t - ( 4.-' " ' -Nif f Thp WW .A - - H : 7. SA N CM THURSDAY AUGUST 17, 1893'. V I i. I -1 UliTII SERIES. ISO LISBUBY I ! I a Jl i rirr 1 'T" 11 M'T What is I 3 WASHIH0XO2J from our rejflr correinliit. - ifrjhletit CleTelaiid mes;ig toOutt sjreSA Itna been a cUeljr ttUeil tu"ny of Cnin. ...d It eriO.nl tl.,t it i. Ie n IoW f tar. ...C... 1.. lu iiAawrfnl fuirtor 111 ID 1 H,wreallf onm Ihe Hf ,, cowouMj forcl ll. 1 Gastoria i3 Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants amd Cliildren, It contains neither 04Mam Morphine nor ether Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for paresoric, Irops, Soothing Sjrups, and Castor OIL jt is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years use by Millions of Mothers. Castor! is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. - J 7 Castoria. Cas o.-tor!aLsso well (wlaptetl to children thai I r, .commend it on ni;eri'jr to any prc-scrii;tioir tit-wn to kp." ILIA. AttCHsn, 2L I'., 1U L'o. Oxfory St., Brooklyn, . Y. " The u: of Castoria ' is sr universal and ' 1: :"ri- f ' W kno-wn-thct it glh'is a 4-o:k " ,,t si.r n-rt pitrcn to crulcnic itr Fr are tbo it t. ai: :'nt fatuiLcw wlio do not kee p Git&M-ia vkliia icr rfach." - C-ttOS ilAKTYN, I. I)., Jew York City. Cantnrl corra Colic, Cnost'pfctloa, Poor JStotrioch, rHarrboaa, Erwc-atwh, Kill V.'orma, ie le, aad promotM dl gestion. , , Without In jurioai Dtedicatioik . . BCTeral years I have recommend your Caaioria, and isliall always coatiaua U do go Cj it lias invariably produced btaeflcia rwailts." " Ebwis F. TAfcara, 3L 12Sth Street aad 7th -v-., Jlew York C5ty Tub Centacb Cokpakt, 77 Mukoxt Brxsjrr, Nw Ton Crr 1 The High Tide at Gettysburg. Cures nil 1'emalo Compiainta and Monthly irrcularitj-, Leucorthoeaor'Wbites, Painm Back or Sides, gtrengthensthe feeble, builds up tho wbole Bystem. It has cured thousands . and will cure you. Druggists have it. Send etump for book. , Dli. J. P. BE0MG00LE X CO Loahrill. Kj. $ A Household Remedy - J V " FC ALL K DISEASES Botanic BlomJ Balm SCROFULA, ULbtKS, aMUl x VUlGS tjufiim ever f form of malignant SKIN ERUPTION, be- tides belnj efficacious in toning up ine , tystern and restoring the consmuuon, hen impaired from any cause. Its almost supernatural healing properties justify us Jn guaranteeing a cure, it directions are followed. SENT FREE -bKWSSU- BL0O0 BALM CO., Atlanta. Ga. '.'WANTED l ! I l II MS(Hi in Ewry Town to tuke t lie Extlusiye Agency - f the ,? World's ColumbiaiiExpo sition Illustrated," AUTHENTiS ORGANDFTHE FAIR. tSTBUsHKD liwO. (itp.it )pp rtuiii t y li Slake 3Ioney f.r the Xext Year. Oiic Chance in a Tyimelisiie. EViiose 15 cents in- stamps for Saui . lle covy nml full -particulars. j. B. CAMPBELL, Pres., 159 Adams St-, Cliicago, 111- O G OOOO'OOO'O L Tea KacHcat Pitt ia Via W oriel! q Wliy do yen suSer IfTvs frcm Dyspepsia wd SteU-UMlae, Wr.ndcri'm Uto miserable, wben remedy U at your nana r A cloud 6sesped the hollow field, Tiie gathering battle's unoky fhield, Athwart the gfumu the lightning flashed. And through thecloud some, horsemen dashed, And lrOm the height the thuuder pealed. Then-at the brief command of Lee Moved out th;U nisitehkss infantry, With Pickett lending grandly do'wn To ruh ntiiinsit the. rourinsr crowd ()t those heights of ilestiiiT. F;vr heard above the ftgry gulf, A cry across the tumult runs, Tnc voice thatranj? through Shiloh'a womls And Chk-knmauga's solitudes, The fierce South eheeriiig on her sons. hltov the witln'rii.p t'etnneM blew Agaimt the fro4!t of Pettiprew! A katiisin wind that scorched and sighed Like that internal Hnie that fringed The British at Waterloo! A thoftsiind Tell where KentlM-r led: t thonsnnddied where Oarnett bledt In blinding Haines and strangling smoke 1 he remnant through the oaiuric ru An I crossed the work with Arnrntead. Once more in glory's van with iue!" Virginiivened to lennesfee, We two together, come what majv Shnll stand' "141011 these works today, The reddest day in historjP I? rare Tennessee! Ileeklesi the way Virginia heard her comrades say: Close round this rent and riddled rag?" What time she set her battle flag Am'd the gnus ofDoubleday. Hut who shall break the guard that wait 'iefore the awfull face of Fate? I tir; tattered Suiudards of the South Vere shrivelled at the cauuous mouth, All all her hopes were desolate.. In vain Uie Teanessean set His bravest 'gainst the bayonet! In vain Virginia charged and raged, A -tigress in her wrath uncaged. And all the hill was red and wet! Ab ve the bayonets, mixed and crossed, Men sawa gray, gigantic ghost Receding thrcugfi the battle cloud, And heard across the tempest loud. The death cry of a nation lost! Xjetaocratu in both the House and bMj kte, jiwt us hiscelehnsted tariff msge of 1887 did, but liottet and coucien- tftus belief U coiiiicuous in every fen- tiuce of tit. And the opposition to wnat are knowii s wlver DmtcnU I ts'more aHretit than rvn for tlij aU ugmj jHtl Jf reiaent s rcoaon datioti for the repeal of the siher pur chasing clnusft of the Sherman law. ouly differing as to whtst shall be sub- stituled. The message recommend the repeal and leaves the question of u hubtitute to the wisdom of Congress, and uinertenths of the Demncrats are certain that the recommendation as to repeal will be follow&I, and that other financial legislation, which will be equally satisfactory to the silver Dem ocrats Hiid to President Cleveland, will be agreed upon by the Democrats in both House and Senate, and that th perststeut effort of the Republican to split the Democratic party on the sil yer question will fail. Acting Oil the mixim quoted in the President's m.-asase "He tfives twrict who gives quickly w the Democrats in the Honse, both silver men and anti silrer . men, are trying to reach au agreement to take up and decide the silver question without waiting for the appoiutmeui of committee and the adoption of rules. It will be easy to take l he matter up without an agree ment, only a majority vote being re quired, but if an agreement can U reached upon just what is to be voted Ujion aiid how much time is to be giv en to dicu-sivn, much tune will ! saved ill it wolud ueiesari!y l-e wa.te. if no agreement is m ale, to say not li ng of the possibility of einlless tilli busteriiig. The siiver men have in caucus deci jsge,-for the lSpublicans to 8sl- . p at the UV'n!so. . W ! cannot low, was the plain statement that he cora mend either the substanee f lf W rxpected Congre to oliey the will f the argn ment It h ts Toug bei tu the people, and roceed to reform tie . dentood t U it he "wouU urge'tisn. tniqiiiious usnu souu iur auaiicw cuuai uuuai rt pe.u c cue oneraian law, . liecause Mm afidfnrthat we were entiily prepar.d. troubles brought upon the country by but wbd hoped that' he would not ation hava o stop at that, but aTter consultation emselTes upon with Other eiperieiiced men' would public at ten uon or. law, nepuoiicaa j uave recommpaaeu 50ute further action: Ivave allowed themselves to bel'teve A n thi we are dismounted, arid the that the McKinley law wis to be uu disturlied by this Congres". They know better now, and the knowledge doex'nt please them. disappoint ment js the greater because we haveii-rery high opinion of C!evelanrs capacity, of his extrabrdi nry powers, of his tins intelligence and undoubted patriotism. It eeius time Persid.t's Hmg to ua that :t Wag ,ft- .iV. - im: ; " J " - aanoaeuweffer. : : r - rV . ommended WXM furtracti0h1u view 1 ne message or rreWrnieienu, ohhe sitUiiU , , . & country to be in. . submitted to the extraordinary session I ded to vote for the re)eal of the pur- chasing clausi of the Sherman law, I the bill for its reeal providrs for tin free coinage of silver on such a rath as will provide and maintain the. pari ty between gold and silver. The fact that no particular ratio is mentioned Mirnitieant. It means that the caucus of sil er Democrats did not believe t possible to succeed in maintaining ch present ratio of lti to 1, and that they are willii.g to increase the ratio. It is now claimed that a careful poll of the House, made this week, show a majority of 35 in favor of the repeal oi the purchasing clause of the 'Sherman law. The Senate i more doubtful, and it is much more difficult to ascertain how Senators, whose positions are no! clearly defined, will vote, but strong rff rts are now being made to bnug the Democratic Senators tog ther, and the indications point to success. A caucus of Democratic Senators this ivek- unooinled a commitlee of five of Congress yesterday,, and published in this paper, is in a certain sense a disappointment. The Piesideut was expected to ring loud and clear ou the repeal of the silver purchase act, and indeed he gives sufficient reasons why it should be speedily blotted out. But the President is disappointing in his failure to tell the country after the repeal what. He evidently does not contemplate that Congress hhull repeal the Sher man law and stop with that, for in hi concluding paragraph he recommends, in addition to this, other legislative action,'1 which will 4 put beyond,, all doult or mistake the intention of the government to till its pecuniary obli gations in uiouey universally recog nized by all civilized countries. Ill's sentence might, in its Utter clauses, be construed as a declaration in favor of gold mono-mets.hsm, but the context would forbid this construction even if Mr. Cleveland were not already on rec- rl as an endorser of the party's plat form, which declares in favor of bi- ilet..litu. It is uot to 1ms supposed for a mo tient that tUe pre-ident would repeal he Siierihan act and op. To d-tti it. would b? to put the country on a gold ai at once. It i not to be doubted .hat the President would follow the repeal measure which he so earnestly insists upon, with some other provis ion of law "other legislative action which would provide a place for sil ver in the currency of the country Jr nd it is to be regretted that he did not in his message outline his plan. Vtluiliiton Messenger. The President throws up the sponge in so far as the United States are con ceriied. Single handed they are pow erless. He believes in the "intrinsic" value of money, to which the Messen yer refers in auother article written ... before we had l' la need over tlie mes sage. He thinks our currency houl fixed hv other nation. It is so fixed, as is apparent from the effect v the British order as to Indian silver uikhi th action of the President in calling the Congress together, and up on the opinions of the Northern peo ple, esjecially upon Wall Street. He, therefore calls upon the. Congress at once to repeal this awful law that has jLRFS BUDGET. He Hakes Some Suggestions on the Fi- naneial Situation. Now is the time for everybody to show their charity and their good will. Let uf all divide out and help one an other. The papers all say that there is plenty of money and the banks that lave suspended have got plenty of as set, and if confidence could be restored every thing would- become calm and serene again. Weil, let us all take on connaence ana a i viae out witit one another. A man told me that he knew of one man in Atlanta who had shifted all his money into gold and had $20,- 000 of it locked up in u private drawer Highest of aU in Leavening PowrXtStest; S. GcViltere 1 !; ' through the bink for that little ac count that h u been running so tone. ell,as the boy said to the molasses. ujut .let her run." I'm in a flraiit just now. It is the first time its. fifteen years that I did'nt have a dollar in my pocket or somewhere within reach. 1 can't feel like a gentleman, I don't go down town. I'm wait.ug ftr some thing to happen. Tried to sell some literature, but they smiled and said they were not dealing in luxuries,, now at leat they were not paying cash. but would give me a duebill. "What can I do with it?" said I. K ep it; they said, "until things turn loose again." So I took it fcr better or 1 f . "II 3- 1 . worse auu t win ai vine it Willi anv- bdy who is as bad off as I kui. Let us all divide. Now is the time a man wants an office a salary that comes ......... ....... u. v. ... ii. y. in ejetj iik in tu. ivm ia iue lime that these office holders ought to come to a divide. If every m m had an office what a glorious world it would be. Great piles of money to come pouring STAREKCSEAS2I Insanity Last Year. Thm lacrttM of insaoitt last vaar t i& preceding: year was startlial Thiak f it. persoostanerlac from acrroas fombUa, mk as sick and Barrona ItaadacW, slrrniisiiasa, eooTuhuooi, nsmrsiria, apoplax dyrptpai slecptaatoca paralysis, Darrous proatmssMs, epilefMy, te; Tha oallook voul4 sHaily sm atsoooracuig wr ya wmt saara ss mmm of escape. Any of the sbote eUSctUsv and many mora, art adraaosr eysSiWsis 4 insanity or sonaa othar fptally itaploraaU a . dilioii ending in aaicida ot praasatuwoWsa Dr. Franklin Miles, the tootsd.epeelaliet. ua a voted over Z9 year to ta tevesiif. tio'i of nerroas eflVrtKroa sad ia tae iull of hi Ubors lies the onlyhxrpe ef those sSiev ad wita the troubles named. Ilia in one of the banks and there were its of men who had from $5,000 to mto eTerJ f4UlI,J- T"1' way il $10,000 locked un in the same wav ,s UP iWin- YerJ "'er "an you rf I - L 1 I II . tnd they were vaiting to see what mwV" " . . na" n omce or a Couirress was ioini? to do with silver. P"". Hlmois geU f U,000,000 for That is al! wronir. That cold ouclt rsio' s 3'ejr and then there are - I . I jV t e . . to be turned loose. I want a little of u,e omce llo,ars oe'ldes an1 t,,en l,ie t right now, Let us come to a divide rab at tl,u WorlJ 4 1 alr' nnd we Pr " i : i i - i o i i. . i until the trouble is over. When the uaoic miner uown ootuu noi oniy Mar was over -and every Unly was ttS t nothing, but have to help pay it oor as L zarus there were a few here alL If Mr' veland had been a little i.i I i I i ii I ii;ci diimuu ins wmoi. lie ttuuiu little iiwl tii4.ro uliii li:iil iiOte nil their I 00 " ..: t ll U - . 1 ii riM 11 1 1 .1 kivcii oui uuts ui uie oiucea as n sec neighbors. 1 he stay law had prevent- .... "... u - . i rw ' l . i . x . j uu, xuere are ooweis ui mercies auu ties Pisrrin is m pan tire maane of eatiC. If yon have any nervous afiactioa aUaad te it at ooce. 0a not wait till roar intellect it shattered or the freoiy of eoleide evereeasse yMt. Datar ia danjraroo. -,Rr J- Miller. Pmiw of tha X. & eawcSw Bt aun, ra writas: Oitwr mwm saa M brtk 4wa aompUA!;. Th Smcs f mtoti aoivl doctors, aod fxht f emvat. 4i4 ase UtU toad. I eoald ao read or asadr, ead sat con llUon vu serious. I kegaa astac ir. MUsVf RsstnrstlTa Nsnrlna. tour feottlM of whiea aoav pletalr ttr mm. Aetwpt mr gtUtutm.'4 . J w L ea iMsaprtCaad aaStM iwwl aue or thrM t oar hM phrsletana, Th rmit was that auheaad of four months I wase bs4 Im lurslld, eoald not oat. eaftklWtat tato uiBtti' sl I- M hoora. S4 MneTlo e'hl-, rur WMkj ai I bwu ale Dt- MUa R.HKorrtlra Narrlna. n.tiM.if.T.lii?.i i m and Ur.r pills. Have j&tnad C aoeade la watKht, ean sat and slsea, and ssel ae well ee 1 er.r did.--J. C StsplCmfttstarrr I was afflictal wtU aarroo arossrattoa erev two years, and durtn that ma was anaata ea part irm mnj work. Throat a tka a of Dr. ICUssf WrtiT Necriaa I an anaralr rastasvdei) ut-Min, m i abteto eondvet tar asMlaass tkesasao as wrimr aieknesa. I r oos wndsd Mia WTTtoo to a rouQ man also luffVrto from nsrmua aoa Uatlon, and ha. too. raoalrad waadarruT mft from it. Dr. Miles' rsrawUes ara eaastdsrad a ae. aces at our kme.M W. S. Outahaw.Oallea.luak. Dr. Mile' Rettorattre Kerrlna is sold Vr all dru?it" An a pnslUre rnara&Ue. or bt Dr. Miles cianart. ing .on reeeras-or anna, fi per bottlo. or alx bottles for S3, axarass prepaid. It l ivwlUrely free from alt opiates and dengevoae dnwm. Dr. Miles' Nenre and Urer ntu. S3 eaate per not nre notes, n n Mailssl aarwaate, rsee book at drutfists, or bj man. The Southern Home Companion Elizabeth Lyle Saxon, in her Wa.- m1 tliftin frnm eolleAl.i nc. but when ""OI 1 1 . . , , , . . hut law had nhtved out we oor fel- uawe" OI compassion accoiuing 10 x line nemimscences in me August tuiu- t i i ! i ii scripture and Mr. Cleveland ought to her of The Southern JTeme Cumpation, ows who owed a little ante-bellum 1 . 1 . - - . . A, t-:,:. ... money were suddenly .iirvitcd to pay it and it took us years and years to do it. ft I fashionable bonnet, otc, were made at Wp w,rP sed nnd nnrxnp.1. af friend wira 4fc UF -uu "lrtt uu"' home. Dr. Amie M. Hale contributes an Hill Fort, told me that it was an out- Pd tothe North $350,000,000 on the 1 interesting and instructive World'. Pair I ... a- .....I il. .1 . . I.I. Iv a mm i . ww t a jeusiuu nccouui, auu viihi. iu i imeijr jueuer. aianna nomcoouy, eaiior oune to run oil for half a centurv longer. Home-Makiug Department, nives prsc- i, , i . 1 1, ii "iii" ii tical instructions forcauuiur and preser- Dou tit make your blood boil tltt hot V1DK the fruits of the aeao; alVo for weather to think about it.' Here 1 putting up wine, made from eitber wild am without a dollar and can't buy a cumvatea grapes: so mat it will sp J the year round without fermenting, tl.u.-. chicken and company is coming next I making at slight expeuse a deil-btfui e,.r and I owe the butcher n nd the beverage of great value iu the sick room, , , . ,. , . . having all the healthful properties ol baker iknd the preacher and my taxes wine witbout the power to iutoiicate are comincr on. and vet in the face of There Is also the usual variety of inter ., T , , ektlng storie and charmin poems, hy all these I hear the same old call for the t autho. Ten nuVnnmbtr, more pension money. Nearly every $1.00 a year. The Gmpanhn, IV2 toia- n. ,.f t:.... ....j. iaon street, w Orleau. UaUU VS svraawa ve vaew eas. i'Miuui rage, and it was. All our substance destroyed and now these debts to hang over us world jyithout end and so Fort tried to get up a town meeting and pass resolutions to have a big bonfire ii the middle of the street and let everybody v ho had a note or a debt on anybody be called upon to come for ward like patriots and cast the note or debt into the fire and then let us all take a new start in the world. 1 u i. .,... .. ...i,.iri;.i ;!.,. i.,f , , . L L i- around the public treasury with their when we began to agitate it it was ilit- r , - , covered that nobody was in favor of it "T3 hke 0Un hird 1,1 " ,,est o oTinv.tiverMSQ: Otrlll npeedJly remove nil thw ssble enable tou tocat and digest your food, VJ prevent headacho end Impart on O enjoyment of life to which you JfgJ bii jstran(fer. Dow email. Prloo, 85 cents. Offlc. S'J I'arli I'Uwe. O O O O Q O Q O O Q MAGNETIC NERVINE. V' J. if CErFORE: - AFTER Is sold with written ouaranteo to cure W ervou a P rostr a tlon, Fits, Dizzi- ne88,Kal"clieBrid h curalRla aud Wake-fulnoss.caU'-ed bjrox- -Ktti vt sflof Ot-lUI-l. Vs" Tobacco and Aleo l.1 bul; Mental Deprea- Bion. uoitcningui The brave went down? Without tysgrace -TLey leaped to ruin's red embrace, They only" heard Fame's thunders wake, And saw the dazzling se&burst break la smiles on Glory's bloody facel They fell, who lifted up a band And bade the sun iu hearen to stand They smote and fell, who set the bar Against the progress of the stars, And etnred the march of Motherland! J Thrp' stood who :w the future come on through the fight's delirium! I Thpy emote and t-od wlio held the hope Of nations on that slippery slope Amid the cheers of Christcuuoinl i tlod lives! He forged the iron Tuat clutched and held that trembling hill God lives aid reigns! lie built .u.d. eut The heights for Freedom's battlement Wheee UoaU her Hag iu triumph still! Fell viplhe bauners Smelt the gunsl Love rules. Her gentler purpose runs, The mighty Mother turns In tears The pages of her battle years, Laiueatiug all her Inlieu s. us! the Brain, cruising Misery, Insanity. ana peatn; Wreness, Iraix.Tf-noy, Uot Howerm either sex. trn. . ... lr i -i a,.. Tnvi.lnntJirr Losses. COUsed A. t.y-ovir-mi!uUfcuec,veirK,xertloTi of tha Brain and Errors of Youtn. It plvcn to Wtai Orpins tbeir K;.u:ra( Viyr and doab:e tlie Joys of life: cures I uyorrhcKH nnd Temiilo Weaknes. A. month s treat Kscnt, ia j.'.iihi rca;:e. by mrd!, to any atldrewsfl I-r box, G boia 5. with every f3 order we give a Written Guarantee to euro or refund the money. C-nuiurs fn,-o. Uuttrw.tco issued only by our ex clusive aent. EDWIH CUTHREIL, Sauskury. N. C X-ADIES Keedlng atonic, or children who want builds lor up, should take BROWN'S XllON BITTERS. It is pleasant ; ernes Malaria, Indigestion, Biliou&aess, Urer Complaints &od .Neuralgia. Ex-Alderman and Incendiary. AVivsTojf. N. 0.. Ausr. 0. T. Dan.elj an ex-member of the Board of Aldermen, of North Danville, VaM wts convicted in the Superior Court here this afteruoou ou a charge of setting Sreto a furniture store last month. The penalty for the crime runs from five to forty years in the penitentiary. The sentence will be passed tomorrow. Jhe cai7 has ex cLcd gi eat interest; worked such terrible consequences. Gorman, Kansom, Gray, Yorhees, andl je wari,s ag:llllJtt a panicy feeling Blackburn to consider and report a u . uo gu2Bcstiou as to what i plan with that end in view. 'Ihe Ue- bwt be aone after the killing of the publicans, unintentionally, of course, giwrm!lll law. But he seems at the added largely to the probabilities of doStt to -Te a j,inff0r gold alone nuited Democratic action in the Sen- ua t, i.nirj,,n standard of values. If ate by their attempts to make political tfaat mniug he is not in accord capital, which were promptly aud pro- witJl southern Democrats or with his perly rebuked by Senator Gorman, aut J t M it defiued itself at Chicago wf the present financial situation. J ye WjW qo elected and never would The Senate committee ou inance, Uave bmi footed upon a gold stau- of which Seuttor Vorhees is chairman , . ty ,j0 not kUOw that f we un- held its first meetiug yesterday. The dergUn i,im fuilj, but if we read him eommittee did U4t lack for business, ,,,i i. ,Unds for the cold stan- tVUVVSi w i either, as more than a score of fluan- un,y HJll repudiates siher. cial bills which have been introduced AlUnU couoa. in the Senate have been referred to ur t'leveUnd's message fevofs and that committee. A maj inty of this ffi(jorJf the ie,,ublicau policy of re committee are bi-metalists, but some , . entirely ignores the Demo- of the most prominent of them,includ- cratic policy. If he is right the Dom ing the chairman, nave aeciarea uieir ocratic party is wrong, and has been belief of the viciousueas of the bher- wrong fr twenty years. If he is man law aud their williugnesa to yjte Julin Sherman aud his Kepubli- for its uncouditioual repeal. The Seu- . colleagues are right and it is emi- -. il I w-a a JT ate is naturally deliberate in all its ac- Benli- fittiutr that tlie tiampant lorce ... - i . . i i- i. tious, so it will not-be surpnsiug tne champion aud goia monomeiaust, House takes up tue silver question n Lodge, snouid, as ne uiu, . . t !u L l.t 1 1 4 I -I a flta before tins commiee reports a um w i M-Uuie charge ol tue uieaso " the Senate. The resolution of Sena-1 uj m0Te its refereuce to a tor Lalge$ of force bill fame, directing J couuujttee with instructions. The the committee to report a bill for the I , . Democrats iu Congress is plain repeal of the gherman law, and provi- an(ieasy. They are not in a position ding that a vote should be taken there- to ignore th Democratic p"W v uVqd on the 231 of this month wa. forth tn the Democratic platform i - t 1.1: i .i 1 v-.Mntaerver-Clronlcle. ouiyii uii i ox-xvepuo.u uucouief ... mfMin wln be a Air. itevenu '.except those who owed the money. Patriotism is one thing ai.d money is auother. They are no km. but now it seems to me is a good time for every body to come to a reasonable divide. I will divide with anybody who will di- yide with me, though I am in Jim Ferkin's fix right now. Jim never had any money to speak of, but he alwaye held bis head up like a gentleman. Que day a poor country man who knew Jim and looked up to him, took him aside and begged him for a loan ol $3 until harvest. Jim seemed very much distressed and told the poor fel low that he didn't have that much iu the world. Then the poor fellow low ered his sights and asked for $3, and Jim said he didn't have that ranch. .Wall li.t m have 1." said he. and WILL IT BE REPEALED! nnd say to the paternal government: AUe voria naa mtemewta ntajomj Daddy, drop another bug iu here. Mo the numoer ot Congress on tne ioi- They greediiy swahow all the millions lowing questions: , . that come from peusious aud the gov-! now wiuyou owontne re- eriimeut contracts lor the army aid 1 P81 of the Sherman act! the uavy and nine-tenths of all the of- "Second-What is your opinion a t 11 Sill I fit . I fices, and these pious hypocrites will go lUe prooabie lengtn oune extra eiuu ; to church ou Sunday with a gold xnc repiteeoi uie orturo..u jouud-hjmnTbook under their arms lH ltepresentatives were :m- and thank God in their prayers that lW85 - they are not a. those publicans down Senator Matt, w.itansom, ueu .. . . South. But the weathe. is too hot to Y"" coJoaKe WlU m a t a. . a. ..I . i.i , -ii i proDiem now, out lust wnat witi i run i in ate imon such thiuizs and we will I t"v" i i. i i t, , to be dm J .er,,,.. ... "L ' w . n ,. UillAkp. I Democrat: I prefer at present not !.!; (Hdna Cry for Pitcher's notorial One of Mary Ana's Owa Men Was the J 1 Th ion w,,i u Thief. aiooRouc. I Rnrejunta.!.ira Thomas Sttl. Be- For some time past Marion Butler ... , . M.t . c-mnit has charged in his paper the Golds- ..... lhe oncon,t! nr . V-" ' I . .1 i. t . I " . ...... i ..if.iinr.n ii ii.KLiii viLt-rs ui i . . . i ni -vi . Tim idiil- -Jack. I hate to acKnowiedi'e ooro - t repeal ot tne snerman taw. t w.... - - i I ... I I . ....n-v I it but I'll swear Wfore high heaven I !ostnl clerks were bad law, auoTl favor lU rere .l it a tt. A,A nr in a month. No trom leitera ecut- I nnd acientihc substitute eau ;uun i -.jl w a i. i ra.i s Ea. aa wis a a - - - - ' a . I C V, . w I . .. . S ll. . U . AaeaaataA I a a . . I I 1 it 1....-,khil.ladoOl.,dcenC, follojving trom u,e iwe.K,. w.. Uut , m t wu JOU wcai m tu fi are awful hard, but if we pondent of the Charlotte Ubrr tells to lonK iht BeMioo win ii -ii I l tliiuf ii lt.ll T un. in tlin niinnri fcr. Kilt 11 .11 ...v... a divide noooav Will I WUO iue k. - j- .. . . jt . I m.. .....;i lrl-t n the GoldslOrO I aav it ivnuld m longer thitn M tr ir mi time to oe urawiuir uu iue man - i -o auiici. . I . . j. ii it.i r.. I i .ni.irrl, a hunk when and Greensboro route ten iue i.ui. . any now . . . i-. i .1 iho lii 1mii watched. I tt4.nresenL1.tive John S. Rendersoi. .t 1. ... 1 1 1 1 1 11 r. iriiii vim 1 nniK liuic ... - 1 . .11 . -f-i.i;-ri-.i t ii.ln hf iJnr alleged that money sent to 1 Democrat: 1 wan tto see the Sherm. n CCUS. XI ia.,.nl nr. I i. l.l !... UA. Hnit l.u k.e .. i :.. .nek t mes and At- the lioldsboro U(tcc"i r I act retieaieu ,uui, v tue peopic j i . ,v,w..tI.B detective has tactnrv aulMtitute urovided before u en lMlTa on her Oauks, out you can i missmi:. l"v T . ...I ' " '. .... ""-o ..r - . i. . . iii i. "ni,i suntii . .in.r throuorh the irout I iustenacieu tne rwie w . . si door he result U the arrest of a clerk I regular session. door, mey j m. . n.crrwr I t.t i,r.r;rM mitnLr iuterriened 143 ... . I H.uiMamaw im I ... (h omff! Ill Lllc 1 upmiiv u-'l"-r I ui nmu...v " - - or side door or rumm a.. . ..... hk I couldn't fiud it. I was willing He has given oau ior -Pr to take silver, but they didn't have it jMndmark. reckon. I don t like for anybody to draw on me through a bank. W hat Thc Sher iff of Davidson county on last has the bank got to do with a man Wednesday advertised the land of GTA and- the adoption of this resolution would have surprised uo one more than its author. I T g bitterest jull in tle president's reat disappfiotment to the masses of " " i the American people, and particularly to 'tnfittMeft iB the Snth and wewp- favoretl an unconditional repeal, 64 wanted a substitute, and 01 were no-commttial . ii haln him laD over or I M..a fnr ileliuaueiit taxes. Whet! lUey ..-r r bridge the bloody chasm. Here i am without a dollar aud can t buy a chick- or pay the preacher and ever ana 1 . lit get a love letter througn tne mail say log they have drawn on me eu anon As high as $70,000,000 of gold in a single year hs recently goo- across the ocean from ih country to fill nglbh and German colters. David Hodge, of Alleghany caught a catfish that weighed 16 pounds. Burlingtou contejapstraries UU of the operations ol burglars iu that bua- ling town, JSfldren Cry for RtcheCastorfi

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