':'.'. r ' ."'--: : ' ' '- " " :' 'xj A :'A'JSj ' . lytn--r x - " - - ' : f7rV- ' V - - , fill . '( p 1 . - - . . . 7 v- -- . J5MX25- ba.Jj:.':ag What IS ; : Cast6rlais Dr. Samtiel Pitcher prescription for Infants and Children It coutaina ncitlter Oiuni, Morjpulno nor other Xarcotic substance. It is a liuruiless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and 'Castor Oil. It if Pleasant. Its .guarantee is ; thirty years' use by Jlillions of Mothers. CastoriaJU the Children's Panacea --the aiothcr's Priend. Castoria. I reuomiaead i: us Aipcrior ton praecrfytion sxwn to uit"' H. A. AmcusM, 31. D., 1 II iw. OxorJ SC. BixioUya, 2i. T. .TTuyof 'CaHtoria'' in so universe nJ It bicriti. ho w c 11 known that it scorns a work of sup. rtTgaliun tj cmlorsttj it, I,riw are tho iiitelU-fut faaulits who lo not keep CatAori within cro' rmn h.'" Castoria. Castoria enrw Oolic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, DlarrbaBa, Etuc-atkm. Kill Woratw, iepi, tul proawtas 4t Without injurious medication. "Ftir aewrml years I have reconaaeBded jvjw Castoria, and shall always oontinua tc la so It has invariably produced beocfldA resuas. tXUt Street aad 7th A., Xew York City Tuk Cxxtacv Co0iST, 77 Kc&y Snaw, Nrw You Cm fffiGLISiP Cures all Femalo Complainta and Monthlj ifregularity, Leuwrrhcea or Whites, Pain in Uack or Sides, strengthens the feeble, builda up the whole system. It has cured thousand ftj)d will cure you.-Druggista have it. Scad tamp for boolc DU. J. P. tliOaGOOLE 4 CO LooIstII, Kr. ?H M E Save Paying Doctors' Bills $kt la a Senator's House. AClfaoN, 'Miss., July 29. Dr. George RoudcOutvh, of Canton, Wats shot in the parlor of the country mansion of State Senator John R. Cameron late on Thurs day night. The shooting was by the Sen ator son, 3Ialeclm. ItoudebusU and a Mish Priestly drove oat to Cauierou' to lH"nd the nihl, the fatuiliea being very intimate. The young men spent the afternoon quail shooting on the Cameron estate, and after supper at on the hrond ver- WASHINGTON LEITB. . 0 -f SQtriptTpmt the Uair pj it irs no IwpWtipwdkt cUiat raor1resularcorrsipaeVt; wi.Fjh FHUrWUS 5W-.HU:4tMJeciiau.fiiI .UiCttvotutioir ;ASHiNOToD.UgusM,189: has nover wit- -. JSpeik inp , bas Deep were siacr xu ycuoior ,w?sseu, arm tom that-timefueli fel iToHdiy, a.l it i not proVahle tit te. wHh tbe chairinansliips for maify jlowsHVGW Uig?,wUl wanfto crawl will' at any Uweduruillie'i ctjmt a hole and pulllhe riiole iu iftn to do a Carrier wek work tluuit hat nd the are thoroughly competent to Uhm. - ; r Fakher. whlcli has Jbeeii imposed ttpoti hira11 theIU wil crxlitto tkemsehes aitd . ;- ... Thtwtlhiuji that ajwiuepairy. - I 1 Vireinia Pcmnlhtt.: IvxciiRTi, Ang.d. The populisU of Virginia met here in State e)nvei- si nee arrival. DJttiMcrattc meraber of.ihe House wis'rs to .do after his urrTval is to have a iit'leprivate conutrSatMMi- wittt lue Speaker alottt lus cniuraittee asign uients, etc. Mr. Crisp does not shrink A Poor "Gold Bug' in the Hands of a I am a plain eoimtry f irmer, with uo great Nttmtint of learning, hat I al- . "hi f rout, thee conferences; -an tLe con-1 Ways thought I understood the s rrarj, he has. caused it to Ue Known jlish language, and when'ynuVsay' that that lie vis:ies every Democratic Kep rweutalive to call ou him and make the Democratic platform does not mean free coinage of stiver, and when known his committee preference, in'yuur oorrespoudtMit, "Gold Bug",'1 who order that he may, as far as possible, j Seems to have a uionujoIy of Sense1 sfjye them the coiiimtttee asigumenls ! says it cannot be done, I hardly know they desie. The cemmittee might have b-eu announced prxt week, ex cvpfcfor this desire on, the part of Mr. Crisp to meet the wishes oT the mem Ijers. It will, the Speaker thinks, take about two weeks after all the mem bers arrive to get the committees satis factorily made up. Trea-ury officials are pleased to see gold again coming into instead of go ing out of the Treasury. The reserve fund c-rawled oer the 100,000,000 mark this week fur' the first, time in many weeks and it is still increasing. AVhHe it is not probable that the fi nancial question will be submitted to a Democratic caucus of either Itpresu tativet r Seuators, Democrats almost without except ioa express them- will be reachetl after a little time upon a financial bill that will receive the ti e house. At 11 o'clock Mis Priestly retired. Voting Cameron also retired soon, leaving ltoudebimh to asUt Miss Cameron in closing the parlorbiiuds. In a lew miuuics the entire household was aroused bv three pistol shots fired in rrapid succession, and rushing to the par- what to think. Now the' platform, after denouncing the Sherman act as a cowardly makeshift, says: "We hold to the use of both gold and silver as the standard money of the country and to the coinage of gold and silver without discrimiii.tion against either metal or charge for mintage." If this is not a declaration for a double "standard," and the same coinsgo for both metals, in the name of Noah Webster and Lindley Murray what V., tion to-day. Nearly 500 deln:atei. chiefly from the rural districts, were in attendance, ithd, queerly enough, there Wiis hot a negro imonV them all. Among the visiting statesmen wen Jerry Simpson, 'from Kansas, and Con Kressnian IVhee, from Colorado. Jefry Simpson" spoke to a mass meeting lait night aud Pence to-day addressed the convention. In the course of his speech he bitterly assailed Mr. Clevelaud and Secretary Carlisle, quotUig from a speech the Utfor de livered some years ago in strong de nunciation of "the financial jadicy t.. which he seems now committed. Pence's speech created much enthusi asm. ' ' The convention was "permanent ty orgar'.zed liy the election of iAt.r ltob t:l Deverly, of Fitq tier, as chairm in, with the usual complement of subor- mm? ii.- csiiver is now, and has been. Mnce dinate officers. C. H. Pierson, of Car lo 8 discriminated against, nnd the nil platlorm says there must he iiO udis crimination," and when tnis is done, what' have you bu Tre coinage? And then "the dollar of either will be a good as the ...nr of the- other," and Sun at Richmond, was made chairman of the committee on resolutions. The followiug nominations were made unanimous: For Governor, E. R. Cocke, of Cumberland: for Lieutenant women; Detroit Free Presa ) Tliere are womio h arc comely. There But bten'fful how thflntr Ihi,,., . M, t ihtre are woruea who are healthy Tlitre are women wlm u.-n.iti.i- There ara rompo who will alwavs hive tlwir y. There are women who are truthful. There are woinrn kIim. -.,..ti.r..i Was there eref any woutau that wm old? there are women who are saintrd. Here are women w Oo are laiuted. There are women who are worth thi ir weight ia gold. There are women who aretnler. There are wwiuen who ar .d n leri - here are worn mi arc who are verv Urn aid fat anj red; ' There are women whoare married, There are women who hnvc tarried. There are women who are Ulklim but they're dead. selves as believing that au agreement if it is ho', che platform says t mu-t Governor, J. Krail lievrly, of Far- be rad i so. But as a matter of fact tile S.ilVer dull.ir with tlia isirirmii:i- aiiiia ciiattitig to aiiss rnestiv auu iujss . . - ,, ., -.. i . Virgie Cao.cron, the pretty dituhter uf 8UPIWrt 0i PractlCjl,,y ail ,,C t,w Vmo- , on against it, is now as good as a gold era ts in both House and sen tie, : I he existence of that belief ad.o nute rially to the probability o. sucii -in agreement, being reaf'ted. Secretary Car'ljirj and President lor foimd itoudelaish lytn in a of ' Clevrlatid Vir 'AX never to k t he I line UliWU. IVU!I V. it IUIM Mil CIUuUJIj fIUUK' I ing pistol iu hand. Jlis sister was plead- I d -llar in, purchasing power or iutriu ic or exchangeable value," Ijcside be ing j'1-efcr.tbSe as a niediuiu of ex Cil. nge. It' your correspondent, "G!d Hug' quier; for AttiVney General, Gin. Wil- Han S. Gravely, of Uenry. A fund was raised for the purpose of defraying I he expenses of a vigorous campaign. The platform, adopted as reported, was written by Editor Pierson, who is necirteiiiv rne ablest man m the party. s .11 r.innn ntiiii. '3 ULUUU DAufl THE GREAT Ft EM ED Y - FOR ALL BLOOD AND SKIS DISEASES - Hik hceu ttoroupi.ly tested by em- lmm pliTsh-uaw wl tte pple for Vi yeara, nd Ufrr ftUu to cm o mJckij uijd poi luitjitly SCROFULA. - ULCERS. - ECZE. RHEUMATISM. PIMPLES. ERUPTIONS. .r.,1 ,.11 iiianmT of FATING. SPBKADISQ aod l.i'VMKfJ KdliM luvariabl curen tit Uufi la-.ltiiiiw t!lujjl UtM-nt if 6iiwlHa urn fl- f wbi by (t'unicloU, V. SEHT FREE tv c ELC00 8ALM CO., Atlanta, 6a. ug pistol in naml. Ills sister was ing with him to sliooi io moie. Cameron offered uo explanation, but ordered the negro to hitch up tin wagon and "hau1 tho daiuued dog to town." ' This was done, tho .wounded ronn ur-1 riving in Canton about dayligb on Fri- dav. lie said Cameron shot ri. Inn: lie would die with the secret . f the cause unspoken. Canierou 'yo said to have declared a he woli'j never tell why he shot. , - " . Roudehu. is the son of a leading Prewhvtciifta. minister. He U said to fend f; Itongiit ujo i the 4iuier- ous mi". dtatemeuts which have been ttiae,. during the last few daysiconc -ruing their relations tovvard each other, because tliey kuev that the authors of these r.diculous stories would all be hunting for holes to crawl into iu a short time, as they'actually did when the official anuotuicetu-nt was made, several d iys ago, tint Secretary Car- have told nis father: "I went with Miss lisle had gone to Gray Gables to assi.-t Camr-rfirtiu dose the parlor windows j l,es Jetit Cleveland in preparing his placea my arm arouml her waist and i J 1 . k Red her, and about lh-it time Cameron message to Congress. 1 he li. vil at ion His wouud is tor this visit was exteadnd and aceepti till h flVi-l :l iirl issuing the WANTED. A IJi liali!' Person in EveryJTown to take (he Exclusive Agency r . of the ' ''World's Columbian Expo sition Illustrated," ! AUTHENTIC ORGAN OF THE FAIR. kST.BUUEl 1S1MI. s Great. Opportunity to Make Money far the Next Year. snot ine three times, mortal. Jackso.v, Miss., July SO. Dr. George Uoudebush, who was shot near Canton I left Washington, after .... u.. i... t .i....f. i .....-... I on i uiii?wjy nmiiL uv iiiai."uiui v-itmoi uii, I, m ,. . - iii died this morning. Cameron is out uu- j CilU for t'e.tra session, which shows der a 10,t)00 bond. I how much those fellows know who Why Southern Oirli Are So Popular- Uve been giving the public in detail 1 here s a vast difference in rxoil nern , . . .. and Southern girls. Did )ou ever stop to coisider it? Southern girls are so much more attractive to men than we are. I don't just 'understand wh it is. Hat every once iu a while some Luui--vil'e or Memphis or Virginia gill comes up here aW fainy walks away with every eligible m ill she meets. j She is usually prettier, but rarely aa stylish as her Northern sister. The former cares more for'pretliuess than style, though; and wears more and thosi, wiro .gree' v it h him could li 'V:is brought up from it'oamoiid iu have their way, and demonetize silver printed strips. It declares (1) for free aud make gold the only "standard" coinage at the ratio of t3 to 1. (2) a would not all the silver ami paper mou- national currency issued by the general : ...... .1 I s. ii i . I i i i i i i i i i e isj-uru tiave io ie oaseu on the re- government ana uistnouieu uirectiy to deem ible in gold? And world not the people on the security of their this wipe out alnait half the money of property. (3) the. imposition of a rig the country which is too scarce by half id income tax and (4) a reform of the now? And would not the purchasing tar.ff aud internal revenue laws. It power of gold b? dou!dd, and the val- alo denounces the present election tie or rami products and all other laws of the btate as partisan and de- projierty be correspondingly decreased? I mauds their repeal and the subst tu And would not this bring ruin and I tiou of a uon-p irtisan law. widespread disaster ou the country?! The preamble to the platform severe And t'oes any sane mm believe that ly arraigns President Cleveland, "who the people of this country will look was elected for tqe express purpose of idly on and allow this great crime per- J relieving the people from the robber pelrated? God forbid! ies ot the McKuiley tariff, but who The silly argument that the fref calls Cougress, not to reeal the robber coinage of silver would enriwdi the own-tariff, but to con.su ih mate the fraud of ers of silver miues is a "dog in the 1 187'J, which demonetized silver manger " spirit, and about as sensible .. . . . as tne ieiiow inat "cut oil his nose to AttlDEHTALDEAlH Caused by Carelccsncca. The majoritr of peapls die sonwr Oast they ahould. Evidence of tail fact hi fxv ing daily. Waring aaji :,. "Dim ia aet conaeouenc of Jile it is doe In lUMlajil coaditiotu of kricr-r-neflect, shasa, vasx. Dr. Stephen Smith, on tho mum -ajitjajiV M Man ia born to health aad long LU; dS easa is ' nnnatoral, death, except frosa 14 age, ia accidental and both arc pmac3iL2t by human agenciea.' 1 This b absoct iBTaai abty troa of death mtntiog fron heart ease. Careless OTtr-eserUoo, intmrnriis nae of tea, coffee, tobacco, alcoholic or otim atimulaafs are geoerally the caniag tf tlii difBcnlty, and iodifTereBce to Ita progress te cults ia sudden death, or loog ii irwisi sad lag ia death. By the oeaipapars it cam be seen that nany prominent ana hondreas S penons in pmata life dia freaaeaiidja ease every day. if you aava any of the foUovtaj tended retirement fiom the cabinet, be cause of the President's failure to con sult him about Ins message to Congress, pte his face. iiett r enrich a tew "i ii ii stiver uiiiie owners ana oeneni tne I ri. c. i. i : i K.. 4..i. i . . iii i l ilie ursi ouiue?js io uc vua.eu up oy One Chance in a Liine.ii.ie. - dainty bows and bangles and gewgaws , J llie KTCIl.tvf, iii-i n in un uaic fc" nac Moral: Get your news from Democrat ic souro-s if you want it to be straight. President Cleveland and Secretaries Carlisle and Lamont will return to Washington together. , The other members of the cabinet, with the ex ception of Secretary Herbert, are at their desks, and he will return between this aud Monday. aud her Southern simply delicmu's. ib-r manners are charming but nuher gushing, never coldly couven- .Kaelose 15 cents iu stamps for Sam ple copy and 'full particulars. J. B. CAMPBELL, Pres., 169 Adams St-, Cnicago, HI.-, o o o oo o o o o gTuf f s Tiny FiBisg t el..hould boavulcl;lt weaken their "Zr .of l"?Jo:.5?atl?JFr4Z 1 lioual nr inditfeieut. as ours often are. And she does make auch a fuss over men. She exerts herself to please tbsiii V.irr.horn crirl wnnlil in lift' i n " ti j any tune n reorganizing, that having trme. . It isn t exactly good form, we 3 ,. , . r r ,fe ,4. . ,, . . been tttcouplished at the Mtrch extra think, but shedoesn t know that, audi . .. . . , . - I m. ........ all I I I. A A.nlajluil Vuiiiiimi e u l'l I J t k.U ' wCSalUII, will ire mic whicjicu ucnaiui I if she did, she wouldnt care, for "the , . . . . . . boys like it, and hervoice isso soft, ' . a , pruuunciatiou ts j I ators OLIrcr PUU are prepared with apeciaJ a flews to the permanent cure of J OCOSTTVENESS and HEADACHE. They are mild and remain in th yafj tem until they act on the liver, eavuM . a natural How ox bUe and tlieir sonie , 0 mtum now ok uuesnu itcir wmw f proiiertlea impart power io tne bow est lull IVlee, tSo. Office, 39 fork Place, N. Y. ell to .tloua. remove uniieaJtliy aeeamnia Oioua. uoud sppexiie ana aieaitua v result from the use of tbese little piUa. J appetite and die e use of these llttl ace, 39 fork Piaoi O O O O O O O OO O .0 - JOHNSON'S IVIACfJSTIC OIL! IntUnt KUlerot Pain. Internal and External. Cures KilKUMATISM, NEUaAIo Gl, Liuao BncK, Kpnanx.uruisea. t lxiwi tr.tnTttiv. cholera Mor- hWih.w .T.n li..M..ri(L Koro Throat. THE HORSE BRAND, Uiemowt Powerful Rad PenetmtinRlJniiiientfor Man or litatt in t riti;iice. Lar $1 biza 75c boc ie 40c JOHNSON'S ORIENTAL SOAP. MoUicated anl ToUet. The Great Skin Cur and aca Beeutirier. ' Ladies will find it e mot deiioDt ud highly perfumed Toilet 8oep on llwDiHiket. lt!4 absolutely pure. Mikes the .oft and velvety ami restwea tho M cOm rleiion; l a luxury for tho Bath ior Infanta, t alays ltchine, cteanues tho ra.lp and proOBOtOS Uxuyrowthot luiir. l'rice Zc For sale hy EDWIN CUTHRELL, Salisuury, N. C - - LADIES " eedlag a tonic, or children who want tralld. in? up, should take BROWN'S IRON BITTERS. iheiii aud lays herself out to becharm iu; to every man that comes along, be he oid or young, rich or poor, married or unmarried. -And they all swear by the Southern iil. Prom grandpa down to the beardless boy she captures all the mas culine hearts. Her Southern blood gives her a spontaneous enjoyment of things, quick appreciation aud ready laughter that refreshes a man because it's j ist what he loves to find, in a wtiuan. lbtston, (Mass.) Woman's Journal. - PoVGHKEEPSIE, N. Y., Allg. 2. Levi P. Morton's immense new barn at Itliinebeck, the chicken houses and out buildings, together with' 100 head of Guernsey' cows and atT the farm horses were destroyed by fire this morning The loss is over $200,000. t U pleaant; cures Malaria, Indijfestion, r)ifdrn CrV for Pitcher's rSt0rl3a BuitfUKuess, Uver Complaiats and Keiira)sia. ,l,,ul t-vl 1 ! ' . , .VT. - - e I. ortu western emocrattc Sen- will be called early next week to discuss these cases and arrange a party program. A half million of dollars is to be spent, it is said, by a lobby in endeav oring to secure the repeal ot the Geary Chinese law, aud those who thrive in that sort of business are anticipating living iu clover, although it is not ex pected that anything will be done un til after the opening of the regular session. Although Secretary Gresham de clines to discuss the matt r at all, there are reasons for the belief that President Cleveland will yery shortly send a special message to the Senate with a new treaty with Hawaii. Fui ther thau that the new treaty will not provide for annexation little is known, but it is thought that in return for certain trade privileges it will guaran tee th protection of the government of Hawaii from forejgn interferences. Speaker Crisp declines to discuss the1 statement made here this weejc that Representative Wilson, of West rir giuia, has been tendered and had accep ted the chairmanship' of the Htaise W ys and Means committee, aud Rep s r . - - . V v a,- The Miners Coming East Topeka. Kas., August 4. The exo- i t i l.. t: tills tn VOioraao iniiieis luuiiiiurn country, than to enrich a few bond- through Kansas, proving a heavy bur holders nd ruiu it. I can very easily deu t western farmers and a source of see arttusou for millionaires and bond- ,.M.,r. ..m.iov.incH to the rail road . holders opposing silver aud wanting The tramp trains on several ro.ids the single gold standard. A man that carry from 200 to 400 each d;iy going has millions of money does not want t au(j the regular train are still be- it in as heavy and cumbrous a mateii- .ie.,ej by idle aud destitute miners who al as silyer, and nobody can bhiuie ure Jetriuiiiel to get out of the coun- him, and about $1,450,000,000 in try. Juited States bonds . will be due in The crowds are so great in Denver lOi-3. These bonds are payable not in jnat class passenger trains tre- gold, but inl4coin,' and if these bond- I quently back awaiy fwm the depot holders can wipe out silver aud make I aUjen run through the station at goil the only standard, it will be a bo- j au speed in order to prevent men from nanxit for them, if it does ruin the iUDipin'on. country and luinkrupt the government I The trains that refuse to stop are as it will about double the value peJted with rocks and clubs. their bonds.. It is plainly to be seen In 40me instances trains are accom- why these men waut this done. It is pm,y through Kansas by guards of human nature it is the greed - for solders to avoid any interference with gold. But for a comparatively poor jmlar travel by these flying laborers. man a-v.Gold Bug" says he is, to want j iM.e Kansas farmers are f-ediug it is ouebfthe mysteries.. A gold-bug them along tlie route whenever they without any gold is certainfy au anom- are Hbe , a, j,0 and niauyf of them alous being, aud we can only wonder.j aVC accepted work on the farms and imagine tkut it ia more pleasant or profitable for such nieu to flatter and boot-lick millionaires tnan to fa vor the welfare of the people and tlie country. Now if the Democratic platform is not a mere play upon words to deceive the people, but ueans what it says and what the people understood it tonieau, it mens the free or same coinage "of silver as well as gdd the double stao dard the reduction of the tariff to a revenue basis and the repeal of the tax FEET THAT FOLLOW. One mom. ag through the drifted snow, In aelSfh bit.le I matte wjr.wut. . "I'apa. I'm walking ia vuur tepi," 1 heard a voice behiud me sur And turned tu see mr little lad Come hurrviog oa with eager feet, Eeh footstep to the utmost stretched, The measure of my own to meet. d'm walking in your, step papa!" The words still hauut me tiny by day: What if some heedless step of mine Should lead the little feet astray? What if, as on we fare, I drop An idle oath, a carele? jest. Who knows what fruit the seed g'iall hear, Thus planted in that childith breast? What if the path I take should lrad Iu ways with doubt aud error rite, And, following in my devious cuurse. Hi feet should nun the putii of life ? O, little lad. whose untried feet So trustfully- are following mine,' God help me closer', for Thy ake, To follow iu the sttps divine? Mar.V Jit Stciyht. An Awful Crime Avenged. Colcmbia, July 31. A triple lynching hns occured in Lexiugton county. Monday night, July 24th MrsSightler, the wiL- of a white fur xaer, was outrayjd. Suspicion pjinted to Will Thompsou, colon-J. who Lai dec.uapvd aud Han i Koiglcr, color-.-d. Handy was taught and narrowly esc aped im mediate lynching. Thompson to.A to the swamps aud was not caught until Saturday afternoon. He was taken to O.istou station, one mile from where the uti;i2e oocurrcd.nrriv iug there Sunday morning. He was given a terriLte beatii.g on his bare back with buggy straps and then hanged to an oak tree, where aoo shots were hred into him. The rop was cut by a bullet but he w.i again tied up aud his body lefthaugiug iu view of all passing c.u the South-hound Railroad. Thompson's story was that Tom Fo.-ter and Handy Keigler, negroes, parliciated iu the riiue. When the noose was on his neck and he was half dead he reiterated this story. Keigler had been ient to jail for safe keeping, bster was captured shortly afirr Thompsou leath, about eiirht miles Iroiu uaston. lie was taken to Gaston, beaten aud hanged to the same inib with Thompson and almost shot to pieces fullv 500 "hots being fired into him. The rowd thru weut to Lexiugtoii j iil where Keigler was. He was not there by igal com mitment and the sheriff released Lim to the tarties who placed him there. He was then ta ken toward Gaston. A special from Swansea fays that Keigler was hanged to the same tree as the other two this morning at C:'J0. No con fession could be extorted either Iroin him or Foster, his alleged accomplice. a a a . a a tome: inortncts w DreatB, paipossxp vtar poise. taiatlnf-aiHl staoyierie pain in shoaUler. aide, or arm. s ankles, atcn begin trtatmexit iwwtcialiryfet nean tuscaae. ii jou uciay, tM eons2CSi may ba serioua. For over 20 yeara Dr. Fraasiia 1211a the eminent specialist, has made a proJbmssi study of heart diseese, its eaaast bm ct and many of the leading discoveries ia thee direction are doe to bran. lib New Uses Cure is absolutely the only reliaUe rtCBd for the core of heart disease, aa is pxerssl by thousands of testimonials from gaatefsS persons who have osed it James A. rain, editor of tbs Carry, r , . states: aner an spfareni rseovsrt months of la sriptx. 1 ftU ou ths sii Phurtiditi Aetem: A railroaa man Vei named George Hall, who formerly lived in Charlotte, met with an awful death iu the railroad yard iu Atlanta yesterday. He did as somiy men do - . .... .,. stood iu the middle oi tlie tracK ana waited for the approach of a switch engine, which he wanted to ride. When tl. online cot uear enough Mr. Hall attempted to step upoii the front step but missed hU footing, and fell with a his neck across the rail. ine engine ou State banks. If the party carries riok bestoprrd, and passed over m.: out these measures, its tney nave power to do, a new eiaof prosperity hitn, cutting his head clear off his body. It is said by railroaders who saw the will dawn on the country, the people j norrible spectacle thai 'Hall's bead roll- ;.-'" ft a .at . """' a will be. satisfied, aud will keep me par- down. mi embankment several teet ly i"' po,re.r. Dutif they prove traitor- auj hia body jtiuined pp and, rap. abou yqs (o liiejj p.rony ses and to the pec- fiteeR f e?tt spIous from bean Stseasa. Ia oaa that time I was unable to walk aea and mr uuIm beat from SStolUtiaiasa l men ussa ur. hum- un vara, ssm ea once became stroncar. After nslnc atsvottleif was able to work as usual and wait a taUe Tsrs day, my puse ranglar from si to BO. Dr. lines remedy ! not only a nrerenUT butaemre. Dr. Miles'. New Heart Core is sold by an dme risU on a positive guarantee, or by Dr. Maes Medical Co.. Elkhart. Imt, on reeelpt ef prise. U per bottle, six for $5, express prepaid. It la poaV tiTcly free from opiates or dsncaroae draes. Dt, Wiles Pills, cents. lbookaeasjMaet by maiL - The Southern Home Compaaior Elizabeth Lyle Saxou, in her War Time llemiaisceuces in the August Dum ber of The Southern ieme Cheapen te, writes of Privations and Ingenious Makeshifts telling how broadcloth shoes, fashionable bonnets, etc., were made at home. Dr. Amie M, Hale contribute an i itere.t inland instructive World's Fair Letter- Martha Hotncbottv. editor of the Home-Making Department, xlvea prac tical nistruciiou for cauning and ft"ttr ying the fruits of the eaaon; aic . pultiue up wine, made from either wild or cultivated Kapea: so that it will k.-i.p the year rouud without ferinentln, toue making at slight expense delightful beverage of great value iu the sick room, having all the healthful properties of wine-without the power to intoxicate There is also the usual variety of Inter eating stories and charming . poems, by the best authors. Tcu ceuta a number, $1.00 a year. The Companion r lyj Com mon street, N'ew Orleawa, The Iteeeloet Stampede of Foreigners. Pelulo, Cal., Aug. 3. During the past two weeks the departure of Aus trian and Italians from l'eublo for their native land ha almo.-t reached the extent of a stampede. The rush liegan soon after the batiks closed their doors, iu one of which a consid erable number of these people had their savings. Those who took out their mouey decided to redeposit it later, but the bunks refused to open accounts with them. The lea ling foreigners then hel l a meeting and decided that there was a conspiracy to defraud them out of their money; that Americans would no longer employ them and the only thing for them to do was to return home. This was quickly acted upon and within the next few days the steamship officers sold 340 tickets for Naples and Leipsic. To-night an other partv of sixteen men and nine families will leave and others will fol low as q iickly as they can dispose of thir proerty and settle up their af fairs. They are not piupers and take with them au average of $100 per fain- y. tTddrw Cry for fitcher's Castor! Confederate Veteraua Postponed. New Orleans, Aug.2j Geu. J. EL Gordon, com ma ndi ng the Un i ted Con federate Veteran, has issued an order iii which he aays: The general coiufti inding regrets the necessity which compete another date for holding the United Uorl feder ate Veteran Reunion, whitli was to have been held at Birmingham, Ah.., on September 13th aud 10th uexL But finding-it to be imperative that a slight change should be made, so as to per feet all arrangements and accommo date all interests, he has after full con sultation and all concurring, fixed the date for holding the reuuiou at Birm ingham, Ala., on M mday and Tues day, Octoder 21 and 3d, and the un veiling of the Confederate monument at Chicago on Saturday, October Tth. This is final and no other changto postponement will be made. 'J'occoa, Ga., Anguat 2. Mr. Will iam Harville, of Atlanta, was tht vic tims of a very serious accident at the furniture factory this morning. He was standing on some bed stock sewing a belt. Mr.Harville reached up to drasr the belt hack, when his shirt sleeve caught in the shafting, which drew him up, passing him around with the shafting for a minute. As soon as the a ana .as machinery could be stoppea ue whs taken down aud medical aid summon ed. Dr. Jeff Davis responded, and found the unfoituuate man very-badlj bruised and broken up. He died at noan to-day Troy, N. V., August 4. About o'clock last night, a pleasure party. of Like Getrge4 met with a terrible casualty? The steam yacht, Kacbel ran upon a sunken pier, and before as sistance arrived from the shore, it sanV with all on board.

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