oe jjicanj icoocucu. But it is going to take time to bring about that ipsult, and wise people will not expect immediate Congessional ac tion on this important subject. Good legislation is better than hurried legis lation! and I have yet to find the first Democrat who does not firmly believe that good legislation will be one of the certaiut'ujs of the Fifty-third Congress. Gen. Duncan S. Walker, chairman of the committee on invitations of the centennial celebration of the laying of the corner-stone nfTthe Capitol build to U held September J8 - next, Children Cry.fcr PitcWr CtQfV ingt most create the impression that he is sneaking along. If he sees u crowd oti a corner he wiil slip across the way to avoid them, and when he goes into his grocery he tries to get behind as many barrels and boxes as he can. All the time he is trying his level lies, to appear as if the suit was sis months old, and ail the while realize that he is making an infernal faiiur. t u w. linn the time will com UJ. ll. i, ...;il I .a n folded b wheu new pun is the manufacturer that they won'. . m i . P t show a ridge along the troni; oi eac. leg when the wearer dons them. Haminer Buxton reports to th Comptroller 6t the Currency that th. Winston Rational bank is carrying on the condition prescribed for its resto ration and will able goon to resuni. bnsiuess, ar.hool have nose-bleed. gome twine from the boy pock et and tie it tightly around the dittle finger of the child, and it has ifcer failed to stop he flow." I was in a down town restaurant that evening when the physician was tell ing the story, and he said at the end uf it : "She was a devilish pretty young woman, with a mouth that said ill the time 'Kiss me!' and eyes that said no man ever had or would outlier weet heart when she had one." New fork Recorder. man I'll g to the graveyard and swap business. Good day. Fruit and Vegetables vs. Doctors. Grape fruit is almost as good as quinine for malarial troubles and pine apple is a sure cure fr sore fhroat. Tomatoes are perfect liver regulators thev contain a very small portion of mercurv. Oranges act on the kidneys very beneficially; lemons and grapes are effacions iu curing and preveuung n mmmtroiibles. Water cresses act on the lungs and are J-aid to be a cure We Call 'Em Tramps. L rd Enirlish What this country ..-i-, M.oo Americus. is a leisure chss tn ;nc;ient consumption. They cer .rtlJV-, , -- , , .. , taiuly have marvelous ionic joer auu m . a refresh one after great fatigue. a diet of uraries as a cure-all has ben proved valuable in humireas or case;, aud, if taken in time, a case of jaun dice can be cured by eating nothing but lettuce Jind lemon juice. In the face of this, can one not almost dis pell e with doctors ?E x. .,.h iui we have in our country, l eau the class we call gentlemen; who to i.ot work for their living, who take .n i.artin business; but devote their tme r - Miss Americus-Oh, yes, we have i i. .i..OJ;n 4 lita nnmitrv. but W0 call em tramps. li v tu to observation and travel and, An Editor's Mistake. The editor of a weekly journaUately lost two of his subscribers through ac cidentally departing from thn beaten track in answers to correspondent. Two of his subscribers wrote to ask him his remedy for their respective trouble. No. 1, a happy father of twin, wrote to inquire the best way U get them safejy over their teething, and No. 2, wanted to know how b pro tect his orchards from the myraids of grasshoppers. The editor framed his answers upon the orthodox lines, but unfortunately transposed their t wo name?, with the result that No. 1 who was blessed with twins, read in reply to his query: "Cover them carefully with straw and sf t fire to them, and the little pests, after jumping around in the fl.tiiie a few minutes, will speedily be settled.'? - Whilst No. 2, plagued with gTa&s- ! hoppers, was told to -Give a lntle eas- tor oil and rub their gums gently with a bane ring. l A Texas girl; fifteen years old, proposes to walk to the 'World's Fir if sh; can get another irl to compete with her.

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