It Carolina? Watchman -ocai. Chiefs, -'-rTZZoH. Loc . a Citt Editor. WuttAY AusnM 3, FOB BAJiEJ The" ndcf,' MAfJS - iih a -wrtklv circulation .of COO, ,3VlSirly p-yi 'Wvertisiii patron U " Jfur le. The plant contains a "V Le 7-eolumn Washington hand --Globe" job press, almost asgood VrtAS'' , ..-unarier and fto tUU , - -"Ji T. Wyatt last week ohtaIneJ tbe contract for furnishing Mr. II, M. Smith of Ashovillc, 5,r 0Q0 ft 4 inches curbing stones and U,500 yards pf aubl paiog t jr the streeM Qf that city . -'; Mr.T. C. Murrlock, of Statesfille, U OQijtry. Pyp tn,i11g tlie wek with hi wife, vtlio ba been in tne city an.u a motun, visiting hi father, Mr. J. W. McKeu z:e. ; -The Watchjiax has the largest cir culation of any weekly )n Ihe county. It. is therefore the bst advertising, me dium.' Advertisers should make anote of this. ' . cabinets four doubt . . nri . first-class job : . ' .1 V uews suiuus uuu We have just received a new lot of job materia!, and ore prepared to execute job work of all kiuds at the lowest possi- Xiive us trial ana be eon- two Mr. Eil- Heilig, who has been working ,. ,.A'iinil.4 of brevier and here for several vears, has - resigned his J0H, f, . i..i,. trnc mnst' T.nwirmn nnrl a r' t .tud n rirwitiilll rith Lhe II Wil li- 1 J KJ 1 j.t..lVU UIIU VVV.-V .. -. Charlotte Oil aud J?eru!izer Co. cawj"--' i rni1t. of modern dis tuouio , ,vl)e. besides 273 iounds of at the Richmond aud Dauville car shop inayu"J ' iiui no 114 pnuici, lKuuds of no J 1H""- . ; ,,, also. r ..T.u-h is almost as ' . Wi - , ,:... v.i.,f brass rules, leaders, on .n..i.r.iivins: brass rules, te . I...., .,..,1 iill material aud 1.. n.T ! SlU-V jeans, ' . " u neeuea m Phis desirable priming" too oflioe. i sold M Diirchaser, pply to or address. tirst-class printing uifit will Salisbury, X. C. The Old Hickory Club, of this city has disbanded. The looms of this club have been a favorite resort for the men of Sal isbury for mauv years, and will doubt- ou vejy ea-y terms to a respousi-. lesg be Rreal.y md by them Tlie For fanner furniture, etc- will behold Saturday. The 24t h Minimi convention of Rowan county Sunday School Associ tiou 8nd the MUinversary of Rova:s Bible Society will be .held at Harris' C'hap- I, China Grove townshrj), August 17t h and I8tl. We will give the pro gram next week. George B'-adshaw, colored, of Cleve land, was lodged in jail here Tuesday to await trial at the - uext term of liowan participating in an fur oceu- atlray at Cleveland, fcaturuay mnc. x ne other participants, who gave boud were Jim Knox and Louis Price. Subscribe for lhe Watchman. , Only $1.00 a year in advance. Uev. F. J- Murdoch has gone to -Ne Vork City on buMner. J Frank McCubbius and bride rctum pJ Friday from tbe World's Fair. .... ..-rm of J. M. Nicholas Sui)erior court -for llie DCW nv"'" ; i...r nteted aud ready jiauey. 5lie ButhKluttzaud Lillian Foust We,ttoSutesvlle yesterday to visit re I- That w as a very important piece of news that our Waaliinjjton eorrcsiondent sent out in yesterdnv'8 Daiu-r Uie information that Con- . .- i Ill, nlilp.t fe- . i i ,i - SuU'in Jr eniaie acuuvmij f " - greB win prouaoiy repeal me ouerman mw, ... I Ink kill II 1J.IS 4.. - - Me)U 111 mc w"'! ropeal the tax on iSt;ite hank issued timl give free coinage of silver on a ratio of 20, 2Tor 22 to I. And ouif Washinglon corresiwndcut is hi his state- maleco iJiia issue.- p.v Mr gncissht,ofthAivilleBap- A VV, W - . I iii-fjichtd at fbe Uaptist tuuicn feun- .ordinarily a very reful person laeiiti. Charlotte Observer. Lltv C G Yafdell filled, the pulpit of ti.eVresbyieliau Church Ust ftuu- .. .... .' in r - Uh) ui" -s George Corriher a young white maa w.s way laid on Sunday 'bight t he 16th iust. at the bridiie ou the nublic road" n4-xingtonprom- Ar Ml - Jhil Bublers in Bo who County, '-' i V .!;..,! M mida V Uli'it-t young ia m ci i id tonsil in prion. A in in", in LaOaiTUS ni-v-rio i The bv two unknowu nersous who knocked him down and robbed hiunf $S50. all the luoury be had. As yet no arrests have been made, ilooresville Eeyister. Our city fathers are to be commended for their vvie action in n T..ri ui K'lWtf iua. . " : ut neauu jur rausuury. xneuouru .Gowati i riifc bi-jU, nd il f,ho VV,U j consists of Mayor Cougheuour presideut, 80011 bo weJl aaii- V II. . Overioau, secretary, Dr. J. J. Viiton re-! Summere.l, superintendent of health, and commissioners, J. V. Davis, S. F .county In ut bought out hv a mh; York couip iuy. . - that Suss' Annie Mt. Qilead Locals, ' Mr. JS. Maytuhby, of Trinity,' hut formerly of Indian Territory, U visiting friends in tlna viciuity. . The BaptLr church here has anew bell, v - " Mr. II. G, Scrhora lost a fine mule last week that cost him $125. Mr. U. W. Ilartsell had his cow killed by lightning last Wednesday near the steum mill here. Mr.T- S. Williams, accompanied by Mr. Sam Davis, haa gone to 'Morveu, in Anson eouuty, to visit his brother. Prof. M. A. McLeod has secured the Wadeville High school and began teach ing the Slst day of July. . All persons interested in Sharon ceme tery are requested to meet Thursday, August 10, lor the purpose ot cJeamng on the grounds. Everybody should go and take a part in this work. Mr. Beverley Shore, of Kichmond, Va., is visjting his sister, Mrs. 11. A. McLeod, this week. Mr. AV. H. McRae, of Troy, N. C, died one day lust week of dyspepsia. He v;w a good citizen aud a man that will be badly missed. We had a very heavy rain on the 31st instant. - Mrs. Sam Fra3ier was right ill last week, but we are glad to knot she is con valescing. Mrs. W. M. Mask is right ill this week. Mrs. Hattie Haywood, Mrs. Frank De Be'rry and Miss Annie De Berry have gone to Rocky River Spiings for their health. Around Bethany Academy. Our farmers are about through with their busy work.. Wheat threshing is nearly finished. School has been in progress at this place for three weeks. More thau sixty scholars have been enrolled. An enter tainment will be given on the night of the 18th instant. The Gold Hill Township Sunday School convention will meet with Elm Grove school next Saturday. -The Philomathic Literary society will debate 'on Friday night: Resolved, That we snouiu have compulsory scnooi laws: Mr. John V. Fisher & Co. threshed 4,500 bushels of wheat and oats in tiftten days. Who can beat it? Mr. and Mrs. il. C. Pool retnroed from a visit to his estate in Surry County last t ndaj Sir. Gumn Park, of Surrv county, who resided here several months during 18SX), spent a few days here the first of thJ week. The three yen rs' contract for carrying thoTnail from Eli to Gold Hill has been given to Mr. James Goodman, who will begin operations on Tuesday of this week. Mr. Z. E, Scott, a prominent artist of Concord, took in tue Academy on last Wednesday. Mr. C. M. Miller, county surveyor, has been quite busv for the past few weeks He cut up a large farm iuto sixteen parts near nere recently. There is a brandy distillery running in this neighborhood uow. 1 hat is the way people do. Whenever thev are permit ted to-1iave a blessing in the way of fruit, they turn it into a curse. Llve -. 1 .- - : .... . Just One feet Longer Road Tills U ill dill teachers iu W. II. of two ap- Col lector Mi.. Minnie and Mary turned fruuui visit to Barum. -Spring and WcAidleat Momlay. Mm. Josre Du rant and Miss Codie Phifer, of ChutM le, ur visiti ng their iisler, Mrs. M. C. Quinii. A large nowd of Salislmrv people went duwii to New Loudon Sunday l idtend lhe disli-ictconfercncc- We ire .jUd "to learn th'at Mr. J. A. Jlyriek who U seriously ill with typhoid fever is iiliglnly improving. v;... r.,ni Patterson, of Ghina Grove, t . wiiw. ii? of the ! Concord graxled echooU Dr. J. J. Summerell and Mrs Coit left last Saturday for a visit or three weeks in the mouutains. Walter Wyatt and Will Stewart have returned from a two wee,ks visit to Flat Swamp Springs, Davidson, county. u -i i. ..i. ima liPAii manairer of 4 11. UCC., "' " ' the Central Hotel, has resigned, aud will leave uext Mouday tor Sau Francisco, Cal. Chief of Police Shaver's new residence on east Main street is about enclosed. It will be a haudsouic structure when com ; pleted. ' We are clad to learn that Hon. S.J. Pembertou, of Albemarle, has-been pointed private secreUry by Etias. Mr. and Mrs, Jas. S. McCubbins will ivea recenton to Mr. and Mrs. J. F. McCubbius Friday evening from 8 to 12 o'clock, - Tlie teachers' institute for white teach ers will open in the court house Monday. All public school teachers are required to attend. - Miss Auastaia lloueche, the 15 year old daughter pf Mr. P. I). Roueche, died ! last Mouday about 10:30 o'clock, of mus cular frheuuiatisui. J2. V- Burt k co. harp commenced seU linglheir Oxford Ties regardless of cost. They havra message for the ladies of Jlhis yieinily iu this usue. If you are In arrears for subscription to the Watchman, please settle up as soon as possible, as we need the mouey. Our terms are, payable iu advanco. Mr. J. II. Smith has been assigned to duty as storekeeper at J. B. Lanier's dis tillery at a salary of $4 jier day. He took charge of the position Tuesday. We received this week a programme of the Elders' and Deacons Institute of Con cord and . Mecklenburg Presbyteries, to be held at Gastonia, N. C, August 23rd to 29th. Among the names of the many able and distinguished men who will de liver addresses ou that occasion, v,e no tice the name of Rev. It. G. Pearson, the - noted evangelist, who will preach sever M sermons. This will bo a good chance . ior the warm admirers oft he great man to hca r hi m agai n , a n d i be profuerl by the various discussions, by e nope-many of our people Fit! attend. ' GREAT CLOTHLNGr SALE-WILL CLOSE ! This sale of 1-1 off has been a phenomenal, success. Hun dreds of buyers have taken advantage , of this reduction sale Remember we reserve not a Snit from this sale. Evervthin in the Clothing line goes at 25 percentdiscount. It makes no difference whether you want a Fine Black, Clav Worsted Che viot, Fancy Worsted, Tweed or Hdmespun. The styles are in 4 Button Cutaway, Double and Single Breast . Sack, most all this season's goods Weialso have about a hundred Suits that we have carried over from one seasoii to another, all good goods but in broken sizes. If you Can be fitted in these goods we have de cided to clean them out at 33 1-3 off, and mahy at 50 per cent. ii) ... wB'Z"asT2reirats toil t,tt j i ? i i .. ... Dnclrpt Kt-J 'r "WiJ vucKiani. ievr tua coramariM the pnb is mnra of P i h vf TerWe 1 ffoni to Oliver atJheTeryJowestmin. imnra of rK-iceutage-Whenyoii begin to save Your catrona on-nnarior nn ny uemi imn oae ,lalf 0lj 0thers it to crowj vur counters.- It Will niak a Vast diffpina in vnnv It U- ilir l I ? Xngllt tr'PPrd of the middle man's profit, or the inevitable Snuu mer s expense. tnt vdl have little tronble in savin th a he yeaJ ! aU1 Teie9 K largely in the inventory of The rapid turning of stock takes the place of capitaV and the daily arrivals spice up things and Bear the marks of aggression ana progression winch simply mean popularityr uon t you want a bummer Coat and Vest ? - Whether it is a DrapJJette, Alpaca, berge or Flannel, it makes no difference; they are included in this sale at 25 per cent, discount. Wo must have the room, and everything goes at the above figures. No I the old dead system of oppression and wron 2 has had ita centuries of wrong and njin, and the age of mercantile 4prpgres- .v uggicssiuii uiarcued aoreast wnn science m ner onward sweep, cash before deli verv, electricity, free trade and tariff re- uiiu uru um auvancea pioneers ot to-Uay. Tliey who embrace ne living issues are the successful and oth dead ideas of lonra.o nrn invlv fnnil fnr thn .iu'vol . o o " ... t"j Awiiviv 1.1)1 luttiv Vtlilltl pions.ot bpot Cash, who press on iu the Titan struggles for su premacy. ... WE MEAN WHAT WE SAY. Every Suit or Pair of Extra Pants and all Summer 25 percent., 33 1-3 and 50 per cent, discount from ing prices, , Clothing at regular sell- OWN &. (CO. Lord and John 1. Shaver. Mr.W. A. Parker, of Cleveland county, was bitten by a rabid dog on Sunday of last week. He learned that Mr. Walter Uiackmer, of ;his city, had a madstoue Tiud came here last Friday to have it ap plied to his wound. The stone was ap plied and adhered about two hours. Mr. Parker returued huuic satisfied with the experiment. The guessing congest of M. S. Br'own & Co. closed Mouday, aud- the beans were counted last night. Walter C'leiuuit, of Mocksville, N. C, secured the live trip to the W ui Id's Fair, his guess beiug ltiSO'J. The nearest guesses to this m 6rder were: .T.H. ii-iius.iy, 10J00; S. J. Guinn, Elkm,, N. C, lG,yoi ; 8. J. E iton, Cleveland, N. C, 1G.8(J;J. The highest guess was 200,000, and the lowest 800. Mooresville News Notes. , We arc needing rain. Corn on upland is iniured bv tho recent droiiiii, bui 1 thtUK a very fair crop will be made. Mr. Cyrus Long and family, of Char lotte, caine up tins week unit are stop ping at tue Creswell's springs. Dr. Jas. Young, formerly oi this p'.ace, but who is now connected with the inedi cal department of the penitentiary at italeign, arrived here last Suuduy aud will tpeud some time here. Mr. J. W. McNeidy has been very sick for some time witn typhoid fever, but is improving some at tins writing. Children s day services at. Hie M. E. church last Sunday were very interest ing. A collection was taken up lor the improvement of the pews. Mr. Bowles preached at night on Sunday School work. Messrs. 11. V. and J. E-Thorp will give a basket picuic iu tbe grove below Mr. Jas. Atwell's next Saturday for the eu- joyment of their pupils, and the public reuerally. Croud music will ueluruisned lor the occasion, and the public is cor- You We dially invited to attend. w.j v- Mhoinrht oul the lieaiter. aud has taken both colored, were ruu over and killed ..hj,,.ft ,,t ,iU ,ial)t.r. Your corresnondent D - t bv.lhe shifting engine last Monday night 1 is learning ine printers trade under i i.. ... . i ii ! nbout It) o'clock. The neirroes were him. ne UKes me wort very w en auu is drinking and, it is thought, tried to cross the track in front of the engiue, when they were struck. The engine was going at a very slow speed. ine coroner's jury rendered the verdict that the men cam ti their U3itn Len; r m over by the shifting engine, no blame being attached to the railroad or its em nloves. The bodies, which were horri getting along nicely. A picnic was given here last l-nday lor the beuelit of the Orphan's Home at Ba rium Springs. The cstatesvilierBanu aud Old .North State Orchestra furnished the music, which was very tine. teupt. Boyd and a u umber of children from the Home were preseut. lhe children de livered some excellent music and recita tions, show ing that they are religiously trained aud well cared lor. Kevs. Payne, bly mangled, were taken charge of by oi coucoru, aim .easj, uiv.iiai.ot e, IN PRIORI - Know from Experience Mean What We Say ! We now offer All of Our Goods at i ... . ' ireatly : Reduced Prices ! Summer Goods wav Low Down ! Dowx ! ! DOWN ! ! I Carpets and Mattings at pilccfe never heard of before for goot! qualitv. A lot of Fiiu; While Goods at prices which will make vou buy them, even if you don't need them. jST SHOES 10 cloye out at 25 Per cent' less tlian COST ! cS Come and get Your Share of Our Bargains ! ; LITTMAMH I LMTEISTEII, S. Corner iMain and Inniss Str's, Salisbury, N. C. mm ft-.' What game for the commeroi .l gladiator, the old ItesrularVnviri'? of the Drum- mer with ten per for the firm, $10.00 a dav for himself and $10.00 expenses for travelling, hotels, cigars, forty rod and faro ! ' Holy mother of Moses ! What came! See Our Midsummer Sledge H AMMER BARGAINS in Shoes, Pants. Dress Good. Gloves. Hosierv. Corsets. Sunandrg. Htnkur. chiefs, Towels, Linens, Stationary, Button, &c. See our Mens Shoes in Congress and Lace at $1.24 and do not forget fntx New goods coming all the time ! You aw respectfully invited to call and awT tnein. Yours sincerely for M. B. (Mutual Bene fit U D fo) X I I I ii I I J II Sign of Red Flag. 25 per ct. To 33 erct. Off 1! siam submits to Fiance. Ashevillo Female College London, July 29. The Siamese lega- Special Attractions. Matchless cli tinn in this citv received a dispatch mate. Wonderful health record. I)e- ll.,o.L-r,V eLfinir in pffHi t. that the ! lightful homelife. Well ordered courses 1IUIJI U' :"- ,.- . SiMmoP !?overmeiu, learning uiai oi' instruction. Thoroughly equipped , . i . . N- . I i:iiiiiiiNiuiii. .iiiif?i; unuer me ceienrnieu t rance regards us repiy to uei umum.- i P.of (,rab urn asa reiusal to grant r rench d iiiunus and being most desirous of maintaining Mist peace has telegraphed instructions to : beautiful citv. Iloo he Siamese minister at L.ris to inform ! f heajiuK M DeVelle, Uie French Foreign minis- ! noof earTmaS ter, thatoiam accepts tue uitiui.ituin m its entirety. TUxokos. Julv 29. It h stated here iu (Uermanv). Art under ss divine iiansi. iiouse in seven acres of shaded lawn in the heart of a beautiful citv. Kuoms finely furnished. sanitary plumbum es as low as a fine hem. Send for cata logue. Address kkv. james atkixs, Asheville FemaleCollege, Ashe'ville, N.C. We are giving them away almost ! Beginning on Saturday, Jnly 1st, we will make the grc.g special bargain Sale ever made in this city. 153-'' mens su..- to close out at regardless of cost lf3. These are all nic , ot -able goods. We offer them at slaughtering prices to deaf uut this line. The reduction is from 25 per ct. to 33J per ct. off. Here Are Some Of The Bargains. that England protested to France that ! UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CARO her thresitened blockade of the Siamese Lift A. Mr. 11. M. Davis, Tuesday, tor burial at the expense of the county. auuresses from some cause uukuowu Dr. l'ayue did not come. Dr. Creasy was introduced by Hou. A. Lieazar, and .-poke tor nearly an hour. 1 The svriler had the pleasure of hearing him but will not try to report hispeecu, fjr he would spoil every thing. Dr. Creasy began by expressing Tots from Omega. For the Watchman. Mr. Editor. I do wonder if you will kindly publish la few dots from Omega? his regret in not meeting liev. Dr. Hum- We will trust;' you any way,-so here pie, who was to be present, and also the goesf : ? pleasure of being wiih the people out in The wheat threshers will not-only the country, away from the busy life of soon have ah the wheat ot the neighbor- the city. '1 he main point ot his speech hood threshed, but will soon have all was on the luture ot Hie youug geuera- the chicken and beans eateu too. tiou. emphasizing the importance of bav Rain is very badly needed in this hug a special object in view as to their fu- section now. We have had a few j ture, and striving to, reach that object, showers, but none worth very much, 1 until success crowned their eflorts. ray Corn is twisted badly, and we fear the ing bis respects to the Home aud inmates sweet potatoes will not amouut to much, he closed his speech and diuiur was au- Water melons are iu season. I nouueed, whicu was served iu the grove .Miss Lizzie 2siblock, of i mh Creek near by. The table tairly groaned uuder neightiorhood, has been visiting her the weight, and after all had eateu of the cousins. Misses Maggie, Katie and Sal-tgood things thereon, there remained lie Niblock. - more than seven basketsfull. The Old Prof. Cox, of Forsyth couuty, is con- North State Orchestra furnished some ducting singing school at rrovideuce good music alter ainuer. the exercises church and Suinmerville school-house, of the day closed with a base ball game He is a tine singer, understands music at 4 o'clock, between the JJavidson and and is giving geueratsatUfactiou. ritalesville teams resulting in the victory Mr. A. M. Holler, ofUatawba, is visit- for Statesville. ing his son, J. tu. xioiier. ? The amount raised oy the picnic was Mr. Frank JNibhjck has been right $.12, which was given to the Home. The sick for a few days. J crowd was very large and nothing hap- Last Saturday.-the 'S2aa a quarterly neued to nrar the pleasure of , the dav meeting was held at South lliver M. E; j After the bail game the people quietly church. Oommuuioo services were held went to their homes carrying with them ou Sabbath following. ' I many p!ea.-ant memories of ihe picnic of Well. I reckon this is Butucient lor my July 26. 18U3. C. 11. A. first for your paper. . AlAXDA 1 ETPEKGKASS fWe are glad to hear from you. Cornel water allkv, MUs., July; 31 News again. Ed. ( reached here last night from Paris, Lafayette -.'! f Willi hi tint lie :i leial act. and that France conceded the point made by Great Britain. France, it is 'said has undertaken that Hritish .commerce will in nowise be interfered with by French warshijis. English vessels will be al lowed to cross the Men am bar inward for Bangkok after Sunday. The situa tion here now presents a much more peaceful aspect. Paris, July 29. In view of the Siamese concession of all the demands made by the French, nolice of which reached this city to-day, it is expected that France will withdraw the notice of blockade. It is also expected that France will accept Siam1 s surrender to her ultimatum. It is understood the provinces on the Upper Mekong river that were ceded to Siam by Great Britain, will form the subject of future -negotiations between France and Great Britain. 20.00 -suits 15.00 12.50 and 10.00 1 )7 SALISBURY PRODUCE MARKEl REPORT. Corrected tcecUij by D. Ii. J ullan d- Sons EQUIPMENT: Faculty, of 2- teach ers, 11 fhiildings, 7 scientific laboratories, library of 30,000 volumes, 316 students. INSTRUCTION; 5 general courses; 6 brief course?; professional courses in law; medicine, engineering ' aud chemistry; I q r a orwl 7 0 optional courses. 0,t)oa1ltl l.dU ITYl'PYiliV. Tiiillrvn kCJ nor voar- Scholarships and loans for the needy. U8 ( Ihl CirCIlS SUltS 10 C10S0 at i 0C . I 1 r-.,. I -W- President V instox, 5fl nnirS OI DMntS at Chapel Hill, N. C. -" f " l irnnrs. liuaranieen noiv $14.50 " 10.00 to 1 1.00. 7.50: are D.R. Julian&SonsFcforc 11 Call notice to the tact that thoy hare roinoveo the std k koin their store room under lhe Central nnn.1 tnihf-lrolil sioreon Klsher Sireet. VVehaw rVORElSdODS tllan we can make room tor j and lu oi$er to reduce our stock will offer SPECIAL BARGAINS SALISBURY N. C. G.00, 5.1)0, 4.50, to 7 ;j same reduction. Nice first-class.' Come quick gone. S CLOT Yours truly, Ne co. FINE CLOTHIERS. bush. Butter, Beeswax, Bacon, (country) Lard, Corn, Meal, Irish potatoes, Onions, Oats, Wheat, Flour, Poultry, hens, Snrine chickens, Eggs, per noz county, thirteen miles from here, that Will -There was slight J Steen. a negro, was hanged by a mob. No per sack each 12 to 2 )v 00 toJ 1H t- 12 12JtoH 5(1 to t" 2 - 00 to 00 40 to 50 ; , tK) t o 50 00 to 35 00 to GO $1.75 to 2.r.5 25 to 30 m to rd 10 for the next THIRTY DAYS IN DRY GOODS. c.a and be convinced that we can sare you money by buying Irom s, ; D. R. JULIAN & SOUS. THE HORTH CAROLINA Colteare of liriciltare and MecMic Arts -m hoo-in lis Fifth SfsslonS-ptemoer Tth, 183 'M.Ui'nWfiii now well euulpueu for Its s:ecial ivors having t-xtfnslve Wood and Iron Shoiw, .,.;,iiv flriwl un Urawiuir-rBom. rlieiaic!. Bo tanical and Uorticiiliural Laboratories, Greenhouse t R??.i?.rhinr fort: for the next year consists 01 i flften men." The two ooureos latl to graduation . In Asrrteulture and in Mecnanieai ana civn tn Sl,".'rr??,. vor lm l(i(llnr Plflnl- lUUll tw J " a i nouaiy StuOVnts. , Pay Studenw. . . For caiaioKucs, iw A. ft. HOLjLADAY, Pres., RALEIi.n, N C EM titbit' You want good, purd goo In at low prices, don't yo r? T JULIUS EARNHARDT'S, where are kept PURE FRESH lirXULtiltlt.b, such as t lour, gorl country Hams, Potatoes Lsewi and e -ring), uaooage, awi everyinintf eie y.iu wmt !o a new line of GOOD SHOES, which Iro offer ng Very C A full line of Oli I UUUlia ana iunvo always Kepi ic siuck. Attention, Farmers! I am now also selling the BAHNER FERTILIZER chenp for" cash, or on time. Call to see me before buying eiewh i. FOREIGN MARKET REPORTS. From Clapp $ Co., lintker$ aud Broker t, X. Y. These figures represent an average es timate of ruling prices at the markets named, up to Tuesdav oi eacn week: Bsecutor's Notice. Ujivins Qualified as executor of the ttt o.ill Rnd testament of Nancy C taot " . . . , -. Linle, deceasetl, notice is nereoy. given C. B. Webb. J. S. Troutman. T. J. Rab. Sax Fbaxcisco, July 31 earthqtiake shock here at Lalfpast - 7 o'clock j particulars of the affair were received yesterday luorninj. no damage was done. Itching, burning, scaiv and crnstv TVhy undergo terrible sufierinjs and Iscalps of infants cleansed and healed. endamrer vour life when you can he I and aniet s'een restored bv Johnson's cured by Japanese Pile Cure; .guar an- Oriental Soap. Sold at Edwirj Cuthrell's, corn 40e ; oats 2Sc ; pork 20.0Q; teed by Edwin Cnthrell, Salisbury, IS. U. I Siilishury, iN. (J. 1 lard 979- 1 ' ..11 rvarenns HAIflinrr 101 ms ajf ill 11KL BaiU Tavprnool tJotlon arm at, an auvaucc , io an " . of lto nouts with quotations for ! deceased to present hem to the under future steady Wheat dull and easier, t signed, duly authenticated for payment, in ture steiuv. . n .5 ... Karro thf iih rlav nf Julv. 1S94. - in -v -ii iiu r fiv i. i fin ill 111:111 v " ' - - - j t V w . - w . New York. Aug"51 cotton .y; jui wheat 71 Jc. , , , -l!hica-o. Grain market, steadier feel- in"- thau for several days; wheat 61c rio.-s .... . . i hU notice will be nieau in nar oi ineir re'oVery. And all persons indebted to said deceased are hereby notified to make mediate payment ol said indebtedness. mi WEBB, TROUTMAN & CO pRoprtii-rroRs Salisbury Marble Works. - LARGE VARIETY OF MARPLE ON HAND TO SELECT FEO - SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. ' ti,; ihe 24th dav of July, 1893. P. CjJLBEaTSOK, Ext'r. I U! t 1 i 1 1