; ;m it 4. ON KING COTTON r , The present stringency of c cumncj in the Northern money centres, sug cests to the 'tn the necesiity of 1...A.J.'lliltMcnnnM in that dim? Iiusuaiiuiuft ,vy.jf. ; T7. tion. About a month from now the cotton crop will begin v mor iia for the Ih'irtv davs following J MXXJ.- OtfO at least will be needed m the en tire belt to make ' settlement, bit on holin.. nf 1 arm era navinff their indebt edness and uiaktnjr cah putvue F25,000,000 will go" back into busi ness channels to ue again usea. a the balaiice of the crop cmes in. how-:e)-er.M'icMtage4uLl tl find recour.; to the "old stocking" or the Urd'VnU there remain 1u couie out 111 1 ' " i ! : . .... 1 1 i,. hlUitll WSUUliiieiiUH iiw n o wj : liaukefsTm'd merchants in tiji war 01 rel iwi i n A 't lie ii ecessi ty for 3 mul I chn ge. 'Kastefn mill are shutting dowu and run dfiiruiid for the commoner cia of cut tea good's will soon ' tell ou the factories 1U me oouiii. yur vaiueu 'c'HiteiniJOhiry'has uodeireto pose as an alarmi t, but It fr8 the planter ahd'tbe' Wage earner ' to" look well to lUeiUlUre. XjVCU iuuiiga umwuuiic should overtake the present prop, there 24 enough cotton id sight of to meet the" wants of the mills 011 short runs lib to January 1. 1894.' It is well to beat in mind thaf ttte industrial dis tricts of Europe are also feelipg the stringency of-order from this country, which are being curtailed by distrust and a want of cOHoperatiou ot the Eas tern' banks U alltance money to the 'factories! ' The full force of th panic has not beVn fspe.it, neither will it be untft the . usual fall request' for money is made. 'Jf this be a fact, and it is supported by the customs' of the past, why then pre narA to meet the worst forces of disaster ller banks are conservative and Lr mer chants "hael not over-purchased for 'fall accounts. The industrial and far mer classes have not as yet felt the roubles, which precaution, if npw ta)c- n can uyerL It is to "the last two, the 'warning is soulided. ' Fred Donglas Excited. Chicago, Aug. 9. Old Fred Doug-1 lass, the colored orator, war greatly wrought up today jn the suffrage con grew by Stephen IJ. Weeks, professor i of Trinity "College, North Carolina,' who read a paper on negro suffrage in the South. The professor said: Negro suffrage is a failure. It must . remain a failure so long as it is not an ally to the white vote. A large per centage of the Southern people are of English desceut. They will not sub mit to dominatiou. The white man must rule.' He seeks to secure this result bjr fair means. lie has respect for law, and for that reason seeks to rule under the law. When he cannot do that he bull dozes and counts out. No man who has not lived in a negro land knows what negro domination is. It means t:ie destruction of property, ruiu 'and bankruptcy. When Prof. Weeks had finished, Douglass, who was on the - platform . ruse and made an impassioned reply. Said he: 1 ou are not afraid of negro domina tion. The negro can never rule- this country, lie would be out-voted by 'the political millions of whites and overwhelmed by their superior intelli gence.' There is no objection to the negro in the South until he aspires to pse. So long as he is ignorant and lazy no one 'disturbs. As soon as he aspires to become a lawyer or doctor, he at once becomes an upstart Third Party Picnics. Sanford Expreu. . The Third uarty leaders have inau gurated a plah 'to visit and talk to Queer If True.4 You majtTT this as many times as Isxiefs of General Nature. Mr. Jl P. Uosseau,' of Wilkes," has xstn tht liMiidri with the fiu&er inter- lacing. Now,sone pe4)pi will do tnis by briojring the right thumb over the left thumb, and tjirj are brru t night. The same person will always do it in the same way. Any but hia own nat ural way seems queer am unnatural. You will fiud that the person who clasps the left thumb over is surprised to feud that anyone can do it any other v 111. way. io one has ever ueeu ame 10 explain this matter. A Good Parmer II. Morrla la Winter a Plowman. . ij 1 in casn was returned m Ukes county A irood farnwr should never depend I m . J ,. ... - 11. Itor taxation this year than last, and ur.rm in tiwivhtvir fr what hf C&M. DV I . J 1 ... ... n ' -" J 1 l . . . . care and cood manasement. raise on I- 1 . I .mm - l- . Li -u. ..ij KenrMicnfAtiva 1 Mtrrnni will not nv:i ma own larm. aic inuuw "8 " fruit when he can plant or graff; he hm" tholaw allowing him a clerk i - . , . ,... at lUO a.mouih, and will continue to at- mwv .... uudiohiacorrespoadeiiceaHdoiberw. ik vhen he can make or buy them, for NeurIj Y . member will huv .1 L - t I . among iue manj wastes ou a iarui, 1 clera LI... 4 A 4 . H. . . . 1. mm,. .mm I ... . . tu i uiuc n wui, uic Washincton rroorest: Hyde counts n the first place he has to take time I has peruana the fiuMtcurn vmu tlm: it La. in criinir to harrow thm and tlif n I haa had fur vear. It Iihm been mLA nf it often take valuable time in Ukinif I th1 11 rjfcWe cr" enough to supply the . ... IUi.,1. .i.J u,!.:!. . ui. : . ... hem back: then there's a waste of theT . WV.U,U' lUia im au 1 1 . , I eaiiuiate yet it raises a very lame atuoum. nenrhbor time and uionV bT kHnl J J b c - j f- . ingthe tools in repair for some one to The Jouesboro Journal of the 8ih wear out, and the only benefit that tells, as follows, f a rther lemark the lender gets out of it is being call- able double accident in Chatham coun cum xmu uriitiiwi . iui ne iias iwi?ni. xx irniu kuuckhi a I'.uxv rur nit to Und he does not need to borrow. I track this side Egypt last aveuing and Now. we cannot all be independent, I the cow struck a man and iniured him but a good farmer will, as fast as he is I so badly that he will pr .b.bly die. ame provide himseit wnn suitable One of the cow s horns stuck in his . ' m I.-. . ..... iarmmg tools: and again, a good larm- forehead, one of his arms was lrf,L.n ft S a ft I ... . er win never undertake to nil more und his shoulder knocked out of j jint and than ho can cultivate. It is the their folldwenron "the issues 0f th uv r uj i 1 day . holding picnics e at differents points where the Populists ,MinP!.e ln ("rK6 n,u"ibers to hear 'their sneaWs abuse the late Lesriala- ture ahd Cleyeandfor calling an eltra session of Congress. For a blind they call theni AVliance picnics. It is cer tiauiy very amusing to hear some of Ml I v these ery amusm elf constil sel d constituted Third partv viiuci uiscuas nniniM . : since some of the followers of Marrann Butler were discussioK the merit nA demerits of the Sherman act In the meantime a democrat walked up and asked oue of them to defiie the Sher- man act. This took the "refawmer 1 1 I 'fm . . ' ' - -.vouipieiieiT on his feet. Just there and then he discovered that ha kn nothnig about the Sherman act Now what would the ovinion of be worth?'- probably he thought the "uu'"u proviaea tor an air shin w ojiii vo me moon. Cham officer lynch Bjr Southern anoctated Press Watcross, Oa Aug. 10. Jack wireu, was taken from D Deuce and flavin. t. . . , j uisut ana lynch- ed betvveen this place u'4 Wad'eaboro. Lhambers! body was riddl wlthtullota. . pari m out raffine Mrs. Georire tt.r- -V. promineut firmer at Hoboleu, QOt r--P? .H who others bayiagbeeh .h'of do1 Wnln ihd h at the tita the outrage was committed. '.Chambers is no V hanging to a tree near the road, ids body being viewed by good many.'peOpie." !- v : k' v von like and it will never fail. Ask a been appointed a special revenue asrent j - --. - ' person whether he was born at nigni Compensation, ?l,50O a year and ex- or in daytime. If ho does not Know, penaea. hid him not to tell, but to clasp nis, , - . . ... - 1 a. ui urmcriMini rn imtm rnminir iu me hands and you will telt hins. He must ffont a 1Klitic. in Germany. There are ' . 1 . ... 1 1 M. . . . 4 my I . . . . lo ortbein in the new iteichslag and onlyll lawyers. The Laurinburg Exrhnnqc reports BeT. M. L. Wool, of the North Caro lina Conferppc, in a very critical ctin- ditioti, with little hojie of bin recovery. The lUittic reports the assignment of Cant. R. M. Mc I nt ire, an old and highly esteemed dry uoods merchant of Wilmington. The preferences foot up over $4,UIH). Speaking of hard times, the WilLe--boro Chronicle says that $10,000 moie in cash was returned iu Wilkes county aim of many farmers to get as many acres into crops aa possible, imyLdu no attention to the matter as to how they are put in; for instance one man will put in fifty or sixty acres of wheat, while his neigbor will put iu thirty and get as many bushels, and perhaps more. Now the farmer should bear in mind that well-tilled land is constantly im proving, while half-tilled land is grow- ug poor every day. Bigotted Intolerante. The Atlanta Journal, in com men t- upon the beautiful Christian brother hood as recently displayed on a recent Sabbath wheh three religious denomi nations used the same house to worship in at Long Island City, tells us that the Catholics and the Methodists had no place to hold services, and the Bap tists very kindly . offered the use of their church, which was accepted. The Catholic- priest acknowledged his gratitude for this act, and said some beautiful things about ChrUtian char ity, about the fatherhood of God and and the brotherhood of man. An instance of striking contrast to that at Long Island City has come to our notice. At a recent Baptist convention in a Southern city a Methodist bishop os invitod to appear, and he did so. The A merican Baptist, commenting 011 this incident, says: "It put a dead fly in the ointment. causing it' to send forth a stinking savor into the noUnls of its 800.000 constituents. It is probable that nine- tenths of the messengers regretted the hasty ct as soon as they recovered from the sudden impulse. But a per nicious precedeut has been set." We are quite sure that the great mass of Baptists do not endorse such siuy stuff as Jhts. The man who wrote it must b a narrow-minded: quintyed bigot who is living about tour centuries too late. Oue of tie most wonderful diacovar. its in science that has been made with in a year or two is the discovery that afceamof. light produces sound. A -- w -"M,,au ui row n through a tens on a glass ve.-sel that of the spectrum, and there will be si lence in other parU.New Yrk Ledger. s v . ' It is announced from Wa-hingfoa hat Representative lle.idersou. md Bun it will remain chairuier. respectively, of the postoffice auu claims committees. Whether a chair man will be given to North Carolina, as before, will depend on whether the Speaker reduces the proportion of South ern chairmanships or not. if he doe. not, eith.r Itepre.ieutativj Grady oi Representative Crawford will be chair man of some committee, so it is said. Thes are pretty hard times but wh knows what in ty be in the future. A German chemUt says h lus disc v-re . a process of converting wood into flmi. and a Bavari tii chemist s.tys lie can re duce wood to a flexible fibie, which max U 1 i . .... uvBiuiu auu woven 11110 cior.ii. heii a coru or wooi can b ground into flour and woven into clothes won't thi. old world be the lazy ni tn's paradise i . someone will supply the cord of wood? Wilmington star. A report from the health officer oi Peitsacola, that two cases of vellov. fever have developed in the city of PensacoU, has caused the mayor of Mobile to issue a proclaim that no per son nor baggage f rem Pensacola shall be admitted to Mobile from that date to December 1st. The two deaths at Pen sacola were those of Rev. C. F. Ait. and Ellen Wood. The announcement has cr-uted a panic aud 1,500 peoph will leave the city. The Shelby Review aava l?v. r n Sparrow and Mr. T. W. bixon, of liuth- enoruion, were in Asiieville while llcv Dr. Wharton wan holdi They wanted to hear him but had a busi- ueugngBmenifti 11 o'clock. They weie told that tbejermou n-nll i... fore that hour, and went. At 11 Dr. w narion was m lull swiug. Thev waiietl until 11:15 then quietly rose aud lea ; thy.did so the evangelUt said: That's right, my friond; if I'm makinu it too hot for vou. ut trr. .n " Sljarrow wrote a oole to ihe evangelist. lomniia me circumstances that led them io leave, auu would up by aaying that i the first time he was ever iuulud iu the house of God. The Wilkesboro Chronicle savs that on Tuesday of last week, in the day A ' A mTM A m.fm m. m K time fo-4U, S200 being in twenty-dollar gold peicer, were stolen from Mrs Elizabeth Gray, of Brier Creek. Wilk County, buspicion rested upon one n . Dynum uray, her nephew, aud papers . sv-' unucn j U ARAN I WW CCIUAL C0SXLSSZBA2f slaspSoi SMITHDEAL HARDWARE CO., Sole agents. " ej tcwi iliac contains! . , , lamDblacV. colored tu were U!,uel for arrest. Mrs. Gray de 1 . Wi mucr SUU- I , - I'ece, ;i uoiiar, With two holes in it. This was found in th stances. A disklhaving slita or mwn, r Mift cut in it u made to rovolve swift ly iu this beam of light so as to cut it up, thus making alternate flashes of llghtand shadow. On putting the ear 7 , to the irlsju imi.1 , her the - - 'rr wuuas are heard in Innrr a tl,.. 41 v: i -t - Msuiiig oeant is falling on the to.i it n . more wonderful discovery has been rho GoTernors ' the States on the re- . wratu oi suniigut is caused man "Cl uttti report ' m prism, so as to pro-1 uucouuiiionai repeal, duce what is callad th- ! favoring reoeal with .,Ltu..i. or rainbow. The disk is turned, anli U00101 Kansas) oppose the colored light of the rainbow is N1' and 4 ( Wyoming, Ohio, Penn- M I a,.l a I 1 mm aae to oreaic through it place the 8JTania nd Texas) noncommittal. r to the vessel contains the silk, wool PTroor Carr is classified as one of f""t ""wrnai. as the colored r" wu "or repeal and a substi lights of the sneetnim .n tute. and aavs Ha fvnr - t sounds will be given by different part' D?mo6raUc Promise, but wants a sub- possession of a woman on Huntiug vreeK together, with S101, and this woman swore that young Gray gave ner the money. He has been boun over to cqjurt. The New York Herald has polled 8 11 2 to StATEstiLLE, August 10.-Mr. John T.Long, of Tadkin county, a nephew of ur.J.t. Long, of this city, was found dead near twe public road iu Cool Spring township Wednesday evening, with a bullet hole in his head.- A coroners in quest sat on the body to-day mid found that he shot himself with his pistol. He i suppled to have been temporarily deranged. " Tbey ail Testij Ts tas CSSescf ml t If I 1 Willi mi m i ii vii II I tWkJ rsBMdsr' k mm-m m m r m a m m m mm Sniffs Sp:elfh. The eU-thiu ataMtte I remedy Crom thm Qmmlm IWUidi mad ttalda hmm COBS forth to Lh ABtlBOtUa. B.l ft 1 UtoMwho depend sololy ea th y j IPhysleUn'sskia. Thereto aobleo4 - law w&ica it aoea not immediately eradicate. PoUoas oatwrnrdly sbeortied or tbm reeaU of rile dlaeoaes from irlUUa ail yield to this potent bat simple remedy. It U an oequal4 tonic. bnUdanptbe old and feeble. earee all fllttrite rlatnc from Impure blood or weakened TtUOtsw 6ead for a treatlae. Examine the prooC Booka nn Hlwi cvin PleOMCt - 1Tfri tttH. JhruggUU 811 It. SWIFT SPECIFIC G0er Xrawr a. Atlanta. Qa. P. B. Hooper, emplyed as superin tendent of carpenters on the govern ment building at Reids vjile, has em -bezzled $295 of pay-roll funds belong ing to hU employers, Messrs. Brown & Girdur, of Wilmington. - 'MOTHERS'! FRIEND" To Young t Mothers 9 tftmt. rV.tfJ ni.it. r w L sill, iiinn a IIMtMr KliM Uil III hmUitJt S Shortens Labor. Z f Endorsed by the Leading Physicians. A V A m . m mm. . I DRADFIELD REGULATOR CO. ATLANTA, QA. finT.r nv Al l. nDiinm.. - mmmmm MAWW40 4 9. Biclifl3iiI-& flaMle B. B. to. F. W. Huidekoper sknd Reabea Foster, - HeeeiTeraw COXDKNSKD SCII KDULK. IX EFKECT NOVEMBHH II. Si. The Garolina Mms& m im f jiiiiii ii lifii linn. ' SOUTHBOUND DAILY. No.. Lt RlcbmoDd Lv Uurcviue i.v Keysrllle... ... xr Uaavtllte rU reeusOoro LVoolusooru Ar KUHfU Lr IUU-iu Lt Uurbia. Ar Cireeusoore Lv Wtn.stos-Saiem. Lv urccusUoio .... . Ar fUHshury 12 H rs ) s si ri 2i rm i ih ra rs ...1 z .i rs 4 30 rt 4 r . 5 37 ru t 'i rtt if Ar staiesvllle Ar Asbevtlie Ar iiotMrlnjf.... I. HallKOUr .... Ar rbarloue .... Ar Spartan burtr. Ar 0:t?pnvllle ... Ar At'anta Ar Columbia , Ar Aujpttu .. - r 11 lo ra 1 5c AM .1 VI AH Ml AM 11 34i ra 60 AM 10 0M AM 7 JS AM Kill tl 4t nt 11 Itf ra ISAM 7 15 AM ISAM 30 AM 11 04 AM It 93 ra 4 ii rs SSI rs n mam It to ra s :6 ra 4 a rs UoorM 4t AM S IS AM i i : 5 am I 64 AM e e ;am 12 AM 17 AM 15 AM II S7 AM It t fM 4 M PM 35 AM J JU PM 4 Jj ru Renews! its allegiance to mocracy the- - Cause of the People, And asks every iriend of good ernment, progress and enterprit for support. Its subscription " price will be : What is Life Assurance? An easy means of secur ing your wife and family against want in the event of your death. A creditable means of se curing a better financial standing in the business world. The most safe and profit able means of investing your savings for use in after years. All Life Insurance is good. The Equitable Life is the best For full particulars, uddress W. J. R0DDEY, Manager, carolTnas. R0ChHiII,5.C NORTHBOUND Ko 1. P uST No. 3. Lv AU'UHl.1 u flu tl t'-' i.v Columbia leftopm 3 & pni Ar Charlotte .... .. w;uu 7 3 'pui Lv Atlanta t ptu suSaut it i: iu Ar Cbarioite H a n I im nm LvChsrlotte laam 74 ptu . - r Salisbury ... . . 81 7 am us 1 i.v nois,nioifj ity iin Lv AKhevlllP J 43 pin Lv St.itesvllle 7 47 pin Ar Salisbury S it p.q... - Salisbury 8 t;rcensboro lo Ar Wln&lou-Saleni .. '11 Lv Orecnior lo ArUurhnm It Ar K.vel!i l 1.V H:tlHjj!l.... Ar (iolrtnboro J7 am it pni t9 pin lo am 1 1 to pin to inn 30 am tl 00 am " to am ii pro pra II snpm.. " 33 alii.. i a in To Smo'le Subscribers $1M Vrr Vr,- ,,...i ,. ' of over Ten ,8oc ' " 4, . To The WWWT 1 94 !m tu IK Mill 3 03 pill t Ui pm.. lo to am 1 1 35 pm iu in pm ... lfotpm l is am !i - l am it; via 4 05 am 41 m 3 ti pm 4 61 am 3 SI am 5 u i iu 7 Ou am 7 00 am Lv firwnsboro ... rnanvlHo .... Kt Ki jNvilli.... Ar Buikrvllle . . Ar Itlohmoud ... t D.illy exce. t Sumlar. BcTWEEN WEST POINT AND RICHMOND. Leave Vst I'olni 7.50 A. M. daily, and 8.3 A, M. lallv exceoi Sunlav and Motuliv: jinivp KU-U. luoad ami l".4' A M. K-lurntn? leave Klcb- uiou.l 3. It and 4.A3 I. M . dally ex:rpt Nuutlay; ar rive West Potut 5.ik ami i.tm p. M. BET-RICHMOND AND RALEIGH VIA KEYSVILLE. Leave 7. hmond 12.41 I "M.djtlt; 1.iv KeyK vllle 3.451". M.; arrive Oxford 6.ih P. M.; Hender son 6 U P. M , Durham l.w l. M., Itab l;li 6 'o M., Seltna H 35 A. M. Kcmrblnjf le . ve Selma3.3 P M , ltalelli 4.4o P. II.. d.illy, Durham 6.m) f. M. llud--rson 7.' P. M.. oxr-rd s.3' p. M arrive Keyttvllie 11.5 1. M., Ktrhmond .oo A. M. Mixed train b-ave Oxford dally except Sunday .S5 A. M.;arrlvi-s Durdam 11.35 A. M. lvives iMtrbam 7.41 A. M. dally cxcipt Saud.ij; arrived Oxford .SJ A. M. Additional trains l"avc Oxford dally exeej t Sim day 7.00 a. M. aud 11.45 a. M. arrive llenderon .w A. M. and ia.4 P. M. Ifetwrnlnif leave Hen- erson K.3" A. M. and t.tr, P. M. dally 'xejt run dy; arrive Oxford ll.o A. M. and 3. is P. M. No .inJ cnonert at I l.-hino-.U from and lo V. t Point und Baltimore dally ex ept fSunda. SLEEPING-CAR SERVICE. On Trains ami 30, Pullman P.nfTet Sleeor be tweeu Atlanta sihI New York; between Danville ili-t Augusta. on 7 aud 3. rullmnn lluff.H Sleeper between .aebmond and Danville, nulling .it Danville with Wasbliiton and Souttiweie-rn Vi-stlbuled Limited for Ml.nta, carrylnj Pullni n Sjeeper from New VorW to New orle .ids and New York to Augusta nd Dining Car New Yof to Mont?imery. ' .Traliw 11 .tud H Pullm in HufTirt Sieeptrrs between Sew York, Wabln)fton, and Hot Springs via Sal isbury d Abbeville, and I'uPmat. Sleeper? be tween WashlnRtou and Atlanta; and between Greensboro and Portsmouth, Va., via Atlanta & Danville if. H. E. BKUKLEY, J. S. B. THOMPSON yuerlniendent, Supe.lnleDdent (ireenxbo o. N . C. Richmond, Va. V. A. TUHK.. tJenerjl Passenser Aifent. Wasiilnsrton, 1. . s. II. IIAKDU1CK, Asst. Gem Pass. Agent, At UnU, (ii.. W.II.tSKKEN, SOL HAAS. Oenl Manifer, Traftle Manager WashlnPton, D. C. ' Wasblnsrton, D. r. In the hands of an old ex Printer, is prepared to e:reci Kinds of Job Printing, an ute prices that will commre favorably with any NT 1 n t-i r j a a 4. L.1- Orders Solicited. A physu inn Jins written an article to show that dyspepsia U due to a disonler of the heml, and not tolhe ftomach. Ho says: I lie numliers of ho called dyspept ic that are cureJ by the dime.inim.4 r busineKi, domestic or t-ocinl aonoyncc nrtj nearly unlimited. An overdue note il the iwssessiou of a beet le nose, nnrt ee tle eyed creditor, ?s more j.roductive of dyspepsia than u meal of se;on! himrf i Ciirpet Ittcka. In fact, it may be a safe I . . . . . vuiiik to assume tuat iu df:peoia we had better look iu the garret, closet or cellar of the dyspeptic' house or among his his buwiiesa or social relation?, lather than to his stomach, for the solution ol the difficulty." Cavoato, and TraJe-Mark- o' .-sir 1 :. ent busiat'Bcond acted fur Mocti t r Ow Orricc Oppositc U S Pi-r- aiKl we tan "cur iat-ji in ; -remote from WafJiiitioti. bend model, drawing or -k'i.. tloh. We ad vio, if hfu-r.-.r w .r : , chares. Our fee t.ot u u 1 1 .i r.'. - A Pamphlet, "How todMv.-i i named of actual clicuu i yu.i: , town, acnt free. Ai !revs, O.A.SS3PWeC Opm. Patent Orricc, Wxsms-' For Malaria, Li: ble , orlndig e s t i cr.. T5 l tlV m SAUffn.'S. 1KUN Hi What'stheMatter withit? If you think there is anything the matter with your watch, let us take u look at it. Don't let it go ou ticking itself to destruction. A fe?w particles of dust will, in a few week, do more damage than the ordinary wear and tear of si year's time keeping. Our guarantee is for Twelve Months. Huve you seen the beautiful line of SILVERWARE? we are ndv? offering, and the complete selections of clocks, watches and jew elry. We are prepared to satisfy the desires of the most fastidious, in anything in our line, and a cajl will convince you that we are BROWXf'S IR01! BITTEBS cures Dyspepsia; Ih stitute befonrtbe repeal. He thi..t this is unquestionably the sentiment of North l!ynln.. TL.. . . polltd the benate and find 17 , of unconditional repeal, and 41 opPs- .w Huvwuiiiiiuuu repeal. Senators uausoiu hud Vance ar ni 9 fori ... 1 I. list of tin e who are nnnnU We pay; the highest cash price for gold, and will buy in any quantities, Very Respectfully, 11EISN ER & , GORiMAK. X ' -m m. 0 TTIHUE S ' mWLmm, W Steam, Air and Vacuum Pumps, Vertical and Hoi; zontal of every Variety and Capacity. Eegular Horizontal Piston. S w 1-4 Q i i O : -"YJ'5 I V-i45' niz2., iti .f- , 'tis C v. -.'iS'j-jt J- "! The most simple, durable and ef fective Pump in the market for Mines, Quarries, Refineries. Breweries, Fac tories, Artesian Wells, Fire D-ty and General Manufacturing purposes. BSTSeml. for Catalogue. Foot of Eat 23d Street New York- o i i A. CABIERON STEAM PUMP WOB conduioma repeal.