, .,. To Test Thermometer. : T " .' iili i - tvrilint nointi DHDK Water w o r ; . warm tu tnermowjvcr T5-M .. iT -I'll rwa tnn tram r rMi mru : of 212 aeerees'lHe instru mentis a fetfod .one. , ., :( , ,r .. . .;. ; Th Surface Hill Gold Mine Deputy Sberiif Johnston was Mvn the SurfaclHill tiM niiiie. ;.t- .; t, fiti'dina lot of pretty nojiu-; w - - iugKch4, itndthebrtccmtmii -tn be Wry"ficH. Mr. Johhslotf thinks Hnat hdralic 'machinery tfouldpay , or. There areabotft fifty baudswof king thfcre an8 thef 3 getting welT paid forineir woric, uv- lhzfound tieafly adozen founds of Uj rtrMimis metal. t A "Queer Proposition. -How (fouliftw'o pcnsoiistnj lorn at ie fanie tvme and die at thewrtrtt lime Sit the enri-of fifty, veiCr," Mhd'yet'Oiie of them livxne hundred day's more kilefi of General Batorc. - Got. Fifbck, ofiTkfiUM, is at tat point of iA Wi rfrock U .cil mine near WlkeUrrr YoVrtaT Have ill the slars in V nail kefe'fcUMK'the'Jcean on - a Tail t dry, put the sky in a' trd'tovsoak, uii Euckle'thetiellTbaml 'of eternity and m T r ' I 1,..- letoot theKUii ana moontmit delude yi.elf the idrrflUat you firiift. tMee on tltmher side of pnrjjatirv unryou pay;the prin- 3. The 4 GENEEAL HE v7S. . In a quarrel with UU wife, near YanWeTt,0 TUuttddy FUSlt LjCujfUlic shot 'Mr dead. v ( Atlasia, Ga. Augusta noted case'of Ported flt&k, con vici ed of the Wrderot Agiheus 'Woii kine tdnJ end to-day Jwneu " Stock wa4 sVnWhced to "fire J,eara ;n ; the TOnilentiary. bemurder wa"com- !... kit Vllir' JThe i.ict that mitUHi "March' aSth lsfe young rie'a werlof prominent families arid the'case has atfracfexl riiucV nfore attention fiiau'usuat on thii;couht Pjwvidexce, July 26 v-The teara r Iferkahlre of the Vnmdeuce, Norf olk and Baltimore line" encountered a hrity nw8torm early tfew 'iWruiug off the Long Islaud coast', lier decks Were corered, and the storm was no f thick thatslie was lorcen to lay io uu Unsiverlurns upon; the fatnilwr: rnaAi wlib iioeUrou'nd the . r . f. . i vuick uiatsiie was iwiw .vorld lowiA-U the we uj , ; . . ;r f.uht ij.n .va it was AvhHe fhrferson wfro UrAVelS in" theT 'mt fnkuUte exnriicts Opposite direction $aW a jLiy. 1 he fajfa&i tf 1ong service in We will siipno wen, iu these wulr. ' ' men in aueVtfon 'wenT born at the V . tLt i,t'.Dubli, from whence i f Gastosia, Augnst 4.- Dutres- kme in alw toward tl.e 'it, oth E F Jones, pwUir pt the Gustonia Bap ......i n loses a'daveVetr tut church. A nlemljer obu coreK- 1 l out iiui me man iicb nwiv , , , . . , . . . , . - t ,,,?: thougbttobeof incendtaiv origin. It n ts afraid to co down until he had . , . -. 9 . . ? !; ' ' "ad that a gentleman staying at Black lined the tiuality of the air at , J , . . . inicu me j . wejj kpr, fca( ln the depot a trunl depot lib lev qowii i'S Umituiniiw 3 000 rnHb ,f ftumnml -w o - "i jaiwdermiil at ?.Sonth Acton: ilisi iexphidreli " Saturday, 'install tl? kiltiiig U iliiam Bridge a 'workman. " . ---- - .. i .. f l , ; The opinion is unanimous that1 the World's Fair: will be bperieJ every day in the week until it closes in' October. Collectiir Elias has. Hjipoiuted iW.H. Matheau,ol'.,Taylor5iville, braudy gaiif ;er at salary -of ,d "a, day aiid ex- uenses. . .--w.. ; , - - Gov. BoiVe, of Iowa,: say- that at he-expiration of his present 1 term ot office he is dune with' jKilitics and-oflice hnhliinr o iiudleahd loWered it open into the dt. xouis, iuo August o. a uia- rell. Havlhglet'itfeo'nearlyto the ptch from St Charles, Mo., dutrd 1 otton hedrew it up, earned it a few clock, a. ni says:, pet from the well and up?et it. He. The sheriff ha just sworn in twenty .. . i ' I &ian. visitini in the mountains writes Sear, the othergains aroyr " " ,7 - . vx ' Mf satu tiftv Years of that on Fnda; a telegram went to Mr, !i liru aiv fv- . v - '" .I 1 ra one liaV Ke'en" one hund red moie rT "Js . - and killed in hi pulpit in Dixon Bal A HoTelM'etHodof6ettin Foia Air lio other pariculars are. OutofaWelb . . . . i ' i i l 1 Ashvillb, August 4. A special to isaa curouS -r UheCVto from Marshall says the Uich osner aay i u ... .u u tnoiid ft-Dao?ille.drMt at Alexander air out of a wel . The well was to be , , , ir uui.uL wen. was hurned last night. The fire was tileaueu OUl iiui me uimi iuvr ... , . . . ticrtiiru uuv .Uhouijbttobeof incendiaiv orisiiu. It is oo was ascertained the bottom. candle, and wnen n uesueuuu nd othcr Tttluahles.This is the econd U feet of the bottom it weiu out a tiine the depot at lhis place, ,J!W beell Suddenly as thoi.-h exhnguhed by buTnetl. Only a few nights ago the whiff of air. he -Uffice -t Alexumlr wrobl of to know. He a then sure that he sjreral hundred dolIar hl cash aud Avell had poisoned gas in it, and took a !4tanjp small umbrella, fled a'strhiff to the 4i..idlhilWpred it oieii into the St. Lous, Mo August 5. A dU- bottO feet from the well and up?et reoeated this boei'atibn 20 or 30 time-1fiy,J deputies to assist in protecting the with all the bystanders laughing at negro, John Dieckmau, who, a few bim, then again lowered the ' light, days ago eloped with a uhite girl and which burn'ed4 clear aild bripht even at wascaptured in St Louis and ufter thebottoiii:'i He,lhf-ii',co4)descended to ward brought here, explain that tlfe giTs in J he well wa The st reets are filial with H,opK Carbonic acid gas, which is heavier-thai: awd the negro will irobably be lynch er, and therelore could be brought up Mow rmng. in an umbrella just as though it were Raxdleuan, N. ft, Aug. 2. Ezeki- so much water. It is a simple: trick, el Stewart, Oscar Lassiter and Eliza- yet perfectly effective. bt. Louibetb Owen were lodged in jail at Avhe- piobe fkai&crut. s boro, N. 0. last night for the alleged I murder of Komnlus Owen, at Cedar President ClevelndT' brother,, .pas- Grove, this county, about the first week tor of the Presbytetiau church of in April. 'There were two investiga- Uhaumont, Jeffersoii county, N.', Y., tions,by the coroner, whose jury reo "does not renemble 'the President. He dered a verdict that the deceased came 1s of much lighter build and almost! to his death by the above named parties ttpare in figure. AiTeasy, cherry ex-J without stating the means by which presiion and lightvoice' further add to I the same was accomplished. It is the he dissimilarity; ' ' u' prevailing opinion, however, in that section that he ws hanged in his Hoke Smith wasbauged iu effigy at noke houe, though it is not positive- Rome, 0h!6, fa.st Siiturdav niuht be-My known. fiiiuse a uumber'of the nensinn in that comniiu-nlry had been suspended How tliia man farms. A Harp- anioog thehi JL: Reed83 years old, er counlJ turner wuo expects io h08e pei.sicm was his only support" aow-2 300 o! wheui tbU tal1 ha and who wetlcrazy whWtt was cut ct t work a mammoth steam plow. It off. Tte crowd tbougbt 6f hanging has six 10 inch plows, turns a slip eight the Presientdiri etStfV-als6 but con- ft wide at one parage, requires only eluded not to. - -v two men to operte it and will plow thir ty acres a day It is proposed to employ Many men think that newsnaner two ,cts 04 unda d keep it ruuubg , . ii-i.t.- raeu are prtirtsUntlunhers. By the UJ na mKUI Vrav of r.nmharion" ht'ii" cumuwo ..' farmer raises ouVthousand bushels of , Thc Ii?d;wtrJ Enterprise says that a Vheat a vear: and Veli fhU tinier living near that place wag much J J . vr vu Congressman Johnson, of Ohio, wilt introduce a bill in Congress1 pro vidin tor the deposit of United States brands; with the Treasury by holders thereof.' who are to receive their fac value in a 4- -.-. .4,-1 i t-jr r l.-. . i . currency. They; may he. redeeinl a any time, out penning 4tneir reuerap- tion me government. u uotfw pay any intertet.:"-!-: -J. ;;Ji;;;i 'i:' A petition has-been y unanimously signed hy the, Ininess men of Win ston ; N. C! ski n g for the repeal of the ShermanJilyer law at the' extra sjaon of ' Cmgress and i the apv?i ti t- ment or an expert com;nnsiontr iocou sider a scienlifiii ul-in of chneu-'y. CURES SCROFULA thousand rierinlaH WrU of the "T"8 V?'m hU W "fcountry, a'gteat parTbf them saying, Mfl "Ierf ,B" T . he .WHS TerJ I will hand you a 'dollar in ashort 8QPrtltloua he thought it a bad omen, lime." The farmer doe -not t ln but fifullJ declded was looking be smalt, and says all Vight Soon the Me who atiTerti:4ed' 80 he could S 0 6ne thousand buslieis are gone, but be ne "ore 01 10386 WDq a,d not5lTertls :bas nothing to lw-for it, and then PwuU wcb wh.ew ue wou,d M he realizes that hela4 fooled away his T war-u"tngron nawkeye. n thLnA a, AanVberurthnnicYl never ou!ntlvlii.am'..iwM.iM J.. ; Hetohaveffen the appearatce o 'hisbusine .Wdtets, A.hfnr. K mnga political- opponent, and :.Wnghim oue dbllarrtreat il? as a rVP small m:it.r unAhi ii t y tor ex-becretary of the Treasury . .ln mtTrU itnxA..- i twternd Gov. Mckinley, who some W in hn.l v,r iu ,1,. moulhs met wittf financial reverses. Z FosUr seems . to bare done i-r morc Uuil mnageJ W, Withou moments thought" will eonv nn- tinvl - . . . ? J "ituon 'A,. tK.t n Mulk. C. mucl1 ue overdrew hw bj.nk Ji , " vV T r t iD8 cconntf 135,000, which MUnt duuimig. Auowa Labor's tw nttju9 ,if . ..Tribune. ' - f one?al f. Felix Poole, a notorious character of Ohio couiit) , Ky, waa : lynched oil Tuesday nSulitj of last week for ati us- 'V... 1 ' ..I" I - '. .1.. .... sauitou jurss iorK, areu io. uuui h uiouu. uuo. - James lUynolds, aged 70 an iuma!e . " "... ' . V ' of the pourhouse at I'euiertuou H. j was killed Saturday by anotner in- mate Uhas. 11 u liter, colored. uo cause . . w .." ...- . f I . ., assigned. Crazed by the fear that her baby would die. vouiig Airs. Heurv Mvb ich of Buffalo, N. Y., cut tiit iuian throat. Tuesday night, and then cuihei - 1L .... ' " - own uiruuu , Falling through a tnip-loir into a s. 1 t -i-.t huge vat oi ooiiingsoap, at tier gatner soap factorv, Thursdav, Eugenia E. Kratzin, aged 14 ot Philaddphia, was scalded l o-ueatli. While brutally beating hit wife at YrkVPan Friday, William Washing ton, a newly married man, dropped dead from exhaustion. . Filling his mouth with powder at;d igniting a match, W. H. Irving, a Bos ton clothing salesman, blew his heat off at Chicago, Thursday Some unknown fiend entered the sleep ing room of Mrs. 11. J.Eellak, at E-1 beck, Ga., Saturday night and chopped her head off with an axe. John G. Connell, a .drunken white m m of Thomas county Ga., shot and killed Charle Jenkins, a v rthv and iuoUensive uero, lat Wttinesd.v. without provocation. O.-B. Wheeler, until lately a si;c cessful swi dler on the Vanderbilt estate, waa committed to jail in d- ault of a f2,000 bail for appearance at t h next term of the Criminal Court. Trestox,Mo, August 4. Joseph A Howell was executed by hanging --here to-day at 10 iclock for the murder ot Mrs. Nettie Hall 'and four children neai Brobkfield, Mo,mi January 10th last. A grenade exo!odd ou ixmrd h German armor clad steaiuer, Baden, a Kiel, last Thursday, killing lieutenants Oelsner and Yam batch and seven sea men, and wounding seventeen persons. Houston', Texas, August - 4. This morning at 10:32 Walter E. Shaw,lh. murderer of his mother and aunt. wa hanged in the court yard here in expia tion of the crime. He was coo to the lat moment, Tom Booker, an outlaw, who kilted Frank Wells, of Ala'iania, about two months ago, was shot and killed in Monroe couuty, Ala., last Wednesday by Uarryiley, deputy sheriff, while resisting arrest. Pleasant Chetwood, a white man of romiueut family, is tinder arret iu tutherford couuty for the murder o! wo men in Alabama, his home. II fled to Rutherford, his wite's home- Governor Carr ordered, him held for requisition. The girls are coming to the front as waiters aud ushers. It is stated that the hotel on Roan Mountain has dis carded the use of colored servants, at.d young women instead, from the indu- trial school at Asheville, are emplojed in the dming room. George H. Snow, one of Raleigh ..Ul.f i "w" ijcii,iru recently in piew It ork 4f brain fever after two week l -mm sickness. He was connected with some leading families, and was lf.... flJJ t1 li n """i vruu rei.ow. nis aie w 47, and he served in the Confederate army, also in the State Senate. Un. fer J. EoweD. Medf ord. Uaa. tax ncr Uwitbef has en eoni of Scrofula by ttxa maa of SMrtotftM'ft rTTn after barfac indfhtjreV i I ment, and being 'rcdaeod id lift. tow condition of bealib, m t rwa tbodtflit ftbo could not lire. Curmdtny llttlo boy ofbendi. iuSy crofal C wblchap- a. year I lad JsVrlTeBnpan Nf eiS recovery, vtaea finally 1 wW Induced to DM A few bot ttki cared him, and no ymptom of too dUcoM remain. . Mm. T. L. Mathim, MathcrrClo, MUa. Om Wok o fitooJ m4 Skia Diienn MU4 In. I , SWIT SMCtyiC Co . Mllll. C4. "EMMS- , jSLQ7CT TO WoilEII :; Jfyoa would protect yoiirsclf from Painful, Profuse, Scanty, . . - . Suppressed or Irregular Men struation you must use'' BRADFIELD'S FEMALE REGULATOR CaKTKRSTZiXB, April 20, 1SSC. This will certify that two members of my rmmeaiate family, after having suffered for years from Meiutmal lrrcijularlty, being treated without bifltby physician, were at length co. ipletely cured by one bott le of Bradtteld' Female Itecnlator. Its effect U truly wonderf uL J.-W. Stuahqi. --. IB T rr ran ww.. . n. ' f I Book to WO AX mailed FREE, which contain, valuable ioXurmaUor on aU female flleeaw BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO- ATLANTA, GA. ' JFOM JPJLZJE MX JLU Jilt VOOISTS- Mini & DaMle R. R. to. F. W.Hoidekoper and Reuben Foster, Receivers. CONDKNSED SC1IKDULE. IN EFFECT NOVEMBER il, tvi. . m i-v - - Kenews its lnocracy glance to i tlie---C;ius( of the People, SOUTHBOUND UMl V. xov. SOLD UKDER GtlARiTiTtm iXTUAL C08ZIZSSTSA2T t2JUnmOA SMI THDEAL HARDYARE CO., SOLE AGENTS. Lv Richmond Lv Burwcviiie Lv KeyHvllH Ar UonvUie Oreenaboro..... LvUoldsiMHV at KJtn.'h. ........ l.t iuc.4u Lv Durli.ni ArUreensbore Lv Winwtoo-Salem. L tilCvluLlUtO At Stllsbiiry AT suteaville .7... . Ar A sue Hi c .... Ar not Mining.. L. Silisbury .... ArChiirlolte... Ar Hpnnburg. ArtiivenrUle ... Ar At'unio...... LI C1 lllutkC ... Ar Columbia Ar Augusu 12 4. PH 3 i- rm x 6 rtk 6 37 FM I 43 I'M ...I II IIIM ... 154AM ,..! 3o;am U an rx 6 IH AM lU W AM 4 J AM SHAM ti 44 TM 11 10 1-4 6 TS AM I HAM 1 AM 'S I AM 9 Si) AM It 04 AM 12 113 PM .4 i"i PM 5 51 m 11 HAM 1 4' PM 4 4? PM 11 vo rM 2 4U AM 2 ISAM r. : ax 51 AM 6 VJ AM SIX AM 8 It AM 9 i: AM 3 36PML 11 AM It t rw 4 55 PM Ml AM 1 U V 4 2-THUi. NORTHBOUND DAILY. No 10. .Nu. 1 No. 3S. Can YottRead The Future? Lt August 1 I.V CCHtUUbl l ..... Ar Charlotte Ml )U1.. r. im Miu . 1! rn hl T S fin LV Ati:Ult-i. .. Ar Cliarioif . LvCUiirTotte r SiiiHiiury " 'J n put iij am U r im i tv x:a 4 iw-vun s 0.1 ,n . . . uui .4 (:n t a Kit nr IU .1 Lv Asaeriiu ... Lv 8tiisvllle .. Ar Salisbury .... "Salisbury tJr-?iiibi.ro .. It -9 !:a... 2 43 pin . . . 4; pUJ... 8 j 7 piu . . . Ar tVinstoti-saU'iu Lv Grrer.s' or Ar Ourhiun r Ka eJsrti Do you know wliat your con dition will be 20 years hence? r.v kmiubu Will your earning capacity J , A A. 0 r. Jc LvOreensboro De equal 10 me support 01 r nnnvint' 8S7am 52 pin pin 10 U iu 11 i pm 1 l Pi ll 3 am tl oo aiu io warn ll8'pm 1,' n pin :r4iui And asks everv friAnri nf ernment, progress and eaterprii . for support Its. subscription price will be : To Single Subscribers $1.00 per year payable i ,, To " of aver Tea .sSe " " . Ills ate imnan 1 s put ts 45 am. 3o5 pm 12 05 pm. luttoaui UH5pm ii 4 M . 1 oi pm 1 1 sin lit I am yourself and femily? This is ilu:;:.V: 'hX! a serious question, yet, you Ar Richmond ........ 5 mm toui could conndenuv answer t vax exce. t Sunday. iyy if xr aA fl'iwMihr. BTWEN WSST POINT AND " " RICHMOND- was neur- total liabil tiet of the banfe. Hi$ baiik 1 an. wm ' . - . . Vmlbir: -Ah .T.,r,.mc I u.w- www ana in.toui' resource, , - " j ww i .: i .bovii.'ii 4 , 1 wcicuuiy oo,uw. neuiiea 9130,UUU of the dpoitwiorftry 1iTtiia!r;.: hav lost one of jour firsF tetli.n Johnn?: "No; I liaTen't lost it. I t'a upstairs on the window sill." Pack U.. .... . ... i . tiff no substancV It is a Tad suow SI'"' - , D L Jerri igan, prominent farmer o Wake county and of phew of Mr. T. IL Jernigan, late editor of the RaVifrh otaie uroiiicie, aiea at His residence m Coif rm, on Friday last, of a coucee- tife chill. Mr. J eruian was about 32 yeans old and leaves a wife child. and In Austria the practice of throwing rice o?er a newlj.wedded pair has beeir abandoned in favor of a more attract ive plan. At a recent marriase th guesU showered rose-leares orer the happy couple when they took their de parture for the nedJinx tour until the bride was literally cbreired with the fra- ffrant mciMU haI.U .'."Ll. '''i -carriage. - " ;8-yi years Tontine Policy in the Equitable Life A method which guarantees all the protection furnished by any kind of life insurance. and in addition the largest cash returns to those policy- Leave West Point 1.M A. M. iaUy. an1 .3 A. 1 . 4all t-xeppt Simla y ind MondAi; nrrtve i;Uh iijoiidt. aii'l 1- 41 A 51. Ri'tiirntng- Llcli inoutl 3.IC and 4 45 1. V. ilally f.x. ept Sunday; ar rive West I'oiut 3.i anil .ih F. M. BET-RICHMOND AND RALEICH VIA ' KKYSVILLE. Leave Kl uinonrt 1S.45-f M.il ill: loave Kef vllh" 3 45 P. M.; ar.lveOxfordH.ini i. Al.; lietr.ler- son v P. M , Dur.iain7.xo I. M ., !at igh c."i A. M.. seloia l 35 A. M. Keturlilny io v seiina3 3" P M , K.il lgu 4.4'J P. M. dally, Duniiim ;. c r. m ll"iid rson .2" P. M.. Oxr. rd S.i P. M .; arrive KeysWUe u.i P. M , if" limoud .na a. m. Mixed i rain leave, Oxf rJ d.illy except Suad.iy 9.25 A. M.;atriv 8 OurUam 11.55 . M L-'ives Durham I. U -. M. daily exci-pi .unii ij; ar(ivna holders whose lives are pro- Inno-ed- and who then need oxiord .2 a. m. i Adiltiloual trains leae Oxford daily except Kun monev ratner tnan assurance, dav i.ih a. m. and n.n a. m. arrive iiemU'i-souJ C r' fe nnA CmiTPC n1r1rK:c A- M- and li.4" P. M. Meturnlng leave llei.- ior lacts ana ngures, aaaress , erso , A M. aQJ i Vt i. M. daiiy un- i d iy; arrive Oxford il.m A. m. nna s i: v. m. AOs y an4 3Sinne-t at lcumoau iro-u ani io V. l Point and naitiinfre dally except Sunday. W. J. RODDEY, Manager, For the Carotinas, ROCK HILL, S. C. In tho hands ofan old experW Printer, is prepared to execute al kinds of Job Printing, and at prices that will compare favorably with any IiM THE-'STATE Orders Solicited. ir tti.inia. carry lusr ruiiui in siffuer mMO ev Vorkl- Now Orleans and New York io Augusta, utd DliunxC'ar New lor . to vuutvromery. Trains ILand H Pullman UuiIim Sleepers between Kcw York. Va.hingtonf and llot-SprtnK via S:l- llnirr ami Asltftiiie mill H4llliit:ii. Sleliii tw. I wee a Wastilnifton and Atlanta; and Uenveen i iSwlieru House wilarf nnumalmm unil I'iirtsnifnil ll V.i vl i Athintj jt- ; n-mviiif If. H. 'P. HKUKLKY. J. S. 1J. THOMPSON. mp?rlniendent, SUe lntendept t nine veal's old hitilslf, prnitlT dIiuii: i : n-iTilio o. N.C Klclimon-1 Va . J . '.. A. TUKK.. 5eneral Pawicngt'r Agent. Waslilniriou, 0. S. II. HAKIiWloK, A.wt. (len'l Pass. Agent, Atlanta, oa. W.1I. ORKKN, . SOI, HAAS. Oen 1 MannfTi Tramc Manator Washington, D. C. Va!iUln5fton. 1). C. What'stheMatterwithit? If jou think there is anything the matter with jour watch, let us take a look at it. Don't let it go on ticking itself to destruction. A tew particles of diwt will, in a few weeks, do more damage than the ordinary wear aud tear of a Year's time keeping. Our guarantee is, for Twelve Mouths. - Have you seen the beautiful line of SILVERWARE ? we are now offering, and the complete- selections of clocks, watches and jew el rj. We are prepared to -satisfy the desires of the. most fastidious, iu anything iu our line, and a cajl will conyiuce joii that we are SLEEPING-CAR SERVICE. On Trains and sa, Pullman Bnfivt Keeicr be- ween Atlanta nd New Yoih; bet.vceu Danville nd AllgUtA. On HI aua a, I'uuman nunei Mieerer oeiween Don't condemn other p:o Ij for doing things I hut you are guilty of. A t More' e d i y Saturday occurred a cae of sm-cesst'ui Keioisni that seldom hichmond and' Danville, uniting at DimlUewitli ! ,,l!s to ti e lot O? ulie so -VOUTI" io nei Valil.igliu and soutuweli rii Viilhulwl Iamltel I . -"r lui in, says ipe a.NewiMri!..iiirual. The little 0-yeM-f,ld son of Mr. .J. W.Ma,, a traveling man, f fl o erl o.ud from l;e Mr. .Jennings Sryran's lit tie son Charlie, oulv eight or Pkvcala, and Trade-Mark ohiaiinsl. ti est Ute4ttt-s ontidBCtcd fur Moditc Fcrt Ovm Orncr i Ofposrrt U. S. PT"T,? ..a .,,., ,, . I ,-tnr UiU ' ii. w mule wiriu -. - reraot rrona w a-liinpon. Send BMdcI. lra)u! ' tioii. We adrine, if tt?n ,t?nilile or -m, ed tverloanl ani n'scnrd the imperiled : child. A br ave little chap in M. s'er Charlie. His act w w trthy of tliehigh- fest praise. r-mrtPm tfktiv CaA imt itt li'l tuitebl W A Pamphlet, "lloir toOlaoiarnnH town. Bent free. AiMn-s, C.A.SMOW&CC Op. Pattitt Orvicc. V4inMrte. j For Malaria, Li?er Tros ble,orIndige3tion,M2 BROWir1 S IR0N BITTED 6i TTffllE Steam, Air and Vacuum Pumps, Vertical and Hori zontal of every Variety and Capacity. We pay the highest cash price for gold, and will buy in any quantities, Very Respectfully, REISNER Regular Horizontal Piston. i. i Of 5 W&.iXi " i lfca - uJ 1 mMS, ? ! i f n The most simple, durable and ef fective Pump in the market for Mints, Quarries, Refineries. Rreweiies, Fac tories, Artesiaji Well?, Fire Duty and General Manufacturing purposes." JSend for Catalogue. Foot of East 23d Street New York A. S. CAMERON STEAM PUMP i fft,p w WOW J GORMAK. ;i

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